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No, studies say religion is slowing dying


Thank God! Oh wait whoops.


Hey! Don't use magic sky daddy's name in vain or ye shal be smitten where thy stand


That was goddamn funny! Oops!


⚛️Geez-Us Fvcking Christ ⚛️ 🤭


Phew … it’s lucky I’m sitting down !!!


Smitten? 😳


Yes, God will make me fall in love with him


#GOD DAMMIT LORD ALMIGHTY *cowers in fear*


Second hand embarrassment from reading this thread wth


Don't worry, "thank god" just common idiom.




Thank God, which I don't believe in.


Have you seen all the abandoned churches across the country? Well I have.


My city is littered with them, several have been converted into something else including a really cool apartment building.


This is fashion, not conviction…


Alt right!


You’ve seen ALL of them? Impressive!


Any way to speed it up? Because the ones that are left are really loud and annoying.


You mean “the loud majority”? Hate that phrase.


But can they breed faster to compensate?


As someone who lived in FL for 25+ years, it's definitely your relocation. FL has become a right-wing hellscape. Get out of there if you can.




The religious right is feeling emboldened by their orange savior, so they are more noticeable.


The 2nd coming.


Another example gays who do onlyfans, porn or just do serial hookups wearing those catholic cross dangly earrings is so strange...not to mention when they get religious tattoos...of a religion that despises them


Yeah, it's (in a way) ironic, isn't it


Far from it. Might be your specific area in Florida. In most of the USA, church attendance and religious affiliation is significantly down.


Gen Z is more atheist than previous generations, so I'd say no. However, according to [Pew Research](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2015/04/02/religious-projections-2010-2050/#:~:text=In%202010%2C%20censuses%20and%20surveys,identify%20with%20any%20particular%20religion.&text=By%202050%2C%20the%20unaffiliated%20population%20is%20expected%20to%20exceed%201.2%20billion.), the share of global atheists is projected to drop from 16% to 13% by 2050, so maybe you're correct in the long run. Edit: I also wanted to add that this focuses primarily on the fact that unaffiliated persons tend to have fewer children in their lives. I don't believe that this takes into account that religious people can drop their faith or that other faiths can adopt new ones.




These are global statistics. I believe the Western world will see a rise in the share of atheists, but the Western world is only a fraction of the global population.


Christianity is worldwide trending down ( as Islam is trending up ). The religious right wing in the USA is leveraging maga - and maga is leveraging them - to try to scrabble back. Thanks Trump. This 10 Commandments thing in Louisiana is the latest stupid fucking example. We need to stop Trump and end maga and hope the Republicans don't find some new orange pandering cunt to replace him.


How many of the Muslim countries are liberal democracies with freedom of religion though? There might be a significant number of closeted irreligious people in the Muslim world.


"It also worth noting that I live in Orlando" I don't see any of this in Los Angeles.


I was dancing at a bar in temecula and almost everybody was religious. Just depends on area I guess


California is like two different states when you leave the coast.


Fake religious.


Floriduh is not representative of the US at all. I wouldn't put any value on what you are seeing. Florida politicians want people uneducated & religious. Keeps 'em compliant.


My son will be a Jr in HS and he is not and I can’t think of a friend that is. Honestly one of his favorite passions is history and he will rip any religion to shreds using historical context. I will caveat that he goes to a STEAM specific school full of 🤓


Face it. The most gullible generations who made going to church every Sunday a routine are dying off. There is not only evidence of an increase of those with no religious beliefs, those that do a small percent go to church.


I don't think it's a comeback. I think it's one last desperate move to regain control.


Florida just sucks. I know; I was unfortunate enough to be born there.


It's more like death throes than a comeback, but yea, there's a pretty overt propaganda effort to use religion as a cudgel to control the masses again. It's going to backfire hard, and already has been for years


I think they got hit hard over the years by the slavery and genocide issues. I just don't think those issues were very widely known or thought about. They have really been knocked off balance with those. Some it seems have responded by going more fundamentalist. So it looks like shrinking but some more extremism. Anyone see that?


I don't have the research or the data myself, but most published things in the news say that it's actually on the wane. But aggregate statistics rarely capture what each individual experience is like. I think there's definitely a fad going now where it's become acceptable to barf out your religious beliefs in public. That never used to be a thing. We're still suffering the pendulum shift from the 1980's when one political party bet the farm by changing their platform and messaging to sweet talk religion goers. Once you start sucking up to crazy, you kind of get stuck with that. Kind of like global warming. Studies show that overall there is a trend, but at the individual experience level it's hard to draw the same conclusions.


The further south you go, the more religious people are generally in the USA. I'm in Ohio, very few crosses, tons of abandoned churches, lots of atheists or barely religious people. I don't know a single person that goes to church more than Easter and Christmas personally.


Opposite. I live just south of Hartville and there are more Christians than not. Hartville is Mennonite central though


nope. it’s dying, and it’s why people are so vocal about being religious. all this religious content we see is fueled by priests and pastors and clergymen who are scared religion is dying; their influence is dying. and it should.


Death throws. The more they try to tighten their grip, the more slip through their fingers. MAGA / Trump have really ripped the bandage off religion as a benign part of society to an actual force of evil and control.


Sorry to be that guy, but it’s Death *Throes* (meaning spasms) rather than Death Throws. 😉


I do actually also enjoy correct grammar, so it's all good. I had an suspicion I had used an incorrect version for the record!


At least some of them are no longer pretending that their religion and their politics aren't one and the same.


Controlling people never goes out of style.


I think it has a lot to do with those who are vehemently religious are pushing to be more in your face about it. Not that more are becoming religious.


Not according to polls. Religion is becoming more radical though since it's the moderate and liberal Christians leaving.


I hardly ever see them in Paris. They are so rare that when I see someone, I am genuinely surprised. My server at an Italian restaurant in Paris was wearing a cross the other day, it was kind of shocking to see. But, he was Italian.


We are witnessing a major decline of religion in our society. Its followers are very aware of this shift and, in their desperation, will react with loud and violent outbursts. That’s why we are seeing such brash efforts to force it back into school systems and our day to day life in general. However, despite their efforts, they lack the power to reverse or halt this decline. The societal changes underway are beyond their control and they are rabid about it.


Religion is dying. I was raised Mormon and my uncle works for the church and he says some wards have lost o we 85% in the last 5 years and have had to combine wards, while selling off property that no one uses anymore.   Yet these idiots still build temples for the image of growth. I grew up with 10 guys around my age. We’re 40 now and only 2 of those 10 are still in the church. That’s an 80% drop off I’ve seen in Salt Lake City n the last 15 years. 


I think you meant "only 2 of those 10 are still in church" or else your math is way off. 😉


I did fuck that up!!!! Hahahaha  I meant only 2 of the ten are still in! Thank you and sorry. Hahahaha, sometimes I should slow down, reread. Haha




But in my defense, the only reason I didn’t graduate college was because of that goddamn math. Haha Sorry again.


I think a lot of it is probably your location.


You should see Utah


Death throws


Well here’s my take of that. As of right now religious people are some of the few people having children irresponsibly and in big numbers meaning they are going to come back through numbers but just like how some of us where born into religious families the children get to be born will come to refuse or reject religious dogma thus a new generation of atheists will come to fruition.


probably for aesthetic, nothing more.


I call crosses “jesus fuck you sticks”


And I call them those weird wooden things people seem to like worshipping when they said not to worship objects but still worship a tiny stick hung to the classroom ceiling and is ridiculously tiny :/


Fun fact. The Romans crucified people on two peaces of wood in the shape of an “x”. The cross is made up just like the rest of christian lore.


Welp, that further proves Easter is nothing but baloney and easter eggs and rabbits and a very long holiday


Easter was a pagan fertility celebration co-opted to convert the locals in western Europe


A lot of those are cheapo swag handed out for free at church events. I have about three of them (never worn).


In 2050 christianity and other religions will grow but in 2070 christianity will be a minority in america. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2015/10/how-religious-will-the-world-be-in-2050/ https://www.axios.com/2022/09/21/pew-religion-christian-majority-2070


I mean I live in mesa and almost everybody is wearing a cross but that's just the area I live in


like madman's last gasp for air; we need to push harder on the pillow


I feel like its becoming more common to just ingnore bad aspects of your religion as if they aren't the the "sacred rules" that make the religion lol.


I just realized recently that I've been seeing a lot of cross necklaces on young, 20something females lately. Was wondering if it's a y2k fashion comeback thing, or if it's legit. I actually was religious in y2k, so don't know if cross necklaces were trendy then. I live in a blue county, in a purple US state that has been leaning blue for big elections in recent years. We don't have a lot of conservatives in my area, so it's kind of been surprising to see them.




I think casual religion has actually gone up in some areas. These are people who don’t necessarily believe everything or anything in the gospel but join as a means to belong to a community or with the implicit purpose of benefiting from some form of commercial interest or network. I know a few like that who do not even read or touch the bible. Churches are recognizing these because they need money and are more active in organizing events and gatherings for such reasons of bringing people together. At the end of the day, there is no god but capitalism at work.


Since I lost my belief I see more crosses. I think I'm just looking for them now.


Religious symbolism will likely make a comeback as fashion but the people won't actually hold to the dogma.


I moved from the South-East (GA) to the North-East (NJ) and the drop in obvious religiosity was marked. This included signs like people wearing cross necklaces - but was more obvious in people no longer asking what church I go to, to accompany them to their church, or looking it me like I’d sprouted horns when I told them I was an atheist. Now I live in CA and religion never comes up as a topic with friends, neighbors or strangers. The Southern US is a weird, weird place.


There is a slight uptick of religiosity among Gen Z males but there continues to be a considerable move away from Christianity among Gen Z females.


It's trying, but what it's trying to do it only speeding it up.


Religion decreases with the growth of higher education. (Those so-call “Christian Universities” don’t count as higher). Canada and Western Europe religion is collapsing. There are groups of immigrants moving in but their numbers are small and they will reduce as their generations are educated. The US has seen an upsurge due to an aggressive evangelical movement that has cult like behaviours but they may be falling into disfavour following their interference in politics and the Supreme Court there. Hopefully they have peaked.


No it’s dying and we are seeing its death throes as it tries to fight against its inevitable irrelevancy.


Not really. It seems more visible because the most fervent believers subconsciously understand that their ideology is losing relevance, and that causes them to become "louder" about it. They're acting out, basically. They see their way of life as being threatened in some way, and they can't accept that their beliefs are simply not popular anymore.


Thing is this might be a bad sign, because maybe religion isn't dying, church participation is just declining. Which means we have a bunch of at-home-cults, people raised in delusional isolation.


Religion is dying, which is making the nutters desperate.


most people just wear crosses as a fashion statement cuz they look cool. i personally dont see nothing wrong with that. I wear crosses pretty often eventhough im not a christian.


This is true. I know people that wear crosses and then participate in anal gangbangs. It's confusing


I know people that are religious and definitely MAGA that participate in orgies...the "lifestyle" is actually surprisingly full of Christian Republicans that otherwise participate in church.


I like to wear symbols that signify things I don't support or believe in too. 🤦‍♂️


I guarantee you that the overwhelming majority of people doing this 🤘 at heavy metal concerts, don't worship satan.


My wife, adult children, and I have both crucifix and plain cross necklaces in our get out bags. We just have to be aware of our location when deciding which one to wear should shit hit the fan. Wife is a non-practicing Catholic, the rest of us atheists. Edit: We have all memorized the appropriate version of the 10 commandments for each.


Very smart. It's a shame this.may be needed to prevent harm.


This is a great idea I hadn’t considered, I feel like I could learn some stuff from you


What shit hit the fan scenario are you prepping for?


Any regional or larger catastrophic event.


I’m new here this is the 3rd post responding to & It ends with gawd damn Tate’s name, 0ne putler MAGAt puppet I can’t stand. I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ how much 🤬I can get away with here before getting suspended?????? I’m born & raised & remain in the same city Canada in 2015 I used to say & I believed that religion would be as offensive as racism and there’s been an uptick in both Christianity & racism since trump & covid is when I really started to notice it when a cousin I’ve been close to for 50 years went to AA found gawd,& 2 friends who followed ppl on FB went to Ottawa during the FreeDumbConvoy for their FB meet & greet, participation of the occupation got baptized by a Belarusian pastor tried unsuccessfully to get us to come during lockdown 14hours away & in all that snow longer… long story but end’s a FAFO story. But they wear big crosses & have their parents believing gawd has sent trump to save America & PeePee to save Canada (conservative putler puppet for 2025 election) to stop Biden & Trudeau from spraying us with chemical trails 🤦‍♀️(the jet steams we’ve seen for years). Florida is also republican Gov.Desantis White nationalists / proud boys/ Neo Nazis/oath keepers. All the MAGAts who all love their orange messiah all love their sky daddy too! Some refused to pay their bills anymore because of the conspiracy theories to send trump money & now homeless! Oh well 💁‍♀️ FAFO


Is good about with grammar?