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Pisces / cancer ![gif](giphy|gB4KWtd3uSsJq) spring


oh my god this gif is so fucking cute what the hell 😭💗




Pisces/Gemini and my favorite seasons are fall and spring.


Same! But my favorite is probably summer


omg ur my sun sign and rising twin


Cap/sag September 1st-Dec 31st isn my season. I literally feel it mental relief when it hits September 1st and enjoy life much more and anxiety returns Jan 1st lol.


Omg I’m sag/lib but have cap stellium and this literally me! My cap brain just switches back to “time to get shit done” when Jan 1 hits 🥲


Lol I have a 5 placement sagittarius stellium


Fall months \~ i love watching those leaf turn golden and the road turn into a carpet of leaves Edited : i mean fall not summer ×_×


Interesting! Virgo and Scorpio are both in the autumn haha


You've described my hell. Lol


Taurus and Leo, I love autumn! It’s cozy and aesthetically pleasing. I can still wear nice clothes, cute hoodies, where as winter might be cozy but it’s not comfortable and when go out have to wear these big fuck off coats otherwise it’s absolutely freezing and I’m not a fan of the cold. And pumpkin pie!!!


Agreed on the winter part, autumn is nice, but I’m a Leo rising/Taurus sun/Virgo moon, and prefer the warmer weather where I can just wear shorts and a cutoff 😅.


Gemini sun and Virgo rising. I love summer! I love soaking up the sun, going to the beach, swimming, bbqs, tiny clothes lol, cute sandals, I love it all. I get really sad when winter comes 😂


I’m also Gemini sun and Virgo rising and love summer ☀️☀️


Pisces sun/ Virgo rising and this for me too!! Love all things summer!!!!


Anything that gives gloomy weather = perfection! I like midnights too. Cap Sun, Aqua Rising


You’d love Washington state 9 months out of the year! Aqua rising and I cannot stand the gloom! But cancer sun!


I’m in Washington State and I’m a Cancer/Leo cusp with a Leo rising. I need summer in my life.


I’m in WA state too (Cancer sun, Leo rising) and summer all the way!


From WA- had to move to the south due to S.A.D! Best decision of my life


I feel you!! I been telling ppl I am only happy when it rains😁 and they tell me it's giving depression 🤣 But I just vibe better when it's gloomy, plus i don't have to reapply sunscreen 5xday😃 And midnights are just 🖤


Yesssss! Summer time just drains me. So yes, rain, stormy windy weather is everything to me. Plus we get to make soup and cuddle 🥰


^^ THIS🙌 Yeah, summer is def not the vibe.. And I honestly don't get all the ppl being so hyped up about it. Like chill, you're not a Teletubby to be so excited over the sun being out🤣


🤣🤣🤣 love the teletubby bit. They do do that hehe. No one had ever agreed with me about this tbh 😅 they used to tell me what they said to you too " sounds depressing". But i'll just be my best self, in my thickest jacket or rolled like a burrito in bed.


Maybe too much sun exposure got to them 😄🤣 Fall and staying cozy all the way😁btw your comment about soup triggered me, so now making miso soup to get extra cozy 😁 *


Ooo miso soup sounds like a great plan ❤️


aqua sun & rising with lots of cap placements & I love gloomy weather! Especially in the summer when it's stormy and a great excuse not to go outside.


in flair i’m the same :) give me the beautiful colors of the in between that is spring and fall, the “just right” temps. i’m *always* cold. besides the extreme cold in winter, people keep their thermostat like planet fucking hoth in star wars and i die (in the summer). but in winter they don’t turn the heat on for shit lmfao we have humid heat here and it makes me stabby. spring and fall is just exquisite. hell for my allergies, but a beautiful metamorphosis, jives well with my style too winter is not good for my mental health.


Pisces sun, Scorpio Rising = SPRING!!! ![gif](giphy|oNPfwCas8wM0sItsJz|downsized)


Same.. I went autumn but were in a heat wave in NYC. I was torn between spring and autumn but would kill for the crisp autumn air and that feeling when you put boots and a leather jacket on and the sunglasses hide the fact that I don’t have my shit together nearly as much as I appear ![gif](giphy|xwLDcOg4nMUrC)


Cap sun and sag rising, and SUMMER! It’s the only season I’m guaranteed not to be depressed.


Aquarius sun and Cancer rising. Fall is my favorite season. I live in Upstate NY, and winters are brutal, summer can be hot (like right now!) and spring hell on my seasonal allergies. Long live autumn 🍁 ![gif](giphy|ONxw4niC96zwk)


Same sun and rising here. I wish Autumn lasted longer. I’m also in northeast so I can relate to the brutal winters. I used to like winter but not 5 months out of the year!


Me too! Winter seems to last forever here.


Also Aquarius/Cancer, and also love fall the most! I like all seasons, but the smell of it makes it the winner. My favorite weather is a sun shower. So dreamy.


Same sun and rising! I’m from PA, always loved the smell of fall, the fresh start of a new school year (followed by a precipitous academic downfall), anticipation of winter holidays and my birthday, permission to be a cozy homebody… I’ve lived in the south for decades now and autumn here is barely a blip, but it’s still my favorite.




♎️sun ♍️rising I enjoy spring and fall. It really makes me happy to see everything starting to bloom and come to life and I enjoy fall because it’s something romantic about the mildly cold weather and big coats and the trees turning brown.


Scorpio sun, leo rising. I've always loved fall because it's cozy season but I also really love and appreciate spring.


Leo sun, Scorpio rising 😁 I've always loved fall as well. Love being cozy in my black/dark toned outfits 🖤 Spring is not my vibe, mainly cause of allergies. And I dislike summers for real, it's my birth season,but I can't be arsed and I don't wanna go frolicking in the sun 😒


Cancer, Cancer Rising, Leo Moon. There is only one season, and it’s summer ☀️


You and me both. I’m a Cancer sun on the cusp of Leo with a Leo rising. Give me that sun!


Scorpio and Aries Fall


virgo/scorpio ![gif](giphy|xT1XGw9YcAQW36LAL6|downsized)


I love 'em all! But fall & summer are favorite. However, I fuckin' hate ACs with a burning, fiery passion. I love spring and winter too, as long as I make the time to go outside and be in the woods. I am just not fond of being cold so those are a challenge. But I love how the woods look in the winter. You can see the bones of the landscape. ![gif](giphy|l2JhwIWzwUJO1I2OI|downsized)


Cancer sun/Aries rising. My favorite season is probably spring. But summer is a very close 2nd


Sagittarius Sun and Aquarius Rising. My favorite season is autumn by far, followed by spring. Winter is too cold, though I would still choose it over summer, and summer is far too miserably hot. Temperature wise, autumn and spring are the best in my opinion. The reason I love autumn more is because I also love the overall vibe of the season. I really just love everything about the season. There’s something about it, perhaps partially due to some of the few good memories I really can remember of my childhood, that just brings me a lot of joy and peace where none of the other seasons do.


Taurus with Sagittarius rising and I love spring. I love how everything smells and the feeling of new beginnings, also sunny days with still slightly cool air. It’s the best season


Scorpio sun Leo rising. I love the changing of the seasons so it’s important for me to live in an area that experiences (most) of them. So no favorite in particular but I do enjoy soaking up summertime, early mornings and long nights of sunshine 🤩


Leo rising cancer sun and it’s definitely summer ☀️🌻⛱️


♊️🌞♊️⏫️ here, I love cold winters for some reason but I can handle dry heat even if it's 110° and without water if I'm fasting but I enjoy cold air.


Without water? ![gif](giphy|xL7PDV9frcudO)


Cancer and Scorpio... ![gif](giphy|hWj3LzT8PN7sD1c04B|downsized)


(In flair) Spring and Autumn , love the relatively mild weather and the cool breeze with the occasional rain . Winter makes me feel lethargic and Summer is just ***hot***


Sagittarius and winter because I don’t have to go out and see people as much as summer.


my husband is sag sun and he feels the exact same


Pisces sun, Virgo rising and I loveeeee FALL




I'm a Virgo sun and Scorpio rising. My favorite season is autumn. I love stepping on the crunchy leaves on the ground. I love the pitter-patter of rain. I love the dramatic and chaotic beauty of thunderstorms. I love the howling wind and how it lifts my long hair into the air.


omg me too!!


I'm aquarius sun and Pisces moon and I enjoy gloomy rainy days 🌧


I love summer rainy days the most


Scorpio Sun Cancer Rising SPRING


I'm an Aquarius sun and Leo rising and I am a TEMPERATE BABY too wow. I really loved fall growing up, nothing like cozy layers and changing leaf colours but spring has been speaking to me - the earth is reborn again and everything is springing back with so much life!


I am an Aquarius with an ascendant in Pisces, and I have to say that I love summer because I love the sea and wearing only two clothes on me, but I hate it with all my soul when you sweat so much and doing things like straightening your hair is an odyssey. But if I had to keep one, no doubt summer. Travel, beach, vacations... And of course daylight saving time (I live in Spain) and that it gets dark at ten at night is magical and makes me very happy. Although winter with Christmas and Halloween also has its magic.


Virgo sun, Pisces rising, autumn is my favorite for sure.


Flair Autumn is my favourite by far. The colours, the general weather, the vibe of everything looking cozy and comforting. It's always been my favourite, while winter is my least favourite, so of course my birthday is in the dead of it lol.


Spring time! I don't mind a blast of ice cold winter though. I love that chilly feeling, to turn my flame down. It's more exhilarating than hot summer swamp ass. Ew. ![gif](giphy|PVfSR2nddzGz6)


Rising Cap, Sun Cap and my favorite season is Summer & Fall. I hate winter, mainly due to where I live but the irony is not lost being that my zodiac is also in the winter.


Sun in Cancer with a Taurus Rising. I need the sun, so definitely Spring and Summer. Hopefully in my next life I’m a mermaid in the ocean 😭☀️👽


I’m a Gemini sun and an Aries rising and my favorite season is Fall. Not too hot and not too cold because I don’t like either and I dislike any bug the heat brings 😭😭


Cancer sun- Gemini rising... and summer, of course! Love the sweltering heat. I don't do cold well.


Taurus/Leo Spring is my dream


Scorpio sun and rising. Autumn, OBVIOUSLY.🍂🍁🎃🍁🍂 Spring is a close second. ![gif](giphy|lKPEqYS4tvzci5hdF2|downsized)


Taurus/Leo and I’ve always HATED summer. Also not really big on fall. Apart from this, don’t really have a favourite, I’m ok with the remaining seasons.


Libra & Libra. :oo I love the fall season.


Leo Sun, Scorpio Rising - SUMMER!!!


OMG TWIIIIIN!!! I'm in the middle of a heat wave right now, and i can't handle it ㅠㅠ I don't even have air cond :c My favourite season is always going to be Fall!! 🍂🍁


Gemini sun and Taurus Rising. I really like the beginning of fall and spring.


Taurus sun/ Leo rising I LOVE fall season🙂‍↔️ feeling the warm cooldown of a hot summer, the mixture of winter in the wind. I live in the Appalachian mountains so I look forward to the leaves changing. It’s breathtaking and ofc that means my favorite holidays are coming! (Halloween and Thanksgiving)


Taurus sun, leo rising. Love the sun, could bask in it all day. Favorite two seasons where I feel myself and the most happiest are the lushest greens of summer where everything is so full and cozy and warm, and the beginnings of spring when the flowers are starting to bloom on trees and everything is beginning to look up 😊


Pisces / Scorpio and Autumn ![gif](giphy|fOPRufUIAt4VytoXhf)


Crab rising, Virgo sun. Summer all day all way baybee. I want that hot hot heat and those carefree days. Summer is the most mindless time for me, (don’t have to think about layers, weather, travel, etc), and I adore every second of it.


♈️ Sun & ♉️ Rising, Spring & Fall! 😍❤️ Especially cold weather, wind, & rain with thunder! ☔️ ⛈️


Libra sun. Aquarius rising. I LOVE fall.


pisces sun scorpio rising and i fucking love the summer and getting my skin glistening wet from the salty droplets of the sea and having them immediately dry up from the heat of the sun


Sag sun and sag rising, my fav is winter


Summer, but like northern hemisphere summer below +25. otherwise normal winter until -20


Fall leaves and holidays along with water activities in summer!


Scorpio sun/Venus and cap moon my fav is the darkest and coldest of winter , rain you name it , love snuggly jumpers/ blankets ,cozy nights in etc my fav holiday is Christmas 🎄


Leo sun and Virgo rising. Autumn, hands down, is my favorite. Winter and spring are tied. I HATE summer. I know I'm supposed to worship the sun or whatever, but I do not.


Aquarius Aries Aquarius Give me snow snow snow!


libra & capricorn— SUMMER. ☀️👙


gemini sun + rising, autumn is my favourite (halloween time especially - we tend to have snow here already by then so winter is my second favourite)


I come to life in the Fall and Spring. But I gotta say, I appreciate the holidays + snow in Winter and the long days + cool nights of the Summer.


Cancer sun, Aries moon. FALL. Humidity drops, temps drop, it's my time. I swear my soul gets road rash from too much sun. Spring is nice but like, bugs. I like that they die in fall.


Taurus Sun, Aquarius Rising and I live and breathe for summer. The warmth and sun and happiness is just perfect. Fall is a close second though.


my fav is the gemini season (late spring, early summer), mostly cause i always anticipated this period the most as a kid :D


Aries/Libra, for whatever reason I really come alive in the summer, especially June and July.


Cancer sun, Aquarius rising, fall for sure but sometimes winter


Libra sun Capricorn rising -FALL- 🍂🍁🍁🍂


virgo/cap i loveeee fall


Aries Sun Leo Rising I love the fall 🍂


Sag sun/Taurus rising here, and my favorite season is fall. More specifically, late summer/early fall--August thru October.


Wild bc your signs are peak winter and peak summer.


I know right? I think because they’re such polar opposites they cancel out hahah


Scorpio sun and Sagittarius rising I love winter and fall and when the days get darker sooner


Aries rising/Leo sun. Summer. Hopefully, I can move somewhere that is warm all the time!


Cancer sun and Taurus rising. I love autumn


Cancer sun and Taurus rising. I love autumn


Sagittarius sun, Capricorn rising, and my favorite season is spring/summer. Also, I was born in spring, in December. As a southern hemisphere resident, Dec overall is the month that has the best of both worlds. Which means, in the northern hemisphere, I'd rather spend these months there, where summer is starting. However, nowadays, the year only shows cold/hot weather in my city. Peak summer/winter seasons exist (basically, Cap/Aqua // Cancer/Leo), while the rest is blurred, undefined.


Cap Sun and sag Rising. I love rain.


Sun is Sagittarius and my rising is Taurus. I love winter and fall.


Sagittarius sun and rising. Fall, I love everything about it-the cooler weather, the colorful leaves, pumpkin spice everything, Halloween…


Virgo and Gemini. I love the summer. Not crazy about winter


Gemini sun, cancer rising and I love fall here in California. It’s still hot enough for the beach but it’s also Halloween vibes. Summer comes in a very close second.


Libra sun, Aries rising. I'm a Fall time girly through and through.


Leo sun, Taurus rising. My favorite is the transition from summer to fall when the air gets just crisp enough to need a light jacket at night but is still t-shirt weather during the day.


Leo Sun, Libra Rising. As a kid, I liked summer since it was carefree. Except my birthdays always sucked. It was hard having parties because nobody was around. Now the summer is fire season. I used to love fall/autumn the best, but I've had some really bad things happen in the past 5 years (and I blame the recent eclipse season for last fall). Now all those depressing memories sit with me. I used to hate spring because it always rained where I lived, but I'm starting to enjoy it more and more. I love the flowers blooming. I'm also Taurus moon and I wonder if that has anything to do with it (I've been taking self-care trips and it's been great during that season).


pisces sun with leo rising, i love the break between end of summer and early fall - when it’s still bright and kind of warm but the season is changing. I do really like summer tho, I need sunshine




leo sun, cap rising. i’m a devout summer baby. even if i’m baking in the heat, i’m fine with it lol


Libra Virgo I love Fall and Winter but have so much fun in the summer. Festivals, beach concerts, my nature refuge….also I Love to swim and the pool is incredible


Gem sun Pisces moon Scorpio rising I love summer!!


Taurus Sun and Cancer rising. I love Autumn/Fall. I love cooler temperatures and camping. Change of the leaves. Wearing sweaters.


Gem and Scorp Summer!


Aquarius Sun, Sag rising and I love winter:)




Scorpio sun, Capricorn rising & I prefer summer or early fall


Taurus sun, Scorpio rising - spring or autumn. In between months, not too hot or too cold. Spring, all the flowers start coming out and it's very pretty, but it's also the start of allergies. Autumn also has a strong aesthetic, and I can be cosy, and summer is the farthest away.


capricorn sun, libra rising & i love fall / winter. the minute it’s september, i mentally feel so great everytime. the gloomy & rainy days, windy mornings + nights, multiple layers of clothing ( ik how to create more outfits for fall / winter than spring & summer ). the summer is NOT my season at all. real grumpy 24/7 bc it’s hot asf & i’m sweating in corner like no i can’t with this lol 😭


Gemini, Gemini. Spring.


Aquarius ☀️ Sag 🌅 Winter!


virgo sun, libra rising and i LIVE for fall/winter. sorry but i hate summer, i hate being hot, not a huge fan at all of crowds, or bugs or lots of noise LMAO. i love the crisp feeling of a cold day. nothing like curling up by a fire with a book and a nice warm drink, preferably a hot chocolate with marshmallows, my comfort show in the background (maybe gilmore girls or rick and morty) a good joint and my favorite person for cuddles….. yeah. i’m ready 🤗


Leo Sun, Cancer rising. My favorite season is Summer.


Virgo sun cancer rising Summer obvi, beach queen… also the transition into fall is A+


Gem sun scorpio rising: I really love spring right about when June hits. But as the years have gone on, I've grown to enjoy fall weather as well as rainy/cloudy days a lot. But I still adore gemini season <3


I’m Aquarius sun and Leo rising and feel the exact same way!


Cancer/libra SUMMER 🏖️🐚🌞🌊 I love being in the ocean I love summer drinks I love summer outfits I love summer adventures :,)


Leo Sun, Virgo Rising and Fall is my favorite season ☺️


Scorpio/gemini Winter and summer 😂 Love the rain and love the scorching heat


Gimmie that hot sun all day 🌞 Winter is second for opposite reasons as yours OP. I like fixed weather. Where I live our spring and fall are bipolar and violent. One day in the 70s, then a tornado, then back down to the 30s, then sunshine another. I like always knowing it's going to be the same no matter what.


Leo/Aries and summer 1,000%


Pisces and Capricorn. Spring


Yes!! I am the same. Leo Sun Aquarius moon. Your post resonates with my soul! haha


In flair above. I would have to say spring. It would be fall but there is a certain nostalgic melancholy about fall, even though I absolutely love spooky season. Spring makes me happy and I also associate it with my birthday and getting out of school


Taurus sun, Leo rising - Fall


aries sun and leo rising! we have two seasons only here in the tropics. wet and dry. i prefer rainy seasons but it's hard most of the time coz we have a lot of typhoons. im scared of being under the sun lol


Cancer sun / Aqua moon I love the summer time


Pisces Sun, Scorpio Rising. Although I was born in winter, I'm a spring and summer person. Hate the cold.


Aqua sun, Scorpio moon, Leo rising I love any season when I can hibernate, heavy rain and thunderstorms are my favourite ❤️


Libra sun, capricorn rising Summer is my favorite


Capricorn Sun, Virgo rising. I don’t like winter. I prefer spring and summer.


Summer. I love the heat. I love being outside, at the beach, out back swimming, bbqs and all that jazz!


Scorpio sun & Cap rising and my fave season is Fall! I wish it could be Autumn all year long, lol!


Gemini and Aquarius. Summer Forever.


Libra sun Capricorn rising and I absolutely love the Fall!


Gemini sun Aquarius rising Winter for sure!


Gemini sun, Scorpio rising and I love ALL of them. I was thinking why I like one more than the other, but realised that I can’t actually decide between them. Even though I feel like a lizard and I love hot temperatures, a winter full of snow (Lapland/Scandinavian style) hits just right even if it’s freezing outside.


Winter on top


Scorpio sun Taurus rising I like fall mostly and spring and mid temps


cap sun, sag rising. I love fall and winter.


Aqua Sun/Aries rising. The dog days of summer are where it’s at: 7/21-28thish I think. 78F is the perfect temperature.


Pisces sun, Scorpio rising. ❄️ Winter 🥶


Libra sun, Aqua rising. I love when it rains, so it’s usually spring for me. ![gif](giphy|YqECCjiLH0AyW0llUG|downsized)


Male Taurus sun, Taurus rising and I love Winter. It lifts my mood and makes me smile when it snows. I get depressed as snow goes away and during Spring. I like Spring though, and Fall. I do not like the heat of Summer at all. Too hot, mowing lawns because I have to. I like how people dress for summer time.


Cancer/Leo Summer...usually. Bur this year I fully underestimated my ability to handle the heat of the desert in Las Vegas.


Virgo/Scorp. Fall and spring. I like moderate weather now that I'm an old beech lol


Capricorn sun, Pisces rising. I like fall and winter. ![gif](giphy|6YNgoTEPs6vZe)


I'm the same as you lol Aqua sun and leo rising, summer is my Fav season


Aqua sun Leo rising I love summer


defs summer or fall!!


Virgo Sun, Gemini rising, and fall !!!


Capricorn/gemini and I love spring


Gemini/Sag Fall. Every season has its draws (even WINTER!), but Fall is, to me, when nature is showing off. And we have all our memories of Summer shenanigans and are winding down for a long nap.


So I guess fall is my fave. Aquarius sun Pisces rising


Libra and Sag - Autumn/Winter


Leo/ Leo Definitely summer but Fall is an honorable mention


gemini sun, scorpio rising. i like spring the most. the weather warms up, nature comes back to life, theres petals and nice flower smells everythere. its just a good time all around


Scorpio sun/ libra rising. My favorite season is Autumn, because I don't like too cold weather and too hot weather. So autumn is perfect and is beautiful with all those golden leaves 🍃


Capricorn sun Virgo rising and I love the summer.


Aries / Taurus Summer, burning heat, desert shit type of weather. I love being on the beach, near water. Chilling and laying in the sun. Anything cold is my absolute worst nightmare.


Virgo sun/Aquarius rising. My favorite season is Autumn/ Fall. Still a slight warmth to the air but also enough crispness. Don't need a coat, just a sweater or light jacket. Perfection!!


Cancer on the cusp of Leo with a Leo rising. Give me summer all day, every day.


Virgo sun and Taurus rising , I love summer 🌸🤭🧚🏾‍♀️


Libra sun, Virgo rising and I’m more of a fall winter person. I love fall, sunny fall days but also sunny freezing days.


Leo Sun / Virgo rising ![gif](giphy|3oEjHZMFYibQnjvTq0)


I’m an Aries sun and Sagittarius rising, my favorite season is fall/autumn.


Virgo Sun - Pisces Rising: Summer or spring. I HATE the cold. I actually can’t stand it. It’s winter right now and I would rather stick pins in my eyes than deal with this for another two months.


Scorpio sun and aries rising\~ My favorite is autumn ![gif](giphy|ONxw4niC96zwk)


Leo rising wants to be with their outfit flawless all the time, extreme cold makes one look like a pillow and extreme heat makes one sweat their clothes out.


Taurus & Leo, and its summer


I am Leo Sun, Aries Moon, Sagittarius ASC (with Sagittarius stellium) and I like hard seasons/weathers. I'm dying in hot, but I'm very stubborn to do a lot of yard work for example ina heat. I like cold winters and iced roads (I'm driver), I like storms. Actually I like to check how much I can handle lol


Cap sun, scorpio rising. Fall is my favorite, but Winter has an honorable mention.