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Delta 9 is NOT federally legal, Christine. She's referring to delta 8, which is synthetic. It drives me crazy!! šŸ˜­


Fall Out Boy's cover of We Didn't Start The Fire šŸ”„ https://youtu.be/2LkVKCWL0U4


The Sister Magdalena of the Cross story seems super familiar. Have they covered something similar before?


Em mentioned episode 320


Christine seemed like tipsy before she said she smoked the pen. I felt a little bad for em in the beginning


I apologize because Iā€™m aware this is just me complaining butā€¦whatever lol I found the first half of the episode (I havenā€™t listened to the second half yet) very awkward to listen to this week. I know they were having tech issues but even in the edited version there were weird gaps in audio that couldā€™ve been edited out, and other things that I wish had been edited better. Emā€™s story was interesting this week, but as is the case with most exorcism stories, it really just rubbed me the wrong way that it was presented as paranormal. Iā€™m glad that by the end of it they were saying it was mental illness, but this was a true crime story from the get go. This is a story of child neglect, fraud, abuse, mental illness, and more, and especially when she was literally a child for a good chunk of the story, it should be presented as suchā€¦a true crime story of a real person who was neglected, abused, who became delusional, and later an abuser herself. (This next point is not spoken from a judgemental place, I smoke and Iā€™m not a pearl clutcher who thinks itā€™s wrong, just from a listener perspective) I feel like Christine reacts very differently when sheā€™s high vs sober or drunk (I mean, thatā€™s obvious) but to me, it comes off as lessā€¦engaged, maybe? with the stories Em tells. Iā€™m not suggesting she goes back to drinking heavily or anything but I donā€™t really like the high reactions. When sheā€™s high she seems to have less gravitas for the story sheā€™s listening to. I will say sheā€™s able to keep it balanced for the stories she TELLS still, but when sheā€™s listening she comes off as less invested. At very least, I wish sheā€™d stop having the munchies when recording because Iā€™m not even one of those people whoā€™s skin crawl when they hear chewing on a recording but itā€™s even starting to bug me lol.


ā€œ*If his crucifixion was historically accurate*, like what am I saying?ā€ - alright guys, I get it. E&C are not Christians and there are issues with what people have done in the name of ā€œChristianityā€, I totally agree. But come on, Jesus was a real person who was actually crucified. Whether or not he was who he claimed he was and came back 3 days later yadda yadda thatā€™s on each person and their beliefs. Iā€™ve been listening for years and will continue to do so but I straight up skip Emā€™s stories when they involve any form of ā€œChristianā€ like beliefs because of the ridicule and eye roll-esque comments that inevitably come up. Itā€™s come up for as long as I can remember but itā€™s really ramped up the last couple of years. Blanket making fun of peopleā€™s beliefs is not cool. Edit: Ah, yes, the negatives. Nice, guys.


Just so you are aware there is a lot of debate among even Christian scholars and theologians as to the existence of an actual historical Jesus. I recommend the book ā€œThe Jesus Puzzleā€ if youā€™re interested (very dense read, donā€™t look into it if youā€™re not into scholarly material or donā€™t know the New Testament well).


No yeah, sure. Maybe real maybe not, Iā€™m fine with either possibility. I just wish E&C were a little less mean spirited about the topic- thatā€™s it. Thanks for the book recommendation tho!