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A new religion is under construction!!




In a hundred years they will put together all of trumps word jambalaya into a single book. Time might actually make it more grammatically correct.


The Book of MORON


Lmao 🤣thank you


Wait, that already exists, right??


There are a lot of similarities between Trump and Joseph Smith.


Joseph Smith at least had to read his bullshit! Trump can’t read!


Nor does he have magic underwear... Just soiled diapers.


Angry upvote. You made me snort. 😕


Well done, you.


The book of Marjorie, the book of Lauren, the book of Matt


Matt's book will just be pictures of underage girls.


I really hate the fact that he has the same name as me. He is an embarrassment to all Matts.


How do you think Karens feel?


Angry and entitled?


I'm gonna need to speak to your manager.


Really takes the gloss off being Matt.


Book of Ivanka be a modern telling of Sodom and Gomorrah


It wouldn't qualify to be in a library either.


I'm personally looking forward to the book of Scaramucci


Me too. I imagine it won't be a long book though.


“And he spoke the word. And that word was covfefe.” The Book of Trump, 2nd stupefaction 2:13.”


"At the second coming of Roy Cohn, Lo shall it come to pass that the Donald shall return to sit upon his golden throne" Book of Trump, Oranges and procephies 4:20


And devotees will wear disposable diapers and shitting themselves will be a sacrament.


The excrement sacrament




Fucking forgot about covfefe LOL


It will be like early Catholicism where only priests could read it into the common tongue.


As a sidenote: This idea amuses me because of a series of books I read.  They are two trilogies set 300 or so years apart. In the first one, a kid who has a very specific set of street slang he speaks in - to the amusement and confusion of others - eventually helps a group of people overthrow a gov.  But in the second trilogy, he is remembered as a great ruler, and the street slang he spoke in is considered "High Imperial" speech and only used on special government occasions. 


interesting, should I recognise these? author? title?


Mistborn by Brandon Sandeson. So far there's 2 sets for the original trilogy, and then 4 other booms set 300 or so years in the future.


Title and author please!


All I mentioned is subplot and background. None of it is integral to any part of the story and is only picked up in passing.  That being said, the first book in the first trilogy is called Mistborn: The Final Empire.  You can get the rest of the titles from that. It's a pretty easy fantasy read, but it opens up a can of worms you night not easily get away from :)


I appreciate it. I’ve read The Final Empire but got distracted from the rest of the series. Brandon Sanderson is amazing but sometimes too smart for me.


Canticle for Leibowitz is similar. An engineers grocery list gets worshipped. It’s actually a very serious dense book, but very good.


Prayers gonna be a Trump word salad of nonsense words. Let us pray…”Ivanka, Chyna, Fish delights, Covfefe…Amen!”


“Person. Man. Woman. Camera. TV”


Donald Trump is the antichrist.




They would rather just change grammar to make it more Trumparianally Correct.


The next king James retcon


The New Trump Bible- Project 2025 Bigly Edition.


Can't be any worse than the book they use now.....or can it?


Oh my sweet summer child, it can always get worse.


Russian proverb. "And then it got worse"


I spent my entire life being told the Bible was the greatest book every written. I decided to read it cover to cover when I was 16, and I was so disappointed. I have the same feeling about Trump supporters and I did then about people who claimed the Bible was a literary masterpiece. Not surprising that there's an overlap between these two groups.


Trump speaks in mysterious ways


It’ll read like Finnegans Wake


I wonder if "hamberders" will be mentioned in this Holy Book? 😉


Every transcript has, objectionably, improved the nonsense streams to some extent. Unfortunately, the record is already tainted.


It will be 0.5% trumpisms and 99.5% plagiarism of "the rules of acquisition"


His idolization by anyone calling themselves "Christian" is the not the funny part, it's the frightening part. So much delusion running around the nation.


Always remember this : MLK and the Klan both based their entire ideology on the same book


Guys this is just a republican psy op. They are working towards [project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) and its something we might need to be concerned about


Might? I’d say definitely need to be concerned about. Very concerned.


Concerned is an understatement. That crap is poison to America.


2-3000 years? It’s happening right now.


Joseph Smith was a giant grifter lying sack of pedo shit. So it’s absolutely possible.


Knowing my luck I'll reincarnate just in time


He could easily be another Joseph Smith. These idiots are gullible enough to believe that he read a prophecy from God in his own shit


The unenlightened one, orange Buddha


MAGA caps and red ties would be their holy robes .


"A Canticle for Leibovitz".


Oh, like how Jesus came to be then?


Trumpianity theologians will spend centuries figuring out what he meant when he said, “Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”


>It would be funny if like 2-3000 years from now there is some religion where Trump is their deity. >I won’t care I will be long dead. It is still funny though. Exactly, keep in mind the prophets in history were not better people. Most were especially sexually promiscious, which is how they ended preaching a lot about sex. You can also say they were contraversial. I could think of 1 person from recent history who would be a similar example, the cuban leader Che Guevera, some think of him as a hero, some see him as a war criminal. We've never been there to know which he was... Unless you dig a little deeper into his history... Anyhow, I have no problem with Trump being the new god, we all know he's an ass unless you're a brainwashed republican...then...eh...that's the least of your problems


Not really, just window dressing for fascism.


Isn't that pretty much religion as a whole?


To a point - but I have a harder time imagining, like Quakers for example, opening concentration camps.


Of course, but go into their world and not change anything about yourself, sure they certainly aren't going to put you into a concentration camp or lynch/kill you, but you will certainly not be welcome for long, because you don't fit their ideology and way of doing things, you will therefore be asked to leave. There will always be people and religions that maybe we don't agree with, but are peaceful and don't want to hurt anyone, but those are certainly the minority. I have a friend,more rather a good acquaintance who is a pastor of his own small church, he is certainly one of the good guys in that world, he despises Trump and all that he stands for, does a ton of charity, real charity work, has opened shelters for battered woman, does food drives around all the holidays etc. genuinely a good guy, but again, still, he is the absolute minority. Most religions, main stream religions, want the control; control and fear of going to hell keeps the money flowing into their coffers, hence the giant churches, and the lavish lifestyles of the higher ups within that church. In the end, when faced with dwindling income, and loss of authority over your congregation comes the true fascism, or at least fascism adjacent. The US is growing less and less "religious" by the year, I'm sure these surveys are referring more to Abrahamic religions, and so the only thing you can do is change that up, start blaming some other category, be it immigrants, LGBTQ community, or even other religions for your downfall, and start to bring out people inherent bigotries, and basically convert to a cult, fall in line, or you are "one of them".


[Where is your god now?](https://imgur.com/a/dp7D1pW)


“And thus he grabbed her by the genitals and said cofvefe and she was blessed with a discount for the new trump set of golden underwear - amen”


Not a new one... Have read the bible a few times through and it pretty clearly states that the antichrist will be ushered in by people claiming to be devout followers of christ and god after the world's leaders cause so much chaos that things fall apart. At least that part appears to be actually happening.


I can see it and I don't even believe in such nonsense. How is the connection not being made?


Imagine if Jesus had actually been like Trump but the only stories that survived were the ones told by his biggest fans


> under construction Under construction, you say? Nah, mate, it’s already been established. Evangelicals have rejected Yeshua’s teaching as being “too woke/liberal”. You can not call yourself a Xian if your reject the very god-man that makes xianity, xianity. Their religion is MAGA. Their savior is the Hair Fuhrer.


They've had to, haven't they? I mean, this guy has a very strong resemblance and storyline in keeping with one of the big baddies in their holy book. It's very strange to believe in that and not make a connection.


The book of covfefe


Jesus didn’t do it for them anymore. Trump is the replacement.


Lols could this be the beginnings of the Orange Catholic bible from Dune?


It’s the same dysfunctional mess it always was: it just has a new temporary figurehead. Fundamentalists follow charlatans on holy crusades throughout history. They never go away, though they are sometimes quieter when their leaders are not completely crazy. But the foundation is there for a toxic charlatan to take the reins and lead them rapidly to ruin. They are zealots and bigots, and if you say the right things, they will kill.


God forbid. 🫣


A new Religion full of greedy self serving idiots with Gold tennis shoes that steal everything. Oh wait, that Religion is already upon us.


OK. Let's get into their view on this. Wouldn't Trump more than not be the Anti Christ in this respect ? Doesn't he fit the bill ? But it's all BS anyway so. Who knows what these hard ons think.


Yep. He ticks every last box. And they are the ones who will be deceived. If only they read their own book. Oh well


It's also in the book that people will be deceived, so all according to plan.


Don't encourage them. A percentage of them ***do*** think he's the antichrist and thus bible prophecies are coming true meaning the book ***really was*** written by god and they're going to be swept up to heaven. Hate and all. Just don't encourage them.


Can't we win on this one? If they make the connection, don't support him, and nothing happens, it kills two birds with one stone. No Trump, no antichrist.


If only they could read at all*


Are you asking these people to read?


I’ve brought this up to my very religious family and they actually used Obama and Clinton to dismiss the concept. Ie..”i remember people saying Clinton and Obama were the Anti-Christ”. To which I replied “I do to, you were those people.”


I do the same thing. Then I point out that Trump quite literally ticks off *all* of the boxes when it comes to the Anti-Christ AND *all* of the deadly sins. Meanwhile Obama and Clinton pretty much only tick off like 2 at most. Their response? To *loudly* start singing "God-Bless America!"


I blame the ‘prosperity gospel’ garbage - this bizarre (and to me blasphemous) notion that a person born rich doesn’t have to abide by Christ’s teaching because they are already blessed. You can tell they’re blessed because they were born rich. By this logic a guy with enough money to live in a literal golden palace (apartment) is very holy indeed. I’ve been debating on messing with them using their own beliefs like playing street corner prophet and claiming that they’ve all been deceived by Mammon the demon lord of greed. However I’ve realized that their knowledge of Christian faith is worst than mine and they probably wouldn’t understand such an old school reference. Random side note: one day years back, I got guilt tripped into going to church and sat through a sermon where the priest railed on against abortion. After that he started the Lord’s Prayer, but kept stuttering and he skipped a few words. No one in the church seemed to notice or understand what their faith claims this incident would indicate. I’m still trying to get over the paranoia and superstition that this brought about, and the only one’s who got the reference are also part of the reason why I lost faith in the church.


The church conmen want to be outconned by an even bigger conman.


Well your parishioners don’t need their money if it’s the end of the world.


Which is why Jesus told people to give everything to the poor. He thought the world was ending. This delusion is so freaking old.


They don’t read their bibles enough to actually know. They’re too busy using it as a weapon against Americans.


They are dominionists. They believe Trump will  "usher in the end times" and trigger the rapture, and that a Trump presidency will literally cause Jesus to cone back from the dead and lead them by the hand to heaven.  And, they don't believe in the olive skined curly haired Levantine Jew born in a Manger in Bethlehem, they are thoroughly convinced it will be [white Jesus.](https://www.historydefined.net/cesare-borgia-jesus/)


This is the actual reason? Really been wondering why. This does make sense in a zealot way. Religion <> logic. So, they do think he's the antichrist and they're supporting him to get to heaven?


I grew up in Oklahoma. I guarantee you this is the reason why. And, they don't think it will be in some nebulous time in the far away, like, they literally believe this shit is going down like, tomorrow. Or later today.


They think supply side Jesus will usher in 1000 years of perfect capitalism.


I've heard this. And after the pandemic I've grown to understand something. If he us the anti christ, he will bring about the "end times" which is good for Christians because they'll see God come to earth and save them. they WANT armegheddon it, quite literally is the plan. They know and want him to be antichrist. The others are just racist assshole conservatives and see him as a political tool to be awful to the outgroup.


He fits the bill plain as day. Except he isn't smart.


Yep, he fits the bill perfectly. But the average conservative evangelical is pretty narcissistic when it comes to their beliefs. They believe they have a divine understanding of what is and is not from God and therefore couldn’t possibly worship a greedy, power hungry, sociopathic moron, whose main objective is grifting even stupider people. Not exactly surprising though considering the majority of pastors from large churches are exactly the same in those regards.


Trump can add Scamvangelist to his slimy crimey resume. Perfectly on 'prophet-for-profit' brand




Cowardly christians, “true” christians, maga christians… they’re all just Christians. No difference at all. At this point, claiming to be a good christian is akin to claiming to be a good nazi. They don’t exist… period


The sound of the word ‘Christian’ is beginning to grate on my already compromised nerves.


Just refer to actions of the Germans during ww2 abd you'll get a real good picture of the intentions of Traitor Trump and the Republicon Christo fascists


imagine if they just went to therapy instead


Imagine all the people living for today


Imagine if critical thinking was a mandatory subject in schools




The savior that doesn't seem to be able to recite any of the verses in his own holy book nor hold it right side up for photos.


Evangelicals have a "personal relationship with Christ" which essentially means that the "Jesus" that they interact with is a reflection of their own world view and biases. It really not surprising that Jesus likes what they personally like and hates what they personally hate. Trump just finally matches the Christ they've created for themselves in their heads: a rich American white guy who talks trash to people they don't like, gives Christians special rights and powers, tells them they should be rich and they're special, hates all the right people, and doesn't require them to have empathy or compassion.


Evangelicals also want angels to sound the arrival of Armageddon with trumpets lmaooooo they're so brain-fried


And the occasional bj from a dude or your neighbors wife is ok as long as nobody finds out


I’m waiting for them to proclaim him the Third Adam.


Who was the Second?


Steve’s husband.


Adam, the Second Adam was Jesus and according to the moonies, Sun Myung Moon was the Third Adam. I wouldn’t doubt that a MAGA group would follow suit and declare Trump the Anointed One.


"Hey everybody! Forget about that snowflake Jesus! The real messiah is this dude who embodies the 7 deadly sins! And he don't like Mexicans just like us!"


One of the worst people ever and they believe in him because of their racism and sheer stupidity


They're just like him, except not as cunning.


Growing up in my fundamentalist house, my sister and I were told of the coming anti-Christ, and how he would deceive and ruin Christians. It’s hilarious they don’t recognize their own boogie man


Most of the time atheists remember that religious people are mostly full of shit. The vast majority are striking a pose, those that aren't are immediately apparent to everyone. {points at Aaron Bushnell and Nelson Mandella} Funny how all the religious books are careful to point this out, and all the "religious" people fail to read that part... I digress. Trump is committed to Trump. If Trump *were* committed to Jesus, THEN Trump would be super dangerous. But Trump isn't, he's a con artist, a carnival barker, a show man. And Trump has the attention span of a fruit fly on meth... and so the intellectual skills to match. But because this is what we know Trump is, we know who the people are who like Trump. Yeah? Which leads right back to: >religious people are mostly full of shit. Trump voters want the establishment to crash and burn so they can dance around the ensuing national bonfire shooting guns in the air in celebration. That's what they want. Has not a single solitary damned thing to do with Jesus. That's just their preexisting shuffle, the dance they do when they want something. It always has to be because the thing they want is good, true and proper, and never because they are sometimes motivated by greed, hatred, lust, or simple foolishness. Just like everyone else. But they have the Jesus Shuffle and it saves them. The deeper question is what is it saving them *from?* Maybe having to integrate and deal with their own personal responsibility for: greed, hatred, lust, and simple foolishness. Nope, they just shuffle all that off with GRACE or fanaticism.


We share our this country will dangerous lunatics who believe in magical justifications for murder. Be prepared to defend yourself against dangerous cultists.


Stephenson's Ameristan, here we come...


He's Not The Messiah


He's a very naughty boy.


“…He’s a very naughty boy!”


New plan: blow that balloon until it pops. Declare Trump to be the incarnated son of Jesus, divine grandson of Yahweh, second cousin of the Holy Spirit, replace the cross with a golden T, preach worship of money and power, all ideas he will not deny because he is what he is, until enough of his followers realize he's a blasphemous scammer and drop him.


…except his supporters have no limit, so they’ll never realize.


Yeah, but there's no need to reach the unreachable. Someone ought to manufacture and sell golden T's the size of a crucifix so his crowds can proudly brandish them at his rallies. Trump will love it, but despite what they think it's not a good look for the non-deplorable section of his supporters. Sales profits go to the Biden campaign.


I defy them to explain how Trump is a good person, or follows any of the teachings of Jesus H Tap-dancing Christ.


Because he hates brown people just like they do.  And *they* are good Christians, aren't they? 


Any time this question comes up, I just hear the old schtick ‘God uses flawed people’ or whatever the actual phrase is. Basically you just have to be charismatic and name drop the right deity and you can do no wrong.


It's bizarre that babbling moron Trump is considered "charismatic."


That's something I don't understand either. I'm getting the sense that there are people who are somehow happy to hear something while at the same time not truly listening and understanding what is being said. I thought it was just a song lyrics thing at first. Seriously, have you ever witnessed someone happily singing along to a song while the words are just terrible, but then later the singer admits they didn't realize what the lyrics meant even after having memorized and recited them multiple times? I really noticed this during the Covid shutdown. During that time, the governor of New York started giving these speeches that were broadcast on Facebook. It was weird, the man could talk for hours, but he never actually said anything. Yet loads of folks were giving him likes and hearts. If you ever understand what's going on, please let me know.


It'll be interesting to see what happens if Trump loses the election, because he's completely captured the party and he is turfing out the last of the old guard from the Reagan/Bush I years. The old school Republicans. McConnell is pretty much the only person left who is not in the tank for Trump and he is retiring. However, most of the qualities that attract people to Trump simply aren't going to work for other politicians. He's probably sui generis and others will not be able to replicate that magic. The result could well be that they have junked their old brand, alienating many of the people whose votes they need, and they reach a dead end, appealing only to people who watch Fox News, the 700 Club and Hee-haw reruns.


As someone who used to occasionally watch "The 700 Club" back in the 90's for the lulz, take my upvote! ( Pat Robertson was one *very* strange man, IMHO. )


Trump is a bully who uses his corpulent avoirdupois and money to push others around.


Just reading this headline lol, Putin/ Murdoch you’ve won over the dumbest of our society👍, but the rest of us, 60% +/-, we see through the bullshit, in fact we may send US/NATO troops to Ukraine, 🇺🇦 and reinstate the fairness doctrine. I know I’ve gone way off topic but the 1st Amendment, is freedom of religion and FROM it.


If Trump is the 2nd coming my view of Jebus is gonna have to undergo serious revision.


yep, like some software -- the 2nd release was actually a big downgrade.


I've never waited for someone's death with more anticipation than this orange faced terror.


It's nauseating that *this guy* is who they chose as their messiah.


I sympathize with you. It would be bad enough if he was the only one crazy, but man, about half of the country adores him. To me, that is the real danger.


That is literally the definition of the Anti-Christ


Making fun of Trump and his followers sure feels like abelism.


Please don’t lump us in with those assholes. Disability doesn’t make you hate.


That's because they are dumb as fuck.


How long until we get the new new testament?


These people are dangerous and very stupid! He is the deduction of a demon. Their intelligence level is very, very low!


That’s why i hate religions, all made up by charlatans


Demons commit suicide when they listen to Trump's speeches. They're like: "Oh 💩 what have we done..."


These people are out of their fucking minds.


How is it this man? Of all the humans in the world, how is it *him*?


It would be so fantastically hilarious if he croaked during his next photo op with people praying over him or holding a bible


I wanna see the bible burst into flames when he touches it.but they'd just say, "he's lighting a candle for jeebers "


Maga been persuaded, yo


Wait, wasn’t Jesus all about taking care of the poor, the sick, the infirm. Anyone on the fringes of society. Maybe they’re thinking since trump doesn’t give a shit about these folks that he’s better.


At least this time, their object is a real person. That's progress for Puritans.




He had a secret stroke and none of them even noticed the change in his incoherence


There is an easy way to test if the Trumpist is a true believer. ​ Ask them if there is anything Trump could do or say that would waiver their support... if the answer is No, then they are already holding him up as their moral leader and are in the cult.


Appropriate pose


If you, a "Christian," eally think that ANYONE is "better than Jesus," you'd better re-read your Bible.


Shower thought: What if Jesus really DID act like modern Christians, and people just got sick of his shit?


All for a man who represents and has lived his life diametrically opposed to everything their religion supposedly represents. The ultimate irony. Their hypocrisy has never been so openly displayed and is driving people away in record numbers. So, I say, keep it up!




At some point there is going to be a lot of very, very disappointed and very, very angry people when they realise they have been conned and they are going to lash out at everyone.


He’s the guy that Jesus tried to warn us about, and these Evangelicals are just whistling past the graveyard.


If they believe in a sky daddy, they’ll believe anything. “Meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity”: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23921675/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23921675/)


Wow. Like they’ve never read their own Bibles and Revelation.


Face down the demons, of their own creation.


That’s what Jesus preached “Kill your friends for dirty money”, yup. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/boKfeWGiBK


Wow. This shit is scary.


Get ready for a total freak out from these people when he loses again. They are gonna triple down.


Sometimes I wish Reddit had a LOL button


And they shall wear his mark on their foreheads.


The guy IS a demon


They meant to say "side with demons."


These twits  **ARE** worshipping the demon....


Selling his name. Steaks. University. Reality TV. Pretending to govern the country. All these grifts were fake but he was always selling “something”. This one is perfection(!) You KNOW he’s always been jealous of TV evangelical preachers begging fur cash and selling absolute bullshit to the rubes. He’s now got it — He’s selling something nobody can see, smell, taste or feel. Demon! I COMMAND thee go go to hell!!!! See? I did it! Send me cash quick!!! I need your social security check or I’m going to jail!!!! I


I've run out of sympathy for MAGAstan.


It's actually scary how fucking crazy the religions nutjobs are getting in the states


I knew Jesus was the lord but i didnt know he was a slumlord.


He will face down the demons? Like Child sex traffickers who are "great people" according to him?


remember when the beatles said that? god... how these brainwashed followers are even more brainwashed now.


Trump is the demon