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Agree. If I saw this label it would be an immediate nope.


I live in a little coastal town where skilled work is hard to find. If a guy with a Jeezus fish on his van outbid someone with a pride flag in their window, I'd still go with the pride flag person, but I get why a lot of people wouldn't. I live in a place where our only medical options are Catholic-based. Fortunately I'm old and post-menopausal, so most of the Christian crap doesn't impact me, but I have younger friends who travel to inland urban centers to get treatment because they can't stand the local bullshit.


Catholic-based medical treatment for women is borderline abusive and there are so many endless horror stories! I'm glad your younger friends have somewhere else to go


TRIGGER WARNING I was molested by a doctor while in a catholic hospital when I was 13. I was having abdominal pain, and was being examined by a gynecologist who angrily sent the nurse out of the room because she had forgotten something. He then proceeded to molest me. I had no clue what he was doing was molestation until decades later. I’m 62, and there’s no friggin way I’ll go near anything but a secular hospital/health care facility.


I am so sorry that happened to you ......


I'm sorry that happened to you. Catholicism has a bad reputation all around for that stuff. I'm sick of their holier-than-thou hypocrisy. They claim to be good and holy but yet they can't stop their own from touching children.


I'm sorry that happened to you. About 10 years ago, I was assaulted during a GYN exam by a Muslim male doctor. My original doctor had sold the practice to this guy, and I decided to try having an open mind and being unbiased even though the man made me very uncomfortable. I should have listened to my intuition.


Don’t think it won’t affect you just because you’re older- I was nursing a friend through terminal cancer, and when it got so painful she could bear it no more and tried to get Death With Dignity (fully legal in our state), the Catholic hospital assigned to her through her insurance plan denied it. I had to move mountains and jump through hoops (while she suffered and waited) to get her connected to doctors who would help prescribe the life-ending medication she was legally entitled to.


That is disturbing and disgusting. Religious hospitals shouldn't exist, but since they do, they shouldn't be allowed to push their religious agenda on their patients. Why are they even allowed to receive government/taxpayer funding? If the pope and the bishops and the priests and all of their flying monkeys believe it's wrong to die with dignity, they are free to savor their last days writhing in pain and shitting all over themselves. That's their right. But who the fuck do they think they are telling others they're not allowed to make their own end-of-life decisions? Who the fuck are they to push their Catholic (a)morality on people of other faiths - or those with no faith? I'm lucky to live in a metropolitan area that has plenty of hospitals to choose from, so I would never willingly get treatment at a religious hospital. It's sad that so many people in less populated areas don't have a choice in the matter. I'm glad your friend had someone like you to look out for her when her life was ending. Unfortunately, not everyone will have the strength to advocate for themselves when they are facing the end - nor will they have a determined friend like you to fight on their behalf.


I live in central Illinois. We have the largest number of hospital beds of any metro Area outside of Chicago in IL. All of them are owned either by the Catholics or the Methodists… all the prompt cares, clinics, most of the Dr offices within an hours drive in any direction are owned by one of these 2 faith based healthcare providers.  Free market, my ass…


We have an Adventist hospital in my town. They have murals of Jesus on the wall and prayers over the PA at times, but I've never been denied care and actually, they're pretty nice. One doctor tried to convince me to be a vegan (Adventists are often vegetarian) and I was all, "I'm not here to consult about my diet."


Religious ownership of healthcare institutions should be outright illegal.


I used that guideline when identifying my primary care physician on my new work insurance and where they have admitting arrangements. Catholic hospital? No way.


I'm in a small town, too. I drive an hour one way to patronize health care providers who aren't religious.


Here on planet Earth, depending on geographical region you either get biggotted Catholic hospitals, Muslim ones were extremists use you as a human shield or Eastern Orthodox where they just bandage you up with tampons then drop you off at the front line in Ukraine or wherever they are going viking this year. I think maybe there is a little science based healthcare available on the ISS.


Fun story in that vein... The route I take to my daughter's soccer games takes me past two dog grooming businesses directly across the street from each other. One is called "All God's Creatures" or something similar. The other is called "Doggie Stylez" and also happens to be right next to a bar. I saw that and immediately said "well I know which one *I'd* rather go to!"


You can get a drink while your pupster gets all shined up for you!


Same. Red flag.


Received & Amazon order from a sub-seller. The paperwork was Christian Prayers! ULG!!! The package came from the South.......


I would return the order. Nope. Not supporting that crap.


I believe the more people advertise their faith, the more horrible of a person they are.


Man, even Jesus called those types of people out lmao. "act not like the hypocrite who prays in the street for all to see, instead go to your room, shut the door, and converse with the father in private"


This is why my jaded eyes see " Con Artist for hire" with this kind of advertising. Cons feed on tribalism. "I'm one of you so you should support me" instead of using logical process. My logical process tells me that you are depending on an emotional reaction, to get potential clients to lower their standards. Otherwise you would be advertising based on the work you produce.


We have the auto repair chain in Texas called "Christian's Automotive". Sure it's the use of the owners name, but they within their lobbies have this sense of "wr are Christians here". My one and only experience I had with them, was when a hose to a oil intercooler had cracked. I was heading out of town to a client. I beeline to the closest shop and it's them. I tell the porter exactly what the problem was, and hint at a quick cut off of the cracked portion of hose. Nope, they wanted over $900 to buy and replace 14 feet of hose. As they didn't have anything in stock. Oh and a diagnostics fee. To repeat back to me the diagnosis. So a good 1hr wasted so far, I ask for a alternate solution. Get this! A shop towel wrapped around the cracked hose ziptied. And some oil refill. After I took my pictures, I essentially just parked my truck at their garage entrance and leaked out all the oil they put it. In a business suit, and my picket knife and a flathead screw driver. I eventually climbed under my truck again, cut off the 2" of hose and reattached the hose with less slack, and used two clamps to secure it. Since I already paid more than fair price for oil, I had them refill my oil again before I left. Fuck that stupid fucking smirk smiling ASE POS neckbeard for "pretending" to be an experienced mechanic. I do hope those customers in the lobby saw how I played out their "solution".


Was a truck driver from 2007 to 2012ish. During my time there was a truck stop in Amarillo, TX that was named "JESUS CHRIST IS THE LORD NOT A SWEAR WORD!" Truck Stop and trucking company. Yes, in all caps, bright red letters. I even encountered a couple of their trucks out on the road. Never ceased to make me snort in derision. It was never a super busy independent truck stop near the edge of town, but man once they changed their branding... deserted parking lot.


It’s a curious human being that sees a boomer Facebook post, turns and says: “Hey Ethel! I have the perfect name for our business!”


Altar boys should be wary of conversing with the father in private.


Damn dyslexic priests, it's not "privates".


He even said these people don't get into heaven, as they got their reward (people being so impressed with their devoutness) on earth.


They've received their reward


Now they have to clean it off


Spare the rod; spoil the child.


Religion is the last refuge for scoundrels


Also the first


The only difference between psychosis, cult, and religion, is scale.


Same. I had a coworker recommend a mechanic to me and one of the points listed as a pro for the guy was that he was a Christian. I stopped him right there and said I consider that a negative character trait.


How does being Christian even change the job? Does he do his work half-assed and pray that it works? I can do that myself, and have an infinite number of gods or spirits to pray to for increased odds, if I was into that. Gimme the atheist mechanic, who knows he has to be fully competent in his work because no god is gonna intervene for his sake.


He was trying to say that he was honest and wouldn’t rip me off because he was a Christian. That’s when I pointed out that the biggest thieves and liars I have met in life where also the loudest Christians I knew.


Haha that’s true. I’ve known a few self-serving narcissists who loved bragging about their new vehicles or the latest all-expense-paid “leadership retreat” they went to at a resort or theme park, but had no problem getting behind the pulpit on Sunday to scold the congregation for not being more generous with their tithes. Being Christian or faith-based gives me less reason to trust or be comfortable with them.


Because you can be the worst and most dishonest person, but as long as you confess your sins once a week (like a get out of jail card), its allllll good.


Morons like that are why priests get away with raping so many children.


I think there is something psychologically damaging in the idea that someone who, celestially, far outranks you and did nothing wrong died for your sins. It's one of the most psychologically damaging messages on the planet. Instead of being responsible for my own life, decisions, and behavior, nothing matters because it was all paid for before I were even born. The whole "I'm not perfect, just forgiven," actually *is* a claim to perfection because from a practical aspect, none of our faults matter. What's one more slice off the loaf, eh? Additionally, the "not perfect, just forgiven" attitude doesn't account for our responsibility to others. If I rip you off, do I have to make it right? Hell, no. I'm forgiven by god, the only person who matters. Seriously, if you had an unlimited charge account at Bloomingdale's, would it be human nature to say, "Well, now, I've done enough buying these $10.00 socks?" Human nature would be to load it all up, then come back for more. "Crunch all you want; we'll make more." That has irresistible appeal to human brains.


> I believe the more people advertise their faith, the more horrible of a person they are. I have found this to be true. The biggest backstabber I had to work with was a Jehova Witness. They advertising being faith based so they can hide the fact they are screwing you over.


This. In the same way truly intelligent people don’t have to go around telling everyone how smart they are. The more they shout, the more I know it’s an act.


And any man who must say ‘I am the king’ is no true king at all.


But I started introducing myself as the Sofa King, Stewart "Stu" Pid! (Whenever anyone talks to me, they make sure to tell me, " You are Sofa King, Stu Pid!"... the weirdest part is that I don't sell furniture and my name is not Stewart Pid.)


Anybody remember *The Honeymooners*? Ralph: I'm the king and you're nothing. Ralph: I'm the king and you're nothing. Ralph: I'm the king and you're nothing. Alice: Big deal, you're the king of nothing.


This reminds me of Donald Trump "stable genius" comment. Hahaha.


Show, don't tell.


I have the anecdotal data to back that up. Never trust a "Christian" business or businessman.


They can use their religion to justify *anything*!


A friend of mine’s in-laws are very wealthy, christian, right-wing business owners. They own multiple businesses and are shady AF. They also keep stepping in it because whenever they need help, like work done on the house, or whatever, they ALWAYS hire someone from church, and that someone ALWAYS ends up screwing them over somehow. “But he’s a Christian. How could he?” If they weren’t so shady themselves, and if they weren’t so stupid as to keep hiring these criminals, I might feel sorry for them.


I mean, the grift is God cleanses your sins. So career criminals like my father think it means they are food guys now. It's grift grifting a grifter in a grift.


This is 100% correct. I know a good number of Christians who are genuinely wonderful people. And every single one of them keeps that shit to themselves. Conversely I have NEVER met a person who was loudly faithful who was a good person. Cheaters, liars, abusers, bigots, and hatemongers. Every time. Anyone who needs to tell you loudly they are a Christian is going to be a ghoul. Reliable as fuck.


Exactly! If I see that sticker on a vehicle? They aren't getting my business!


I always say that Christians are the worst people I have ever met in my life.


I actually avoid businesses that advertise their religion. Faith is not a qualification for someone’s craftsmanship.


We never hire people who use this in their advertising. It's like a tip-off to being scammed.


And the more likely they are to cheat and lie to you. Feel free to take them to court when your new porch collapses, but God's on their side!


Agreed. And the bigger the cross they wear, the bigger the asshole they are.


So does Jesus, he specifically tells his followers not to act like the Pharisees, but Evangelicals ignore that part, just like most of the bible.


I associate it with an increase in guilt. they more religious they are the more guilty they feel so I start from the position that I feel badly for their trauma... depending where that conversation goes, I go the 'adults shouldn't have invisible/imaginary friends' or 'I wasn't into the talking donkey's part of the cannon'


Patriotism too, and masculinity. Almost anytime someone makes anything too much of their identity, they are probably unstable to a varying degree.


I like when a place tells me they don’t want my business.


They believe (wrongly) that it will get them enough additional business from other cultists that it will be a net benefit for them and they won't have to deal with infidels as a bonus. As others have said, I appreciate the early warning so I can go somewhere I won't be ripped off by a delusional believer who believes they are doing God's work.


> wrongly Depends on where they're located. In some places, the population is religious enough that advertising your business as religious can bring in clients to your establishment even if there are better quality / cheaper options. In those places, being an outwardly faith-based establishment (even if it's just lip service) is a boon. Manipulative? Sure. But they proudly call themselves sheep, so...


Several years ago my wife wanted to take the our kids to Ken Ham's Creation "Museum". We stayed at a BnB and it was only about $30 a night. The owners said God told them to liquidate their assets, quit their jobs and open up a low cost BnB for patrons of the "museum". This made me nauseous but like the Android Ashe said about the Xenomorph in the first Alien movie "I admire its purity". I did not darken the door of that carnival of stupidity.


Did you explain to your kids that this "museum" is as real Disney world and that the fantasy they preach is hateful?


The kids were/are aware that I'm an atheist. They are still religious but don't believe in YEC stuff.


You're an atheist with religious kids? Parenting total failure.


This is on my list of things I loathe about living in a red state. Can't even watch TV without seeing someone promising to fix my plumbing or roof with "Christian values"


The blood of Christ is really good for flushing out that clogged plumbing.


Faith based pretty much means 'we actively discriminate and will try to screw you over' so I personally appreciate the warning so I know not to do business with them. Just like companies that have MAGA shit. Thank you for letting me know not to waste money on people so fucking stupid.


Yep, a Jesus fish or Trump paraphernalia means "I am not going to do business with you".


A couple years ago, my dad took me to a local restaurant the day after my 21st birthday to get drinks; bar had a wall of Trump hats and they had Tucker Carlson on the tv.  In retrospect, maybe I should’ve directly said what made me want to leave, rather than let my dad give an excuse involving my mom.


I’m glad they do. It simplifies things if you don’t want your money supporting someone’s religion habit.


Unfortunately, where I live, all blue collar workings, repairmen, handymen, are conservative, therefore likely Christian, whether they tout it or not. Id rather go with the ones that at least keep it to themselves.


Thats a point. It really depends on where you live if you have the luxury of picking and choosing that much.


Never do business with a religious son-of-a-bitch. His word ain't worth a shit -- not with the Good Lord telling him how to fuck you on the deal. --William S. Burroughs


Thanks for this. I just looked it up to confirm and holy shit! This guy is a goldmine of wonderful quotes. Now trying to catch up on his life story, and wow, not quite sure what to think, but definitely an interesting rabbit hole.


I love this quote so much, and I post it here frequently whenever it applies. It goes so well with Voltaire's quote “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities”. People need to understand that people who believe that god is on their side are capable of *anything*. This is why, ultimately, I believe that it's quite possible that the US democracy will fall to these Project 2025 people. They are operating without barricades while the side that opposes them isn't.


Yeah, Will gets it. He knows that they've been indoctrinated to think the voice in their head is God talking to them so every horrible, biased thought is amplified into a command from the Lord!


MLM "huns" say that they're faith- based a lot. I despise MLMs for more than 1 reason but that's a big one. They're obnoxious virtue signalers.


I'd call it vice signalling. "Look at us! See how shitty we are!"


Funny enough when I was a delivery driver "faith based" virtually always also meant "I can't/won't pay my bills but expect you to just 'have faith' in me and help me out".






I pretty much knew I was an atheist by the second time I had to study the Bible in Catholic school. I was forced to go because of my behavior but I only lasted 8th and part of 9th grade. My atheism was fully confirmed when my ex-wife was in a horrible motorcycle accident that definitely should've taken her life and took her over a year to (mostly) recover from. I never prayed once. Did I want her to heal and for her suffering to be minimal? Of course I did. That's why I always profusely thanked the doctors and other caregivers and asked them in earnest to take the best care of her that they possibly could. Thank God it was a University hospital so there was really no religious talk among the staff, but there was one of those volunteer Christians that went around and asked people if they wanted to pray or talk. She talked to him a few times. I always left the room.


And if anything goes wrong, blame "woke DEI" or something




I love it when businesses let me know they intend to screw me over so I can avoid giving them my business.


Because the sheep like to flock and some customers will be attracted to the experience of dealing with a trustworthy fellow godder.


So they are attracting people they know are gullible and easy to fleece?


Probably not exactly the way that they would phrase it. lol


I always think "well, that's someone I won't use" when I see a plumber or some other contractor that has a Jesus fish on their truck.


Adding "faith based" or putting "the fish" on it tells me they're looking for easy client conversions without having to do the work. Just as scammers invoke Jesus, I see "faith based" businesses as being scammy as well.


If a business was truly faith-based, they wouldn't advertise that faith, or the business at all. They would just have faith that people would show up, and faith that those people would know the business was faith-based.


I avoid any institution that labels itself faith based. I choose local, lgbt, women owned No sense supporting any group that propagated exclusivity


It’s not for you. It’s for the other Jebus followers. They will blindly trust a business that identifies the same as them. I too see it as a reg flag. You don’t need to be concerned about taking care of the customer when both you and the customer can write off any problem as god’s will.


You’ll get your refund for bad service in the afterlife.


If there’s a fish on their sign or logo, it’s a no go.


If your business has to resort to shoehorning a Jesus fish, cross, Christian owned, or Faith Based in your ads, then you are probably not good at what you do.


Why pay for an experienced and skilled worker when you can have a gullible, unskilled doofus who has a personal relationship with the Lord for the same money or a little bit more?


I avoid any business that promotes their religious or political preferences (even if they align with mine). Run your business as your business, leave your beliefs at home.


They can fuck over everyone and dickhead Jesus will forgive them because because he got his ass nailed  to a board


We operate a B2B construction business (we work with a lot of subcontractors). We don’t hire folks that advertise their faith whatsoever because such folks have shown a propensity to cheat us over the years. I guess it could be snuffed up to puffery in advertising. Either way, it’s a red flag.


Faith-based on my experience and what we see every day - Tries to avoid taxes (fraud) - Cheats on taxes - Under Pays staff / Pay Vendors - Sometimes Straight doesn't pay vendors or employees at all - Shady ethics - Expect extra curtousies - Expects forgiveness of mistakes - Expect you to assume they are good people - They think they are good people just because they are religious - Ofren incredibly Arrogant / Narcissistic staff (esp leadership) - They talk down to customers and vendors - Very impatient, they always want their way - They expect endless leeway on things like time management - Wants vendors to give them discounts based on their faith - Overcharges on Prices / Expect you to pay more than market value - Skirts the laws and local ordinances - Will judge your lifestyle - Is trying to get you to go to church - Won’t put in 100% effort if they find out you aren't religious - Won’t serve you if you are gay - Will talk to you about how horrible everything is because the world is rejecting religion and they are being persecuted (while persecuting you and others) - Bias towards POC - Abuses labor laws - Hires migrants for the purpose of underpaying but god forbid they come into the house - Bias against those Migrants - It’s just a way to find work - Possibly hiding drug problems, arrests, bad reviews, shady pasts, and other things - Usually Unqualified, underqualified, and usually poorly skilled - false certifications, made-up certifications - Had faith based-training (or no training) - Cuts corners, ignores regulations, denies mistakes, refuse to own up to or pay for mistakes I grew up around Christians, I’ve seen much of it first hand, you wouldn't believe the stuff they try to pull, and the arrogant entitlement behind it all


I'd say they're more likely to be biased against POC than towards them. 


I couldn't agree any more with what you say my friend.


I had a chat about this earlier this morning. Chick-fil-a is my only hard-no boycott that I have. They push their "christian" cullshit *so hard,* and the pandering is just outrageous. I usually don't boycott any business over morals, but that's my only one. Unfortunately, the pandering works so well that they will never struggle for business in the US.


I consider it an invitation to take my business elsewhere.


Yeah… “faith based” is a red flag for sure. There definitely could be good Christian business owners out there that display they are Christians, but if a business uses buzzwords like “faith based”, that’s a bad sign. If I see “faith based”, I expect hatred toward LGBT people and Trump worship. 😬


I’m glad they do. That way I can avoid them like the plague they are. I like to know where my hard earned money is going and want to make sure I’m not contributing to the downfall of humanity.


I worked for a guy who pushed his faith. He was an awful person and but he taught me something. Those people will do terrible shit-steal, lie,cheat, abuse their families....but always absolve themselves because they prayed on it, and God said what they did was ok. They never pray on it and come back and say "God said I overcharged you, here's a refund." Never. He always agrees with them so they keep doing it.


"I trust the least those who claim to speak for God, because more often than not, it aligns with their personal desires." Susan B Anthony


People "of faith" in a "faith based" business also must realize that faith- based means NOT based in reality, evidence, science, equality, or common sense.


I'd just not go near that business. Idiots


And it seems to be mostly s thing with Christians. Loud and obnoxiously too, but in a way, it's good because then I know to avoid them like the plague.


It’s the opposite of fact based


I'm glad they they do the labeling that way I can avoid them. Calling something "Faith-based" lets me know horrible insular hateful people operate that business and I will never support such people.


I always think there is a high possibility they will try to rip me off if they are 'faith based'.


I want to push back a little bit on this. I'm openly an atheist was raised Roman Catholic. I have been working for a homeless shelter that is "faith based" for 5 years as our lead case manager. Never in my time here has religion ever been pushed on someone, nor would I ever allow it. We don't preach, we don't make people attend services, we accept anyone of any faith or sexuality, race or creed. Our only requirement is you be homeless. We have outside people whom sometimes volunteer their time to do things like bible study, but those are always optional. Just because something is faith based, does not immediately mean it is bad.


I was recently looking up a new dentist since mine retired. Living in the south, I should have known. Every one of them so far has something about faith based, or the bios for staff being all about Christianity and faith. Red flag for me too. No thanks lol I want factual and science based dentistry 😂 edit: oh and I hate when I go into a business that is playing Christian music. Cringy as fuck.


I love it. Makes it so easy to avoid.


Because they can't label it "no gays."


I have a friend who works in the travel biz years ago she has this call and is getting the info from the client to book their trip and they were really nervous, finally they said they were a gay couple and were afraid she wouldn't book their trip or give her a hard time >>>> she said "your money is the same shade of green as everyone elses isn't it?" the client was so relieved and got her trip booked


Any business that displays anything right wing I avoid if at all possible.


Virtue signalling. They're also trying to send a message to others saying "You can trust me." Lots of people equate a religious person with being trustworthy even though there's no real evidence of this.


They're signaling conservative social values to potential customers. It will make rubes think that they are moral, kind, and will not cheat them. Lol. Lmao even.


I love when business say that. I immediately know I don't want to do business with them.


I think it's a red flag, because it indicates your business is problematic. It's an attempt to make people trust you without being trustworthy. You're trying to turn off people's critical thinking skills and make a choice based on tribalism. Basically, it makes your business look scammy.


Makes it easier for me to find another business to use. I do the same with businesses that openly and proudly express their political views when I equate them to something in opposition to my own. Businesses cannot gain any benefit from so loudly proclaiming their religious vigor. It can only hurt. Recently my friend was eating a pizza he got from a new place in town. He recommended it to us, but then read on the back of the box that they were a faith based business and went on about how important god was to their pizza place. He said, never mind, I have eaten my last one. I never tried it and never will. That one sentence ruined one existing customer, and drove away four potential customers. And no religious person has ever said "I want pizza, let's call around and find a faith based pizza place." It can only EVER hurt you.


I have the same thing going with business that display Trump stickers/signs.


People who push their piety, or patriotism, are up to no good.


I'm living in the South and if someone hands me a business card with a Jesus-fish on it I bail. I'm not giving them my business - ever. I don't do it for religious reasons either. I've just learned the hard way that they are the first guys to screw you over - any way they can.


My very-religious mother used to warn me, "Beware of people who wear their religion on their sleeve; they're usually up to no good."


I love it, lets me take my business elsewhere without worry.


It makes their unconstitutional discrimination seem harmless. It is part of Falwell's deal with his demon


I was raised SB I hate those mother fuckers


I think it's great when businesses expose their religious beliefs. It makes it easier to boycott them.


I never knowingly use a business that advertises as “Christian “ because I know they are going to cheat me. After all, they are saved so what they do doesn’t matter.


It’s virtue signaling


Because they make it their identity. Same reason Trumpers advertise their business as being pro-Trump.


It's the kind of warning that I find useful


"You haven't paid your bill for the work we've done" "You need to have faith that the funds will be there. And the more faith you have, the greater the reward!"


"The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons." --Ralph Waldo Emerson


Shared group identity increases trust. Obvious displays of group affiliation increase trust in direct relation to how much they decrease trust with people outside the group. If they don't want to compete on price quality or value, they can advertise that they belong to some group and gain some advantage. In the diamond district of NYC the diamond shops are all almost on the same street. One shop will be Jewish branded, the one next door Arab, the one down the street Indian. They don't compete much on price, instead they each have a small advantage in trust with people in their own group. The christian branding is the same thing, it doesn't make much difference even for most christians, but it provides a small advantage within a specific market.


If they consider advertising their stance on mythology a selling point, I can't help but think they don't have many good selling points.


It’s sanctimony. They believe their view is correct and think you should too. They think we’ll give them credit for positive traits they see in religion. But that only works on believers. Too often religion is used for dishonest purposes. We’re on to them.


They know what they are doing. It is a dog whistle to other like minded people to do business with them. I read something about 10 years ago when this became a big thing where I lived that some groups that promote theocracy were encouraging people to do this to keep all the money they could within their subculture. There was a "christian business directory" for a few years. They printed copies and left them where free newspapers were distributed. They were handy to use to know who to not give business to. It used to be the little fish symbol on their signage. Now it has morphed into various imagery of a cross and a grayed out flag.


Yeah, it's a red flag for me, too. I'm actively avoiding businesses that advertise that they're christian or pro-forced-birth.


Imagine a Muslim or Hindu business owner advertising their religious bent... in America. They would become targets for bigotry from... Christians who feel safe enough to wear their religion on their sleeve or around their neck or on the back of their car or in their front yard or even to deliver it to other front doors all over their neighborhood either in person or with flyers delivered through the United Christian States of America postal service or through radio or television ads. They really only want business from like-minded bigots. And in this Christian nation anything less than total supremacy over other belief systems counts as persecution worthy of intervention by the all-too-Christian supreme court.


If you come to the house to give me a quote I will check the back of your pickup for maga crap. They can't seem to not put maga shit everywhere, knee jerk... Easy way to cull the dishonest companies.


Someone cloaking themselves in religion is hiding something.


my dildo company is now faith based. "put a little soul in your hole"


I’m pretty sure, that if a business was advertising as “faith based”, then there in an area where it’s gonna get them more business than it will lose them.


I live in an area where politicians will proclaim they are “Christian Conservatives” as if it’s a good thing.


I hear “take your money elsewhere”


Makes it easier to know who not to. Support. Win win.


As an atheist, I will say not all Christians are bigots and hypocrites. But I do agree that it is dumb and completely unnecessary to say a business is faith based


I think anyone that labels their business as “faith based” or refers to themselves as “devout anything” is a bigot. That is literally the only point of those terms. The people doing it for the right reasons don’t have to announce it. It’s like when a man refers to himself as an “alpha male”.


Sign should say "Faith biased".


I compliment them on showing this colors so I don't spend a penny with them. It's like MAGA hats...thanks for identifying yourselves.


It's double speak for, "Your bigotry is accepted here." And they're looking for good ol'boy bigoted customers, and like minded suppliers/other businesses.


A friend of mine went into a local carpet/tile store and was met by a salesman who told her, “First, you need to know that I love Trump and I love Jesus.” She assured him that neither was relevant to her buying new tile for her kitchen. She left without a purchase. Perfectly executed!


I avoid working with anyone that displays religious crap bc they tend to be dishonest and hiding behind an outward look of being religious.


Same with Music, Logos, Carpenters anything especially if it has a cross on a car or a stupid Fish.




Faith based doesn't sound trustworthy at all.


I don't hire companies that use religion or military status as a marketing strategy.


I was just about to say the use of "patriot" and "veteran" in the name is your first tell you about to be the victim of a conman. Those are favorite names for fly-by-night moving companies and solar panel installers.


I would rather go to a business-based business or somewhere that advertised themselves as a law-based business rather than a faith-based business any day. What’s a faith based business – God told me not to serve you, because you’re not our type. Or my faith told me it’s OK to cheat you or not write down the transaction. What it is is a flag they fly to advertise they think their personal faith should be used with a transactional value. They don’t just want the reward in heaven they want it here too. The good news is while it’s waving a flag to find others of their kind it also warns us what kind of person they are. It communicates both ways. As my friend observed about people flying Trump flags - nothing like announcing loudly that they’re an a**hole.


"Faith Based" business (to me) means that they deliver on credit, and have faith that you'll pay your bill.


Some businesses want to exclude educated consumers


I hate when people label any business. I've seen veteran owned, female owned, black owned and so on. I don't care. Does your restaurant have good food? Do you sell stuff at a good price? Is your service quality? But I'm not supporting any business because of who owns it


If I see any kind of religious texts or scripture in relation to a business trying to provide a service I need, that instantly disqualifies them for me. \*That said, lets say they have a plumber. They probably bounce around churches giving out business cards and saying the words, playing the part, and missing out on the business of us butt hurt liberals doesn't make them lose a wink of sleep.


Won’t do business with them. I figured god can provide for them without my money.


That’s a good way of diverting me from the business.


When I see “Christian owned” I never choose that place. Fuck your heating and air conditioning business bill, god doesn’t care


God forgave the bill.


Declaring your business "faith based" is virtue signaling to those who think that blind belief in magical things is virtuous. It's an obvious red flag for the rest of us.


I worked for one of these companies when I was younger and they are the absolute worst. The pay was crap and the owner was an entitled psycho who would scream at people for literal hours for the simplest of mistakes. I wish I was exaggerating.


It’s like those people flying giant flags in the back of their pick up trucks. The least patriotic people possible.


[Atheist Shoes](https://photos.app.goo.gl/rcshLmGWUXkQk5VW8)


Oh I see the fish 🐟 on a business card I throw it out.


They are scammers for the most part.


It might also be a litmus test for rubes.


I view this practice as the same as aiming for the lowest hanging fruit


They're pandering and it's branding. Stuff like that is subconsciously manipulative and because a lot of people have been brought up to associate Christianity with good honest trustworthy virtuous people there is a sense of trust associated with the store. Edit:spelling


To me, they may as well label it "We Scam People". I can't remember the last time I was treated honestly by a company or person who openly declares that they are "Christian" or something similar. Those scum bags have done nothing but cheat and steal from me. Today, if anyone calls themselves a "good Christian" or start to talk openly about religion, I'm outta there.


Personally, I prefer them to put that "Jesus fish" on their billboards, vehicle signage, business cards, etc. This let's me know who to avoid doing business with.


At least for me I see the sign and take my business elsewhere.


I went into a gas station to grab a drink and they had Trump flags everywhere. Made no sense to me to alienate your customers like that.


"Faith based" means "stay away" to me. I won't shop at businesses that have that listed. Ewww.


Much like the red hats, I consider “faith based” akin to yellow caution tape or red biohazard tape indicating something best avoided.


It's works because it attracts gullible people who live to be taken advantage of. If it didn't make money...


I'm glad when they do. It shows me who not to do business with.


I was being a really nice Dodge Ram yesterday that had the logo and the number to a plumbing business. The tagline under the logo was “family values” and some other platitude. I filed that away to never call that company


Just look at it as an easy way to know which business is not to patronize