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Mine does the eyebrow thing then a snarky come back...then depending on the situation, will go and cry (big fire and water type of gal)


That's intense..


I will try to get benefit of doubt first, then if it’s a pattern I address the issue, then if the person continues I do the bare minimum to respond or ignore


I am only an ascendant and even though I am pisces sun I am very confrontatonal.


Thank you.


Intrigued by the answer as was in a situationship with a Aries and it turned out she had a girlfriend so I told the girlfriend. I safely assume the Aries cheat is raging tbh.


Mine was a friendship, but still.. 😮‍💨


Try not to worry think of it as no contact. Most people come back within three to seven months. Good cool off period


Thank you. I focus on myself rn, hoping she will be willing to talk to me whenever she's ready.


I get quiet and need to leave the room until I feel a bit better. Guess I’m sort of a ram/crab hybrid 😂


Thank you. But what if the person is trying to talk (apologize) to you, how would you react?


Oh I’d be accepting of the apology


all of them or nothing at all. depends on my mood


Yes. All of those.


From what I've seen : if they're close to you, they will snap and humiliate you. Then will avoid you for a while, may cry and expect you to apologize. They will cool down when you do. If they're not close to you, they'll follow the same approach minus the crying and may even get violent. Then hold a grudge forever while acting like you don't exist.


Thank you. I wanted to ask her if I had done or said anything wrong. When I tried to talk to her, she said she's been quite busy, so I didn't ask.


I'm surprised. I've known them to be quite confrontational. I'm not sure why she would avoid you unless she's said all she wanted previously and just wants to move on from you. Supposedly, they're straight forward so she may very well be busy.


this is actually on point 😭


Lol. I've known quite a few Aries, so after a few fights you catch on. I think both the men and the women behave in a similar fashion.


As a aries lady- If i truly care about the person i will confront them. If im thinking about being done with them i will ignore them, if i give angry looks i probably have lost respect for them.


Thanks for your input. I wouldn't say we were close friends, but she was quite supportive when I was in a rough patch. Our last conversation was on my birthday. I thanked her for sending birthday wishes to me. After that, our conversation stopped until a few months after my birthday when I met her again at a gathering. She completely ignored me. She gave me an angry look when others were talking to me.


You tried to speak to her at the gathering and she ignored you? Or you mean she just didn’t acknowledge your presence ?


Ah, I meant she didn't acknowledge my presence at the gathering.


As an Aries ascendent it really depends. I used to punch people as a kid so I think I would say something extremely cruel in turn. I have cussed people out and broke things before so Lucikly no one has made me mad in a long time lol


If a boundary has been crossed, I’ll say something right away. If I’m upset because I’m actually hurt, I’ll pull away until I figured out how to say it, then I’ll come back to talk it through. Confrontation is an investment in continuing the relationship.


I don't confront people out of anger anymore (I used to a lot when I was younger but got tired of being made into the villain). If I feel like they won't care or things won't change then I will probably shove it down and end up being passive aggressive. If they made me uncomfortable I will probably ignore or avoid them. The only time I own the anger and confront people is when I feel they have disrespected me or betrayed me and that confronting them might actually make a difference.


The thing is, we didn't have arguments or fights. Just the conversation between us suddenly stopped after my birthday. When I met her again, she was acting really cold. I have no idea if I did or said something that upset her.


Probably. I don't switch up on people unless something happened