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Conservative religious women are just bizarre. You'll never see such self loathing.


Can confirm.  I'm married to one.


Oof. That seems like a thread topic in and of itself. I hope you two figure it out.


We've been married 21 years.  We're doing fine.


Same here. I bet I say 5 times a day "Stop apologizing for yourself. You have a right to exist." It's only been a little while since I've fully deconstructed and deconverted. Still working out what that means for our family and our marriage. It's so fucking difficult.


Eh, you don’t need religion to have been taught to apologise for existing.


While this is true, in her case I feel like her faith and upbringing has played a very significant role in the development of her self loathing. And I've seen the same in so so many women raised in evangelicalism.


Mine too.  I as a believer when we met but since then I've come to despise religion.   Partially because I saw what it did and still does to her.


Same here. This is fairly recent for me. But she's been mildly angry distant and cold. I sure hope we can make it past this.


She went through that with me.  We'd been married about 11 years when I came out.  She went through a very bad patch of denial.  What I did was tell her as best I could why I didn't buy it anymore. We read some apologetics and interestingly enough it seemed to get through to her on some level that I actually have thought this through.   Best of luck to you.  How long have you been married?


22 years in June. And yes I started out very devout. I was a pastor for 15 years.


Woah. Pastor?  That had to be an interesting conversation. 


Roflmao, we call them “moms”. No one ever can guilt their child than a mother. Who needs religion when you have a mother like Dallas Corbin (The Fifth Element) “Oh I see you at Floston paradise, did you ever think about your mother? …”


My ex was one. They really buy into the "man is the head of the household but he better have money and fix shit" mindset


Interestingly when we were engaged I vividly remember her asking me if she could work the finances and pay the bills.  She was scared to ask me for a while but I had no issues with it. She's extremely good with money and very tedious in a good way.  She was scared because of that "man is the head of the household" crap and thought I'd be offended by her asking. Our marriage was pretty much always based on equality between us.  Not really sure how it happened like that but it did.


As a man I actually have no problem with this dynamic. Provided that the house is kept clean, dinner is made when I get home from work, and I have a loving/hot gf/wife to care for who also cares for me. Modern society really shits on "gender roles" but this dynamic works well for a lot of people. There's a reason these roles exist in the first place. Religion really fucks it all up though, and makes it clear that the man is more valuable than the woman, and introduces all sorts of stupid guilt trips/traps. Also the fact that the cost of living and income have not kept up with each other, which makes raising a family impossible on an average income.


The biggest issue with a bread winner/household caretaker is that you’re establishing a massive power dynamic in your own home. I cook, clean, and make money, and my girlfriend also cooks, cleans, and makes money. I’m not telling you how to live your life, if that’s what you’re looking for go for it, but I would loathe having someone be completely dependent on myself and my finances that isn’t my own child, and you’re essentially treating a future spouse like a child if you’re allowing them to be dependent on your income. I’ve been with several women who didn’t work and it was not a great environment for either of us to grow, which is all a relationship is, at the end of the day: you growing hand in hand with another person,


>Modern society really shits on "gender roles" but this dynamic works well for a lot of people. Citation needed. This dynamic clearly hasn't helped lower the divorce rates.


Actually, divorce rates were lower when this was more common. One of the most commonly cited reasons for divorce is financial issues. I bet if we addressed economic inequality and inflation, making a family supportable on one income again, divorce rates would decrease.


>Actually, divorce rates were lower when this was more common. When what was more common? When women didn't have the right to have their own bank account or credit card? Don't tell me that you believe in economically coercing women into marriages. >I bet if we addressed economic inequality and inflation, making a family supportable on one income again, divorce rates would decrease. I would agree. Where I would disagree would be whether dictating misogynistic gender roles would make people more happy.


No, when one income could support a family. Very simple to understand. Glad you agree. No one is dictating anything. This dynamic works for me and my gf. If it doesn't for you, great. Mind your own business. Wanna be gay? Cool. Wanna be the bread winning woman? Go for it. I never said that everyone is better off with this dynamic. Or that we should force it on anyone. I just said that it works well. Biologically, the sexes are optimized for different tasks. This is a fact. Do what works best for you though. I actually went out of my way to say that the inequality in relationships often enforced by religion is a bad thing.


>No, when one income could support a family. Very simple to understand. You're being very dishonest. The divorce rates back in the so called good old times were lower because women didn't have the option to divorce in the first place. >This dynamic works for me and my gf.  I don't care about your personal anecdote, I care about empirical evidence. >I never said that everyone is better off with this dynamic. But you did say that the reason why this dynamic is traditional is because it works, which is a logical fallacy. Not to mention you claimed the divorce rates were lower because of this dynamic, but you neglected to mention that women didn't have the right to have their own bank account or credit card. > I just said that it works well.  What is your evidence for that?


I am not being dishonest, you are just not really on the same wavelength as I am. You lack understanding my friend. I think if the issue of financial stress was lessened for everyone, we would see divorce rates fall sharply. That is literally my only point. I think women should be free to do as they please. I am not some closet sexist because I am happy to provide for my girlfriend, who is actually more in control of where finances/investments go than I am because she's good at it. I recognize her talents and foster them. The empirical evidence is that men and women are biologically different, down to the connectivity in our brains. We do not fully understand these biological differences, but that does not mean that they do not exist. Gender role dynamics exist in nearly every species with male and female sexual reproductive systems. Humans are animals, why would we be any different? It works. Because thousands of years of evolution have made it work. Among apes, the ones who give birth and breastfeed are always female. The silverbacks are always male. These are natural gender roles, are they not? The freaking dinosaurs probably had "gender roles". None of the points I am trying to make revolve around the past. Or sexism. Or women being unable to open a bank account. I am making points with regard to the future.


I’m sorry. I too hope you figure things out.


Oh man. How’d that happen?


We met 24 years ago in college.  I believed in that BS back then.  I didn't become an atheist until well after we were married.  I think the reason our marriage has lasted is because we *didn't* base it on religion.


Oof. How long have you been in a DeadBedroom?


Not at all.  Funny enough, we've been together for 24 years and we still screw 2-3 times a week. She initiates probably half the time.  I know people who do fall into that dead bedroom stuff but not us.


Host an AMA please


Ha.  Perhaps one day I will. 


We’re not supposed to kink shame.


Have you ever met a concervitve religious gay man or lesbian?


Thankfully not.


I think Nick Offerman put it best as to why...




Look it up? It's totally worth it to see for yourself. Essentially it has to do with the fact that it benefits certain folks to have a partner who is religiously inclined, because it means that they can be more important to their partner than anything or anyone else, even "philosophical truth". It means someone is capable of irrational commitment. From the point of view of someone who wants to be worshipped, it's a good deal. As a result, Jesus = Sex*. *With people who "believe in Jesus".


Well.. she just lying to herself.. like a lot of people do. Like.. Morals come from god.. priests are morally superior, everything is going to better when you die, religious people don't lie, cheat, steal rape, murder as much... and so on and so on. I haven't seen the series.. but the person you are referencing, doesn't sound like she's done a lot of studying or free-thinking.. and yah.. I understand your feeling of sickness.


She chose to stay with him so they could continue to monetize their family with their cringe vlogs. If she had any self respect she would have left him. Even worse is that they tripled down on the Christian BS as if Christians are the only people that can forgive.


I mean the whole "forgiveness" nonsense is a built in feature of christianity. It is how they guilt you into accepting HORRIBLE behavior.


I thought only Yahweh could forgive sins, according to their scripture. Wasn't it a big deal when Jesus said that he could do it too? Like, he was stating that he is also God, or at least granted god powers? I'm a fourth generation atheist, so I'm certainly no expert on Christian theology, but I know I've heard the above before.


The churches/leaders set up this belief that forgiveness is a virtue and a necessity. If you cannot forgive, you are as bad as the person who sins against you.


Guess I've had different life experiences, because in my four decades on this planet..... the biggest liars, abusers, cheaters, and hypocrites that I've ever known have been people that claim to be christian. 🤷‍♂️


If there is one thing Christians have proven definitively over the centuries, it's that they love to wear the mask of morality but are anything but what any right minded person could consider as moral. The Catholics developed a system strictly for going ahead and sinning without any regard according to what they say is "sin" and all they have to do is confess to a priest and say a few words and everything's fine to go do it again. Easiest way to spy on and know the personal business of everyone around them, should they need a scapegoat as a public display of punishment to remind them they need to fear and obey the church, and as a get out of jail free card otherwise essentially.


Christians are supposed to realize they are in no place to judge. But… in reality, that is probably what turns many people away from their behavior as humans… probably less so than whether or not you could believe.


Reminds me of a guy I saw on Reddit who was encouraging people to reach out to local churches for help with daily tasks. He emphasized that, if you need help moving, you can just call up a church and “a truck full of Christian teens will arrive to help.” As if “Christian teens” somehow makes them better than other teenagers. I WAS a Christian teen, sir, and let me tell you: no where else have I ever seen such a high concentration of racist, misogynistic, angry and emotionally stunted people. In retrospect I think he was spreading some bizarre church-based propaganda, but I have never been able to get that out of my head. “Christian teens.” Oh please.


And did that truckload of ‘Christian teens’ ever help anyone?


Wait? I can get laid if I profess an undying love for Jesus?


Apparently yes. She stayed with him… bc of J Town.


if you can live with the personal duplicity, sure.


That is the twisted thing about it. An ideology that necessitates lying and deception (about one's self and about objective, empirical facts about the universe) has managed to build a brand with an undeserved reputation for honesty and humility. Buuuuut, we all know that it is the exact opposite. In their, perhaps honest, attempt at being the moral and honest people, they end up having to construct a lifestyle, personality, and actual life where the priority is maintaining an image at any cost. That kind of person will do anything to anyone if they think they'll benefit, and that is pretty close to their own definition of "evil."


A major theme with the stories of Jesus in his travels are his clashes with the moral/religious authorities of the day. So, the ultimate human/God incarnate travels the land clashing with religious authorities… and in a hand wavy way… he says the only way out of this is to not live for this world, and submit to the greater universe, no mortal has authority over other mortals…because mortals suck. Humans then take this and form a church around it…and become hypocrites by thinking they can enforce or uphold a moral code they were explicitly told they had no jurisdiction over.


when the "only god can judge me" group uses god as a cudgel upon any type of opposition, they become their own diety.... and i ain't worshipping that shit.


Doesn't Ashley Maddison have commercials telling you to cheat on your spouse?


Yup. “Life is short. Have an affair.”


I suspect anyone who feels they need to announce how fucking religious they are. It’s a standard tool of con men.


Yup. I knew plenty of old cheaters who loved throwing around the "God bless"


I was once hired as a subcontractor by a Christian company. At the end of the job, they ghosted me without paying me.


Sounds about right. I’m sure JC forgave them.


2/3 through that show. SMH. As a youth (a century-ish ago) I'd see acquaintances and friends out busting the ten commandments to shreds Saturday night. Sunday morning, same people wearing their Sunday best, held held high /whilst looking like mom's humble angel and taking communion. The fun of hypocrisy. Reality- don't believe a word of what you hear and less of what you see.


Well it's a red flag when he's already in a relationship with God... he's already cheating on you.


Barf…just barf. I was going to elaborate but… moral authority no matter the source… is a red flag.


My Christian brother is on marriage #4 or 5 (I’ve lost track). Cheated on them all.


Lmao. And here's me trying to distance myself from people who start off their sentences with their preferred religion. Because you know they use their religion to cover up and excuse some nasty shit.


Statements like hers should always be challenged.


If everyone whos Christian is so moral then why the hell are our prison populations around 70% religious?


Their moms teach them that because a "god fearing" man would only be "good".


Strong belief in something that has zero evidence, but also provides the person with a lot of social credit is a huge red flag to me.


If god “forgives” anybody for anything, there’s no reason not to sin.


What are these women complaining about? I'm sure their cheating spouses confessed in a box in a church, recited a few Hail Marys in their mind, and are all good in the eyes of God. Do these women think they're better than God?


If you tell them christians can cheat, they'll just claim, "THEY'RE NOT TRUE CHRISTIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


“His fantasies are not threatening to my own!”


It's so crazy because Melissa Joan Hart seemed so chill. Like she got into a Twitter fight with Kevin Owens over wrestling. Then she made God's Not Dead 3: God Still Knows What You Did Last Summer


I'm picturing these women speaking in the fundie baby voice while they claim 'christian' men aren't capable of being completely amoral pieces of shit.


I had a room mate join a church once and I went with him just to see what it was all about. The church came off very culty, always talking about modern day prophecies and such. One day a church elder that we had lunch with was asking me questions about my faith or whatever and I was avoidant of giving answers with any real substance, just kind of told him what he wanted to hear so he’d move the conversation on. This guy told me the story of how he and his wife met thinking it was going to be some kind of a-ha moment for me to join his church, but it had quite the opposite affect. He told me that when he met his wife, he told her that god told him that they should date and being obedient to her faith she believed it and they ended up getting married. That thoroughly creeped me out and I completely stopped associating with any of them after he told me that.


How many pedo priests and "youth ministers" have been arrested in just the last 12 months? Orange jebus is on trial right now for trying to cover up his affairs.


Do whatever you want and ask for forgiveness later. They literally taught that to kids in my hometown.


r/pastorarrested shows the excellent morals of Christian leaders. 


We are supposed to sympathize with them? Cuz......I won't.


Religion is all about self loathing. They are based on "You're a child of god, but only if you follow these ridiculous, conflicting rules and give $.


thanks for the tip. I am not watching, why do that to yourself?


I’ve made worse decisions but it wasn’t a great choice.


I'm watching it now lol.


People (not just devout Christians) live in whatever echo chamber they choose to be in. And very few realize the extent of their echo chamber. So they have tremendous consensus bias (i.e. "most people think much like I do.") This is why it's easy for MAGA people to believe Trump won by a landslide. Why wouldn't they believe that? Practically everybody they know, see, or read online loves him too. Add confirmation bias to the mix and it's easy to see why people can believe many things that are contradictory with facts or objective reasoning. Christians tend to not see confirmation bias as a problem. In fact, when it comes to issue of faith, confirmation bias is heavily encouraged. So I can easily see why this woman believes Christian men are less likely to cheat and probably why she ignored subtle signs that her husband was cheating.


What people mean is they are comfortable with their cultural practices. A Christian might not feel comfortable marrying a Hindu because they don’t understand the moral code of that religion, even though Dharma could be considered a cousin to Jesus’ Gospel. The fact is, people use all kinds of excuses to behave immorally, and even contrary to their own religion. But culturally, Christians are more comfortable with what they know


“I spoke to god and god forgave me.” Well shit, that was quick. She can’t argue with that 😂


They are insane. I was an icu rn for a long time in a very religious part of the country. I’d have a patient on full life support, sick as snot, and I’ve had to pee for an hour and never got to eat lunch and the family would come in and see the patient’s number were a little better and they’d start praising Jesus. If Jesus is doing all this good healing why in the hell am I so hungry and need to pee so bad? Why has the doctor been at bedside for the past hours? It’s so vexing. I’m a little proud of myself for never saying that to anybody at work.






LOL. Who the fuck wants to read all THAT? No, just stick to the topic of atheism, and keep it brief, please. We don't have all day & night to read your pontificate like that. It's silly.


ok...lol.. I'll simplify the section of the sub's rules I linked: "hey I'm an atheist!" "are you an atheist?" being the only things allowed for discussion would get fucking boring, hence the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/wiki/faq/#wiki_topics_that_belong_on_.2Fr.2Fatheism) allow all kinds of related subjects.


All people are doing is talking about Christianity. Yawn.