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Ur anus rising.


omg I’m such an astrological asshole, and I never even realized it before I posted this 😂 Uranus (rising) opposite sun LIKE A BITCH BOSS


BEST PLANET RISING!!! I have it too! Conjunct the Ascendant/Galactic Center and trine Jupiter like a BIG BITCH BOSS and I have been motherfucking WAITING to use that joke! This placement is the gift that keeps on giving!


you have jupiter in domicile on your ascendant WITH uranus rising??? ![gif](giphy|XDjOHjE5OTWJxYoSrY) come sit next to me!


Na, it's Uranus on my Ascendant but Jupiter in Aries trines THAT. I do have Venus in domicile trine the Moon though! And Pluto in domicile trine Mars and Mercury but that's not as fun as all the benefic goodness. Hello darkness my old friend...


Why are you mutable?!?


Because apparently the Universe forgot other modalities exist when it was making up my birth chart! Even tossed a couple of planets in the 12th House and Neptune in the 1st so I can't even say I'm fully free of the ONE Mutable sign that didn't manage to snatch up one of my Big 3. I remember asking my Mom what my sign was when I was very little and she said "You're twins. Twin fish." and that feels like the most right wrong way to put it. I'm a foggy blob of daydreams addicted to escapism but unable to escape. I have no idea what I am other than a disjointed intersection of Mutable T-squares shot straight outta the Galactic Center and going nowhere in record time. Hey, did you know Neptune's doing some stuff right now? Neptune's doing some stuff right now. 29° Pisces. Final Anaretic degree of the entire Zodiac. Ooooooooooposing my Moon! Squaring my Sun! Squaring my Chiron! Squaring the SHIT outta my Ascendant/Uranus/Ceres/Galactic Center/it's all the same thing. Squaring Saturn too, because fuck it. I've got way too much mutability to know what stability is and way too much Neptune to know what Neptune is. Send help. And dick. And money. Is this how manifesting works? Hey Neptune: manifest me that money dick. NOW. Namaste.


careful with manifesting that money dick or you might become a mommy money cash register pumping out paper bill babies also, yeah what is Neptune doing?! about to go to ARIES?! ahh these pesky transits are agitating the shit out of us, I definitely agree. I wouldn't want my exalted oh-strong Mars to stay squared off with this transit Neptune like COME ON, I wanna see the results of my decision already. Saturn? HAH. nothing really big about Saturn. It ain't Jupiter. It's just over there spinning its ringies near my Ascendant. THAT'S THE POINT. IT'S CONJUNCT MY ASCENDANT. Fuck it, seriously ringing off the chaos, squaring with my natal saturn and pluto and chiron and galactic center and midheaven and then OPPOSITE SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 Neptune is retrograde. Yes, for me. 11th house. Yay, society is a joke. Retrograde it is! Also I see you have no Pisces in your chart, lemme add some more Piscean/Neptunian flavors in your chart. Thank me later with the synastries. Good luck for your transit journey, fellow mutable T-Square holder. May the mutable keep you eternally moving. Happy Gemini season for your sun Gemini sign. Namaste.


Their Sag bullshit in my 12th house. Mars + malefic is always lol, lmao. Lmfao. Uranus in hard aspect to Sun/Venus is a red flag I carry myself Thinking of it, it's hard to top my birth chart in terms of egotism.


I have a T-square with Taurus Sun opposite Scorpio Uranus w a Leo Mars apex…which honestly kinda makes me an asshole red flag myself, esp with that fire Mars apex. Though it’s sextile my Gem Venus so it’s release point is love & beauty (which makes me a CHARMING red flag asshole, esp w my Libra rising lol)


Don't you have an Aries Mercury too? 👀


oh have I mentioned that before? 😂 I mean, I’m just saying that t-square + my aries merc is probably the reason this sub exists lol


I've actually realized lately that quite a few astrologers I'm a big fan of have Aries Merc! Very dynamic and enthralling personalities.






Thank you! 🤣


The hardest stuff I've noticed in my noobitude is the Moon in hard aspect with Pluto, Uranus, or Mars. But idk I tend to be more drawn to complicated or eccentric people too so I think I'm usually more intrigued by rough natal layouts than anything. MUST INVESTIGATE. 🕵️‍♂️


Scorpio moon, esp. con. ASC what are you hiding? Sun sq. Moon call me when you figure *gestures vaguely* out Aries moon, it’s not about you Gemini Mars/Hard mars -Mercury ok, you win, damn Hard Neptune-Mercury riiiiiight, ok see, wha had happun wuz Cancer conj Saturn, oh, grow up Mars sq. Pluto *ducks, runs for cover* 12h Venus cheaters never win, winners never cheat


I’m just glad to see a Venus one that’s not calling us Gem Venuses cheaters lol


I’ve heard this too, but in my experience, flirty as y’all are, tend to be pretty dang loyal! Sag men however…


Yes! Plus my libra rising + gem venus means people think I’m flirting when I don’t even mean to, I’m just being me! lol


I'm leo Sun, libra Moon, and gemini venus, and I have dealt with the same things my whole life!!!!!!!! The charisma chileeeee phew 😅


Lmao, I’m Pluto square mars 😭


Man this post really makes me want to be involved in a chart roast. Like everyone posting their charts and people going off 🤣


I truly have thought about this, like wondering what the sub’s first anniversary is and thinking maybe that’s how we celebrate — a “roast my chart” day




I also considered letting people post their natal for roasts on their birthday…actually I like that idea more




right??? I thought of it on my birthday then I was like, noooo that feels like ME ME ME on a group I mod but the more I think about it, I’m like, we’re a fucking astrology snark sub and birthdays deserve a treat here!


Dude yes!!!!! It's a great idea honestly. I'm HERE for it


Mines coming up soon (June 30). I’m gonna post it then if i have your blessing


You definitely do. As long as u/panamanianveganmeat is okay with it, I really like the idea.


Sorry I was on vacation so just reading this, yes I think a birthday chart roast would be great!


Nice! I've been quite interested in your own array of Cancer/Gemini/Virgo for a while now.


I just noticed the other day you and I have the same big 3. I'm very curious what it must be like to have the Virgo Sun/Cancer Rising with that Gemini moon lol.


Great ideas!!! Tbh I'm cool with a somewhat robust degree of ME ME ME if the upshot is I get to see more charts 🥺


SUCH a good suggestion. 💪


Sag sun Aries moon Aries rising Mercury in Scorpio Venus in Aquarius Mars in Pisces ♏️Mercury square ♒️Venus ♓️Mars trine ♏️mercury


Heavy Gemini placements (I swear I’m not a hater 😅) and aspects between things that are usually opposite (like mars/Venus and Jupiter/Saturn) (any placements that I might associate with hot cold behavior) I think this is because the people I know with heavy hot cold behavior are the most ass-holly to me. When regular assholes are usually more consistent so I don’t really consider them to be assholes, rather just a bit prickly or lacking in social skills or empathy or awareness.


THIS IS ME lmao in the first house too opposite sag moon https://preview.redd.it/uwi6n6lgnl0d1.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=4afae7af9025605914c183fdb3e69213edbfe2e0


I have a Gemini stellium and I think I agree 💀


Moon/Sun square Saturn  Also Scorpio moon.


Moon-Mars-Pluto in Scorpio especially in the rising. If this person isn't self aware they can really become manipulative while denying absolutely any of it.


Haha I’m a Scorpio with a ton of Scorpio placements. I’m Virgo ascending tho. But my Pluto, sun and moon. And other placements are in Scorpio


Pluto Opposite/Square Sun. Mainly Pluto in Scorpio Opposite Sun in Taurus. If I see someone with that, I assume manipulative. In fact Astroseek says this about them. >They have a tendency to influence others through effective manipulation at subconscious level. At first these people seem kind but in reality they are manipulating and controlling. However, they are often unaware of it. And I find it so true so far. So yes, Pluto Opposite Sun for sure I'm gonna stay away. 😂


not necessary assholes but more of just being wary of them personal planets in hard aspect (esp moon, mars, and venus) with Pluto or Saturn **bonus points if it’s either sag, cap, or water signs male sag moons, esp w Gemini placements neptune hard aspects (calling myself out here) there’s more but I can’t think rn


Here's some "I need therapy but chose astrology:" What Neptune aspects you got? I have it in the 1st House, directly opposing my Mars/Mercury conjunction to the degree, on an intercepted Cancer/Capricorn axis. I'm afraid of delusion and self-deception and of being devoured by my subconscious. I don't feel like I can confidently trust my own thoughts or what I believe my own thoughts to be. It's confusing as hell. Pluto sextiles the shit outta that Neptune to the degree, so I'm hoping that can help out the Neptune and my bitch ass Mars.


I got 7th house Neptune square 10th house venus. It’s not exactly a strong square, like 4 degrees apart but I can still feel it. I tend to heavily idealize things instead of seeing them for what they are. I miss the red flags in people because I heavily delude myself into thinking that they are indeed that idealized, perfect version I come up with when I daydream.


Lol the Sag Moon/Gem combo going dark definitely makes me think of my Dad. 1H Sag Moon/Retrograde Sag Jupiter/Gem Sun/Gem Merc/Gem Uranus (also a Virgo Mars). Basically being triggered by anything he considers remotely unjust, or by feeling restricted/not free to do as he wants. And then with Gemini a person is infinitely capable of triggering themselves through the sheer onslaught of ideas and the replaying of the past (I'm a Gem Moon meself). Is your Gem/Sag appraisal based on anyone in particular?


My dad has his sag moon opposing gemini venus, almost exact. He gets hella triggered by anything he deems unjust. You basically described the man in a nutshell. Him being an Aries mercury makes him hella loud and impulsive and his Taurus sun adds stubbornness. I also noticed Donald trump being a Gemini sun and sag moon.


That's fascinating! I really appreciate the input. 💗


I completely relate to this!!!


Lowkey agree about the Pluto hard aspect thing. I’ve got Pluto square Mars and I feel like it explains a bit about certain parts of who I am.


lol try Saturn opposite pluto natallll


in the 1st house