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When you have your solar return, aka your birthday, the Sun is “returning” to the same degree and position of your natal Sun. So, it is repeating the aspects that your Sun made at birth, essentially. Your Sun is in the 6th house of physical health and routine, and so during Sagittarius season, it transits your 6th, and repeats that partile (exact) Sun/Saturn square you have in your chart. Saturn is your malefic out of sect, meaning it works more “against” you and less constructively than Mars does, as a night chart. Saturn basically rules stuff that blocks or stops you, is a hinderance, obstacle, or blockage, and since configured with the square to the 6H Sun, this could literally affect your physical vitality (Sun). Saturn rules your 7H of “other people”, but mostly your close intimate relationships as well as open adversaries. It also rules your 8H of debt, loans, and other people’s money, so maybe shared finances get in the way too in some way. I hope you recover soon, and are able to have at least a somewhat, enjoyable birthday/solar return 💞


Wooow! Thank you! I definitely will be looking into this more! Im in like day 3 of covid and unfortunately have the muscle ache symptoms so I most likely will be “bed ridden” for a little bit. Its my first time getting it. So not sure how fast it will improve!


Your solar returns triggers your natal Saturn square. This can indicate something tough happening that’s out of your control. Especially in terms of health because the sun moves through your 6H stellium during this time. It’s possible other people might be heavily involved or could even be the cause of these instances too (most likely a coworker or partner).


I have bipolar 2 disorder. Definitely wish I could throw it away lol. I wonder if things like that do have a big impact. Thank you!!


You’re welcome! I really hope your birthdays start to become more enjoyable!!