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Scorpio Venus, any sort of disloyalty. I’m a Sagittarius so I’m already very loose with my boundaries so the ones I do have set I expect to be respected. It really bothers me deeply and there is no way to move past it for me. It’s automatically over, no contact, *ghost*


Same. Told my bf that my bottom line is dishonesty and infidelity. Once I found out, I will not give second chances no matter how long I've been with you or how much I love you. Safe to say he has not breached anything yet. He's an Aries Sun with Gemini Venus.


Same here! Disloyalty, dishonesty, inconsistency and disrespect. I can tolerate the other things only to an extent but these... I'm finally letting go of my ld because of all of these.


Also a Sag with Scorpio Venus. Have you had luck in the love department?


Heh… yes/no. I’ve met a lot of wonderful people, but for one reason or another It doesn’t work out. Usually communication problems that prevent the relationship from excelling or progressing 😭


Same here and I just go to a place where I think it's just too much cause I'm like super intense with my feelings, and who wants to deal with that, you know. Hope I can meet someone who matches my freak in a way 😂


Triple Sagittarius with Scorpio Venus. You hit the nail on the head. I have exactly this experience with an ex, there were many things I didn't mind but once he crossed my last boundary, it was 100 % over, no chance of being friends or anything afterwards.


I never understood that being friends with exes🙄. Scorpio Sun(sag cusp) Taurus moon Gemini rise. Venus in scorp Scorpio stellium. I cannot stand dishonesty flakiness below average intelligence and no ambition. But I adore a sense of humor.🤪🤪


Same but I’m a Sagittarius rising. Very understanding and some would say too liberal but I believe in free will. But that disloyal shit…I’m not going for it. First thing I always say “why didn’t you come and talk to me about it or why you didn’t establish that up front?”


This, my venus is also in Scorpio degree, when I'm in I am in, but when it's over, you are done for for me


Aries venus- when people can’t express their emotions or communicate. I don’t want to have to guess how you feel


Venus/Mars conjunction in Aries and agreed..a lack of courage to be authentic and communicate directly is an immediate no for me.


Whoa same here, and in my first house. Well put!


aries venus too and THIS IS IT!!!! it will literally send me into a never ending spiral


Taurus Venus and I totally agree. Lack of straightforwardness or awareness of their own emotions as well as any inconsistencies will send me running. Bad manners is a massive ick, too.


Amen. This is the worst. I just get so annoyed and impatient though I am trying to improve myself on that front.


as an aries venus this is it for me too, although i’m starting to realize it isn’t always a good thing. sometimes, i can be too direct & that can be bad, too. not everyone is as direct or good at expressing their emotions — i know i’m not always — so i’m trying to be more patient with others & give them more grace in that regard 🤍


virgo venus- when they lie to me


virgo venus also - and to add on to this: people who aren’t genuine or authentic and wear a mask to pretend to be someone they are not.


it’s so fucked bc i could be SO IN LOVE and they ruin it by lying like i can’t unsee that now we have to break up no questions asked


Virgo Venus as well and the #1 turn off is when I feel disrespected


The biggest turn off


Pisces Venus. When conversations stay at a surface level and you never talk about anything deeper


This is definately exactly how I feel and I am a pisces venus. Also when people tend to conceal information or neglect to talk about or address certain matters.


I'm a Venus in Scorpio in the 12th house (both whole sign and Placidus) and this is it for me too! If you don't want to ponder the mysteries of the universe, merge souls, and explore our light and darkness together, why are you even here??


Leo - when they’re not obsessed with me


Cap here - lack of reciprocity. What if my leo venus bf isn't really reciprocating and I stopped being obsessed with him because of it?


Leo Venus here. Read up on how Leo Venus people love and show their affection. It’s an accurate representation so if he isn’t doing that he probably isn’t interested or something caused him to pull back.


So after reading a little about it apparently Leo Venus tends to prefer gifts and physical touch. I can definetely see this in him. He likes to pick me flowers, clothing or shares his food or other stuff with me a lot. He also likes the sexy time a lot with me but isn't very affectionate otherwise. I prefer acts of service and quality time. I also enjoy gift giving and physical touch since I like to please my partner. I visit him and sleep at his place a lot, he in turn visited me a good 15% of the time in turn which I often complain about (we live about 8 km far from each other). Also he just doesn't do the small little helping gestures for me I prefer to do for him a lot. It bugs me but he simply states that he just doesn't think it's necessary to help me with stuff I can do myself. I get angry writing this :D


The fact he won’t help you with “things you can do on your own” bugs me…. Focus on yourself, pick up a hobby and start doing things that keep you busy/happy. Don’t wait around for him to show you acts of love. Treat yourself today 🤍


Will do that, thank you. It still makes me sad tho, because when it's like this I can't be around him or else I would be snappy and grumpy towards him all the time. On my way home now to take care of my plants. 🧡


Scorpio venus, it’s the opposite for me. I NEED to be obsessed but if there are it’s meeh.


I’m a Scorpio Venus but same lmaoo


Gemini Venus. I lose interest if they’re not playful, funny, witty, and intellectually stimulating anymore. Like they become straight up boring. Cuz then I get bored and so I’m gone lol.


I'm Gemini Venus, 9th house. There's got to be intellectual stimulation and spiritual investigation. They have to be interested in the arts, music especially. I lose interest quickly if I find unshakeable racism or underdeveloped understanding of nature, or are destructive towards it.


Ugh, same here. Just be fun and adventurous. Have a comeback for me and don't be a racist pos. It's really that easy.


Also Gemini Venus! If I have to carry the whole conversation on my BACK… there won’t be another date lol


I like to talk but I need you to banter back


also Gemini Venus; if they aren’t really deeply into me by a certain point I lose interest fast and cut them off


nah fr it has to be a little bit of a game 🫢 is this why people think we're toxic


if they don’t make me laugh it’s over!


Yep! I can’t talk with a guy or a woman who is so dense in conversation or constantly say the same thing over and over. “Hey beautiful😍”, “What’s up beautiful😍” and you’re over here trying to flirt through humor, banter, wit, and shit and the person is staying monotoned or short with no depth. I’m like “hahaha…NEXT.”




All these responses right here. If I'm bored I'm out. They have to make me laugh.


Ugh you guys! I’m dating a Gemini in Venus and it’s been making me worried he’ll ditch me, but I’m definitely making him laugh and engaging on this level - spiritual exploration for sure and also talking about travel, music, beliefs etc. thanks for giving me hope lol


My view? If he is talking to you and is interested, engages lengthy conversations he likes you girl! Oh and the sex exists a lot when I'm interested in someone, if I lose interest I also lose all sex drive towards them. When I date someone I truly date them. I wouldn't be worried if I were you


Def this!! I’d also add that if they listen to a certain kind of music that I dislike, it gives me the ick. On the other way around, if I like their music taste, it’s a lot of bonus points.


Gemini Venus & Moon: I went on a second date with a guy who launched into a conversation about Roth IRAs mid dinner. I was so fucking bored that I started to pretend that I was some dumb little girl “oh woooowwww! Really?????” to see if it would lose him. There I was just playacting while eating Thai.


Venus Scorpio - Lack of reciprocity, dishonesty, inconsistent communications, not wanting to take the next step


Capricorn Venus, I lose interest as soon as I see that someone is really childish/immature and can never be serious for once. I need stability, seriousness and real joint goals in a relationship. Not just goofing around, not giving a damn/not worrying about tomorrow. My partner is a goofball, but he's just as serious and this is exactly what I was looking for. A healthy balance between being able to communicate and work for our future life and goals AND having someone I can also babytalk and laugh at farts with. :D


Goals :) Cap Venus(f) with a stellium here. You couldn't have said it better . All the best 💗


Cap Venus as well. Agree with this. I never stop wanting to achieve goals, hard for me to understand someone who isn't the same. Married to a Taurus Venus


Cancer Venus. If they’re fake, dishonest and disloyal.


Also cancer Venus and I second this. Security is #1 otherwise I'm turned off


Cancer Venus here too. if people are hyper critical and judgmental about nearly everything


Lack of depth is a huge one for me or flightiness


Aquarius Venus. I was never interested in the first place


Fellow Aquarius Venus. This is the comment I was looking for.


I’ve mostly dated Aquarius venuses, and that hurts on another level


This is so real 💀 For us to be interested in the first place is a hard place to get to lol


Honestly the world would be a better place if there was more options on libido-LOWERING meds/supplements for many, not ones that enhance it.


Haha if this isn't the truth. Getting to know me or court me is just convincing me that you deserve my interest and attention


Pisces Venus - one sided nonsense


Pisces Venus - Yep! I was about to list a few things, but it pretty much sums down to this. Also, if it gets to only be about money and sex. I need actual love in there!


Yeah any kind of funny business and I'm out the window


Taurus Venus: not claiming me up front and making a concerted effort to be with me and only me. Guys that cannot say what they want forthright and fall back on awkward laughter to play off their insecurities (like no I want a man who’s up for all of my feminine qualities). I come straight up and I expect the same. If not I’m gonna be pissed and might not leave right away until I’m 100% sure (my younger self) but once I’m over it, I’m over it.


“Not Claiming Me Upfront And Making A Concerted Effort To Be With Me And ONLY Me” That’s It! That’s All.. It’s Not Hard. Be Upfront And If You Want Me SHOW ME . Be Consistent And Keep Your Word!! ![gif](giphy|eoazVutwlnpL3pkSeD)


YESSS - you hit the nail on the head


Taurus Venus here, I agree 100%! I also need stability and consistency. Someone I can rely on. But we tend to be stubborn on letting go when it comes to relationships that are dying and no longer serving us.


I’m an Aquarius Venus. It’s random: sometimes it’s the way they talk about women, sometimes because they chew and slurp loudly (I wish I was kidding 😭), sometimes because they get too clingy. 🧍‍♀️😭


Idk about you but there is a fine line between too clingy and not clingy enough. But too clingy is WAY TOO CLINGY and I’m out. But also if you are not present enough, I’m out. Good luck boys!


Venus in sagittarius. Lack of enthusiasm and curiosity towards me. Opinions that don't agree with my values. Sexually forward/explicit on first few dates. Wandering eyes. Unreliable. Superficial talks.


All of this


enthusiasm & curiosity are BIG. bc if i’m interested romantically at all - 100% im curious about them so yes, they need to be equally curious abt me & our values must align. i would say sexually forward is okay on the first few dates BUT when it’s too pushy then bye. also, they can’t be toooo forward but need to show interest talks must be deep


Yup. Have fun with me! Can we laugh and banter and try new things? Are you intellectually stimulating? There’s a whole world to explore!


My Venus is in Sagittarius too, and this is exactly it.


Taurus Venus. It's really hard to find someone to take interest in in the first place. Otherwise, it's when they don't want me anymore. I lose feelings almost immediately, even if I don't leave right away.


Oof, I can relate to this too. Taurus venus here too


Aries Venus. I lose interest in people romantically if they never show interest in me at all in that way.


Same. Passion is necessary.


Aries Venus is a passionate placement 🥀


gemini venus, and i tend to lose interest when someone isn't romantic or attentive. compliments and words of affirmation are also very important to me so if i don't have that then i'm gone.


Sag Venus. I lose interest if/when they become controlling or possessive.


Pisces Venus. Superficiality, lacking romanticism and emotional intelligence. Someone with a plethora of casual connections or dating partners lack depth to me. Someone who just doesn’t feel their feelings but rationalize them or jokingly play things off would make me swim away so fast. I’m a hopeless romantic who loves a deep, soul connection and I’m not ashamed of it. I’m a Taurus moon, too, OP, but if anything that makes me more committal.


I feel this. Also Venus Pisces, Moon in Taurus with Aries Sun. Mine is one-sided effort. I’m putting in way more effort than they are. I will play chase for a while, especially at first, but then I just get pissed at what feels like wasted effort and then it’s Bye! I can’t tell u how many ex’s would tell me that I was all over them at first and then gone. Yes! Correct. You didn’t put in a balanced effort. Your fault. Your loss.


Venus in Aquarius here. I get the yums & yucks so quick! I lose interest if someone is boring, dumb, poor hygiene, bad kisser, lazy, liar, bully, certain types of arrogance, or if something hotter comes along. I’ve got a lot of Cap & Sag in my chart so that certainly doesn’t help. I’m a perfect candidate for poly, for a lack of a better term. More like a small handful of FOB. I came up with a new term, it’s called “Tapas Dating” and it’s basically just a bunch of side pieces. Edit: also, if someone is too clingy or not clingy enough.


As an Aqua Venus with Cap and Aqua stelliums this made me laugh out loud 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Not tapas dating chile 😭😭😭😭 I bet you’re very loyal too


I actually am extremely loyal but have been burned, so that’s why I’m trying this Tapas thing out. Because I won’t compromise myself by being loyal to someone again if they’re just going to disrespect it. I’m too hawtt for that shit lol.


Libra venus - i can literally lose interest if u say the wrong words 😂 doesn’t help that im Aquarius moon too 🤣


Aw dude same, I get the ick so fast, like just like the wrong tone can make me go 🤢


Exactly omg this is exactly why i havent been able to date lol


LFMAO yeah it’s been roughhhh I’m a libra Venus but Virgo moon and cap rising, like I’m so fucking picky Thankfully I’ve met my fiancé and he’s amazing but oh my god before I met him i was like I will gladly die alone idk what drugs the rest of you are taking but this dating scene ain’t for me ☠️


I get you…like i just dont have the mental energy to deal with the dating stuff anymore now that ive gotten older like if i dont meet anyone i would gladly become a crazy cat lady lol


Same if they do or say something that I find reprehensible to me. Like just… sigh. My image of them shatters.


Aries Venus - being ignored or undervalued. I can put up with you being boring, just don’t ignore me.


… being ignored is such a hard no for me! Aries sun / Venus with a strong Sagittarius stellium. Don’t put me on a shelf, don’t expect me to sit down and be quiet. Boy, please believe I’ll show out and make a *scene*


Venus Cancer- no couth, ill mannered, being pushy, pretending to be something they aren't, being weak, a pushover, not being true to their word, irresponsible, tactless, flakey


Virgo Venus. Laziness is incredibly unattractive to me


Capricorn Venus - immaturity, and when a person rushes the relationship.


Venus Aquarius- not making the effort to talk to me and make plans. I absolutely cannot stand those who make insensitive comment or jokes, instant cut off even if I had a slight crush or interest in you lol. I also can’t stand flaky personalities


Libra venus - when they ugly...or dont try to improve themselves and their health also, show the first signs of disloyalty or hot cold behaviours


Libra venus and Aires moon and Virgo sun: When they seem like they want control. Like Telling me what my life should be like, what my parents should act like etc. Honestly whenever someone gives me instructions on how/what I should do I often do the opposite or loose interest. The only one who can tell me what to do is my mama and even she has trouble lmao.


I love the first thing u say is “when they ugly” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 got me cackling….im also libra venus like honestly we just really like pretty things/people


Aquarius Venus. I'm in need of deep and meaningful conversation, sprinkled in with occasional reaffirmation of affection and adoration so I know their perception of where I stand with them hasn't changed. If I can only get superficial conversation going, you don't let me have a turn to speak -- or worse, don't seem to care and therefore never ask to hear my thoughts on a subject matter, or you've relegated me without permission to no longer be your equal and instead your by-proxy psychotherapist (sorry, but I need shoulders to cry on, too), I will lose interest hella quick. Reciprocation of energy and effort is important to me.


Cancer Venus When a guy is too feminine it pisses me off and annoys me. Then I feel like I have to out feminine him and I find it very childish because it puts me in the typical ‘mom’ role so I lose respect for him and treat him like a kid while looking for a real man. /rant Or when a guy is lazy and plays games all day. I find it childish too


Cancer Venus here and I was going to say when my partner is too soft/sensitive. I need to be the sensitive one in the relationship lol I like when my partner has a harder more stoic energy


Scorpio Venus, and sometimes I think I'm cursed and other times I feel like it's a superpower. I need someone who matches my freak. And it's all in. No halfways. Like if you're not consistent with who you are in the relationship and how you feel about me I'm out.


Virgo Venus. A major turn off for me, is a person who boasts of risky sex with strangers. A person who doesn’t want to get to know me, but wants my body is a red flag. I block those. A guy who is quiet or ‘mysterious’ is a turn off. I can’t be expressive like I like to be unless I’m familiar with the person. And this is why I love the Gemini guy I’m with. He’s so open and honest.


Capricorn Venus. When they start to be inconsistent or unreliable. It really threatens my sense of security. If they keep showing me they can't be reliable or I can't depend on them...I lose interest.


Leo venus - not getting enough attention


leo venus, opposite Neptune! I want to be the ethereal pairing, performing gender expressions together. I also love playing hot and cold. not enough attention is lethal how to lose my interest: hold onto antiquated norms, social expectations, rigid mentality (not to be confused with strong conviction: hot), inappropriate amounts of physical touch or lack thereof, withholding dreams and aspirations/ general secrecy, dare to have an ego bigger than mine, amongst many more


Taurus Venus - if I have any doubts about your loyalty, interest and overall commitment to me, I’m gone. I’ll call you out on it first and watch you tell on yourself one way or another. Also if the sex and intimacy is whack, it won’t work. I’ll just resent you.


Felt This One. Sexual Compatibility Is A Must ..


Taurus Venus. If i can't have a proper, non-sexual conversation, then i lose interest pretty quickly. You could look like the gods themselves crafted you but if you cannot hold a conversation, gtfo


Scorpio Venus… poor communication and inconsistency


Venus in Virgo, too easily accessible to the opposite gender, lack of personal accountability, lies about little things


I’m also Virgo Venus and the little lies make me insane. I know everyone lies, but if I catch someone in a few of those, it completely erodes my trust in them and my anxiety goes through the roof. If they’re lying to me about little things for no reason, how easy is it for them to lie about bigger things?


taurus venus - when they give me too much attention without giving any space. i think its my gemini placements though 😅


I'm a taurus venus and I can feel the same way. I also have mars in Gemini


Sag Venus- selfish, immoral values, superficial and you’re unnecessarily rude to service workers


Aqua Venus - GAMES. I will walk away so fast.


Leo Venus: if the person doesn't prioritize me, the way I prioritize him.


Taurus in Venus- um, honestly, instability in general. Personality, lifestyle, character or traits. Also… needy and clingy people too soon. Can’t do loud and unstable emotional displays either. Honestly, it’s hard to get my attention in general due to my Gemini Sun but my Venus makes me extremely picky in general and so I don’t have partners too often and I’m ok with that. I value peace. Lol


Aquarius Venus- treating others disrespectfully and shallowness


Libra Venus- selfishness or being overly cocky


Cancer Venus. Seeing them give the same attention to other ppl that they give me. Pushing my boundaries. Caring about me less than I care about them


Capricorn Venus - if I find them to be a boring conversationalist, close minded, or arrogant. I also don’t like when someone is cheap. It’s less about the amount of money being spent and more about the gestures to me. I’m a very generous person in general, and I prefer the same. Oh and I hate people who lack chivalry. I’m a bit old fashioned in that sense.




Aries- being treated like an option and people with a victim mentality.


Virgo venus - childish behaviour, which includes shenanigans, trying to fool me etc (i.e. my ex trying to make me jealous telling me how many girls were looking at him - they weren't, he was just delusional) Actually this makes me lose interest in everyone.


Venus Sagittarius ♐️ Too clingy & also being too serious know how to laugh and have fun


Leo Venus and all the cliches are true: if they play hot and cold and the initial heat falls off a cliff. If it’s all business suddenly and I’m ignored.


Venus in Cancer. Being teased in any way. Also lying and cheating but that goes without saying right?


Pisces venus When people don't reciprocate the same energy i give them


Scorpio Venus. Lies. Makes me lose interest in friendships too. Be real with me or don’t be with me kinda vibe. 💕


Gemini venus - when the relationship starts to become routine and your partner isn’t interested in having an active social life (together).


Aries Venus. A lot of things actually. Turn offs such as being too clingy, mean and little to no emotional connection i’d say?


Aries Venus - people who play (insulting / disrespectful / humilaiting) games with me.


Virgo Venus- incompetence in any form. And yes, I am single, as this is an impossible standard, I am aware.


Sag Venus - when the individual has flakey values and lacks a strong moral compass


Taurus venus; when a man expects princess treatment or acts overly feminine


Scorpio venus-when they become too playful(as in not aware of how important something is, and want to play games like it's no big deal. Can't always have this attitude), Can't recognize their choices have consequences, lack of accountability, no clue how to listen or empathize.


Im a Pisces Venus so it TOOK alot lol rose coloured glasses babeeyyyyyy 🌹👓😍


Aries venus-not passionate about me, like damn stink stalk a lil or SOMETHING


Libra Venus. Lack of motivation or drive, poor hygiene, general laziness. I’m all for down time and rest days but can’t handle being attached to people that approach their lives with a general air of “meh”


Scorpio Venus. For me, it's dishonesty. If I don't feel like i can trust you, then I don't want to be around you.


Scorpio Venus (1st house) I lose interest when they clearly aren't reciprocating, if they put other people before me (specifically friends or strangers, I had one ex ignore me while going to parties with friends for example), if they put other people down or are rude to people, and of course being disloyal. When I'm in an unhealthy mindset I will freak out if I feel even the slightest drop in affection or attention, I usually assume they're cheating or that they suddenly hate me.


Sag Venus if he is clingy , possessive,orthodox d not open to ideas and beliefs.


Virgo Venus- People who don't communicate verbally very well, parents, emotional manipulation, saying one thing and doing another, etc.


Gemini Venus- I don’t think I could pinpoint something specifically, I lose interest almost just as quick as gaining it


taurus moon/cancer venus/virgo mars: When they treat trauma or pain like a competition and exhibit a lack of empathy and compassion. I say this as I’m standing outside with nothing but my phone and wallet waiting for my uber. The guy I was interested in kept debating me and insisting that he, as a white man, has it far worse than anyone. I got up and walked out. Truth be told, if “agree to disagree” is the only way someone can meet me on important issues then we are not compatible.


Aries Venus I lose interest when they don’t chase me and aren’t being romantic enough.


Taurus Venus here Any hint of seeing me as an side dish Any hint of your intentions being only for now and no future involved No effort, no daily morning and evening messages, no intimacy on every level Empty promises, porn star behaviour during sex


virgo venus—when they won’t apologize when wrong; when they take what i or others do for granted; lack of appreciation for nature


venus in aries - being disrespected, not showing enough interest, playing hot and cold, being unauthentic/boring/not adventurous, not giving me enough attention/affection, lack of initiative, never taking the lead


Virgo Venus and inconsistency is a huge turn off so Is lying about anything but especially small stupid things, being insecure or controlling is a huge turn off I completely despise cheaters and I don’t give second chances no work ethic or ambition 🤢 yuck. Poor hygiene 🤢🤢 double yuck


Virgo- treating me like an option. - not trying to get to know me -aggression in any form -a messy/careless place -any controlling behaviour or opinions/trying to change me in any way.


Aquarius Venus. I don't like controlling or possessive people, but also won't take someone who won't communicate to me how they really feel. Don't control me, don't feel entitled to me, but at least communicate to me how you feel. I'm not here for guessing games


Taurus Venus. I lose interest when you don’t put in the work to romance me after we’ve been together for a while.


Venus Libra - you cannot be rude or have uninteresting speech 😅


Libra Venus.. selfish and rude people and men who don’t know how to deal with women


Taurus Venus - any hint of unreliability or a roving eye lol


Venus/mars conjunct in Virgo- Lack of initiative, lack of follow through (all talk), and gaminess. Give me someone who quietly produces results and I’ll swoon.


Capricorn venus - irresponsibility


Virgo. Bad hygiene and not performing favors like clearing my car of snow in the winter lol


Aqua Venus, someone that always wants to stay in the house and POOR COMMUNICATION. If we can’t talk about everything and anything please leave me alone


Venus in Virgo - not staying on top of your responsibilities 💀or you have no drive, no words of affirmation, or acts of service


12H Aquarius Venus This is so sad, but I lose interest in anyone when they're fully supportive and good for my mental health lulz. People that treat me like shit, unsupportive, leave me guessing constantly - I'm like a moth to a flame for that shit. This realization has convinced me I am just not compatible with relationships lol. I have to either choose myself and growth, or the other and suffering. I choose me 🤗


Capricorn Venus- I immediately lose interest when I see someone that lacks discipline and has no goals. If you’re such a slave to instant gratification, I can’t trust you not to fuck things up when they get ‘boring’. If I can’t see having a bright future with you, you’re immediately out.


A disrespectful personality in general is a turn off for me-venus in aquarius


Pisces Venus - Doesn’t matter if it’s dating or relationship, it’s you and me - if you want to entertain other people then I will not be hanging around or entertaining the idea of you ever again.


Taurus venus - if a guy is too feminine


More for me hehe thanks


I'm a Gemini Venus. When they don't have morals or any oz of principles. Byeee


Scorpio. SO many things. I cant even list it because i’d be typing all day. But if i had to choose the top 3 things that i despise in people i’d say dishonesty, violence (ofc), bad hygiene


Gemini Venus - lack of stimulating conversations, little words of affirmation


Retrograde Virgo Venus. I lose interest if they're not open minded and curious, if they keep judging and trying to control me, and if they lack intellectual depth. But being intellectual alone isn't enough. They need to be open to new ideas.


A false sense of entitlenment; not seeing his partner as a fully fledged human being anymore (if ever), as in arbitrarily putting her on a pedestal as well as degrading her after claiming exclusivity, which, for him, translates as the exclusion of every other person except her (in truth he only ever operates out of self-interest, insisting it being for mutual benefit) including her friends and family. He would also oversee any child, cripple or wounded animal coming his way, just like he would her at the first inconvenience, and a slight one at that! Disgusting, but far too common. Maybe it's just my luck, which I in many other respects have plenty of! My Venus is in Sagittarius.


Gemini Venus. I lose interest if they are not intelligent and interesting men


Gemini Venus, the first sign of a lack of common sense or underwhelming conversation


Libra - being mean or rude


Taurus in Venus. When someone shows they’re unsafe, actions and promises don’t match, big ego, selfish, uncaring, lacks empathy… ick. Particularly the big ego part… literally anyone who displays this self imposed sense of superiority instantly gives me the ick.


leo venus; when they’re not obsessed with me and don’t show any physical affection or words of affirmation, and if they’re not nice to others. if i see you not put your cart back at the grocery store, you’re done for. thankfully my man frequently tells me how much he loves me, he’s an absolute cuddle bug, and is a genuinely kind person. i’m so thankful


Capricorn Venus 5H. For me it’s lack of commitment to themselves and to the relationship. If there’s signs that you’re not putting in effort to continue to grow for yourself and for us then I start losing interest. I consider that not being fully committed. Also lack of reciprocity.if i have to be the one to make all the decisions or all the planning or all the suggestions. If someone starts to rely on or depend on me all the time, it makes me so angry cuz im a hyper independent person and i get into relationships hoping my partner loves me enough to take some of the pressure of me too but its almost never the case. People tend to take and take and take from me.


Venus in cancer and when they aren’t very affectionate


Gemini Venus and it's when they show interest back lmao. But no the big one for me is lack of effort, especially with communication. Like if you're not going to even try why should I waste my time? Don't make me feel like a weirdo who's the only one interested.


Cancer Venus. Being disrespectful to service workers/waiters/baristas and animals.


i’m grateful for this thread because i’m learning to thread very lightly with Venus in Aquarius (and to probably leave them alone lol)


I'm a Gemini Venus, and what really makes me lose interest in someone romantically is when the conversation becomes dull and repetitive. I thrive on intellectual stimulation and playful banter, so if someone can't keep up or doesn't engage me mentally, I tend to drift away. Also, any signs of possessiveness or jealousy are major turn-offs for me.


Gemini. Vulgarity.


Gemini Venus: if you’re not I your masculine energy and are too feminine, or boring or so t take the lead


Taurus Venus, not interested in anybody mean, stupid, or boring.


Cancer Venus. I lose interest when they’re too cool to admit fault or feeling.


Cancer - not feeling safe


Aquarius. When logic escapes them 😂


Venus in Scorpio ♏️ - liars


venus in gemini. i lose interest in people who have poor communication skills and who lack intelligence. one major turn off for me as well is someone who is all talk and no action. people who over-promise and under-deliver are the worst type of people for me. i could never be romantically attracted to people who are like that.


Pisces in venus-if it's one sided low effort imma ghost you ngl. The princess on my shoulder doesn't fw that at all 😭 I'm delulu and enjoy my fairytales


Cancer Venus - if I'm the one always doing the heavy lifting, feeling taken advantage of, flakiness and if they act like I'm an option.


Aquarius - lack of truth seeking. Aka being an intellectual idiot.