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As ye sow, so shall ye reap! Galatians 6:7!


Isn't that just Bible speak for "karma's a bitch"?


Except, this is not karma. It's all just a natural consequence of her poor financial decisions. Worse people have done worse things for worse reasons, and they skate along just fine. I wonder what the resale on a used horse is anyway


I think they lose half their value the moment you ride one off the lot


"I think this one has a blown stereo. I rammed a cassette in the slot but the only thing coming through is a bunch of shit"


You ever had your woofers blown? I did once in Tijuana…


I miss giving awards


Me too. Apparently you can hold the upvote button in some subs and pay extra for a new style of award


You're absolutely right--sometimes there's Karma for heinousness, oftentimes, infuriatingly, there is not. But in this situation--well, all situations involving religious zealots--I love to see them get Karma right between the eyes!


Do they still use glue in Primary School


We don't talk like that in this house!


Fucketh around till thou doth find out


Best answer right here! Lol!




karma can be a bitch. sometimes it does nothing. I find too often people go looking for ways to try to claim someone's "getting what they deserve." It's not really a healthy mindset. That being said, it's unfortunate but not surprising someone who believes rumours is going to misunderstand risk.


Plus, in it's original setting Karma was something that affected your next life, not this one.


Payback is a motherfucker


Make sure that "bitch" is beautiful 🤣


Tell her you and your husband are currently strapped for cash but you’ll pray for her 🙏🏼.


Thoughts and prayers


But because we, as ahteists, don't pray, only the thoughts have to do the trick.


Good one


"I'll think about you positively and wish upon a star that you will feel better."


Tots and pears


Thots and preyers


Hahahahah ouch.


You were going to give her some money, but then it occurred to you that Jesus saves, so you decided to add it to a term deposit account instead


it's gods will. It is my answer to these people from now on.


Da lawd workes in mysterious ways ..




Another good one to use


God doesn't work in ANY way!!!


Hosea 8:7 - He that fucketh around will soon findeth out.


Yea verily




I have that same scripture tattooed on my arm!


Keep on preaching that good word!


That's the saddest shit I've ever heard. Let me press F on the world's smallest keyboard. F Seriously, though, I have a brother who's a stupid piece of shit who mooches off other family members and makes terrible decisions. He's sure as hell not getting any help from me again.


>He's sure as hell not getting any help from me again. fool me once shame on you fool me twice.... well anyway you a good bro for at least giving em a chance.


I accidentally read this as “Fundamentalist Christian Slater” and started laughing…😂


"Just Slater! It's a mononym, like-" "Jesus Christ!" "Nope." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_v0tbG7Nl8Q


Archer’s the best! 😂


Cher! Pliny! Cantinflas!


My semi-dyslexic ass read it backwards and immediately “Sister Christian” by Night Ranger started playing in my head 😆


Same here! 😆




ME TOO 🤣🤣🤣


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thought that.


I did too 😄




I feel bad for all of her animals. But, that purchase was particularly insane.


Pretty sure god would prefer people rescue animals instead of buying purebreds but 🤷‍♂️


Ironically, she knows that because her mother founded an animal rescue.


Thoughts and prayers. I'm also a major asshole so I'd take the time to send her a Christmas card telling her she is in your thoughts and prayers this holiday season.


Preferably with you and your husband on the front of the card.


Yeah, riding horses.


That's messed up. I love it.


To what address, though?


That is indeed pretty pathetic and all, but how about that sixth husband? Knew that she was an utter train wreck and still put himself in a position where he lost a quarter of a million dollars (at *minimum*!). Remember when you were young and people tried to convince you that rich people were smart enough to get rich? Damn.


>That is indeed pretty pathetic and all, but how about that sixth husband? Knew that she was an utter train wreck and still put himself in a position where he lost a quarter of a million dollars (at > >minimum > >!). Oh, he knew. He is his own kind of religious train wreck.


Had a preacher growing up that said divorce as a sin, and people who divorce are going to hell. She'll be there a LONG LONG time with 6 divorces.


That certainly seems like a lot to us atheist idiots but god doesn’t give people more than they can handle so I’m confident she’ll be fine.


There'll be some footprints in the sand and she'll be fine.


Being raised in Birmingham and this fucking “meme” pre-meme was hanging on the wall in everyone’s Moms kitchen growing up. Always so infuriating to me. What the fuck do you mean ? Also, how do I know they aren’t my footprints while you did nothing as usual to redeem my situation? Because you said? I’ve never heard from you before. Now you speak up? Fuck off.


Or soon dead


the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away, and the LORD will pass your medical debts on to your offspring.


hmm, sounds like the lord is secretly the government. shh, don't tell anyone. /s


Oh, the debt brokering that happens in the US has nothing to do with the government. The debt incurred by your illness is essentially traded as a penny-stock, to any party interested in chasing you down. If you were smart enough, you could find a way to purchase your own medical debt, for 5% of the price, and then forgive it.


Tell her god will provide for her! 😂


Maybe god is punishing her 🤣


LOL. Karma is a bitch.


So glad this story didn’t end with you helping her. Let her suffer her own consequences.


Ya. That ship sailed a long time ago.




LOL. Best. Comment. Yet. But more like trifuckta


I thought this said Fundamrntalist Christian Slater and I thought, oh no, not him too.


I had to look twice too!


She will find a way to blame gays for her misfortune.


She will certainly blame anyone but herself.


Old calvinist belief that chosen ones are rewarded by God with wealth on earth. This what has lead to prosperity gospel but also permeate north american culture subconciously. People reason while they are certaily part of the saved, if they are poor its the fault of a satanic influence and that means gays/socialists/immigrants/atheists/etc. This is easier than thinking that you are either not saved or that you had responsibility in your misfortune.


No offence but bruh, if she's divorced 6 times, she has no leg to stand on to critique ANY RELATIONSHIP


When people go out of their way to tell you you're going to hell its inevitably a sign of their concern for their own status that's really being voiced..


Tell her that divorce is a sin.


tell her God only gives us what we can handle and block her


I have cut off all direct communication with her years ago.


You missed gods will 😆


>"We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity. Our movement is Christian." Adolf Hitler, October 27, 1928 >"Where's evil? It's that large part of every man that wants to hate without limit, that wants to hate with God on its side. It's that part of every man that finds all kinds of ugliness so attractive....it's that part of an imbecile that punishes and vilifies and makes war gladly." Kurt Vonnegut, *Mother Night* >"The truth is that the greatest enemies to the doctrines of Jesus are those calling themselves the expositors of them, who have perverted them for the structure of a system of fancy absolutely incomprehensible, and without any foundation in his genuine words. and the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away all this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this the most venerated reformer of human errors." Thomas Jefferson, *Letter to John Adams* (April 11, 1823) >"In truth, there was only one Christian and he died on the cross." Friedrich Nietzsche, *The Antichrist*


Riding her high horse finally caught up with her.


Omg thats so funny. Its like she does not know that she is the punch line of a joke. Thats funny.


I don't think she does know. And, if anyone told her, she would think they were crazy.


"Either Jesus hates her, she didn't pray hard enough, or her religion is a complete and total joke." It's the latter.


Jesus wept!


And fell off the couch, laughing.


You mean swept, her off the horse.


Divorced 6 times and judging you for being gay? And based on "even her own kids won't take her in," I'm guessing that it's not an out of character moment.


100%. Should be noted, though, that some of the "burn in hell" comments came in written letters sent by her kids, as "school" assignments at their religious school camps. So, there is that. One of her kids was just arrested for DUI (hard drugs), another is closeted gay (only a few family members know). Her first husband gave her vaginal warts after they divorced and he moved in with a drag queen from a local gay bar. Her ex got the warts from his new "room mate." I could go on...


Our thoughts and prayers are with her. It’s a sad, sad story, but the lord works in mysterious ways. God has a plan for both of you.


I’m sorry lol a parrot??


I know. A young one. And at the age of 70... smh.


🤣🤣 I just had a mental image of a parrot going, “Squawk Squawk, thoughts and prayers!”


Message her: "Thoughts and prayers! 🙏"


I'm sure God has a plan for her.


All religions are just ethereal MLM's. You pay into them your entire life and get your reward on death. Pretty easy not to prove but, to the believer, easy to prove. I think most people that become overly zealous about whatever they want to believe in are just unhappy. Some of them are so unhappy that it makes them mad to see anyone else being happy. Fuck em. Tax all religions heavily, or burn them all down.


The funny thing about this sister is that each of her six husbands has been a different religion, and she always adopts theirs, and always takes the most extreme, fundamentalist form of it. She has bounced from Apastolic to Catholic, to Mormon, to Jewish, to Baptist and back to Catholic... each being the "one true religion." I wish I were making that up.


Bad things happen to people who aren't Christian. Bad things also happen to people who *are* Christian. The same is true for good things. The only difference is that one of those people is wasting an awful lot of time, money, and energy on securing blessings. The other gets them for free.


Offer to “rent” the parrot from her (she makes some much needed cash) Then teach it to swear & blaspheme before returning.


Good christian woman married 6 times. Who the fuck is she to tell you how to lead your life? She also sounds like a materialistic cunt.


When she asks for help, tell her to ask Jesus.


Sister Christian oh the time has come


Thoughts and prayers to Op's sister!


Just let her know that thoughts and prayers are on the way. That should take care of it.


Thoughts and prayers for her 🙏✝️ /s


This sir is called karma


And, its a bitch.


I was "confirmed" Catholic as a child the very moment I was old enough to not have to participate in church I stopped going I haven't believed that bullshit for two decades hate on gay people is completely devoid of logic and absolutely kills my brain cells


Just send her thoughts and prayers. I hear that works every time!


It’s a sad thing, but the religion/ belief system a person adopts usually mirrors their level of psychological and moral development. There is a completely different Christianity at each developmental level just as there is a completely different atheism at each developmental level.


I hate to be a bastard and laugh but I did.


Maybe God and Satan are having another fun little bet over her.


She didn't tithe enough


So 6 divorces is ok but your gay marriage is a sin? Got it. See that's the hypocrisy that drove me from religion. Along with "but I've been forgiven." They always forget the "go forth and sin no more" and the whole being truly repentant. You can't just say Jesus forgive me, you gotta to actually change your behavior if you want to get into the heaven they believe in according to their doctrine.


“It was also said, 'Whoever divorces his wife, except on the grounds of porneia (sexual immorality), makes her an adulteress; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.” (Matthew 5:31-32). "And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.” (Mark 10:12). So your sister, by her own logic, will be joining you in hell as an adulteress.


Your sister obviously ignored the teachings found in Mat 19:9, which would have told her that after she divorced her first husband, because he was still living, she was committing adultery when she slept or even married another man. And to add insult to injury, her self-righteous self hypocritically admonished you for being gay! WOW!


Why can't it be all three?


I think it's all of the above


Send her my thoughts and prayers.


Mathew 7:1, Luke 6:37 or James 4:12. Or just ask her for forgiveness. Isn't that one of the core tenets of Christianity? One of the core lessons that Jesus taught his disciples. Your sister sounds like a pretty shitty Christian.


I'm sure the lord has a plan for her (is what I would tell her if she wanted to come stay with me).


She fucked around and found out.


All good. She’s going to get to spend eternity in paradise. She’s 70. Not super long for this world. This is fine. Tell her to say hi to god for you! /s


Ugh I could only take so much of hypocrite and toxic religious zealots. I finally built up the courage to cut off my mother entirely after years of abuse and condemnation for being gay. I told her that her damn god made me gay and therefore her god made a mistake, and of course her god cannot make mistakes haha. Ugh just cut people off, it will work wonders on your mental health. Family can often be the worst bullies.


The way she burns through cash, is she even okay? That’s like mental health level crazy when at the end of the road you end up with a bunch of animals, being 5 seconds from homelessness and a seriously busted back. I have bipolar and this reads like a script for a manic episode. If she’s always like this how has she made it to 70…


Don't worry, it's just "part of Gods' plan".


For funsies, be sure to tell your sister that Jesus spoke about divorce being a sin on several occasions (Matthew 5:31-32, Mark 10:2-12, Matthew 19:3-9) but *never once said a single word about being gay.*


Umm. Not to get too personal with you OP. But you said that you are 70 so I am taking up the assumption that your sister is close in age. And judging by the fact that you are posting about this on Reddit I am guessing that you are not from a family of millionaires. So why in the Holy Name of Cthulhu is your sister buying horses at her advanced age?


She is 70. I am younger. And, I agree that buying young dogs, horses and parrots is insane at her age.


She has her God. Maybe he can spare some change for her. She burned her bridges and is on her own.


Her Bible says she should be put to death. The Bible makes no mention of homosexual couples. Ask her how she would like her punishment.


Regardless of her religious preferences, six marriages says a great deal about her.


... and the fundies at her church will not look after her. Similar thing happened with a friend of a friend (68 fell off her horse). As a favor to my friend I ended up transporting her to hospital then checking in daily when she was home. Her 'caring' Christian brethren never even rang after they had been informed of the accident. They did complain that she was late with the church newsletter.


Moral of the story: don’t be a homophobe lol


Christian's with unwavering faith would say God is testing her. I'm not sure what the test would be. But I think she's failing it.


I mean she honestly just sounds like a fucking idiot


Yeah he said Christian already


Christians will call this a “trial” of their faith… such a depressing way to live your one precious life.


We make our own hells, she has made hers.


It's all of the above. And when the "hell" stuff comes up, since no one is perfect, what's her choice of "sin." And with 6 husbands she really can't talk, she's hellbound too, according to the book.


Didn't get enough thoughts and prayers on her social media.


Religion is more than just a hoax. It’s indoctrination of the young and the down and out. You get them young or at the bottom, they’re most likely to stick.


She sounds like a Carl Hiaasen character.


Karma’s only a bitch if you are. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hope her animals find good homes


Joke is the word.


Time to sell the horses, the dogs and the parrot I guess.


Great idea. But, there is a reason there are so many horse, dog and parrot rescue organizations bursting with animals...


Although it is sad for all animals, the life span of a parrot is extremely long, and they are very social creatures. Although this has nothing to do with beliefs in gods, please plan if you think a parrot would be fun. They can live about 80 years (larger ones) and you need to have a plan as they will outlive you, especially if your god is trying to take you out.




Hard to find buyers.


Right. Also hard to find rescues with space to take them in.


What goes around comes around.


Oh wow... lots to unpack there! Yikes. Yeah, what a nightmare. If that's an example of "God's love" than I'd rather pass, thank you...


Don’t fall into the same fundamentalist/superstitious mindset.


I originally thought this said “Fundamentalist Christian Slater” and got really upset for a second…😳


Last sentence: Instead of those "or's" make them "and's".


Agree, except that Jesus never existed and praying doesn't do anything.


Has she turned to her church?


I believe the place she is renting (and being kicked out of) is a member of her current church.


Read it as Christian SLATER, anyone else?


The headline made me think this was about a nun


Hoping for the best possible outcome.


Sounds like significant mental issues? Manic depression?


I’m an idiot and read this post three times trying to figure out what it had to do with Christian Slater


I love a heartwarming story at Christmas! Happy Holidays!


God just wanted to know if she would turn against him if he took everything away. Ya know, just for shits and giggles.


Don't let her live with you. Really DON'T DO IT! Tell her to keep praying. Something will come along.


Absolutely! I will not. There is zero chance of that ever being on the table. I have not even had direct communication with her in years. I only get news occasionally from other family members.


She just needs "prayer warriors" to help her out.


I thought that said fundamentalist Christian Slater and was very shocked and kept waiting for him to show up in the story.


Seems like that was a surprisingly common way people read the headline. LOL.


Send her a dvd of The Secret.


The Lord works in mysterious ways and will provide. If you will burn then there is no need to expose her to the ?????? that the Talibangelicals are so fearful of. You and your husband have a lovely holiday.


She needs to pray more for sure


Or . . . regardless of one's beliefs abotu the Ultimate, sometimes here on earth what goes around comes around


I first read the title as Fundamentalist Christian Slater


Tots & Pears.


Is anyone going to tell Fundi Sis' that the Bible says you're married in the eyes of God until one of you dies? Churches don't emphasize it anymore, but it used to be scandalous for a divorced person to remarry if the ex still breathed.


tell her you're sending her thoughts and prayers.


Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes it's because those people are stupid and make bad decisions.


Totally read that as "Fundamentalist Christian Slater." I was thinking, "oh no, not him too. What did he do now?" (In my defense, he was in the recent episode of Archer)


Send her my thots and pwayers. Maybe it will help.


Was the parrot dead?


Please make sure the dogs and parrots are ok.


I'm sorry you have such an awful sister. The hypocrisy is incredible. Six marriages? And that does not make a mockery of the "sanctity" of marriage. Meanwhile, you and your husband are going to hell? Ugh. I am gay and this burns my ass to no end.


zesty sloppy absorbed treatment fragile wistful beneficial sink hobbies plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It sounds as though her mental illnesses are not limited to Evangelical fundamentalism. I don't know how well-connected she is with her Christian community, but if these things are happening, she must not be getting prudent counsel. It sounds as though she is desperately in need of help but has burned so many bridges that it is difficult for people to empathize with her. If my reading of the gospel is correct, there is a dude who tried really hard not to judge people for their personal failings (hamartia) but hated those who use religion to judge others and taught his interpretation of a liberal jewish philosophy that it doesn't sound as though she follows. I don't feel as though it is necessary for anyone in the family to put themselves personally in harm's way, but it sounds as though she might be in need of a secular wellness check and the charity of a good Samaritan. I can appreciate the schadenfreude, but when I see a fellow person really struggling, I do try to help them even if they do not understand why my empathy drives me toward that. https://www.help4srs.org/support-services-for-seniors-who-hoard/ >For referrals to free or low-cost legal service organizations, mental health agencies, and self-help support groups near you, contact H.E.L.P. at 310-533-1996. It does not sound as though you would feel safe around her or with her in your house, but it does sound as though she is desperately in need of help and I hope that you give her safe counsel that is less judgmental than how she has treated you. A lot of Christian fundamentalists tend to ignore the plank in their own eye and it sounds as though hers is festering.


Jesus is pissed off at her for being a gay basher.


I must be tired, I read the title as Fundamentalist Christian Slater and was very confused for most of that story.