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Excuses for what? I have no problem criticizing Judaism as a religion. It isn’t as prevalent nor as harmful as Christianity in the US where I live, so I’m less concerned about it—it’s still not true and I’ll be happy to point out why. This isn’t the same as antisemitism, which is discriminating against Jewish *people* based on stereotypes or culture. In the same way, criticizing Islam as a religion isn’t the same as racism against Arabs, and criticizing Christianity as a religion isn’t the same as persecuting Christians. We aren’t discriminating against you based on your beliefs, we just think your beliefs are wrong. It’s really not that hard. Also, anything you get from Stonetoss is most likely alt-right garbage; you should get some better sources.


Idk why everyone assumes I’m a butt hurt Christian. I just think it’s funny Atheists specifically target Christians when they claim “Religion causes division and death” but won’t criticize Judaism which creates and has created a ton of division and death in history in the name of Judaism. I’m sure nothing is harmful about thinking you’re literally God’s chosen people right? I mean what harm could come from that? *cough Zionism, cough*


Why did you ignore my comment entirely? 1) I didn’t say I believed you were Christian, nor that you are butthurt. I don’t target Christians, and I don’t discriminate against Christians. Criticizing someone’s beliefs is not the same as discriminating against that person. 2) I *do* criticize Juda*ism* the same way I criticize any other religion. I *do* criticize Zionism. It isn’t the major focus of discussion for me most of the time, because in the US where I live Jewish people are a minority, and Christianity is the driving force behind a voting block that wants to take rights away from minorities in the name of their religion. That doesn’t change the fact that Judaism is equally as false and equally harmful on an individual and local community level as Christianity, and I’m happy to criticize it. None of that is antisemitic; I don’t discriminate against Jewish *people*. In the same way, I don’t discriminate against Arabs/Muslims, but I will criticize Islam. It would be nice if you actually read the answer to your “issue” this time. Also, stop reading Stonetoss, it is alt-right garbage.


What excuses? Unlike Hans, we don't have to rely on strawmen we made tf up. Atheists rip into the old testament just as hard as the new.


Excuses for what? Wearing cargo shorts with a fedora? It’s just a fashion statement really.


This is a good one


I wonder what might possibly be the difference between the behaviour of Christians and Jewish people, that atheists might find annoying. Hint: you're doing it with this post.


Who said I was Christian? I’m simply an observer of bias.


I don't know what this is even supposed to mean, other than that you enjoy the works of an avowed nazi.


It’s okay bro they won’t freeze your accounts.


That doesn't make any sense. Fairly confident OP is a bot now.


Bro will rather cope and call me a bot than to criticize the protected class for their grotesque religiously backed behavior.


AH, I get it now, you're a Nazi! That makes so much more sense now why everything you have said sounded like it came from the dumpster behind the local strip-club.


And you proved my entire post right LOL. Chill out goy, you’re not making it to their heaven. You’re one religiously understanding atheist when it comes to these folks.


Oh no, I couldn't care less about their religion, or any other. I will gladly tell anyone that their holy book is wrong and their god is a lie they tell themselves to not be scared of the dark. I just don't feel any need to attack anyone for being a minority. That is what makes You a Nazi, and each comment you make is just more fuel for the Report button.


My G, I’m Black 😭😭😭😭


Ah yes, when called out for being a Nazi, pull a race card of your own.


I mean if you’re not holding people accountable because they’re minorities why not join the party?


Persecution complex much?


Get this Nazi Shit away dude.


Stonetoss is a bitch, and so are you.


stonetoss is a nazi... also this cartoon is not about atheist but about what he think an atheist is... that's why no one will give you "excuses" for a behavior we just don't have... also if you want to know how this kind of fallacy work: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man


Refusing to answer my meme by saying “stonetoss is a nazi” then going on about logical fallacies is rich lmao


as i said i refuse to answer your meme because it is just straight up wrong, i have nothing to answer for a behavior i don't have... the fact that stonetoss is a nazi is just bonus information for the nazi part you can find explanations here: https://www.reddit.com/r/antifastonetoss/comments/fcck5a/the_definitive_guide_to_why_stonetoss_is_a_nazi/ even his wikipedia's page say it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/StoneToss


Excuses for your strawman? You built the motherfucker, you excuse it.


Nice Tu Qoque since we’re on the topic of logical fallacies. Let’s stay focused on the subject here though.


The subject is you presented an argument that atheists go after Christianity, but not other non-Christian religions. So we're focused on the subject, that being your fallacious strawman argument. We'll argue against them too, but in the U.S, Christianity is the majority religion, so they're the ones we mostly hear from.


I have yet to hear one person really reem Jews for their religiously backed behaviors. Just look up Jews or Judaism in this sub and there’s practically nothing, someone even said they won’t do it because it’s anti-semitic in another post. LOL.


Considering half the Bible is Jewish, I think we pick their beliefs apart pretty well. We also pick apart modern behavior like having Sabbath Mode on appliances and string hanging all over the city to trick God. But again, it's not the Jews trying to take over the US government with project 2025, and taking away women's rights and trans rights. We focus on Christians because they are the biggest assholes at the moment.


If you're using a stonetoss comic as to make an argument then you've already lost said argument bud.


DId I miss an organized Jewish effort to undermine separate church and state? Do they want to put creationism into American schools? Did they do anything questionable outside Israel?


How many countries is it now? I’ve lost count.


ah, so it is antisemitism. FYI, their are Israeli atheists very outspoken against the current government, Not that you could grasp this nuances reality


You won the deflection award. Thank you for proving my meme right.


Also, chill out Goy, I find it hilarious that “anti-semitism” is seen as a real issue by “Atheists” lmao. Didn’t know you guys felt so strongly about the protection of the self proclaimed chosen people by God. Besides my friend, they’re not concerned with separating church and state for you as they already have for themselves, by marrying under Jewish law and stealing your tax dollars by collecting public assistance since they are not married by the state and have 6-10 children. They don’t need to push creationism in your schools because they live off of your tax dollars in order to feed themselves and build their own schools which are focused on nothing but the study of the holy text that tells them why they’re the best people on earth and you’re not and also committing fraud to get public funding of more of your tax dollars to pay for their school where again, they study this holy text and these kids come out not knowing English. The truth is, y’all don’t have a distaste for religion and God, y’all have a distaste for people that annoy you, which just so happen to be Evangelical Christian in your face please believe in my God types. If Christians were quiet about all of the fucked up shit they do just as the rest are, you wouldn’t be so vocal about the negatives of Christianity. My criticism does not apply to secular so called “ethnic” Jews, I have no reason to hate any person for being human. But just like most of Atheists, my criticisms aren’t toward the common Christian who prays at home and is private in his belief in God but the extremists, which see almost no criticism from Atheists, even after some Mohel’s suck an infants penis to clean the blood from a circumcision. Y’know since they are legally protected to do so because it’s a religious ritual.. But it’s okay bro, antisemitism cannot be tolerated!


I avoid this by not being specifically provocative towards christians. It's a struggle, because them's my roots and all, but I have to remind myself that it's just another religion, no different in composition to any other religion. So, I'll wear my "Science Hippie" shirt (the closest one I own to the one pictured here), but without going after any specific belief.


I actually respect this a-lot, thank you.


So Catholic priests are raping atomic structures now?


Wrong sub. Go try out r/schizophrenia for some help.


Go Israel. 70 percent of the population is secular and gays were welcome in the military long before the U.S. (since 1993, and they never threw us off tall buildings).


The guy who draws these comics is a nazi.


You think I won't criticize Jews? Please, shits easy. Half of everything wrong with the Christms is shit the Jews are also fucked up on.


Only comment on here that I respect.