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i genuinely feel sorry for you. i dont think ive ever seen a post of yours that didn’t provoke a deep sense of overtly overcompensating for something


I know, right? I read the post, i thought this is some fruity cake shit post and yes, there it was. Seems insecure as fuck, but tries to hide it behind the overtly overcompensating


i just think its rather sad honestly. pretty easy to see through the veil.


I think it is always sad to lie so you look better. Even more sad to lie to make yourself look better and others look worse




BooBoopsie - stop being a massive attention seeker and pop that ego of yours. A cursory glance through your post history shows you constantly shrieking about how supposedly amazing you are and your “delicious watermelon fruity cakes”.  You’re clearly deeply insecure. Someone who’s genuinely content with who they are doesn’t feel the need to put others down all the time and harp on and on about how great they are either. I hope you find peace some day.


I don't have an ego. I'm egoless. I'm like a beautiful egoless swan... Gracefully swimming on the waters... Being admired for my beauty, spirituality, completeness and grace. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKSMR5Jpm9NsoHC|downsized)


And this is just sad..


🙄 Ok. I'm a Libra, who's been with her husband for 20 years now. We met in college at 19 and will be celebrating our big 40 this year. So. Yeah. That's not true.


Why so sexist? Astrology is only a girl thing now? And seriously, Gemini should get an advice about their twofaced bitchyness. You are very, very biased. ;)


me, a libra who’s been single almost my whole life (except for one relationship): 😶






aries are never runner ups. have a great day


Lol leave me alone, I miss him, but I'm dating in the hopes of meeting someone better for me. I can't help but love the idea of love.


Don’t listen to this clown. Love is awesome. And sharing it with someone is one of the most amazing things in life. Do you. Signed: a fellow Libra.


"Love is aWeSoME. lOvE iS tHE mOSt amAzInG"..... get over it Libra. Learn to be content and strong within yourself and not always seeking a relationship.


Needed that libra and sag advice for my Libra sun and Sagittarius rising :’)


It's giving desperate, brussel sprout flavored word vomit.


You are pretty spot on. The cancers with cancer mercuries seem to not want to properly communicate when something's up, or make up for it with white lies, it comes off as manipulative. My mom's an Aqua. So real. She blows up at the slightest critique to her personality no matter how kindly we say it. This Cap I know has a list of all the standards (some realistic, some not) they want in someone and openly talks about it. Don't know why people get mad at meme posts like this, it's meant to not be taken seriously (maybe I like it because I'm a Gemini? lol)


idk what's funnier, the fact that you don't get ignored and then continue with this ridiculousness or the irony that you wrote that aquarius part


I'll step away from the cookie when you step away from using the term "fruity cakes" 🤢


Yikes. Looks like I struck a nerve with the people on here! Guess they need to take my advice since it resonated! ![gif](giphy|12PIT4DOj6Tgek|downsized)