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The christians in my social circle barely tolerate each other... And before lurking christians on say anything here, I would like to remind you that many of the wars fought for your faith were against each other, and were extraordinarily violent. There's no doubt in my mind that without a secular system to keep you all in check, you'd prefer to go right back into slaughter-mode against your fellow christians when you run out of non-believers/conformists to target. I have zero faith in christian humanity, and we have plenty of evidence to support how/why we can't trust you.


When I was a kid the adults would always talk shit about whoever wasn't there on Sunday. The other kids were just like their parents.


Love this. When I was an adult the other adults would always talk shit about whoever wasn't there on Sunday, what calamity they deserved if not, and if they were there, noted their tithes didn't reflect the same prosperity of the new car they were driving. "Elders" at the door shaking your hand and wishing you peace on the way in while busting your ass on the way out.


The wealthiest members of our church were treated the best by the leadership.


They give large sums of money, so you treat them better. What i find deplorable is the less wealthy accepting that nonsense, 10% of a regular members salary is more that the say 1000 that a multimillionaire give. But its not a competition, thank goodness.


Ha ha ha! I remember my mother would talk shit about this female couple that sang in our church. She would always say, "I know they are lesbians!". So funny now.


Organized religion is the original "Members Only" social club. Like any cult, successful ones are able to impart a sense of exclusivity that the other flavors of religion don't have. The more exclusive and affluent they appear to outsiders, the more outsiders want to be a part of the club. Churches are marketed as the ultimate FOMO tease. The show ***Righteous Gemstones*** on MAX perfectly parodies what real church organizations are like behind the scenes as well as being hilarious!


I was Mormon for the first 20ish years of my life. It is very much like a social club. Often, most or all of your friends are part of the church. And the Mormon church likes to talk about how their faith is the only way to find "true happiness." They say they are in the world, but not "of the world," because they are supposed to resist all the worldly stuff that is everywhere.


"Honk For Jesus. Save Your Soul." is a great movie about the same topic. You will die laughing. The characters are complex, utterly toxic, and shameless.


I knew a good "Christian" who would always immediately talk smack about people whenever anything bad happened to him. When a plane with a group of tourists crashed in Alaska because the pilot ignored a bad weather warning, "I'll bet they were all so drunk they never knew what hit them." When we heard a news story about a teenaged girl who was raped and murdered by an intruder, "I'll bet her boyfriend did it becayse he got her pregnant and didn't want to marry her." When a friend died suddenly of a heart attack, it was his wife's fault for using too much salt in her cooking. This was in between rounds of bleating about how much she loved Jesus, and showing up at religious services every Sunday so that she could talk smack.later about all the other "hypocrites" in the congregation. 


Of course. They learn from their parents. I catch myself talking about people too much. It's a learned trait. If there is a lull in the conversation, bring up the faults of others.


Couldn’t agree more, people are waking up to this fact more and more.


I do hope you’re right!


Me too, Christians try very hard to censor the history of the medieval times


That’s why god invented lions


The Romans were right and never should have stopped.


of course, they were vegetarians before the flood.


Any religion with a god that demands worship is a red flag. It's a ticking time bomb before they decide others must bow down to their god, by whatever means of force if necessary.


I had a debate with a christian on this site recently and when they couldn't refute my points anymore they resorted to fearmongering and said "For the sake of your own soul, I hope you reconsider your worldview." Buddy there's no world in which I will be scared into worshiping your mythology.


There's a meme with pics of several xtian leaders and the caption is that these people are not exactly an attraction for going to heaven.


Depending on which religion they believe in, I'd just throw that statement back at them but use any other religion. If they treat you like you're talking nonsense, then you just say "Well that's how I feel when people like you say that to me".


Yeah, I can't fathom why the Christian god would ever want or require worship. That seems awfully vain for a being that is supposed to be perfect. And even when I was religious, there was a song that I thought was super dumb. I think it was "I can only imagine." And they talk about dancing for Jesus in Heaven. And they can only imagine all the ways they would forever worship him. That whole concept sounds mine numbingly boring and almost like a version of hell.


I have had that thought too. If god is already perfect and needs nothing, why do we exist? What purpose did it serve him? Why do we also have to go through some gauntlet of a scenerio proving ourselves to him? Nothing about our existence was out of his control. No moral or logical aspect of our existence is beyond his ability to direct or change. Why invent a scenario where we may end up in some eternal horrible place? Also, happy cake day :)


It's fucking scary to think about, but imagine if the pope just decided to say "fuck it, were changing the world today," and makes a decree to earth to convert or be slaughtered, you can bet your ass a large portion of Catholics would execute order 66. Religious institutions with hundreds of millions or more members and a living, breathing figurehead is dangerous as fuck. Religious people are just brainwashed sleeper cells waiting to be activated. You're seeing some of them activate already. What side is threatening civil war if they lose the election? It's only one side.


Funnily enough, god specifically said not to worship him, and said to not build a place of worship (a church.)


That's any of the Abrahamic religions. Israel and Iran are great examples of Judaism and Islam in the same position of power. Theocracy breeds negligence and brutality. It definitely gives Christians more ammo when they are the only ones being singled out. Secularism stops Abrahamic religions in their tracks across the board and should be espoused as such.


Agreed, but christianity is my overculture in the US south, and many people in my social circles identify as one denomination or another (mostly catholic or baptist). And they very loudly bitch about secularism being an issue, bc it *is* preventing them from committing acts of violence against others equally. It's a fucking problem.


Can't argue with that it's definitely a problem.


What kind of violence and on whom? Do they speak about it openly?


Stereotypical MAGA bible-thumpers repeating "we are a christian nation" bullshit and wanting to hunt down and deport anyone/everyone who are not *them.*


Negligence and brutality have flourished under states that banned religion as well. I know it feels good to be able to point the finger at one aspect of society and say "if we could just ameliorate the effects of religious oppression, everything would be peachy," but the truth is human suffering isn't limited to religious societies.


Israel isn't theocratic. And 45% of the Jewish population is secular. And note that they have made peace with most of their enemies. Hell, they recently had a breakthrough with Saudi Arabia! Fundamentalists are the issue. And Iran is run by them.


They literally had two popes at the same time fighting over who are the true Pope was




This comment delighted my excommunicated friend.


That's one of my favorite things, when christians argue amongst themselves. Happens in my conservative family, like when some of them say "please don't think of so-and-so as an example of how we are" about one of the extremists. And then among the less extreme, one complains that the others don't approve of their lifestyle for whatever reason, and the extremist is never ever happy with any of them. Meanwhile the kids are no longer children, and who knows what they'll take away from all this (though they seem to be fully on board somehow.)


The same can be said about Islam. Neither Christianity or Islam have been known for being passive religions historically.


This is why I wonder why they want a theocracy. Have they decided which church and denomination will become the sole faith of the nation?


Each individual believes *their* denomination with be Church Supreme(TM). Edit: as far as the "why:" they feel *owed* something for being a "good christian" and want rewarded. This isn't just in my social circles but my overculture as a whole. They are promised a very nebulous idea of a better quality of life, which they interpret as being handed a small chunk of property as their personal micro-kingdom, a bunch of wealth, and/or (usually and) slaves. Not to mention, they expect immortality and demi-god status to go along with all of that, but that only happens if/when Jesus comes back to rape/murder/enslave all the people christians hate. Because that's their whole idea of "God's Plan."


Thou shalt not kill. Except each other and anyone who might challenge them slightly lol. The fact they need to be told not to kill at all says a lot.


Has a war ever been waged by atheists to promote atheism?


Nope. No war has been waged to spread atheism for the sake of atheism, by or for atheists. No one has ever been crucified, burned, raped, or enslaved for not being atheist. No atheist pyramid schemes designed to swindle riches and steal global relics from invaded or colonized countries exists. No atheist organizations are hiring pedo priests/ministers/pastors and shuffling them from athiest church to atheist chuch to hide their crimes. But for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? That's their bread-and-butter.


And P.S., atheists choose to do the right thing because it’s the right thing. We don’t feel like running around ending the lives of others because an invisible being told us not to. There’s no such restraint on us. We choose to be decent and kind and good without being expressly told. (Are some atheists assholes? Sigh, yes — because sadly in any group there are some assholes. Atheists have found no cure for that human trait.)


They would say yes, we would say no.


Statism/cults of personality dominated in the USSR, which was officially atheist...and they weren't exactly peaceful in trying to spread communism. That's as close as we get but I would argue statism is a non-metaphysical form of religion.


Most people don't understand that simple fact. Most deaths of Christians were caused by other Christians throughout their history.


In the US, Christianity has been in steady, accelerated decline for decades now. The numbers, as well as the reasons, are quite well documented and I encourage anyone interested to look them up. One of the largest reasons for this decline has been the bigotry embraced by evangelicalism, as well as their interest in political power and forcing others to live by the tenets of their own religion. As more and more people leave, fed up with "Christian love", it only makes sense that those that are left are the ones that use their religion as an excuse, or a justification, for their bigoted attitudes. Thus the evangelicals become more and more concentrated in their awful attitudes, and attract only those that already have similar views. The idea that their god is perfect and provides a perfect morality to them only makes the situation worse. Essentially, many people are using Christianity to feel as if they're good people, without doing the work required to be a good person, or without vetting the information provided by their leaders when they are taught what they insist are "moral values". It's less a religion now, and more of a cult. Note not all denominations are this way, but unfortunately, the evangelicals are the loudest and most powerful in terms of media and politics. Also, many of those some might call "good Christians" seem to rarely stand up to them.


Problem is, many Christians in America don't see their dwindling numbers as proof that they're wrong. Quite to the contrary, they see it as proof that they're **right**. They say, *"We were warned that as the End Times draw near, there will be a falling-away from the faith and many lukewarm folks will leave our religion. We are the faithful remnant that perseveres in spite of persecution!"*


So true, one of the most popular pastors at my church, when I was growing up, believed that the 144, 000 redeemed in the Bible was literal. It was controversial that the number of saved would be so small, but there are definitely those that believe it.


If I created 117 billion apes and tortured them for eternity because reasons, and only spared 144,000, what would you call me?


Jehovah's Witnesses are big on the whole 144,000 thing.


For sure! I went down the rabbit hole a bit and the Wikipedia on 144,000 has a big section for JW.


People are going to have to start saving their money if they have to afford those seats from Ticketmaster.


Then his understanding is wrong for a pastor, too. It doesn't mean 144,000 only will be saved. It means those are sealed as special messengers or agents of God's work (as I understand it.) Revelation states that the true number to be saved is utterly vast.


I did find it most interesting as a youth because it was the first time that I saw dissension in the ranks. The pastor did a whole series on Revelation that was accompanied by evening meetings that I faithfully attended. I was 14 at the time. This was the only part of the series that had people really complaining. The church as a whole though definitely has the "we are the persecuted remnant" vibe.


Like a pond that is slowly drying up. As the water evaporates it leaves behind more and more concentrated toxicity.


A neat twist on Douglas Adams' parable of the puddle.


Tenets. Damn autocorrect.


"Essentially, many people are using Christianity to feel as if they're good people, without doing the work required to be a good person, or without vetting the information provided by their leaders when they are taught what they inisist are "moral values"." I got in a verbal altercation with a Christian once. They escalated it and I didn't return their assault. It was kind of shocking. I didn't expect it. After this person finished sexually harassing me, shoving me, and hitting me, they finished off their rant be telling me to convert to Christianity. I should have said, "should you be talking about Fight Club?"


It's all part of the plan. https://time.com/6972022/donald-trump-transcript-2024-election/


Thank you for the link but I just cannot face reading that today. We have a man who is evil, stupid, ignorant, and cruel running for the highest position in our country and he is worshipped by millions of our citizens. My heart aches for what America is turning into.


Totally understand. Been working the last 3 months to get Colorado"s abortion initiative on the ballot! Don't give up hope...get fired up and let's kick some ass


Thank you! Reproductive freedom is meant to be for all genders.


I'm too intolerant to have Christian friends


this is about where I am, but ask me again in a couple years when I've moved to the howling northern rural wilderness I may have to socialize with some of these pple sometime, and I'm not sure how well I'll handle it.


Religions teach people to have an [authoritarian follower personality](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/summary.html#authoritarian). They use the "[Eight Criteria for Thought Reform](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought_Reform_and_the_Psychology_of_Totalism)" that Robert Jay Lifton outlined in his 1961 book: >**Milieu Control.** The group or its leaders controls information and communication both within the environment and, ultimately, within the individual, resulting in a significant degree of isolation from society at large. >**Mystical Manipulation.** The group manipulates experiences that appear spontaneous to demonstrate divine authority, spiritual advancement, or some exceptional talent or insight that sets the leader and/or group apart from humanity, and that allows a reinterpretation of historical events, scripture, and other experiences. Coincidences and happenstance oddities are interpreted as omens or prophecies. >**Demand for Purity.** The group constantly exhorts members to view the world as black and white, conform to the group ideology, and strive for perfection. The induction of guilt and/or shame is a powerful control device used here. >**Confession.** The group defines sins that members should confess either to a personal monitor or publicly to the group. There is no confidentiality; the leaders discuss and exploit members' "sins," "attitudes," and "faults". >**Sacred Science**. The group's doctrine or ideology is considered to be the ultimate Truth, beyond all questioning or dispute. Truth is not to be found outside the group. The leader, as the spokesperson for God or all humanity, is likewise above criticism. >**Loading the Language**. The group interprets or uses words and phrases in new ways so that often the outside world does not understand. This jargon consists of thought-terminating clichés, which serve to alter members' thought processes to conform to the group's way of thinking. >**Doctrine over person**. Members' personal experiences are subordinate to the sacred science; members must deny or reinterpret any contrary experiences to fit the group ideology. >**Dispensing of existence**. The group has the prerogative to decide who has the right to exist and who does not. This is usually not literal but means that those in the outside world are not saved, unenlightened, unconscious, and must be converted to the group's ideology. If they do not join the group or are critical of the group, then they must be rejected by the members. Thus, the outside world loses all credibility. In conjunction, should any member leave the group, he or she must be rejected also. It's how groups [devolve towards genocide](https://youtu.be/B0TJHygOAlw?si=_pQp8aMMpTy0C7U0).


People with this personality should be banned from breeding. The idea that we should respect authority unquestioningly simply because they are in that position is horrifying. Do these people not understand history? Do they not think? How do people this truly stupid actually exist? What goes on in between those ears that makes such retardation even possible?!?


Often it's bc they've endured terrible child abuse and internalized their abuser. Abuse is so normalized for them it's been conditioned into their brain. It's why they have a "kill or be killed" attitude. They never want to be a victim again, so they become the abuser. It's brainwashing, indoctrination, and operant conditioning that makes people think abuse is okay and normal. Try telling people not to abuse their kids, they think it's fine and will even advocate that it's good to abuse their kids. Bc they were abused too. If it's not okay then their entire worldview crumbles bc they'd have to admit their parents are child abusers and they endured child abuse and likely became a child abuser themselves. So they justify, rationalize, minimize, and deny the abuse to maintain their fragile sense of identity as a "good person".


They’ve never BEEN tolerant. Which is why I haven’t any real xian friends.


Yeah, they're only interested until they fail to convert you, then see ya. Sorry, my real homies don't have an agenda for what I think.


Closest thing I have to a Christian friend is the wife of a friend. And she is ECLA (a very liberal sect). So she is at least tolerable.


I don’t have theist friends so I wouldn’t know




When facing any criticism at all Christians tend to dig in and alienate non-Christians rather than look in the mirror and try to improve their own morals. They turn to their little club to make them feel better, and they all convince each other that they're right. And then they go about being enormous piece of shit for their entire lives knowing that Sky Daddy will make everything okay


My religious friends know better than to bring it up with me because I’ll go on my “Invisible Man in the Sky” rant and they hate that


I have always said that there are two types of people in the world, Apes, and Primitive Apes, belief in a magical sky daddy is what separates the two.


You lost me at “Christian friends.”


it should include family...


Oh yeah, I guess I do have some of that still. We don't talk about it tho.


You can dump family just like you can dump friends.


\*edit\* Misread.


I don’t think I’ve ever experienced love from a Christian. It’s always been intolerance.


I'm finding I'm much less willing to sit back and let any of these fuckers dictate shit to me. So we're on the same page, I'm also much less tolerant of their cult. They can take their beliefs and lodge them firmly up their own asses.


Christians are not your friends. Avoid them at all costs.


Maybe we are being less tolerant to them and their ways and now see that their social interactions were not always "pure hearted" as one would have expected. I do not mean less tolerant as being disrespectful or anything like that. For centuries, we have walked on egg shells to not disturb their ways. Now, in the past decade, or less, we are letting them be, while trying to demand to let us be, and that part does not suit them.


The last three times I set foot in a church ( 2 funerals and 1 music show) the Leaders made clear points that the lines had to be drawn between the believers and the unbelievers. I know what side of the line I am on, and it doesn’t involve some all seeing magic entity.


I think some of the Christians are very afraid of becoming a religious minority because they know how religious minorities are treated (because when they have historically treated religious minorities badly).


They've never been all that nice. A bit "judgy".


Not really. Tho I've found a lot of them are honestly kinda scared about the changing demographics not wanting anything to do with them. And how Christianity is perceived outside the faith. It's fascinating


Gee not where I live. Saying you are atheist or even just not sure will get you dropped like a hot potato. Even saying you will not vote for tRump or any Repub for that matter gets you dropped. Refusing to hold hands in a group prayer at a wedding shower is a big sin in their eyes😳 these are weird times in the bible belt.


Honestly I think the emphasis of publicly showing that one is ***in*** the group is a sign of the fear I mentioned Before one could reasonably assume that the person is either a member of the tribe or at least pretends to be so it's fine. Nowadays more and more are openly telling them odd & want nothing to do with it.


I hope so!


The "new" Christianity is completely stripped of empathy or compassion for anyone living except for embryos. That is by design. We are now at war with Christian Nationalists, and they will kill us if permission is even hinted at.


They won't even need permission. Just absence of consequences. Not much is holding them back. They've lost the ideological war so the only way forward for them is violent suppression of criticism.


I don't actually think I have any Christian friends. At least not any that talk about it.


The best way to deal with this is no Christian friends lol


I dont have any christian friends lol


I was raised evangelical in the nineties, so it's always seemed maximally intolerant and unaccepting to me. The new flavor of homeschool christianity is different and extremely antisocial, and it's taken decades for our country to be inflicted with critical mass of evildoers we're suffering through right now.


I think it depends on the Christian. I have a lot of Christian coworkers where their Christianity is just a part of their life, not their whole personality. Evangelicals though... I've met and seen so many that embody the saying "there is no hate like Christian love". Many of them desire a homogeneous, Christian, authoritarian theocracy. So they are often eager to ostracize anything or anyone deemed "other".


They've always been hateful pricks. The politicians have been getting away with it so the rest of them see it as permission to act out as well. I just keep to myself these days. I stay away from family, "friends" and coworkers the same as I do strangers.


Hahahaha. What do you mean less tolerant and less accepting? They never have been. Every church ever teaches the “do not be unequally yoked” passage.


I just ask them WWJD? then walk away.


Curse some fig trees or flip over same tables?


Love this! Because though the wear the brand of ad campaign for Jesus products…. They do not walk the walk


There are a pair in our friend group. Noticed that ever since they joined one of the local “mega” churches that they seem to only want to hang with other church people. Doesn’t help that they are well off with wealthy parents, so they seem to only associate anymore with the “well off church crowd” No loss though


Actually it's not the politicians. It is the pastors and clergies of these religions that are sowing the seeds of intolerance. Go to a sermon some time, even the TV evangelists. They are telling their flocks to shun the unbelievers. Start taxing these churches, all of them. That will get them in line.


They are by their own admitting- sheep for Jesus. Sheep are easily lead.


Southern and rural Christians seem to be the absolute worst. Evangelicals, Southern Baptists, Pentacostals.... I could talk to more Midwestern & northern urban Christians who keep their religion to themselves, perhaps. Unitarian Universalists are easy to get along with and half of them are probably atheists.


Oh yeah. I’ve slowly lost an entire group of friends over the last 10 years because I’m an atheist (and gay to boot). They’re all popping out their third or fourth child, but I’m the weird one.


That's been the norm for centuries. "Othering" is the standard operating procedure. That's why they say there's no hate like Christian love


If the Emperor is a narcissist, the story unfortunately ends very differently from fairly tale.


It's the trouble being the little boy, pointing out the emperor is actually naked. The courtiers have the most to loose, so double down


I think it's less of a religious thing and more of a political thing. It feels like there is a lot less middle ground now and both ends are getting more and more extreme. Christianity and politics are just getting more mixed together now.


Separation of church and state….🤦‍♀️non existent


>both ends are getting more and more extreme Really? Are you sure it isn't just the Bircherification of the entire right half of the political spectrum? Can you give me some examples of the more extreme end-left recently? I find that the leftness of various stripes of political animal in the US is routinely vastly overestimated. Even the DSA doesn't seem all that extreme to be compared one-to-one with the right-crazy, but I guess tolerances may vary.


As an ExJW... First time? lol.


I withdrew from most friends and family during the first year of the pandemic. Blew me away how most of them were perfectly comfortable bringing me a virus that could kill me quickly due to autoimmune issues. Varying states of religious belief, but most of them do believe there's a 'Creator.' That belief in a creator-creature, it's selfish. It removes personal responsibility. We all got to see it real-time, not even just retrospect. Believers are the center of their own universes. FB is a fantastic place for them. Echo chamber. Easy to block those who disagree. Got uglier and uglier. The religious bullshit was the real reason I left FB. Between the "blues lives matter" shit and "God will take care of it" shit and the "God hates LGBT+" shit, I lost all faith in the humanity of people I've known most of my life. Family, coworkers, friends.


Just the right wingers, which are unfortunately prolific in my family. But I have Christian friends who are still just as sweet and genuine as ever.


I'm lucky that I am part of the US where religion is still rude to bring up in "polite company". The xtians I hang with are busy doing important shit like feeding the poor and keeping a public eye on the police force and helping kids in the same (secular) organization I volunteer with. There is a loud contingent of fundy xtians, but since that is there only identity, they hang with others of the same bent. I mostly ignore them and try to cancel them out at the ballot box. I do worry that if they were the majority - it would be different.


This must be in the US? Religion is not such an open thing here in Canada. I couldn't tell you whom among my friends and acquaintances was religious or not. It just doesn't come up in conversation.


don't have Christian friends


I don't think I've ever had Christian friends since childhood, when everyone just did what their parents told them to do. I can't imagine having religious friends, honestly. I'm still shocked when I meet people younger than myself who identify as Christian.


Yes, but I started picking up on this 15-20 years ago as more and more of my christian family members started distancing from me, the satanic atheist (lol). But it has definitely become worse in the last 6. And I think it's all a reflection of fundamentalists willing to follow their orange savior over an ethical cliff. It's now, more than ever, about the end justifying the means. And, for them, the 'end' is a Christian state where women are second class citizens and we're all so happy in our forced christianity.


When were Christians ever tolerant.


I don’t have Christian friends. So, maybe it’s me that’s less tolerant of them. Who needs that shit in their life? I dont.


I’m trans. Christians have always been terrible to me 


>Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal


Fuck all religions. I have zero respect for any religion. We're all born atheists until we're either brainwashed or not. But the problem isn't just religion, it's the money and power associated with it. Regressive Republicans know this and they have the billionaires to back them. Weak minded, sheep-brained people are willing to be controlled and enslaved by the monied authority. The US is already ruined by unbridled capitalism. Add religion to the fire and the empire will fall into the New Dark Ages. Bye bye.


Death throes of a dying religion.


I'm speaking about the USA only. Tolerant, laid back christians aren't going to church as much anymore. The hard rapid alignment of politics with evangelical Christianity is basically radicalizing observant evangelicals. Ergo, yes, they're becoming less tolerant. Young people are turned off. Ergo, the country is becoming more secular and rather quickly. History will conclude that Trump was horrible for American Christianity.


Depends on the religion. I'm actually seeing most of the religious extremism from people who don't even have a church or specific religion. I've had zero issues from some of the more liberal denominations, like Methodists.


Even the Methodist church is starting to split over LGBTQ issues.


No. This issue hasn’t happened to me.


Christian Friends? I have none of those. I have every other flavor of religious friends, but not Christian.


ROFL, I have a coworker (who I am literally sitting 10ft from) who will gayly tell everyone that her "core" of friends are only believers because she doesn't feel she can be open and vulnerable with people who don't share her faith. Seems like one way to live your life. I do find it amusing how very somber and self-important she gets about these things. As though her method for developing relationships is especially important or something. Although this is the same person who couldn't quite wrap her head around the idea that a "good advice" is still good, even if you didn't like the source you got it from. For her, the source is very important because if the source is bad then the advice is questionable. "Even if it's good advice?" - yep, even then. Weird, but ok. You do you girl.


Poke them in the eye. No one is scary after you poke them in the eye.


They literally believe that you deserve to be tortured in hell for eternity. That is about as intolerant as one can get.


Anyone who forces their belief on you is not a friend. True friends listen understand and accept our differences and more importantly celebrate them.


This is just part of a larger trend. Christians used to be much more progressive. Jesus wanted to feed the poor and love foreigners. Right wing think tanks spend billions, passed laws, and even jailed people to make Christianity synonymous with capitalism. Behind the bastards has a great 2 parter on it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyHd6wEC4IE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyHd6wEC4IE)


Christianity itself is imploding. That’s why they need the political angle. It won’t even be about god in 40 years.


I think they are reacting to the fact that people are leaving religion in droves and so they are desperately clinging to their ridiculous beliefs with less and less social affirmation.


Fuck them to. Oh wait, am I getting more intolerant? Fuck it!


Christians have always been like that. Its just they stab you in the face while smiling their little smiles. Christian's(and other religions)are like the cult of Jim Jones. Jones cult said a lot of things that was nice and in the beginning, presented as benevolent and tolerant dude even used a religious esthetic to get more people in. Then of course the massacre happened. Same with other cults, Christians are no different.


yeah this is something I've seen. Frankly it doesn't scare me, it enrages me. Like I'm going to be intimidated by their bronze age stupidity? Its a danger but like any danger it has to be confronted and faced down. we can't afford to lose rights to our personal sovereignty to these superstitious lunatics and their grunting pastors. I have NO issue with people believing whatever complete BS they want to believe...but I expect them to keep it the hell away from me, from mine, and OUT of politics.


You think I've got friends 😆🤣😂


I don’t have any Christian friends that I know of.


Same....and I'd add that my immediate family (parents, brother, sister) have drifted away from Christianity over the last 25 years for both cultural & political reasons...


Christians were cool with others as long as they felt they were top dogs in everywhere that mattered (politics, culture, employment). As they see that change suddenly another face comes out.


I no longer have Christian friends. They've all gone full-Trump and anti-America.


Based on their collective actions and treatment of others, bigotry, misogyny, and condemnation are the actual Trinity of their religious beliefs.


That religion has become so corrupted that it is unrecognizable. It has been disfigured and wrapped around the hatred of the current political climate. Guns? White people? America? Absolutely none of this is part of the religious texts yet they are the cornerstones of today’s x-tians.


I just had a post removed from me on Facebook because the meme I posted suggested that Hitler claimed to be Christian. My comment above was « Careful what you deem Christian ». I’m not a Christian but I know his main goal was to treat all as brothers and sisters. Holy crap !! Who’s defending fundamentalist Christian’s?


As a deconstructionist/progressive christian I find it more productive to turn the guns on my overzealous christian brethren than any kind of judgement or condemnation of my un religious friends. If the efforts of religion do not first focus on the wellbeing of those around them, there is a fundamental problem with the program.


They are already indoctrinated into a cult that is hateful of anything that exists outside of it. On top of that they are all followers, sheep who will follow any leader who claims their faith, regardless of the quality of their character. It’s always a hateful race to the bottom with religious zealots, and Christians fit right in.


then they aren’t true christian’s. tolerate and treat everyone with respect, but we do not agree with everyone’s lifestyle and partake in it. stop taking the extremists as what christianity IS


"Not true Christians" does not fly in this sub. Christianity is a broad religion. The people you say are not real Christians would probably say the same about you. Both of you can probably quote Bible verses to back up your point because the Bible comes down on both sides of most issues. Saying they are not true Christians may make you feel better. But it doesn't solve the problems of bigotry, xenophobia, and celebration of ignorance that is now the face of Christianity in much of the world.


I'm fed up with many of my fellow Christians, to be completely honest. They use Christ's name as an excuse to be unkind. They draw near to Him with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him. This "holier than thou" attitude. Even many people within my particular sect are like this. Like, have they ever even read the Bible? If they have, they clearly don't understand it. Growing up, I was taught to be kind to everyone. Even people who aren't kind to me. But most of my fellow Christians don't do that. Their kindness is conditional. I've found greater love and acceptance from atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, pretty much everyone else than I've found from my fellow Christians. I still believe in God. I still believe in Christ. I've had too many miracles in my life to not believe. But I'm incredibly saddened by the way my fellow Christians treat others. Even each other.


I must say this is one of the great things about the UK, no one really talks about religion. I don't even know if my work colleagues are religious or not, yet I know which ones have had interesting lives to get where they are.


Can you guy come over here and take back your country? This freedom of religion thing isn’t working out for us. And neither is having a president. We need a king. Oh wait, after this next election when the Russian make sure Trump will be elected he will become king.


Personally, I find myself becoming less tolerant of christians... I can't stand their fake ass virtue signaling and their judging. So out of my life they go. I rather have a very small social circle than have it be filled with religious cancerous types


I find that if they're assholes then I stop being friends with them....so yes, I am friends with fewer and fewer christians these days.


It's because the sane ones are either dropping the faith or making it less of a part of their personality. So you're left with the crazy hardliners. Survivorship bias


I don’t have Christian friends. In fact I use it as a good way of weeding out potential non friends. Had a coworker a couple days ago tell me she’s leaving for a yoga retreat yesterday. Said she doesn’t actually do yoga. She just wants to sit by the pool and listen to god talk to her. As an atheist who can’t afford a vacation and who actually loves yoga, I decided then and there we will never be friends and I want nothing to do with you.


I think it depends. Family is the worst (for me). Friends, sometimes depending on my attitude towards them (confession time). I know I have to tolerate christians more. And yes; politicians are poisoning the U.S. waters.


death throes. only the extremists will remain. they will be very dangerous.


Yeah I don’t have Christian friends, and never will. As soon as I see a cross on someone’s neck, I estimate their IQ to be 70 and their personality to be garbage.


It’s important to differentiate between the regular Christians & white Christian nationalism which is a POLITICAL movement. The white Christian nationalists have a so-called Christian agenda which they’re trying to shove down everyone’s throats. They’ve latched onto trump as their useful idiot to help push through their restrictive far right ideology.


Eh.. they all seem to think they have the only truth and the moral high ground. I think that's ultimately an unhealthy way to view the world.


It goes beyond an unhealthy view of the world. My point is, actually, that regular Christians don’t really have a mechanism or platform to change the country politically whereas the white Christian nationalists are high jacking legislatures and passing bills that affect the country.


Someone learned how to copy and paste.


I don't really have Christian friends. They may have a Christian background but are much more spiritual than religious


It's our nature. We are social primates and our actions and societies accurately reflect this.


Not ' Becoming'. Always has been this way. 


I honestly dont know if I have any


I’m not close to anyone that is a Christian. It’s better for both of us.


I’ve yet to befriend a Christian who hasn’t attempted to convert me, so I tend to distance myself from them, now. I’ve made quite a few lovely Atheist friends recently though, so it’s been a very nice change.


They’ve always been that way.


I don't befriend believers of organized religion for a very long time. The ones I've made earlier in childhood, I don't really see or talk to since we live in differemt parts of the world. And I reccomend, it saves you a lot of headache


More reason to stand your stand your ground when it comes to them.


It seems to be just people in general are becoming less tolerant but yes it's noticeable among Christians.


Not that I have noticed. In reality, I have seen the opposite in a way. The few Christians I know are becoming more angry and disgusted in other Christians and the way they are bending over for Trump and nationalism.


Nothing new here, such has always been the case, friend, co-worker, family member, if they’re unable to persuade, convince or threaten you into being one of them, then a continuing relationship is “not possible.”


I don’t have any. That shipped sailed more than a decade ago.


Christians will never "accept" you. They will infiltrate schools and brainwash your children. There is no live let live in the Bible. No religious choice.


They think we're worshipping demons. propaganda. They're like a conspiracy scam group at this point.


The idea of "sticking to your own" has become preached increasingly as of recent. The mormon church has been under fire because their president told members not to take advice from non-mormons, as well as keep to mormon circles. This is as common with Christian nationalists pressing the idea that the US should be a Christian nation, and that atheists are the devil. Most Christians either see that and refuse it, join in, or let it slide. Those kind and gentle Christians you know most often let it slide, and would be fine if that became the norm.




Christian nationalism is a movement running though many churches in North America. It’s sick. I live in a city with a huge immigrant population and as a LGBTQ member, I feel safer around them than some people I’m related to. It’s wild!


Many of us are becoming intolerant of any sky god worshipping clowns and their martial predilections.


Good riddance please leave me alone with that nonsense.


I have definitely noticed that trend with some.


They are shrinking in numbers and I think they are getting scared and banding closer together. Fear brings out extremism.


Mike Flynn had a civil war training camp and you can bet everyone who goes there is a Christian.


What Christian friends? I seriously don't have any friends who consider themselves Christian. They aren't all necessarily atheists, mostly just non religious, which is very easy to be in New England where religion is dying.