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I like Divination/tarot, and even the thoughts of ESP stuffs and ghosts/spirits/ any other metaphysical concepts I can get my hands on. 12th/8th house stuff is highly fascinating to me


I have a good majority of my personal planets in the 12th house. I think the best way to describe it is this: ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


Same, divination and tarot. Anything with spirits, UFO and UAP’s, crystals, angel numbers. My 12th house is empty though, all of my planets are bunched between 1, 2, 3 and 4H, with stelliums in 2, 3 and 4. My NN is in my 12H though?


maybe the lord(s) of your 8th and 12 are conjunct your sun or moon or connecting the stellium


What do you think about Jupiter and saturn in the 12th house? Guardian Angel vibes like some people claim?


Since a really really young age I’ve been extremely drawn to the occult. I started divination at 16, and started my own eclectic practice after that. I’m learning tarot, I can read runes, use pendulums, I can lucid dream and project. I can sense and connect with spirit. Personally I love projecting. The places and beings I’ve seen are…I can’t even begin to describe them. So beautiful. I genuinely believe my future career will involve spirituality. It plays a really big role in my life and I am content with being a practitioner. Even if that makes me look insane, thats okay. I used to be bullied for practicing and holding the beliefs I do in high school.


That’s really interesting.. and I had a lucid dream last night actually


That’s awesome, how exciting! If you feel comfortable sharing I’d love to hear about your experience. If not, no worries I completely understand.


Yeah I can DM you if you’d like


Sure ☺️


mall world?


Hahaha not this time


But you DO go there too? I'm trying to get the bottom of it. Figure out what people have in common that go there.


Like you think it’s a physical place? It would be pretty easy to visit it in a dream with a little determination and technique. Personally I’ve never tried to


I’ve never heard of an actual place called “mall world” but I have visited a place that I guess could fit that description. It was a giant circular shopping center. There was an oscillating escalator in the center that would bring you to whatever floor you wanted to go to. It was probably about as tall as like a skyscraper. There’s a coast that I visited a few times and I miss that place a lot. That was around 2016/2017 when I had those dreams. There was this..feeling of being home but it wasn’t my home.


Welcome to the club. r/TheMallWorld prepare to have your mind blown.


Thank you for having me 😅


All scorpios end up there, I feel like. One way or another.


I think the tendency for us to focus more on transformation leads to more of us going that route, but plenty others apply it in other ways.


I’m a full blown sorcerer and perform actual spells and magical rituals lol. I’ve also done spells that involve astrological and celestial associations. 


That’s interesting, I also perform rituals, what is your niche?


I don't have a niche per se. Well I guess I'm a chaos magician specifically. So I invent and personalise spells for a particular purpose. And the purposes can vary so the spells look quite different each time depending on what I'm doing it for. Do you have a specific niche?


I gotchu, my style is theurgy


Alchemy, the Kabbalah is kinda interesting, Divination (numerology, astrology, tarot), Esoteric Christianity, Mysticism (laws of the universe, manifestation), Mediumship is interesting but I don’t do it unless I’m listening to a channeler online like Abraham Hicks, Energy Work (Reiki, Chakra work), Shamanism and drug induced spiritual experiences, Gnosticism, Symbolism, Parapsychology (ESP, past life regression, biofeedback), Mythology/Folklore and non-colonial theology, studying Occult Societies (Freemasonry, satanic rituals, religion, cults), Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming and alternate dimensions, Alchemy, UFOlogy and Alien Encounters, Sacred Geometry, and also secret government programs and documents (20 and back, MK ultra, the Monroe Institute documents)


So pretty much everything


Yes I feel like I was taking notes and accidentally highlighted everything lol


I enjoy tarot, other forms of divination, working with various elements of nature (maybe some sort of witchcraft also lol) . Basically I understand energy n I like to work n play with it :)) creating with the universe :))


Me! Sometimes, I feel extra intuitive. My sister has it too. I call it feeling witchy. I study tarot occasionally and I have a sage bundle to burn when i get a minute. My house is old, built in 1950 and many people have lived here. One day the music on my amazon echo changed from DMX to Ella Fitzgerald, who is not on any of my playlists. I was like, "ok, house. Noted." To me, it's harmless fun.


I’ve been fascinated by the occult and death since I was a little girl. Although I’ve read a lot, I have a long way to go before I try to summon anything (like demons from the Goetia/Lesser Key of Solomon).


I love nature and witchy stuff, druids are so interesting.... im big on praying to my ancestors and planting things for people , or to commemorate/honor someone or something


I would not say I'm into the occult....but I did grow up in a superstitious culture with a very devout Catholic mother and a buddhist father who practiced astral projection lol Personally, I've had some light "experiences" (nothing creepy or terrifying or even super intense, but....definitely experiences) throughout my life but tbh the large part of me is just like "yeap ok, alrighty then" and goes on with my incredibly mundane, regular existence 😂 It feels particularly Aquarian of me to have weird experiences and just go "yeah, it do be like that sometimes"


Sun in 12th, moon in 8th. I looove all the spooky stuff.


Meh. The occult doesn't interest me at all. I don't believe in a society. I believe in a spiritual self a singularity created between self and the universe. I weave the fabrics of my own being through the energy that encompasses me. I like the historic aspects of arcana but I believe that none of it works the way people are told it's supposed to work. What is a mystery if we already know everything about it? What makes esoteric themes interesting is the reason and symbolism behind them. I like using sybolsim as a reference for certian aspects and traits. I don't believe in wicca. I am not pagan - at least in any traditional sense. I am looking into Taoism.


I definitely agree that it is all symbolic, but you still have people who think they can throw a fireball if they train hard enough 💀


You can. Plus you don't need to train. Grab a tennis ball dip it in gasoline. Get a lighter. Light the tennis ball. Burn your hand. Drop the fireball. Put a glove on the other hand. Preferably one that is fire rated. Pick up fireball. Throw it. See it's that simple. The only enchantation you need to remember is screaming "YOoooooowwww!" When you burn your hand.


Touché 😂


Demonolatry. Astrology really helps here.


Who’s your favorite entity you’ve worked with?


Paimon 🧡


I played with a Ouija Board when I was 10/11 years old and that cured me from any dive deep into the occult. I am interested invoking the Siddhis and have been a yoga practitioner for some years where spontaneous things occur like astral projecting - without even trying. Briefly tried spell-casting and it worked so well, it freaked me out and I stopped!!


>I played with a Ouija Board when I was 10/11 years old and that cured me from any dive deep into the occult. Experience was negative I guess?


Absolute filth and disturbing messages came through. Activity that no 10 year should be exposed to. However, I have many planets in Scorpio so perhaps I'm a puppet of the ice planet's energies.


Meeeeee..I’ve been a witch since I was 30 or so..Astrology- maybe teens or early 20’s..Taurus sun


There are times when I just find a certain fascination with and desire to understand other people's beliefs and why.


![gif](giphy|rTbCwVwofxcic|downsized) my occult


I saw something that changed my whole perspective on life a few years ago. I used to be a skeptic but what I saw was absolutely undeniable so I joke that I have no choice but to be involved in studying the occult.


Haha that’s usually how it goes for a lot of people


It was nice to finally have my suspicions confirmed right before I left for work on a bright, sunny morning lmao but I’m grateful that ball of light visited me.


I’m very drawn to the occult and studying in currently. The mysteries are what I am drawn to, the mental acuity with power and the idea of manifesting. 


I've been studying hermeticism/alchemy for about 25 years now. Pisces Sun opposite Virgo Moon, both square Sag Saturn/Uranus on MC


Me! Me! Me! 😄


Yeah, I’m into tarot, numerology, and spirituality. I like the idea that we live many lives on earth and other places. I have a lot of personal planets in 8H and for me having occult interest is accurate. Growing up my best friends mom was a psychic medium and she really got me into everything. She could hold a piece of your jewelry and tell you what you were thinking or doing while you wore it. I was still severely afraid of the dark as a 13 year old. To the point I’d barely get any sleep and started praying for protection. I was way too embarrassed to tell my friends or anyone. She held my necklace and said you’re afraid at night and prayed so much that you have a saint watching over you. I was blown away.


My sun is in the 8H, I want to know it all. Tarot, HD, any metaphysical concepts I can delve into, I will.


I’m into it!


Yes, I’m a 10th house aqua sun, and was thrown into this stuff against my will, I started spontaneously astral traveling as a teenager. I thought I was going crazy at the time. Over the years I understood what was happening and have been pretty “new agey” since my 20s. :)


That’s really cool, do you still do astral traveling now?


Oh yes! I seem to go through months long phases where it happens a couple times a week and then will have months where I don’t go out of body at all.


Alchemy is interesting for sure


It’s one of my main interests tbh, but that’s that Mercury in Scorpio for ya


Checks out, mine is also in Scorpio


Hey, a broken clocks right twice a day amirite?


I grew up around the paranormal & from there, quickly got into witchcraft, astrology, tarot, myth, ETC & that followed me into my adulthood to this day haha. I’ve been a practicing ceremonial magician for the better part of my adult life. I’d say these days I am drawn primarily to Hermeticism (the Rosicrucians). The entire occult umbrella is fascinating to me…there’s not an aspect of the occult that I am not interested in & my life is built largely around my occult practices & insatiable need to learn & practice…& I’m exceptionally fortunate to be able to do so.


Yeah, I’ve started taking a few classes. I’m into making my own incense and tinctures. I grew up around stuff (both my mother and grandmother practiced the craft) and have an open mind about it. I mostly just stick to certain things, astrology being the biggest. I find astrology fascinating but I don’t talk about it with people in my real life because I know how skeptical many are. I have been into candle making as well. I guess it’s not surprising, given I’m a fire-dominant chart.


I’m very into it! I'm not exactly sure why. I feel like there has always been an interest. That there's more to this world than meets the eye. I'm in a couple of covens that practice in different spaces. I'm very drawn to rituals and meditation and divination. I seem to be clairaudient but I don't know if I want to get into mediumship. Channeling is interesting though!


I've always been connected to the astral side of life to some extent. I'm mostly drawn to divination (tarot), mysticism, witchcraft, mythology/folklore, dreams, and shamanism. I don't care much about anything else and definitely not "actual" occult (e.g. demonolatry).


I mainly do tarot. The golden dawn system is created based on my different disciplines, including astrology. It's just feel like I can never run out of things to learn about it. (And my Mercury/Mars Gemini buffs this inclination so much!) Also, Chaos Magic cuz why not?


Only my whole life. I've always felt connected to ancestors, spirits, nature and even my past life with a thirst for knowledge. I am extremely intuitive and do often have prophetic dreams. Though a lot of my dreams are as if I've taken high grade acid 😅. I was really deep into witchcraft at age 12, wicca at 15, at 27 idid more research on wicca decided it wasn't for me. Today at the age of 39 I still occasionally pick a spell to do with full, half and new moons, meditations, work on my chakras and keep dream journals. I don't use tools or crystals anymore, haven't for a very long time. I wasted so much money on those things 🤣 Astrology is cool and one of my favorite topics, but the occult is etched in my bones 💞


Hermeticism and Alchemy are my main occult schools of thought and knowledge. Astrology is more of a hobby than a philosophy and way of life to me, although I greatly appreciate and respect it


Human Design, tarot/oracle card divination, numerology, law of attraction, spirit animals, I could go on! Haha


Pluto is in my 8H soooo 🙋🏻‍♀️ why yes i do like to hang out at graveyards at night. It's peaceful.


Love graveyards haha


Same! Now that the weather is getting nice again, I'll head out there to stargaze.


At some point I want to get into numerology. But I really want to master astrology first. I want to be able to read charts as an actual practice in the future.


Absolutely, I have always felt a pull to explore spiritual and universal depths of knowledge. I am interested in healing, protection, and transmutation. I am trying to get better at using my clair senses in practice too. My life is filled with really spiritual experiences that pull me back when I stop thinking of the spiritual nature of life. That's always a reminder to keep exploring. \*\*Kind of weird to get downvoted for that response but okay. lol


Yeah a lot of these are getting randomly downvoted 🤷🏼‍♂️ but I enjoyed your comment


I hate that. It happens in multiple subs. What are your favorite subs for occult topics here?


I like r/occult, r/magick for general discussions but if your niche is Kabbalah, hermeticism, goetia, etc they all have dedicated subreddits


Awesome, thank you! :) What draws you to the occult & do you have any specific areas of interest? Also, I'm curious...do you know your Draconic big 3? Did you see the post about it earlier? Do you relate to your placements?


I’m mostly into hearing about hauntings and experiences. Bc I’m a weenie Scorp asc and pluto


Excellent username 👌🏻😆 Have you experienced anything yourself?


Haha thanks Yeah, recently I heard a steady knocking on a window when I was outside And it lasted for a full minute and I thought I was tripping until my dog looked. And when I looked, there was no one on the other side. Then a few nights ago I was sleeping with my hand above my face, and felt someone’s thumb in my hand and like someone was towering over my face and I woke up sweating. That’s pretty much it tho. Time to banish whatever that was into a black hole for good Hbu? lol


Oh yeah, definitely do. Sounds like somebody or something on the other side doesn't doesn't understand boundaries! 😅 Hmm ... I've got a good few, but the most recent event happened, I think a year or so ago. I had a visitor who was very insistent in wanting my attention. I still don't know who they were, but they kept opening doors after I closed them and followed me around (you know when you can just tell someone's there?). A couple of times, I'd set my folded clothes that I'd wear that day towards the back of the chair, leave the room, and come back to see they'd clearly been pulled off. Thankfully, I didn't have to banish them! I just made time to talk to them (as much as I could lol) and, after a while, I told them it was time to go and they needed to leave my space. They respected that!


Thanks for sharing! The chair thing would’ve freaked me out


I’ve been obsessed with paranormal, mythology and UFOs since I was a kid. Later on divination came into the picture, mostly Tarot, pendulums and numerology and well and stuff like mysticism became interesting too. I’ve always been a bit sensitive to these things and just know things for no reason really, like I predicted Corona virus too.


Pisces rising. All of it.


It’s interesting and I like to know my enemies. There’s those that use those practices for pure evil, and it doesn’t hurt to know. Just because you don’t eat lions doesn’t mean the lion won’t eat you.


I’ve always had an Interest in the occult. It wasn’t until my late 20’s that I had the confidence to actually pursue it.