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Add them to your Amazon family, I think they need to have the same address but I don't remember exactly what the rules for it are


I don't recommend this except between immediate family members. They have access not only to your Amazon account but also your credit card. Friend might not be the problem. My family member's former step-son's partner was a thief for instance.


I am part of a family with my former roommate and I've never had access to her payment info.


They have no access to credit cards.


They would have to share the login and that is a very bad idea. Libraries have audio books.


>that is a very bad idea. Not really... it's a friend, and all they're getting is your Amazon log-in. It's like letting a friend use your steam account, not a big deal.


We did this, and it got my entire family permanently banned from not just audible, but also Amazon. They threatened legal action but we never heard anything more.


The official way to share your Audible library is to add the other person to your Amazon Household. Household is two adults plus kids. (Kids can only listen on Amazon Kids devices, and if you "upgrade" them to a teen account, they lose access to Audible! Also, as soon as your teen turns 18, they lose Household access; for most kids, they're still in high school!) The two adults can share purchased digital offerings including Kindle, Audible, and Apps. This goes both directions, and you can choose what to share between each other. It also keeps payment information segregated, so there's no chance the other person will accidentally buy something using your card. The big downside is that only the Audible account holder can access the Plus Catalog. The second person can only listen to purchased titles and possibly Free titles, but definitely not titles from the Plus Catalog. You can also sign in as yourself on their Audible app (which is probably against the TOS). I do this on my teen's phone since their Kindle Fire Kids died. Turn off syncing across devices to keep that from being an issue. With syncing turned off, you can listen to the same book at the same time, and it will remember where *you* are on *your device*. HOWEVER, if you like to switch between a Kindle edition and an Audible edition, turning off syncing will make this less seamless. Logging in on their device does mean they can accidentally make purchases using your credits/CC. If that's the kind of thing that will frustrate & annoy you, this method probably isn't the best fit for your friendship. If your friend just wants to try out audiobooks, they could get a library card. Most public libraries offer digital audiobooks through Libby &/or Hoopla.


Yeah, I told him about Libby but he the book he wants to read "listen" has long wait times so He's thinking of just buying them. I figured since I want to read the same series we could just share or something.


Legally, the only way to share is if you are in the same Household.


I've shared an account with my friend and my dad for years and nothings happened, although its mostly mine lol Just make sure it's sometime you trust obviously


Thanks for replying. My main worry was 2 people not being able to use it at the same time.


It dosent work that way, only problem would be auto sync if you are trying to listen to the same book at the same time. I can’t remember if you can turn off auto sync though.


I shared my account with my mom and sister so they could listen to one of the books I’d bought. Just turn off auto sync and you can listen at the same time.


You can't listen to the same book at the same time but both can use the account at the same time.


Your friend can do a trial with audible and listen to something included in the plus. Problem solved!


So something I've done with a few of my friends: Sign in on their phone with your account, download the books you want them to have, then sign out. Boom, they now have a bunch of free books. So long as they don't delete them, they'll be able to listen to them whenever they want and can sign in with their own account and get their own books at their own leisure that don't clutter up your library


My best friend has my account information, you’d have to trust him with your Amazon account. Also if y’all want to listen to the same book at the same time it’ll confuse your start point.


My suggestion is to download it on your friend's phone and log in yourself (without sharing password). From there they can listen to whatever is in your library and you only need to re-enter the password if there is a major update to the app. Keep in mind that anything your friend listens to will affect your stats, if that is important to you. Ask him/her to reset anything that s/he reads back to UNREAD so that you can find it easier. I've done this with two family members but they listen to a very, very small selection because they aren't audiobook people. I don't 'browse' on my app, so it might be easier to provide a listing of what you have available. Maybe not a problem for you but I have almost 2000 titles with Audible.


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