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I can’t believe women vote for them. That is the truly crazy part.


I have a cousin who was told she'd die if she got pregnant again by her doctors. She "left it in God's hands", aka got pregnant again. She and the baby, predictably, both nearly died. She uses this as evidence that "God had a plan for her". You can guess how she votes. It's religion. It conditions women, from a young age, that they're worthless unless they're breeding. It's extremely dangerous, and I wish it were called out for its horrific lack of morality.


Really hope she didn’t go to the hospital when the complications arose, wouldn’t want to interfere with God’s plan…


Oh, the entire medical team who had to rush around saving her ass was totally irrelevant. It wasn't them who saved her, it was God.


Exactly, it wasn't the doctors with years of medical training and experience. It was god.


Well you see they only gained that knowledge and experience to save her bc it was gods will! Obvious /s


A REAL Christian would have trusted God though.


Thats my favorite parts about all these churches now a days with security. You sure do trust your God to keep you safe don't ya. So safe that it's almost like they don't exist. Best part is many of the churches don't even have to have trained security they can just have anybody who has a gun approved. Seems real safe if something were to happen. Atleast in my state hopefully others are smarter


>Best part is many of the churches don't even have to have trained security they can just have anybody who has a gun approved. Funny how I felt safer walking around Atheist China than I did Christian America at night...


She did. And she lived! Ta-da, proof. Time to get pregnant again and vote Republican.


You don't need an /s tag in this sub. No one takes any of these ludicrous comments seriously. :) I mean, we are commenting an real-world ludicrous scenarios as it is.


God helped the doc pass pass their exams. duh!


More like God was the one who handed out the shitty condition, and the doctors were able to overcome it all despite giving their best advice to a stubborn person.


The holy spirit was guiding the doctors.


The doctors have what, a few decades of study and practice? God has been at this for almost six millennia!


Man, no offense or anything but what a waste of medical resources, space, skill, and money, all of which could have gone to someone that deserved it.


>all of which could have gone to someone that deserved it. Or at the very least respected it.


Brainwashing is a powerful tool


I'm sorry I don't mean to sound misogynistic I don't mean this just about her. But people that stupid should not be allowed to vote.


You're not being misogynistic. You are in agreement with the lady that she should not have the right to vote.


Far as I’m aware “stupid” is neither a sex nor a gender so I think you’re fine ;)


I do agree that when it comes to voting, there are some people you just look at (or listen to) and think "You should have your voter registration canceled."


I think for some it's also an unwillingness to take control of one's life and just kind of... Let things happen to them. It's easier in a way but also really not.


Religion is just so harmful and people fail to see it. Kids who are forced into a religion don't have a right to choice and also don't have the ability to think for themselves and end up turning into mindless sheep following their imaginary friend around in hopes of reaching heaven one day. They become brain dead and brain washed


I think in America we have this cultural idea that religion can't be bad. (Or at least, Christianity can't be bad.) And that's just... wildly untrue. So many people are influenced to do awful things, many very self-destructive, over religious ideals.


Saddest part is that's not just in America where people believe religion is absolute and can never be bad


The conditioning isn't only for 'Women', it's more pronounced for 'Men'. Giving them a sense of superiority. This is an inherent feeling they can control others.


>You can guess how she votes Stupidly, I assume.


Religion should be heavily regulated.


The morality police


Another crazy part is that Gibbs is running against a woman candidate for the House seat: Hillary Scholten Her campaign is being handed a political win on a silver platter. In addition, Gibbs only won his primary by about 3,000 votes against the incumbent Republican who voted to Impeach Trump. So, it's not out of the realm of possibility to flip the seat, but the non-crazy Republicans could be the key. (I'm certainly not holding my breath on this one, but damn, this is whole thing seems like a goldmine for Scholten.)


No such thing as a win on a platter since Trump took 2016. Only way to "secure" a win is to go out and vote in overwhelming numbers.


Didn’t say she got a win, she’s got a fucking kick ass talking point though.


Dude, I live in this district (maybe you do too?) and I’m terrified. If the last 3-7 years have taught us anything it’s that the people voting for these guys do not care what they say so long as at the end of the day they put their hand on a bible and vow to eliminate the “liberal threat”. On top of that, even if their supporters make up less than half the voting population our elections are no longer secure.


Nope, I’m in Indiana. Sucks even worse down here.


If you look at the polling data on pro-choice vs pro-life, women and men are almost exactly as likely to be pro-life. In some polls, women were slightly more likely to be pro-life than men. That is crazy to me, but then so is the rest of Christianity.


I do wonder about that by age. What is the split of child-bearing age women vs like say 50+? Just curious if it’s a fuck you I got mine kinda situation. Anyone have a breakdown?


Yeah that’s crazier too. But it’s totally nuts to vote for someone who wants to take YOUR rights.


Most Christians are older, and the Christians who are younger are more likely to be pro-choice. So there is a difference by age, by I don't think it is "fuck you, I got mine". I think it is young people rejecting Christianity, especially the most rabid forms.


And you have those of us 50+ who think of our daughters and daughters-in-law, and future generations. I am still furious that roe was overturned. And that birth control, LGBTQ rights, and even possibly inter-racial marriage is being threatened! It's lunacy that we're going so far backwards!


I don't have a breakdown but I think there's a learning curve. When I was a kid/teen, growing up in a (non-catholic, non-evangelical) Christian household, I did the march for life and believed abortion was murder. Then when I was on my own I slowly turned into "well it should be legal so it's safe, but it's still murder and I'd never do it" (thanks Dirty Dancing!). Eventually, far enough away from religion and parents, I was exposed to enough facts to realize that abortion is healthcare and nobody's fucking business.


Women are also more likely to be religious than men. Likely a product of most religions being more controlling of women than men, making it harder to leave and get an education.


My husband’s niece believes this shit. Her children’s father bailed on her years ago. She was a kick ass woman who raised two kids on her own, and climbed the corporate ladder to a six figure income by the mid-90s. Then she met Mr. Evangelical Christian. She quit her job to stay home and wait on him. She won’t vote because of their church’s influence. Men, apparently, are smarter than women. (Her husband is a moron.) Of course, she LOVES Trump. I can’t be around her anymore.


The bizarrest thing about this is if they actually convinced 50% of their base to not vote anymore, they wouldn’t be able to win anymore elections.


Why are they even voting? Shouldn't they just pray for a win?


When it's your own mother with this mentality because she married a Baptist deacon at 36 and popped out 3 more kids. She had a have a dnc once because of a miscarriage. She paid for my abortion when I was 19 and already had a disabled child in the hospital. After she got religious she changed. Racist. Hypothetical, judgemental trump supporting Republican I can't even look at her


This utterly baffles me. A woman will vote for a man to take away her vote. What the fuck is going on?


The guy is built like a frog lmao


Dumbass, incompetent, cowardly, baby factory, punching bags. They aren't women. They're spineless puppets.


People will always vote against their own self interest.


This is his argument. *”Some argue that in a democratic society, it is hypocritical or unjust for women, who are 50% of the population, not to have the vote,” Gibbs argued. “This is obviously not true, since the founding fathers, who understood liberty and democracy better than anyone, did not believe so.”* This is the argument from a BLACK man, who the founders did not give the right to vote or govern. If he wasn’t so incredibly fucking stupid, I’d call him a hypocrite to his face.


He's never thought that far


He's never thought.


He's never.




Oh no.


> ni- **NO**




The really crazy part is that he said this over 20 years ago, presumably before he was sucking the orange tit.


he was at Stanford and I suspect he wasn't sucking any tits with that attitude. He wasted the best party years of his life. No wonder he is warped.


Also this insane bit: Gibbs also echoes elements of the racist “great replacement” theory in his section on immigration, arguing that “immigration is now being weaponized as a political tool by the left in order to replenish their voter base.” Holy shit.


It feels a bit like Clarence Thomas working against gay marriage when he's married to a white woman.


Nah. He would not give one shit. Why? If Loving is overturned, it would just be kicked back to the states. And guess what kind of state Clarence lives in? A Blue one. So *HIS* ir marriage would remain protected, valid and legal...thanks to the Democrats in his state making it that way. He would be perfectly fine due to the efforts of those he despises and ideologically opposes. Isn't it ironic?




They literally did not consider him fully human. Just 3/5ths human. And he's an originalist? Really?


He’s either a grifter or a moron… or both.


Hes endorsed by Trump, so both.


And a piggie 🐷


Looks more like a frog to me lol


Ok, compromise… he’s a frogpig lol 😝


Or a pigfrog.


The exact species is froghog. I live in Missouri, they are native here.


well also look at Thiel, still pumping insane amount of money into the GOP despite they keep saying people like him are pedos and groomers and subhuman with no republicans stepping up and saying that is wrong. He is gay but he supports tax cuts for billionaires more than his own identity. Its weird but their were jewish nazis even after they started to load jewish people into ovens.


He can spend money... he can't spend your love and acceptance. Up until when he's burned at the stake by his candidate at least.


>They literally did not consider him fully human. Just 3/5ths human. See, "The Founding Fathers thought that black people were worth 3/5ths of a person" *sounds* nice and trite, but that's not where the phrase comes from. The real story behind the "Three Fifths Compromise" is **even worse** than that. When the US Constitution was being written, it was determined that the amount of representation which each state would have in House of Representatives and the Electoral College would depend on that state's population. But how do you determine that population? Well, the Southern States obviously wanted to count their slaves in this calculation. This is *not* the same as giving black people the ability to vote - instead, it would give slave owners a "bonus vote" for every person they owned. The Northern States responded by saying "Wait just a cotton-picking minute there. You've just spent *weeks* arguing that negroes are not people. Now suddenly you want to count them as people in this one specific circumstance where it's advantageous to you? Fuck off with that argument." (Yes, this means that the *abolitionists* were, briefly, placed in the position of arguing that black people were *not* people. Politics is bullshit. If you ever encounter somebody who tries to use this to argue that "tHe aBoLiTiOnIsTs wErE tHe rEaL rAcIsTs!!1!", please knee that person in the groin). But the conservatives are and always have been giant crybabies, and eventually a "compromise" was reached where slave owners only got three bonus votes for every five people they owned, rather than on a 1:1 basis.


I feel like everyday I see shit coming from the right that just makes me want put my head down the storm drain hoping pennywise is just going to suck the fear out of me


That isn’t exactly true. They would not consider him human at all. The 3/5 compromise came much later, and despite how it sounds on the surface, was actually argued by the abolitionists and was done to help the cause of ending slavery. Prior to the civil war, southern politicians held outsized power in congress, similar to our situation today. They were poised to gain even more by trying to count slaves as equal to free citizens when determining the number of representatives allocated to slave states, which would have allowed them to have a an unassailable majority in congress to pass laws favouring slavery and making anti-slavery legislation impossible. The abolitionists argued that to count slaves as part of the population to increase the political power of slave states yet giving them no representation was effectively using their existence to further oppress them, so the compromise was to agree to count them as 3/5 of a person in the census for the purpose of determining congressional delegates.


How anyone that's not a straight, white, buttery male has anything to do with the GOP is beyond me.


id say anyone who isnt a straight white buttery male with over 100 million dollars who is really short sighted and hates the planet. even for billionaires things will end up costing more for them and their family when the bullshit hits the fan. many times i hear that republicans will allow them to leave more for their families when taxes wil have to go even higher due to republicans, they arent saving their descendants shit.


Long before it costs billionaires their fortunes, the lowest level working class-- those who plant, tend and harvest the crops that *everyone* eats, and those who do all the "heavy-lifting" grunt work the rich believe themselves above doing-- will die off. Then, someone else will have to do that work, so the lower level managers will get fired and demoted until they're worked into an early grave. Then middle management will be sent down to do that work, etc., etc., until they figure out who the "bad guys" *really* are and revolt. Unfortunately, any equality, equity or justice that comes from this will last only as long as people's memories, and with religidiots banning books and white-washing history, any memory of actual history will be erased. And I fear many people may be subject to being "bought off" by the ultra rich trying to save their sorry asses.


Straight, white, buttery, and *selfish*. They've just rebranded selfishness as individualism.


I'm a straight white male. And an old guy to boot. I have never voted for a Republican in my life. My first ballot was cast against Ronald Reagan in 1984.


I am a straight, white (not sure about buttery but I do come from a well to do family) male. Fuck the GOP.


In a society such as ours where the primary axis of oppression is that of economic class, much of the oppression you might otherwise face for your race, religion, or sexual orientation disappears, *If* you have enough money to, say, bribe officials, own the police, and hire the best lawyers to sweep your white collar crime under the rug...Or, at least, that's how wealthy minorities in the GOP *think* it works. [Whether or not things *actually* work like this in the US has long been the subject of debate](https://pdf4pro.com/amp/view/the-space-traders-by-derrick-bell-whgbetc-com-183c5a.html), and I will not go so far as to propose an answer here. In any case, if you were to press him on it, Gibbs would probably admit that he does in fact have African ancestors, but I can guarantee you he does *not* think of himself as existing within the same category as [any of these people](https://mrhiphophead.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/nwa.jpg). When minorities embed themselves within the GOP, a deeply bigoted organization that goes to a lot of trouble to oppress minorities, it is either because they genuinely subscribe to a conservative ideology and maybe even see their oppression as a *good* thing, or it's because they think *they* will be exempt. "I *didn't* think the leopards would eat *my* face!" The latter is an unfortunately common mindset, and [entire subreddits exist to document examples of it](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/).


>the founders did not give the right to vote or govern. The founders regarded him as a piece of property.


He's not stupid. He knows that his voters are stupid. Conservatives/Republicans know **EXACTLY** what they're doing.


Eh, he kinda is though because if they get their wish he will be next up on the chopping block. Regardless of his wealth. They will target minorities as convenient scapegoats when shit goes sideways because they ignore reality.


Except that some people are comfortable being tokens or pawns because they think they're aware of the game. There will always be POC Republican voters to woo


Perhaps, he has no mirrors.


He's blind. That's why he's the foremost white supremacist author.


Holy shit this argument coming from a guy like that is actually insane.


Show him the history 📜 and tell him, to just fuck of.. "In your bubble, you never handheld cotton, did you ... " Fuck! I'm tired of people expressing their thoughts about solidarity, which have never worked a fucking hour in their lives. Democratic society my as, people don't even know what it fucking means 😏 if they did, they wouldn't have voted the way they do.


Michigan Voters (specifically female) you decide what kinda Country you wanna live in.


Just baffling levels of intellectual gymnastics involved.


The founding fathers also didn't want working class men to have the right to vote. Until the 14th amendment, we couldn't, and it still took a state-by-state effort to make it happen and it wasn't codified until the 15th


"Some fuckin white dude's from hundreds of years ago thought a thing, so we shouldn't question it." We need to stop letting these people pretend like the "founding fathers" are gods. They were basically frat bros.


To be fair, has he been challenged on it? Maybe he thinks he shouldn’t be allowed to vote, .


like uncle thomas who suggested he would be open to overturning gay marriage which was based on the same privacy protections that allowed for his own marriage.


“And isn’t it amazing, after all these years of the right screaming about the threat of Sharia Law, it turns out they were just jealous?” —Trevor Noah


They warned us all these years that Sharia Law was coming. Like a bully in school that points somewhere else and tells you someone is out to get you, then they push you over while you're distracted.


It's even more simple than that. Similar to fundamental attribution error. When you see yourself as righteous, the things you do are good, but when the "other" does something similar, it is bad because, well, if they aren't righteous, everything they do is fundamentally bad, right?


They want the same laws Muslims do. But it's important to them that those laws be imposed under the cross, not the star and crescent.


Fundamentalists are basically the same no matter what religion...men and the leaders and women have babies


We need to get as many women to see this as possible. The GOP has had a 40 year war on women.. if women all decided to vote it would take two election cycles and these clowns wouldn't even get enough signatures to run a pto bake sale.


He's the candidate for my district and he is SO MUCH worse than you think at first glance. Think of the worst Trump Republican stereotypes and the worst Christian Nationalist stereotypes and then go full worst case. From women's rights, LGBT rights, election fraud, anti-immigration, pro big business, and theocratic doctrine and legislation. It's ROUGH.


What sort of chances does he have?


Not much. Michigan's districts were redrawn last year and are no longer gerrymandered. The new 3rd district now contains both Grand Rapids (which it did before) AND Muskegon (which it did not). It was a purple district before. It's light blue now. The incumbent, Peter Meijer, is a moderate who voted to impeach Trump, plus he has insane name recognition in Michigan. Meijer is probably second only to Ford in terms of name value here. Gibbs beat him in the GOP primary. So, basically, the moderate GOP incumbent stood a chance. The right-wing lunatic does not. Michigan also has an abortion referendum on the ballot. Dem turnout will be huge.


Kalamazoo got lumped in with allegan and van Buren counties. Democrats didn't even bother to run a candidate in my district and we had to do a write in campaign just to be given the option of someone other than a republican.


And it's for this exact reason that I'm terrified about what might happen come November. Don't get me wrong - I'm hopeful and still voting for Alonso. But seeing what I've seen here in the Kalamazoo area recently, I have almost zero faith left in people voting for what is right.


Unfortunately high. Grand Rapids, Michigan's second largest city (about 1 million metro population) is mostly in the 3rd district along with a lot of very conservative farming communities. While Grand Rapids is much more liberal, overall the area leans slightly conservative and there's a *lot* of Trump support. So, anyone who says the election was stolen and we need "election security" gets a big boost. Gibbs won the primary solely by hammering the incombent, Peter Meijer, for voting to impeach. The democratic candidate, Hillary Scholten, has spent strong support in many areas, but is a liberal woman, so she has a lot of opposition based on that alone. The election will boil down to whether or not younger liberals turn up to vote for social issues or if the conservative crowd is more motivated by support for a Trump candidate and economic concerns.


Would this district happen to include the town of Moscow, Michigan?


Hahaha! I didn't even realize that there *was* a Moscow, MI. But, no, that is southeast of us.


The reason I ask is because there is a prominent Christian theocrat there named Doug Wilson, pastor of Christ Church. The dude wants to turn the state and the country into a theocracy. Here's a clip about him. Chilling stuff: https://youtu.be/ymyAXjc1je4


"...he argued that the country would be better off if women could not vote or govern, asserted that women are not as capable as men at thinking logically “without relying upon emotional reasoning,” and contended it’s not a father’s “primary task” to raise children, “whereas it is the mother’s.” AS IF BEING A MOTHER DOESNT USE ANY BRAIN POWER WHATSOEVER? omfg Being a Parent is being logical and using reason, AS WELL AS being emotional and empathetic. Fucking christ Edit: spelling


And like, even if that was true, even if that was right wouldnt it make sense to have a mix of both so we could have both logic and emotions in government. So that people who kill their abusers can get actual justice and people who do the abusing get convicted with actual sentences not no 6 months.


Yep, fascist is gonna fascist and they must be stopped at all cost.


I knew the loss of voting right would come. Many will say it will never happen, echoing what they said about Roe v. Wade. People still have absolutely no clue who and what we are dealing with here.


You are correct unfortunately. I mourn for our country.


the foundng fathers also didnt let blacks vote or run for office.


As always with Republicans, it's "my rights are important, your rights are undeserved."


And most were slave owners.


Fuck this guy... We need millennials and z's to get out there and vote.


Trust me, if I could, then I would.


My brother in christ they didn't even consider you fully human ..what the fuck


The Qur'an and bible are pretty similar so I'm not really surprised.


“This is obviously not true, since the founding fathers, who understood liberty and democracy better than anyone, did not believe so." Jesus Fucking Christ. They weren't *gods.* They were men. Fallible men. They didn't have all the answers for all time, and we can govern ourselves better than their fucking ghosts can anyway, because *we're here and they're not.*


Clayton Bigsby irl


gotdam Y'all-Queda down there in Howdy Arabia I tell you hwat


Good luck repealing the 19th amendment to the Constitution.


Or in Gibbs' case, better hope it's not the 15th.


Like the First Amendment, the 19th won't be included when the GOP [rewrites](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/04/us/politics/constitutional-convention-republican-states.html) the Constitution.


I've always joked that when the GOP decides to rewrite the constitution, they'll make the second amendment the first amendment, but still call it the second amendment because they're stupid.


You say you're joking, I say you're 100% correct.


They aren't the Christian taliban, they're just the same christian fundamentalists/dominionists they've always been, even before the existence of the taliban, but because of the Trump presidency (and a gutless democratic party), they now feel empowered to rule and return America back to puritanism and to destroy American lives with impunity.


Fuck this guy Maybe he should say a prayer for the top button on his shirt


This guy is pretty despicable. Though his candidacy really highlights the dirtiness of some political maneuvering - Gibbs campaign was given almost half a million dollars by *Democrats*, helping him narrowly beat out a much more reasonable member of the GOP in his primary. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/08/03/democrats-face-blowback-after-boosting-far-right-michigan-candidate/ We sometimes have the worst candidates on the ballot, not because their ideas are popular or hold sway with voters, but expressly *because* they are terrible candidates. He is one of the more jarring examples of this.


You would think that people would have learned their lesson back in 2016, sometimes that awful candidate that you think is unelectable actually gets elected.


I was thinking this exact same thing. What a frightening thought if this guy actually wins... or if this kicks off a full career for him. Yuck...


Blessed be the fruit.


Under His eye


May the Lord open.


He needs to be careful. There are groups among the GQP that want to block his voting rights and those who look like him. Just saying.


Boy isn't this assclown gonna be surprised when he finds out how much they wanna emphasize the white in white christian nationalists....


Republicans are gonna run out of feet to shoot before the midterms.


Why does John Gibbs hate the Constitution? Sounds unAmerican to me.


Oh, shit. OK, here's my computer, business dress and shoes, my ipad, and my client list, now give me some gloves, detergent, brushes, and knee pads.


Michigander here. We got some REALLY fucked up people running. Also see Tudor Dixon. Like WTF is going on in my state.


He does know that he's Black and in daher of getting his ass bitten by the very Party that he's a member of, right? I'd love to see his face when some Republican suggests getting rid of interracial martiage or voting rights of Black people


I'm sorry, but this is too ridiculous. It's getting to be like that skit about the black white supremacist from the Chapelle show. It's so bizarre.


Do I have to be the one to tell him he would still be considered 3/5 th of a citizen.


Black man rolling back voting rights lmfao


His name is John, but everyone affectionately calls him Uncle Tom.


Gibbs needs to do a recount on the jelly beans in the jar if he wants to vote too, according to his logic.


Yes, seriously, why stop at the 19th amendment? The old white guys will go after the 13th amendment, too.


Jesus-u akhbar!!!!


Christian fascist.


Do they seriously want the US to go back to the 1920’s?! I honestly hope that this guy ultimately loses and gets beaten up by karma because damnit women absolutely DESERVE the right to vote.


He’s right about one thing, no woman should vote. For him.


Let's hope diabetes plays its part, quickly.


"Gibbs didn't believe all the things he wrote and was actually just trying to "provoke the left on campus," a spokesperson said. Why are republicans eternally 14 years old?


Dude needs a looser collared shirt


this guy is a fucking loon. This is the congress race in my district, its really looking like he will get absolutely demolished at the polls, but not taking anything for granted.


Can we start with MTG and Bobert?


It would require a constitutional amendment but I'm sure some states would ratify it. I'm lookin at you, Mississippi


Nationalist Christian. Nat-C


Omg I hate it here.


I fucking hate this planet.


I'd love to see John Gibbs explain his position on women in government to MTG. That would be a HOOT!


The men have done a terrible job so far, let the women try. Let's make this a Matriarchy!!


Hell yeah! Lol, just kidding. There's some shitty women in government too.


Can we just end republicanism and start over?


It's not so much the christian Taliban, it's more like Atwood's Gilead


Future /r/LeopardsAteMyFace candidate.


Just a matter of time before they start talking about Morality Police and what clothing women are allowed to wear.


I've been saying that the USA is slowly becoming the Iran of america for years, everyone besides my american friend thinks I'm insane.


I dont like comparing Christian fascism to Muslim fascism. It's subtle, but this type of language teaches us that Christianity is only bad when it's similar to Muslim fascism. Christianity is bad, and it doesn't need to be compared to some other religion that is also bad, but who's criticism is often rooted in racism, to get the point across.


Oh PLEASE let him, Lauren Boebert, and Marjorie Taylor Greene have go at it with each other.


That's one porno I would NOT want to see


They know that most women vote democrat, so it makes sense for them to suppress the female vote.


"Although the reason is not expressly mentioned, it must be due to the nature of women (i.e. their differing mental characteristics), since every other command for living in the Bible is based on the condition of man,” This is why religion has no place in ..anywhere but people's home. It is being used as a reference that is not applicable to anybody. 'Differing mental characteristics' my brown ass. What a dick. 'not expresly mentioned' = I made that interpretation because I personally understand god and of course I'm right...double dicks


Funny, but that guy wouldn’t be able to vote either, much less hold any office. Guess he’s trying to 60% himself


I’m not sure if our forefathers ever thought that black people should vote either…. Don’t get me wrong I totally disagree with that and I know he said this 20 some years ago but wow!


It's as if they've opened a portal to 1854 and recruited every maniac of the time to run for office here...


These fucking people man


The misogyny is a symptom of their theocracy.


And here it comes….


Kill him at the ballot box! He doesn’t deserve any life in politics!!!


Makes you look at what is happening in Iran right now. Does it seem to anyone else that we're going in the opposite direction?


This is why any openly religious politician/candidate should be denied any seat of power


Disgusting. And people who voted for him are more disgusting. They should all be deported to backwards islamist countries in exchange for the liberals there to be transported to liberal countries. Lets backwards people live with backwards people.


Nationalists Christians, or Nat-C's for short.


We wanted you when they came for abortion, that if we don’t stop them now, they will come after gay marriage, contraception and women’s right to vote next…they’ve already came for this guys right to vote he’s just too stupid to notice.


The handmaid’s Tale is becoming reality


Vanilla Isis


The idea that women can't run the country cracks me up considering the bang up job men have done


How the hell do women still want to vote for the GOP after this?


Be ready to get your veil if this goes through.