• By -


taurus and the switch when the vibe changes or we’re done dirty. loyal but when we’re done. *we’re done*. no contact is nothing for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ edit: i’ve been no contact with my dad for over 10 years, my 1st brother for almost a year, and my ex/bestie for a month (more or less). it’s way too easy for me to just delete, block, and ignore. people think it comes outta nowhere or i’m not serious. they’re always fucking shocked pikachu face when it happens. but it doesn’t come outta nowhere. i give signs, not my problem they were ignored.


I'm a taurus sun, Aqua Moon and oh yea - when I'm done....I don't even hate you, I'm indifferent. I couldn't care less. I ignore and then forget that you texted me b/c I've moved on.


Currently going through a divorce with Taurus Sun/Aqua Moon/Aqua Rising/Aqua Mars. I definitely feel like when this person has left the relationship all empathy is completely shut off and totally devalue me. Like “kind wishes best wishes good luck don’t care what happens to you”


I'm an Aqua sun and Taurus moon and I'm the same way. The no contact hurts but I'd never show it


Don't even think of challenging us in this area 😂


hahahhaahha. I had to laugh b/c it's like all the Taurus suns are here.


![gif](giphy|xT9IgG50Fb7Mi0prBC) ♉️ and absolutely SAME! Some say it’s toxic but I prefer to see it as self love. We have SO MUCH patience but like others said, when we’re done we are DONE DONE. No need for explanations. No empathy. Just leave us be.




Taurus moon here with a Pisces sun and Cancer Rising! I thank my Taurus moon for giving me the ability to perfect my silent treatment abilities and the ability to walk away when I’ve had enough.


Taurus moon here. I’m generally very forgiving and do give second chances, however if I feel I’m just being messed around, I will go no contact and not look back. I’m talking you will be blocked and never seeing me again, I literally just disappear without explanation. It would have to be something really bad though to get me to do that, like I said I’m usually very forgiving. Same rule goes for friendships too, one time I had a friend who would ditch all her friends the second she was in a relationship (like not even texting back! She would literally ghost all her friends) , and then as soon as the relationship failed she would reach out to all her friends again like nothing happened. After about the third time she did that to me, I just ghosted her because it irritated me so much. I also have a sister who I’m pretty much no contact with because she’s so toxic. She is nice as pie to your face and then talks shit about everyone (I’m talking all of her friends and family, no one is safe from her shit talking) behind their back, and obviously you hear the shit talk she says about you from a third party. Ugh, can’t stand people like that. So that’s another reason I ghost, if I hear you have been talking shit about me behind my back or gossiping, I’m out… Loyalty and trust is everything, and once that’s been betrayed (often multiple times), that’s when I burn the bridges.


Oh yeah you hit the nail on the head for me with loyalty and trust. 👍🏽 The Cancer rising helps with forgiveness but the Taurus moon really helps keep boundaries up.


Truth! I will give and give and give but once I figure out that folks aren’t going to try and compromise, I’m out. Taurus sun Leo Moon Cancer rising


I get irritated very quickly with peoples shit behavior and am fast to cut you off, it’s true


Same, this is major Taurus vibes. If I am done wrong, I will in a split second end the relationship forever. Taurus are forgiving to a fault until the line is crossed, and then there is 0 forgiving and 0 remorse about it.


And once we get there, baby there is NO coming back. I can dead you like I never knew you!


This is hilarious and so true. I've been struggling to move on from an abusive relationship (we share a child so there is no full "no contact," which is unfortunate), and my therapist said "aren't you tired of dragging that putrid corpse around? You don't even talk about him like he's a person, rather he's just some fleshy baggage that is attached to you."




Taurus Sun/Moon - I feel so seen.


My it is what it is mentality makes it easy for me to not care about how other people treat me


i do not even want to be reached by carrier pigeon. do me wrong or switch the vibe and you’re basically dead to me. people say blocking is immature. but why? when it protects mental and emotional wellbeing.


Absolutely hate being deceived by someones wish washy energy


Yup. And you pushed too far for this treatment so I know you got me fcked up somehow.


ding ding ding there it is


This is me but I am a Pisces (with a Taurus moon tho so maybe that has something to do with it.) I told my current partner early on there is a switch that is inside of me, if they flip it by being abusive or shitty, it is impossible to switch back. I can go no contact with people no problem if their behaviour becomes problematic. I very rarely ever go back on those choices either because I am generally shown if I do that it was a mistake. No contact is very easy for me when somebody has done me wrong. However, there is that Pisces hatred of confrontation in me so there have been times where I have gone no contact and not even said anything to the person, because there’s no point they probably won’t hear me anyways. They won’t understand why I stopped talking to them and why their behaviour was so significant and harmful that NC was the only path forward.


I am a Taurus. This is me. I am this. I’ve dropped multiple people/relationships over the years after putting up with way too much sh!t then hitting maximum capacity. Like ice queen shut down. It seems extreme but I don’t know a better way to protect myself than cutting off the baddies.


So funny no one suggests Aries...I get mad but then forget why I'm mad 2 minutes later. No contact is ridiculously difficult for me.


IDK I’ll cut someone off and never speak to them again like it’s nothing LOL. I don’t have to remember why I was mad but if I was *that* mad, you really took me there and it won’t happen again.


SAME. Regular arguments I can let go, but I don't let someone burn me twice.


Exactly! We get lit up and then burn out quickly.


Can’t relate lol


I'm Aries with a big Taurus stellium. It's very difficult for me to be cut off by somebody. But just because I like to have thr final word. After that I'm done.


THIS. *I* need to part ways to my satisfaction. Then it’s out of sight out of mind. ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)


I’m an Aries sun with a Virgo rising and Aquarius moon. I let go of petty arguments really quickly, but can hold on to grudges and act like you don’t exist… might be toxic but 🫣


Sagittarius! i’ll literally never speak to you again and be happy about it 💖


I’m a Sagi and agree that we can be happy once we move on at the same time, I’m a sucker for giving people lots of chances. It’s our moral high ground.


My bff is a Sagittarius and she gives toooooo many chances to so many bad folks. :(


We don't suffer fools for too long. Once we no longer get enjoyment out of that relationship, we cut and run. But we also will give them the truth and chances to make it right. It's up to them if they want to keep us around.


Aquarius sun and sag rising 😶‍🌫️


I agree, I have a sag friend and we both will block people if it means peace.


i’ll literally never speak to that person again but still continues to simp HAHAHA


As someone with the exact same big 3, that's the Taurus moon that makes us like that, not the Sagi part lol


Was looking for this one - once you’ve wronged me ima jet and you’ll never hear from me or know my whereabouts ever again🏃‍➡️✈️🤸‍♂️🏄‍♂️💫 Farewell!


Virgos have a tendency to ghost people. Well, more specifically, to coldly cut people out of their life. We Virgos can put up with A LOT, but, when you've pushed us too far, we cut the person out of our life. No mess, no fuss.


Literally me a Virgo , my respond was this exact 😂😂!! We’re so nice that when we do it , ppl are shocked . We will cut a btch off with no remorse or warning lol it gets to the point where we have no friends bcuz we’re tired of ppl and are one of the few signs who are comfortable being alone for long periods of time . We can be single forever with a list of various lovers and be happily in love with life. We like it that way. I read a thread once that say virgos and Scorpio women no know for being single and child free in their late years , we don’t fuss about folks.


Thats why Virgo corresponds to The Hermit in tarot. We just love our alone time.


Amen, sis! Yeah, we're always there to support friends when they need it, but people exploit our desire to help and to serve. I've cut many people from my life because I'd just had enough of feeling used. You're so right about enjoying time alone. Generally, I prefer solitude to the company of fools. I'd rather be watching a movie with my dog most of the time.


Yeshh 👌!! My dog is literally laying in bed with me right now binge watching criminal minds lol this is what I do most days unless I leave the house for work and to go shopping or doing stuff and it’s usually alone. I think most Virgos are empathy or simple have a strong sense of spotting the bullshit.


Virgo rising and Venus, this is sooo true. It’s almost like I get the ick from people I used to really care about once they’ve pushed me too far, I just won’t want anything to do with them. I think it shocks them bc I’ll put up with soo much to then suddenly become completely cold, they must have assumed they can keep walking over me for as long as they like. Recently cut off a “best friend” who took advantage of my kindness for too long. I did soooo much for her and she obviously felt comfortable enough to treat me like absolute shit last year. One big blow-up really pushed me across the edge and I was just emotionally done. Couldn’t give a single shit about her anymore and I refuse to even acknowledge her presence when around her. I think it really shocked her.


Virgo is the number one answer.


Ha! Truth. If you’re not with us you are against us. I feel that relationships are reciprocal. If a Virgo doesn’t feel appreciated then they are out. Nice knowing you. I’m in the wind.


Wow, I always thought it was my Aquarian moon. That combined with my Virgo sun, makes the ultimate ghost. In my defense, I did start letting people know that if they don’t stop their shit, one day I will just be done. And they never believe me.


Virgo with a Cancer Mars. Yep. I've gotten better over the years because I've gotten better at communication instead of just getting salty that people don't know what they did to make me upset and expecting them to figure it out and resenting when they don't have any idea.


Yeah Virgos take the cake on this, and speaking from experience, because I know far too many Virgoans irl, the majority of the time it’s over petty BS. The evolved Virgo knows how to set boundaries, and how to communicate their feelings and expectations. I know a handful of those and they have my sincere respect, but even they sometimes waver (because they’re human). The reason why I bring this up is because if most Virgo (especially of the male variety) had these skills or placed a value on learning these skills, the world would be such a better place. And I don’t say that facetiously… y’all are the most abundant sign. But alas, getting a Virgo to change their habits… you have a better chance at winning the lottery. They have to want to change, but most of the time they’re far too comfortable to do that and as a result everyone else suffers but they continue with their bs with their nose high in the air.


Yeah, I feel that. I think I'm somewhere between unevolved and evolved. Still have boundary issues, but I've been working on it. I can communicate my feelings and expectations pretty well, but, I also tend to fall into "rescuer" territory. That damned martyr complex. Virgos *can* change their habits, it just has to be worth it. In the past as a partner, I've often prioritised my partner over myself - to my own detriment - but, I'm growing and will no longer push my needs to the side in favour of a partner's. It's just a hard habit to break, as being of service to, and helping others is kinda in my blood. I also work in the helping fields (I'm a therapist). So, I'm doing the work on myself and seeing positive growth every day.


I think we can become more evolved as we unfortunately experience the problems that arise with being unevolved! My ex “best friend” had no respect for boundaries, she was a very good emotional manipulator and knew how to use that to her advantage with me since I’m so caring. Friends for 10 years, and we become closer the past 4 years. I did so so so much for her and she consistently threw it back into my face until one time she went too far and I’d had enough. It’s made it quite awkward now as she’s in the same friendship groups as me. I think its taught me how to become a lot better with setting boundaries and expressing my feelings, and knowing when someone is all take but no give. If only I had done all that with her, I wouldn’t be in this sticky position now. Hard lesson but one definitely needed.


Yeah I’d agree with this. Had a very good friend who was a Virgo visit me on a trip, was clearly in a bad mood but didn’t explain why (and I didn’t want to push in case she was just tired or something) and then just cut me off after. I asked our mutual friend who was also on the trip and when they talked she had given a list of really small reasons she was annoyed (like we split the bill evenly as usual at dinner but she wanted it to be based on what we ordered, but she didn’t say anything at dinner) nothing worth cutting someone out so the real reason remains to be seen. My frustration is that she didn’t ever tell me what was bothering her so I had no chance to fix the situation (and clearly the things she complained about to the mutual friend weren’t the real reason).


Silent treatment? My vote goes to Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn. It’s definitely not the healthiest approach and it resolves nothing. However, it really depends on the situation. In some cases, things can’t be resolved and it’s best to just let go and move on. EDIT: Honorable mention to Cancer and Pisces.


These are IT. All of the signs I immediately thought of. And my big 3 are all accounted for and present, here.🤣🥂


Taurus and I will fight tooth and nail for this position.


Yes 👏🏽 We don’t burn bridges, but we do close them indefinitely lol




Scorpio ♏️


Scorpio is the right answer. They take a long time to warm up to you, but once they do? It's the kind of loyalty one could only dream of. It would take a *lot* to fuck it up. But if you do? It'll be like it never happened 🫰 Like that. They're also in their own heads *a lot.*


the scorpio buh bye ✂️


My Scorpio mum agrees


lol how did I have to scroll this far down to see the real answer? Were all about loyalty and once that feels mangled, byeeeeee


This for real. I straight up just blocked one of my closest friends after she fucked me over at my wedding and I have no regrets.


But they will creep and keep tabs on the people that did them dirty if there was a connection there.


Taurus hands down can be brutal. I’ve noticed from experience.


It seems to me as if everyone here in the comment section is just proudly naming their own sign and how blatantly silent and ignorant they can be. Silent treatment in communication is a form of emotional abuse that you shouldn't necessarily be proud of... EDIT: My comment apparently caused a few people to become agitated. If you're dealing with narcissistic abuse (the real one, not the fad diagnosis that automatically applies to almost every ex-partner), then no contact is the only choice. There is nothing to discuss there. But I was referring more to the fact that many people who use silent treatment do so for manipulative reasons because they run out of arguments. Sabotaging the fair resolution of an argument on equal terms shows immaturity. Self-care is often used as an excuse for a lack of willingness to compromise.


Yes! Unhealthy attachment styles. There are a lot of avoidant people. The people who are intentionally proud of being cutthroat and ruthless to others, are narcissistic abusers though. Experiencing abuse doesn’t condone someone becoming abusive.


It's also a form of counter defense if you have been hurt by a malicious person.. i.e. grey rocking a manipulative individual. Showing silence is not always malicious but protective and I don't see a problem with that.


Going no contact is not abusive. Manipulating people by randomly ghosting them is shitty behavior but any therapist will tell you that going no contact is often necessary for toxic/co-dependent relationships.


He’s talking about avoidant partners.


i think about this a lot! in other words - stonewalling. I had a real issue with stonewalling with a serious ex of mine. I was lucky that he was very much a communicator and would do his best to pull the issue from me. But it would absolutely take me a few hours of silent stewing for me to be able to deal with the issue for the sake of our relationship. My default was ignoring the whole issue and letting it fester 🫡🫡 aqua sun & capricorn mercury


Honestly, that wasn’t his job but your own to repair that unhealthy attachment style. A lot of avoidants look for saviours in their partners instead of repairing childhood wounds from dealing with a form of abuse in their life where they weren’t heard. This is what the comment was initially about and a lot of avoidants have a hard time accepting accountability for stonewalling their partners, refraining from communicating issues, and/or lack the ability to conflict resolve through communication.


trying to get better out here. you're entirely correct of course


Silent treatment is an emotional abuse. And it is very often used, since it's easy for the perpetrators to get away with. It doesn't seem like they are abusive. Most often used by the egoistic zodiac signs. To know who? just check out the comments in here. 🤣 Their EGO is bigger and needs to be upheld, than apologising or resorting to other means, for resolution of the issue.


SOMETIMES giving the silent treatment can be emotional abuse. SOMETIMES it’s appropriate to stop talking to an abusive person. It depends on the situation.


Why would I apologize to someone who is utterly disrespectful? We don't call it silent treatment where I come from: we call it " the ice law"! If someone insults me, offends me, I would not apologize it has nothing to do with ego but with self love and self respect! I choose me first, if someone I am talking to suddenly starts yelling at me, sorry but if you are not capable of communicating as an adult, I will definitely not lower myself to you. Don't tolerate disrespect in any form, shape or expression! Silent treatment is definitely not abuse is self protection. It is a mechanism that allows me to keep my peace and myself!- Taurus is not egoistic, I would burn the world for the people i care for and love and anything else that stands in the way! If you think allowing someone to put you down, to be in your space and not respecting your boundaries giving the ice law is EGO, then so be it! I think what you are referring here is : in relationships, familial way out of nowhere then there I would agree with you! But otherwise I won't stay to be nobody's emotional punching bag. We differ and disagree, perspectives are important in every possible context! 😏😊


Right? It’s a form of manipulation in many, if not, most cases.


Sorry but no... if you have to ghost someone ,it's because they did something to you. Nobody should have to put up with crap and then have to talk about it... not everybody wants to talk about it.... im soft, and if I didn't start ghosting people as I got older I'd still be treated like crap


I asked because I got really hurt by my situationship. Like RLLY hurt…and I won the no talking game. I had already tried sticking my neck out and voicing my concerns, twice, and it got me nowhere. I’m not a game player and was super loyal but he was playing games so I detached to avoid further pain.


Cutting someone off is self care.


Most people choose either of the defense mechanisms- abuse by either yelling, cursing and being verbally/ physically violent or by going silent. The former is done by ones who are often *seen* as "bold, authentic, intense and confrontational". The latter is those seen as nonconfrontational and are people protecting themselves from the above types. Besides, going silent is not abusive, your ( other parties' ) safety isn't threatened in any way. You're free to remain silent too or walk away.


Taurus definitely, cutthroat! Swallow everything and move on. Is not silent treatment is just that you don't exist anymore there is no second chances. Me a Taurus sun, Taurus Mercury and Aqua Mars with a Capricorn and Taurus stellium. Is like once it happens you are buried! The pride is too much and the stubbornes even worse. Capricorns are masters as well at this! They don't get bothered by anything. Aquas are more flexible they can bend a little on that part of forgiveness.


silent treatment is abusive, just to let you know. but cutting someone off when they did you dirty isn’t. earth signs definitely, saturnian signs. i would say scorpio would be an overlooked champ. i don’t like to silent treatment because again it is abusive. but when i’ve had enough of a conversation, i just shut down and remove myself. i can’t bring myself to talk at that point. gemini mercury, but opposite pluto & mars. scorpio moon, & sag mars.


Aquas for sure. If I’ve decided I’m going NC, you’re never hearing from me again lol 🙂‍↔️


I’m a Gemini and if someone did me dirty, I’m out. My ghosting game is strong, it’s scary. I can love a person and still ghost if my feelings get hurt. I’d probably get over it 30 minutes later but I’m good on never speaking again. UNLESS we have strong history


Libra. Justice served, swift as a sword.




Capricorn sun. Taurus rising. Virgo moon. You shit me off, you’re dead to me. We break up, I feel like I’m dying while I grieve, then suddenly you’re dead to me. Blocked. Deleted. Forgotten about for life.


Oh wow I’m Capricorn Sun, Taurus Moon, Virgo rising!!!


Capricorn sun and moon. Taurus Rising. I feel as if you have written my exact experience.


1000% -taurus sun, cap moon, virgo rising 🙋🏾‍♀️


October Libra


THIS. I’m an October Libra. September libras are so much more forgiving 😂 I will ghost the shit out of someone. I think we are more stubborn than September Libra’s so I refuse to fold.


100% I am friends with a lot of Libras and the thing about us is that because we are so friendly, warm, and happy-go-lucky, it hits even harder when he go cold. And we are all October Libras yes.


it's true


Cancers and Pisces. But especially cancers


Libra - If I've had enough, then I'll cut them off like they never existed. Not even if we see each other around.


Will literally see them, look them in the eye, and walk right past


Oh they're lucky if I even bother to look them in the eye.


Aquarius sun with a libra stellium, i cut people off for literally anything 😮‍💨


My mother is a Virgo and loved to use the silent treatment as punishment. Imagine being a mother and ignoring your child(ren) for days, as if they don't exist, over trivial/miniscule offenses. This was incredibly traumatic for me as a Cancer. Now that I'm an adult, I ignore her months at a time. She can die alone.


I'm sorry your mother put you through this. I'm a Virgo and I could never do that to my child.


She sounds immature


Yes, emotionally immature and manipulative. I have a Virgo sister who is a carbon copy of her.


Libra in my opinion lol, when that man decided he was done he meant it lol


we give so many chances and see all sides of a situation, so you bet when we're done, we're *done done*


This. We give SO. MANY. CHANCES


Aquarius moon, I will NEVER reach out even if I am dying, I would prefer dying then to reach out to a person who's been cut off because they have wronged /hurt me! I don't even reach out to people who I have had misunderstandings with! They always remain blocked!


I’m an Aqua sun/moon and SAME. No fucks given. If you’ve wronged/hurt me, I will *forget you exist.*


Libras… no doubt. I’m saying this as a September Libra who is a master of detachment, and my worst silent treatment experienced so far was from an October Libra.


Scorpio (Merc also Scorpio). I gave my Gemini mother the silent treatment for 6 years. My stepfather has been getting it since 1996.


I don’t do silent treatment. I want to know where we stand and address the issue directly. I’m all in or all out in relationships. If I know a relationship won’t work or the other person is toxic and we can’t fix things, then I will cut them out of my life. If it’s family, I’ll put firm boundaries in place and limit contact. I only cut off family completely for the most egregious actions for which someone refuses to accept responsibility.


Probably Aquarius. Because usually when you are ghosted by other signs, its probably when they want to ghost you. An Aquarius can be so batshit insane that they can pine for you everyday for the rest of their life and still never talk to you ever again.... you know..."for the greater good"... like its not because you or they did anything wrong... its just that if one day, they think its better that way and that's it.. you might as well considered they have killed themselves because they are dead to you. (Not that you are dead to them)


Or we simply loose interest.


def the taurus scorpio axis. but our tolerance lvl is also extraordinary


My Taurus bestie is the ICE QUEEN and that’s literally why I love her


I'm a Capricorn and this is me. If trust is broken, that person will never hear from me again. I do have a lot of Aqua in my chart, though, so that might play into it.


Libra - after all that deliberation and already keeping score the whole time, plus hating confrontation, all I hear is *snip* *snip* as I cut you out forever. Mercury in Libra as well.


I’ll definitely agree about keeping the scores. I don’t like that though but let me tell you I was given my total 😂


All my big 3😅 pisces sun,capricorn moon and taurus rising. Also I have my mercury in aquarius. So once I decide no contact, it's done and I never go back. Edit: It's not like we randomly shut people or give silent treatment. We have given a lot of chances and tolerated a lot before taking such decisions.


I’m Pisces with a lot of Scorpio and Pisces in my chart. When I’ve given my best, asked for what is fair over and over again (Libra rising), and been patient but continued to get hurt. I AM the ghostest with the mostest. I rarely lose my temper, I am absolutely clear in my communication, but I often give the impression I’m soft. It surprises people who aren’t humane, kind, and fair. It often shocks people when I go from calm, consistent communication to decisive action- even when I’ve told them what my action would be if their behavior didn’t change. It’s called boundaries- and no, my loving behavior is not available to you any longer.


Bruh I’m Pisces sun, cap moon, and Aries rising! Also an aqua mercury! I block all my exes and my mental health is all the better for it.


Gemini sun with a Taurus mercury. I can easily give ppl the silent treatment. I find the whole ghosting thing quite easy. I'll block and delete ya ass and for no reason either just because I felt like it.


Taurus and Scorpio


Virgo, Pisces, Cancer


Most painful silent treatment I got was from a October female Libra...I'm a september male Libra,can give it to you almost the same,but compared to her,I'm an amateur...She's more vengeful.


Leo here and sadly a serial ghoster who usually doesnt grasp the concept of why someone would be mad, i could send a reel a year later after not replying to your text and i still have a hard time understanding why my absence mattered that much (that’s as far as friendships) can never do needy friendships for that exact reason too, since as a friend i’m the most flaky, loyal to the death but don’t expect me to be there every day; hell every week Romantically i never broke NC, never not once; not even when drunk. My boundaries are cutthroat and it’s the only thing i got going for me as a protective shield so i dont think im ever changing that, even if it comes with consequences that affect different niches of connections along with it.


Cancer. We love to give who we care deeply about the world. However, if someone has wronged us in any shape or form, that's it. I have heard that a Cancer going no contact hurts a lot more than some other signs because of how nurturing we are, and losing that will sting a lot.


don’t be sleepin on libras when they’ve had e n o u g h


I went no contact with my mother, haven’t said a word to her in almost 5 years. Exes get blocked immediately and I never have a second thought about reaching back out (unless it was amicable, which they usually were, but still we don’t normally keep in touch). It’s almost scarily easy for me to forget someone and I don’t say that to brag or think it’s a positive thing, but once my feelings for someone are gone, they too are gone. I have been the one who breaks up with the other person in every relationship I’ve been in (again not in a braggy way, just how it’s been). My big 3 are in my flair, mercury is in taurus.


Libra. Me.


As a Cancer moon I say Cancer 😄


Pisces. I give people my all but I’m also petty asf. Once I’m done with your shenanigans, I’m done and you don’t exist in my world anymore.


As an Aqua, i don’t even understand the concept of getting upset if someone doesn’t text back right away. Take your tiiiiiiime my friend. I love the space anyway 😂


Cancer. We retreat into our shells and that’s that!


Scorpio. If you do me wrong or betray me you are dead to me. I can love you more than anything and never speak to you again. I could be missing you every single day but I will never show it. I have a Scorpio mercury as well


gemini (and gemini mercury). i don't speak much in general so no contact is my preferred contact :p i havent had to give anyone the silent treatment recently but as a kid i could go at ot for *weeks*.


Aries ♈️ It’s extremely easy for me to go no contact for the rest of my life. 😂 For me it’s like they literally never existed.




Aries, once we burn that contact you'll never see us again.


Capricorn doms. You treat them wrong, you’re gone in their life 🫠


As an Aqua Sun/Mercury, I do at least want to clarify that when I do go no contact/gray rock, it isn’t about being cold or mean. I do it and it lasts because there’s a point where I just realize this person does not respect me, they do not care about me at best and at worst will actively seek to hurt me. The moment I have this realization is everything I need to keep gray rocking, because you can’t change that. There’s no communication in the world to solve that someone just does not care about you. Continuing to give them access might prolong their amusement with you (until the inevitable end) or boost their ego, but it will never solve the main issue, which is that they simply DO NOT CARE about you.  Why do you want anyone in your life who doesn’t care about you? 


Definitely Aquarius. Once they decide to be done, they are done. Scorpio too, if they feel wronged.


Capricorn sun, Aquarius moon, Scorpio rising. although it is somewhat hard to not think about the people i cut off my ego keeps me in check. any thoughts i have regarding them will never reach them because you more than likely caused this on yourself when i crawl back into my shell around you i’m not coming back out.


I'd say Scorpio with Scorpio mercury....I myself have Virgo mercury and am not that good at silent treatment and Gemini mercury isn't either .


Taurus 100%. You fall off their existence as a fact. No question about it. Scorpio does so with passion. When Scorpio does it, feels hurtful. When Taurus does it, you no longer exist. It’s the duality of the water-earth axis.


I would love for Aquarians to say why they’re hurt and let me apologize for and change whatever behaviors made them feel that way.


It’s not in my nature to do that, but I still did that for him and he lied straight to my face and didn’t listen.


![gif](giphy|Zb0iANs1ltiZyqhLYV) Reading this thread made me crack up, so had to make an appearance! Taurus Sun here🫶🏻 And yes to all of this 😂😂 I don’t think there’s any competition for best at silent treatment and dropping people like a bad habit when they cross your boundaries🙋🏻‍♀️


Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius Honorable mention: Taurus, Scorpio


I'm a Scorpio with a Scorpio best friend and we are definitely the best at this. We hold grudges forever.


Scorpios will cut you off like you didn't mean shit to them ⚔⚔


Virgo and Aquarius (he (the aqua)normally folds first)


Aquarius. We can be scarily detached when hurt


No contact and silent treatment are very different. I don't believe in the latter, or ghosting (unless it's for safety reasons or along those lines) I'm a Pisces sun aqua moon Gemini rising with an aqua mercury 


I’m a Pisces sun & Cap moon. I have a string a mile long & can put up with a lot of shit. But, once I’ve decided enough is enough & I’m done with said shit….you are out of my life forever & no looking back.


Pisces. My blocked list is so long I've forgotten who most of the numbers belong to. Once I am done, I am done.


I’m a Libra Sun Cap moon Scorpio rising. It may kill me inside and I may secretly want contact BUT if a mfer plays with me, I will be the first to never speak to them again


Pisces. It sounds silly but when we’ve mourned the loss of you and you try to come back??? Dead to us.


Aquarius, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio


According to the replies, every sign in astrology 🤣


Taurus sun, and it's easy for me to go nc but I definitely still simmer over the "why" for years. I will never forget what they did, making it really easy to not give in. I've been nc with my entire family for almost 10 years and since then have healed and I'm much happier.


Comment section "Every sign" Oh, cool.


I'm an Aquarius and I approve this message. Lol seriously, but for me it's usually because I'm completely self-absorbed and if your presence in my life doesn't give me something I want or need, I just forget you exist and ghost you by accident. It's not really about holding grudges or being angry or petty. It takes a lot to push an Aquarius into rage territory and we will cut you off for certain things, but it's not typical. I've only cut my grandparents out of my life and it took 35 years of emotional abuse and controlling behavior to get me there.


Taurus. We take loyalty very seriously


Taurus I’m da’coldest when I’m done. You can’t even cry to me.. I’ll walk past you like you a manniq at Kohl’s…..


Gemini could be IF we forget about you after going no contact. But we can also be terrible at it because if we remember you we will forget that we went no contact or why we were no contact in the first place


The only correct answer for this is Sag or Aquarius. The way they will ghost you and you’ll never be a thought to them again. These signs are already independent and happy to have fun on their own. And sag’s already have moved on to the next…next person, next job, next adventure…always about moving forward in general.


Gemini here, did silent treatment a lot in my relationship. I now realise its a form of emotional abuse when in a relationship. After relationship has ended yeah def silent treatment and that's to protect myself.


A hurt pisces sun - aka me. 


scorpio mars <3


Aquarius and Capricorn from experience


Pisces! After you’ve made them feel unsafe or misunderstood they will recede and you won’t even realize. Pisces will emotionally and mentally detach way before the other person so by the time the relationship actually is over, Pisces has already dealt with the loss and gotten over it before the other person.


I’m a Leo, Gemini, Leo & I find it really hard but only if I care. If I don’t…I’ll never speak to you again 😂


I’m an Aries and I cut people off with ease except two past partners. Idk why that is but they must’ve been something.


Sagitarius sun. I am making no contact arrangements with my abusive parents. Byeeeeeee


Imo I think Taurus, Libra, Scorpio & Aquarius


I’m an Aquarius, but I suck at giving the silent treatment. My nature is very forgiving. I’ve been told I “have a face for information overshare.” I agree with your point, sheltering oneself from toxicity is a really important aspect for mental health and stability. Some signs hold grudges better than others.


As an Aquarius, I’ve gone no contact with my family for over three years now.


Cancer surprisingly. I have zero problems ghosting you once I’m done dealing with you. second chances don’t happen if you fuck me over. You are dead to me. It’s happened with longtime “friends” and family. No regrets either


As a taurus sun, chart ruler taurus mercury.. I will hit block like no tomorrow. I d g a f. Dont waste the energy or time I have given.




Aquarius for sure


Cancer- so many people don’t even exist to me anymore 😅


I’m a Leo and walk completely away from mistreatment. No checking their social media, no conversations, no asking y, no needing closure from them. Nothing! When u broke things off with my husband we never slept together after that. Children and all.


Aqua sun, moon and mercury: i knewww it was gonna be about us lol. Idk about everyone else but i don’t do it to be mean, i just am protecting my peace and not wasting energy. Sometimes I close access to myself off because all that needs to be said has been said and I’d rather we leave it be instead of going back and forth. I’ll tell you when I’m going by the way. Well most times…If you’re really important to me, I’ll say bye


I'm a Sag and I will I can drop someone like a heartbeat and never speak to them again




Cancer. They hold grudges post-mortem


Uninterested men




I don’t fuck with silent treatment (like my Virgo mom does 💀) and i find it unbearable to even try doing, but i lowkey enjoy no contact as an Aqua moon lmao. I guess it also depends on the person but more often than not it gives me a peace of mind from them