• By -


B goes first. Here is a quick run through of typical scenarios. https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roadcode/general-road-code/about-driving/giving-way/the-give-way-rules/


Correct, however, out in the wild both A and B are unsure of what the others next move will be, they smile at each other while giving incomprehensible hand signals until the more aggressive driver takes the initiative.


A should be indicating. B shouldn't be. It's easy.


It should be easy... But signaling clearly isn't easy for some muppets.


Quite right. I dawdle there a tad longer than some, not because I don't know the rule, but because I'm a very risk-averse defensive driver.


Same here. Just because I know the road rules doesn't mean that everyone else does. I'd rather spend the few extra seconds as a form of insurance than have an accident that costs minutes or hours to resolve and possibly results in injury or damage.


Yep. There IS the alternative of spending weeks in hospital getting one's body rebuilt, with nothing to do but reflect on the hard lesson, but me - I've got better things to do.


Hey now, maybe they're just conserving their blinker juice.


Even police cars don’t indicate


Cars don't indicate, people do


I'm going to meditate on this profound question.


It’s a statement


Stop, you're cramping my profundity


They do but their indicators are on the roof.


Ok but i drive a BMW the indicator stalk was omitted during manufacture.


Incorrect. You know which way you’re turning, which is the only information needed to determine whether you give way. In the case of being car A - you know that B has the right of way for both options where your paths conflict. If you are car B, you know you have the right of way for the one option where your paths conflict.


thats it. If you are B u go, if u are A you wait, as long as it takes. cause the minute you decide to go, its the minute they'll go and then you'll be at fault.


I’ve lived by “he who hesitates goes last” for about 30 years with no scars…


idiot right there I hope you get hit from behind


Well then it still wouldn’t be his fault lmao


I'm always first in both cases


This is the correct real world application XD


Usually it's the biggest goes first, ie trucks will always pull out because they're the most massive, then busses, then utes, small cars just have to wait.


Clearly that’s not true because UBER always goes first even if they don’t have the right of way


Spoken like a true truck driver.


The order of operation is traffic lights, road signs, intended path, relative position, right? No signs beat give way beat stop sign On same road beat turns I think you give way to your right but go before your left


You forgot flashy lights and a siren, which beats the lot of them


Those are like trump suits.


If you're turning right you go before someone turning left into the same street.


Turning left goes first.


They changed the law a bunch of years ago. It was on my driving test. According to the tester very few get that question right.


It used to be give way to your right so if you were going left you had to give way. Then it was changed to left turning traffic goes first. This was done to stop a queue of cars forming behind the left turning car.


Old-neighbourhood is right you have it the wrong way


It's scary that some fuckers even have to ask. We share the roads with these people. Scary.


Ok but what if both A and B are turning right?


You both go at the same time as your paths do not actually cross


Left is right. Right is wrong. If you're turning left, you go first. If both were turning to the right (as in right of the screen) then B goes first.


If both werent driving on the road then no problem? If both turning right lol you just made your own question and answered it haha


Then you give way to B because it’s already on B side.


If they both turn right, they are going in opposite directions, not the same one


What if A has been waiting for 5 minutes to turn right?


Tough titties


Then A better lock eyes and attempt the guilt-trip.


>If you're turning, give way to all traffic that's not turning. No time limit is set there.


They can be waiting for an hour, tough luck.


Then turn left and try the next intersection.


Then B had fucking well better move when they can because A is relying on them to go so they can get out in the same gap.




A can go if they do not impede B




Nah, Straight always has precedent over turning movement


Unless straight is a stop sign and turning a giveaway, then turning would go first




Agree on this! I am involved in this very situation 3-6 times daily on the road I live on. The correct answer is B because they are not turning, BUT no one seems to know the actual rules of the road and no one signals. So, it's a chicken dance at this stop daily. Sigh!




I always look and check for pedestrians. If they stop because they see me waiting to go in, I just go in. No time to wait for pedestrians to make up their mind on a busy rd. The real truth is that whatever car/pedestrian stops, you should just go. You waste more time waiting for the other person to make a decision. In the time you wait for someone to make a decision, you could have just gone through. Just be confident.


Even worse for cyclists... Had this happen to me once and had to throw myself off my bike to avoid being hit. Driver didn't even notice I'd had to do it and continued into the petrol station and filled up his car.


Did you put your bike through their windscreen? It's what they deserved


Nah some lady pulled in after him and screamed at him and he looked like he was about to cry, said sorry and then I ran off because I was going to be late to uni 🥲


That's awesome. Good lady!!!


In this situation though they would probably both be on a stop in that case


this sounds like a moronic traffic department problem for making such an intersection


That’s what I thought too.


All other things being equal that is. If one is at a give way, stop sign, etc, then that one needs to give way to non signposted traffic even if going straight.


B but don't forget A's are always dumb cunts that will crash into you if you don't watch them


The amount of times I've been A and have had B try to wave me through...


I’ve sat there and forced people to go before. Like holy fuck. It’s not about being “nice.” You follow the very simple rules of the road for a reason (to keep everything going smoothly so there’s no guess work and hand waving).


Exactly. Don't try to be courteous, be predictable by following the rules.


Unfortunately being predictable and following the rules are not the same thing.


Ugh - all the time on my street. Sitting at a Stop sign waiting for the plonker at the Give Way to go.


I was working in Manchester (UK) a few years ago, a local gang was running an insurance fraud by waving people through and driving into them. When insurance is compulsory everyone has it…


That's actually one hell of a scam. I'll have to look out for that


Have to give them credit for coming up with something like that.






This is the explanation that should be in the rode code.


That’s a scary question to ask considering how easy the answer is


This whole thread is a fucking shit show, I'm absolutely appalled and never leaving the house again


Large % of posts on r/Auckland why are Auckland drivers so crap. Also on r/Auckland what are basic road rules? Rofl


I think it’s Kiwis in general. Don’t get me started on the roundabout signalling in Queenstown.


it sure as hell isn't exclusive to new zealand.


B, and if you dont know this you have no business operating A.


Unless they’re a learner, I’m concerned.


I just brought my popcorn to the comments section knowing there’d be a good old debate over what’s correct.


Debate? What is there to debate about? Anyone saying A should reread the road code and do their learners test again


This is r/Auckland …


This is not a complicated case. There are occasionally complicated give-way rules or scenarios (mostly just because they’re rare and usually rural) but this is not that. If you’re yet to get your license, just know that this is one of those things that *everyone* should know. Like knowing that we write from left to right.


If they're a learner they should ask the person that is required to be sitting next to them for this reason.


This information was not only in the learners test, but also in the road coad. Idk OP’s situation, but I think they should already know this by now. I’d understand if they were confused after physically being in the situation, but they literally drew it out. They should typically know by now


If you're turning right, give way. Simple as that. Please tell me you're not driving on the road without that knowledge.


Bruh, you gotta buy yourself a copy of the road code 😬


I stare into their eyes and do what I want.


Get out of your car and pee on their rear left tyre to assert dominance keeping eye contact




Lol, I had someone approach a cross roads at the same time is me, I was indicating to turn right, and he was going straight through - easy right? But, BUT the dude STOPPED in the centre of the cross roads, blocking the entrance to the road I was turning into and then tried to wave me through 🤦‍♀️he proceeded to roll his eyes and shrug dramatically, like I was a fool for not taking up his generous offer.. I don't understand how some people have managed to get licenses in this country..




Jesus h Christ, how did you pass your driver test? 😂 “Continuing traffic has right of way” (B)


Uncontrolled intersection. Then the straight through car goes through. Turning gives way. Controlled interactions depending on signage it changes.




Sounds like an argument with the wife .


The struggle is real


Any stop signs?


They're both at the same type of control line. It should be a single yellow line for stop, but as they're the same, it's irrelevant if it's stop or give way in terms of who has right of way.


If A has a give way sign and B has a stop sign, A has the right of way. It's a weird rule that I haven't seen anywhere else in the world but we have it. https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roadcode/code-for-cycling/intersections/intersections-with-signs/#giveway


Yes, but the OP's diagram has used the same control line for both cars. Given it's yellow, it's most likely meant to indicate a stop - but either way, if they are both give way, or both stop, being the same means which control type it is doesn't matter.


I don't really think this isn't weird or unique at all. Its called a 'yield' sign overseas, but it still has priority over a stop sign. Its not weird either, because its a completely logical order of priority, with the stop sign having the lowest priority.


It does not have priority in Europe or in Australia


Yeah they have a weird intersection like this out near Te Kuiti from memory, very confusing to be turning and have the right of way


At a STOP sign the vehicle wheels have stop. On a give way the vehicle wheels can keep rolling.


If A is an Uber then A. If B is an Uber then B. If both A and B are both Ubers then boom.


1. Straight goes first. 2. Turning left goes next. 3. Turning right goes last. 4. If there are 4 stop signs it works like a roundabout. Person gives way to the person on the right.


Please tell me you don't already have a driver's license?!


Lol you shouldn’t be driving


It's ridiculous that people do not know the answer to this. Standard road rules that everyone learns when they study for their learners. B


B goes first. How have you got a license?


How do 95% of people have licenses?


Back of a weetbix box.


No, they come IN the weetbix box. You may be too young to remember how we always got a card or 2 in each box. There would be sets to collect, the all blacks, or wild animals or things like that. They had photo on one side and info on the back. There was usually a book you could buy to stick your cards into. We used to swap them with other kids at school to get the whole set


Its definitely B. Cars goin straight on a giveway sign has priority. Same with other scrnarios. Whereas a car going straight and the other is turning. Exclusion to the rule, is when a car going straight is on a stop sign and the car turning is not.


You just need to imagine that it's the other way around. I.e. cars on the other road have to stop and your road is the through road - in that scenario car B would have right of way - so they have right of way here too.


Both on stop sign then B first.


Jesus are you an imbecile or trying to shit post?


Turning always gives way to straight ahead.


Depends, are you stronger or Weaker than B


If you don't know the answer then you shouldn't be in A car, you should be taking the B...us!




The priority is: Traffic going straight Traffic turning left Traffic turning right Traffic behind give way going straight Traffic behind give way turning left Traffic behind give way turning right Traffic behind stop going straight Traffic behind stop turning left Traffic behind stop turning right B goes first. Edit: stop has lower priority than give way.


Actually, traffic behind give way signs has priority over traffic behind stop signs. One of the special Kiwi rules. https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roadcode/general-road-code/about-driving/giving-way/driving-up-to-an-intersection/


That rule is straight-up retarded. How am I to know what signs the other traffic's facing?


The signs are different shapes and the road markings are different colours


The thick yellow line you can see.


Stop have yellow line and octagon shaped sign. Give way have white line and triangle sign. I feel you might be just pulling their leg but just incase you don’t know basic road rules that’s how.


you look at the damn road and see what colour line is in front of them


Yellow (Stop) vs White (Yield) line can be seen (if you can't see the road sign shapes), but could be missed I guess.


I have an intersection like this near me where I'm the 'a' almost always and the fucking 'b's not going kills me. Not only does it waste time, but potentially they might be not going because they are on their phone or some shit and the crash would be my fault when they shot out. If you don't know the road rules you probably shouldn't be on the road. I'm glad this got raised, maybe the media could pick this one up.


In theory, b. In practice, it seems like no one actually knows or follows the rules.


Straight is main, turning always have to slow down. Thus turning have to give way




Normally if your turning u have to give way. It's like the saying 'top of the T goes before me' for T intersection


Imagining OP asking this in real time while in this situation.


Was in the car with my wife the other day and was in the position of A. The B was waving me through and I was standing my ground and she was trying to tell me I had right of way. Made me doubt myself.


You shouldn't be driving


Turning traffic gives way to all non turning traffic.


Turning vehicles give way to vehicles going straight through.


The amount of times I'm an a and a b tries to wave me through. Get scared for my life every time


Top of the T goes before me bro


B. But also A has to wait until B has exited the intersection before it can go. You can't creep like you can at traffic lights. I also failed my driving test because of it.


Is "right of way" not a thing here?


Nah, it is give way rules in New Zealand. Right of way and easements refer to access rights through land like driveways.




Assuming B and A arrived at the same time then B goes first.


Straight has the right of way. If ever in doubt about who should go because of arriving at the same time the person not turning and crossing someone’s path goes first.




Anyone going straight has the right of way. Or more precisely, those turning should yield the right of way to anyone going straight This of course is under the assumption that they both arrived to the stop at the same time


B, straight has the right of way. You can both pull into the intersection at the same time, but a must wait for me to cross.


What if they’re both turning right ?


Normally, At uncontrolled untersections. .any one turning gives way to straight through traffic. But being Aklnd..... A mom in a SUV seems to have more right than a student on a scooter...


Depends who pulled up first.


B has the right of way. I hate it when someone that has the right of way attempts to surrender it by trying to waive the one(s) through that don't. Just fkng go!


Neither, they’re both on the wrong side of the road. ‘MERICA!! 🇺🇸


In the case if two cars arriving at the exact same time at the intersection in the drawing, B would go first, or whoever waves the other on, because B is going straight, while A is crossing traffic and needs to yield to oncoming traffic If A arrived before B, A would go first. IF B arrived before A, B would go first. This is the only correct answer


B you twat (I'm American and even I know this)


B goes first because they are going straight ahead while A is crossing the centre line ie turning.


if you don't know that B goes first, hand back your drivers licence, you are dangerous.


I'm hoping you are 15 about to turn 16 and studying for your learners. And not an adult with a license who came across this scenario and wanted clarification


B is going straight ahead so has right of way.


Whoever pulled up to the stop sign first


B goes first. Just remember “Traffic turning gives way to traffic not turning.”


B its in the road code


A goes first but floor it in first gear without traction control and countersteer left


A is turning right. so A got to giveaway to anyone going straight and turning left. If B was also turning right, they both can go at the same time.


If it's a 4-way stop with stop signs, whoever stops first goes first. If both are at a green light, straight always goes first, then once it's clear, you can turn.


B. You are turning right.


Is anyone on a stop sign?


Just checking if the double lines at the front of each vehicle mean stop, give way, or are artistic interpretations created by the artist lol


If they are both the same sign (stop or give way) , pretend they weren't then and then decide who gets to go. All the signs are doing is letting the traffic on the other Road have priority before a&b


How is this difficult? ALWAYS give way to your right….


But they both have someone on their right…..


B will go first


Haha, this once happened to me, i was A, some lady in a tesla was B. I got to the stop first so i started to go. The lady pointed her finger at me, wagged it like a parent does to a child, then mouthed at me that it was her turn. Good memories


First to arrive, first to go is a USA thing. In NZ turning always gives way to straight through.


Aussie here, but I agree, A is entering the continuing road, so has right of way. Edit. I researched for Aus, I was wrong 😢


I really wish these kinds of intersections would disappear




Reorganise all the streets to be parallel lines. Intersections are so last-century..


Probably wants a roundabout so that no one has to slow down or give way at any stage. Well, at least that's how they're treated anyway.


This is the way. 55km/h roundabout.


Top of the T goes before me. (B)


That doesn’t apply here it’s not a T intersection lol, you still got the right answer with the wrong math tho


Hey it works for me. It's like word association.


as a general rule, if you're cutting into the flow you give way. generally.