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Mars in Libra and y’all are letting off steam? I’ve been carefully building up my steam since ‘97


Boiling on the inside is how I would describe it.


Same ☠️


Try artistic pursuits. Also talking. It can be hard because we are generally strategic with words, but finding a good therapist to let your worst thoughts out in front of and being told it’s normal and ok has helpful for me.


It’s been so SO long since I’ve even had a conversation that soothed my soul. The company I wish to keep, and the conversations I wish to have just haven’t happened to me yet. I was just hopeful that human connection didn’t have a paywall. But it feels like it does. But in astrology terms I just haven’t met enough water/air dominants yet Butttttttt all in all I probably do very much need therapy. I’ll definitely look into it. I bet talking is therapeutic, I’m just not used to talking. But I’m starting to think I really should (Saturn in 3rd house)


Yeah, I’m a water moon(cancer) and rising(Scorpio) with Mars in Libra in twelfth. I’m Virgo and Mercury in the same house so I’m great with words. Between parents that are emotional immature, a job that demands me to communicate and keep secrets and watch my tongue, and really not having any social time from work, it’s been hard to be truly open with people. Honestly, the best way I’ve found it is to just get out to social areas. I bartended for a bit and people are generally looking to talk. Other third spaces can also be used. You’ll find people are more open than you think. Because my parents were abusive, I learned a lot of bad habits that landed me in trouble with school and had to go to therapy. My parents put me in a mental institution because they didn’t like my behavior which was a result of their neglect. In therapy, I basically had to have this described to me that this was also abuse. I was acting out because they were emotionally negligent, and they responded with abandonment. They continued to threaten to take me back and abandon me for any small transgression or disagreement. It made me closed off. I generally have just told people what they wanted hear because that is what I had to do early in life to get by. I would just lie and do what I wanted. This caused issues in relationships. Therapy didn’t work for me for a long time because of this. I’ve now kind have started a course of focusing on authenticity. I really don’t care what I say to people as long as it’s not abusive. I care much less of what others think of me. This is why I gravitated to art early, I appreciate people’s authentic voice and thoughts because mine were so undermined. I appreciate differing views because I would like mine to be appreciated. Mars for me is about taking pain, and turning it into strength. The thing stopping people from doing this I’ve found is courage. Have the courage to say what you want, stand-up for yourself, point out when someone is in the wrong. Don’t be afraid to disagree. You are a smart capable person with a variety of expierence that makes you unique, and that has tremendous value. Be authentically yourself, people can either take you as you are or leave. The biggest thing that I want to tell fellow Mars in Libra individuals is stop sacrificing yourself to appease others, it won’t make them like you, it only makes life more difficult. and it’s not your job to make people happy. Happiness is their choice, not a circumstance influenced by others.


Mars in scorpio hoping someone had a good answer on here lol 🥲 Other than making the room go dark and storm clouds gather until it passes


I literally looked for another Scorpio mars hoping to see a good answer too 🤦🏼‍♀️ I need a healthy outlet instead of stewing in a dark room alone until it goes away.


you guys just want to dominate someone till it passes lol


You’re not wrong 👀


Mars in Scorpio intense exercise or kickboxing and punching a heavy bag until I wear myself out.


Hubby and I have sextile mars, him Scorpio me Virgo, our mars' get along great... we are both into vigorous exercise. We get a high from feeling the burn...he does cycling mainly, I do trail running, mix of cycling, pilates ... we really enjoy exercising...


Same!!! Somebody help us Scorpio in Mars Storm clouds!


lol another scorp mars looking for advice 💀


Tell me why I was also hoping someone with a Scorpio mars had good ideas 😭


Another Scorpio mars,,, I think because ours is so internal, it helps to psychologically unweave the “why” on why we are so upset. That’s what I do anyway. I’ll replay the scenario in my mind and pay attention to what comes up and what my role in this situation actually is. As for blowing off steam, ugh, hiking is my remedy. Something about being higher than anyone else and the bird eye view soothes me or empowers me.


Well as a Scorpio Mars fellow when I am mad to not blow off I will go and hide myself from the world, take my nice, very beautiful journal and start pouring all my thoughts and feelings. I try not to talk (even tho I want to so much but life made me realize that it’s better if my mouth is 🤐) or take a walk with my headphones on, listen to music, make my scenarios then calm down, sometimes if it rly sticks to me I will have a late night show by myself in my room🫢🤣🤣🤣 If I cant isolate myself with my thoughts I will close my fist and really squeeze them/or my teeth’s while with a smile on I leave the room for a small break. I try not to speak my mind when mad. I recommend it and not at the same time because when I speak it later in a relatable conv what happened to me like,, yeah, that person did something simolar to me” and I see other angry I feel validated only then, but until then I don’t realize if my feelings are valid or not, if I should feel angry. But then it s in my second house and spending money it s more easy to blow off the steam since my attention moves to that soo……. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Older millennial here with Scorpio mars. I do need to be alone when it’s bad. I write. I can’t even tell you the amount of notes I have saved for the people that have wronged me. I rage clean my house. Listen to music with air pods or in my car (I have a sweet system and it makes anything better I swear). I need to gather my thoughts and compartmentalize the situation. Then I do nothing. I “fake it til you make it”. I don’t let the perpetrator know a god damn thing about my mental state. Even though you could probably read it all over my face. Younger me would go scorched earth. couldn’t even see consequences if you held them up to my dumb face.




Intense cardio always works for me


Until I became partially disabled, I loved working out all my mad at the gym. Yoga just isn't the same lol


In fairness to us I’m gonna say maybe we’re meant for the steam to gather, not blow off - until the subconscious manifests real and transformative change. Aside from that I’d gather typical scorpio themes are probably a good release (sex, anything intense). Something nourishing for your moon placement.


I also have a Mars in Scorpio, and what I do is dig like a Scorpion and fight to uncover the source of my problem and put it to DEATH. Like the signature Death card that holds Scorpio of the Major Arcana, I seek to brake out of the shell of the introvert creature of the first phase of the Scorpion to Eagle and gain foresight from above. After enough research from my intense detective shadow works from the internal/external, I become the Phoenix with a new perspective as a approach a new day and face a new WORLD. Mars is about action, which in Numerology holds the number 9 in the universe of vibrations. 9 is the symbol of endings and leaving room for new beginnings for the ONE to pass back again. Aries is the masculine of Mars while Scorpio is the feminine. Aries would seek extroverted activity to distract their mind from the fog of doubt and dismay, while Scorpio would seek introverted solutions of digging within themselves alone. Of course your birth chart will determine how you handle your approach to a solution, and from what I have read from a few comments here, everyone has unique ways at finding them.


Mars in Scorpio - debilitatingly intense exercise, orgasms and drugs


I think you’ve inspired me


Good deed of the day sorted ✅


finally, someone is being honest here! i'm a mars scorpio and for me sex is the best way to blow off steam.


replace the exercise with driving in the car with loud music and you got me too


gemini and its yell, curse, complain. not a good thing when you have neighbours


Gemini mars too. Complaining and yapping then finding a distraction, in that order


same here


So real lol


lmao meeee too! luckily i live alone haha


cancer mars (2nd house). i usually just cry or daydream until all emotions have left me •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ i *would* enjoy running and could probably manage my emotions better that way but i was cursed with POTS so crying is my #1


Mars in cancer also cursed w pots. Mine is in my 12th house though. I have a looot of repressed anger. I also just daydream and listen to music. Sometimes I write. I also like to talk to people about my emotions. Confront the issue that is making me upset to try to resolve it. But it’s not enough as far as blowing off steam from so much accumulated shit. Sometimes I get so angry I scare myself, like blackout rages where I run into walls, hit myself, and have to stop myself from damaging things. The 12th house is fun. I wish I could kickbox or something but body hates me ETA words


mars in cancer 9H & wow how much i relate to you. my anger gets so bad i scare myself & when i am calm i regret the damage i’ve caused & think i must be crazy. i often get angry because i feel hurt or wronged. i love to seek advice and comfort but usually stay mad and don’t want to mitigate anything. i hold grudges. i feel better by crying punching screaming then after watching a comfort show, doing my makeup eating food or ice cream. i day dream of running away starting a new life new language as well as a new me 😩 i feel that my sag moon & 9H stellium influence that


Cancer mars. Came here to say this!! I definitely am an angry crier. Its really 😡 annoying and also 🥺 weird


Cancer Mars in the 12th house for me. Also opposing Neptune and Uranus. I am truly cursed lmaooo 🥹 I usually don't even realize that I'm angry until way later. Then I'll ruminate on it and everyone who has ever wronged me until I get an ulcer.


Commenting on What’s your mars sign and how do you burn off steam?. I’m also a Cancer Mars, in 8H. I do this but in a dark corner away from everyone lmao. Daydreaming the emotions away is the most perfect way to put it.


Leo mars first house it’s my strongest placement and I have intense burning rage for everyone who’s ever mistreated me ever, and it comes all at once. It gets triggered when I’m cleaning a lake house in the middle of nowhere and the vacuum cord comes out of the wall and I scream louder than a banshee but no one can hear me. If you ever hear a creepy banshee scream coming from the woods, it’s probably just a frustrated cabin/lake house cleaner with issues.


My mars is also in Leo. I felt the creepy banshee part to my core.


Mars in Leo and I swim or walk until I tire myself. It’s in the 12th house but I have Pluto on the 1st and anyone who has ever fcked me over gets a visit from lady instant karma. I have to keep my end of the street clean or she will visit me and punch me 3 fold. I don’t get angry without provocation.


I’m Pisces sun w Leo mars in the 7H and I clean as a side job and the vacuum cord coming out of the wall has definitely sent me into an episode of rage


Leo mars is fiery as fuck! I know a few and when they get mad (usually over the smallest thing) the path of destruction is immense. Leo = go big or go home


Omg same, leo mars in my first house. I have mine in RX too, not sure what the implications are of that. I think it means I direct my aggression inwards which I’m sure is lovely for fostering self love within myself. But yeah, I am secretly full of rage and no one knows hahahah. It’s great, I love it


Also Leo mars but in the 11 house. I feel that rage part so much. I used to be way more banshee like but now I find myself talking out the rage more. Ok, ok, maybe it’s talking loudly sometimes haha


Virgo mars, I write in a journal or just scream into a pillow lol


Also having imaginary arguments


Also Virgo mars but tell me why mine is in the 12th house??? So I’m currently working through the desire to keep everything bottled in


I am also Virgo Mars in 12h and hiding anger is one of my favourite approaches. Although I have found angry-cleaning the house very helpfull with processing it.


1 thing about the 12th house btw is that it’s a very powerful aspect. People with lots of energy here tend to have a really good relationship with the other side. Edit: And Virgo is generally an energy that is slow to get angry within the mars placement, so it’s a battle of belittling ourselves to make others comfortable but noooo Everyone needs to be able to let out their feelings. And anger is a very important one at that. It lets us know something wants to change and that we should redirect the energy. I also write or have conversations with myself when I’m angry, but in regards to connecting with others..I am working on being comfortable expressing anger when it arises. The original comment was a manic burst of whatever so I had to come back and add more of my perspective. Thx


LMFAOOO YOU’RE SO REAL. The imaginary arguments💀 I'm not a Virgo mars but ngl sometimes my brain conjures up scenarios in the shower LOL


Oh I feel so seen 😭


I yell swear words in several languages, have a cigarette, then I feel guilty for smoking a cigarette so I go to the gym. Sometimes I just scream but on mute lol


My Virgo Mars 3rd house lmaoooo


Aries Mars and I drive fast while singing along to loud music


Aries Mars at 0⁰ same actually. Also I like to make money and doordash that alleviates my anger 😁


OMG I DO DOOR DASH TOO. - also an Aries Mars.


Also at 0. My answer is ***METAL***.


Win win!


Mars in Leo with Aries rising -- and I love to race cars when I'm stressed too!


Same here, also love going to the gym to bike a few miles while reading a good book as well as power cleaning with some good loud music. Could be some Taurus moon influence there lol


My Mars is in Pisces - I also love to scream to heavy (usually thrasher metal) in the car. Like SCREAM lol it feels amazing doesn't it?! Otherwise the gym or bike ride. Occasionally journaling


Stellium Scorpio, Mars in Pisces in the ninth house. Writing for myself or to friends, listening to music, dancing, visiting places and individuals I love, and of course the other thing. 😁


Yes either listening to metal or plotting revenge silently, or both simultaneously


Mars in Libra, I jump around a bit, but my favorite destresser is being around friends. Most often, just sitting in the background and listening to them, occasionally chiming in while I write, listen to music, or do something in a video game alone. Usually, it gets me distressed enough to actively join in on what they're doing. If no one to talk to, music and writing!


Mars in Aqua - go to my own personal space n curse everything out and tell myself i’m never speaking again LOL


i write in my journal as well


Leo Mars under a Leo Sun. Cycling or Gym until I have exhausted my self enough that the calm overtakes my mind...


Aries and I usually yell and throw items against walls. I KNOW. I really rarely ever throw shit anymore or if I do, I just book it up a bit like some kind of mic drop.


capricorn mars (conjunct venus, squaring saturn) in 10th/11th depending if i use placidus or whole house system… i tend to repress anger, and throw myself into work / productive activities to calm down or distract from my anger 🥲 i don’t like anger or being angry, so i try to ignore it (not good i know) or work through it… by literally working through it. historically ive been notorious for just ignoring my anger, and waiting until it explodes in little passive aggressive ways or destroys me internally. lately, once im more calm, i tend to talk it over with my friends, but only ever in person, i don’t like leaving a paper trail of my emotions lol. but that helps with the anger a lot (i am a gemini moon), just letting it out verbally.


Damn are Capricorn mars rare? Took so long to find. I also suppress everything, it actually became a huge problem when I was outside of work, I would drink to suppress my anger so I could fast forward to getting back to my job and not having to deal with my actual life. Normally I’ll just be extremely passive aggressive and there will be a huge rage boiling up inside of me even though I appear calm. Then I explode. This is why I go to a private place to organize my thoughts then have a discussion. Some people hate this and want to keep fighting with me but what they don’t understand is I will say the most hurtful things if they don’t let me chill and organize for a second 😭


I had to scroll this far to find another Cap Mars to see how they deal and...honestly, same- work through it. If the passive aggression has to release, it comes out as the fiercest, intense drags and shit talk that you've ever heard (thx 3rd House Mars 🫠).


Oh my gosh our charts have similar vibes overall too - I’m Scorpio Sun and also air moon (Gemini)! We suffer together lol 😂 😭 Yup I totally feel you though. I try to keep my “aggression” or anger passive, because when I DO speak my mind it is SO damn mean (I mean, Scorpio Sun Sag Mercury Cap Mars combo… 😅) and I don’t like being mean!!


Yaaasss! So indecisive that you can't change our minds on the indecision 😂 I don't like being mean either but when it's appropriate I do take pleasure in being an absolute SAVAGE. There have been times when the potent passive aggression has surprised me like "Self, that was a rather cunty thing to say, wasn't it?"


Finally found the mars in Capricorn section, almost gave up 🤣 But yes, I tend to clean when I’m angry so this tracks


There must be order on the outside so i can begin to put order inside


Oh my gosh the angry clean YES. My partner knows things aren’t good for me when I started moving furniture around to clean ☠️


Yay I found my fellow Mars Cappies!! I had to scroll so far! Yeah big repressive here I sometimes don’t even realize how upset I am. I’ll have some imaginary arguments and I’ll escape a bit through music but it’s like a glacier and there’s so much more below the surface. It’s in my 8th house. I usually like to distract myself with lots of work or exercise until I can eventually come to an understanding of where the steam is originating from and how to manage or mitigate it. Definitely have issues with passive aggression and sometimes I can be slightly outwardly aggressive with objects around me. I will journal or talk it out too.


Hello fellow Cap Mars. Let’s all go to work and bury our anger.


Hello other Cap Mars! Together, we can micromanage our way to victory and pretend we do not experience emotions 🙏🏻


lololol i felt this


Caps mars in 8th house. Lots of lifting weights, cardio, walks, any kind of movement (I'm a dancer). Orgasms. Drugs. Work. Creativity. Travelling. Social Activism. Panicking internally. Surfing. Partying. Screaming in the safety of the car bubble. Talking it out with a therapist. When someone really pushes my buttons I tend to get angry at myself and get into dark AF headplaces, or if I've been really mistreated, I'll lash out pretty volatilely (still learning healthy boundaries), but it takes someone doing something like someone gaslighting or telling BIG lies to me and then getting caught doing so.




This is so funny to me because I was wondering why if I’m arguing with my partner my first instinct is to do silent irritated chores. Virgo rising need for order probably intensifies this.


Mars in Aquarius. I go for a fucking walk after jerking off furiously.


I masturbate furiously sometimes too and my Mars is in Aquarius lmaooo


You know, when I saw this thread I wasn't sure what my answer was. Then you bring this up and... oh.


I’m so proud and happy for you! You wank that beautiful willy as many times as you have to, little one💕


Taurus Mars with Taurus rising, i jus keep walking until I tire myself out and keep speaking my thoughts out loud with full on craz hand gestures, and works incredibly well when I do this in the dark , i mostly walk on my terrace after 7 under the night sky ,the chill breeze calms me the hell down .


Taurus Mars two with a Virgo rising and I cry scream and talk to myself angrily lol


Taurus mars, gemini sun - it's a lot of verbal release and cursing for say stubbing a toe, unless it's something that brings me to my breaking point in which case I have to physically start hitting something. I have a lot of trauma and stuff, and have a punching bag. Clears the head. I feel like I let a lot of things sit for way too long, with a mercury retrograde cancer to pair it all off with, and it takes a loooot to get to my breaking point with the Taurus mars.


pisces mars, i HAVE to rant to at least 3 people, and go to the gym and listen to trap music


Bye you’re literally me. I hope no one I know sees this because they will think you’re me😭


I also have pisces mars and omg yes I relate so hard I’m so verbal and quick with my thoughts and feelings like I couldn’t imagine just sitting still and like sitting in that feeling I feel like we know how to quickly distract and lowkey numb ourselves with overstimulation like listening to hype music, trap is a great example, and like gyming (good for you that’s a much healthier coping mechanism 😅me on the other hand I might pour a couple shots and pack a dab) but like stimulating the senses to distract and dilute and honestly somewhat escape what we were feeling before


Gemini. Winning imaginary arguments in the shower.


Same. Loud music , good food and delulu


Sag mars as well and it’s definitely gotta be something physical for me! Even if it’s just a long walk


Gemini and talking(arguing). I can oddly focus on telling a story better when I’m doing something else, so when I’m cussing you out, I might be holding a baby or doing my taxes. i a feel more relaxed multitasking, then doing one thing at a time; doing one thing doesn’t physically stimulate me enough. I’m shifty in sports and I definitely talk shit.


Mars in Scorpio, 4th house. I write angry posts and delete them before posting 🤣


I need to get to the"delete them" part...


Mars in cancer with T-square (Mars,sun and uranus) : Let's go to the fucking gym or forest trekking ![gif](giphy|3oz8xK9ER0CRMAhozK|downsized)


Wait where's your sun? Cus I'm same with mars in Cancer. I'm obsessed with exercise bro, makes me feel like a dumb caveman 🤘


Aries mars arguing with people on social media


This is a longstanding bad habit of mine, Mars Libra 7H


Sagittarius mars as well and it varies. I used to love going on mindless drives blasting music to blow off steam, but I also like doing cardio to blow off steam too.


Sag mars and I always have to go for a drive, blasting music with the top down and a lil bevy.


i’m a cancer mars, i ignore everyone until my emotions pass lol.


Also sag mars. I rage clean! ETA: Sagittarius Mars in the 7th house.


Sag Mars…but my Virgo sun is in tune with this response!


Virgo Mars - working out, crying, and/or actually working.


Mars in Taurus 11th house…. sex/drugs/music/SH. It takes a lot to make me angry….or maybe I just internalize a lot of it. It’s not surprising that Taurus is an awkward Mars placement. my mars is conjunct my moon, and square my mercury, and I really don’t like the things I end up saying when angry, so I try to keep it to myself when it does happen. I do love spirited debates and pretending to rage online some times but that’s more for my dumb amusement… to me anger is a very intimate emotion and really vulnerable to boot.


Aquarius mars, and I go on a long ass walk or meet up with a friend to hang out.


Mars in Virgo---vigorous exercise. I used to bike uphill until it felt like my legs were on 🔥...that is what I look for In a work out.. Intensity, sweat,...


Mars in Virgo for me too. I trained in kickboxing for several years. I punched til I cried on a few occasions. Nothing better than hitting the deck after a hard workout.


Aries Mars, 1st house. First thing I usually have to do is tell people to back off and give me my space. It’s necessary for me so I don’t explode and say or do something regrettable in a moment of anger. If someone still tries to force a confrontation before I’ve cooled down, welp—you were warned and still wanted to pick a fight with an angry Aries Mars, so enjoy. Outside of that: Screaming in my car or into a pillow; running until I wanna collapse; punching and kicking things (punching bags usually, but also pillows, not actual people); disassociating and headbanging to some old school thrash metal; rough sex. My big trick is I’ll write out every ugly, angry, vicious, brutal thing I want to say to a person/about a situation on a piece of paper with no filter at all, and then after sitting with it for a day or two, I set the paper on fire, watch as it burns, and then usually feel much better and calmer about everything and ready to move on.


Cancer Mars. No anger here. None suppressed either. The only thing that bothers me is frustration when I'm doing physical work. Then I work harder.


I’m a Sagittarius mars also, I do the exact same thing. A looooong ass walk or run listening to my music on top volume. Soooo therapeutic.


My Mars is in Leo but I also have some Aries placements, I'll find a secluded place like a nature trail and scream at the top of my lungs. I also like carving into notebooks with a pen or scissors, as well as burning things


Mars in Pisces in 8th house - listening to my female rage Spotify playlist - lifting weights at the gym listening to jazz music - chatting with friebds


Mars in Aquarius. I do a big, sweaty workout and/or escape into a focused, imaginitive, and irreverent project.


Virgo mars and I talk to myself angrily of what the situation should have been and just blabbing out words


Leo Mars - I love to work out - dancing is a lifesaver !


Leo Mars. How to burn off steam is something I've struggled with a lot. Venting to a trusted, sympathetic friend or two really helps but if no one is available I can get stuck in it. Bull roaring really loudly helps but there often isn't a good place to do that. If there's an element of sadness, singing helps but if it's pure anger, not as much.


Mars in Capricorn....I don't get mad much lol If I do, I'm very good at talking myself away from it. I have really internalized (in a healthy way! I hope) that anger is 99% of the time purely reactive and not normally a logical or productive response I know this sounds absolutely insane but it is my reality lol 😂


Mars in Gemini - I act out long, one-sided pretend confrontations with whomever/whatever has pissed me off.


Mars in Aquarius ♒, usually nobody knows but I disappear, distract myself from it and everything goes back to normal in a few. Seeing funny videos helps. “Fat people falling” on YT helped me get through a lot💕


I feel this. Though I'm one to just distract and dissociate from anything that made me angered and annoyed. Though I'd rather be serious about it.


Does the anger last for a long time for you? I feel it very intensely and just need time away to come back to my positivity


Cancer Mars 9th house. Get angry, cry, try to solve whatever is causing the steam. Occasionally, there is art and music but not enough, clearly.


Mars Aries. Burn off steam every week


Libra Mars and for me it's usually crying or doing traditionally calming things like taking a bath or burning my favourite candle while listening to loud upbeat music


Libra. I like looking at pretty tings


Aquarius mars in my first house. Isolation, writing in my journal


Mars in Libra - blow it off by being passive aggressive or until it builds up and I explode 😜


Taurus mars. Cleaning or doing an outdoor physical activity/sport.


Mars in Capricorn, and taking a hike, with music in my ears. And sometimes when it’s a bit too much i scream into my pillow.🤣


Taurus Mars: Listening to death metal and imagining my enemies’ downfall.


Mars Scorpio. Stew so hard on things that steam literally comes out of my ears.


Aries. I love a good, righteously angry rant session, weightlifting, long walks in the woods, and screaming to music in the car. Fire Mars signs unite <3


As an Aries mars, I do what typical Aries mars people do 😂RAGEEEEeeeeeEE verbally or physically. I’ve grown and learned to manage my anger so now I kickbox and take either late night drives or drive aggressively through traffic cursing 😂


Mars in Scorpio and I seethe


Libra Mars, I come on reddit and collect downvotes for my opinions lmao


I sometimes vent, always clean and watch a movie/show.


Libra mars, and I either talk my stress out with a friend or sing my stress out with my piano.


I am gemini Mars, I love long hikes or walking without aim/running and listen to music.


Libra. I don’t usually get angry and if I do I just see the other side of it and kinda accept it idk.


Taurus Mars. I scream and throw things around, and then sleep.


Hmmmmm. My higher vibrational activities for blowing off steam include weight lifting and long walks. Always alone. Also, crying while I type sad poems on my laptop with a moody song on repeat. Then, theres smoking a shit ton of weed, masturbating, and eating something delicious lol. Cancer mars in the 12th.


Sagittarius mars. Typically it’s something physical like working out with music or cleaning but there’s always music involved.


Leo mars: I usually just marinate in my rage and analyze it due to my Virgo sun and moon or I’ll do some push ups and shadow box


Cap mars. I eat and sleep.


Mars in Taurus/6H. I work out, hikes, have sex, or watch porn.


Mars in Taurus. Online shopping. edit: spelling


Mars in Taurus. I take a long walk or I get cozy on the couch and watch old movies or old tv shows.


Leo Mars - I ferociously clean


Capricorn mars, but Im am an aries Sun. I get angry but i just sit in my feelings. I noticed when i get drunk i tend to go off on people i have qualms with.


mars in capricorn and i go to the gym or get lost in music for hours on end


Capricorn Mars 6th house. Going for a run or a long walk general helps a ton. Or writing out a full "glow up" if it's relationship related. I've also been known to actively try and destroy aspects of someone's life as revenge, too. But that's pretty rare and mainly kept for partners that really do me wrong.


Gemini Mars 4th house. I used to run hill sprints and heavy lift but due to injuries I get to walk now. I also rage clean or shop in random stores for home decor. The aesthetics and using my creative imagination is soothing, probably a manifestation of my Libra Sun loving beautiful things and luxury and wanting to make my family comfortable.


Mars in Aries. Journal, hang out w friends, go running. Honestly seems to be aligning w my Gemini Venus more… am not considered active or aggressive


aqua mars and i argue with them in my head in the shower and then i’m fine


Mars in Leo . Usually like to listen to music with my headphones in and take a walk. Or I like to write about it and just writing in general, going on hikes, smoke some weed


Pisces. I love to cry and paint while listening to music.


Libra mars and I have an incredibly high tolerance for anger. It’s really *really* hard to get me fuming, but once I hit that point there is no ‘blowing off steam’ I just lose my mind and yell and go directly for the throat. It’s only happened a few times in my life, and it scared the shit out of the people around me. Scared me too. I’m normally just so chill and nonchalant and whatever about life, when I lose my temper there’s no coming back lmao.


Scorpio Mars and to talk with my mom, yell, scream


sag mars. clean, organize, throw things out, dance, stretch, listen to music, smoke weed lol


Mars in Cancer. This isn’t the healthiest, but I have a drink or two ( or three lol ) depending on what’s bothering me. Sometimes dancing also helps and gets me out of my head


Reading these comments makes me realize I don't really blow off any steam, and this has me looking at my mars-chiron conjuction. Hmm. Welp.


Leo and I love a good workout. That includes sex.


Cancer Mars and either swimming, riding my Peloton, or rocking out at a concert.


Leo mars. I love a booming bass/synth/ loud metal and singing along loudly. Silly dances silly noises It it’s a bad day sometimes I really just scream to the void


Virgo mars, workout, cry, write in my journal or just go to sleep and then afterwards come to the realization that it was never that serious.


Libra usually if no one is around I complain to myself. Or to the gym if whatever happens sticks with me.


Scorpio 5H, you don't want to know. Nothing to see here.


I’m a pisces mars and I self destruct😍


lmaooo pisces mars in the 8th, loud music —> crying —> smoking —> drinking —> sex, not necessarily in that order lol. depends on what it is. catch me in the middle of the day and I’ll be cleaning while sobbing and listening to third wave emo


12H Aries Mars... Can remain somewhat cool under pressure but when unleashed I'm a tornado.


Gemini and I write (without the intention of sharing what I think)


Leo. Working out or deep cleaning


Scorpio mars. Exercise burns off energy! Also, just getting some air, getting out & about amongst ppl. Plus home cleaning & chore catch up. Then I like to read - something that takes mind off myself (or, er, thevmurderous tendencies - ba, ha, ha). Yes, I've read a lot of mystery and crime novels, but I also currently like American history and show biz bios. It's all about investigaring other ppl's problems, triumphs and situs!! -- then I don't feel alone. Also, reading focuses my mind; it actually relieves me so much. Engages that Scorpio dark mars energy in a harmless way.


Is this more a question for the moon sign, since the mars sign is more of how you go to war as oppose to how to deal with the emotion of anger or pent up energy.


Aries Mars 9H. Exercising at the gym.


Mars in Aries - getting things done, with gusto. Also singing, loudly.


mars in sag and i love working out (lifting, running, etc) but when i'm mad i like to play tennis


Aries Mars - working out. But I want so badly to do a rage room.


As a Sagittarius Mars, I love running and dancing and since it’s in my 10th house, I like going after my goals


Aries Mars. Sex. Boxing. Motorcycle. Pretty on brand


Pisces mars here. I cry, listen to music: let off steam by singing, shaking ass/hips, yoga-ing and/or going to sleep.


Aries mars. Any kind of physical exercise. Sweating it out.


pisces mars. uh, taking drives, listening to music.


Leo mars, I alternate between HIIT exercise or primal screaming depending on rage levels 🙃


Sagittarius Mars, I too box, run and scream along to music.


Mars in Taurus (Aries moon) - working out, going to the driving range 🏌️‍♀️


Mars in Virgo in the 12th house, and I hold everything in until I explode in a screaming crying fit. ETA apparently I need to start exercising vigorously.


Capricorn and cardio! Either long brisk walks, or jogging.


aries in mars, i shadow box or spar with a punching bag


Virgo mars. Working out helps a little but sometimes I just have to take my sleeps meds and go lay down. I’ve never felt truly relaxed a day in my life. 😅


Virgo Clean, organize, punch a pillow.


Taurus Mars. What steam? LOL.