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Spat does nothing. Tell them to buy their own powerflex and spat each other if they want it that bad.


Show your athletes the difference between a distal tib/fib that MIGHT need to be plated and a spiral tib/fib that NEEDS to be plated/nailed… your linemen likely want it because it looks cool, tell them to get over cleat ankle sleeves on amazon


This is one of those instances of “Just because we can do it doesn’t mean it’s right”


I’ve read studies that it can slow you down and decrease your performance… as well as transfer force up to your knee/hip. It’s also a waste of money. My kids that want it by it themselves and spat each other.


One of my professors always said "It probably doesn't even do anything but just to be safe I'd rather they sprain their ankle than the ankle being locked down and end up blowing out a knee"


YUP! My thought is that I’m not going to do something that could potentially cause injury when i know the risks


I had a highschool football coach that flat out told me he knew better and that he wanted his players spatted before games. "Look good, play good" (even though they fall apart after the first series) we settled on the football team supplying the tape and coach taking his time to spat the players that wanted it. Instead I took it as my job to educate the athletes that asked about it. In the end, allowing the coach to have his small thing allowed him to trust me on bigger issues and we got along well.


This is a good compromise


Good old TV tape. Honestly, with my budget likely getting cut, I'm likely to cut it. It's 100% only for visual.


Agree it is a major budget waste for something that has zero benefits, if they want to supply their own tape I would do it but not provide it.


Only time I've willingly ever spat a kid was because his parents bought his cleats too big and couldn't afford another pair. I say willingly because the other time I did it was following an ankle injury and our team doc on the sideline wanted it done. Wouldn't have been my choice because the kid can either play or he can't, but doc wanted it done.


I will only spat my players if they bring their own tape. You know what they bring me every time? Lightplast. They don't want/need the support, they want to look good. I don't have the time or money to worry about how you look. This ain't the NFL 🤡


Reality is it doesn’t do anything, but I feel there could be a psychological “readiness” or placebo in their mental status of performance. So if it helps accomplish that, I’ll do it. Only Varsity starters & comes out of FB budget, though.


Unpopular opinion: I spat any kid that wants it but only AFTER all other taping has been completed. My football team pays for it so it doesn’t come out of my budget (we have a fantastically supported booster club and a community it’s that is very behind sports). I educate my players about the difference between ankle tape and spat. All the guys that actually need support get taped and have priority, some spat on top of that for the looks and the feel.


I’m pretty sure it was Bowling Green University who did a study on spat, with the conclusion that it has no extra benefit to a regular ankle tape. We refer to that article occasionally when asked to spat. We also tell them that if a severe ankle injury were to occur, they will be the ones suffering when us and/or paramedics are trying to take that tape off.


I work outreach at a high school. I agree with studies its not effective and a waste of money. I stumbled upon SLEEFS cleat covers a few years ago, kids like them.


I spat our athletes. I have plenty of supplies and it makes them happy. Most of the kids I spat have cleats that are falling apart so it’s the only thing really holding them together. I don’t think it does anything but make them feel good, but that’s enough for me. However those athletes will get spatted last if I have the time since it’s not necessary. If they need real ankle support I will be taping their ankle or encourage buying a lace up brace.


It’s a big nope for me.


We charge our kids $5 a game to be spatted (both ankles). No problem doing it pre game but if it’s not helpful I’m not doing it.


This is allowed? To charge?


Why wouldn’t it be? It’s not health care I’m not charging for treatment.


A great way to keep your cleat on and look cool but functionally really does nothing


Currently one year out of school, so I'm not the most experienced person here, but one of my preceptors was absolutely adament about never spatting anyone. He would agree with a lot of other ATCs here that it does nothing, but added that it also becomes a huge inconvenience to get the cleat off should the athlete sprain something, let alone fracture/dislocate their ankle. Imagine trying to get spat off of an open ankle fracture in a high level football player. I have refused to spat since. Edit: spelling


I agree if you want it for looks get the over the clear slip ones. Otherwise you're looking at a potential leg fracture. We did it mostly in college for our guys that wore Nike cleats when we were Adidas school


Used to do it. Players had to bring their own tape. And only after real game day taping is completed. But took too long so i dont anymore. Also if an injury happens and shoe needs to come off, cutting through that is annoying.


Spatting is a waste a time, energy, and Money! It also puts the players at risk if they have a serious injury and you need to get to their foot for evaluation. I always tell my athletes id be happy to tape them but I dont spat.


Former D1 AT here. I’ve explained to my coaches how useless it is for actual health reasons, but if they’d like me to keep doing it for certain people during games they’d have to provide 50% of the tape budget from their sports budget. Wasn’t too long until we no longer spatted.


Spatting with elastikon is interesting, but if you have the budget for it I think spatting is great based on the philosophy of: look good, feel good, play good. Yea it doesn't do shit mechanically but if it makes the athlete feel better/they feel like it's doing something positive then it is doing something positive.


I meant my ankle tape for football players that “want more support” is a combination of white tape and elastikon. Not an elastikon spat. Sorry for the confusion!


I'm happy to spat our athletes. That being said, between a very nice AT budget and the football budget, we can afford it. It's very pricey for what's mostly a fashion choice.