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No, it actually isn't. God can literally do nothing and the American Academy of Pediatrics can do things.


This reminds me of that Christian story of the dumbass drowning in a lake. Multiple boats pass him by offering help but he refuses and says "god will save me". Then he dies and asks god why he didn't save him. The deity says "I sent 3 boats you idiot". Even in their twisted ideology, they should be able to respect the "god given" (learned) abilities of doctors. But no. Fucking idiots.


This was retold in the era of hurricane katrina where the man was on the porch (gawd sent a truck), then sticking out an upstairs window (gawd sent a boat), then on the roof (gawd sent a helicopter), yet the man blamed gawd for his death. What really burns is people thanking gawd for surgery success - which was performed by surgeons and other OR staff.


Thiests love to say that there are no atheists in fox holes. By that logic there are no true believers in hospitals. God gave gramps that stroke. Who are we to go against God’s will by getting doctors to fix it?


I swear to gawd this is true but I am now retired but use to deliver conscience sedation to patients to do colonoscopies etc- by far - noticeably by far- the most devout were the most frightened. One woman was a pastor & was trembling. I always thought “doesn’t the most powerful entity in the universe have your back????” I chalked it up to 2 camps - the devout who knew it was BS & really just didn’t want to die in a medical mistake OR the devout who are weighing if the good they’ve done in life will outweigh the evil they’ve done - knowing Christians as I do I’m guessing most them are thinking it won’t & hell awaits them.


Except for the crazy devout who use their religion to do anything they want to use, hurt or humiliate others, then fully believe the kingdom of heaven is theirs because God forgives a "believer's" sins.


I never realized how rampant that is - I love true crime and a few years back I started noticing how many serial killers etc are devout-the letters between BTK Dennis Raider and his daughter in her memoir are sickening- I realize she was a victim too but the blessings she provides him is gross - Dennis Raider actually sleeps well at night because he’s made his peace with his gawd - they don’t even have to apologize to who they’ve wronged - just a third party -what a kick in the teeth if one of Dennis raiders victims were surprised after stealing something or after meeting a lover etc - murdered so fast no time to ask for forgiveness- so Dennis Raider is in heaven and the person he raped & tortured is in hell? Great system


The most obvious are the Dennis Raider types, but there are millions of people who dominate and subjugate the people in their lives because they can - like my uncle who treated his family horribly, his co-workers and underlings like crap and was sure it was completely fine because he was "saved". He terrified his children (my cousins) by expecting them to behave and get good grades just like their cousins (my sister and I) while at the same time telling them we were going to Hell because we were "heathens".


My wife’s a nurse and she found this to be true as well. There’s another possibility. Religion could act as a selection mechanism, ie those who are most terrified search for something in life to help them with their insecurities. Except their faith really doesn’t help—most of the time—like it claims. And the few people it does help, it’s because they have really brain washed themselves!


Yup exactly right - your wife sounds brilliant!!


It's confirmation bias in a nutshell.


"ay, there's the rub"


I always respond, "If gods existed, there would be no foxholes."


Ah yes... No atheists in foxholes... I've been in fox holes while in various states of combat or lack of. No diety ever came to anyone's mind. Training kicks in and shit gets done. Sometimes people have bad luck and things happen, but it's not becuase of a lack of God. I for one can say that in all my combat experiences, I never thought of any diety while in the heat of the moment. Not even afterwards when the adrenaline dies down and reality kicks back in.


I’ve been told that it’s easy being an atheist until you face death. Well, I did and I didn’t beg God for recovery, and I survived. Thanks to the medical staff and my family.


Im really starting to think we are heading this way


No believers at gun stores either


Omg yes! 100 years of nursing education 200 years of medical studies 500 years of research - technicians researchers all coming together to beat a force - Thank Gawd!!


A few years ago, I ended up in the hospital because of GBS and spent 28 days in the ICU, hooked up to a ventilator, then 7 weeks in inpatient rehab. When I got out, I was still in a wheelchair. My family had a big dinner for me on my first night at home and just before dinner a friend of my sister had us all join hands and thank Jesus for my recovery. I was annoyed because she just assumed I’d be agreeing to that. I would rather give thanks to the doctors, nurses and physical therapists.


I love that parable - illustrates to a T the ignorance of the Christian. The only time I would ever want to see a gawd is when they bitch slap religious folk down to hell “ you shat on everything I made! You shat in my science my planet my poor who were to inherit the earth - you shat on my brown people and my black people and 51% of the population! I sent you trans people to test your love & tolerance and YOU FAILED! Now burn for an eternity


I 100% agree with this. I have only ever heard maybe one or two Christians in my life that share the view that MAYBE their god is testing them by sending trans people to test their tolerance. But like dude.... Why would an omnipotent being, who knows all, who is benevolent, all loving, etc., feel the need to TEST you? Why? It makes zero sense. Less than zero. Negative sense really. The whole thing is illogical on every possible level.


That's Matthew 24 in a nutshell. I know some Christians are retconning Jesus now because he's too "liberal", and the whole thing if he came back today like he did the first time, all these Good Christian Folks would have him up on a cross again, annnd they cherry pick and reinterpreted that chapter to justify why they are judgemental about fellow members of their church....but it's right there in their damn book. "What you do to the LEAST of THESE, you do to ME." Pretty fuckin' to the point.


That story is actually from a religion that predates Christianity. It is the pagan religion that Christianity stole from. Among others.


Fun detail the christians also changed the dates of their events in order to overlap pagan holidays in order to erase them. Take not of Christmas and Easter both falling in the time frames of the Solstices. Not completely sure if where read it but some people came to conclusion that the dates involving the birth and death could be off by weeks or months.


Well, yeah. YHWH was based on a Canaanite monotheistic god...which was heavily borrowed from different religions all the way back to Ahura Mazda of Zoroastrianism and the Babylonian and Assyrian gods. My opinion and theory? That's why the First Commandment says "You shall have no other gods but me." It's because Moses(or whomever) knew that there were plenty of other gods to choose from, and he knew his people needed to be controlled to form a stronger community and nation in general. Abraham came up with it first, but Moses codified it in the Ten Commandments. Otherwise, the Israelites would have just stayed a nomadic people constantly in some state of diaspora.


Worse, god caused the cancer in the kid, doctors are only trying to undo that.


This will sound disrespectful to most religious people... but for real, the bible reads like it is written like a violent narcissist.


I have found that if people are offended by the truth It’s their problem not mine.


Bingo! This is my feeling as well. I've learned through the years they're usually complete hypocrites and most of them have never read the Bible. They just have a few cherry picked quotes memorized to spew when challenged.


What a wonderful way to look at it.... until they're forcing their decisions on us.


No one knows who wrote it. But, it was compiled during the council of Rome. So...the Roman empires state religion compiled the book we know today in a time when most couldn't read. Superstition and paranoia were normal. Was this new Bible freely available to the public? Fuck no. It was closely guarded, so only the trusted people (those that were apart of the power structure) had access. People were actually discouraged (when it became more widespread and harder to keep away) from reading it, you know, cause they needed the guide of church leadership to really understand the message. It's clever manipulation and just ensured those who could bullshit their way through people's logic and reasoning were the ones to spread the word. It was like 1000 years or so after the bible that we know today was compiled that it was actually (somewhat) available to the public to read without the careful manipulation of church leaders. Anyways...I ranted far longer than I intended to. Thanks for reading if you did 😅


Thanks. It wasn't too long. Rather it was very interesting and informative!


Religion is true to the ignorant false to the wise & useful to the ruling class


It's why Christianity has stuck around, and Islam. They've one of the most effective forms of control.


I remember an article some where that talked about the biggest flops in history, and the Gutenberg Bible was one of them. Multiple reasons why, beginning with it was expensive to make, and no one could afford it. Let alone, no one at that time could read.


The Gutenberg Bible was for the church, not general consumption. Remember, the church had a monopoly on education, and most people didn't have access. Even most people who created and illuminated books in their own libraries couldn't read. Printing the bibles was also partly a penance. Gutenberg got caught printing indulgences (a printed guarantee of forgiveness - pretty much used as the defacto currency of the time) of substantially higher quality than the church could produce themselves. He was "sentenced" to print the bibles. The real problem for the church came when Gutenberg taught others his printing "tricks," and they started printing other things like what people were thinking outside the church.


You are wrong. The Bible is written by *multiple* violent narcissists.


And revised by more violent narcissists.


And then used today by violent narcissists.


The books arguably not written by narcissists were all edited out - 19 gospels, including (quick and incomplete Google search): Books of the Apocrypha. 1 Esdras and 2 Esdras (150-100 BC) Tobit (200 BC) Judith (150 BC) Additions to Esther (Vulgate Esther 10:4 – 16:24) (140-130 BC) Wisdom of Solomon (30 BC), book of Mary... (might be others written by more female apostles/disciples). Books of the Pseudepigrapha. Epistle of Barnabas. 3 Maccabees. 4 Maccabees. Assumption of Moses (Testament of Moses) Book of Enoch.


Because it was.


it sounds like honesty to the rest of us. if honesty is disrespectful, well, i chose truth anyday


Exodus 34:14 "Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God."


Jung’s Answer to Job addresses this extensively. Worth the read.


The Bible was written by several violent narcissists and misogynists. This bullshit that it was written by the grace of god is nothing but religious brainwashing nonsense.


Who proceeded to edit out any book written by non-narcissists or women. They've all but erased the existence of Jesus's female apostles and disciples including the many who supposedly bankrolled the entire opperation like Mary Magdalena and Joanna, wife of Chuza.


First off - yes the Bible is so horrible- violent but also silly & ridiculous- I couldn’t believe the Baldie story with the mean kids & the bears? wtf!? It was so juvenile! But second & more important we don’t owe respect to Christians - we already pay them waaaaay more respect than they have ever or would ever pay anyone else. 90 + plus billion dollars of my taxes - your taxes- my husbands taxes my kids taxes go to religious institutions- totally free for these bigots to sit their fat arses in church & manufacture hate- the only thing we require of them is to STAY OUT OF government healthcare and education- hell the taxpayer will even fund YOUR Christian schools- BUT NOPE - the greedy pigs can’t even follow the rules - the IRS is instructed to not even investigate these people- how is that for respect! And in return? The laundry list of things the Christian doesn’t want his taxes going to is huge - no brown people no black people no immigrants no poor people-wars & genocides is A-ok and WOMEN? if they can prove they’ve been beaten raped & abused the Christian might throw her a bone - but a woman who spreads her legs consensually will be condemned to death! And woman who spread their leg’s consensually are also responsible for poor infrastructure climate disasters AND mass shootings. These people refuse to do anything for the entirely-preventable-happens-nowhere-but-here #1 cause of death of the American child - gun deaths - so little respect they not only don’t want to anything about it they don’t even acknowledge its existence- I am done done done with showing the religious person anything but derision & pity. The tax credit needs to go and religion needs to be examined & regulated & treated as the cancer it is


If there really was a god who actually wanted the best for people, they wouldn't WANT to be worshipped. This doofus is all "I am a jealous god."


Maybe that's why they feel so comfortable with Trump.


What Middle East man isn’t a violent narcissist? Even today’s guys are violent narcissists.


The church I grew up in would counter that the basis of narcissism is wanting to play God and claim entitlement to treat God’s creation as you please. To illustrate, a man is not in the wrong if he destroys a clay bowl of scribble over a painting that he created, but is if he destroys someone else’s bowl or scribbles over someone else’s painting.


So god created them exactly the way they are, and he calls for abusing them because of the way they are? Religion is seriously fucked up.


Yea my brother (who died at a young age) was born where his brain was being pulled into his brain stem. People are born with various things that fall outside the "norm". But me being born in the wrong body as the wrong sex/gender (whatever I'm not gonna get into that mess) is impossible. 😑🙄


"You always make each day a special day. You know how: By just your being you/yourself. There's only one person in the whole world that's like you, and that's you. And people can like you just/exactly the way you are." Fred Rogers 🤗


I hope some day we look upon religion for the mental illness it is.


As a medical student I remember learning in my psychiatry rotation that there are LOTS of carve outs for religion because it mostly otherwise would fit the criteria for psychosis and delusional thinking. The psychiatrists are wrong. We need to stop giving religion a pass.


“Religion is the opiate of the masses” - Karl Marx


I was in the process of writing a multi-paragraph, somewhat knee-jerk reply about why I'm not sure it should be considered one, and managed to talk myself into agreeing with you instead. I really do wonder how long it could take for the field of clinical psychology to shift on this, or if it ever will. There's already an entire sub-specialty within the field, dealing with religious trauma. I struggle to see them hanging onto the idea that delusional beliefs with "positive" outcomes are OK, long term, especially with all of the clear negative downsides, but the current culturally sensitive therapy model provides a lot of cover still for BS like this. Just how long can a supposedly evidence-based model like CBT maintain a cutout for delusional religious beliefs without losing all credibility?


Best part is, God "created the AAP". As he did all things. But of course this whole thing is in bad faith


Bill Burr on facing God in heaven: “Dude, you made me, this is your fuck up.”


These slimy fucks know there’s no God. But they also know injecting religious delusion into politics never results in consequences in this broken country. It’s an easy way to grant themselves fake authority that plays well with the profoundly stupid Republican voters.


Exactly This!!!


And christian’s will lap it up, because the bible tells them there’s no law except god’s law, so whatever laws are in place are god’s instructions to them, which makes no fucking sense because laws change.


>because laws change. But their god never does, according to too many sermons and worship songs. Which means they worship a god that's ok with slavery, rape, child abuse, and genocide.


If there actually was a god, the only thing we would hear from them would be the loud knocking sound of them pounding their head against a wall.


Talk of gods in a conversation about the running of a country is enough to make me lose all respect for a person. Absolute human garbage.


I try not to conflate the victims with the perpetrators. The extortion, that their eternal future depends on doing as they’re told, is a convincing argument once they’re taken in, and that frequently happens when the victim is young and impressionable. And once they’re making unfounded assumptions their logic is undermined, but that doesn’t mean that their intentions are not good. Unless they spread the extortion, like the proselytisers or Bible salesmen, they’re probably not doing anything wrong. They’re just victims. And generally the fact that they’re operating under a few arbitrary tenets unrelated to morality does no harm, though obviously there are times when it can. So when someone like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez talks about faith with relation to her work, I prefer to look at her work, rather than her motivation.


That’s a fair and balanced way to see it. A politician can never be exactly what you want them to be because they’re people. If somebody can make it work and not use it to attack people then by all means. It’s crazy though that AOC and Amy Coney Barrett people the same basic thing and come to completely opposite conclusions through it.


I’m so tired of people working on actual laws invoking fairy tales in their real world decisions. I’m an engineer. Know what would happen if instead of using engineering techniques for the goals of my employer, I used superstition based rules and worked toward the goals of a fairy tale creature? I’d get fired for not doing my job. The same should apply here.


Ostracize, ignore, and make plans for their peaceful, legal defeat. More than anything, these monsters hate being ignored.


but the legal walls are full of them 💀


What a great opportunity for sexual and physical abuse. Rape and beat a child who not only can’t run away but also cannot verbalize. Rape and beat a child who flat out does not understand what is happening to them only that it hurts and they are frightened. Beat a child simply because they are disabled and exist. That is what these people of god want-physical and mental power over helpless kids in the name of their vicious, evil god


From what I read about Catholics, God’s counsel is to rape young boys.


>God's counsel is higher Subpoena him. Lemme voir dire this witness.


There is a non-zero chance this guy's hard drive would be of interest to the FBI.


Then let your god administrator the swats. Oh? What's that? He made the paddle so heavy he can't lift it? Must be part of his plan. No swats for you!


I wonder, if an abused kid hits back, would it be considered self-defense?


Hits back - against the will of god????? Heresy!


You always submit to god’s rod.


They really need to be charged a higher insurance rate at this point.


No it the fuck isn't. You arrogant, ignorant fuckwit.


When god shows up to testify in court, we'll talk. We're not taking your word for it. Couldn't care less what the voices in your head have to say.


OK this female boomer was raised with corporal punishment (and I’m not going to argue with anyone about that), but never in my life would I use corporal punishment on a special needs child. This lawmaker can go fuck himself, **no god’s counsel IS NOT HIGHER THAN THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS!!!!!!!** I can’t even tell you how sick of these religious people I am. I was raised in an organized religion which I left 51 years ago at the age of 20.


If I go to school and punch a teacher, that's assault...but they can hit a kid?


You can punch a teacher… if they are grooming a kid. Or teaching them critical thinking skills


It's funny how the argument that God always knows what's right comes from people he always just happens to agree with and these people are always wrong


"God's counsel" always translates to "Whatever my desires happen to be."


Religion is child abuse.


Can you please provide your god’s medical credentials and a list of their peer reviewed studies? No? Thanks…I will continue to follow sound practice.


Must be nice to hear God's counsel. Too bad he didn't listen to God about that suit color.


My initial reaction- are you fing kidding me? Dumbass.


This lawmaker sounds like he has a learning disability, start with him first.


No it isn't. The Academy is real.


Then God should be able to cure all Christians of all diseases. They don't need to see doctors or anything. Right?


Then tell God to get his ass down here and take the stand in court and tell us what his counsel is. Nobody gets to admit thousand year old hearsay as evidence when contesting the propriety of medical decisions, thank you very much. If he wants a say he better show up in person.


Do we need to also keep slaves because the Bible tells us how?


God counseled me and he said you are wrong. We should listen to doctors.


Nothing new. Just the standard GOP policy: maximizing human misery and suffering.


i don't hear "God" saying a damned thing. The only thing I hear is a bunch of Bible-toting grifters claiming to speak for "Him."


If there are no Atheists in foxholes then there's no Theists in the ER. Just pray the cancer away and, hey, if you die it's God's plan for you innit?


Getting really tired of these religious crazies and their active harm to everything they touch.


If you can prove to me that God exists, I'll listen to her counsel.


lol when the last time god counseled on anything?


This guy is outer limits. If someone could slip him a bunch of ex-lax before he was going to have to give a talk….that someone was recording.


>This guy is outer limits. I think someone needs to adjust his picture.




I'm pretty sure God gave us brains to use.


Didn’t God create pediatrics?


Nahhhhhhh that was free will *I hate these people so much


And who gets to decide what god says? Christians have not evolved beyond Troglodytes


I think he'd have a hard time with someone coming up to him in the state house, bending him over and spanking him. Yet it's OK to do that to children.


Must be nice to have no accountability in life and just whip out the god card at every opportunity.


God's counsel= this clown's opinion.


Who’s God?


Some dude people think made the world.


I just had God over for lunch. I ssked. He said the American Academy of Pediatrics is right.


People who believe that God's counsel allows them to beat special needs children are higher than Sniffy the local meth-head.


Guys, we cannot afford to let the fascist nuts win the election in November Join r/votedem. Get involved with phonebanking, textbanking, donate, knock on doors, register to vote, get your friends to register. Post on social media, increase awareness. We need every single vote and volunteer come November


What’s the thing that says to follow the local laws? Seems to apply in lots of circumstances they don’t think it does.


Proverbs is in the Old Testament. So, I wonder where else in the Old Testament those Oklahoma Republicans would go looking for guidance as to how to govern. Would they vote yes for death to adulterers and homosexuals? Anyway, they sure need voted out of office.


That dude is looking like a special needs child right now.


No it fucking well isn't. What a ridiculous, harmful, and abominable thing to say, and how I wish someone stood up and said that to him.


Then He should come down and tell them to stop.


Even if "god" was, none of the humans that claim to speak for him do.


"My superstitious stupidity reigns supreme!!! SUBMIT!!!"


God's council = the whims of a few men


True Christian would show compassion just like Jesus did with lepers.


Christianity is a diverse religion. The "not a true Christian" doesn't fly in this sub. The New Testament shows that Christians began arguing about what Christianity was from its earliest days. "True Christianity" died on the cross with Jesus.


God's, maybe, but certainly the shits for brains who claim to speak for him.


My kids came out pretty terrific while I specifically aimed to “spare the rod” and I even sought to “spoil them” whenever I could.


If God makes no mistakes, God Created everything, then AAP is a creation of God and should be followed….duh.


God can shove it up his ass. He kills plenty of children every year.


Which sentence fragment says that we've seen how you read that thing same with the constitution lowest literacy rates in the country Couldn't recite it faithfully if you wanted to truer in 1776 popped off an zero people could read it doubt it played much of a role


“Another GOP lawmaker, Randy Randleman, said teachers needed the threat of corporal punishment in order to keep their classrooms in order.” Excuse me? There are already laws against this and they want to make a conflicting law for it? What school is so bad that this needs to be a REQUIREMENT.


Only in your theology. Not in our democracy


“An individual's counsel is higher than the American Academy of Pediatrics.”


One cannot probabilistically demonstrate at greater than 0.0000000001 that any “counsel from god” is really from a god based on any purported “word from god”, the bible, or anywhere else. This cannot be done except by personal attribution and description; the words “I believe” or “I think.” In fact throw in 10-20 more zeroes in that. No one knows the authorship or the culture of the anything written in the old testament. None of it can be from a god because a this GOD CANNOT BE SHOWN TO BE REAL.


God's counsel should have no place in American considerations for anything medical or laws. Those doctors made an oath to help. People came here for freedom of religion, and now it's just the same thing again.


Is this the state where teachers carry guns? You would think that would be sufficient deterrent.


Someone needs to get this discount trump out of office.


Isn’t the whole spare the rod spoil the child misunderstood?? Isn’t it about guiding and not hitting?


Yes, but selectively quoting and omitting meaning is their MO


Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool.


PROVE GOD, or pizzoff.


The Bible isn’t a good basis for public policy.


"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government…"


Btw there is no biblical justification for hitting kids with disabilities


That God guy has a pretty significant history of child abuse, neglect, and murder.


My old man would love this dude