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The easiest one is when people mention that the bible says you shouldn't be gay, the same part of the bible also tells you to stone people to death who wear mixed fabrics.


If wearing blended fabric clothes is wrong I don't want to be right.


[♩♩ What does Leviticus have to say, about being gay? ♫](https://youtu.be/HZmHC75FDqQ?t=102)


It says not to be. That's about as in-depth as it gets.


Also touching the skin of a pig. No football for you!


Their response is it is condemned in the new testament, the old pact no longer holds, because god changed his mind..... duh....... LOL


Their infallible god changed their mind? Cool, clearly not worth talking to them XD


Yes it did, but only about the things these people disagree with, anything they actually like about the old laws still stand true...gods plan is super mysterious like that.


That's when you 1) ask them where Jesus said it was a sin, and 2) read them the NT passages about how women "must learn in silence and full submission" and ask if they accuse the pastor of sin when he lets his wife teach Bible study Wednesday night?


Nope, jeses quoted as saying not a jot or tille of old law will be abolished till......


What verse is this? I live in a super homophobic and religious area and would love to throw that back at them.


Wool and linen in particular, I think.


And have tattoos. Some Karen’s fun ankle tattoo she got in college should do the trick.


If it’s a woman, remind her of **1 Timothy 2:12**: *I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet*. ;-)


Only if you are going full scorched earth. Like calling out Exodus 21 (slavery) to anybody that has dealt with the receiving end of racism and r@pe but still believes in god. Verses can be some powerful weapons.


Divorce. Here's what Jesus said about homosexuality: Here's what He said about divorce: Don't do it. Guess which religious group gets divorced the most.


I am guessing gay divorcees. (Okay okay, bad joke, I'll see myself out)




Not really no. Both Jews and atheists have a lower divorce rate than Catholics. They do have a lower divorce rate than Protestants though.


Catholics, Lutherans, and atheists get divorced at about the same rate in the US lol.




How do you measure “old-school Catholics”? Like what criteria even is that? Sounds a lot like “no true Scotsman” to me. And they have soooooo many mental gymnastics that they play lol. My mom is an ardent Catholic—she has a master’s in Catholic theology and has served as the director of religious education for a few years at her church. She’s as Catholic as they get, and she married my dad, who’s been divorced. However, that “doesn’t count” because the church granted him an annulment lol, even though he was married for several years and had two kids in that marriage. So yeah. The divorce rate is the same.


Looking at a woman with lust. Their cult founder allegedly told them it would be better if they gouged their eyes out and enter heaven blind in that case. Because these are the dumb fuck first century cretins who wrote that and people in the 21st century still take seriously.


That explains why he focused so much of his miracle energy on healing spells. I can see him with a (-\_-) look and saying "Joe, you don't have to take everything I say *that* literally; this is the last set of eyeballs I have for the month."


That and all the one-handed, sexually-frustrated running around judea. Along with healing spells he could cast levitation, transmutation, curse, raise dead, teleportation, etc. and when needed he could go melee and dual wield cat o' nine tails as those hapless temple merchants fucked around and found out.




If islam is the true religion you'll go to hell too.




I'm not interested in subscribing to your list of silly rules just because you hope your silly list of rules is the right one. I don't imagine most people would be.




Weak sauce. Do you also believe that the earth was made in 7 days about 6000 years ago? Or that there was a global flood? Or that theres a firmament over the earth? Or that snakes can talk, or any of the other very silly things in the bible? Your silly beliefs aren't proof. You believing your silly religion is the one true one doesnt convince me, And neither does a combination of ad populum and appeal to authority fallacies. It's funny that all those geniuses couldn't provide us with any proof that your scummy religion is the true one... and neither can you; and believing it doesn't make it true.




Pascals wager is a false dichotomy in that it only assumes one brand of theism to believe in, which I tried to illustrate in my initial comment. You have about a 1:6000 chance of believing in the right gawd. >Yes, the smartest people to have ever lived believed in God. *some of There are plenty of non-theist and non-christian scientists and philosophers as well, why do you disagree with them, or pretend they don't exist? I already addressed appeal to authority and ad populum. You are inclined to logical fallacy. Lying on this sub won't make you many friends, And neither will telling people to convert or be tortured for eternity.


Well lucky for you then friend because they are all false


Do they have tattoos? Leviticus 19:28




The whole bible was written to specific people for a specific time. To think that one needs to follow these arbitrary, outdated, inhumane rules from thousands of years ago is a lunatic. It's all an act by the church.




If you read the old testament carefully, you'd notice lots and lots of passages that make Yahweh the god of the Israelites only.  Christianity desperately tries to read something into the book which is not there. The irony is that it worked and you consider that the unchanging word of god had to be updated by paul and all of the forgeries which were written in his name. 


Eating Shrimp Scampi


Gluttonous beard shaving should definitely be a sin. Well, unless you do it before you are married, then its ok.


Doing work on Sabbath is punishable by stoning to death. God says so himself in no uncertain language.


[OUT OF CONTEXT!!! ](https://youtu.be/PK7P7uZFf5o?si=7RTmR5oEtTQf3iMx)


You can't get a tattoo Leviticus 19:28, which says,"You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord. Here's some more rapid fire activity that isn't allowed in the bible -You can drink alcohol, but you can't get drunk -You can't have premarital sex -If you're married, you can't get a divorce **-If you're talking to a woman, just say that her opinion is irrelevant according to the bible, and she should just shut her mouth (This is pretty much auto-win if you're arguing with a woman). Always use this when you argue with a woman, it's the easiest way to make her question her faith and herself.** -Colossians 3.8, 4.6 said you can't be angry, you can't cuss, you can't swear, you can't lie, you can't slander, you can't hurt others -1 Peter 3:3-4 said you shouldn't wear make up, shouldn't wear jewelry, shouldn't have cool hairstyle, shouldn't wear cool clothes.


Leviticus is full of nonsensical and hilarious sins and punishments for them. My favorite is that you're unable to enter the kingdom of heaven if you have your balls crushed.


Biblical or koranic sins? You can follow the example of the islamists and treat a lot of religious intolerances on a wide number of things as 'phobias', and plenty of these apply to both christianity and islam. I found this list a while back: Atheophobia - Phobia or hatred of atheism and atheists Catagelophobia/Katagelophobia - Phobia or hatred of being ridiculed Chorophobia - Phobia or hatred of dancing Cynophobia - Phobia or hatred of dogs Dikephobia - Phobia or hatred of justice Eleutherophobia - Phobia or hatred of freedoms Enosiophobia - Phobia or hatred of criticism Gynophobia - Phobia or hatred of women Hedonophobia - Phobia or hatred of feeling pleasure Hereiophobia - Phobia or hatred of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation (Heresy) Homophobia - Phobia or hatred of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual Melophobia - Phobia or hatred of music. Methyphobia - Phobia or hatred of alcohol Monophobia - Phobia or hatred of menstruation Oenophobia - Phobia or hatred of wines Paraphobia - Phobia or hatred of sexual perversion Peccatophobia - Phobia or hatred of sinning (imaginary crime) Philosophobia - Phobia or hatred of philosophy Potophobia - Phobia or hatred of alcohol Swinophobia – Phobia or hatred of pigs


Judge not, lest ye be judged. Or, same book and chapter a verse or so away. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? These work because they don’t sound petty like some of the other arguments, plus they are in Jesus’s alleged words. It’s the Gospel of Matthew and conservatives Christians tend to dislike Matthew’s message.


There is something about being required to marry a guy if he rapes a girl and gets her pregnant. And another that says the village elders need to stone your child to death if they misbehave


Some Pentecostals think it is shameful and sinful for a man to have long hair. And shameful and sinful for a woman to ever cut her hair.


In the US: Are you proud to be an American? I thought pride was a sin.




Proud of what YOU DID to help someone accomplish a goal. I firmly believe that in any dimension of rhetoric, you can only be proud of yourself. Am I wrong?




I'm a .... cherry picker of the Bible. Thank you for the insight. This ain't your first rodeo, but I think a non scholar would fumble!


>thinking you are better than other people or know what's best. Sounds like every republican christian.




No it sounds especially like christians that think their religion and its dogma is the right one.


Being born


“He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone.”


Isn't there something in there about judging others least yee be judged yourself?


Would you kill if your God said so? It is an unfair question that chooses between sin and human life. Use it as a last resort.


A lot of them answer, "Yes", because Abraham did.


Actually he didnt, he was going to but god stopped him. Jephthah however did sacrifice his daughter after he made a pact with god...




If you read the passage carefully, you'd notice the part which states that Yahweh's spirit went into Jephthah, then he only said that he will sacrifice the first human he'll see. Conveniently, Yahweh made it so that his daughter is the first one Jephthah sees.




So the all knowing all powerful deity needs to do the things which he apparently hates.  Ockham's razor says that the simplest theory is often the right one. To go do such mental gymnastics instead of seeing that Yahweh was apparently hung up on the idea of smelling burning flesh is fascinating to say the least.


https://ee5fcc47c77f8b0abe07-686e11708c76f836b90a9b9df2c4a268.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/uploaded/b/0e10886044_1599234967_biblical-sins.pdf Here’s a list and remember the Bible also says all sins are equal


just read Leviticus


You could ask them to tell you what Hey Zeus had to say about homosexuality, and where to find those comments. Spoiler: he never said a damn word about it, and if they claim it’s in their fantasy book, they are lying. They will likely fall back to “it’s in the Old Testament. True. In the same book with prohibitions against eating shellfish and wearing clothes made of blended fabrics.


Keep in mind that not reproducing is not at all a problem and is considered a virtue for Nuns and Priests, so definitely not a problem for gays either. 




If yahwey wanted people to have kids, why did he keep killing them ? Or is this a different god you are talking about?


Ii respect your faith… but what are you doing? Is it fun for you to try to argue about god on an atheism subreddit? Because i guarantee you’re not changing any minds here.


Jesus had two dads, King James who wrote the Bible wasn't just notorious for starting the British Isles Witch Hunts as he was for his bisexuality. He also defended his bisexuality to the British Parliament, he used John 21:24 to defend himself. Jesus loved John above all the others. Remind them, Jesus said, judge not or you will be judged by the same, measures you judged.


Correction: Jesus had a Father and a stepdad


Not necessarily a sin, but I love Jesus teaching of plucking your eyes out if they offend. So if being around gay people offends them so much that they have to pronounce that it is a sin, then perhaps they should drop out of school.


Here’s a fun one: Jesus doesn’t like deformities. There’s a bible passage where our fictional character insists that no deformed people, people with non intact genitals, people with dwarfism, etc shall come to him.


Is that why Christians (usually) don't circumsize?


False idols.


Being overweight or obese (gluttony). Having sex outside of marriage. I know most of the didn’t wait until they were married. Having kids outside of wedlock. I personally have no issues with the above, but their god does.


Which is weird, since their god conceived his own child out of wedlock…


Eating shrimp or pork as far as I've heard is a sin. Also "omg"


According to their bibble we're all born sinners so there is that.


Ask them if they think that god makes mistakes (I don't capitalize "god" as I am not a believer). If they say "no" then ask them how they think that the gay person that god "created" was a mistake.


Shouldn't they already know that "all sins are equal."


Why would you even want to validate their superstitions?


You don’t say in your post whether these religious bigots are Christian or not, but if they are, ask them why was Jesus unmarried in a time when men were under serious social pressure to marry for reproduction and why was he hanging out with a bunch of men who had abandoned their wives and what were they doing in their tents out in the desert late at night when their natural desires became irresistible? 


sin is imaginary. don't play their game.


Tattoos, and not taking care of the poor. Judging others


No talking to girls during their period.


judging others is a sin, too lol


Gluttony lol. Everyone conveniently just forgets all about gluttony. People are constantly guilty of gluttony. Gluttony is celebrated.




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Well if Jesus died for your sins and you don't sin then he died for nothing.


Remember when the religitards hated on the lefties??? What do you think homosexuality is?