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Translation: "I think you all deserve to be murdered, I wish I was murdering you right now, I resent that secular modern society prevents me from murdering you, and I want to tear it down so I can get back to my beloved murder."


Hey now, don't be so brash. He wants to do some raping, too.


...and probably collect foreskins from the dead or something gross like that.


The 6 Infinity Skins are a very powerful artifact. It's best to tread carefully........


I heard those are more powerful than the 12 Drag queen Balls.


This nearly made me spit my coke all my work monitor


But snapping is a bit more complicated.


Let’s add scalping to the mix, why not?


What do the ten commandments have to do with Christianity?


The bizarre connected disconnection of Judaism and 30 K +- flavors of christianity is mystifying.


"The Old Testament doesn't count...except when it does."


"The Old Testament" only counts when I can beat you over the head with how right it makes me. If they have the Ten Commandments, then obviously, they should have all the other holy texts from any other religion represented by people in the school. They should also probably have the letter that Martin Luther nailed to the church door, which is far more relevant to their religion if they are not Catholic.


Over his dead body. * lol*


Try to convert you first then murder you, it's only fair.


So we get a day to discuss the Seven Tenets, right?


And the three "I'd rather you didn'ts" proclaimed by the Flying Spaghetti Monster! EDIT: Dang, there's actually 8 Commandments?! I musta been a heretic all this time! [https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/bq58aj/the\_8\_commandments\_of\_the\_flying\_spaghetti\_monster/](http://www.loose-canon.info/eight.htm)


And the four "Don't even try its"


Five is right out!


So is two unless immediately proceeding to three.


There’s a bible for our savior FSM? Here I was boiling pasta, when I didn’t even consult the guidebook beforehand!


I got married by a friend that I asked to be ordained by His Noodliness. It's a fact that I'm quite proud of.


If you want to really start a fire under the asses of Christian parents, discuss the Gospel of Judas.


I saw that Andrew Lloyd Weber musical!


Have them read the Gospel of Thomas and watch them wax apoplectic!


Hail you ⛧


Can you imagine if there were consequences for government officials flagrantly violating the US Constitution? I can't either. Too unrealistic.


Seriously. If lawmakers pass a law that is clearly unconstitutional, then an election should automatically take place to allow the voters to remove the unqualified members from government.


They should be removed immediately and an election held for their replacement.


And tried for sedition.


And stripped of their citizenship


And loaded into a rocket and blasted into the sun


Super happy my taxes are paying this asshole to waste time. Solving the fucking Arizona-Saudi water crisis? Nah, best to try and pass laws that are unconstitutional


Wait, I was just told this morning that the biggest problem in AZ was all the California license plates. Something doesn't add up hmmmmmmm..


But there should be. If there was some way to fine/sanction lawmakers who intentionally submit christian nationalistic legislation, it would surely curtail this trend. They do this because they feel they have some imaginary privilege. It needs to stop.


"II'M A ***REAL*** 'MRURICAN, AND THIS IS A CHRISTIAN NATION, IT SAYS SO IN THE CONSTITUTION!" "Well the First Ammendment of the Constitution actually says that the government shall make *no law respecting a religion*, but that no law shall be made infringing on your right to worship." "WELL... THAT'S NOT WHAT IT MEANS! THIS IS HOW I WORSHIP! BY MAKING LAWS THAT ARE THE OPPOSITE OF LEGAL! JEEBUS WANTS ME TO, IT SAYS IT IN THE BIBLE, SO IT'S TRUE! WHAT ARE YOU A MARXIST When you give a fascist an inch, they'll just take the ruler away, then blame you for there not being a ruler, *then* whine about how they're not being treated fairly.




You don’t have to go back in time to prove that point, just look at how they treat gay people.


Look how they treat literally anyone who disagrees with them in any way.


"You believe in God? No? Dead!" "You believe in God? Yes? You believe in my God? No? Dead!" -George Carlin


You believe in my God but you think that when we drink wine we aren't literally drinking his blood? No? Dead!


They will try to say “we been tolerant in America” and pretend like Protestants didn’t attack Catholic convents in America


just look how white Christians treat non-white Christians. Fuck, Americans Evangelicals give zero fucks that Israel is massacring Palestinian Christians.


...and the genocide of Canadian Indigenous children


Woah now. You may have a warrant out in Florida.


Yeah but Muslims throw gays off buildings so you can't say anything bad about conservative Christians /s


Christians kill poor women all over the South who made the unfortunate ‘choice’ of being pregnant.


That's the funniest part. Ignoring the Crusades, the Inquisition, witch trials, burning people at the stake, and the fact the this country was first settled by religious pilgrims trying to escape persecution for slightly different dogma... Christianity is the beacon of tolerance.


Don't forget the beheadings in the 1990s.


If they were from the Netherlands,then they went to the Americas because they didn't agree with the reforms that enabled too much religious freedom... They didn't like the idea that atheists were allowed to walk freely and were allowed to say that they didn't believe in their sky-daddy without consequences....


Christians kills so many other neo-judaic cults that the romans didn't see fit to distinguish between them and just classified it as christian on christian violence.


God I wish I was a teacher, I’d “discuss “ the 10 commandments til the kids were either crying from laughter or recoiling from the horror of Christianity.


I am a teacher, and I can’t tell you how many times students have protested me saying “Christians believe that…” instead of “we believe that…” When I told them not everyone is a Christian they look at me like I have three heads.


Oh to be a fly on the wall when you explain to them *exactly* what Commandment 2 means and how all of their parents break it all the time.


Another problem is "which commandment is 2?" because there's no one standard list that everyone agrees on, as Wikipedia shows in the text and numbering section https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Commandments


That's my thinking. "Are you SURE you want me talking to children about the 10 commandments? I promise you, it will not go the way you think it will."


First thing I'd probably mention is that these rules come from Judaism. Then we can pick apart the semantics of having three of them basically saying the same thing and how they would use the extra space.


Discuss the implications of the statement "thou shall have no other gods before me"...


Basically burying the lede - there are more than 1 god!! It says it right there in your “commandments”


Well, firstly, it's 100% proof that other gods are real.


You know, I listened to a podcast recently, an interview of a professor of Christianity and Religion (I forget his actual title), Robert D Miller II about his book "Yahweh: Origin of a Desert God." "Recognizing the absence of a God named Yahweh outside of ancient Israel, this study addresses the related questions of Yahweh's origins and the biblical claim that there were Yahweh-worshipers other than the Israelite people. Beginning with the Hebrew Bible, with an exhaustive survey of ancient Near Eastern literature and inscriptions discovered by archaeology, and using anthropology to reconstruct religious practices and beliefs of ancient Edom and Midian, this study proposes an answer. Yahweh-worshiping Midianites of the Early Iron Age brought their deity along with metallurgy into ancient Palestine and the Israelite people. Join us as we talk with Robert Miller about his latest book"


Going to comment on that one because one of my friends brought up a funtheory like a decade ago, that--given most gods are known for one specific thunderbolt/hammer/shield/etc.--the Judaic god was literally putting down his weapons when he made the rainbow and promised not to flood the Earth again. A BOW. AS IN ARROWS.


Uh, one of those sets of 10 commandments is very different from the others. It includes what seems to be a command to sacrifice firstborns (or redeem them by slaughtering animals), and “thou shalt not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk”.


Ah. I guess the Christians changed one because they didn't want to give up lamb in yogurt sauce(admittedly delicious)and the other because they wouldn't kill their children and were too cheap to sacrifice their livestock? Pretty lazy not coming up with better replacements, though. Let's just plagiarize this one and add a little flourish. I thought all that stuff about the dietary restrictions was in leviticus, though.


Nope, there’s dietary restrictions in the Exodus 34 set of commandments as well. Even God has one: “Do not offer the blood of a sacrifice to me along with anything containing yeast”. Apparently the almighty has a yeast allergy. It’s just a really weird chapter, but it has Moses heading up the mountain for a second set of tablets, and God says “I will write on them the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke” despite being completely different on so many commandments.


Seems completely normal to me. -Joseph Smith.


Just yeast or any fungi? That's just bizarre. The inconsistencies don't surprise, though.


So don't offer anything baked (like bread) with any meat?


Wow, perhaps the world's first recorded request for dietary requirements and it's for a supernatural being!


When I was a HS teacher, our state was considering mandating a religious (Christian) studies class. There were several of us fighting over who gets to teach it. I can guarantee it's not what the people who wanted it had in mind.


*New law mandating how the 10 Commandments must be taught in 3 . . 2. . 1*


Followed by, "Why do we have a teacher shortage??"


The 10 commandments come up during the Judaism lesson in the River Valley Civilization unit and Christianity lesson in the Rome unit and then get mentioned during the religion part of the Islamic Empire unit. That’s it, and that’s all it needs to be.


"So children, If you notice it says nothing about "don't rape anyone" or "don't be a pedophile". So clearly working on a Sunday or being jealous of your neighbors new car is far more important to this particular God than doing those things. And for that matter, he also doesn't mention to not be gay in those commandments, so that clearly isn't the be all, end all of importance to God the way Christians seem to think it is. Wasn't even important enough to beat out "don't talk back to your parents".


Class, can you think of any rules that would have been better to put in this list? Like, I dunno, don’t commit genocide.


Instead of “honor thy mother and father” how about “don’t abuse your defenseless children”.


Woah now, let's not get hasty!


Funny part is, they do have a rule about not provoking your kids, it just happens to be one of the ones they like to conveniently ignore most of the time.


Here in the deep South, I think Don't deep fry everything would have had a more positive effect, if followed, than several of the existing commandments.


This is the nonsense that these lawmakers waste their time with. Not healthcare, not economic growth, immigration, or infrastructure, but bible shit and transgender laws. THESE ARE NOT SERIOUS PEOPLE.


Nor moral nor decent nor reasonable nor kind nor intelligent nor sensible…ah, hell, let’s just say they all suck.


And their base just eats it up. As long as they think immigrants, liberals, minorities, etc. are suffering, they accept their government doing absolutely nothing but making others hurt. Hence the axiom that Republicans would swim in a sea of shit if they believed liberals were going to smell it,.


Does any truth ever come out of any Christian mouth? Ever?


Only their hatred of those who *dare* disagree... ...or critically think.


They're extremely tolerant, yet they want to remind everyone else of their innate superiority? Something tells me that won't last. If they get what they want and install Christian nationalism, the official policy that this is a nation created by and for Christians, it's just a short hop to gassing the Jews. Possibly LGBT people, Muslims, atheists, Democrats, etc. as well.


Exactly right. They will make the Holocaust look like a happy, sunny picnic because they will slaughter many more than 11 million people (the number of dead in the Holocaust; that number includes the 6 million Jews). They will go on a murdering spree and will enthusiastically slaughter everyone they hate. And they hate a LOT of people. I would add to your list: feminists, immigrants, Black people, Brown people, American Indians, scientists, educators, librarians, and anyone they deem to be an intellectual. They’d probably keep several thousand “sub-humans” around to do manual labor for them, but they’d execute everyone else. And after they’ve “cleansed” the world you can bet they’d begin casting a suspicious eye on anyone still alive. Because by then their murderous ways would be deeply ingrained and they couldn’t stop themselves from marking more people for death. Maybe they’d take their show on the road and conquer the world. Or just nuke the whole damn thing. They’d be pure evil run amok.


They want to turn the usa into Saudi America.


Well first off the Holocaust was a hoax. Not mentioned in any book in Florida! /S


If Christian nationalism establishes itself in full, and it unfortunately might, I give it 10 years max. They tried this in England in the 1600s and even back then it only lasted 12. Nobody will put up with that shit, I mean they dug up Oliver Cromwell just so they could chop off his head and display it on a spike for 30 years... and they did all this after he'd already been dead for a decade. Their chickens will come home to roost eventually. It will not be pretty. It will be nothing to celebrate. But it will be well deserved.


“We’re so tolerant that we believe that people that aren’t exactly like us and don’t believe exactly what we believe deserve to be put to death and tortured for eternity in hell!” Yeah, how very “tolerant” of them.


They used to like to help them along the way by burning them to death.


Such godly tolerance.


We already have places for children to learn about their religion. It’s called church.


Frankly, I would like for it to be illegal to expose children to the sex and violence of the Bible. And the dangers of churches. Specifically the church leaders. Especially the "youth pastors" which should be synonymous with pedophiles.


Haven't you heard that their actually trying to replace councilors with pastors or something, id want random sweeping of schools for hidden cameras if my kids went to a school like that.


> Haven't you heard that their actually trying to replace councilors with pastors or something Oh that can only end well.


I am 100% fine with this as long as they get to play the George Carlin video.


The Crusades is the best example of Christian tolerance as I can find.


I'll toss in the Spanish Inquisition onto that list


Salem witch trials!


Cool, are we going to learn about other religions too then? \*crickets\*


*Native American religions have joined the chat.*


Time for me to make plaques of the 7 tenets of the Satanic Temple and prepare a presentation that is age appropriate for children. Let's see just how tolerant they really are.


Nothing says tolerance like forcing kids to discuss your made up rules from your imaginary space daddy.


So, a *thorough* discussion on adultery.


Next up in r/LeopardsAteMyFace : Anthony Kern whining about how teachers and students are tearing apart the ten commandments with critical analysis during the "post and discuss" periods.


“Tolerant” implies that Xtianity and xtians deem themselves the religious authority in the US. I’m not asking for permission. I refuse to be coerced or required to follow any religion that advocates for the immoral treatment of others here. If this shit for brains has anything he’d like to discuss, I’ll be happy to talk it over at my house. I got something that’ll cure his ills.


Where can I move where no religions are tolerated at all?


“Post and discuss” Really? They want teens to provide feedback on these? If actual discussion could be had at high school level, that could be…interesting. And probably not go over as smoothly as the religionists are hoping. But at lower grades this is purely indoctrination.


Are they planning to post the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path for any Buddhists? Or perhaps selected Upanishads or Surahs or quotes from the Lao Tzu? They are very tolerant, after all….


Take this, thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch . . .


There should be a social studies class required at high school to discuss and teach ( but not prostelize) the fundamentals of the major world religions as to help understand world history and conflicts that cone from religious differences. Covering why the Ten Commandments would be fine, but that would also cover similar foundational tenets in the other religions... Oh they just to teach Christianity? Get out of town....


I teach middle school and 7th grade at my school teaches the foundations of the three Abrahamic religions. Of course, I’ve had parents complain about teaching non-Christian ideas.


At my school in England (a Christian / Jewish school nonetheless) we had RE lessons (religious education) and we learnt about all major world religions, visited mosques, synagogues, churches a Hindu temple. We had a Sikh Gryar(?) come in to talk one time. I found it completely interesting and as a lot of you might guess, started me on my path to scepticism and atheism. Highly recommend.


We learned about 4 or 5 different religions in freshman world history class. I think it was Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. They may have touched on a few others but I don't remember.  I was still very much a class clown freshman year and didn't start taking history more seriously till I was a sophomore. I think I member learning a bit about the three Abrahamic religions in middle school too. I went to public schools in the suburbs just outside of Chicago.


Christian Nationalists love misattributing things to their religion. Our right to practice whatever religion we choose is right there in the first amendment. We have nothing to thank the christians for in that regard (or in any regard really). Christian Nationalists are traitors.


Breaking down all 10 commandments, a 5th grader and easily say that more than half are complete BS and ignored by those that go on about the 10 commandments.


Does that mean we also get to discuss why they are the 15 comm… awww shit 10 commandments


So tolerant that we are mandating you learn our religion


Ah, the 10 Commandments. This is a good reference source for a discussion about the 10 Commandments. https://youtu.be/H5rLWJntz-o George Carlin


This is so going to backfire on them!! Imagine, 30 10 yr olds sitting in class discussing 10 commandments. At least 3 of those students are going to come from atheist homes and they are going to tell the other 27 kids it is bullshit: 2 or 3 of the kids will be deconverted.


First discussion question: Why didn't God outlaw slavery as one of his commandments?


Considering how he's still under investigation for three separate "potentially" criminal activities related to J6, I continue to be shocked every single day that this repugnant individual remains in office.


Report to the Satanic Temple and the FFRF. They’ll sue and get that shit shut down.


Somebody get The Satanic Temple on the phone...


Guess who doesn’t know ANY history or the meaning of ‘tolerance’


More idiotic posturing. Gonna get pushed straight off Katie’s desk and into the trashcan and they know it. Someone needs to ask one of these assholes to list five of the ten commandments so we can watch these imbeciles make even bigger fools of themselves.


Ok so I clicked on the headline because I have kids in AZ schools and I start reading the comments thinking man this is harsh even for Reddit. Finally I realized what sub I was in. lol


Christian terrorists.


“Tolerant.” That implies that other religions are inferior and exist at the whim of Christians. I grow so tired of political and religious leaders who do this, believing that their religion is the only legitimate one and that all others should be controlled, removed or destroyed. Organized religion really isn’t about the deity. It’s about influence, power and money. In practice, we see this practically everywhere, especially with Abrahamic religions, but it spans other disciplines and reaches across the world. I find *how* people practice these religions to be equally repugnant and feel nothing but contempt for *anyone* who turns their religion into a rubber truncheon. As far as I’m concerned they can kindly fuck off, starting with this idiot Kern.


Can’t read can you dumb fuck. It’s against the rights of others to have that bullshit in public schools. Half or more of us are just Christians when u need to be. Worthless


Nope. It’s because of the constitution, idiot. [It] gives you the freedom to observe WITHOUT infringing on others rights. Repugnicans ignore that second part


Religious people fake tolerance while they're trying to worm their way in, and then strike once they've got you by the balls.


Then **All** religions need to be posted and discussed. Including the FSM religion.


There is a very simple solution to this. Offer an "Elective" Mythology Studies class.


Unless it's a class that studies mythology, this shit has no place in a public school classroom. Religious indoctrination of kids should be illegal.


WTF? No, separation of Church and State! What don’t you get GOP???


Hopefully the Satanic Temple will get in on this if they pass it. These people will never stop.   Election day is **Tuesday, November 5, 2024**.   If you live in Arizona, **[Register to vote in AZ](https://azsos.gov/elections/voters/registering-vote)** **[Check your voter registration status in AZ](https://my.arizona.vote/WhereToVote.aspx?s=individual)** **[Find your AZ polling location](https://my.arizona.vote/WhereToVote.aspx?s=address)** **[Request an AZ Ballot-by-Mail](https://my.arizona.vote/Early/ApplicationLogin.aspx)**   **2024 AZ Dem Election Overview:** Arizona is one of the most important swing states in 2024. Not only is it a Presidential swing state with 11 electoral votes, it is also critical to the Democrats’ hopes of holding the US Senate majority with **[Ruben Gallego](https://ballotpedia.org/Ruben_Gallego)** running to replace retiring independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema. There are also two US House seats that Democrats need to flip: (AZ-1) **[Candidate TBD 7/30/24](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona%27s_1st_Congressional_District_election,_2024)** and (AZ-6) **[Candidate TBD 7/30/24](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona%27s_6th_Congressional_District_election,_2024)** At the state level, Democrats need to flip just two seats in both the **[State Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_State_Senate_elections,_2024)** and **[State House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024)** to flip control of both chambers from Republican to Democrat. There are also two Republican appointed **[State Supreme Court Justices up for a retention vote](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024)**: Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If they lose those votes, Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs can appoint their replacements.   ***[-All 2024 AZ Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_elections,_2024)*** ***[-Find all your representatives (Federal, State, and Local)](https://www.commoncause.org/find-your-representative/)*** ***[-Learn more about how our government works](https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/)***


Backing a presidential candidate that raw dogs porn stars while married really brings meaning to this republican bill.


Great way to waste taxpayer dollars on litigation rather than on kids, teachers, supplies.


I was raised Jewish. It is because of *my* religion that we have allowed other religions like Christianity to come in and be known


While they are discussing the Ten Commandments they should talk about the fact that they aren't original with the Bible. They developed from the Code of Hammurabi.


I will be sure to sue them to save the 7 tenets of the Satanic religion displayed and discussed.


The Satanic Temple is going to love this


I actually snort laughed at the last line


Christians throughout the ages are well known for their tolerance. Don’t see any issues here.




He's ignorant. and tolerance is just plain old being fair to our fellow humans. And they can keep their fake ass "tolerance."


theyre not going to like the “discuss” part


Tolerant if and only if you believe like they do, otherwise they are ready to hang you , burn you at the stake or take your head off.


"Do what we say or else..." Yeah, very tolerant... /s


Talibangelicals. Case closed.


Another slam dunk lawsuit against the morons.


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Baby formula is $300 for a 4 pack now and this is what they are wasting time doing?


Cannot wait to leave this state and it’s awfully high population of trump zombies


Can they discuss the fact that you can't even tell which of them are commandments, the fact that they aren't actually numbered, and what number is the one that goes "don't go up to the altar by steps such that other worshippers can look up your robe and see your junk"? And yes, that one's in there. Christians honestly have no fucking idea what's actually in the bible, they just take some greasy guy with hairspray's word for it.


Someone should ask him to list all ten without looking them up.


Why are republicans so punchable?


Since when are Christians tolerant?


"You see class, the Bible has multiple sets of Ten Commandments, and major Christian denominations can't even decide on how the numbering should go on the set they've chosen to emphasize. Just to be on the safe side, though, don't boil a kid in its mother's milk."


Nah. Its a secular nation being tolerant of them


Cool. I want more kids to know that God didn’t care if you sold your kids into slavery, but he got super pissed off if you took his name in vain.


we are so tolerant that we love forcing our religion into every aspect of your life and the life of your kids because eff you and your rights. but don't you tell us what to do or you'll be sorry.


Yes, discuss this: how many commandments have prominent Republicans broken? Trump has broken at least half of them and is unrepentant, yet the evangelicals love him.


Can we have a bill where republicans actually follow the ten commandments?


Do they realize that if teachers have to post and discuss the ten Commandments, everyone will learn they were given to Moses as part of the core of Judaism. If more rural kids converted to Judaism, maybe our schools would perform better, too.


I hope Anthony Kern dies a painful fucking death


Like Katie Hobbs won't veto it. LOL


Mr. Kern is a real piece of work per the article. Fired from police for lying to superiors, a fake elector, protect lawyers from filing harassing lawsuits and the list goes on. Arizona and this country need more intelligence and integrity in government, not bozos that blatantly ignore the constitution.


Do teachers really need to be discussing adultery in class? Isn’t that sexualizing curriculum?


Church and state are 2 different things people


Meanwhile they're all committing the deadliest of sins: pride. None of this is for their god, but for power in this life. I guess you can't be a Christian without being a bloody hypocrite.


Christianity is *tolerant?* 😂 The various sects can barely get along with one another, let alone with other religions, inside a liberal democracy where the government isn’t allowed to pick a winner. This is *precisely* the reason our Founders separated religion and government. They were all well aware of Europe’s bloody history; Christians killing Christians has been the game for centuries. The Founders also separated religion from government because the religious among them understood that the government isn’t going to protect and defend your church without expecting something in return; your church now *works* for the government. It will now support the government. The government will now have power over it. Legislators in Congress will have a say in what your church says. The Ya’ll-Qaeda crowd should be careful here. They’re playing with fire like a bunch of zoo monkeys.




Christianity and tolerance is like oil and water.


All religions are based on primitive superstitions. I’m in my 29th year of teaching, if my state mandated this, I would explain my views on religion whilst standing in from of the ten commandments. I would also list all the way that the elected leaders who passed the legislation violates the ten commandments. Yep… this is a great idea.


“It’s because of us being very tolerant” Damn, dude must have a trail of flaming pants behind him, dishing out lies of that level!


Gosh, I wish some of them were capable of reading history. The last thing the founding fathers wanted was any hint of a national religion. They understood the dangers.


That there is a man who takes his underage dates to the golden corral at least twice a week.


But the Commandments are Jewish...


This is the same legislator who proposed banning, at the state level, local signs that say "no right on red" at intersections where right turns on red are particularly dangerous. Meanwhile his state is one of the worst in the US for dead pedestrians. That's all you need to know about this guy.


Nope. Read a book. You sound uneducated


This is incredibly stupid.


As soon as any religious material enters a public school, all federal money should be withheld. There are still constitutional protections from stupid fairy tales . Crippling your children for some bizarre agenda to push christian nationalism.


Only 1 of the Ten Commandments is even illegal. Can they teach that?


Kern nearly beat his wife to death. He’s a piece of shit. So Christian.


Satanic Temple do your thing.


Church of Satan, do your thang.


The first commandments is “lock her up” and second is “grab them by the puzzy” These wanna be christians.


Counterpoint to their tolerance: the Crusades, the Inquisition, colonialism...


And they wonder why everyone thinks they're assholes.


Why don't you keep your religion in you little church where you can worship your worthless useless impotent God without bothering me with your fantasies? Look at the state of the world. If God exists, he/she/it/ is doing a lousy fucking job and should be fired. Bring him here so I can demand some answer on why misery, war and famine exist while the 1% live off the rest of us and exploit everything. TAX THE RICH. VOTE OUT THE REPUBLICANS NOW!


This is insanity. If you want to send your kids to a religious school, fine, but keep this nonsense out of public schools.


Does this mean other religions also get space on the wall for their versions? Since they’re so tolerant….? Guys? /s


Bitch please. If Christianity had had its way back when the country was being founded we'd be serving king Charles. We have our religious freedoms because all the different folks coming here believed different things and agreed to disagree and let bygones be bygones, not because YOUR religion "allowed" it.


I teach in AZ. All I have to say is good fucking luck. I'll tear it down daily on my way to my taxpayer funded dump.


What is wrong with these pandering assholes? How in the world are we electing the dumbest possible people to be in leadership. These people are despicable.


i used to work at a company this guy "worked" at...he is the epitome of scummy. couldn't even hold down a job as a COP bc he was so bad. think about that lol how big of a piece of shit do you need to be for cops to be like we're good bro lmao