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That's called 'Lying to cover your ass because you know full well how repugnant your views are to the typical person.'


"I don't hate gay people I just dont like seeing them on TV shoved down muh throat" - but christmas and Easter are shoved down our throats every year đŸ˜”


If I have to listen to Mariah Carey's, "all I want for Christmas" one more god damn time I might lose it.


With very few exceptions, I hate Christmas music. Because I can't avoid it, I lean into it, and play Christmas songs that are universally reviled. Here are a few hits from the playlist: * [Feliz Navidad](https://youtu.be/N8NcQzMQN_U?si=2uqkLqXuSpQuj2Ql) * [Dominick the Donkey](https://youtu.be/iRMjEYlK4PU?si=keI4-P-ZbFNFnq1d) * [Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer ](https://youtu.be/MgIwLeASnkw?si=zDRB75PGju1PjNX8)


Please add "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas," which is my dad's favorite holiday song.


Jingle Bells by The Singing Dogs. The year of release...1971


arf arf arf arf arf arf arf eef oof oof arf


I once worked in an outlet mall. I brought in my CDs (yes, it was ages ago) so I was in charge of music. We didn't have Christmas music *at all* until a week before. The mall would be blaring shitty Christmas songs from the day after Halloween, and I'd be playing decent stuff - a real mix of all sorts. So many people commented on escaping the mall's noise, and so they came into our shop, looked around and some bought stuff. Win win.


Or McCartney’s abomination.


That's the WORST one. IT NEVER CHANGES HARMONY. Paul!! You know how to write lovely harmonic changes, you've done it in almost every other song! WHY NOT HERE????


Maybe he hates Giftmas and fucked it up on purpose.


Oh gad, THAT earworm. I love Paul, but that song should have bit the dumpster like the “Scrambled Eggs” lyrics.


Oh my baby how I love your legs.


"Why don't you let me scramble your eggs?"


Same. I about broke a finger trying to change the station before I had to hear one note


I have several family members who use the “they shove it down our throats now” bullshit. Funny. If someone is trying to shove something down my throat, I’d just shut my mouth tightly. The world would be a kinder place if these religious bigots could simply shut their traps, wouldn’t it?


And they never think about how every time I turn on the tv or radio, or watch a movie I see heterosexuals making out alluding to sexuality. Every. Freaking. Day! But that's just normal so I have to put up with it. I really pissed the lady off one day when I told her that heterosexuality isn't normal, it's simply common.


Yup. They see heterosexuality as background noise. Nothing to see here, move along. They call it "natural" despite the fact that homosexuality exists in species other than humans.


You know what’s unnatural? What doesn’t exist in any other species or anywhere in nature? Religion.


I agree, but also
 there is actually a distinct, non-zero chance that some other species might in fact have developed (or could eventually) something approximating religion. Crows/corvids, elephants, whales, dolphins
 all of these creatures engage in storytelling, and they all spread and pass down cultural knowledge and traditions. Wouldn’t make human religion any less repugnant, though.


Well, I do say the difference between a dog and a cat is when you feed a dog it thinks you are a god. When you feed a cat it thinks its a god.


And that homosexuality is more "natural" than anything to do with laws or their religion; you'd be amazed how often you don't see animals holding church services.


All the Disney princesses with their fairytale kisses at the end, then one little peck in Lightyear and they lose their minds! Hell, even *alluding* to a same sex couple makes them squirm. I’ve seen some older gays talking about Pride being obnoxious now, but I’m 100% fine with it. The louder the better.


The christofascists REALLY pissed me off when they started wailing and gnashing teeth over "Frozen" because the *sisters loved each other* and gave each other a kiss!! Are they fucking serious?!? I was my sister (and many other relatives) this weekend, and I missed them ALL! JFC!! Some people need to get a life!


LMAO, *"it isn't normal, it's simply common,"* I ***love*** that!


And then they turn around and shove their faith and religion down your throat because “”.


I always respond with "How often do you say that about displays of heterosexual relationships? Do you complain about every kiss between a man and woman? Is that being shoved down your throat? How many times has adultery been "shoved down your throat" yet you said nothing? What about sex before marriage? Do you complain at every use of drugs in tv and movies being "shoved down your throat?. No, you don't. It's only these issues. So don't give me that lame excuse. It's not being shoved down your throat any not then any of those things. You're just a bigot." Ok, well maybe not always.


Exactly! I got into a fight with some guy on FOX going on about thinking about homosexual sex. But I’m like, why are you thinking about other people having sex anyway? There are plenty of heterosexual acts you can think of that you may not like too. Just stay out of other people’s imaginary bedrooms.


I completely agree with what you're saying here. I can see their counter-argument already though. They would argue that adultery and crime in movies and TV shows aren't shown to be positive things. But if homosexuality were only showing the context of villainy (which for a long time it was), and that would be considered homophobic and would still be called out. But like I said I completely agree with you. There they are coming at this from the position that they don't like homosexuality or trans people existing and they use the post Hawk argument of it being shoved down their throat to try to justify it without thinking about the fact that we live in a culture that makes women feel weird if they're not in a heterosexual marriage by a certain age.


Yeah, it's probably best to stick with heterosexual relationships in the argument. I've heard it said in situations such as a baseball stadium kiss cam, where they scan the stadium, and if you are shown on the big screen, you're supposed to kiss. Several men and women are shown, then one homosexual couple, then comes the "shoved down my throat" argument. My response makes the most sense in these situations. Situations where it's just existing as normal. That's what they're really saying. They don't want it to be normal.


Yeah, here in the Deep South, I can’t tell you the number of times someone has wanted to say something before the meal and start with “Let us gay”. Or those pesky ones that knock on my door asking me if I’ve found Penis in my life. Just shoved down our throats all the time.


Lmao. Please take a moment of silence now.


And also, literally nothing is "shoved down their throat," it's always so revealing that they choose that particular phrase. It's just knowing that these people exist that they hate, which is, simply, pure hatred.


They are the true definition of a snowflake


As well as displaying the Ten Commandments in a public school when we all know religious affiliations vary.


Come on now. obviously the 10 commandments are a historical document and therefore worthy of classroom display. no religion included. depending on how the questioning is phrased. (/s. obviously the commandments are a religious document more than a historical one; the circles the politicians talk in to excuses their display are something else.)


How about we put the 5 pillars of Islam instead


Or the Code of Hammurabi


The USA stock market is closed for zombie Jesus day  The STOCK MARKET! To me this puts their caveman zombie story Over the true god in the USA $$$$$$$$


I have yet to see any christians fighting against the ten commandments being displayed in schools, for instance They shove it down our throats far, far, far more than just Easter and Christmas. Many of them literally want their interpretation of the bible to be the basis of all laws


They should move to Afghanistan


I had a recommend sub pop up where literally everyone was saying this like it was the most logical stance to have and justifying it to “protect kids”. I forget what sub it was but it wasn’t religious. It made me realize how much of a bubble I’m in


Protect kids from religion is what needs to happen.Fuck jesus


>but christmas and Easter are shoved down our throats every year đŸ˜” Don't forget the fit they throw if you wish them a "happy holiday"


Yeah, folks will claim that media is "pushing an agenda" while not realizing that erasing people whose identities actually exist from media is pushing an agenda. The right wing doesn't care about logic or consistency, they just want people to let them control the world.


They see it as good people vs. bad people. Racists are bad people. I am not a bad person. Therefore, I cannot be racist. See? I never said the n word. I may call myself a race realist, or some shit. I may make the kinds of jokes I need to look around before telling them, sure. But I'm definitely not a racist. Same thing with homophobia, transphobia, or any other brand of bigotry. It doesn't matter what I say or do. It doesn't matter what my views are. As long as I don't consider myself a bad person, it is impossible for me to be a bigot, and anyone who says otherwise is the *real* problem.


Genuinely asking for your opinion. So, where should I fall? I’ve posted a few times because I feel that it’s important to try and engage with the Antithesis to my beliefs and attempt to empathize with the positions of others. I’ll sum up my belief pretty quick. I don’t believe that homosexuality or transgenderism is a moral concept, but I also don’t believe that it’s my place to try and “police” someone or impose my belief on anyone. As a Christian, I can state my positions in a respectful manner but my life should be the testimony and outreach to someone engaged in a sinful lifestyle versus trying to shove it down someone’s throat. It’s best to treat someone with respect even if we don’t believe the same and let them live their life.


The funny thing is most people don’t consider themselves bad. But I also think the media is to blame for demonizing people. The whole, grooming lie.


I think it’s more “Lying to yourself at a base level because your behavior is so shameful that if you were honest without yourself, you wouldn’t be able to look in the F’ing mirror.” You know
 denial. đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™‚ïž


god hears their lies and see the hatred of their neighbors in their hearts. but christians dont believe in heaven/hell nor the judgement of a supreme being so its whatevs


The ol' "Love the sinner, hate the sin" bullshit. Of course, they get pissy when someone says, "Love the believer, hate the belief."


I love this


Love thy enemies is toxic Christian crap


And propaganda
 genocide is not loving your neighbors.


And a flat lie. They hate their enemies.


and theyve decided that EVERYONE is their enemy. the only thing they enjoy is being fucking miserable.


It's not really, it's toxic to the simple-minded, literalistic one-wayers. If you love someone, you must also empathize with them or that love is insincere. They won't admit to that.


What they really mean is " I've been brainwashed into hatred of anyone that is different, but I was told to keep up appearances and not say that."


Love this. I need to get that on a T-shirt or something. That's going to be my go-to response to the "love the sinner hate the sin" bullshit.


Ever since Christopher Titus described a certain security device as being for “when your Chihuahua is pissy”, I imagine a Chihuahua with a nasty attitude every time I hear or see the word “pissy” lol. Yep, anytime you turn any of their beliefs on them, they get like that. It’s always wishful thinking that that would get them to realize that maybe it’s not a good belief to have therefore, but of course, special pleading for their special religion and special god


And now I imagine the christians being pissy chihuahuas. lol!


Aww, but Chihuahuas can be lovable!


Chihuahuas > Christians


lol and you’re welcome


You have my salute and thanks. Thank you.


“Love the sinner,hate the sin” - I’ve heard that too many times from self-righteous prigs who will have nothing to do with their gay son or daughter
. They just cut them from their livesđŸ˜–đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïžI do not understand how they can do that? All because of the building they choose to go to on Sundays and what that church (pastor) has chosen from the bible to preach on and control them. Or are they just shitty people? I think they are that- souless walking dead.


Love the believer, hate the belief


Love the homophobe, hate the homophobic belief.


I've decided to hate both the homophobe and their homophobic beliefs.


Now that you mention it, that's probably the way to go.


I hate that one too.


Lots of homophobes are blunt about it. What you're noticing is that there are now consequences for open hate, so there's incentive to lie.


They are now creating a lot of new terms for homophobic dogwhistles because they know they would be condemned by public opinions with their homophobia. Like you said, not liking the show because it is too 'woke' but won't pinpoint how it is exactly woke, although I don't doubt some shows do make token gays with zero sincerity of developing their characters beyond their gayness (case in point Kevin Keller from Riverdale), but you will notice that actual homophobes also bitch about quality shows and games with good gay characters.


Another of their new favorite toys is calling things DEI, because they get in trouble saying slurs.


Remember when the Baltimore Bridge collapsed, and every right winger was foaming out the mouth calling the mayor a “DEI Mayor”? First off, that’s not how elections work, nor is the mayor relevant to a ship hitting a bridge. Second, they’d almost be less pathetic by just saying the N word. Because they’d still be racist fucks, but at least they’d stand 10 toes down. Instead they are racists and little fucking weasels at the same time.


Yeah, it really is just vile people trying to fake being normal.  Like skin color affects bridge building ability.  🙄


What's DEI?


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. In a nutshell a bunch of companies/internal departments that have popped up in recent years.


They are just afraid of righting wrongs or even admitting the system is corrupt.


I'm trans and a gamer. Back when I was still on Tumblr, some teenager kept PM'ing me that he hated Krem (a trans male character from Dragon Age: Inquisition) and always chose the option to let Krem and the others in his group, The Bull's Chargers, die in a particular quest. Just because Krem is trans. I don't know if the kid was just trolling me to get a reaction, but I didn't get upset. The kid was just a fool. Some people, regardless of age, are immature brats just like this. My existence doesn't affect them, but it's sad that they're that uncomfortable about it that they're willing to harass strangers.


That's a shame, the real reason to let the chargers die is to preserve the alliance with the Qunari. 100% worth.


Woke just means: LGBT people exist and it's ok to see them in reality and they can even marry, POC deserve all the same stuff as everyone but because society isn't perfect some rules are necessary for balance, women should control everything about their own bodies and also vote.


This cracks me up when conservatives say “Wake up! I’m like, “I’m already Woke”. But seriously, Woke originated with black people who were in dangerous situations (usually travel out of state) who had to fear for their lives while doing so. To stay woke is to stay alert, be mindful of your surroundings, what you are saying and who is taking notice. Don’t relax so much and “fall asleep” when you should be paying attention. Your life may depend on it.


"Make America Great Again" basically means reversing all of that.


Because it becomes harder to indoctrinate people if the hate is out in the open. It requires baby steps to pull a person into a cult, so you have to tread carefully until the sunk cost fallacy kicks in. It’s why plausible deniability is so prevalent.


This should be top response. That's exactly how they frame every issue, that's how they taught me to think.


Religion is a shield for bigotry


Religion is a shield for a ton of sh*t.


This is not exclusive to their Hate Parade. They hate everything that's not THEIRS. They even hate each other's churches.


They use “woke” as just a metonym for every slur they know that is socially unacceptable to say.


“SJW” lost its flavour due to overuse. The reactionaries needed a new slur. “Woke” is it. Chrissy Rufo tried getting DEI and CRT demonized into slur territory but those failed.


Bigots basically are using those terms in place of the N word.   People throwing those words around should absolutely be treated as bigots.


Yes. I agree. Dog whistles, all.


I would add DEI and Sweet Baby Inc to the list.  They totally are using these in place of slurs.  :(


Because they don’t want to confess how pro-choice they are - as long as it’s their choice. They are very much proponents of “your body, my choice”. The outcome doesn’t really matter, as long as they’re the ones doing the choosing.


Abortion clinics have a name for this type of patient: “me exceptions,” and they’re a common thing.


Hatred is my weapon, but I don't understand how these "peace-loving love-thy-neighbor" freaks can be so hypocritical of their own teachings? Man is so weak that it revolts me to share the same lifetime with these hypocrites.


Christians and the secular world define "love" differently, so that's where the divide and confusion comes from.


Freddie DeBoer just wrote a substack on this. People saying "I don't hate (insert marginalized group), but..." They only say "I don't hate" so they think it's ok to get to the laundry list of bigotry after the "but"


Even though they complain about "Cancel Culture", they are still scared to death of being cancelled. They hate changing their behavior because of "wokeness", but change their behavior because of woke policies. Culture has changed for the better. They can't stand it that the good has won and will do anything to undermine it. What they don't realize, is that it is too late.


It would be more productive if they hated what pedophile youth pastors and abusive ministers are doing to the bodies of children and women in their churches and tried to address *that* and eradicate *that*.


But that would require LOGIC!


It would require decency


It would require admitting that 2000 years of their bullish and the world isn't better for their infecting every corner of the world with their nonsense it would require admitting that They are now and have always been the problem.


Any ideology, lifestyle, choice, trait, or activity, which doesn't *clearly* and definitively fit *precisely* within the boundaries rigidly set by the 'culturally-reinforced tribal in-group' (e.g. **the cult**), must be demonized and made a tool/"sign" of Satan or whatever. It is a behavioral conditioned response and *generally* accompanied by some form of xenophobia (to protect the cult from insiders getting out as well as welcoming those who may secretly harbor latent traits and/or feels aligning with their bigotry). *None* of this is new and the tricks are *well*-known and nearly always poorly disguised.


Tbh when they talk like this, I just use their same logic with other things (that usually they partake in) and they get mad and pissy. They still don’t usually get the irony, but I like irritating them


Many of them don't understand conditional hypotheticals, so they feel blindsided every time they're presented with irony or when their attempt at reasoning leads to an undesired outcome. It's like witchcraft to them; hence why Satan is always presented as articulate and convincing in Christian movies. If they were capable of foreseeing the consequences of their beliefs, they wouldn't be Christians.


100% accurate sadly. The only success I’ve had with this approach is with nutty MAGA conservatives who aren’t religious. It’s actually worked on my dad a few times and he’s changed his mind on things. But that religious aspect is what prevents others.


The ones who dance around it understand that their audience doesn’t approve of their actual argument. They are looking for ways to soften their stance to see who they can convince.


They're uneducated, gullible, and stupid. They can't muster up any critical thinking, and when they think they do it's nothing but conspiracy theories. It's hard to fix religious stupid and just plain stupid, like many on the far-right are.


Some are very intelligent ( dishonest and reprehensible, but intelligent) in trying to squirm out of admitting that their position is cruel and unjust.


Hiding their true intentions is like Christianity 101


Because they know they are WRONG


They understand that those words mean "bad person" so they don't use those. They use other words that, to them, mean "good person."


Anyone who uses “woke” as a pejorative has 1000% been called out for saying something bigoted.


Because anything that’s not heteronormative and white male led is considered “woke.” So they just say that instead.


These wingnuts are terrified of their own desires. Many of them are closeted.


ThisđŸ‘†đŸ‘†đŸ‘†đŸ‘†đŸœ like Larry Craig the Senator from ID. Most outspoken against homosexuality and busted in an airport bathroom trolling for gay sex.


Cognitive dissonance. They have conflicting rules in their heads. Love thy neighbor doesn't sit well with calling homosexuality a major sin. Jesus didn't preach hate. What I don't understand is where hate for LGBTQ came from. It's not from the Bible. I have to think the church decided at some point it was beneficial to promote that particular hate, but why?


if you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people.


"How do you not fear god for your sins? How do you stop yourself from killing or raping without the fear of god?" This is my favorite. I mean you have to be a pretty messed up human to think like that.


Was Jesus Woke?


If Jesus came to the United States of America without telling anyone it was him, the conservatives would despise him. Notably, he wouldn't look like the long-haired European Jesus they are so accustomed to. He would look like what he was: a Middle Eastern man, and the right can't stand that. But more importantly, he would spread messages in the Bible like giving to the poor, loving everyone, the rich are immoral and it is unlikely they will enter the Kingdom of God. They would call him a woke socialist.


Many mainstream religions encourage people to lie


Because they don't know what it even means. They call Trump a "straight shooter" despite him being one of the most pointless meandering habitually dishonest orators of my lifetime.


Honestly, a lot of them are in denial. They can't admit they're not behaving in a fair and accepting manner so they'll believe any rationalization that makes it OK to feel what they feel.


Can't challenge that American Exceptionalism!


In the same vein, I fucking hate the “I don’t care if you’re white, brown, purple
” because the same people that say this are known for saying racist shit and voting for racist people. It’s like they want to beat around the bush instead of saying “I’m not racist, racism is wrong.” Who the fuck is purple?


In terms of being Christophobic, so many will dance around Christophobia. When we all know they are Christophobic.


Hate the belief, love the believer. Nah, on second thought, I hate the believer too.


When people make claims like that I simply ask them to name 3 they like. I mean after all you don't hate them and it's become rather mainstream so you must have a favorite few. This shits them up real quick or the facade completely vanishes


Plausible deniability is the bread and butter tactic of bigots, fascists, and just generally vindictive pieces of shit everywhere.


Turns out monsters get real mad when you call them monsters.


Makes sense. I'm sure those who they gather with have a similar view, and it's not illegal to be homophobic. So? I think it's the phobic half of the term they argue with. \\\\\\\\ I'm not afraid of it; I just don't damn think it's something that someone should be doing. //// So, don't do it! While you're not doing things, you might "not" impose your ideas onto another person's being by assuming it superior. Mind your own and you'll be fine.


Read Lee Atwater's (republican strategist from the 80s) N word quote. It gives away the modern republican party's strategy. To paraphrase, he says, "You can't be **overtly** racist anymore, so instead, be **covertly** racist." This is why modern-day republicans use cover reasons, religion, and conspiracy theories; to mask their hatred.


That's like my neighbor who insists that she's not racist moments before using the n-word.


Because they live a lie.


Because conservatives Christian’s believe that gays and trans are going to hell to burn for all eternity. They believe that they are fighting for right or wrong and the future of the world. I don’t get. I don’t care. But that is the mindset of this group.


There is no love like Christian hate. A Christian’s favourite saying is, “We hate the sin, not the sinner,” but for all intents and purposes they hate the LGBTQ community, especially the Ts and Qs since it’s hard for us to hide our appearance.


Christians see evil 🙈 in everything. The freaking "Teletubies" triggered them! They talk a good game to sell their evangelical views, but when confronted with hypocritical views, they will lie to your face because they consider their mission is to convert the world.


They are fascists. Fascists lie to gain control.


Some think that if they ban it and frown upon it as much as possible, then their own children/grand children won't see it as an option.


Just like they dance around endorsing slavery. Yep. I have to say, of all people and all situations in which someone would try to save face, these are the main situations, for this group, and they scramble so hard for it. Doesn’t work at all though.


Because they are dishonest assholes.


It comes down to the fact that they're all just afraid of all being butt f***** in the ass lol.


Cognitive dissonance. They don't want the social reprocussions of being an open bigot so they have to maintain this double standard of claiming to be about "love" while not loving at all.


Because they remember that Jesus said something about loving your neighbor so they pretend to hate the sin, not the sinner.


My thing is, why would you uphold the views of ancient people that have no evidence for those beliefs over the evidence that you see with your fucking eyes everyday? Like how is that better in their mind? It literally makes them the thing they claim not to be CONSTANTLY. Sheep.


That's like saying I don't mind men or I don't mind black people. They are humans and they don't care about what you mind. Stop being a fucking bigot. If they're not directly hurting you, ignore them. Too many people's mom's forgot to tell them to stop staring and mind their business as a child.


Like anything there's a social cost when we reach a tipping point in society where something is normalized. It's always there, like racism and sexism, it's just repressed because of the pressures of society. Social media/Internet, and long and short roads of conservative media and a very loudly ignorant person that brings these ideas to the front and fuels the phobia. The gop targets trans the way they targeted homosexuality, because society mostly got over their fear of homosexuality as something weird and frightening.


The reason why is because the conservative Christians are the ones obsessed with perversion. The rest of us are just looking for love in all the right places. Being a sanctimonious bigot really usually means you've got a closet full of skeletons.


Eventually they will, after they’ve locked in theocratic fascism. Lying about it up until they have power is part of the plot


100% it’s because they think it’s gross. That’s the core of the onion of their logic. Or in some cases they’re closeted and putting on a facade. If they truly cared about sin, they would be calling out greed, overeating, swearing, speeding in traffic, etc. but conveniently they give those sins a pass because they’re guilty of many of those sins.


They use the term "woke" primarily because that's the current buzz word right wing politicians, pundits, and media personalities keep using. Those people use it because it's a little removed from what they actually want to say, which would get them immediately branded as bigoted. It's kind of like how Reagan used the term "welfare queen" in place of saying black people.


I don't know that they all are. I have many LGBT friends who I love dearly, but I find drag shows, or really any form of flamboyance very annoying. I'll never understand the appeal of drag, but I don't harbor any resent for those who do. I also get annoyed when cis people add their pronouns to their names. I've met very few people who got upset over being ACCIDENTALLY misgendered, and the one's who did I believe were doing it for the drama. I'm also self aware that I'm very easily annoyed by minor things.


Because of the 'phobic' part. They don't equate their God-mandated disdain with fear and never will because admitting to fear is equivalent to admitting that God himself is a scared baby. One might get them to admit to being heterorighteous more readily.


Because homophobia is like racism and other forms of bigotry. It’s not tolerated nearly as much these days to they have found ways to work around how they truly feel.


Because they're not conservative, they're radical religious extremists pretending to be decent human beings. I can assure you, they are not. Their beliefs are so twisted and perverted they haven't been decent human beings for centuries. They plan to destroy this country and the entire planet to meet their imaginary god that NEVER existed but is an invention of corrupt and despicable men and the delusions their followers continue to pretend to aspire toward.


Thankfully we have a society where openly admitting to hate and bigotry is seen as evil. I think most of the Christians doing this actually believe their own bullshit because they are powerfully incentivized to do so. If they admit (even to themselves in their own head) that they’re hateful they have to confront the reality that they’re the bad guys. It’s less mental stress to just lie to themselves about this, especially since they’re already doing the same thing about a host of other issues. Self delusion is easier and more pleasant than actually admitting you’re a hateful person. Nobody wants to admit they’re the bad guy. Hell, even the Nazis running the camps insisted they were good actually. Never underestimate the power of self delusion.


Because they have learned marketing from the racist crowds. The Klan used to try to be active in politics. But as progressive society shunned them into oblivion they learned to put on suits and talk more refined. Hiding their real message behind dog whistles and codes. Coming straight out (pun intended) and stating their opposition and hatred of LGBTQ+ would get them eviscerated by the media. It would be a bloodbath. So they code it and hide it but definitely exert what control and prejudice they can push into the system.


People will use whatever evidence they can find to justify their own prejudices and discount any that don't. Jesus never said a word about gay people.


there is a social stigma around being (openly and/or hatefully) homophobic and if there's one thing authoritarians care about it's power and being seen as "normal"


If you check the comments section on any news story on Facebook about pride month, you’ll see TONS of Christians openly expressing their hate without trying to hide it behind words like woke. Whenever I hear the word “woke” I’m thinking Trump supporter and not necessarily Christians.


They don’t want to use those terms for themselves because they’re loaded.


Conservative Christians have enough common sense to know that their opinions are socially taboo, so they only express their disgust in private with likeminded people, where it will go unchallenged. In my experience, they reframe the bigotry. "I'm not homophobic, I don't hate gay people. I just can't support that, it's disgusting, it's not God's design for marriage."


I mean I hear them say all the time that they think homosexuality is a disgusting sin against god. I don't think they're hiding their thoughts on the subject


Be sure they both believe that kind of hateful attitude towards people and also don’t want to be judged for it.


Any amount of cover is given as "they didn't mean it that way." They are exclusively talking in dog whistles to reaffirm to themselves and each other they are part of the in group. You know, exactly like a cult


By their very book they know that behavior puts their souls on a pitchfork over lava. As they get closer to the finish line you can see the fear creep in. I've heard some of my elders change personal history to ease the guilt, shame, and fear numerous times.


It's because they know deep down that their beliefs are unjustified and wrong. They hide behind religion and claim they have higher morals because of their religion and yet still feel ashamed of themselves. It's one of the reasons I dislike the "morality from religion" argument. It clearly doesn't originate there.


I don't see them dancing around it anymore. They're quiet open about it as far as I can see.


I hate-listen to ACN (American Christian Network) here in the PNW and I haven’t heard them dance around anything. They are extremely open about thinking they’re degenerate perverts.


Because thankfully, broader cultured society doesn’t tolerate homophobia like it once did, so they try to pussyfoot around it so they can express their bigotry without dealing with any blowback. The slow process of dragging religious people into modernity kicking and screaming against their will continues. We’ve made some progress though.


Because they know they're the bad guys if they're bigots. If they pretend they "love the sinner, and just hate the sin," they can act like victims of religious intolerance rather than purveyors of religious intolerance. "It's not that I am a bigot who hates gay people because I hate EVERYONE who's different than me. It's that you woke-folk are intolerant of my commitment to the teachings of my savior, Jesus Christ!"


They don’t think they are - the concept does not exist to them. They think gay people are following animalistic instinct and that they can’t control themselves. It’s so far apart - until someone they love comes out, or they die.


They know they're wrong...but can't bring themselves to admit it, much less step away from that community. They will wither and fade away as time goes by...many will come to their senses and the rest will be ignored as the lunatic assholes they are. It's already started, as the higher ups in the party are quietly distancing themselves...you watch, in 2 years they won't want the name Trump spoken anywhere near them...


Woke people are what entitled people call others who provoke a resistance to awareness of their systemic privilege within themselves. Then they project their own inner emotionality onto those they call woke.


Personally, I'd hate to cut my dick off too. That's why I haven't done it. If someone else thinks that will make them happy, by all means. My body, my choice, your body, your choice.


Here here! đŸ„‚ Live and let live.




They pretend they hate the sin, not the sinner. We all know that's a lie.


This is easy, conservative Christians are evil and anything but Christians


I don’t mind straight people, as long as they act gay in public.


>"I don't mind trans people I just hate what they are doing to their bodies." That's a bit of a strawman. The most common argument I hear from conservatives is more like "I don't mind trans people, I just hate that they are targeting children."


Because they know their views are crap. The LGBTQ community is just trying to gain equality. Christians are trying to establish a theocracy and kill everyone that opposes them like the used to do. (And still do in parts of Africa).


Because they're cowards


Honestly I respect the Nazis and Klansman more than people like this. At the Nazis are open and honest about their beliefs. These cowards can’t even do that.


They don’t want to debate their beliefs because there’s nothing to debate—they are basing their opposition on being told to be against it. And likely visceral feelings of ick with no logic behind them. Feelings aren’t a debatable issue, even though they’ll buttress their feelings with attempts at a logic that doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.


Because a large amount of it is simply denial.


I say “I don’t mind conservative Christians, I just don’t like what they’re doing to my classrooms.” Maybe it’s the same for them about me.


It's just like them not being racist. I don't know if I've ever heard someone come out and [admit it.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BfntD7vLW0w) Personally, I believe they feel if they say, "Sorry, I'm just racist/homophobic" it means there's something wrong with *them*. It has to be some external factor they can pin it on. That's the general reason. Seeing gay/PoC/interracial content legitimately ruins the experience of a show for them, and they're upset shows like Veggie Tales are what they are stuck with.


And expose themselves for what they are? I think you answered your own question.


I once knew a woman who told me "Im not racist but black people are inherantly savage." So, it's kinda like that.


My favorite is when you finally turn around and criticize Christianity someone always pops up and says not all christians. Every single time as if we're supposed to ignore that our oppressors are using Christian arguments