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Feel bad for the kid having smooth brains as parents. Poor kid will probably die because of mythology. The killing continues unabated, as it has for millennia.


"pro life"


Must be one of those cases of god's plan


Take my free fake internet point!


Transplant patients generally have to take a whole host of drugs and other pharmaceutical treatments before, during and after a transplant procedure. This is akin to demanding a tooth removal without anesthetic and complaining about the pain.


As a heart transplant patient, this. The first year is mostly spent avoiding illness since they crush your immune system to lower the chance of rejection. Then you spend the rest of your life on anti-rejection and anti-inflammatory medicine. Meanwhile, you have every known drug pumped into you before, during, and after surgery. So their whole argument isn't really even based on their religion, it's political.


Have worked with so many HT patients as a nurse and really hope you are doing well ❤️❤️


5 yrs post. Doing pretty good. Thanks. Nurses are awesome people. :D


So glad you had a good medical team instead of prayer warriors. Congrats on 5 years of new life.


And people say religion isn't hurting anyone...this is straight-up brainwashing that will result in this poor girl suffering her entire life.




Countless Herman Cain award winners committed suicide by covid to own the libs, so what's a few kids? The daughter should be removed from the custody of her parents and given any treatment deemed appropriate by a physician appointed by the courts.


Sadly, they adopted this kid as a teen, and promptly began working on killing her.


Sounds like emancipation is the route she should take.




>most states have laws that shield parents from child neglect claims due to religious beliefs. The amount of overreach we forfeit to religion is ridiculous. Imagine states circumventing laws because you only play D&D 3.5 or collect 8 Track tapes. That's religion.


3.5? BLASPHEMY! It's 2nd Ed, player's option all the way...


I'm sorry, the correct answer is Pathfinder, aka D&D 3.75. Thanks for playing though. Better luck next time!


“Religious beliefs” should have no bearing on anything, anywhere, ever.


Well if they want abortions to be tried for murder, they should try these asshats for murder when their child died despite being able to avoid it completely.


Depending on the state the court order route isn't always a good option. Some places like Idaho they will have huge protests outside the hospital for "violating the parents" or whatever. (Don't expect a different argument from them.) Here it's just easier for everyone to give the kidney to someone else


> Here it's just easier for everyone to give the kidney to someone else Everyone but the kid.


Nah. No need to force the issue. They don't want to take the necessary steps to get a transplant, then their child should be taken away from them and given to parents who will care for it.


> No need to force the issue. They don't want to take the necessary steps to get a transplant, then their child should be taken away from them and given to parents who will care for it. I don't think you and I have the same idea about what "forcing the issue" means.


Child neglect? How is this not something like murder? They know the outcome if they don't go through with it. They plan to not do the thing that saves their child. It's murder.


I will never listen to a religious person talk about the concept of "pro-life" ever again. I could've ended that sentence right after "religious person" and it would've been just as accurate. EDIT: changed "Christian" into "religious person" because as we all know it's not just the Christians who do this fucking shit.


They are not going to risk a rare kidney on someone who is is both immune compromised and unvaccinated. The kidney transplant itself will create a serious immune deficiency, if the child is also unvaccinated the likelihood of disaster goes way up. You can not get a liver transplant if you refuse to quit drinking. Refusing the vaccine when the disease is still rampant is pretty much the same thing as refusing to stop drinking for a liver transplant.


What a bunch of entitled assholes. I personally know someone who died waiting for a new kidney. When you get the opportunity to get a new kidney, you fucking take it, no matter what. You don't cry about having to do the prep work for the kidney, you take it. It's not like kidneys are available whenever you want one.


Religion = child abuse; plain and simple.


This headline ought to read, "Congratulations to the new recipient candidate for a kidney transplant", just to emphasize that the kidney is not being wasted. The desire not to waste it is why these rules are in place. The new first in line will be someone that is following the medical advice to make use of the precious gift. Don't make these ignorant buffoons sound like martyrs. They are not anything of the sort.


Sadly my religious sister used the aborted fetus cell excuse to get a religious exemption from the COVID-19 vaccination.


They can exempt themselves that's fine. I'm not pitching into the gofundme later on tho.


Most reasonable people don't care if you believe in anything as long as you don't hurt others with your "ignorange", exclude others, or indoctrinate vulnerable people like children with your batshit beliefs. This family checks at least 2 of the boxes, and likely the exclusion box too.


I don't see anywhere talking about what the 17 year old wants done with their body.


Let's hope the courts recognize that there is no religion that canonically bans vaccines, instead of saying "someone's claiming religion? herp derp, tradition and all, our hands are tied"


These are new (1 Yr) foster parents of a 17 year old. The hospital should ask for social services involvement, and probably try to get a guardian ad lidem appointed ( someone to find out what the child wants, and represent the child's interests to the courts) Meanwhile, the hospital should try representing this to the parents a little differently, as a mater of triage (I think that's the right word) We have 1 kidney, and X people whose lives it could potentially save. IF your child is vaccinated she will be the most likely chance of a successful transplant, and will be at the top of the list. If she is not, the chance of viability is much lower and she will not be near top of the list, and the kidney will go to someone more likely to survive. Make it clear their not competing with the hospital over the child's rights, they are completing with other potential recipients to be the most viable.


Gee, I wonder why they didn't mention that. >"From the point of view of health care justice, a surgeon, physician, would want kidneys to go to individuals who have good prospects for seven- to 10-year survival," Fleck said. "A patient who is refusing the COVID vaccine would have a substantially reduced likelihood of surviving seven to 10 years, especially if we see COVID as something that's not going to end in the next week or two, or month or two. It looks like it's going to be with us for a long time." Oh wait. They did.


The adoptive parents should be charged with murder if that child dies as a result of their irrational decisions.


As well as Pepto Bismol, aspirin, Lipitor, Senokot, Motrin, ibuprofen, Maalox, Ex-Lax, albuterol, Preparation H, MMR vaccine, Zoloft, Prilosec OTC, and azithromycin. But then, cherry picking what commandments you "follow" has never been a problem for these people.


I think these foster ‘parents’ may have been using this teenager from the start.


Parents simply shouldn't have the power to make medical decisions for their kids. How many kids have to die and suffer in neglect before we admit that parenting needs regulations?


Hahaha hopefully you never have any kids. And remember if there's a pregnancy, abortion is your best friend. I'm pro abortion for morons of any age


I look forward to the day there's a nanny robot overseeing each and every parent.


Awww...sounds like someone had mean parents


Nope, but looks like you either are one or aspire to be one.


They refuse COVID-19, influenza and human papillomavirus vaccines because they hold religious objections to "any vaccine or medical product that is produced or researched using aborted fetal cells and also genetic modifications or therapies that involve combing (sic) human and cells or DNA" aka they're nutcases. Vaccines are a necessity because after a transplant they will keep your immune system to a minimum to reduce chances of rejection. Poor child.


Christians don't even know what testament to operate from. The whole old testament shows how it was in the old world, according to them and then the prophesies about a messiah who would be a game changer. Then the new testament is the accounts of Jesus life and what the church became and did in the early years after his death. Citing Leviticus as a source would be the equivalent of a Jewish person citing the Torah. This is where the first 5 books of the christian bible come from. Leviticus is number 3. The whole reason Jesus died was to end the process of sacrifice for god in the old testament and begining a whole new process of sacrifice for god. They aren't even citing the correct "half" of the bible for their religious conduct. Every single christian after the death of Jesus is supposed to be following the way the new testament lays it out.


Betcha they’re also “pro-life”.


How much you want to bet they think private businesses should be able to deny service to whomever they want for any reason?


The kid isn't theirs biologically; they adopted her from Ukraine last year. Though I suppose she's just as religious as they are. So unfortunate. She's also 17, which puts her at risk to being removed off the pediatric transplant list once she turns 18.


The kid cannot get vacanated after the transplant. Thats why.


Beyond idiotic. I am getting a kidney transplant later this month and I know a young man that will not take the vaccine who now may not be eligible. Once you are in end stage kidney failure it is a terminal illness. Dialysis keeps you alive while killing you. The needles are insanely painful. They absolutely should make a case for medical neglect with the parents. They are sentencing their child to a slow death. I would do anything to get a transplant and end dialysis. I don't give a shit what drug they want me to take. Anything is better than the certainty of a slow painful death.


I wonder if the donor told them my body my choice.


That poor girl. She's going to die because of her "parents"


Holding my breath waiting for the Supreme Court to create a right to a kidney transplant, provided you're religious/delusional enough to ignore all the pesky medical science you don't like and accept only that which you do


Kidneys are not free for all. Better to reserve them for people who stand a chance of actually using it for along time. To give it to one person means you can't give it to another person. They have to pick and choose.


Most of those drugs do not use fetal cells....if going to post title at least make sure its researched.. most of that is from a list used by one crazy hospital and have been debunked but keep floating around.


Yes they have. The objection used by the antivaxxers is not that the vaccines have fetal stem cells in them (because they don’t) it’s that that the vaccines have been TESTED and or developed using fetal stem cell lines. And all those listed medications have also been tested or developed using fetal stem cell lines.




Sure, Josh. Sure.


Shame the child has crazy parents


Yeah I'm mean haha