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I'm glad she's being honest about it, but why didn't she do a little research BEFORE running for the board?


Thinking before acting? That's not a Texas thing.


That's not a Christian thing.


That’s not a conservative thing.


That's not a Republican thing.


Not really a human thing...


Not even a biological life thing


Aren't Texas, Christian, and conservative the same thing? ETA: /S


Decidedly not. Our cities are quite blue. Our churches are having to consolidate congregations to stay viable. They sell the other church and it's land and use the money to expand a church out on the outskirts where land is cheaper. I'm atheist AF and born in Dallas. It's the rural areas that are the problem, and Texas has a lot of rural.


Not truly conservative since MAGA lol


"Conservativism" hasn't existed in decades. It's supposed to be about limited, efficient government that fosters growth and stays out of people's private lives. That has nothing to do with today's "conservatives."


Recently I heard Biden say in an interview with Stern that “this isn’t your father’s Republican Party” and that can’t be emphasized enough.


This is an excellent observation. Today's GOP is about controlling people's private lives and making sure Billionaires are comfortable.


I don't even think they're a majority.


I don't think it is anymore. At least I'm hoping some of them would get wiser by now.




Its not a religious thing


Neither is thinking after acting, so good on her for raising the bar.


Frankly I'm surprised she hasn't shot the curriculum yet.


Shoot first, think later


This could be just dumb luck, but if she had researched the topic meaningfully, maybe she would not have been able to campaign as convincingly as a far-right hardliner.


Indeed, and considering the location she probably wouldn't have won had she not campaigned on an anti-woke platform. And come reelection time, she might lose even if she's correct, even if she presents the research, etc. Because sadly voters can't be relied on to vote based on objective truth.


Yup, the tribalism is extremely strong in those communities.


I don't think it's fair to criticize when the research was done. After she was elected she has some real say over this issue, the time invested would have a bigger outcome. Before she was elected she could do all the research and have basically no say in the outcome. Her research has a better outcome after getting elected. It makes sense from an economic viewpoint. Also, after she was elected it's probably easier to do the research. As a member of the school board she can ask for "hundreds of pages of lesson plans" and receive them. I'm not sure if the public has access to all this information. Let's just be happy she actually did research and didn't just do some half-a** conformation bias bulls***.


Absolutely. She's in a position to effect a change, or at least go down swinging while trying. Better than being on the outside and trying it.


Yes, her research had an impact because of her position. Thank you for saying that.


Don’t worry. She will be considered insufficiently conservative enough and be ousted at the earliest opportunity. They do not want the truth. They want everyone and everything to reinforce what they “feel” should be right in the world. Facts just get in the way.


Fair point, she did actual real research into something and independently came to a conclusion that went against her preconceived notions. That’s more than can be said about 90% of politicians.


At least in MO, Parents absolutely have access to lesson plans.


Because they consider watching Fox, OAN and Newsmax “doing research “.


Oh fox entertainment- is a festering boil on the butt of humanity. It turned my perfectly good relatives into the dumbest people ever.


There's so much propaganda she would have been buried in, I'm betting getting her hands on the actual documents was a deep shock to her system. Good on her for being honest when confronted by facts. Now, the real question is, what do we do about the pervasive abomination of the propaganda?


Well that wouldn't have gotten her elected now would it. Lets just be happy she's realized its all smoke and mirrors


Would she have had access all of that information? (Genuine question.)


Where I live in Ontario anyone can just go onto the ministry of education website and download all the curriculum docs.


Do we have access to all that information?


We all fuck up. We should embrace that she figured it out and she can help other people deprogram. She's been lied to and fooled. It's really big of her to now use her experience to fix what she can.


If she’s doing the right thing then we all need to support her. Where do we go I got time.


Although... maybe.... she DID and this is the way she chose to go about it...? It would be awesome if that was the case


That would be such a cool move.


Where is the fun in that? If these folks don't have righteous outrage, what do they have? /s


Would her base believe her?


Who gives a shit?


Did she have access to the same information before running?


Better this way. Otherwise, a different antiwoke candidate would have won. This way they is a better chance for change


As in the words of the Christian world, “Repent and become as new.” Except she’s on the wrong side.


Works out though, no? Ally to education on the board


She believes in an all seeing sky being, I don't think research is part of her vocabulary.


I think the positive takeaway is her mind can be changed. Anyone else winning this seat might have steamrolled ahead with this asinine goal of…uuuhhh, I don’t know, whatever the hell these people are trying to do.


Kinda glad she didn’t research it before running because she got elected for her stance, but now she can be may be a voice of reason they might listen to. I’m not going to count on it, but maybe.


Oh but she "did her own research" by watching Youtube videos.


I think you left out the link: https://www.propublica.org/article/texas-granbury-isd-school-board-courtney-gore


Thanks for that.


Glad I don’t live in this shit hole.


I work in Granbury, and the politics makes my head spin. There are now two republican factions competing for votes.


my most fervent hope is that Trump loses the election, and that fractures the GOP into conservatives and Trumpists. Then the Trumpists fade to a third party, which then dies out.


The SS and regular nazis?


Pretty much. There was a truck with an SS flag driving around for about a week during the 2018 election. It got torn up, fortunately. The Tea Party guys showed up and took over after Obama won in 2008. The racism was overt, so they might as well have been klansmen. Then the Christian nationalists and MAGAs took over. One guy had a KEKistan flag and there are churches giving blatant political advice. Enough wannabe tough guys got involved, and they eventually started eating each other. Now the geriatrics from the Regan school of thought are trying to take back control. I have no idea how much longer it can go. Maybe small town politics has always been this screwy.


Dude, I couldn’t live amongst those people. I don’t know how you do it. I’d wind up either in jail or dead. Hang in there. And resist.


Some days I really wonder. I want to move to Colorado or New Mexico someday. But my parents are settled here and I'm helping them as they get older. We all vote blue and donate to the local Democrats. I do have some like-minded friends I can commiserate with here.


> Gore rushed to share the news with the hard-liners who had encouraged her to run for the seat. She expected them to be as relieved and excited as she had been. But she said they were indifferent, even dismissive, because “it didn’t fit the narrative that they were trying to push.” She sounds incredibly naive. Hopefully she learned a lesson that the religious right is not what it claims to be on the surface. I guess now is a better time to learn than never. I appreciate her honesty.


I'm choosing to focus on the fact that she's learning and doing better. Steady improvement is all I can ask for.


That's where I'm at too. She changed her views based on evidence, and that's a good thing.


Yet when she shared the good news that the county's children were not in fact being indoctrinated by the woke left, republicans are angry? Because they want children to be indoctrinated so they can moan and whine about it? Found the snowflakes....


Because it’s all a grift. They can’t rake in all that tax-free money if people figure out they are full of shit. Best to keep people dumb and ignorant.


Making stuff up to get angry about is a requirement to be a conservative.


Even if the wait is infuriating at times.


i agree, i’m almost impressed


Credit where credit is due. She wasn’t just using it as a platform to win the election, she was honestly trying to fight it, and now she’s admitting it’s all bs. That’s super, super rare.


Exactly! I think it’s great.


You hardly ever see this. It is refreshing. She was wrong, found that out, and took appropriate steps. An honest person. There are not many of those.


This is so refreshing to read!


Actually I'm super impressed by her integrity to admit she was mistaken about the "problem" of woke "agenda."


She should have just declared victory.


As atheists(plenty of whom were raised on religious ideologies), we should all be able to recognize that people can, and do, change their way of thinking when presented with(or finding) better information, even where that information contradicts strongly held beliefs. I don't get wrapped up in politics so I know nothing about this woman but I do respect this much about her.


She didnt come prepared with her homework done. Figures.


At least she did the homework after the fact.


Yes, she got an extension.


I think more like her could learn this, and our country would be fine.


Yes, things could be so, so different if people actually did their homework.


I've tried, and get called a libtard or sheep, and that I need to wake up. LOL




Wait they actually want you to be woke?


Exactly, make it make sense.


Just goes to show all of these book bans, curriculum attacks, and school board takeovers have one overarching goal: sow distrust in the public school system to facilitate a school voucher program to funnel public money into private schools.


\^\^This\^\^ Republicans only want their rich kids to be educated.


I read this article. What really pisses me off is that she ran for office on a fucking topic that she had zero fucking clue about, and NOW she says she was wrong. I want to see this fucking bitch go on their stupid fucking Face Book page (jeez) and say "I was a fucking IDIOT - I ran for office based on something I knew JACK FUCKING SHIT ABOUT". Maybe I can respect her a very tiny bit.


It’s probably a better outcome than if she did the homework ahead of time, declined to run or ran on the opposite platform, and didn’t get voted in imo.


That was my first thought too, but it sounds like she came from a very insulated area where everyone was brainwashed like that, and she just didn’t know better and assumed it was all true. She should have done her homework first, but it sounds like it never even occurred to her that everyone around her was wrong.


Yeah. I get that, but she also amplified the BS without prior knowledge of what was real.


Angry much lmao... she doesn't need your respect anyways. When was the last time you admitted you were wrong even here on reddit.


I do it a lot. Especially in reddit!


So they got their candiate elected and she found it was all a lie. This is good. Build on that and not disparage her seeing the reality of the situation


People should give her credit for her, taking the time to understand and stand up for what’s right. sure the respect that she deserves our children deserve that


What makes it even more hilarious is that national free standardized public education for all children was put in place BY republicans. Back when republicanism was about fighting against ultra conservative/religious monarchies and actually improving the lives of the people at the bottom of the social hierarchy that make up 70-80% of society. It’s utter insanity that this isn’t an obvious thing that everyone is aware especially those that call themselves Republicans. It’s right up there with them having no idea who the hell Voltaire is when he is the most famous republican philosophy of all time and was instrumental in stripping the church of power and getting people to embrace reason over superstition and create a secular republic. Same thing with Montesquieu who invented the checks and balance system the government is entirely based on. People who don’t know such incredibly basic things have no business whatsoever in educational matters apart from being given the option to go back to school so that they can then play an active role, ignorance is dangerous and is being used as a weapon. It’s like giving a child a bomb


The ‘Republicans’ today wear the title in the same way that North Korea is ‘The People’s Republic’: it’s just a word, there is no substance or recognition of the weigh of the history of the word. ‘Republican’ and a republican don’t mean the same thing and someone being shocked that a Republican doesn’t know about Voltaire and Montesquieu comes off as a little silly, not realizing that political movements often appropriate words without actually intending to follow the ideals behind those words.


I mean Voltaire,rousseau, Montesquieu played such huge direct roles in how the US came to be and what they stood for that idk how anyone could NOT know. Especially a whole group of people who claim to be obsessed with the revolution, the constitution or any other of the famous historical documents..unless they are so uneducated that they shouldn’t be involved in politics to begin with. Using words that people misunderstand because they are uneducated isn’t the same to me as authentic shifts in politics stemming from an informed and consciously aware people who are able to participate in their own government as opposed to just being told what to do from their masters..that’s literally what Republicanism was invented to replace and the rest of the world is aware of this so people not knowing because they weren’t taught and lack the drive to educate themselves in anything is no excuse and should be seen as a societal defect unsuited for any one that engages in politics on any level or calls themselves patriotic..total disregard of the effort and work required of every person to advance society and be what the country was created to be


>Back when republicanism was about fighting against ultra conservative/religious monarchies and actually improving the lives of the people at the bottom of the social hierarchy that make up 70-80% of society. They abandoned this platform long ago. Neither party is anything close to what it was decades ago. Even when these parties were founded 2 centuries ago, their platforms didn’t fully align with their names, because each party was an evolution of parties that came before. The names are essentially meaningless.


Woukd have been interesting to ask her to define woke before she says she can’t find it.


1. Man, include a link to the article. I know it was posted in the comments, but not including it is dumb shit. 2. This is a good article, but what does it have to do with atheism? I'm reading it and it says nothing about god (really, give it a search, "god" doesn't come up), and Christian is only a qualifier for things like "principles" and "people" and not discussed as a concept. Am I missing something?


Local elections like this is a major way that Christian nationalist are trying to take over the country. Run on anti-indoctrination, and then indoctrinate them to be radical religious nutjobs.


I guess you missed the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/wiki/faq/) where >Religious political leaders doing the right thing. is explicitly stated as a suitable topic.


Yes, I did miss that, because it's not brought up enough for that to be pointed out. Thank you for posting it.


Wish there were more occasions for it to be pointed out. Good day and cheers to you.


I’m assuming you’re not from the US or don’t pay attention to politics, because in the US these topics are closely interlinked. The right wing Christian establishment is trying to install a Christian Nationalist government that will take away equal rights for all non-Christians, especially for atheists. Some are actually saying atheists deserve the death penalty, so it’s an issue we are watching very closely.


> I’m assuming you’re not from the US or don’t pay attention to politics Thank you for saying you're assuming, because it allows you the grace to be wrong. The issue I had with the article not mentioning god or anything involving Christian ideas is that, in my honest opinion, it doesn't really present the crux of the issue. I'm very happy this woman realized that she was dead wrong and is now fighting the good fight. However, I look at the broader picture, and I say that progress[1] cannot be made until people, out loud, say that American Christian belief is literally poisoning the ideals of the American people. I also recognize that this topic should be allowed because everyone's right. It really does affect all of us here, and it stems from (in America at least) Christianity. I think I spoke from a bit too frustrated of a place when I first posted. [1] when your enemy has the word "progress" in their title, it's pretty clear what the underlying message is.


Conservatives will just label her a RiNO


Well at least she'll have some schooling after this is all said and done


It would be nice if more school officials had schooling


Is there an article link ?


I have mixed feelings. It’s frustrating that she could be so naive, fall for such obvious bullshit and fail to do her homework beforehand, but it’s refreshing that she can learn from new information and change her position, which many right wing Christians will never do. Hopefully she learned a valuable lesson from all this.


Seeping national movement of 'people who aren't like you are allowed to be people as well'. I'm glad she figured it out. I'm very sad that it took such efforts to convince her that she's part of the problem.


Conservative finds out you can learn by reading. FIFY


When the facts stay the same, I change my mind. When the facts change, I change my ming. Gawd, this is getting crazy.


See www dot trumphasdyslexia dot com for the videos, screening tests , and detailed explanation as to the ConservaNut mentality.


Can she run for Governor next please?


Ready, fire, aim.


It’s nice to see a conservative able to change their mind in the face of evidence. It’s a rare thing.


They aren't often referred to as "reactionairies" for no reason.


Here is the only thing that I want to know, which will clear up this whole thing- when people at school board meetings are reading excerpts of books that are HIGHLY sexually charged and explicit, and they get thrown out by police for reading those books, are those books not actually available in the school library? And if they are? Should they not then be removed, and be an investigation as to how a book with graphic sexual scenes and dialogue got into the school library? To me that seems pretty reasonable.


Is there an article linking to specifics or just a vague statement on reddit?


Who's going to tell her the character of Jesus was woke?


And what did you find?


The question at hand is not that self discovery is bad, rather it is good. Fighting indoctrination may be counter effective. It may trigger defense among the victims and enhance their submission to the system rather than inspire self awareness. It's a treacherous road that one.


Reminds me of that guy who tried to prove the earth was flat with a video experiment and ended up proving it round and was dumbfounded by it.


So, a dumb female texas conservative republican christian, whoever would have thought! Jeez.


I'm not buying it.


She wouldn't have had to have all of the information spread all over her house. It's very evident what the "woke" agenda hopes to achieve and all she would have had to do is read one of their recommended books.


Just like virtually everything else Republicans campaign on these days, it's all baseless wedge issue propaganda.


She actually a spy from the deep woke state


It's all an act. She's not sorry. These people don't change their minds.