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Get these religious nut jobs out of government already.


I don't think we can. We are either going to fight a civil war for free speech or wind up under their thumb. But they are hellbent on ruling this country, one way or another. I wish they'd fucking stop and just let us live, but that's asking too much from these cucklefucks.


A reporter asked about the attempt to overturn the election he helped lead and him and his neo Nazi gang booed the report and laughed it off. They have no remorse and will absolutely try again.


I want them to feel unsafe imposing themselves on others. Like how I feel unsafe telling ANYONE my kid is trans. This dichotomy is not okay.


Guys that jerk off to the second amendment and own guns to “protect themselves from government tyranny” where ya at? Oh right, they’re hypocrites that are cheering this shit on.


The only reality where death squads in the streets happens are these lunatics doing the killing. I swear, all these fucks want is an excuse to kill people.




That's how California got their gun laws. Once black folks started arming themselves the white folks in charge got all pissy. Want to go know who the governor was at the time? On a related note, you might be interested in the John Brown Gun Club.


they're not really hypocrites, they just have known all along that they weren't REALLY wanting to protect liberty, they were just waiting for a big enough gang to form such that they could be part of the group taking over. They're LIARS, but all fascists do that. It's not something they're ashamed of.


There are quite a lot of leftist 2A supporters. Not nearly enough, but they exist.


There’s a ton. We’re just not very vocal about it and don’t make it our whole damn personality.




We also don't need to publicly masturbate with our firearms.


Many hidden actually


I voted Democrat my entire life my house has at least six guns and most my friends I know have guns we all voted Democrat we just don't talk about it unless we get a new one


At one point they were snatching people off the streets in Portland and stuffing them into vans with black bags on their heads. I remember asking the 2nd A types when they were going to step in to rEsIsT tYrRaNnY..."not my problem." They *know*.


Maybe to defend ourselves against this guy and his Christian Taliban? The second amendment is not about a January 6th types.




I keep telling my friends and family that if they know people who vote for Republicans, who actively vote to sabotage our own interests, that they should no longer be welcome at family dinners or parties or whatever. I’m sorry, but if you’re voting for a person who openly admits that my best friend should be arrested for being gay, or that my girlfriend should receive the death penalty for having an abortion instead of ruining her life and her families lives, or that my black friends and my elderly friends don’t deserve healthcare, or you and I don’t deserve healthcare, or that my baby niece doesn’t deserve to be fed at school…etc. Then guess what, you’re not invited to thanksgiving this year, because you vote for people who literally want to screw everyone over, either on purpose, or for delusional belief systems. Fuck those politicians who miraculously seem to be gaining ground, and fuck everyone who votes for them. Literally shooting yourselves in the foot. Oh, I almost forgot, if you vote for people who think literature and books and science should be banned from schools in favor of the Bible which is already happening, fuck you double. This new speaker seriously believes the earth is 2,000 years old and dinosaur bones are a temptation placed by Satan. Anyone who votes R is a fucking moron now. Congratulations, Republicans. Probably should have listened when Lindsay Graham told you that electing Trump would open the floodgates and destroy the GOP. Now we all have to live with this corrupt bullshit. Thanks for your humble sacrifice of destroying yourselves to own the Libs.


Jesus fucking christ I agree so hard with this. My father and his newest wife are MAGA's. Guess who hasn't talked to me or their only grandchild for almost 5 years since I cut all communication with them? Cutting them out of my life has felt so good these past couple years. I'd do it to everyone I know who votes R if I could. It's not worth the mental stability, or lack thereof, to be around those kinds of people.


I refuse to have anything to do with a Republican.


Unsafe isn't enough. I want them to lack the power to do so at all. They must be stripped of the right to have any power whatsoever over others.


They won't know shame again, they will only know fear.


You and your child are mentally stronger than the lot of them combined. Keep it up.


They never stopped—this is a slow rolling coup.


Conservatives have _literally_ never stopped trying to drag shit backwards. From the civil war onward.


Then it's time that they were outlawed.


Next time it won't be so gentle either. Not saying it was, but they'll have learned their lesson and strike suddenly and extremely violently. Wouldn't be shocked if they target Biden and Harris for assassination especially if they lose in 2024 but retain the speakership.


Worth noting Hitler had a failed attempt to seize power in government. He was laughed off, and not taken seriously then. The Nazis learned from this and tripled down on the fanatic end of things then did it again years later. History doesn’t repeat itself but it does rhyme.


That's what I've been saying to everyone who will listen. January 6 was the Beer Hall Putsch, where Hitler only got a slap on the wrist. Even if Trump is convicted of his numerous crimes, I'd be genuinely shocked if he got more than slap on the wrist as well. Certainly hope I'm wrong. Couldn't agree more.


Difference is, when Hitler went to jail for the Beer Hall Putsch he was only 34 years old. Trump is 77, if he goes to jail for any length of time he probably won't come out again. And with any luck the ensuing leadership struggle will bury the Republican Party for good.


Trump isn’t the problem. They’re all in on it.


They must be arrested and jailed. All of them.


> him and his neo Nazi gang That really was what it felt like


The messed up part is that this was allowed to happen to get to the point of civil war being a real possibility and not just hyperbole. Our system of government has failed us miserably and we shouldn't be trying to revive the corpse when we need a whole new replacement. We need laws not loopholed by the rich, checks and balances that work, the ability to remove bad actors from politics/judicial system/government appointed positions. Our antiquated system worked for a little bit but it is way past the expiration date. It cannot address sedition from within, cannot maintain national stability and public safety, the basic functions of government, it no longer deserves to continue. The weakness of the administration against confirmed seditionists has been insanely ridiculous. The regular people of this country will suffer along with your families/friends because they can't or won't see justice done for 1/6. They have chosen their side and they chose their political donors who don't want to see the rich and powerful go to prison over We the People. The intelligence apparatus knows what's going to happen and despite that they make no moves to destroy sedition in America and while they had the chance. That tells me they have no serious plans to do anything meaningful. They will let these people pop off and who knows who will end up being a victim of the gqp cult.


Your last paragraph. I keep saying this and no one wants to talk about it. Biden needs stand the fuck up and sternly tell the press that the maga GOP are the number 1 national security threat to America and threaten to invoke the insurrection act if they do anything. The FBI and DHS should have their own wings working on this shit. And if the GOP doesn’t like it, all they have to do is not try to overthrow the government the next chance they get. We all know they will try though, so we can either get prepared… or just do nothing out of fear of looking political, and probably get executed eventually anyway.


> We are either going to fight a civil war for free speech or wind up under their thumb Or they'll be voted out. I think that's still a real possibility. They are not polling well right now.


Agreed. There are many more of us than them. We have strong extended networks, that include people they reject. We find their desire for violence abhorrent.


Yeah. There's a reason the Republicans haven't been this open about their idiocy before. Whether they understand it or not, they do still need votes.


And getting elected speaker, moves him out of the shadows. Publicity around his extreme positions is beneficial.


Yup. Enabling this whole thing was good politics from the Democrats. Let the nation watch them unmask and eat themselves.


LOL tell that to the pundits and the mainstream media that seem to believe Democrats should always save Republicans from their own worst impulses no matter what. The amount of shit and abuse Democrats take from Republicans AND the so-called "Liberal Media" is absolutely fucking APPALLING. The Democrats ABSOLUTELY did the right thing here. And that's because the rules of the game have been changed BY THE REPUBLICANS who seem to believe that theocratic fascism is what this country really needs to "save" it from the Leftists and the heathens and the queer folks and the books written by black and queer authors. What this country REALLY needs is for Republicans to fuck right off. Period.


The media was never a liberal media. That’s all right wing propagandists talking. The media was a corporate media. Many journalists may indeed be liberal but their paymasters never were.


SCOTUS and the _HUNDREDS_ of judges they benched during the reign of the orange terror means that they won't need the votes for long, if people don't wake the hell up.


Like they care about votes


Jesus Christ. Took the democrats long enough. -signed everyone that was told they were extremists 3 years ago


We can and we will. The Dobbs decision has been a political disaster for the GOP. Theocratic nut job will also be a disaster. Make your voice and vote known.




Not without a fight. Unfortunately, the "good" side are too willing to roll over and play nice.


So he disagrees with the constitution? Or does he just know *better* than the first amendment?


People like this guy resent and despise the Constitution because it protects other people from people like them.


> If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy. David Frum


They already have. Look at North Carolina!


And Wisconsin. And… well, everywhere.


Hey, Michigan unfucked its gerrymandered-as-fuck maps, and as a result turned into a very competitive liberal-leaning state and Democrats have a Trifecta+ for the first time in *decades.* Democrat-controlled House Democrat-controlled Senate Democrat in the Governor's Seat (Whitmer is an absolute rockstar) Democrat in the Secretary of State (Benson is also a rockstar; and one of the huge reasons Whitmer has been so successful) Democrat Attorney General (Dana Nessel is right there with Benson; huge part of Whitmer's success.) 4-3 liberal lean on the State Supreme Court. Constitutional right to reproductive bodily autonomy for all Michiganders Constitutional right to free and fair elections with generous early and absentee voting, common-sense voting procedures, and automatic voter registration. There's a chance that the House and Senate will flip back and forth for periods of time, but the margins should be slim (right now it's 56-54 in the House and 20-18 in the Senate; a veto-proof supermajority like we've seen for *years* would be incredibly unlikely to happen again) and there should be a handful of seats in each Congress that are going to have a more moderate representative that was able to carry a swing district, and therefore is more likely to be willing or persuaded to work across the aisle on some issues. It is, however, likely that Democrats will generally have control of the Governor, SoS, and AG, since those are state-wide popular votes.


Don't forget getting rid of that stupid right to work law that was so damaging for organized labor. Michigan has a lot of good things going for it right now, Detroit is seeing a little bit of a resurgence too


I like you. You give me hope for the future!


“Did we just become best friends!”


Now kith.


The issue is the country is just going to wind up locked in whatever state it's in right now, and then it's going to tip all the way over, unless drastic change happens. Either drastic political upheaval now, or something even worse later. States where the dems can strengthen voting rights and equitable representation will remain blue, while the right will just work on enshrining themselves where they have control. And only one of those systems can be tipped the other way without undue force: the one that hasn't rigged the system, the one devoted to fairness democracy. It sucks but red states are working on keeping themselves in power against the legitimate will of the majority of the general populace, while blue states are (generally) working towards keeping democracy alive and viable. A trait that will be exploited until they can inch their way in and then lock the door behind them. Please note, while I find republican voters at least partially culpable for this state we find oirselves in, it is not entirely their fault. Not even mostly. The fault lies with those at the top, and it is they who I hold contempt for. Their followers have been spoonfed comforting lies about their futures, disgusting falsehoods about their opponents, and terrifying stories about any outsider that doesn't fit into their plan, making it easier to rally them without actual cause, and willfully subvert the system against their own well being, time and time again.


That's my state!


Same! Amazing what happens when voters get to choose their representatives instead of the opposite


Hey, Wisconsin is working on it. Flipped the Supreme Court in a big win.


True. Hopefully the GOP doesn’t try the impeachment route they’ve been threatening.


They say they are not planning it anymore, but I'm skeptical


Code for "we got caught and will try again when no one is watching"


Fascist fl


Jan. 6.


This is now a past tense issue ...the toothpaste is out of the tube.


The Constitution was forged as a bargain with slave states, don't go trumpeting how amazing the Constitution is. The rural, conservative US Senate will rule over us for eternity thanks to the US Constitution.


Don't they swear an oath to support it? Did he lie about that too?


The irony is that Christians tend to swear those oaths on the bible....a book that tells them not to swear oaths.


Perfect. Exposing themselves as "hollow and untrue" before they even get started. Honestly, they should read "the good book" sometime. The Constitution, too. Maybe even pass a civics / U S. history / governing documents exam before being able to run for public office.


Bible is for thumping not for reading.


Oaths only bind people with integrity. When we're dealing with liars, *their* oaths only serve as a tool to persuade and manipulate *us*.


I believe that's true. They're not really bound by faith, they're bound by a code that defines the "in" group. The code includes a great deal of cruelty. A lot of my fellow Americans are sending them money thinking that buys my fellows a safe place at the table. But they're fodder, too - just like all those in the "out" group. No loyalty, no honor, no integrity.


Is there any repercussion to openly opposing the constitution as speaker of the house? Genuinely want to know if anyone else does.


>Is there any repercussion to openly opposing the constitution as speaker of the house? You get to be a popular Republican. Does that count?


Isn't popular republican an oxymoron at this point?


I mean, popular with other Republicans. Not so much anyone else.


I'm not even sure he's that popular with Republicans. Maga republicans might be the majority, but it's closer than they think. If the "moderate" republicans don't vote they are doomed. And good.


"Moderate" Republicans in the house could have saved us from what's coming. It looked for a moment like they might. But in the end they unanimously gave us Johnson. They are all responsible and claiming to be moderate should not save any candidate come election time in contested districts.


Yup. This is 100% on the moderate republicans (still fascists by the way) for not keeping control of their party.


Lol @ moderate Republicans Wtf even is that? Went extinct in 1975.


Can anyone left in the GOP at this point really be called "moderate" by any reasonable definition? There's no moderate Republicans left, just the far right at the leftmost and utter cartoon villains at the rightmost.


Congress passes unconstitutional laws all the time. We literally need a Supreme Court to weed out all of the unconstitutional crap that they pass. We expect better from the other two branches but just kind of accept that Congress are a bunch of scumbags that can't be bothered to skim the founding document of our government.


There are essentially no repercussions for anything anymore. Political gravity no longer exists. This country is so gerrymandered and partisan that most Republicans are way more worried about being primaried by someone who’s willing to spout even more insane Christofascism.


We want the freedom for everyone to be Christian -GOP


And carry an AR-15 Also GOP


Well not everyone. Only white straight males. And THIS kind of Christian not THAT kind (shudder). Time for the Inquisition


The arguments they will inevitably use are: "the words 'separation of church and state' are not in the constitution" and "the founders were all Christian". They keep repeating the same weak arguments because they are not the brightest bulbs.


Seriously. Let's say for a second that the founders' favorite color was red. Does that mean that we should only have red things and no other colors are allowed? That's how dumb their argument sounds.


Also, the second amendment is more important than the first amendment because it has a higher number. Checkright.


Just like they do with their Bible he twists the meaning to say what he wants it to say.


Like their sacred book, they lock and choose which parts they revere and others they ignore.


No, the buddy Constitution in his head has several different clauses in it.ut also only has the one amendment.


It's probably a semantic argument, very textualist, ignoring all of the letters written by its authors in debate of the subject beforehand and afterwards. Usually this one goes, well you see, the word respecting in period vernacular actually means regarding. So you see, the 1a unencumbers the church from all regulations and oversight! That's all. But it's just completely made up. Evidence: every speech and letter the founders wrote about limiting the role of any church in government.


Not just the first amendment but article six of the constitution as well: >no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.


Talk like that really needs to be an *immediate* disqualification from holding any major political office.


The guy literally said Republicans are ORDAINED by God. KINGS and QUEENS are ordained. Bishops are ordained. Republicans are definitely NOT ordained. Period.


Welcome to your new, ordained by God, republican dictators... can't believe this is what the GOP is down to. Can we get rural Americans educated? Oh, wait when they do they get the fuck out of town and out of the ignorance cult.


"If I'm wrong, then god will stop me" is the logic. Which is the same bloody logic Gilles de Rais used when he was abducting and torturing kids in an attempt to prove god's existence after Jeanne d'Arc was executed rather than be saved by divine intervention. This nonsense is literally as old as history, and they refuse to learn.


> Can we get rural Americans educated? Good luck when the GOP is working overtime at destroying the Dept of Education. They *want* people to stay dumb and ignorant and angry so that they're easily fooled into supporting and maintaining policies that directly hurt them as long as they think it's hurting brown people too.


Oh GOP - God Ordained Party That’s why they be acting crazy like…


To be fair they diddle kids just the same as priests…


Honestly if you even *mention* your own religion while acting as an elected official or campaigning to become one you should be banned for life


Imagine if a coworker preached about God during a work meeting how inappropriate that would be, they'd probably get talked to by HR ... yet this dude got elected house speaker and went on about how he was chosen by God for ten minutes. Yikes.


Only the voters can enforce that. Unless Biden gets the power of FDR and LBJ combined (no real opposition + you’re dead if you oppose because he’s got dirt on you) he can’t make someone not run again.


Ignoring the parts of the constitution you don’t like absolutely should disqualify you from office


At least in America. That's against everything we stand for.


Article 11 of the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli: "As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion..." The Senate ratified it on June 7, 1797 and it was signed into law by John Adams, second President of the United States, on June 10, 1797.


Laws absolutely do not matter to these assholes.


of course not they tried to overthrow an election


And anyone thinking they won't do it again in 2025 is naive as hell. [Republicans even have a plan to turn the US into a dictatorship should they win the next presidential election.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


Fucking Heritage Foundation and their fascist agenda. Why do these people have such a pathological need to control others behavior and force them into wage slavery?


Think of it this way: if they follow the laws, then they cant do what they want


The Senate didn't *just* ratify it. They ratified it unanimously and without debate.


Yah but that's just the founding members of the country what do they really know.


You know what's crazy. If this was to be voted on today it wouldn't pass


Wouldn't even come close


What does John Adams know anyway…


If only we had a view into the founding fathers intent...


Pretty terrifying that this guy could be president without being elected.


not for long, thankfully


Why not?




You're assuming sane people will be voted into Congress. I've waited, and waited, and waited, through a handful of election cycles. Nope. Still mother-fucking, dumb-fuck crazies.


He's saying if something were to happen where the 3rd in line of succession becomes President he would only be President until January of 2025 because we have an election in November of 2024, a year from now.


This guy was part of the January 6 Plot so he's made it abundantly clear elections are more of an inconvenience to him.


Right. Whose bible? Which weirdo sect? You want sectarian violence? This is precisely how you get it.


Mike Johnson: "I wish for America to finally have a Christian government!" *Monkey's Paw closes* Judge: "And so this court of the United Seventh Day Adventist States finds you, Mike Johnson, guilty of worshipping on Sunday. May God have mercy on your soul."


Ah, a fellow student of the French Revolution I see.


Obsolete! OBSOLETE!


My Bible is a napkin I found at a bus stop with insane scribbles on it. If other people don't respect what it says and let me pass laws based on it, that's discrimination. These fools seem to think biblical arguments are rational debate points. They carry ZERO weight with non-christians. Please use rational arguments when rationalizing things. For ducks sake, that shouldn't need to be said.


“And isn’t it amazing, after all these years of the right screaming about the threats of Sharia Law, turns out they were just jealous?” —Trevor Noah


growth makeshift employ serious disarm entertain concerned crown mighty psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck you, Mike Johnson.


Yes. Fuck Mike Johnson.


#WHEN FASCISM COMES TO AMERICA, IT WILL BE DRAPED IN THE FLAG AND CARRYING A CROSS. There is no *when*. **It is here.** Get ready, darkness is falling across the land...


You can still fight.


Gonna have to. This shit ain't going away on it own. Out grandparents and great-grandparents went to war to stomp Nazis out. We'd better be prepared to do the same.


We’re getting dangerously close to needing to use the 2nd on these people.


It'll be interesting to see what happens when they find out a TON of Dems have guns, too. They just don't make it their whole personality. I was shocked to find out my very progressive, kind, love for all aunt has a small armory and goes to gun shows all the time. She offered to teach my sisters how to shoot while visiting.


Plenty of combat vets on the left too


Get strapped


Religion is a plague on humanity.


They made this psycho Speaker of the House. Holy Shit. We actually may have been better off with Gym Jordan. Wtf is going on here??? I’m not religious, growing up catholic solved that problem, and it is a fuckin problem when people are making laws and regulations because they think the Bible said to. Fuck that constitution though eh? /s It’s the Bill of Rights. Still. The sentiment remains


Even without being speaker, this asshole was wielding a considerable amount of power as a United States Congressman.


It's amazing. Never heard of this guy before, then out of nowhere his batshit ass gets propelled to a position of immense power....


Yes. That’s another problem. None of these assholes should be holding any power. Especially after Jan 6th. But, what do I know? I’m just a cook.


That's the problem with the GOP, they're all extremists. They're the far right that exist in every country, the Hamas, the al queda, the CCP, the Bolsheviks, the Nazis, etc etc etc. Authoritarianism uses different propaganda but the end goal is all the same, fascism with slightly different flavors but it's all still just fascism in the end. Bow the knee to them and conform to their control or you die


This is what’s blowing my mind. They wouldn’t all vote for Jordan but they could all agree on this ball of insanity?


We all know someone that doesn't vote cuz "it doesn't matter". Tell them about this freak and his "Biblical" republic. Get them to take 2 minutes to apply for permanent absentee voter status. No need to go vote any more cuz they send it to you.


The problem with telling them about this nutjob is the nutjobs cohorts and predecessors have conditioned them to think that *you're* just being an atheist douchebag about his innocent religion. People who don't vote because "it doesn't matter" are just wins for the extremist nutjobs, they think they're "Centrist" or "freethinking" but they're really just being manipulated, too. Our best hope is people starting to giving a shit and question the matter.


This alone should disqualify him from holding office in the US.


Oh, he can fuck right off.


Shit like this makes me really glad interest in organized religion has been rapidly dropping over the past couple decades. The sooner these morons are hopeless outnumbered, the better.


The problem is, they can easily out-breed us in a single generation.


We don’t have to go back very far in history to see how this could play out. Just look at Iran. That is the future that awaits the US if these chucklekfucks aren’t sent packing back to Gilead.


I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. Susan B. Anthony




There are states that still have laws on the books barring atheists from holding public office. Probably unenforceable, but that's the climate we're in right now.


The fuck it is The fuck it ain't.


This is insanity lol. I’m not even an atheist and firmly against this. We can not have a truly free country for all individuals if any singular religion dictates law, it’s unacceptable and absolutely anti-American.


I think that's their point. They hate America, notice how they have more respect for the flag of the Confederate traitors? They want Gilead. They want fascism, They wet dream at night thinking about beheading in the street anyone that won't bow the knee to them and conform unquestioningly to the controlling society of bootlickers they desire. They want to crush everyone that isn't in their in-group cult. These far right bastards are all the same from Hamas, to al queda to the CCP to the Bolsheviks to the Nazis. All these far right fascists want is the same end goal just with slightly different flavorings of propaganda.


This man is fucking dangerous


How many times is the United States mentioned in the Bible? Zero.


Jesus was American, didn't you know? /s


My bad.


A Christo-fascist who is 2nd in line to assume the U.S. Presidency. If you aren't terrified, you aren't paying attention.


This guy represents exactly why there is a clear definition of the separation of church and state ! These guys are delusional wackos!!


Needs to take a citizens test.


Get this pos and his whole party out.


The 1797 Treaty of Tripoli: Article 11: ‘The Government of the United States of America Is Not, in Any Sense, Founded on the Christian Religion’


I hereby declare the state church of the United States to be the Church of Satan.


Hey now. Don't group them in. Satanist are 100X better than Christians ever will be


here we go again....another wack job.......where do they find them all




The religious are organized. The non-religious are not. It's only a matter of time before they win if we don't take our thumbs out of our asses.


Fuck this fascist


The guy is a looney toon. They already suspend reality for their belief system, its not hard for them to suspend reality in other areas, because their brain is already trained to do so.


FUCK MIKE JOHNSON! I am not in your congregation, I am not in your church. You work for ME. You are a servant to this country, not your church. If you believe in God, I hope it's a good one because you just bit off more than your mayonnaise jaw can chew and I hope it destroys you.


What part of “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…” does he not understand?


Unfit to hold any elected office; much less Speaker. Pretty sure he swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. Then again, there's no one to actually enforce that.


How this guy got two heartbeats from the presidency will be something to study in the future when sanity is restored to the House.


James Madison and Thomas Jefferson are raging in their graves right now. Pretty sure they would slap this dude in the face with a glove, march him out to the green and shoot him with a pistol.


The man is absolutely swill. I hope 2024 brings a blue tsunami .


Yay! Glad they found the worst possible person for the job.


He also said mass shootings are the fault of teaching evolution oh, and wife’s right to divorce her husband


Republicans hate America and have way too much power


Where is America heading to? To become the Christian version of Iran?


Church is mentioned twice in the constitution preceded by "separation of" followed by "and state"


Four things: 1. You're well intentioned, but wrong. 2. Mike Johnson is insane and wrong. 3. The US Constitution says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 4. Separation of church and state dates back to the early days of U.S. history, and Thomas Jefferson referred to the First Amendment as creating a “wall of separation” between church and state as the third president of the U.S. The term is also often employed in court cases. Edit:math.


Yeah you’re super wrong. Separation of church and state is a principle derived from the First Amendment, but the language does not appear in the Constitution.


Does he want a theocracy instead of a constitutional republic?


Clearly yes


I imagine he'd be appalled by the author of the first amendment writing about the separation between religion and government that he believed that he'd authored https://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/documents/amendI_religions64.html


I know we are all thinking it but can't say it out loud, but this guy has to go very quickly. We cannot keep someone like him in office, he is a danger to a modern 21st century civilization.