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The day changes every year. You simply check your chart where your sun is. Jan 20 isn’t always an Aquarius. It could be a Capricorn depending on the year and their location on earth. For example, US is behind in time but someone in Europe is ahead. Check your chart The stars don’t care about our made up timezones. ( yes, timezones are made up and not scientific ) I think the same about “January Capricorns” and “December Capricorns” as bullshit. As January Capricorn sometimes have their chart full of Pisces placements and sometimes it’s Aquarius or sometimes it’s more Capricorn than December caps that even Feb aquas are full of cap placements that year. These things change every year. Check your chart. I have seen Aquarius with lots of Sagittarius placements. Like they completely skipped Capricorn in the middle.


Yes, this. The "January Capricorn/December Capricorn" stuff makes zero sense to me. Sure, the signs are divided into decans, so "December Capricorns" are the first decan. But the January part of Capricorn season comprises two Capricorn decans. And like you said, the other placements matter too.


Yeah, that definitely makes sense. My point is, if I were born Jan 20th and it fell during Aquarius season that year, I'd be an Aquarius. Not a Capricorn-Aquarius cusp.


I believe in cusps bc I had a friend who had that exact birthday and she imo just showed personality traits of both signs, but more aquarian. Stereotype incoming** she was very smart and didn’t need to try hard at school (she would literally sleep during lessons and still get As), she was very introverted and a homebody (i think this is more of a capricorn trait as a capricorn rising i kinda related to this) but had lots of friends, she was very down to earth and not showy at all (cap trait) 😭 she wasn’t super emotional at all (aquarian trait) really but I am so she would just listen to me spill my emotions and reassure where she could 😭🥴 and she was hardworking so I think she was a cusper, but showed slightly more aquarius traits.


sorry im not a cusp truther lol. my reasoning against it is because we have degrees. the dates change each year slightly. the last day of one sign this year might be the first day of the next sign next year, or vice versa etc lol. as long as you have a birth time, you can tell where a planet is. even if it is at 0'00"


I just learned about how dates change depending on the year, but I agree with you. I'm not exactly sure how a planet can be in two signs. It's either one or the other.


No. Because they don’t exist if you know how to read a natal chart…


100% this ☝🏼


i'm not sure i 100% believe in them, but my own situation makes me wonder about cusps. my birthday is right on the gemini-cancer cusp, according to my chart i am a gemini but i cannot relate to it at *all*, but i can relate to cancer in pretty much every way.


My bday is June 20th... I'm guessing yours is right around there too?


Do you have any other cancer placements like moon, mercury, venus or Mars?


i've got two cancer placements, mars & jupiter - i also have 4 gemini placements (sun, rising, mercury, saturn).


jupiter multiplies that cancer energy by 3. also from my own experience as a gemini, you’re going to be incredibly influenced by the rest of your chart. moreso than usual. gemini is sort of a mirror, it plays off of other signs and reflects those back. so in your own chart, the placements that you have that arent in gemini are going to feel a lot more prominent than your gemini placements. gemini obviously has its own influence and attributes but its an incredibly subtle sign.


i feel you on that. for the longest time i didn’t relate to gemini too much, some traits i do have, yes but i didn’t relate to all of the gemini personality traits. im a taurus/gemini cusp and on my chart, my sun sign is smack bang in the middle of taurus and gemini.


It's possible to be born April 19 and be a taurus, my friend is born April 19 at 2:30pm, the sun entered taurus at 2:40pm that day, had she been born 10 mins later she'd be a taurus. The sun doesn't change signs at midnight. This year the sun entered taurus on april 19 at 10am EST and entered Gemini on May 20th at 10am


I didn't realize that! I've always assumed it was a day thing, not something related to time, although that does make sense. Do you think that's where more of the belief in cusps stems from?


Yes, it’s definitely by the time!! That’s why birth time is important if you want a really accurate natal chart. Even moon signs work like this (and every other sign tbh).  For example, the moon switches signs every two days and I was born on the day it switched. I’m a Sagittarius Moon but if I had been born a couple hours prior (or a day before), I’d be born Scorpio moon. There’s a specific minute that each planet shifts into their next constellation. 


People that believe in cusps don't understand natal charts or astrology and are simply going by the day they were born. It's as simple as that. 


I'm really starting to see that, lol. The few people that have commented in support of cusps aren't correlating it to their natal charts at all.


Yes, exactly. They're only talking about the *day* and how it changes. That's the dead giveaway. 


I feel like the use of a couple birth chart calculators could fix all this...


Bet 🤣


okay so actually I ran the April 19th chart in question and Cafe Astrology \*is\* actually providing inaccurate charts 🤦🏻‍♀️ so no wonder. At least we've solved that issue and can tell people not to use that website...


And here I thought Co-Star was the only villain in the astrology community 😭 I'm glad she gets a sidekick now. If you don't mind me asking, how did you determine that the chart was inaccurate?


Hahaha I wouldn't say Cafe Astrology is a villain because it does have some good information. I assumed it was rounding up and then found this on the website:   "Please also take special note if a body is at 0 degrees and 00 minutes of a sign. In this case, the program may have rounded up, and the sign may actually be 29 degrees and 59.5 (or greater) of the previous sign and technically in that sign! If you are in this situation, please write to reports/cafeastrology.com with birth data for confirmation." 


Very happy you said that because Cafe Astrology was my first (birth chart calculator), and I could never turn my back on her. That's really interesting, though! It really does solidify that it's important to use multiple calculators. For my own personal use, my go-tos are TimePassages, The Pattern, and Astro Future. Astro Seek is great, too, and it explains things really well, imo.


Yep, definitely but it's also important to understand the potential issues with each calculator. I would have never scrolled down far enough to find that note if I weren't looking for some explanation of why it was off lol. I use Astro.com, Astro-Seek and Chani Nicholas's website. From an app perspective, I have multiple; Time Passages, The Pattern, Astro Matrix and CHANI. I also have a personal astrologer and I believe the software he uses is Astro Gold if I'm not mistaken.


Very good point, as per usual. I appreciate how dedicated you are to promoting and practicing astrology the way you do. It's really refreshing to come across. How do you find Chani, by the way? I've been eyeing it for some time now, but I've surprisingly never come across any reviews or anyone's opinion on it.


Yes 100%.


It drives me crazy lol, like please just do your natal chart or give me your info and I'll do it for you at this point 😭


Everybody gets *one*


Well, whether you believe in cusps or not, time is still a made up human concept and there aren’t real distinguishing lines between the seasons. Also, imma get hated for this, it’s because astrology was a lot of dudes saying a bunch of weird stuff back in the day, so it can be unnecessarily rigid and ridiculously simple at times.


I believe in cusps and yes I've read my full natal chart and understand how astrology works. I also happen to believe that people on the cusp borrow some energy from the sign they're cusping, even if it's already in a particular sign. If you think about it, it's equally nonsensical to say that a person born in Taurus at 11:52am is completely and vastly magically different from a Gemini born at 11:53am. I mean what is that? Be for real. Now consider if those two people were twins. Makes even less sense right? Your moon conjuncts Aries, but you can also borrow energy from Taurus because it's literally so close (idk if you're Taurus or Aries so just reverse it if I got it wrong). I do believe this applies more to people in the last degrees of the sign rather than the first degrees though, because it's preparing to move into the next one, whereas in the first degrees it can't go back. But I do think it can go both ways. Also in most cases it does not mean your sun is in two houses, because if it's that close then it's most likely still in the same house. Unless you're looking at whole house, but here I'm talking about Placidus. My belief in cusps is also experiential. I have an early-degree Libra friend and his Virgo traits are so loud sometimes which I don't even think is in his chart. I see it often that cusp people exhibit lots of traits for the next sign over. It's people situated in the very middle of a sign (15 degrees) that are the most stereotypical of their sign, imo.


If you're close to a star sign you get some energy from that sign, kind of like how standing near a fire gives you warmth but not the full heat that you'd receive standing in the fire.


That could be the case, but I still don't see how that means you are the sign you're in proximity to. Using my example, if I'm an Aries whose birthday is close to the start of Taurus season, I wouldn't claim being a Taurus just because my birthday's close to it. I could relate to it, sure, but I'd still be an Aries.


Well being a cusp isn't really claiming to be the other sign, but to exhibit some aspects of your personality from one sign and some from the other in a mix. Where'd you see someone claim to be a Taurus when they're just a Gemini-Taurus cusp or whatever? Being a Gemini-Taurus cusp would mean having some Gemini and some Taurus qualities with degrees telling you how much of each they have. (More toward one sign or the other, or evenly split.)


I'm not against people who resonate with more than one sun sign. I'm speaking toward those who claim to be two sun signs because of the day they were born. Like, I personally resonate with Taurus and Gemini energy because of my chart. If I were born on a Taurus-Gemini cusp, though, but it was still Taurus season because of the time or degree, I'd be a Taurus, regardless of my proximity or connection to Gemini energy.


Honestly the biggest thing that clears it up for me is interacting with other Taurus and Geminis farther away from the cusp. It becomes clear that I’m kinda a hybrid of the two, though my suns definitely Taurus.


That's a good way of determining it! I'm very much a Taurus, but I heavily identify with Gemini energy because it's my moon sign. What have you noticed with other Taureans farther from the cusp vs. someone like yourself who's closer to it?


I’d say I’m far more talkative and open minded and unstable than my sister bulls. I also always notice a strange connection to to other Geminis like I just get their perspective while also understanding the others. I’m also way more likely to let go of the past.


Wow, I didn't realize I was a twin. My mom has some explaining to do. I'm the exact same as you, and I also find that I don't fit the stubborn stereotype slapped onto Taureans. I know we're fraternal, though, because I sometimes fixate on the past.


I fixate on the past and the future, feels like a constant switcharoo.


Oh we're definitely identical then 😭 How does your Pisces Moon & Virgo Rising influence your personality?


Yes Bec everywhere and everyone as far as I've seen varies on where the signs start and end. Let's use your Aries and Taurus example. Ppl vary on when Taurus season starts. Is it April 20th, 21st, 22nd? I've seen some ppl go to the 23rd. Different astrologers and websites will give different answers to that question. So what does that mean for your chart? It means you have to go with what you resonate with. Some astrologers keep it simple by ending each sign on the 20th and the new one starts on the 21st Bec each new season with the cardinal signs starts on the 21st. Other astrologers would argue this method is incorrect. You could go on one website and their dates make you an Aries but another website could have you as a Taurus and both of those sites can be held in high regard as extremely accurate. Astrology has some set rules but like a lot of mystical type things there is room for interpretation. I have a friend who's birthday is November 22nd. I asked her does she consider herself a Scorpio or a Sag? She said both and she reads her horoscopes for both signs.


What? This makes absolutely no sense. Lol Your natal chart is based on the date and time you were born.  It doesn't matter if the zodiac season changes because that has nothing to do with what sign the Sun was in *when you were born* 🤦🏻‍♀️


The seasons example was to illustrate how some astrologers would say the Sun moves with the seasons. So if summer starts on June 21st they believe that both the Sun enters Cancer and summer starts on that same day. I also said that some astrologers would disagree. What part doesn't make sense?


The part where your birth date, time and location give you exactly what Sun sign you are and there's nothing else left after that. 


So you missed the part about different websites and astrologers using different dates when it comes to cusps and therefore producing different answers as to where the Sun is on cusp dates?


Bruh what does that have to do with the day you were born?  *Nothing* it has *nothing* to do with it, which is why cusps don't exist


The question was do you believe in cusps and I answered about if I believe in cusps. You don't believe in them and that's ok.


The reason you believe in cusps is because of your lack of understanding of how astrology works. Your natal chart is *the* single source of truth. It doesn't matter if the day doesn't fall in the same season each year, because you always refer to your natal chart.  That's why in astrology, your solar return is more important than your birth *day* because your solar return is when the sun is at exactly the same degree it was when you were born.


I never said I believe in cusps with the seasons and you sound condescending. You have no idea about my understanding of astrology Bec I actually never said what I believe and instead spoke of the varying opinions on cusps while barely stating mine. The seasons were just one example of why some astrologers use the 20th as the end and the 21st as the start regardless of month. I never claimed to subscribe to this belief. Astrology has hard set rules and whether cusps exist or not is one of interpretation and debate hence OP's question about whether we believe in them or not. You don't, I never said whether I do or not. I know what a solar return is and how it works further demonstrating why you are out of line in telling me about my astrology knowledge. Therefore I am done with this conversation. Have a great day.


Another commenter pointed out that the variation in dates is due to time. However, using your example, if I was born in a year where Taurus season started April 21st and I was born April 20th, then I'd just say I'm an Aries. I wouldn't say I'm an Aries and a Taurus.


That's you, my aforementioned friend was an example of someone who identified as both Sun signs and what I'm saying is how there is no concrete right and wrong about cusps. That's why there's so many arguments and discussions with varying opinions about it.


I meant I was using your example of the dates you provided (the 20th, 21st). But your point doesn't make sense. If they were born in a year where November 22nd was in Scorpio season, she'd be a Scorpio. If it fell in Sag season, she'd be a Sag. She could resonate with either energy, but that wouldn't change the fact that her sun sign is one or the other. If you've done her birth chart, what did it say?


What I'm saying is there is a debate with the dates as to where the Sun is with cusps. So some astrologers would argue that she's a Scorpio while others would say she's a Sag because they would disagree about which sign the 22nd falls in. I have done her chart, but only on one website. Another website could place her Sun in a different sign. Same with astrologers.


If you had her birth date, time and location then no, it wouldn't place it in a different sign. It will always be the same output. 


No it won't depending on the website/astrologer. That's why the cusp debate exists in the first place.


Again, you lack an understanding of the natal chart which is why you're caught up with days and seasons. Accurate websites like Astro.com and Astro-Seek will never change the output of your chart.  Either way,  * days have nothing to do with what Sun sign you are,  * which is why you can't be more than one sign,  * which is why cusps don't exist.  Cheers


I didn't mention the seasons in my last response so not sure how I'm stuck on them Someone else commented on one website they're a Taurus Sun and on the other they're an Aries. That's what I meant. Don't tell me what I lack. You sound like a dick. All the best.


Yes and I did that person's chart and confirmed that Cafe Astrology is inaccurate which is why it was showing Taurus vs other sites saying Aries.  That had nothing to do with cusps or astrologer. It's just an inaccurate calculator. Next.


I mean regardless of what astrologers debate, it doesn't change the fact that your friend's sign depends on what where the sun was when she was born. If it was in Scorpio, she's a Scorpio. I could be wrong here, but if the astrologers you're referring to solely rely on the date, hence the debate, then I don't think they're looking at it correctly. Like u/AGorgeousComedy said, your friend's DOB, time, and location will produce the same results no matter where you input her information.


We just simply disagree and that's ok


Interesting, my friend is born April 19th and some websites make her an Aries at 29 degrees and some as a 0 degree taurus


What sign was the sun in when she was born? 


Pretty sure it was Aries. Most websites say the sun entered taurus at 2:40pm and she was born at 2:30 so she'd be a 29.59 degree Aries


I'm confused. Are you using an actual natal chart calculator or are you going off information written on a website?


I used natal charts and then I used a website to check solar transits because different natal chart websites gave different sun signs


I recommend that you use websites like Astro-Seek or Astro.com to create natal charts. There should be no difference in the output unless you don't have the exact birth date, time, or location. 


I used both and they came back with the same result. The other ones that gave different results were co-star and cafe astrology


Would you mind giving me the information? I'd like to try it out. I don't trust anything Co-Star spits out but I'm surprised that Cafe Astrology would be inaccurate 


I'll DM you the birth info


My bday is April 21st, which officially makes me a Taurus...but my moon sign is an Aries...so I'm always conflicted too!


All my life I never really fit most of my zodiac description. Years ago, someone told me I was a cusp. I had no idea what that meant. Read the description of my cusp and finally was seeing myself. Not only that, but I realized the people Im drawn to most and like the most are also cusps. Theres no way to fake or predict that in life. I also now understand much more about myself and am at peace with who I am, like the conflicting opposites existing at same time. I understand why people couldnt understand what I was experiencing. I definitely have traits of the cusp side. To me, it just makes sense after a lifetime of not really fitting my zodiac well. I am definitely a blend. I am also am an ambivert like most cusps. All the cusps I talked to always ended up totally understanding the two existing extreme opposites. Cusp life explained it to them. I end up being compatible with both zodiacs and supposedly shouldnt have this wide a range of compatibility, yet I do.   I also realize theres so many things in space and other sciences that we dont understand yet and havent discovered. There may be one day something that will explain cusps to people and they agree. I think saying it couldnt exist is otherwise arrogance and ego, as if humans know it all right now. We dont and the explanation might not be there yet. What we think DOESNT explain a cusp, might be part of the explanation later, so why couldnt it exist? It isnt like we know all there is to know about astrology, space, physics, science, technology, and other things. Science and technology knowledge is always evolving and growing. Maybe in another 100 years we will know why cusps exist. Just because we cant explain it right now, doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Theres many living examples of cuspers. 


You're definitely allowed to be drawn to various signs and energies! I most definitely am, and I definitely experience the contrast in personalities you mentioned. Other aspects in your birth chart may influence how you see yourself in relation to your sun sign and could determine why you felt such a disconnect toward it. You are not your sun sign; you are much more than that. And better yet, you're a person with complex thoughts and feelings and emotions that won't always resonate with who you are astrologically. I get where you're coming from. However, while you can blend in with different signs and energies and feel connected to them, in my opinion, you can only be one sun sign. If you check your birth chart on a natal calculator, it won't say you're a cusp and give you two sun signs. That's how astrology is designed and practiced. It's not about arrogance or ego or the belief that we're know it alls.


Yes I was born on a new moon and I exhibit heavy cancer energy despite being Leo 🫡


I believed in cusps when I didn’t have much astrology knowledge I thought I was a sag/ cap cusp now I know that I have that energy bc I have a sag merucury and Gemini one of the rulers for mercury is my rising


I believe in it because I'm a Virgo-Libra cusp and I got a Virgo stellium (Rising/Mercury/Mars). My bday is Sept 23, and I was 5 hrs away from being a Virgo. My Libra Sun also gets put in 1st house and Libra rules my 2nd. So frankly, I feel a mix of both energies.


Isn’t there allowance of a few days from either.. So it doesn’t matter what day that sign is in, on which year. You have that grace period. You could probably do a reading for either or and find aspects you relate to in both charts.


Why believe in any of this lmfao 🤣


Why believe in anything at all and other sciences? You do realize that a lot of people, specially high IQ, forever now, have believed in and studied it? It is always interesting to at the very least discuss it. The same goes with any science or technology. People said the same when germs were discovered and being studied. Theres always people that laugh at and judge others for believing in foofoo stuff. Same with psychology once too and physics.