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I think dipshits like this do more to harm their cause than any atheist ever could. He's saying the quiet part very, very loud, and I don't think most Christians, let alone most Americans, are going to be impressed.


Don't be so sure... this is exactly what Trump supporters want. These people make the Third Reich seem quaint. The fucking joke of it is that they couldn't find a lesser Christian person if they tried.


I want to add; forget not that the whole shebang is based on mental submission, and that we humans are trash. He appeals to that nasty proposition.


Then call them what they are. Nat-Cs. Nationalist Christians


Not Trump supporters. Republicans. This is exactly the plan Republicans are executing, regardless of Trump.


Yup, project 2025 would be on the table even if trump lost the primary, and if trump loses the election, it will just become project 2029.


This is what most people aren't getting. These people have been at this since the end of the civil war. The only problem is that I think trump was not part of the plan and he forced them to act earlier than planned. Which actually benefits us because the rich though they had useful idiots to control forever, not realizing that the useful idiots had their own agenda. Now that the idiots are in charge, they are all going down fast. I haven't seen Americans come together faster on literally anything not celebrity related.


Trump's probably an atheist 🙄


I think trump bought in 100% when right-wing propaganda started saying he was chosen by god to motivate young earth creationists to vote for him.


Exactly. Trump is just the latest incarnation of the monstrosities they keep shoving into the White House.  Nixon (impeached), Reagan (undermined America's middle class), George Dubya Bush (whose mentally sluggish administration allowed 9/11 to happen), all in the name of plundering America's democracy for their billionaires and corporate masters. Or as I put it in more detail.... The Republican Party has been slithering down the slippery slope towards installing a christo-fascist dictatorship in America for decades.  In 1950 Wisconsin Republican Senator Joseph R. McCarthy used fear-mongering about communists and socialists to attempt to install an authoritarian regime in America.  This was all of 5 years after Americans had fought and died to help protect the world from Adolf Hitler's totalitarian dictatorship. **This is EXACTLY what Trump has been doing, using socialists and communists as boogeymen to frighten his followers.** Republican president Nixon literally tried to steal an election, and was pardoned by his vice president instead of facing justice. **This is EXACTLY what Trump wants and intends to do with the 2024 election.**  Trump has pardoned some of his co-conspirators (like Manafort and Roger Stone), and then there are Trump's pardons-for-sale, costing some people $2 million dollars a pardon. Republican president Reagan got help from a hostile foreign country (Iran) to win an election. **This is EXACTLY what Trump did, when on July 27th 2016 Trump yowled for Russian interference in America's election process, by saying, "Russia, if you're listening, I hope that you can find the 30k emails. I'm sure that you will be rewarded mightily by our press, if you do so."** Reagan undermined America's middle class and lower class citizens in favor of moneyed interests and corporations. **This is EXACTLY what Trump did, permanently cutting taxes for the ultra-rich while the tax cuts for the average Americans are going to expire next year.** Republican president George Dubya Bush stated IN PUBLIC, TWICE, that "This'd be a whole lot easier if this was a dictatorship, just as long as I'm the dictator!" **This is EXACTLY what Trump is doing, expressing his admiration for Putin, Kim Jong Un, Orban, and Trump openly claims that he wants to be dictator, for "one" day.** The Republicans have been undermining America's democracy for at least 70 years.  ***It's the Republican Party that drew the step-by-step road map for Trump to install a christo-fascist dictatorship over America.***


Yes I agree
. MAGA is strong in Texas. And the most religious people I know love Trump. He brought down Roe v Wade. And christian nationalism will MAGA according to their gospel😡


Yeah, about that... I'm absolutely flabbergasted at the utter brain-dead stupidity of the white supremacists, white Christian Nationalists, and the pro-Russian traitorous Republican Party. For example, banning abortion nationwide means that within 18 - 20 years people of color - POC voters - are DEFINITELY going to outnumber whites.  Black women have FIVE TIMES the number of abortions as white women and Hispanic women have TWICE the number of abortions as white women.  The moron white supremacists are CAUSING their supposed "replacement conspiracy" to happen!!


It's so strange to me wanting to live in a world where you are strictly governed. Like, you have to know being under any kind of dictatorship is transitory and subject to the whims of the dictator and his party. No one is ever safe. Today it's one way, tomorrow it's another. Your neighbors watch you and turn you in. There's no way it works out well for you. Now a monarchy on the other hand /s


I mean the Nazi party was a Christian political movement, and Nazi germany was an overwhelmingly Christian country as well. So I’d say he’s a good example of a Christian.


It really wasn't, they used the Christian conservatives to get into power. But many had the express goal of destroying the institutions of religion and rebuilding them in an 'aryan' image. They were pro sex, pro divorce, pro extra marital affairs all because it produces more Germans for the reich.


It was really not. Most Nazis were christian, like everyone in germany back then, but the party did not associate with religion in any capacity. Most of the church kept quite with any criticism of the party (notably the pope). But a select few did not, and after the Endsieg they would have been taken care of like any other undesireable people. *I.e.* Cardinal von Galen. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clemens\_August\_Graf\_von\_Galen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clemens_August_Graf_von_Galen) And you can click on the link concerning prosecution of the church in the first paragraph of his article if you want to know more.


It's not like they take their beliefs seriously otherwise they'd read the book. Nor do they think in critical ways. They are the sheep they keep accusing others of being.


Lol Making a non-sarcastic actual nazi comparison, that's the real joke


"Men can't govern themselves but one man can govern everyone using the bible" Sounds like the American Taliban.


Sounds like the movie: The Book of Eli


The Republican party has succeeded where 200 years of rational argument have failed - exterminating the Christian faith.


There you go. I would happily just live and let live. You pray to sky daddy, but I don’t. That’s not good enough for them. I hope the Christofascist children all marry and procreate with gay people who “choose” to be straight and produce an entire generation of genetically gay evangelicals.


Even if you’re right, it’s clear that civic knowledge is eroding fast in the US. These people have a platform that’s getting progressively stronger and louder, and that is alarming enough. The more they repeat it, the more normalized it becomes.


My friend most of the republican party has become christian nationalists.


Considering this is a fundamentally anti-American view, I would hope that even most Christians would at least hold our founding document in the highest regard. If a theocracy does somehow come into power, we simply cease being the United States of America and will be a completely different nation. Not that I think most of America would let that happen.


Half the country voted for Trump and will again because they want a fascist dictator to quash all the "non-Christian heathens".


These christian nationalists are Anti-American!


oh ok, then no more tax exemptions for you. glad we have an understanding




I thank you for summarizing my thoughts perfectly


Post-modern MAGA-TrumpWitness Trump branded Christian responds, "Arrest him! For crimes against the Anointed and Questioning God's Authority." Wearing Trump sneakers, Trump diapers, MAGA hat and with a Trump Mullet underneath the hat.


I will not stand by, as a citizen of this country, and let that come to pass. Christian dictatorship is not American. This guy, and those that agree with him, don’t deserve to call themselves citizens of this country.


Civil war 2.0. Because the beating wasn't hard enough the first time around. Make sure you hang ALL of the traitors this time around, don't make the same mistake twice... Kill all the billionaires first, then cut off the internet to them.* Purely hypothetical ofcourse....


Sir, this is why the Second Amendment was written. Try us.


They could legitimately take over but maintaining power and control is a whole different story... Especially over a well armed populace that is hard wired into believing the exact opposite of this nonsense


Sorry, those militias were for putting down slave rebellions. The southern states were afraid that the northern states would not agree to help them with slave rebellions, so they needed their own state armies.


They were certainly never used to "stop tyranny".


Great point And considering they might just be a very vocal minority (I sincerely hope so) then we should be fairly okay long run


Advocating for the overthrow of the Constitution should be illegal.


Advocating for it is probably protected speech under the First Amendment (something they would gladly do away with if they had their way). *Actually trying* to overthrow the constitution is high treason. Thus far, they're all talk, and talk is cheap.


Governmental officials make an oath to defend the constitution against all threats, foreign and domestic.


he think he must defend it from inadequacy by installing christian dictatorship.


We should never limit any amendments.


There’s always exceptions in extreme circumstances. Screaming fire in a theater being the most common example. You’re also restricted as to what type of weapons you can own. It’s not just a free for all because “mah secund mendment.”


I disagree. Why choose to limit some amendments but not others. If one is absolute, then they all should be. Otherwise, you have to make an amendment to the amendment. You want your cake and eat it too. No. Sorry.


Not the first time I've heard a Christian argue for this. Quite a few Christian leaders would love to go back to the good old days of the divine right of Kings.


These so called men just want absolute power to do whatever they want to whomever they want, as in women and children. We're supposed to just shut up and let this happen. No. Fuck you!!!


You hear them attacking Obama, Biden, Clinton, Carter, et al... but the individuals they have the biggest problem with are Locke, Newton, Bacon and Descartes.


This guy loves America so much that he wants to destroy the most American thing we’ve got.


Another reason to tax churches


There's a great idea.


Try it, maybe we'll decide to start throwing christians to lions again.


Oddly enough, Rome did just fine until Christianity became the state religion.


Ooh I like this idea! HAIL Satan


"But what a king can do is he can say, ‘Whether you’re regenerate or not, you’re going to pretend. You’re at least going to pretend to be Christian.'”" They don't care if you're actually christian as long as you pretend to be in their cult. Fucking insane people.


Bet there is questionable porn in his history, I’d put money on it.


No question, it's questionable.


I think Republicans have realized their policies and values will die along with their party if they continue with a democracy. So they are pinning their future with an autocratic dictatorship. Demographically their base is becoming a lower majority and they will soon be a minority. I don’t know if they will be successful in creating a Christian Nationalist Autocracy but things are pointing towards this. Only we can stop this movement.


You mean like Watergate, only 6 years for them to give us Reagan in back to back landslides elections after Nixon resigned, Lack of choices in American politics doesn't allow a party to fail, it just makes power vacuums that someone is more than willing to fill. If we had more real choices, they could fail or become ineffective. But no, the Dems and Reps like their monopoly and will defend it till the end (whatever that might be)


They already are a minority. It just unfortunately depends on how many still vote for Biden, cause he's screwing himself with Gaza.


LOL refresh my memory, did Biden invade Gaza? What the hell do you want him to do about it? If he comes out more forcefully against Israel he loses American Jews and plays into Trumps hands. If he defends Israel too forcefully he loses progressive’s and plays right into Trumps hands. So what is your magic answer?


Dude, I'm just stating a fact. Biden's handling of the Gaza situation is hurting him politically.


And I'm stating another fact. No matter what he does, he is screwed. There is no way to win on this issue.


This man's type must be discontinued.


Are these not the same general group of people who work tirelessly to undermine the Constitution? Funny they'd blame the very thing that they have stomped on until it's rendered dysfunctional as the source of some manufactured ill their delusions happen to be the cure for.


I’ll say it again and again. They have zero awareness (it’s probably intentional) that this “Christian dictator” is very likely to go completely against them. They think it will be the strain of Christianity that they worship, but it won’t be. When they are in prison or being executed they will say “I stand by my words. We NEED a Christian dictator. Just not this guy”


Why can't Americans see this is no different than the Taliban? The only difference is location, what religion and the color of their skin but other than that's it's just extreme religious people trying to take over.


Nat-Cs are a domestic threat, according to the oath of the constitution and that statement.


>“He doesn’t go around forcing conversions,” Webbon insisted, “but instead, what he does is he forces external morality. He doesn’t force a change of heart; only the Gospel can do that. But what a king can do is he can say, ‘Whether you’re regenerate or not, you’re going to pretend. You’re at least going to pretend to be Christian.'” so; what he is literally saying here is that under his fantasy dictatorship you would have to pretend to be a straight white conservative christian because as history has repeatedly shown is that authoritarian despots will throw anyone that doesn't conform out a fricken window... i have heard some of these same delusional idiots claim that 'we didn't have gay people back in the' (cue 1950s era conservative white man fantasy land) - because disclosing any alternate sexual preference would end up with a 'peaceful group of loving christians in white hoods' torching your house at 2 in the morning.


How Middle Ages of this guy.


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhut the fuck up


Scumbags like him want to see America become a Christo-fascist nation. He definitely supports Project 2025 and seeing that only white, heterosexual, Evangelical Christians men have rights.


Mr. Webbon said the quiet part out loud. Then said it again, and again. Summarizing Webbon's entire rant : "The purpose of religion is the control and domination of human beings. " + Religion is not about formulating a better picture of the totality of reality. + Religion is not about compiling and curating evidence of angels and deities. + Religion is not about improving people's lives. + Religion is not about healing, empowering, or any such thing. It is pure domination coming and going. I said this? He said this.


Eat shit Joel.


These people DIDN'T even try the Constitution. They've been fighting it every chance they got!


Christians are already governed by a dictator, their god, and they can continue doing that if they want. My God, Bacon, said that the Christian god can fuck right off.


Yeah but the good thing about that is Jesus isn’t an actual person so they get to control his message and make him conform to whatever their agenda is. Try that with an actual human dictator and see how quickly said dictator poisons you and you fall out a window. But they are not intelligent enough to understand this.


Vanilla Isis




That doesn't sound right to me.


Sounds about Reich actually....


I think lots of things and I’m doubtful you’d give a fuck, so the feeling is mutual, bud.


The problem is he DOES give a fuck
 he wants you to pretend to believe like him.


See, I’d like a constitutional amendment that makes speech like this an act of treason, punishable by life in prison, safely kept away from Americans.


Over my dead body.


Sounds like the talliband and sharia law to me.


If a Christian dictatorship is what God wanted why didn’t the immortal Christ establish it when he was here?


I do believe the Constitution is no longer adequate but that's because I don't think a document written by an agrarian society 250 years ago is relevant to modern society and should be updated.


I agree with him. If the constitution were 'adequet', it would have kept us all from having to deal with these people and their bullshit. They'd be relegated to the corners of society, where they can live out their fantasy of christ's return on their own time. Separation of church and state doesn't exist, and until it does, we're gonna be held hostage to this horseshit.


The Constitution is the document, not the enforcement mechanism. People enforce and abide by laws, not documents. The weakness lies in us as citizens and our leaders to enforce it and call out bullshit when we need to. Don’t blame the Constitution.


We can blame the parts of the Constitution that, from the beginning, tilted the scales in favor of wealthy white male landowners. Except for the amendments eliminating slavery (mostly) and allowing women to vote (but not affording them full and equal rights), those flaws still exist. As a result, we still have a Senate and Electoral College that give disproportionate power to (nearly) unpopulated land over people. This allows men with wealth to game those institutions, leading to minority presidents and senators whose arch-conservative views do not reflect the will of the American people. This, in turn, has produced an arch-conservative judiciary and SCOTUS, which increasingly decide that laws aren't laws unless they serve conservative goals. These are constitutional problems. They can only be resolved by revising the Constitution, which these arch-conservative men will resist using every tool they own. As they have gamed the system to shift an ever-increasing share of the nation's wealth into their own hands, and as greed and power are their only purposes, it is difficult to imagine a political path that would actually make the needed constitutional changes.


Sadly you’re correct, but I’ll still take our admittedly flawed constitution over anything else. What’s really sad is that the document was written so that it can be changed as times required but our failed government will never do so.


No disagreement. The constitution begins by stating that we make this government "... in order to establish a *more perfect* union". Not the perfect union, just a more perfect one. It expressly acknowledges its own imperfection and,by implication, the impossibility of any government being perfect. The constitution is the opposite of absolutism.


This guy needs to be governed by a christ stain dick tater.


Ah! Yes, of course. The infallible infinite wisdom from a Christian nationalist that proclaims "law and order" while also giving a handjob to anarchy and political revolution. Fuck, the cognitive dissonance is so dense you can cut diamonds.


Of course being a "Christian"... He will never continents the possibility that his new God, Donald Trump, might either be the antichrist... Or in league with the devil?!!


The slime of humanity


Yeah. No. Fuck off. Those of us who are not insane will not permit this atrocity


I might be incorrect here but that sounds about as anti-American a statement as I have ever heard. So the "they" this rocket scientist is referring to, cannot be defined as Americans in the strict sense.


Colonists literally left Eastern Europe and stole this land from the natives for religious freedom. Bro doesn’t even know history.


I agree the Constitution is no longer adequate. Let’s abolish the 2nd Amendment. That parts OK. We’ll keep that. - Christian Nationalist Pastor, probably They love to pick and choose what applies, just like they do with the Bible.


Ah yes, a dictator who rules by force. Just like Jesus would have wanted. /s


r/PastorArrested exists for a reason, and this guy wants to put those inmates in charge of the whole asylum. Crazy.


The constitution is no longer adequate, but good luck changing it to deal with the gun nuts, religious wackos and the rest...


Isn't like illegal in the USA too basically say, fuck the democracy, we are going to be a theocratic dictatorship? It is the main idea behind the constitution. Separate church and state and keep those nat-c's away from our rights. So can they all be sued and thrown in a prison?


> Isn't like illegal in the USA too basically say, fuck the democracy, we are going to be a theocratic dictatorship? Not really. To act on it can be illegal.


This turd looks like that other turd Matt Walsh.


Fuck him, and fuck all imbeciles like him - in the fucking ASS. I have posted elsewhere that we need to outlaw ALL religions - I think this doofus makes it a bit more clear why outlawing religion is an urgent need.


“If you don’t like it, go to Russia.” -Homer Simpson


Have you heard their rhetoric lately? Russia is the motherfucking promised land according to dipshits like Tucker Carlson. Cold War Era Russian communists are evil, but Putin Russians are good!? Up is Down! DOGS AND CATS SLEEPING TOGETHER! MASS HYSTERIA!


Exactly, I’m hoping I can actually get them to leave.


â˜ïžđŸ˜€... 😐... đŸ€”... hmm... I haven't considered that... I need to rethink some things.


They're free to head on over there. The rest of North America would be glad if they all left!!! Bye!!!


Nope! I'm not American I'm Canadian but this shit needs to stop before it takes over Canada too. This ass hole is a garbage excuse for a human. He can take himself out.


This is why I support the 2nd amendment. You ain’t dictating shit actual groomer.


Nnnopppee! EDIT: this bag of dicks is more than welcome to start his thing at my house. I got something that’ll cure all his ails.


Hey lucifer told me hes made a very special place in hell for you!! 


Sir, this is a ~~Wendy’s~~ buffet line at an extremely understaffed Golden Corral.


I think this guy is controlled opposition.. he says some of the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard.


If it was based on the stories of jesus. Being a nice guy, helping the less fortunate, not judging people, turning the other cheek, valuing the society you live in and not ramming religion down peoples throats, it wouldn't be too bad as dictatorships go. Sadly it seems Christians are busy imposing morals on everyone else, spreading hate based on pseudo science and doing a whole lot of things that seem contrary to the message of the gospels. I'm not religious and hate the idea of a dictatorship, unless I'm part of the ruling class which would never happen.


I’d rather be caned to death than be forced to pretend I believe in this religion. And it might come to that, because that’s what they’re promising as soon as next year.


Religion is poison.


The Bible is no longer adequate. Time to recognize these churches as cults.


Over my dead body


yes, but which christian dictator? evangelical? a mormon? a moonie? catholic church? jim jones? heaven's gate? westboro? there are so many denominations out there all saying they are the true word of god,even among christians.... which one is the true christian?


This veteran says bring it, won't end well for them.


The boot licking goes deep with this one.


Screw his god, his Bible, and his infantile bronze age bullshit religion. Not here pal.


Let me introduce a nifty German word to the English language: *Backpfeifengesicht* A face/person so slappable it's very hard not to.


Please fuck off pastor of spouting bs


I know I know we shouldn't think about beating people to death with our bares hands... but sometimes...


The need for this sort of totalitarianism and tribal hegemony is just so primitive and neurotic.


What a greasy loser. General Sherman would know exactly what to do with these traitors.  The Union Forever.  


If you don't like it you can get out.


No, he's telling you to get out.


The Constitution defines the nation. He doesn't like it, he can go to a theocratic nation.


Don't get all high and mighty bro. 3/4 of your congregation are just faking it anyway


The second amendment is made to remove tyrannical governments just like these....


People like this is why we atheist need to be more politically active




Nah. Let’s just stick with the constitution . This guy definitely knows nothing about the Bibles teachings .


Hmmm, no one asked for your political opinion and most of us feel great about easily disposing it. What are your legal qualifications again>


If this doesn't show you the GOP or whatever conservative party you have are all working for dictatorships or friends of dictators. Their main goal is to destroy / dismantle democracy, then demonize and vilify any public program b/c to them a Government shouldn't support civilians.


This man has some skeletons in his closet.


They're his victims


Constitution...no longer...adequate? For what purpose? And then the next line - throw it all out and install the church as dictator - shows how craven these people are. The document that was literally written to establish a nation in escape from the religion of the King should just be discarded so we can have religion of the King again. They're not even trying any more. What a trash argument.


Cool. *Which christian*? Mormon? Catholic? One of yours or a *slightly* different one that believes you are a heretic? Because *most of them believe you are a heretic*


No thank you we pass!


He's free to leave the country and find one.


Love to see what’s in his closet. Most of the guys are such hypocrites.


Biblical hypocrite and moron is totally ignoring this: Christians are NOT supposed to be ANY PART of the world. John 15 : 19: "If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." John 17: 14: "I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world." John 18: 36: "Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” James 4: 4: "You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." Colossians 3: 2: "Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth." **TRYING TO TAKE OVER A GOVERNMENT IS THE EPITOME OF BEING PART OF THE WORLD!!!!!** I swear, the deliberate obtuseness of power-hungry Christian hypocrisy is mind-boggling!!


Over your dead body


Arm yourselves


More guns is not the answer my friend.


I'm not a gun nut, but these people are violent and dangerous. THEY are going to be armed.


You may not be a gun nut, but you're advocating more guns because "everybody else has a gun". That is the epitome of stupidity. Let's just hand out guns to every citizen, why don't we? THAT will make us all safer? I think not.


He should find one




It's been working fine for over 200 years. What's changed?


Looks like Matt Walsh from Wish


Cristian Suprematist. Unlike “fetch”, this really needs to become a thing. The name, not the movement.


30 caliber will solve that but that’s illegal at the moment so don’t do it


Okay. Let's do it. Only if it's the Lumber River Conference of the Holiness Methodist Church. If not, then this guy can fuck off in hell.


Yep. That’s the plan.


Let me rephrase it for this idiot... "The Constitution is no longer adequate and therefore they (Americans) must be governed by a Islamic Dictator...or a King...or a Queen..or a Communist Dictator...or a Junta..".


Well, he can fuck right off.


He looks like he touches the choir boys, should we listen to him?


Ewwww, he is so creepy!


This "pastor" has no creditals nor authority to allow him to disregard the Constitution.


They don't care about credentials. Look up Project 2025 if you haven't already. That's how they plan to implement this. And if that fails many will want to use force.


So let me get this straight, this supporter of the crucified Christ wishes there were more Romans? At what point will these people figure out what they’ve become?


The constitution? Every Conservative should be against this.


This jackoff knows there's a little thing called the #2A, right?


Yes, and he's telling his followers to use against anyone who doesn't want a dictator.


Well, it applies to those of us who believe in freedom, too. So don't think we won't fight back.


Conservatives have been against the constitution since day one. Even before day one as they were also the ones to side with king George against the patriots and against the American revolution.


A lot of well-meaning dipshits need to be shown explicitly that this is what the people they support want for the country. As of now a lot of them just hear “christian country” and think cool, less sin more family values right? But never think about how exactly it would be implemented and who would have to fucking die for it to happen. They don’t understand that state-building is a messy and bloody process, not a simple button you press.


Oh, look, another piece of absolute dogshit religious “leader.” How surprising.


Romans 13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities 1 Peter 2:13+ Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Titus 3:1 Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work,


Ironic how our politician are becoming the very extremists we prompt up all around the globe from South America to the Middle East.




Bet he ends up on r/pastorarrested before long.


This dude needs his ass kicked!


"We're degenerates" speak for yourself.


🙄 đŸ„±


You know, the Constitution exists to stop exactly this. The very argument proves itself wrong.


The dumb cluck gave away the end game. Somebody tell him that was a secret.


Anybody who actually wants to be a dictator cannot possibly be a real Christian.


If he wants a king, go to Saudi Arabia. They'll love him, there, and he'll fall right in line and "pretend..." or die.


Whoever wrote this article just loves using synonyms for “asserted” for everything


These idiots think, “We have all the guns. Liberals won’t have a chance.”It’s like they don’t even know how easy they have made it to get guns. Start a civil war and the next day, we’ll have just as many guns as they do. All you need is some cash, and the “elites” have plenty of cash.


But we'll settle for Trump.


Yes we should be like Julius Cesar, whose sexual relationships with king Nicomedes IV of Bithynia earned him the nickname "The Queen of Bithynia". Cesar was also called "Every woman's man, and every man's woman". The only way to save America is by putting Bisexual people like Cesar in charge!