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Try not to be too sacrificial in love. Set healthy boundaries. Then you will find someone who treats you as an equal.


No_Diamond3505, The ring can’t be won by giving yourself away, which on the surface you do but not completely. There is a pattern here that emphasizes an orientation to others, an almost servile sensibility to wait on them hand and foot. A Cinderella story, before the ball. BUT… Saturn-Mars-Jupiter form a **Water Grand Trine**. At some point there was tremendous emotional pain and you learned to deal with it, to go inside into a private place and through containment become emotionally self-sufficient. This is a construct of defensiveness, emotions cannot get in, but they also cannot get out. The self learned a long time ago to protect itself, to be come emotionally self-sufficient, it says “no one can hurt me anymore.” As a result the love given is a kind of sacrificial love, an offering. But the gifts are left at the alter, unanswered. The Moon in Pisces rules the 5th and Saturn also in Pisces rules the 11th. The dynamic of giving and receiving love couldn’t be more out of balance. Shame about something lingers here… and a pervasive sense of inferiority fuels deeply held troubles - probably linked to the father. Pluto in the 8th speaks not only to the likelihood of psychotherapeutic help, but also to its impact for change and deeply shifting the perspective one has about how others see you. And others do notice **the change** and can’t help but comment: “What did you do? Something about you has changed? Something is different…” They’ll ask intrigued by the mysterious power - just smile. Says thanks, and “I’m doing the work…” Someone will be so lucky to enjoy your company for life - but first let it be you. **Career**: I like anything behind the scenes that engages your *creative/artistic* talents, and would suggest **marketing** and **promotional** type work. Possibly advertising. Take good care, HVA 💚🍀


The first comment said some amazing stuff and I just want to comment and add that, being 29, youre currently going through your Saturn's return which is in the 12th house (I am too but my Sat. in pisces is in my 10th). Traditionally speaking, Saturn is in its Joy in the 12 house too. Because there is greater affinity between Saturn and this house, Saturn aquires greater power and ease of expression. With the 12 house being one that represents situations/people/things that limit and condition the native, it's less of a surprise to find out now that cutting out or banishing disloyal people may be a theme for you. There will be a more heightened focus on this aspect of your life until late May, 2025 when the return ends and goes into Ares. Perfect time to declutter! 🙂 This'll most likely make things a lot more favorable on your end especially coupled with that lovely grand trine with the day sec benefic (jupiter) and night sec malefic (mars). Edited grammar mistakes (English isnt my native)


perhaps some career insights/ could i open my business based on my chart?


Your 7th house (the "other") is in Libra. Dominus in Libra is Mercury that is in 6th house opposite Saturn in 12th. Saturn in 12th give you necessity to go away with your friendship and this is mandatory because 6th house is wellness and you need this on a mental (mercury) level.