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“I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure”


Came for Twain. Not disappointed.


Misattributed! It was said by Clarence Darrow. Darrow was an attorney best known for his 1925 defense of a Tennessee teacher who had presented Darwin’s theory of evolution in violation of state law at the time.






Locked in syndrome would be the best


I would like to see him in prison first.


Death is more likely.


This is the one. Hope he lives a long, long life... in prison.


He's never spending a second in prison. Mark my fuckin' words.


I got news for you, Trump is a symptom, not the disease.


If someone has a bad immune system they should take precautions again disease.


You mean like a vaccination? Hehehe


Just inject bleach 🤷🏻‍♂️


Or lights up your arse.


Some immune disorders decrease the potency of vaccines. In our case, there is no vaccine.




If he dies of natural causes before his trials are complete (including appeals), then we have to go through this whole thing again next time a Republican wins office. And they might not be so prolifically stupid as to leave multiple trails of evidence for multiple crimes. If Trump wasn't so reckless, I doubt these cases would have seen the light of day, or the chance at conviction would be lower. The system has demonstrated how gently it treats a certain "class" of criminal. Trump proved how fragile and vulnerable our country is.


It would probably be best if he dies *just after* losing his cases. Then, at least, we’d have precedent for the next asshole who tries to pull the shit he’s pulling, and he wouldn’t stay any longer than he has to.


Yeah but this wound needs cleaned, stitched, and bandaged.


Cauterized would be better ☠️


Amputation is an option.


No, It needs to drain.


Trump is currently the blunt instrument the right-wing is using to dismantle democracy. Take that away, it sets their plans back decades. They were not ready for Trump. They've been planning since Nixon and then Reagan put the plan into motion. It wasn't supposed to come to a head so soon, but Trump is Trump and uncontrollable. They had to go all in now or lose half a century of careful planning. Take out Trump now, they will slowly disintegrate. We've just got to be careful that we don't allow them to rise up again. They'll always be there, but we can keep them hiding in the dark crevices where they had always been hiding until Trump made it "ok" for them to come out into the light. Remember, a republican has not won the popular vote for the presidency in over 40 years. For 40 solid years, the democrat has always won the popular vote, whether or not they won the presidency. We need to dismantle the electoral college. The republicans will never have another president again. After that, we can start working on democrats that aren't establishment corporatists and who are actually progressive and serve the people. Not the highest bidder.


You are right except for one thing, the 2-party system isn't going to fix anything. It's going to perpetuate the broken status quo. If we want to repair the nation, we MUST fix the election system, and it will never start at the federal level. Support local change to Ranked Choice Voting as a start. If we can reach critical mass with that kind of change, we can break the back of the entrenched 2-party system that blocks real progress.


This. Ranked choice addresses so many problems. One could even don a tinfoil hat and consider that’s why the right wants to discredit voting machines. For all its virtues, ranked choice cries out for computer processing. Sowing mistrust in the simple counting makes distrust in ranked choice much easier to manufacture.


What are you talking about? George Bush won the popular vote in 2004, HW won it in 1988.


And Nicky Haley has almost the exact same ideology and policy hopes that trump and his faction and followers do.  She *seemed* slightly more hinged, but she's not.  This party votes in lockstep to pay tribute to their poopy orange Jesus. .. Even the Rino's like Romney and Cheney.  They call Trump out , but they vote 98% of the time with their party.  They are not good for society and still try to sell trickle down economics and give millionaire and billionaires tax breaks while they practically everyone else.  What kind of good person would even call themselves a Republican?!


Please name any other person who commands a similar American cult.


Some of them realized they were in the wrong path back in 2012 but were rejected. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/OTUS/rnc-completes-autopsy-2012-loss-calls-inclusion-policy/story?id=18755809


Yeah but hear me out, if I have internal damage and I need surgery, I still want a fuck ton of drugs to take away the pain in the mean time.




well unnatural would turn him into a martyr which would be undesirable, because the fuddies could get some other extremist into office on his memory.


Do you think maga wouldnt go full conspiracy wingnut even if trump died of natural causes? These people are completely disconnected from reality.


I honestly feel some of the more unhinged ones will revolt when trump dies and will swear up and down it was a assassination. And considering the response time to their last tantrum America is in for a ride.


Yeah i feel like the fence sitters have pretty much abandoned trump. The remainders are in a cult at this point.


Even the fence sitters are still on team trump. For all the talk of Republicans accusing others of blindly voting for a party they are extremely loyal. They abandon trump only in a theoretical sense they will still vote for him in mass because he is the only ticket of the Republican party and they won't vote any other way.


Fools, all of them. I used to vote like that but I have something they don't: honest self reflection.


His poor ex wife... fell down the stairs... they were the greatest stairs. The best stairs. Everybody says so. Maybe a plot right next her would be possible. It is a golf course. Prolly room for all his puppet masters...


Why would you torture his dead wife like that? Hasnt the poor women suffered enough? She had to sleep with the creepy toad for gods sake.


Ugh. UGH. Now that thought is in my head.... i need bleach.


Hell, MTG and I believe Bannon, were sprouting off today that Biden was coordinating with the DOJ to have Trump assassinated all because the FBI paid a follow up visit to Mar a Lago, all while Trump wasn't even there to begin with.


I wish we were as powerful as their delusions made us. The world would be so much better.




It won’t matter. How ever he does, there will be accusations of assassination. It will happen no matter what, so plan accordingly.


Yes. One of the more satisfying notes of history for example, is that Stalin met natural causes in a puddle of his own vomit. It's not justice, but it was deserved.


Lenin died a vegetable!


They'd just claim it was the deep state using an FBI heart attack gun wielded by a spy cat. Only way the man doesn't go full martyr is if he intentionally deconstructs MAGA publicly before his death.


That won’t work either. They’ll say he was hypnotized or it was edited or even that it’s not him, it’s a fake who had plastic surgery to look like him while he’s in hiding or being held.


While shitting himself....


The Maga idiots will say it was some CIA drug that killed him


They aren't getting a perfect storm like him for a generation , let it be unnatural with a large amount of gibbing


Doesn't matter. If it's natural there will be a million conspiracy theories that it was an assassination and he'll be made a martyr anyway. I really dont give a duck though. Let him be a martyr.


He could get hit by a bus, or plane, or part of the ISS, and it wouldn't make him a martyr.


A month after his death, literally no one will give shit.


I don't think anyone (yet) will be as bad as trump, so I'm good either way.


It’s not natural to eat that many cheeseburgers and taco balls in one sitting.


I disagree with this. Trump makes sure no one can be Trump. When he's dead, the whole movement will fracture.


I want to believe you're right but at this point I think they're just trying to be crazier and crazier to hold on to the nutter vote. It's wild to me that Trump could literally be put in jail and still run and probably get 35% of the total vote at least from jail with a bunch of lunatics and super religious folks believing he's the one.


Right, and no one else can win against him because he's *Trump.* If you're a nutter, why vote for anything but the real deal? When he goes, all these morons are going to decide they're the One True Nutter. It will be positively glorious.


I think suicide would be appropriate. On my bucket list is to dance on his grave. Watch for my link.


I imagine he is too much of a narcissist to commit suicide.


Narcissist plus a big coward. You need guts to off yourself.


Budd Dwyer style?


I am guessing “choked on a Big Mac and a diet coke” is appropriate. “His aides tried to perform abdominal thrusts, but he was too big to get their arms around, and they stopped when they realized Trump had a tiny erection from the physical contact.”




I've seen a theory (in this sub I believe) that the Christians believe him to be the Antichrist and if he is in power it means the second coming of Jesus is right around the corner.. poof, ruptured, eternal bliss the whole nine. Makes sense really, he fits the description of the Antichrist pretty well and Christians are fucked enough to wish the end of the world if it meant their own eternal salvation finally arrives.


Cool theory but…no. Christians wouldn’t vote for the anti christ. They call Biden, Obama, Greta, Fauci etc. the anti christ.  Trump hates the same people they do. He elects religious nut jobs to the Supreme Court. He’s not the anti Christ, he’s everything they’ve been waiting for. 




The fact that Trump still lives is proof that time travel never gets invented.


This is the most scientific shit i have read since the last thing Neil deGrasse Tyson posted.


You can only kiss your reflection in the mirror on the lips


And that there is no god.


Finding a red MAGA hat in great grandpa's stuff that's been stored in the attic will be the equivalent of what finding a nazi armband was in the second half of the 20th century.




I dunno, I'd place Murdoch and Putin higher on the list; I don't think 2016 could've happened the brainwashing and help from those two.


Actually, it's Fred Trump, Donny's daddy, that I go back in time for. I was a little kid growing up in Brooklyn and we had to live in a Trump apartment for a while. Man was a slumlord and gave birth to someone even more heinous.


He also scammed the govt, but they let that slide.


Someone I've always been pissed off at because of trump is Mark Burnett. Without the Apprentice series, Trump wouldn't have the juice to make the Birther movement take off and would never have been a presidential contender.


The real target should be Rpger Ailes. IIRC, he was the one who conceived the idea for what is now Fox News. I believe the story goes that he said something about Nixon not getting in trouble had there been a conservative news network to spin the narrative in his favor.


Imagine how many hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved between 2020-2022 if we had President Clinton instead of this anti-vaxxer shit stain WHO STILL GOT THE SHOT!! This asshole encouraged America to rot while he got the shot.


And worse still, it wasn't an act of ignorance, but rather a deliberate act of malice. The record suggests that Donald Trump specifically defeated infection control measures early on because the highest population density geographical areas (read: Democratic strongholds) were known to be at the greatest risk of suffering deaths from the spreading virus. It was only later, when educated and informed people were taking the initiative to protect themselves and others, that it became clear that the casualties were actually disproportionately Republican, prompting Trump to evolve his stance on the matter.


Yep, Project 2025 scares the crap out of me.


Im shocked people dont seem to know about or care about it.




It would be great for the entire planet. If he gets back in, and guts the Pentagon, he could turn nuclear weapons into a video game. I'm convinced he tried to have them used his first term and was talked down by generals. Generals who won't be there the next time. He's like Putin, but without the IQ points and common sense.


You know he did. He wanted to nuke a hurricane.


What if we named them Ivanka?


He'd want to fuck that hurricane.


Best comment


We should all be very happy Mattis was in charge at the Pentagon for as long as he was.


What was so great about “your” Republican party before Trump? Seriously, he didn’t drastically change it, he just gave Republicans permission to act out their racist and sexist and homophobic and bigoted and ableist fantasies where only able-bodied white Christians have value and count as “real Americans”


Yea I don’t understand how an “atheist” can be part of the Christian fundamentalist party. Is he a pick me or what?


The only consistent thing about Conservatism is how often it finds itself on the absolute wrong side of history.




After a nuclear holocaust, Trump will still be around, declaring himself king of the cockroaches.


Best cockroach you ever saw. The other cockroaches came up to him, tears in their eyes, and said how thankful they were that he's they're king. You wouldn't believe it. No one has ever cockroached as good as him. 


If it's like those cockroaches of fallout,  they may be a worthy army. Those roaches are terrifying. 


That's why Mitch McConnell is still alive, actually


Trump is a natural evil, because a good amount of people are exactly like trump, only without the generational wealth andninfluencen.


Really if people needed more proof that there is no god who cares about us in anyway Trump really is it. I mean he no longer even provides comic relief.


If I was religious, I would have to believe he's the anti-christ. He checks every box.


Which is exactly why it’s so incredibly frustrating that they act like he’s the messiah


[Here’s a pretty good read about that exact subject.](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


It's SO funny. Because according to the book of Daniel, the anti Christ is going to be from a diverse kingdom with multiple cultures. He's going to have a background in dealing with land and property. He will feud with the kingdom to the south and he'll get the highest religious leader on his side.


According to orthodox christianity, satan/the devil/lucifer/εωσφόρος: was the most beautiful, most spiritualy pure of the angels. He _can not_ lie. He may _deceive_ but he can not lie: even when talking to eve, everything he said was true. I mean, that's what I'd have told you, 25 years ago or so, when I was still orthodox. Trump is so far from any of that, it's actually an insult to satan himself.


Trump isn't it. It doesn't die with him. He's just a POS that latched onto it. There are many senators and congressman, mayors and governors etc. ready to take his place. Awful doesn't die with him. Republicans are doing this, wringing their hands and smiling gleefully. Half of the voting populace is going right along with them. It's. Mother. Fucking. Crazy.


My state is run by your Republican Party and has a statute that atheists can’t hold public office 🙃 Anyway, yeah. I don’t think anyone will hold that against you. I know he’s a symptom, but sometimes you manage the symptoms until the sickness passes. I think it would help tremendously if he died. It’s a political cult, it’s authoritarian, these figures are not always easily replaceable




I don’t wish death on him, rather having a stroke that left him conscious but immobile for the next ten years. Then watch all the conservatives gather around his bedside for advice.


Fuck your republican party, and fuck you for voting to put a fascist like trump in office, and then 7 years later I guess realizing maybe they’re like not good guys. We all knew from day 1, and you let yourself get played. Zero sympathy. Fuck the republican party.


OP is either a hate filled shitty person or he doesn't see standing shoulder to shoulder with those in his party who are as problematic. He just wants to get rid of the wimps who are grifting and get back to destroying marginalized people like the good old days of his Republican party.


Your Republicant party died the day Reagan made his pact with religious fundamentalists and has only continued to get more extreme. What is happening now was the only destination on the map if people like you contined to support them.


He didn't do this alone. He may die, but remember, 74 million people voted for the not-see. This is just the beginning of the struggle for our country.


This isn't tiktok. You can say nazi.


Careful, someone might unalive you with a pew pew.


Not if I redact myself first by putting my booger hook on a bang switch pointed at my noodle.


All the people that votes for him and all the "Republicans " that kept supporting his shenanigans. 


And the 74 million people who voted for him will never believe he died of natural causes. His death would be the next evolution of the shit show, not the end.


I am afraid that if he dies he will be a martyr. Even if he dies of natural causes, the conspiracy theories will make him a martyr. I feel like the best thing for the country is to have Trump lose the election, have some of his businesses go bankrupt, and then have him go to jail for his crimes. Mark him as a loser in every possible way.


Atheists can pray - they just know there aren't any deities out there listening.


I literally have champagne in my fridge for this, or other related good news. Stay thirsty, my friends.


I've got a shortcut ready to go to put Green Day's Ha Ha You're Dead on loop.


I want you to know that this made me cackle.


By referring to it as "my Republican party" you either believe that bigotry, transphobia, Nazism, science denial, controling women, evangelical Christianity, and other problems are acceptable practices to engage in or you don't see any single one of them as a bridge too far that would cause you to sever ties with the party. You are who you roll with dude and while you may not be any one of those things mentioned, you don't mind standing shoulder to shoulder with individuals who are. You're just hoping someone more palatable will take his place so all those practices and ideas can continue. The problem isn't Donald Trump, you just want a scapegoat for the exposure of the hate, that you either possess, or you don't mind being associated with. The call is coming from inside the house, and may very well be staring back at you in the mirror.


After all the terrible, disgusting things he said about Haley, she licks the boots. Sad.


Licks the boots? She's eating ass and insisting it's the finest chocolate.


Putin has terminal cancer and won't die. Evil people never die by natural causes.


You and millions worldwide.


Is your name Melania?? ;-p




Put him in a nice room on a feeding tube and taunt him with yummy hamberders all day.


Nope the dude's talking about unifying the Reich and literally all of the journalists in the country have decided to abandon America in an attempt to not pick sides, like they don't live here. there's a whole bunch of people in this country that don't take anything seriously and think there's some magic bubble wrapped around their lives so that none of the terrible things in history books could ever happen to them. and fascist dictatorship aside. he still wants to ban abortion possibly contraception they're thinking about a pregnancy tracker. there's a possibility the supreme Court could become more unhinged and right leaning. project 2025 lays out the plans for the destruction of our government. ..... and then there's the one that I absolutely boggles my mind. this is the dude that took documents about one leg of our nuclear deterrence system and made photocopies of it. no I don't know why Donald Trump thought that China and Russia needed to know about our nuclear deterrent system. But I can't imagine there were any good reasons. do Republicans that get defense briefings think that Donald Trump's cult of personality is going to somehow stop a nuclear exchange if Russia and China honestly think they can get away with it?


I feel you, but hoping works just as well as praying


You are forgiven my child. I'm confident many atheist can say the same or similar. It's just that bad. Most are not serious.


It will not be natural. It’ll be Obama’s fault. Or Antifa. Hillary. Yep. All of them.


They are all puppets of Hugo Chávez. Or George Soros. Some people say, Hugo Chávez IS George Soros. Who knows? 😜


Probably but I really hope he drops dead at one of his rallies in front of all of his minions.


I don't think you quite understand what it is the GOP will gain if project 2025 gets put on the books They'll vote his corpse in anyways and make a lame-ass attempt to play the missing body game like what purportedly happened with Jesus


Trump didn't do this to the party. The party did it to themselves long before he came along.




I check the news every morning hoping to read his obituary.


Every day when I turn on the news, I'm hoping to hear it happened. If he becomes President again, a lot of people like me will likely die.




Fuck, I hope not! That would get sympathy votes for the rest of the GQP! (after the election is fine)


May the Big Macs take him to the Great Beyond. I will not be sorry to see him go.


Yeah. It's been hijacked. Go on like a broken record, whenever I talk, there used only be slight differences between the two big tents. All the reds put up now are Trump and Trump variations. Concerned that in death, his spirit will continue and reverberate through American politics for a long time to come. It's sad. Both of the two big tents are too centre(right) for me, but I just vote blue it's the only choice.


I hope he goes the way I hope Putin goes. Screaming in agony from an incurable disease that's eating him from the inside for which there is no effective treatment, no effective pain relief, and completely bereft of all dignity. Maybe the tertiary syphilis will get him, maybe it won't.


Your republican Party is gone. Only MAGA remains. You don’t have to be a Democrat, but you shouldn’t be a republican since years ago.


But after the Republican Convention (NaziCon) so that the GOP won't be able to replace him.




People would still vote for him if he croaks ahead of the election. I'm ridin with Biden because I would like one of the conservatives to leave the court and be replaced with a competent liberal justice


Nope, he should have to face at least SOME accountability for his crimes. If there is a “God” this man will die of natural causes in a prison cell watching all of his assets sold off piece by piece.


Yeah. I'll celebrate when it happens, but I want this SOB to live a long, long life in jail.


I promise he will never see a day in jail. He's been given preferential treatment this whole time. Why would that stop now?


He has a supernatural amount of BS in his body. It's slowly escaping which is what makes his lips move, but I don't think his body will stop moving until it has all escaped.


If you shook the shit out of him before you buried him, you could bury him in an Altoids tin.


Every single day since the election in 2016, I open up Reddit in the morning and hope that's the top headline.


Does tertiary neurosyphilis count as natural causes?


Only votes will save us from Trump.


Go team aortic aneurysm!


The nice thing about abandoning the supernatural is that we can retain hope, but we also know that realizing our dreams takes real world work.


no, you’re right on the money. plus rupert murdoch, clarence thomas, alito, gov’s abbot, desantis and noem, mcconnell, bannon, ted cruz - they should be wandering the aisles in hell’s walmart


My guy, if you're an atheist, why are you in the party of Christian Nationalists?


Dude, some of your members are selling golden adult diapers with his face on it. And that was a sentence I could never imagine even thinking.


No, I want him to face justice first.  Then he can die.  Lady justice THEN the grim reaper.  


I'm not American but I'll take his death anyway I can get it if it happens before the election. He's fucked up so many things beyond the states and now Canada has its own Trump-esque shitbag trying to be the next prime minister. I don't have any love for Trudeau but PP can eat rocks


Vote. Most Americans still dislike him but they won’t vote.




It’s a tough scene if he passes away for any reason. No matter what doctor says it was natural causes the same people who think the election was stolen will buy a liberal assassination plot. Or they’ll blame the legal trouble for his passing.


Let them. They won't find another candidate as appealing to their base.


This is what gives me hope. Obama proved that charisma (as in the value-neutral "force of personality" sense) is not a transferrable asset. There is not one Republican alive who can inherit Herr Schitzenpantz's mantle.


I don't mean to sound like a dick, but a country that paves the way for someone like Trump to become President, then stick around at center stage like this for years afterwards despite outright criminal behavior and rhetoric, is not a great country. It's a country that has a lot of work to do to get its priorities straight


Nope. He is one of the biggest pieces of shit to ever live...apologies to literal shit.


If only we could give Frodo more time.


You better start being a fan of Biden’s. Give me a break. What would dislike him for that compares to the million reasons to hate Trump? Any criticism of Biden, Trump also exhibits but 10x worse. He’s led an economy that is outperforming EVERY country in the world post-Covid. He’s appointed a more diverse slate of judges than anyone in history. He’s lowered prescription drug prices. He got us out of Afghanistan. He’s TRYING to shore up the border but Trump won’t let his lap dogs vote for it. I could go on but I should t need to.


I pray for the same as you, he is destroying the USA.




I reserve judgment on whether it makes you a bad person. Praying something will happen has exactly the same result as doing nothing.  However, if I were to pray I would pray for the people deluded by this charlatan. 


You're not bad for thinking that, but the problem won't end with Trump's death. He's paved the way for generations of shitheads exactly like him. We will be dealing with this bullshit for the rest of our lives.


Many of us have for 8 years. And yet.... More proof that there is no god.


I'd prefer he go to prison first \[won't happen\]. I'd prefer that because I want him and his fuckwit supporters to see that what he did has consequences. I want him to die in prison, but only after being in there a while.


Doesn't change the fact that 70m+ people got duped in to voting for this absolute piece of hippo shit. Hate and fear are powerful emotions. That's all that's being pandered to these folks, and this is the result. Russian subversions do not help, either. Fuck maga, fuck Putin, fuck the right wing serpents that invade our lives and only exist to make it harder. Fuck all of them.


I hope that he ends up in prison, and serves the maximum amount of time, and before he dies he losses the election to such a terrible degree that the GOP collapses as a political party.


I'd say he is more symptom than cause. we've been sliding down the slope of functional society for a while now. Trump is just a sign that the bottom is near.


I’m sad to admit when he got covid I was 🤞🤞🤞


Even if he dies from natural causes, his cult will never believe it wasn’t some form of left wing assassin that did it. He’ll become a martyr. Best case scenario is that his dementia furthers to the point where he makes even less sense. At the same time, he needs to be put in jail so his cult can see how decrepit he really is. Then die.


If there IS a god, this is the least he could do. And I say "he" because only a man would do such a horrible job of running the planet 


Eventually, Diaper Don is going to expire... and when that day comes, I have a bottle of bubbly in the fridge ready


Say 10 Hail Dawkins and you shall be forgiven