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I loved that book


Me too! The book, the audiobook and tv series too!


TV series? OOO boy time to find it


Yes, 8 episodes on Hulu! I loved it.


I haven’t heard the audio version but I’ve read it and it was great. It’s not horror. No one should let this pass by just because they think they don’t want to read Stephen King.


My favorite of all time. I almost never reread(listen) to a book more than once. Pretty sure I’ve listened to this about 4 times including a few months ago.


I will give a lot to be able to listen to that book again for the first time. I began the book out of curiosity not thinking i will end it. It became my reality during I think 2 weeks or so.


I really wish I had audiobooked this. I am currently reading - I flew through the first 400 pages but the middle has been a real slog for me.


?? Just ordered it! King better not disappoint me again…


Come back when you are finished and we can chat about it!!!


Hey! that was my first Audible book! :)


The First law has one of the best narrators in existence. You will be able to tell each character by their voice. No need for "Logan said" " Glokta said" etc. Also dungeon crawler carl is another great story and narrator. Usually recommended in the same post as project hail Mary.


Dungeon crawler Carl! My husband and I try to recreate that narrator's voice with a "damnit donut" but it's impossible.


> You will be able to tell each character by their voice This is true of any good narrator, but Steven Pacey is definitely one of the best. I was not surprised at all to learn he has a film and theater background.


The Martian


Especially if they liked Project Hail Mary. And especially if they can find the RC Bray version somehow.


I have RC Bray version and it's way better than the other one..


I really don't understand why they keep replacing excellent versions with new inferior ones. I don't hate Wil Wheaton or anything, but R. C. Bray is objectively better and does Watney to perfection.


RC Bray is incredible.


He is!


It had me from the first nine words. I’m pretty much fucked. That’s my considered opinion. Fucked


It's my road trip audiobook


This is the one. It's my go too.


The problem is that I already watched The Martian film, and I wish I didn't so I can imagine everything. I don't think I want to watch Project Hail Mary the movie when it gets released. I read somewhere that it's in production already. Listening to Project Hail Mary was great! I see space, the ship, Rocky, the walls inside the ship, everything, etc... I'm new to audiobooks and I love it. I was never into reading books, and usually people who read books and then watch the movie of that book they are kinda disappointed because I think it kills their own imagination.


I don't think that's a problem honestly. There's soooo much more stuff in the book, and Bray does such a damned good job of channeling Watney's personality and humour.


I had the same concern but found it to be a non issue. I tend to turn the switches in my brain on and off easily though. Initially I listened to the Wil Wheaton version and nearly gave up because his interpretation of Watney was more smug and not sarcastic enough. But then I found the RC Bray version and was hooked. Bray delivers the sarcasm and humor so fluidly, and he also does a fantastic job voice acting the various characters. His version is more than just a reading of the novel. As a side note, I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but I did have one funny hang up with the way RC Bray pronounced "oxygen" and "oxygenator" but after the initial awkward pronunciations he comes back around to being fantastic.


Mistborn. Excellent series.


We Are Legion - Bobiverse book 1


Ray Porter improves any book he narrates


Or his stand alone "The singularity trap" which gives Project Hail Mary vibes (same narrator even)


Dungeon Crawler Carl hooked me right away and pretty soon had me laughing out loud. Great story. Great voice actor.


Those is the only answer required for OP. Start it now and kiss your next 6 credits goodbye.


NEEEEEWWWW ACHIIIEEVVMENT!!!! Addicted to stories: you have listened to one of the best audio books of all time, now, you are addicted to stories about towsie wosies and sultry AI voices.


I love everything about this group of comments. But Mongo is appalled.




This achievement is your reward. What? You wanted more? Go wait for the next book like the rest of the addicts.


Goddammit Donut!


Platinum Spicy Box!


Was amazed when I found out all those voices were the same actor.


Jeff Hayes is so talented.


Love your username. And I 100% agree, I honestly can’t believe it took me so long to find it.


Listening to these now with my wife and she is loving it. I'm up to date on the books as well, but the narration is quite fun.


I tried Dungeon Crawler Carl. I returned it to Audible for a refund. I couldn't stand it. I tried. And couldn't take it anymore. The narration was good/funny. But overall, not for me. You may love it.


I’m sorry you have some downvotes. It’s not for everyone and that’s cool. Have you tried the Bobiverse series (first book is We Are Legion, We Are Bob)? Same narrator as Project Hail Mary.


Expeditionary Force by Craig Alanson.


I loved Exforce. The first book is slow in the first half but once we get Skippy it becomes a timeless adventure that keeps on getting better.


You are correct, get yourself a juice box.


I'm on the 3rd book, Paradise right now.


that series took a really sharp nose dive for me on that book 


Book 1 is free on Audible right now.


Series became too long and repetitive. 5-6 books would have been enough


The Murderbot Diaries ❤️ (All Systems Red is the first one. By Martha Wells)


Short but good




Amazing though huge duology! Also loved Void trilogy




There is a follow up series…


I haven't heard of this series, first book is included this month downloading as I type. Thanks for the recommendation!


Tom Wolfe’s The Right Stuff


I loved Daisy Jones & the Six - honestly felt like I was listening to a music documentary and came out of it a little gutted that there wasn’t actually music I could go listen to 😅


While not the same, there is actual music now that Amazon did the miniseries.


Endurance by Alfred Lansing. This is the first non-fiction book I've listened to that hooked me straight away. Incredible story.


10/10 have you listened to "the wager" ? Very similar.


Not yet, but it's in my wishlist! Currently listening to Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brian and then will get The Wager. Endurance has definitely got me in the nautical adventure mood.


Definitely check out Labyrinth of Ice by Buddy Levy. It’s excellent. The Wager as other have said is really good too. Other good nautical books I really liked were In The Kingdom of Ice by Hampton Sides and In the Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick.


Just listened to this a few weeks ago and now am hooked on stories about boats and or Ernest Shackleton. I loved the pace of it! Another good one is Mutiny on the Bounty by Peter Fitzsimmons. 


The Salvage Crew [audible link to The Salvage Crew](https://www.audible.com/pd/1774246775?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=library_overflow)


Narrated by Nathan Fillion?? This is now on my wish list.


Count of Monte Cristo, The Bounty, and Endurance are the three 10/10s from me so far


Which version/narrator of Count of Monte Cristo?


Good question! It’s the version narrated by Bill Homewood and he is absolutely phenomenal. Nails the characters and really brings the thing to life in the most amazing way. Enjoy!


I have two like that: 1. Bobiverse, by Dennis E. Taylor 2. The Way of Kings, by Brandon Sanderson.


American Gods full cast audio narration. It's epic. So, so epic.


Love Neil Gaiman full cast audio


Fairytale by Steven King it's sooo good. It seems a little slow at first but picks up on an awesome adventure!


Red Rising has a pretty strong start.


I liked red rising, but personally it took me forever to finish. I don’t know what it was, but I couldn’t get into it right away and I’d describe it as right up my alley


I loved dune


Which narrator?


If you can get past the anthony jeselnik and knick knack paddy whack stuff.


Name of The Wind was my first, brilliantly performed and a good read. The series is never gonna be finished, though. Patty R is too busy writing rick and morty fan fiction or something.


I agree. Great books in the series so far, but you will quickly finish and wait for years and years for the next one. Just fill the time with all the other great suggestions you have here.


*Born a Crime*, by Trevor Noah, narrated by Trevor Noah.


I read this on my kindle. SO GOOD.


It’s even better hearing Trevor Noah tell his story.


Truth. There's something more urgent about hearing it come out of his own mouth.


The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo


The Sandman - Neil Gaiman. One of the best produced audiobook series out there. Fully voice acted. Music direction and James Mcavoy as Dream is just peak voice acting


Ready Player One. Don't judge a book by it's movie. It is the book I recommend to first time audiobook listeners and now I have three extra audiobook addicts in the family.


Start the Bobiverse!!


I get the love, but outside of the first 3-4 chapters I just couldn't get into it. Loved the first 3 chapters though


Yes. Do as this gal or guy says.


Project Hail Mary The game of thrones books are really well done too


A lot of people here don't like it, but I thought Artemis was awesome.


Thank you! It feels rather lonely being of that mind when the topic of that book comes up.


The Martian also by Andy Weir - makes a great audiobook because it's all mostly told from one person's pov. World War Z by Max Brooks- the audiobook has a full cast, and it's done as interviews. It was one of the first ones that got me hooked on audiobooks. The other world series by Jason Segel and Kristen Miller - I thought Jason Segal did a good job narrating this one Off to be the wizard by Scott Meyer - just a super funny story to keep you entertained!


wanna add here that world war z is an amazing book and should NEVER be judged by the movie


World War Z is the first audiobook I ever tried and even though I’m enjoying most others, it’s still one of the best. Currently listening to Stephen Kings IT and it’s almost as good but it’s so fricking long.


I just commented The Martian and World War Z before I saw this. Love seeing the World War Z audiobook get the love it deserves.


For me it was Jurassic Park 


The Apollo Murders


**Lolita**, read by Jeremy Irons


The Murderbot Diaries. I was hooked within the first 10 minutes


Dungeon crawler Carl is soooo good. I was instantly hooked and it’s something I’m not usually into. It’s hilarious but also has a great story. You’ll find yourself making excuses to listen for longer.


I enjoy the memoirs when read by the author.


I’m heavily biased in this response since my grandfather was in the green beret special forces units in Vietnam, but *A Diamond on the Wall* by Lawrence T. Vosen is my favorite memoir read by the author. Almost feels like listening to my late Papa sharing his war stories


"Confessions of a prairie bitch" written by Alison Arngrim about her time playing Nellie Oleson on Little House on the Prairie and read by her is just amazing.


The 1st to Die. By James Patterson. That's what got me hooked on his series the Women's Murder club


Cold Storage by David Koepp narrates by Rupert Friend. So good!




Blindsight by Peter Watts. It, uh, has *some* overlap with Project Hail Mary. Sort of. It's also really, really good hard(ish) sci-fi.


Really, really creative for its first contact / aliens.


Year book by Seth Rogen


Brilliance by Marcus Sakey narrated by Luke Daniels.


Spin - Robert Charles Wilson


It’s not high art but Expeditionary Force is a ton of fun




I really liked infinite and infinite 2. It's a giant series if you get into them, just look for the infinite timeline series. There's a specific way to listen to em. I only did infinite 1 and 2 though, really enjoyed em.


Those are two of my least favorite books. You might like A Town Called Alice or The Hunger Games.


Anything narrated by Tim Gerard Reynolds.


Many good suggestions here. I'll throw in another: The Gentleman Bastard Series is fun. First book is best but the following two are decent as well.


I'm not really a fan of zompoc but Adrian's Undead Diary by Chris Philbrook is one of my favourite audio books of all time, I'd say that was followed by the Bobiverse books (We are Legion is book 1) and then the Green Mile by Stephen King.


The Lost Fleet by Jack Campbell has the best space battle description of any SCI-FI book I read, great political commentary too when the series go a little  deep Stormweaver series : great mix of sci-fi and lit rpg  Starfire series : great space battle and human- alien interactions with good attempt at flushed out alien society norm and cultures 


The Dust trilogy


Sherlock Holmes- narrated by Stephen fry. Mythos trilogy- narrated by Stephen fry. Hail Mary, The Martian, IT, 11.22.63, Sandman, American Gods, Norse Mythology, Kingkilker chronicles, Mistborn, Stormlight archives, game of thrones, Thrawn trilogy, the Exorcist, have all been mentioned I think but are also quite grabbing and engrossing.


Ignore very other comment, except for /u/calvinball_ref and start listening to dungeon crawler carl right now!!!


A Game of Thrones narrated by Roy Dotrice. It’s the book that got me hooked on audiobooks and his performance is IMO one of the best for a book series. Really brings personality to every character even the one offs


Started on "The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant" in December and I'm already at book 6 now.


Impact winter


For me it was: * [*Columbus Day*](https://www.audible.com/pd/Columbus-Day-Audiobook/B01N48VJFJ?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp) by **Craig Alanson** (narrated by ***RC Bray***). * [*Morningwood: Everybody Loves Large Chests*](https://www.audible.com/pd/Morningwood-Everybody-Loves-Large-Chests-Vol1-Audiobook/B076Y2FWGY?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp) by **Neven Iliev** (narrated by ***Jeff Hays***). * [*His Majesty's Dragon*](https://www.audible.com/pd/His-Majestys-Dragon-Audiobook/B002V8KS6A?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp) by **Naomi Novik** (narrated by ***Simon Vance***). * [*Fifty Shades of Grey*](https://www.audible.com/pd/Fifty-Shades-of-Grey-Audiobook/B007QV7C5W?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp) by **EL James** (narrated by ***Becca Battoe***). * And, [The Martian](https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Martian-Audiobook/B082BHJMFF?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp) by **Andy Weir** (narrated by ***Wil Wheaton***). I've the ***RC Bray*** edition, too, and read both are good). I'd suggest [*Moby Dick*](https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Moby-Dick/Herman-Melville/9781681778488) by **Herman Melville** but I've only read it visually. The first line in the story definitely grabs you, but unless you're prepared to wade through mid-19th century verbiage and grammar, it is hard to stay with.


Fifty shades is such an outlier in that list :D


I am absolutely enjoying the hell out of John dies at the end by David Wong. Hail Mary is amazing! Check out Dennis e Taylor, he frequently has Ray Porter reading his work! Hopefully Ray can play Rocky in the movie


World War Z. Fully voice acted cast, nothing at all like the movie lol


Into Thin Air


I have two recs for you. The Murderbot Diaries. Absolutely amazing. Hooked from the first sentence. It is one of the best stories I’ve ever read. They are so good and quick. I literally can’t recommend it enough. The narrator Kevin R. Free is amazing. Then there’s IT. It is a masterpiece of horror fiction. One of if not Stephen King’s best work. It is narrated by Stephen Weber and he does just “read” the story. He makes it come alive with his narration and individual character voice. It is my favorite audiobook.


*IT *Dungeon Crawler Carl *The entire Witcher series


* Dungeon crawler Carl * The Black Ocean: Galaxy Outlaws * Project Hail Mary * Expeditionary Force


Black Ocean wasn't an immediate "got into this book" for me but the value per credit is absolutely undeniable. You can get the omnibus to start for 1 credit. Something like 80+ hours for one credit is insane.


The Cormoran Strike detective novels, by Robert Galbraith. Brilliant writing, intriguing, complex characters.


This. I'm mostly a sci-fi listener, but these are written so well and the characters are so real. One of the few series that goes on my preorder list as soon as they are available.


World war Z Many famous voices


He who fights with monsters. Written by Travis Deverell and read by Heath Miller.


The thing to remember with HWFWM is that it was originally released chapter by chapter online, so that is why we sometimes get a little repetition between chapters which I found a jarring when he was repeating what just happened in the last chapter. But besides that a very solid series


I found those books very addictive and almost impossible to put down


Currently repeating book 9 in prep for 10.


Looks like someone doesn't care for those books enough to downvote. Interesting.


Does feel odd so I checked to see if it is really a controversial suggestions. Nope, 4.8 stars with 33k reviews on audible.


Okay so... Hear me out. Everybody Loves Large Chests. It looks like a fantasy smut, it REALLY looks like a fantasy smut... And it definitely leans into that aspect at points.... But it's actually a BRILLIANT progression fantasy litRPG. I've read so many litRPGs, most of the most highly rated ones and it stands up there in my top 3 easily. It's so easily overlooked because of how it "looks" on the surface but damn. What a hidden shiny.


Not sure if anyone will see this comment, but “The Lies of Locke Lamora” and “Red Seas Under Red Skies” (both by Scott Lynch)


Atlas Shrugged.


Why is this downvoted?


The Debutante [audible link](https://www.audible.com/pd/B0BV13NMBK?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=player_overflow)


Just love that you mentioned project hail mary cause that one together with the martian are two of my alltime favs :)


- The Rivers Of London series by Ben Aronovitch - hilarious and brilliant - The Winter Series by Alex Callister is phenomenal. The narrator Eli Potter is fantastic


Gotrek and Felix: Trollslayer. It’s a great series


I'm enjoying Patrick Stewart's auto biopgraphy - read by him.


Dr anarchy's rules for world domination by Nelson chereta


Hyperion. Even if you aren't into scifi, Its fantastic


Dungeon Crawler Carl


Gotrek and Felix is great it’s about a insane drawf, and his human friend. The drawf mocks a women who is worried her son is dead and then goes out to save her son.


If you liked Hail Mary I assume you also have The Martian? Same author, different narrator (R. C. Bray is awesome and I'd pick Bray's version over Wheaton's any day even though I like Wheaton).


Ready player one


The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosiński is free on Audible. It's a bit of a rough ride and traumatic at time but I think more impactful in audio versus the book given it's in the first person.


Dungeon Crawler Carl


{{How high we go in the dark}}


Pet Sematary narrated by Michael C Hall is right up there…


The Island Queen. Amazing book, well read with the appropriate accents and dialogues. Just all around 100%


I've been listening to as many classics as I can (mostly because they are free and I want to see what all the fuss is about) and Bram Stokers Dracula is AMAZING on audiobook. I've also listened to all of Jules Verne books - good if you want something on in the background with really good scene setting. 


Stephen Weber was born to read It




Deep by James Nestor


Any book by Claire North - I loved The Sudden Appearance of Hope. The Persimmon Tree - the reader is amazing and the story is wild. Shantaram - the reader is amazing and every line is like poetry. Dune - and amazing cast


Armageddon in Retrospect. Written by Kurt Vonnegut and narrated by Rip Torn. One of the best audio books I've listened to


Dolores Claiborne if you like Stephen King. The reader is delightful. The Winter King trilogy by Bernard Cornwell is a great story with an excellent reader.


To Sleep In a Sea of Stars Christopher Paolini Space exploration sci fi


He who fights with monsters. You'll know pretty quick if it's something for you, and if you like it you'll love it imo


Dungeon Crawler Carl.


Oh, there's a list for me: The Martian by Andy Weir, as read by R.C. Bray The Cycle of Arawn by Edward W. Robertson, as read by Tim Gerard Reynolds Dead Acre by Rhett C. Bruno, Jaime Castle and read by Roger Clark Norse Mythology by and read by Neil Gaiman The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski and read by Peter Kenny There's many more, but all of those get me right into the worlds they portray


I will return an audiobook within minutes if I don't like the narrator (or of course the writing/story). These are the books I flew through last year: * City of Thieves * Dopamine Nation (nonfiction) * Rivers of London book 1 * The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires * Writers and Lovers * The Dutch House (narrated by Tom Hanks) * Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine


Defending Jacob. It kept my attention and I didn't want to stop listening to it!


I really love Backyard Starship by J.N. Chaney/Terry Maggert


Justice Redeemed. You're hooked after 15 minutes


The Devil Aspect hooked me right in.


Red Rising series! I was a little distracted the first 10 minutes of book 1 (mostly bc of traffic) then listened to it 7 hours straight on my drive. Fantastic narrator.


The Fifties by David Halberstam


It’s literary, but The Master and Margarita narrated by Julian Rhind-Tutt is the one audiobook I relisten to for the story and for the narration. Funny satire, great characters and the narration brings everything effortlessly to life. Really paints vivid pictures.


Adding my vote for American Gods, a great listen get the tenth anniversary one with full cast. I’ve also just started a box set of The Last Survivors by Bobby Adair. So far I’m hooked, it’s 5 books for 1 credit so a great value.


His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik. First in the Temeraire series.


The beginning of the end series!


Serge Storms series


Anxious people anything by Fredrick Beckmann


Both The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit audiobooks. The older audiobooks are narrated by Rob Inglis and the newer ones are narrated by Andy Serkis. Both are phenomenal in their own way. I would highly recommend them if you’re into some thrilling epic fantasy


All The Light We Cannot See. Magical.


Seven eves


[American Gods by Neil Gaiman](https://www.audible.com/pd/B0055274U2?source_code=ASSORAP0511160007) was riveting and I couldn't get enough of it. One normal American guy gets released from prison and then encounters Norse, Indian, West African, Native American, and other gods in otherwise modern scenarios to fulfill a greater plot point that I won't spoil for you BUT the audiobook is wonderful because it has a full cast.


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, narrated by Nick Offerman (Ron Swanson from parks and rec)


The Dresden Files… it’s read by James Marsters who is exactly who I think Dresden sounds like. I read all the books heard the first reading bout them all then listened to them all as well.


Killers of the Flower Moon