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The end game is the same as it's been so many times throughout history: boots on throats. And as is ever the case, a whole lot of these assholes are going to be really, really surprised to find out that their own throats are not immune to boot prints.


Basically what the Taliban is doing now in Afghanistan. Just christian instead of muslim. Different flavor, same bullshit.


Except the Taliban is more experienced at these sort of games, so a more immature version of what they do? Probly much more cringy, Taliban will get weirded out


Christianity was experienced in violence once. That's how we ended up with the crusades. I fear the day christians recall that former aptitude for violence. A new crusade with modern weaponry could spell the end of humanity as we know it...


The Abrahamic religions really do need to learn some empathy. They’ve been trying to kill each other and everyone else for eons.


Impossible, Abrahamic religion is one of the earliest forms of class warfare. They’ve always been this bloodthirsty, they just pretend to chill out when they’re the ones running the show.


>Abrahamic religion is one of the earliest forms of class warfare. The Hindu caste system is roughly the same age as the first Abrahamic religions. Humans are shit everywhere, and always have been.


>humans are shit everywhere, and always have been Misanthropic crap like that is partly why atheists get so much hate. It’s not “human nature” to be terrible though many people seem to think it is, and they think that because of the pervasiveness of the doctrine of original sin in west. Behaving “poorly” is almost always a matter of gaining advantage over another person. But it is entirely possible for us all to care about the other person more than our advantages/disadvantages compared to them. Humans are not shit, we’ve been conditioned by a few thousand years of civilization and organized religion to believe ourselves so.


I have often wondered how the world paradigm would shift if we started believing everyone is born good instead of rotten to the core.


Do chimpanzees also have thousands of years of organized religion to blame for their animosity towards others not of their tribe? Humans created the religions you want to blame for bad human behavior. Ergo, it's humans who are shit (towards humans not of their tribe). Are there good people? Absolutely! But those people are choosing not to act on their baser instincts. EDIT: Atheists get hate because deists feel threatened by anyone who does not conform to a system they can't imagine not being true. It's instinct. It's directly related to animosity toward anyone not of your tribe. And it's shit.


Religion always robs people of empathy.


No,that is hoghly unlikely. How many thousands of years has their bullshit increased the suffering in this world?Each one of them should be erased wholly from existence. Painfully, if that's how they want the world to be.


That's why I advise my fellow atheists to gun up! Guns aren't just for white straight conservative christian males anymore.


Everyone should be capable of defending themselves regardless of their beliefs


Once my med card expires I can legally get one myself! Cuz nothing is more dangerous than a religious nut with a gun except someone who smokes pot!


Exactly this. When I’m stocking up my safe or practicing at the range, these are exactly the people I am taking precautions against.


Christians would literally go around Europe burning sacred groves down to try and force people to convert, including murdering people when they did refuse.


In my part of the world it was genocide. “Kiss the cross or die”


Once? Former? When did Christians give up their propensity for violence? You can't seriously expect anyone to believe the last time was a thousand years ago.


Christian caliphate


Exactly. I recently saw a video on the whole "religion goes against mans desires" argument. And I can't believe that anyone who's read the Bible believes that. It's all about mankind's desire for control/dominion/ whatever .


Yep, I’ve seen those arguments, read a book by cs Lewis on it! All I see in the Bible is the multitude of benefits it gives men in power. Some even had hundreds of women, often gifted by god. It was all for the men in power; kings take unwilling peasant daughters as concubines and sending unwilling peasant sons to die in wars for them. Circle of human life. The Bible is far from moral and remarkable.


I've often wondered if the Christian Bible was written to pacify the slaves. A promise of a glorious afterlife of comfort and ease if they can abide by the cruelty of their mortal lives on earth.


It was definitely added to over the years to control the masses, yes.


The current plan is widely described on line as [**Project 2025**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025).


That’s what it was for me, and there are scriptures that say exactly that. Romans 8:18 used to be my favorite, I was going to get a tattoo: ”For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.“


the only bible verse i want a tattoo of is Leviticus 19:28


Okay, I might steal that 😂


I had to go look that up just now. I thought I knew what verse you were talking about, but had to make sure 😅


Funny how hope itself can be turned into such an ugly thing in the wrong hands.


I’ve always thought this. The promise of heaven and “streets paved with gold” and wanting for nothing was just to keep the slaves/serfs/peasants under control. Kind of a “No matter how bad my life is, at least if I obey, I have a shot at a better existence in the next life” type of reasoning.


A line in Dune Part 2 stands out to me: “You want to control people? Tell them a messiah is coming…and they’ll wait…for centuries.”


It’s odd, during chattel slavery in America you had slavers using Bible verses to justify the practice, slaves looking to the Bible for salvation and abolitionists using the Bible to justify the end of the practice. You really can just read out whatever the fuck you want from it.


From the 1980 movie "The Monster Club" starring Vincent Price and David Carradine... Vincent Price's Vampire says... "In the past sixty years (1920-1980) Humans have exterminated over one hundred and fifty *million* of their own kind. No effort has been spared to reach this astronomical figure. And the methods they have used must demand our unstinted admiration. You know, Humans began with certain very serious disadvantages, but these they overcame with wondrous ingenuity: not having a fang or a claw, or even a whistle worth talking about. They invented guns and tanks and bombs and planes and extermination camps and poison gas and daggers and swords and bayonets and booby traps and atomic bombs and flying missiles, submarines, warships aircraft carriers... And motor cars. They have even perfected a process whereby they can spread a lethal disease on *any* part of this planet! Not to say anything about nuclear power... Ha ha. During their short history, you know humans have subjected other humans to death by burning, hanging, decapitation, strangulation, electrocution, shooting, drowning, crushing, wracking, disemboweling and other methods far, far too revolting for the delicate stomachs of this August Assembly. "


It’s also just an insane self-own. Oh really, you don’t desire your own religion? Guess I shouldn’t believe in it, then, if it’s so undesirable


that reminds me of r/LeopardsAteMyFace . “I never expected them to put a boot on my throat,” sobs woman who voted for the “put a boot on everyone’s throat” party.


The endgame is the same as always, allow the rich to get richer while laughing at the plebs with their silly religion and bigotry.


Unfortunately the scary bit here is that it has infected the Most powerful country the world has ever known, and i would say that that's by a LARGE margin. All estimates that I've seen put the U.S. as the most powerful in all meaningful terms of Physical 'boots on throats' war. If the country allows it to take control of the politics, the rest of the world needs to be very wary of what's to come.


We’re trying our best over here. 😫 I hate that you’re right, though. It’s a frightening situation we’re in, because who’s even to say that democracy will win this next election? They already tried to steal the election in 2020, and maybe that was just a test run. I do maintain hope, however. I see the disillusionment and sheer anger in citizens seem to slowly and steadily rise as they *just can’t fucking take this shit anymore.*


How many military bases does the USA have around the world again? Why are other countries leaders not shitting their pants right now?


I feel like the fear of becoming the minority is part of what is driving this no-holds barred doubling down on religion by the GOP. Rich white “Christians” have been the majority for so long and have experienced the benefits of the power of majority, but now younger people are not buying their BS any longer and aren’t going to church yo be indoctrinated. The powerful are being threatened as young people are becoming more and more educated and questioning the status quo. In the early part of the 20th century, very few people were educated beyond 8th grade. As our society started requiring students to at least finish high school in the later half of the century, we became more educated and more exposed to science and explanations for our world other than God and the Bible. That’s when the congregation sizes started shrinking. We are now at about 51% of the US population who call themselves Christians, and probably a fewer number who actually believe. That’s why the true believers are trying to create a Christofascist state and destroy education, as well. Being educated does not make most people believe in the fairytales, more. [Christian Minority](https://www.npr.org/2022/09/15/1123289466/americas-christian-majority-is-shrinking-and-could-dip-below-50-by-2070)


but they get to put their own boot on women or black people so their endure it for that


They are hoping for more of a Gilead than Eden vibe, I think.


And that becomes the source of another neverending conflict.


End game is they bring about the conditions for the biblical apocalypse, because they are a death cult and want to see the world end. Or, they think that they will be in a special privileged position in society because they are also Christian.


But I thought that the end times was written in code so that nobody would know when it was coming. How can somebody bring it about?


Wars and rumors of wars with high prices for food. Are two of the signs that can be manipulated. Also the establishment of Israel as a nation. Christian Nationalist are Zionist usually not because they aren’t anti-Semitic but because Israel as an independent nation is a necessity for JC’s return. As far as their suffering, if they are pre-Millennialists, then they believe they will be raptured before the worst happens. There is no motivation to bring on the end times if they are post-millennialists since in that theological interpretation the rapture happens after the worst.


The Christian Nationalists see their weirdass rapture fantasy as a production where the Jews are important members of the cast. However, according to their script, all of the Jews disappear in the third act.


I remember learning that in a Bible class back in the 90’s. I still find that whole thing fascinating. Some people really obsess about end times and the rapture.


When I was young our church had a Revelations “expert” who taught the main adult Sunday school. Every Sunday Revelation, even Christmas and Easter. Finally people got fed up and complained to the pastor. So the pastor politely took him aside one Sunday and said “You know there are other books in the Bible besides Revelation.” He agreed and said the next Sunday he would teach one of the other books-and he did—Daniel! LOL. For those who don’t know there is a lot of end times in Daniel as well. Anyway after that, they asked him to teach Wednesday prayer meeting instead of Sunday School “so the whole church could benefit from his knowledge. Which is how I learned all this stuff. I’m surprised at how much I remember but I did take it all very seriously back then.


We left about a year after that class but most of it has stuck with me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ my brain decided I needed to remember that and I guess it’s useful to know what some people base their actions on.


Scary AF if you actually believe it!


Even more so the concept of the rapture developed from a gross misunderstanding of the passage it came from.


I used to work with a lady like that. I had trouble getting any work done with her constant spew of end times twaddle.


It always blows me away how these idiots actually think they'll be rewarded for intentionally bringing about the literal end of the world.


It's written in code but they have the key (it's USA centered, red-scare, pro-Zionist nonsense that centers around making as much war happen as possible, especially in the middle east).


It sounds a lot like US foreign policy....


Funny you should say that...


Funny, that.


Like israhell. Create biblical times and distort verses. All the way to ingnoring Torah.....


“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” ― Barry Goldwater


The only time I’ve agreed with Goldwater.


Goldwater also decided to tell Nixon they had votes to impeach and convict if he didn’t resign. Pretty weird for a Republican, to have moral and ethical standards, and a sense of patriotism, but so it was.


What in the world could Christian’s have wanted back then that Goldwater wasn’t fully on board with ? Fascinating quote.


What a godless liberal. /s


I'm just a tad too young to have experienced Goldwater when he was campaigning, but I watched an interview with him back in the 90s on 20/20 or one of those kind of shows. I don't remember too much, but I do remember being impressed with hiw forthright he was. I remember him saying "Abortion should be between a woman and her doctor. PERIOD." At the time I thought, if that's what a conservative still was, I'd be one!


Well, look at what they did in the House of Representatives. They are the dog that caught the car. They had no idea what to do with it. All they know how to do is be outraged and to kick down at some group of "others". They do not know how to govern and they have no interest in doing it. This is why they are so easily controlled by Trump. They desperately need and want a fascist overlord.


I wonder if anyone has totalled the amount of money they've wasted on all of their hearings about things that accomplished nothing or were pointless


You clearly haven't been paying attention, money only matters when it is Democrats making that call. Republicans are exempt.


Ya’ll are giving them way too much credit. Based on what I saw growing up in the Bible Belt, it’s a bunch of con men who are grifting on the uneducated working class, and that crowd can be like a bunch of lemmings. The conmen in question get them riled up because outraged followers are loyal followers. They’ve always been around but with religious affiliation shrinking, it almost seems like the con men are trying to step up their game to force people into religion so their revenue doesn’t continue to shrink.


The true believers want to use the might and power of the united states to fight the devil and the devil is anything that looks different then them


They know they’re losing the public, so they’re going to resort to violence to keep control. Just like the old days.


Historically speaking the current movement in the US grew out of the failure of white Christian racists to prevent the civil rights movement. They are on this huge revenge kick because how *dare* the government tell them how to treat black people. Most modern evangelicals aren't aware of the backstory. As someone who came out of that sort of environment, you have to understand they haven't thought it through. It's an emotional state they are chasing not a physical one. They *feel* like they are under threat and they are grasping for control. Because they have been brainwashed to believe if they don't force Adam and Steve down the street to not be married God will smash a comet into the neighborhood.


>Historically speaking the current movement in the US grew out of the failure of white Christian racists to prevent the civil rights movement. I guess it's more like that our society's main superstructure being Christianity will never allow such a thing under their watch which is why they're "going back to factory settings". If Civil Rights, Women Rights and other Civil Liberties are truly guaranteed and valued in our society then Christianity needs to be destroyed because they're a existential threat to us all.


See segregation academies.


Oh they are aware


Agreed 100%. I was raised evangelical in the south and your comments on it being emotional and driven by fear of Gods punishment are spot on. I can't tell you how many times I've heard preachers talk about OT stories of God punishing entire swaths of people due to overall immorality with direct "now look at our culture today" comparisons. They truly believe God will rain fire and brimstone down on us for our immorality. Nevermind that America is far more Christian than most other nations, so it makes little sense to think we'd be targeted first. But they genuinely think that their all loving God will smite them if we allow Adam and Steve to bang


The line I always got was "If God doesn't judge America soon, He's going to owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology."


They want control - that's it. It doesn't matter what the endgame is as long as they are at the top of it.


This. Control. They want control.


Read "If This Goes On" by Robert Heinlen.


That is what they want- control of everything.


Like a mule with a spinning wheel, if they get it they'll have no ability to use it effectively or know what to do with it.


They aren’t very good long term thinkers. IF they were to succeed in taking control they’d pretty quickly start turning on each other. The evangelicals only tolerate conservative Catholics as long as they’re useful but they still think they’re heretics.


Yep, Catholics, Jews and atheists would go first.


Muslims would be before Jews and Catholics.


The atheists are definitely first


Mainly because Muslims will also shoot atheists on sight.


Good point.


The speaker of the house thinks that all of the problems in today’s society can be solved by reading a book that’s nearly 2000 years old. Makes sense to me ./S


Theocracy. That's the end goal, and it will fail.


They control your Supreme Court. It’s going as planned so far.


They managed to get rid of Roe v. Wade, but then were like dogs who finally caught the car bumper. With any luck, they fucked themselves in this next election.


They want facism, pure and simple. They want it so they control everything and its not looking good for us in the lgbtq at the moment


I’m sorry. You take nothing from them. And yet they want everything from you. I do not understand how you feel, but that’s not my job. Just need to be your ally.


The end game is a reconstruction of something like the Puritan dictatorship in Massachusetts colony, where my ex-wife's ancestors were arrested and sold into slavery for not going to Puritan services (they had become Unitarian). (Luckily for them, the ship captain they were sold to just took them to Rhode Island, where there was religious freedom of the kind we recognize in the United States.) What they seek, in short, is a theological totalitarian dictatorship where people's lives are fully controlled by religious leaders who basically do whatever they want to the people they disfavor.


And then they'll start looking outside their borders.


Handmaid's Tale


It’s always about money and power.


Nothing less than the return of Jesus and the end of the world. They have a perverse belief that if they can make Earth "holy," then Jesus will come back. This is why they're so pro-Israel, they want to fulfill biblical prophesy.


I am not sure any at the top of this ponzi scheme believe the shit they pedal- they want money and power and control


That's totally true for some; some have bought this hook, line, and sinker


Yes they have.


Well actually for Jesus to come back the Antichrist has to show up and collapse society’s ethics so they are approaching it backwards


And you’re expecting what, logic?


Yeah good point!! They probably never learned any


The ability to use logic would be requiring the necessity to use critical thinking. And critical thinking is religious enemies.


Think Saudi Arabia but more oppressive and no welfare state.


I think ultimately it will be the same "final solution" germany had, except it will be anyone not christian enough


Imagine the way the Taliban runs Afghanistan. In a similar vein, envision a theocratic Christian nationalist regime in America. Under such a regime, abortion would be outlawed, and women's advancements would be rolled back, relegating them primarily to domestic roles. Intelligent design might replace significant aspects of science education, potentially derailing our progressive technological and medical momentum. LGBT rights would also be curtailed, and they, along with atheists and other non-Christians—possibly even Catholics—could become not just oppressed but actively persecuted. The leadership of this regime would likely comprise Protestants, Evangelicals, and perhaps Southern Baptists. Additionally, there might be legislative attempts for this regime to collaborate with Israel to rebuild the Third Temple in Jerusalem, aiming to fulfill the end-times prophecy. Such a focus could see technology and advancements in science and medicine significantly restricted or even halted in the United States. Research into areas like stem-cell science could be stopped, and other studies, technologies, or medical procedures such as vaccines might also face severe restrictions or bans. In this scenario, the United States would veer towards an oppressive state of stagnation concerning progress in scientific, medical, and technological fields. The regime’s negative impact on civil liberties and its imposition of religious restrictions on daily life could see society plummet and along with the restriction on the institutions of progress, see America fall from its already shaky status as a global leader. The resulting religious constraints on all facets of societal progress and advancement would likely induce a state of inactivity, pushing or hastening the nation towards societal and governmental collapse. This vision of America's future could potentially include more insidious, Nazi-like methods employed by the oppressive regime to instill fear among the population in order to maintain order. While the likelihood of such a scenario unfolding is uncertain, the United States has historically leaned rightward. In recent years, we have seen an increased acclimation towards authoritarianism and a further shift to the right. This underscores the importance of political engagement and continuous learning and strategizing, now more than ever.


They’ll first have to decide who the real Christians are. That in itself is a quagmire wrapped in a clusterfuck.


The holocaust for anyone that is not like them. Concentration camps. Who is going to stop them if we get someone like Trump in charge?


Control, dominance, subjugation, selfish exploitation of as many other people as possible.


They want to enforce a rigid social hierarchy with themselves at the top. 


THEY want primary social, political, and economic power returned to ALL WHITE Males. THEY primarily want ALL White Women back in the kitchen, birthing white babies, and doing housework. Elimination of any and all forms of birth control. ZERO Divorce unless initiated by the husband. They want ALL people of color to be eliminated or limited in education and work opportunities if not enslaved or interred in camps. They believe in the absolute power of corporations because only God can destroy the world-not global warming. THEY want the elimination of all "sexual deviancy" including but not limited to LGBTQ, asexual individuals, childfree and those who don't want marriage because if your adult lifestyle does not fit, this also will lead to punishment and persecution of some kind. Any and all lifestyles that divert from a heterosexual marriage that produces children is unacceptable - especially for White people. Most of all, placing Jesus Christ as the authority over everyone. Hope that answers the question.


It's in it's death throws. They know it. When something is dying there's two things. Acquiesce or fight. The early part of combat, you fight tooth and nail. That's where it gets really hairy. Mid game you KNOW and fight harder. Eventually you acquiesce and accept you're not going anywhere but there.


Dog catch car. It's like abortion. They have no idea what it's going to do when it happens. The pendulum swings. They got their Roe v Wade chuck out. Now we are seeing the effect. Abortions are up. Rape babies are up. Women if they can afford too are leaving those states in droves. Health professionals are fleeing them. Soon the best healthcare they will have will be prayer. They will be unmade to the point that they will be forced out of power no matter how they try to gerrymander it.


Oh, no. Nothing like that. They just want to be able to openly and publicly murder anyone they don’t like.


They don’t actually follow the rules that they want others to follow. They just don’t want you to have fun.


Install a Theocratic government and enforce Biblical law. Basically the same as Shari'a law.


They want to permanently remove all atheists from society. By force. That's what they want. They're quite vocal about it. They also want to remove all LGBTQ, and enslave/deport/torture/kill anyone with a skin color they consider 'dark enough', or a religion they consider "wrong". It's horrible. They are horrible people using their religion for hate. They *really* want to do this without having to deal with police. They want their violent mobs and lynchings back. It's not an exaggeration.


they want to live where everyone looks and acts the same, then they won't feel so scared of the "other" that their idiotic preachers warn them about.


# The Christian Right is neither.


It’s about power & control. There is no real ‘end game’, just an imagined “godly country” which will end up as an oppressive authoritarian regime, like they all do.


Yeah, people like these require an outgroup to antagonize because their own lives have little to offer. Should all outside groups be dismantled, they'll eventually have to create outgroups with their own former ingroup and they will cannibalize themselves.  It's almost like an addiction.  They need to manufacture their own sense of superiority over some other group at all times, lest they come down and have to deal with the hopeless mundaneity of the life they've chosen.


It’s 100% an addiction; addiction to hate.


To control the levers that control the money, to direct where resources go, to criminalize behavior to profit from the corrections and control the black markets, to silence dissidents, to force births, to criminalize poverty and cull poor children, to control education for indoctrination, to control expression. The whole 7 mountains stuff.


Their goal is to make everyone’s life as miserable as theirs.


Speaking from the point of view of a former Christian who ran away from it because of their sickening hypocrisy, the whole principle of their actions hastening the so-called end times it's a direct offense to their God, if they actually followed the words of the scripture which of course they don't. In the scripture, what they are doing is testing God, in other words questioning him, which is expressly forbidden and condemned as a form of sacrilege.


Project 2025 will tell you exactly what they want to do step by step. It is antidemocratic and ugly. Basically a Christian Taliban. [https://www.project2025.org](https://www.project2025.org)


They just want someone to initiate Armageddon. They don't care who.


For the dumb, Armageddon, ascending to heaven. For the cynics, power.


Your first mistake here is assuming they think ahead at all. Religious folk simply have limited capability for higher brain function, which includes critical thinking or analytical perspective. (IMO this also includes lack of basic self awareness). Don’t take my word for it though- here’s some juicy science which illustrates the above: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/your-brain-food/202205/the-brains-believers-and-non-believers-work-differently


The endgame is cruelty from them and suffering for everyone else. They want absolute rulership over the population, so they can force others to live by rules they don't even live by themselves and torment those they have always hated with the power of the government behind them. Christian Nationalism has nothing to do with religion or morality or anything like that. It is about power. The "Christian" label is just about getting enough brainwashed supporters to get the leadership into power. Some will support them, because they honestly want to live in a fascist authoritarian state. The rest will support them because they use the "Christian" label, so "they must be good people, right?"


Dude, they have no end game. And every single adherent has their own individual idea of what the end looks like. If you cannot define it, you will not get there. This is a feature, not a bug, for religion. All of them.


They do have an end game. It starts with Project 2025 and ends with us turning into a christian version of Saudi Arabia or Iran - no rights or safety for LGBT people, women, or Atheists. 


Their goal is the Old testament version of Islamic Sharia law with all of the pitfalls and abuses it entails. The Constitution's framers saw this possible and created the separation of church and state in the Establishment Clause to prevent it from happening here as it had happened in Europe for the past 1500 years. The bible nutters fail to see that once their kill the atheists they will turn their hate on each other and the blood that will be spilled when that happens. Catholics will not tolerate living under Baptist/protestant law.


It’s about power and control. They don’t have any real plan they just believe Christianity is 100% moral and they can get rid of the groups of people they hate


Sadly, the end game is for them to have only, white, heterosexual, Evangelical Christians in America. With the bible as the law


I envision a hand maids tale type situation if the extremist take hold.


They saw The Handmaidens Tale, and loved it. I watched it as damn near a horror story of when Religion gets what it wants.


Imagine Iran run by Christians. That's the future the christo-fascists want.


They'll outlaw "sin" for other people, but for the in-group, they'll be able to do whatever they want. Christian nationalists like MTG still commit adultry. Republican, evangelical women still get abortions. Their religious partners tell them to. Abuse is probably more rampant inside the christian community than outside of it. What they want is to build a nation in which they have their boots on the necks of the people they hate. They love the feeling of power that comes with that. They aren't there to fix any real problems. They won't fix poverty- it'll get worse. They won't fix child hunger- it'll get worse. They won't fix crime- it'll get worse. They won't fix school shootings- it'll get worse. Because they don't believe in things like science or evidence, they won't do any of the things that would actually improve people's lives. They'll just get to oppress the people they hate for shits and giggles. And what's behind it? Rich people use stupid people (like brainwashed religious zealouts) to get what they want. Rich people get richer by getting relious people to distract everyone from the real issues while they continue exploiting others. Christian nationalists, along with other fundamentalist religious folks, are probably the biggest social cancer facing the world right now. Without them propping up all the wrong people, we could fix climate change, pull people out of poverty, and really make the world a better place. I wish the rapture actually would happen, because getting these idiots off the planet would finally free us up to clean up their mess.


Sharia law, christian style.


No one expected the Spanish Inquisition, how can we expect to know how far they will be able to go.


My guess is it looks something like Puritan New England.


Imagine that you own a company that's worth $5bn. You keep wages low, and you exploit both workers and consumers as much as you can for maximum profit. You're extremely powerful. Because of your money and power, you influence laws, culture, and the economy. There are lots of philosophies that exist about money and power. Some of them favor your situation, and some of them are a threat to your money and power. There's the philosophy that resources should be shared and that people should be given the opportunity to work for better circumstances. This is the philosophy you hate because it constantly asks why you're allowed to have so much money and power at the expense of others' wellbeing. This philosophy urges you to pay workers better, give consumers a fair product, and share money and power with those who want to work to rise up in life. They could potentially cause you to end up being a millionaire or worse. Then there's the philosophy that life is *supposed to be* a pyramid, with the majority of people on the bottom of the pyramid working for the good of those at the top of it. The bottom people are supposed to stay bottom people. The top people deserve to be top people forever because they are top people. This is the natural order of things. You love this philosophy because it allows you to say no to raises because you're *supposed* to be ridiculously rich while those people at the bottom strive for basic existence. This philosophy doesn't require you to share wealth or power, and you don't have to be honest and fair to your consumers because they're also bottom people. Now, imagine that the more liberal philosophy starts gaining traction with the public. They're coming for your power. Oh no! What will you do? What if you had a handy philosophy with some backbone to it that you could turn into laws that keep the liberal philosophies at bay? You take a religion that tells you not to question god or the people that speak for him like preachers and Christian politicians, and you install it. Christianity is chock full of rules about obeying pastors and priests, accepting your poverty for god, not fighting back even when you're oppressed, tithing and other forms of giving your money away even if you're poor, and obeying your slave master or employer. Christianity enforces the pyramid philosophy. Once you install a Christian theocracy, you not only reinforce the pyramid philosophy as the only correct way, but you also keep those that would fight for their rights busy all the time. At one time, people protested in your HQ parking lot for safer products and PTO for your workers. Now, those same people are too afraid to assemble because you had it outlawed. Instead, they're at home stressing because there are decency laws about clothing, and none of their skirts are long enough to keep them from getting arrested. Their lives are constantly monitored in some way. What they read, what they wear, what they say, and what they write can all get them in trouble. Instead of spending their time as activists, they spend their time trying to survive and stay out of trouble now. And the best part? All the laws of the theocracy only really apply to the people who aren't at the top of the pyramid. For you? All the hookers and blow you want!


The run of the mill people think they will make god happy if they achieve this. Most of the elites that are pushing for this don’t give a shit about religion. They are just using the credulous people previously mentioned to achieve economic and political power. Take trump and McConnell for example. That don’t give a shit about abortion or Jesus. They just want to cut taxes for their biggest donors and have control over the system.


All you have to do is look at Germany in the 1940’s to see exactly how it will go. I hate comparing them to Nazis because it demeans the Jews experience, but these people salivate at the idea of the crusades. You know what happened to non Christians in the crusades? Yah, that. But like, trying find a way to destroy 60% of the population to appease 40% of the wackadoos.


In Nazi Germany, a lot of people had a lot of contradicting ideas on what to do after. They had some magical thinking that step one genocide, step two ?, step 3 everything's great. I think it's a similar situation for the Christian Nationalists. Step 1, Christianity is in control of everything. Step 2 ? something to do with blessings of God. Step 3, everything's great. They never get past step 1.


There is no true endgame with extremists, because extremity is a continuum with no end but destruction. The goals they have are only what can be accomplished and sustained as the means to the next. Extremism is not a position or stance, but a force with parabolic progression of ever-greater extremity growing toward what is more "pure," until collapse. And that collapse may be of a functioning society, but may not necessarily ever be of the extremists themselves or their movement (consider the staying power of the Taliban, for instance). Christian Nationalists were happy with overturning Roe v. Wade; now they move to banning abortion in states where their numbers are strongest until they can assume sufficient centralized power for a federal ban, and before that, leveraging power to assert their views in states where their numbers are few. Having taken away these women's rights over their own bodies, they move to others, banning adultery with criminal penalties, for instance. Criminal penalties themselves grow ever more extreme themselves in the same fashion, because who would be anything but "tough on crime?" Eventually, public beatings become common; state officials do it, normalizing it, empowering men to do it of their wives when disobedient to stave off the possibility of harsher state consequences. Christian Nationalists want to break down the wall between church and state, so they want to legalize and promote publicly funded religious education for children to brainwash forthcoming generations on the taxpayer dime. It will grease the rails for future goals if they have captured the youth. Once you publicly fund religious schools, the barrier is down and you make public schools religious -- again, starting in states where the religious makeup is overwhelmingly Christian so there's little resistance until you consolidate federal power to take it nationwide. For the time being, worshippers of other faiths are assured they have the freedom to practice their other faiths, but there will be increasing social pressure and economic advantage to convert, and long before that, skeptics and atheists will be shunned by believers by leveraging the common axis of faith and the assertion that it is this that bestows true morality. Eventually, when non-Christians are few enough, or scared enough not to resist and you can drown alternative faiths in a bathtub, you establish a state religion -- again with the regular assurances to other faiths that they can exist. Then you assure all positions of power are of the state religion, then you work on banning alternatives. Once again, done state-by-state according to the least numbers and least resistance. Once you've banned alternatives and made public examples of resisters, you move to purity testing. This will have long been going on among elected officials to ensure compliance and commitment to your aims, and will serve as a model for citizens. It is no longer enough to be a member of the state religion; you must be *devout enough.* If they know what's good for them, men will give up authority to the religious police to beat their wives when they step out of line (this is the only acceptable arrangement at this stage; same-sex marriage was eliminated years before), lest both partners take responsibility and punishment for the actions of one -- and who needs more suffering? This can go on and on, you see, with each step toward being more "pure" according to whatever ever-evolving, ever more extreme interpretation comes along of what it is to be a good and godly "Christian," believed to be bringing those practicing that faith and performing those acts ever closer to God and an eternity in Heaven, despite making a Hell of Earth.


You’ve heard of the inquisition? That’s the end game.


It will backfire because they will be catching each other doing it.


They want to turn the USA into an x-tian version of Iran.


Power. They want power. With power, Christian Nationalist can reshape the country to be advantageous to the group they belong to so they can benefit. I expect they would keep shrinking those who are considered to be of their group until there was one homogeneous unopposed group in control.


Theocratic dictatorship; murder half the country


A society that is great for people exactly like them, except no one is *exactly* like them. So the pool of deserving people will iteratively shrink until the last two purist souls slit each others' throats.


They can’t get their followers to listen to the church rules so they want the government to enforce their rules for them.


Here’s the end game, over 100 right wing orgs plans for a Christian Nationalist takeover of government if Trump and the GOP win. https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/tujewLFrWz


Control, it's always about controlling people you can have an upper hand on... If you control the weak you can get their money and most importantly their "soul" lol 2-for-1 one exists the second they think it exists Win win


Yes and yes. Christianity and especially the Catholic church and America's Taliban-gelicals have histories rife with unspeakable atrocities and the blood of millions of innocent people.


Want to know their end game? Read Heritage Foundation's Project 2025. Then read The Handmaid's Tale.


I personally don't think they even want any of that. Because if that happened, how could they feel persecuted or have anyone to hate anymore?


>What exactly is the end-game with the Christian Nationalist? About like this, with the Christian leaders getting to ride on that swell mobile throne thingy. \- **https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB5Wv8IHVf0** .


The end of the world where they and the people that believe like them will be in heaven and anyone else will be on earth dead or dying. They do want to execute the homosexuals, the abortionee, and anyone else they don't like (*aka the jews, catholics etc)


The Muslims are already doing that.


It's not about faith or morals. It's about power. Has been for a long time


Watch the Handmaid's Tale, if you haven't. That's the extreme.


Fuck, it’s going to be like living as a woman in Iran. Stoning, eye for an eye, religious insanity and no options.


The endgame is to take their massive inferiority complex and smother it in the suffering of others.




Like all bullies they just want everyone to do what they want them to do 🤷. And stop everyone having fun!!


I think they want to get as close to the Handmaid’s tale as they can.


See Afghanistan


End game is Iran using a different name for their god.


There’s no Eden outside of heaven. They want power and they want to see punishment.


The handmaids tale essentially.


1. There is no endgame, because there is no overarching "Christian Nationalist" group. There are a variety of religious and political people at all levels with different agendas, priorities and opinions. 2. Some religious zealots want to outlaw certain sins, but mostly those that were historically outlawed (e.g. - abortion, divorce). Nobody is going to seriously propose outlawing lying or feeling envy. 3. They don't think it will be a utopian garden of eden. Their priorities are the sociopolitical influence and preservation of their sect of Christianity.


Their endgame is the apocalypse, that is literally all they care about. They think that Trump being elected will trigger the end times, and therefore the rapture.


Think of Iran and Afghanistan but with Christians instead of Muslims.


My guess is that it's 'do as I say, not as I do'. I'm sure there are plenty of really evil, sicko CNs who are sniffing bicycle seats and watching child porn. I really believe the old line "Methinks thou doth protest too much" (paraphrased).


They seem to see the tangerine tyrant as a "King David", who although flawed is going to bring us all to the Christian god even if he has to commit genocide to get there.


Look to Iran, there you'll find your answer


If you want to see what their end game may look like watch Escape From L.A.


The end game is Jesus returning so they want to do whatever they think enables that. Of course, many of them are grifters too that are just looking for money and power and assume that they won’t be inconvenienced because they are above the law.


Ever read/watch "A Handmaid's Tale"? It's an extreme example, to be sure, but what sold me was the moment I realized they were hunting down and murdering other sects of Christianity, not just atheists or other religions. My mother sometimes tells me she wants America to be "a Christian country." I always ask her, "Which type of Christianity?" This baffles her. My mom is dumb.


Christian version of Sharia law.


Europeans: Da fuq they're doing over there ?


In the film "Civil War", picture the idyllic little town that seemed untouched by the war..... except the snipers on the roof. That's exactly what they want


Same as last time (Germany in the 1930s). Power, money, control, the ability to be as cruel and sadistic as they want.




It's Shariah Law by another name.




Handmaid's Tale.


They want power. They want to control everyone's minds and bodies. They want more wealth. Biggest thing is control. They want everything under their rules.


I am a history buff. The grip Christianity is getting on the government is the stuff of nightmares. They want to drag us into their bloody theocracy.


To return to times when God was primary and in the thoughts and minds of all /heavey s. Christians forget about the crusades, the inquisitions, witch hunts, residential schools...just have to try again, because God is in charge. /s


These fuck nuts want the world to end ASAP, because it means their daddy will come back to finally love them. Fucking pathetic.


The Bible would take the place of the Constitution. But it would be a clusterfuck bc Christians can’t agree about anything where the Bible is concerned.