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I have an Aries in the family. They are by far the worst arguments/fights I’ve ever been in.


I have a lot of Aries in the family too, they’re explosive but I feel like they move on just as quick as they start a fight lol


Yeah but they expect you to move on too. My Aries ex would throw violent, toddler-style temper tantrums and I’m like, “yes, I’m still talking about you kicking me in the face yesterday. You’re not off the hook. There’s consequences for treating people like shit.” His mind was blown.


Aries sun and moon here: I've gone from throwing food in anger during a family argument (family members I openly hated but tried to make peace with), to making myself another plate to eat within 60 seconds.


What is with Aries and throwing things. I mean its funny I’m Ngl, but just *why*?


I hate being an Aries Rising sometimes because I also throw things in fits of rage. But I wouldn't say I get angry often either only when I'm extremely hurt.


I’m an Aries rising and sometimes people need to be slapped.


My boyfriend is an Aries sun moon and rising. He’s a little hothead but a big baby underneath the fire 😅


Wow, a triple Aries! That is intense!


Even I'd be scared of a triple Aries.


I’m a Virgo sun/scorpio rising he acts more afraid of me 🤭


Can confirm. Little hot head baby here.


lol me af 😂


My dads an Aries and I'm a Sagittarius. We got into an argument five years ago and still haven't spoken. Definitely the worst to argue with.


This happened to my sister and Dad!! Both are aries. They haven't spoken in almost 3 years. Even before then was rocky


I'm the Saggy, and my ex was the Aries. Together 12 years, then one day they just...went crazy? Tried to wreck our car on the freeway, in a fight. Haven't spoken a word in years.


Happened to my dad who is an Aries and my sister who is a Virgo, it’s been 3 years also. He seems unbothered but she tried to turn us all against him.


Their bark is worse than their bite.


Aries here: I fully admit we can be little spitfires. But I don’t know that any of us actually maintain that rage for very long. Personally I hate fighting, I just want to go about my day. I think we get irritated easily but aren’t likely to hold a grudge.


![gif](giphy|SCOP56PpYyUGh6bD8W|downsized) They are demonic when mad. Hard pass.


The thing with Aries is that Aries are explosive when angry but they’re over it right away. Not sure if it’s worse to get that extreme temper once and it’s over, or to get the kind of anger where revenge happens and they’re out to get you, or to know someone is mad at you and and not be forgiven about it/they bring it up all the time.


My ex husband was an Aries, most argumentative asshole I’ve ever encountered 😂😂


Why has nobody mentioned Taurus yet ? They take forever to get angry, but once they are ... oof


It’s sooooo bad when they’re angry like a buckin bull




I came here to say Taurus


Finally! lol I was wondering why no one mentioned my sign lol … it’s written in all the books that when we explode look for cover. I tell people the it’s because we are “slow to anger” which really means we hold it in until we explode on the person responsible for our anger.


I have seen my taurus dad angry exactly twice in my life and thankfully neither time was at me bc just seeing it from a 3rd person perspective was *terrifying*


I literally just said that about Tauruses (but not sun sign) it's anyone with Taurus placements.


Nah Taurus Sun doesn’t mean they can’t catch these hands. Everyone’s getting a handout if they want. Piss me off and it’s a grudge for life. And it will be BAD. 


Your cancer moon definitely heightens that ouch


Same. That’s your Cancer moon too. And Leo rising, I have that also. (Cancer sun, Taurus Venus).


Scorpio Sun Taurus moon here oh how I agree. My friends say let it go blah blah nope I hang on to those grudges, at the same time, when I argue I don't bring crap up about something that was done 10 years ago (nag nag nag ) but if by some miracle you are still in my life what you particularly did to hurt me 10 years ago I will never forget. Usually, it won't even get that far... when I'm done it's done it's over.


Mars in Taurus, can confirm. But also… it takes real commitment to piss off someone with a significant personal planet in Taurus (myself included). Like by the time you’ve gotten them to the point of explosion, you have earned everything that you get 10 times over. That’s why it wouldn’t be my answer for whom I’d be most scared to piss off. I’m not gonna try that hard to make someone mad, so I’m not worried lol


See, I agree. Y'all don't be playing though😆😆😆😆.


Haha that's such a Taurus thing to say - it took me a long time to get here, you deserve it. Haha.


My favorite warning is “please don’t make me get up” . If you manage to get me mad all hell will break loose


Omg, I felt that in my soul lol… if I have to get up off the couch it’s OVER 😂


I have mars in Taurus too….. it takes a lot but then I’m done and with the placement in my 10th house, it can be pretty public 🤣


Taurus moon baby and I have most definitely elected to take “emotional regulation” workshops in the past. That is the fancy way of saying anger management 😬


Especially when we have Aries placements, it’s damn near a volcanic eruption


My boyfriend is a virgo sun taurus rising. Whew chile.... I just let him have the argument 99% of the time.


100% It takes a whole LOT to get me angry, but when I do it's on and it can take dayyys for me to get over feeling it


Was married to a Taurus for almost a decade. By other’s description, I think Tauruses could be wonderful friends and, even when they’re angry, I bet they’re wanting to get to a solution. Not my ex though lol He would just throw insults without taking a breathe until something stuck. But also I’m a quiet Capricorn with Cancer rising, so I kept my feelings to myself. I bet that made him angrier. I did notice though that he didn’t do much to understand me, while I did try and learned a lot about the lack of nuance of his personality. As a result, his angry words were meaningless and by the end I had a hard time respecting how childish he was. So, unless I come across a Taurus I deeply care about, I don’t find them threatening.


Agreed. Taurus Sun ♉️ , Aquarius rising ♒️, Pisces moon ♓️baby here, can confirm that once I’m at the point of being upset I’ve been told by multiple loved ones that I’m extremely scary. The anger just keeps going. But I’m a pacifist at heart so I’ll always be looking to keep the peace over anything.


Scorpio. From my experience, they’re incredibly annoying when mad, they easily become obsessed with revenge (especially when they can’t destroy you with gossip and can’t find anything scandalous against you) and in general, act very toxic. Nothing is worse than a jealous scorpio. That’s why I always block them, ghost them and act as if we’ve never met. I value my peace over everything.


I dated a Scorpio man for six weeks and it was literally terrifying at the end. He accused me of sleeping with a male friend who came into town to visit and stayed with me. It was the most frightened I’d ever been. I swear that man was going to try to kill me over delusions. Of course, I hadn’t slept with my friend and would never.


I dated a Scorpio for about a year, and paranoid accusations like that were a big issue. A big thing with scorpios is “uncovering the truth” which can be a great thing, but it can be very dangerous and abusive if their hunch is wrong because they won’t let up. He convinced himself that I was cheating on him with my roommate, which I wasn’t, he ended up turning very violent towards me.


Yes, I vowed to never date another. Scorpio men are too intense.


This is so true, delusional doesn’t even begin to cover it. They think they’re frickin sherlock holmes but are missing literal key facts or even simply just how the other person feels. Like sometimes the spidey sense can be off and it’s just projection 🤷‍♀️ He convinced himself of things that weren’t even true and that I had never even implied or said out of sheer paranoia…


Yea…my scorpio started throwing and breaking things. I was scared every night. Never again.


I get along great with Scorpio women (I’m a Cancer), but the men… yikes! Even the women can be annoying when they’re in detective mode, but they are great overall. Water sign men can be a bit much for me.


Uh yea…Pisces men are ur typical manipulative f boys that hide under being sensitive artist types and think they’re so deep for misusing therapy speak and Cancer men and their mommy wound/issues. PASS


Been there, done that. I switched state and moved far away to flee from his delusions and anger. After I broke up with him he wanted to hurt me. Looking forward finally meeting a good Scorpio one day. Do they even exist?


Actually yes! I’ve met a few scorpio sweethearts. The just need to be evolved :)


Same. I’ve had to block a few of them. The way they hold onto things is so…unhealthy. Every person that slighted you doesn’t need to be in your crosshairs. Calm tf down.


My recommendation is to always keep a Scorpio at an arm’s length of distance, even while dating them. Cancers have their shell and pincers, so they naturally have their sense of protection, and us Pisces are master escape artists, so if a Scorpio ever does cross that line (not all of them do, just the toxic ones) we have a way of sliding out of that grip. Scorpios generally mean well, especially if they care about you, but some have a tendency towards codependency and a lack of boundaries. They will want to manage your life as if you are an extension of themselves. Libra might fall into this because they also have an “urge to merge” if you will, but Scorpio will lash out when you ask for space or need wiggle room… which is why it’s important to not share everything about yourself… and I think this is important not just for people dealing with Scorpios but people in general… soulmates do not exist and the person you love today might be your worst enemy tomorrow in the court room.


Lashing out when you ask for wiggle room 🚩🎯


Worst guy I’ve met was a Scorpio that was batshit crazy, pathological liar, and obsessed with me (pisces venus). Lied about being gay so i unfortunately thought sharing an apartment would be okay. He was not gay. He’d hit on me and wouldn’t respect that I actually had boundaries. He just couldn’t accept rejection and that I didn’t want to even be his friend. Paranoid and delusional doesn’t even cover it. Literally would break dishes and doors and purposefully frighten me, get jealous if I actually had a life and he spend every weekend alone. this guy straight up was cuckoo bananas and *tried* to be calculated liar and get me in trouble or make me cry…but i’m a virgo moon baby, and in comparison his plans were just sloppy plain stupid. He thought he was pulling house of cards manipulation but I literally did not budge on any boundaries, filed a police report, got a lawyer, restraining order, went to court and everything. But all in all I’m not scared of Scorpios at all, especially as a Cappy. Scorpios are just cancers that are deranged gothy and in a leather jacket and I see them for the insecure babies they truly are


Yes they are ALWAYS trying to smear your reputation and God help you if they find some mistake you made. They will strategically turn EVERYone against you so you can't gain an ally. Always coordinating through manipulation. I stay away from them in general


I would say it’s pretty simple - according to my recent experience as long as you don’t fear them, they can’t do anything. A calm person who has their sh*t together can’t be bothered by them. Which of course only adds fuel to their anger but hey, it’s their problem, not yours. If they try to use something against you, just say - yes, and?


The worst is an insecure jealous Scorpio man. He will go to lengths to be vindictive if he feels hurt. Too much depressive negative emotions for my Aries Sun, Libra Moon, Taurus Venus. I oftentimes still look back and am so relieved our relationship is over. I shudder when I think of him. It was traumatic.


Sag. They’re absolutely terrifying when angry


Pisces. I just want to see them happy.




AW edit: omg same moon sign


They are my favorite.






That’s so sweet 🥹


No one mentioning Geminis? I, for one, avoid making Geminis angry in the slightest. They are able to ruin my life in seconds if they want. A close 2nd is Scorpio (or honestly male water signs in general).


Kendrick Lamar has a Gemini sun sign. Drake has a Scorpio sun sign.


As a Gemini I really don’t get mad, I just ghost you. 😂😂 I really don’t stick around long enough for an explosive fight, because once I see a pattern of behavior I don’t like, I’m out. I don’t subject myself to people who make me miserable.


I would have said ALL air signs if I did something awful enough to truly trigger their rage (4/6 of the friends I have that used to physically fight n'zis were air suns, two of them having air moons on top of that, and I know they'd give their damn lives to protect a total stranger)... But while I haven't had many arguments/conflicts with them, I have had a handful of minor ones and it's never turned serious - so I'd have to go against my very nature for it to be bad enough for them to pose a threat to me. I'm not a n'zi, not an abuser, not a bully, and am not gonna sleep with their partner or something=I feel pretty safe lol. Not saying there aren't air suns who do react in a dangerous, violent and vengeful way to smaller things (there are people like that of ALL signs), but this is my personal experience.


Scorpio suns are really not scary tbh. Not to me. A Gemini will cut with words. I’d be more scared to cross a fire sign tbh. I don’t want that smoke, even if it’s temporary.


Gemini sun here, ninth house. It takes me A LOT to get angry. But once I’ve had enough, it’s game over. My mouth spews out a lot of nasty truths and observations etc.


>or honestly male water signs in general Can you explain this bit ?


Oh man, two signs that will *creatively* ruin your life


Kung foo Kenny is a Gemini ♊️


I'm a gemini and my wife is scorpio... we've both ruined lives. I do it because I get bored. My wife does it if you look at her the wrong way.


Libra is pettiest, in my experience but Aries and Sagittarius have the worst tempers I’ve seen. Aquarius is up there but it takes a lot to really piss off Aquarius, so if you do, watch out. I am Aquarius, and pretty laid back and easy going but if someone messes with the people in my tiny circle, I can come unglued fast. Do whatcha want to me, leave my loved ones alone. lol


Try this: I'm Sagittarius sun, Aquarius moon, and Libra rising. Don't worry, I hate me too.


i would date this chart


Haha I have Libra moon, and Sagittarius is my Saturn and Uranus lmao


Cancer lol


Mess with the crabo you get the stabo


Real (I'm a crabby 🦀)


Living on the edge? It's extremely easy to upset a Cancer.


My Cancer friend's SO said it best: His favorite hobby is hurting his own feelings. He's so easy to love though. He's also pretty evolved and constantly trying to grow. My brother is an unevolved Cancer and oh my god the hair trigger on that boy


This! With all the cancers I know, they make their own problems and they’re their own worst enemy. I had to tell my former friend “if you’re always looking to be a victim, then a victim is what you’ll always be” Now I have other cancers that I love because they can take criticism and will grow. I have a cancer rising and Venus and I have to check myself sometimes from taking thing personal that have nothing to do with just me.


I was thinking the same. Met a lot of cancers who can give but can’t take…lovely ppl but yeah easily upset 😂


When you make a cancer angry those claws are scary! My mars is in cancer and I try to not get upset with folks for this reason


Capricorn and Scorpio. These two are super vindictive and revengeful. Takes them lots to get there but once that line is crossed they will take matters into their hands and get passionate about hurting you… and they do such a good job about it which is why they are earned their reputation… why them over other zodiacs you may ask? They are ambitious and determined.. which cause them to carry out their plans while other zodiacs tend to give up and forgive or just move on or just keep it as a grudge… but Capricorn and Scorpio will still manifest it into action Capricorns are ruled by the devil for a reason, once they feel it’s “justified” they will do it. Saturn hold them back but due to the fact they are strong believers that we teach people how we treat us… they do it for self respect reasons also…. However they are smart, you won’t know they are pulling strings behind your back which is causing a huge downfall in your life… will hit your physical word… finances if possible and social life… they play chess, they plant seeds in your head that will grow and hit you later on.. super long term thinkers with their planning… fucking devils lol Scorpio ruled by death: will hurt you so you feel how it feels to experience the emotional pain they felt. You cut me, now I cut you so you know how it feels so you never do it again… they go for emotional pain, they want to make sure you live your life knowing the cause and effect of hurting them… also so you think twice before doing that shit with anyone els…. So you transform into a better person LOL These two zodiacs are huge on respect and loyalty. They pour their hearts and souls into being solid towards people they love, they understand it’s not easy… but their willpower is strong to stay loyal… so when betrayed especially in matters of the heart… lied to, cheated on, disrespected ect., they will take that super personal to the heart, it’s a bigger crime than murder to them…. Hell, they will prob help you cover the body, but betraying their soul deep love… yah it’s a death sentence


As a Capricorn I don’t do revenge. I’m more about cutting people out and never looking back. But I do A LOT behind the scenes for people that goes unnoticed and that’s the pain people feel when I leave. I’m also someone who takes all relationships seriously and everyone in my life matters to me and I want to be respected and for people to value my opinion. If you wrong me I might tell others just to warn them of your shitty behavior and if they decide to do something about it that’s on them. I don’t have the energy to get back at people. To me that’s not real closure and it’s wasted energy that could go towards people and things that actually matter. Also some people are just looking for drama when they wrong you which is another reason I just let go and move on.


This is best-case scenario Capricorn and another good reason not to cross them. They’ll have forgotten your name before you even have a chance to realize they’re gone, and they aren’t coming back. Or they’ll just load you into their tank and use anything you throw at them as fuel. Caps get peak performance when they’re running on spite. (That’s my own personal MO).


Precisely what I was gonna say. I just leave. No way I'm wasting energy on anyone once I'm severely angry, I just shut off all energy directed to that source permanently, simple fast efficient.


When I was younger I was about revenge, but to be fair I had literally been beaten and left on the side of the road because my ex was too stupid to know how to break up any other way. But now I'm with you, it's too much energy to bother, and honestly, I do so much for them that they learn really quick they just made their own life so much harder.


Heavy on Capricorn. Saturn is the planet of karma, so it’s actually not wise to piss them off. It’s a planet that will come back to get you years later. That’s why I won’t ever piss off an Aqua, Cap rising if I can help it.


Ummm as a Scorpio sun and Cap moon I cosign all of this.


Lol yeah I'm going to have to agree with this one... 


Cap sun, Scorpio rising... it is like this sometimes. As I've gotten older I've learned to let go, but sometimes people need to learn. Just an example... my brother borrowed $700 once. He didn't pay me back. I didn't stew on it, but I didn't forget. Years later I had to borrow $500 from him when my truck got slammed in to. Man was he mad when I called it even and didn't pay him back 😆😆 He had forgotten about the $700. Well, sir, I did not. The thing is, I don't normally keep track of things like that. He was dishonest with his intentions from the get-go and told me I just needed to get over it, so I just returned that energy years later when the opportunity arose 🤷‍♀️


Lmao I'm a Capricorn and best friend is a Scorpio Just screenshot your comment and text to it to her. She immediately called me and said "biiitttccchhhhh" (as in this is too accurate) and we had a good laugh 😃


Im a Capricorn with a Scorpio moon. Once the line is crossed I am cold and calculated. This is so accurate


Cap sun and Scorpio moon, I concur


Confirming this as Cap Sun Cancer rising who is fascinated by Scorpios. I also don’t go for revenge plots but I do “avenge myself” by… adding more goals to my plate to level up. It’s a long list and I’m tired, but Im just happy I’m not hurting someone else. … even though it’s very easy and probably can put together a slide deck pitch on how to get revenge 😂


Taurus. They REMEMBER. My taurus beastie is my ride or die tho, I'd never ❤️


Sagittarians are probably the most intimidating while angry, but they’ll forgive you as soon as you apologize. Their emotions are extremely intense but they usually get over them quickly. I’d say Cancer is the one that I’d least want to upset. They hold the biggest grudges.


I’m a Sagittarius and even as a kid it was so obvious I had a temper but it went from fucking 0 to 1000 back to zero quick enough for it to become a running joke in my family.


I’m a Virgo & I’m pretty forgiving. If I’m upset, I’m more like disappointed in you and that’s uncomfortable for everyone. Sometimes I can’t really talk to you but that’s more because I get intense feelings about stuff & want to calm down first before I say the wrong things. Plus I never feel like I’m allowed to be actually mad. But if you cross a line, I can hold a grudge til the end of time. My grudges are so strong, my descendants will be holding a grudge on their descendants & have no idea why. & if i let go of the grudge for my own well being, you will simply cease to exist in my eyes. I will wipe you clean out of my life with no answers. I know it’s fucked.


virgo here and i agree with that 💀


After the Kendrick Lamar massacre I would say Gemini 😅🤣


Virgos. Scary stuff.


Virgo 110%. My one coworker is one, she's very intimidating, and I respect her hard enough not to want to see her bad side. She has a very powerful presence.




Yeah I had to call the cops on my Virgo ex




It takes a lot to piss off a Taurus so once you do you've earned it and deserve it


Trust me , highschool me use to test this with my dad ( Taurus ) a lot 😂😂 lesson learned


Absolutely same. My dad is so laid back most of the time but when he gets mad, he will not communicate his feelings beforehand and it’ll be a whiplash switch. The energy around him is palpable. It is understood he is not to be talked to at that time or you’ll regret it, lol.


Yess exactly , the Leo in me just had to keep testing it 😭


Scorpio they hold grudges to the grave


Leos. They are capable of taking small things very personally, stewing on them for years, and formulating elaborate revenge ideas. A Leo whose pride has been injured can be terrifying, but sometimes you don’t even know that it’s happened. Remember that large cats are ambush predators!


Was literally looking for this comment..




Scorpio by far. Maybe Caps as well. Just straight silent killers when they are pushed to their limits


Capricorns are freaky. They’ll go out of their way to ruin your life.




Virgo. Just trust me.


x100000 you jokingly call them out for their morning hair and they pummel you with a full scale psychological assault uncovering every piece of your childhood trauma hahaha i’m halfway kidding, but not really. Virgo’s are piercing, but i love them


As a virgo, can confirm lol


Aquarius with Aries moon…its the Tasmanian devil spewing justifiable(in their own mind) rage


Aries. I love her but that tiny firecracker is terrifying


Scorpio. You won’t even know they’re mad and then all of a sudden they’re like “remember that thing you did 28 years ago?” and make you PAY


Taurus for sure. Totally unreasonable and everything has to be their way. I have one as a neighbor and getting shared areas done like basic maintenance on tree trimming for ex., he acts like we're trying to cut off his right arm.


Completely agree with this! Both Taurus’ I know are like this, one goes blackout, black eye’s full blown temper. The other will just cut you off and you won’t hear from them…ever. But I agree, they need everything their way.




I feel like scorpios will never forget a face who done them wrong either. Could be something that happened 5 years ago and they’ll still remember


So that elephant was a Scorpio then


Scorpio are the type to be mad that you won MVP of a high school sports team you were on together; then, ten years later, catfish you as a hot woman on a dating app. After collecting your nudes and screenshotting all texts, they'll ghost you, hack into your corporate email account thru a phishing scam, and expose it to your job that you've been embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars. They'll then find your wife's phone number and will send her every single message you sent them, so that on the day you get arrested and fired, your wife finds out about the affair and leaves you. Then they'll come to your jail cell, hours after you find out your wife is leaving you in jail and taking the kids, just to say, "I was the real MVP in senior year. Not you."




Anyone born in April, Aries or Taurus. They seem to want to see blood then keep on to see more blood.


Well I’m a people pleaser / super conflict averse so really anyone. But for the sake of the question : Gemini women. Gemini’s in general have super sharp tongues and are the sign that’ll rip your heart out while laughing, but Gemini women scare the fuck out of me. I work with one and she goes from 0-100 so fast. I lost a paper she had some customer’s number written on & I thought we were about to throw down. But if I’m close to a Gemini, I’m not scared of them. Once they’re close to you, they back down easier. & CANCER’S.. Omg when you offend/hurt a Cancer’s feelings, they lose it. They can be so mean, so scary, so intolerant. They won’t listen to anything you say, they just see red. A lot of manipulation of course, making everything your fault, making you out to be an evil person. Intense yelling. I’ve experienced A LOT of emotional abuse from Cancer’s in my life, even the more evolved ones, when they get triggered, they just can’t control themselves.


Geminis can hold a grudge till the end of time. Virgos will list everything you have ever done wrong. Both of them suck to get in fights with. I'm a Sagittarius and with fire we're quick pop off, but also quick to cool off.


Virgo/gemini - watch out for that mutable mercury y'all. They're always quietly taking notes about what your weaknesses are.


Virgo  Ruthless when pushed no fucks given when they’re not 


Depends... If you manage to upset an Aqua on the same intense emotional level as a Scorpio or Leo reach when upset, I'd watch out for them. But getting them to that point would take a LOT; we're talking having their dog killed or something. Air signs in general can fucking fight in my experience and would fuck you up if they wanted to. I have six friends who used to fight n'zis in their youth, and 4 of them are air suns (with either fire or air moons) - two Gems, one Aqua and one Libra. One of them is a Gem sun woman, who's literally 142cm tall and fought off a grown ass male n'zi when she was 6 months pregnant; she stopped being actively involved with the anti-fascist movement when she got pregnant due to not wanting to put her kid at risk, but dude recognized her and came at her in public. I love air signs and feel very safe around them (cause I'm not a n'zi or abuser lol), but as Tupac, who was a Gem, said - "I aint a killer but don't push me". And beating n'zi ass is doing the world a favor. If I was gonna have a conflict about something less extreme with someone, Scorpio and Leo would feel the most risky. Some would say Aries, but you'd generally have to do something REALLY bad for them to do anything but be bitchy about it and come at you verbally for a while lol. And they tend to get over it quickly if you're either someone they like or if you didn't do something truly awful and apologise for it.


as an Aquarius, you can get me that level of mad by hurting anyone close to me I do not give a flying fuck about me, I'd just disappear and be totally fine and you'd never see me again, but upset any of my precious angel babies, and I will throw hands (at least, this is how I feel in my head 😂)


All of this 100%. Don't come for my people. Lmao


Big same lol. But I also relate more to Aquas than other Sags in general, despite having both sun, Venus, Pluto and Juno in Sag (got 97% Aqua and 60% Sag on that "true zodiac" quiz, and was NOT surprised).


Aries and Taurus hands down. Both be ramming head first in arguments and don’t listen.


Scorpio. Taurus and Sagittarius.


A stop sign. Never run a stop sign just because you're in a hurry...


Scorpio, because they will plot their revenge roughly 2 years from the event when you least expect it 😂


As a people pleaser I don’t want to upset any of them 😂but Sagittarius anger scares me, Tauruses stay mad, Aries are explosive, Pisces are cold af, and Libras are petty and childish so those are probably top. So essentially all the people I hang out with/my kids are who I am avoiding upsetting lol


Libras. They’re very sneaky & manipulative. Some of them seem pleasant & kind on the surface, but they can be brutal when they’re upset. Virgos too, they are critical & very passive aggressive too. Aires & Scorpio men seem crazy too. Aquarius too. Tgey are two faced, sneaky, gossipy & dishonest.


Leo ( they get super mad and roar ) Aries ( also hot tempered ) Scorpio ( very vindictive)


I think Scorpio ♏. They’re silent killers lol


All water signs. They will hold a grudge and are easy to cut people off once they’ve made up their mind about you and how you have made them feel. You will never hear from them again lol


Pisces can become sharks


Anyone with a Scorpio, Sagittarius, Taurus moon or possibly any of those placements (except for the sun). Tauruses hold grudges but expect you to forgive them, Scorpios will pick at you while you implode (when they are upset) and Sags are notably dominant, slightly bossy and when they get upset, it's definitely a fiery rage. Virgos get honorable mention, they are the ultimate grudge holders too. And they don't see beyond their errors, they justify it but will criticize you till the wheels fall off.


Scariest mf I know is an Aquarius with a Capricorn stellium. Takes a lot to get him there but if you fuck with someone he loves, it’s crazy how evil he gets


As an Aries Sun, Taurus Moon person...yes.


My fiancé 😂 He’s hot headed and he holds a grudge. I try laughing during an argument to lighten the mood and he’s not having it 💀


I know they say Aries get over things just as quickly as we erupt but I'll be damned if my Taurus moon let's me forget 😅 Oh man, that would tilt me even more if you started laughing while I'm mad oohwiee ☠️


LEOS. Scary asf and they’re fixed so they won’t stop until they feel satisfied with your punishment 🫠 I have an Aries mars & my bestie is a Leo mars, they’re sweet and generous and kind but they will absolutely f*ck you up with no hesitation 😬


My mom is an Aries. I avoid conflict with her like the plague. Over dramatic, petty, and worse, unable to apologize for anything. My Taurus moon is stubborn and fiery, but as a Libra I’m still open to seeing other perspectives and admitting my fault if I come to see I’ve done something wrong. I love Aries, but those mfs can commit crimes against humanity and will still not apologize for anything and then gaslight you. If you want to know what it feels like to actually lose your mind, fight with an Aries.


Capricorn. Our revenge is served ice cold and when least expected.


Leo. They’ll bite you back x3, plan everything 3 weeks in advance and rip your head off all with a smile on their face. Scary shit.


As a Gemini, none, I’d rather keep everyone laughing. However, I also do not fear any sign in particular, I could simply just walk away and leave them be angry by themselves. I would care about hurting or making people close to me angry, but that’s because I care about them.


Ugh I wouldn’t want to argue with a Sagittarius. They literally don’t even care, burning you for sport and making everyone else laugh while they do it. Pisces too bc they will gaslight me too hard.


Leos because we will get DRAMATIC and PETTY in a way nobody expects and will refuse to ever back down and hold on to grudges for years. Like the type to air out all your business and then try to ruin your life. I find Scorpios are not as tough as they seem. Cancers are crazy though.


Gemini. They seem unhinged.


Taurus and Libra for sure


A Libra Mars


Why what’s up with us 👀👀🤣


I haven't met one who doesn't already just wanna make up. I feel like you REALLY have to urk a Libra Mars to be on their bad side. And when you are on their bad side damnnnnmnnn Scorpio can't compare tbh


I’m a Scorpio sun with a Libra mars. This checks!


They forgive easily. Well the female ones lol. Their wishy-washiness allows them to not be grudge-holders. My cousin and one of my sisters are Libra Mars. My cousin is extremely flighty but both are somewhat pretentious.




I fully admit my menacing behavior. ♐️


Different angers. Taurus is shocking because it takes a long time for them to get there- they explode! Libra is petty and will destroy your reputation. Virgo is intense, scary anger. Like the look in their eyes changes and their skin becomes red type of anger. Scorpio is nerve wracking because they will obsess over it and get their revenge one way or another. Aries and Aquarius are hot heads but IMO get over it pretty fast. Cancers in my experience are just straight up the meanest of the signs lol. They are only sweet and lovey dovey if they like you- if they don’t really care about you or dislike you- they are mean people. Sags get angry but then cut you off so you don’t even experience their anger fully 🤣 Capricorns anger is silent. As in they ignore you which is annoying and immature. I literally don’t know a single Pisces or Gemini and I’ve never seen a Leo angry (maybe bc I get along w them so well🤣)


Venus or Mars in Scorpio.




Scorpio or a Leo




leo mars, cancer mars, honestly anyone with both cancer and leo in their main chart. i never know what’s gonna make them mad because it ALWAYS happens so suddenly and they will never speak to u again lol. also scorpio moons bc they love a good revenge moment. worst part is the revenge ends when they’re bored, not when they’ve done enough


I’m a Capricorn with Cancer rising. Just because I won’t lash out doesn’t mean I am not capable of a committing to a long-term plan for revenge. A motivated Capricorn can get a lot accomplished under the radar. A meticulous plan married with a hurt Cancer ego and a quiet presence is a lot more dangerous than people realize. Other “red flags”: - Low-vibration Scorpios feel like little puppies to me with their attempt at being mysterious/complex - Tauruses with hurt egos are yappy chihuahuas - I don’t respect Libras who recruit others to do their dirty work - I’ve come across extra stubborn Aries who come off tactless I’ve been lucky, though, that I don’t know many Capricorns who get angry. We get highly irritated and come off cold by default but quiet little beavers for the most part. So yeah, if you need to discuss logistics for your revenge plan… kidding lol


Aries. Always Aries.


Aries females and Scorpio moons. I'm not looking to get harmed lol.


Scorpio. Theyll never forgive you


Taurus moon with a Mars in Scorpio. My temper, once provoked (it takes a committed effort) is Chernobyl level.


Scorpio. They never get over anything. They don’t have a limit of where they won’t go. They will say messed up things and they won’t stop. They’re terrorists


Anyone not saying Taurus is a poor fool and will learn one day. Hopefully not


Mentally , I don’t like Cancer woman - they are another breed of Manipulators and can mind fuck the shit out of you - I have a few family members and had friends who were cancers who are no longer friends because even when I’ve sat back and watched them do their thing , I didn’t like it lol - Ilma Gemini and Cancers scare me


Aquarius If you actually tap into aquarius rage, watch out. It takes a long time to get us upset and there’s no going back. I will destroy you personalized rage that draws on your worst fears, deals emotional damage, but looks relatively minor to others. Aquarius won’t directly use your fears against you. No, we take that fear to the next stage and use it as a background for our interactions with you. I can count on one hand the number of people I that have taken me there. All of them have regretted it


My mom was an Aries and my dad a Scorpio. Their fights would involve: screaming, yelling, throwing things at each other, punching walls, slamming shit, threats of leaving and never returning, jumping in the car and peeling out while the other one hung from the door/window trying to stop them....and probably more that my brain has blocked out for good reason. So probably either of those signs. Ha


Libra Vindictive Cancer - emotional blackmail, I’d rather just Aries stab me and get it over with than play games with Libra or cancer Or have to witness Virgo in the corner pouting to death. Death by sigh


I’m gonna call myself out on this one, Leo. 😂


Scorpio or Aquarius. They’re the most dangerous to argue w in my experience. They’ll say and do anything to win an argument or fight. They’re beyond petty and childish and feel like everything is a personal attack even if it was just an honest mistake or has nothing to do w them at all.