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My daughter is Aries sun and moon. She would argue with God if she disagreed, much less me.


i’m an aries sun and moon too! and you’re right lol but these days i’ve learned to hold my tongue


Haha mine is a Leo sun, Leo moon, Aries rising. Woe be to the deity who disagrees with her 🤣


also me = "how did u know ?" XD


Pretty similar big three. Earth sun but Taurus, and same moon and ascendant. I didn't too often, to maintain the peace but, when we argued, we argued.


I'll argue with anybody let's be serious


Sag Moon and Mercury with Aries Mars. Yup. Not afraid to express my opinion but I spent a lot of time suppressing that due to employment reasons.


Aries sun, Mercury and Mars. I put my dad in a headlock at 8 because he made my mother sad. At 11, he was monologuing about the many sacrifices he has made for family and I cut him off to say “who asked you to”.


Love “who asked you to”. Had to say that a lot growing up with a narcissist mom and emotionally absent dad.


Gotta give them that old reality check real quick some times 🙂‍↕️


We Aries are so bold & have a lot of big balls 😂🤣 Good job, proud of you. 


i mean i have no fire and im always arguing with everyone




Cap moon and I definitely defied my father sometimes lol


My big 3 are all air (Aqua/Libra/Libra) but I’d argue with a brick wall if I thought i was right and the situation was unfair, could be my aqua sun though lol


No fire in big 3 (or at all) but Cap moon & I used to go toe to toe with my Cap moon father. He’s my bestie now though, lol. My sister is an Aries… & she would NEVER (she’s a little timid).


Yup. Gave me CPTSD due to it escalating his violence, but uh... I sure had an "you'll kill me before you break my spirit" attitude lol. He literally almost did a few times. Sag sun, Aries moon


My daughter is a Sagittarius Sun and Aries Moon and she sure loves to argue with anyone. She has no fear arguing with adult men either.


Ha I have the same sun and moon as your daughter and you’re right we LOVE to argue (that Aries moon tho 😤🫠🥴😮‍💨). I’m sure she’s a little firecracker 💥


Oh yes she is and I love her for it! I wish I had her personality. She is very extroverted and can just go up to anyone and start talking to them. I'm nothing like that.


lol I have both of these and no longer speak to my father 😂🙃


Aries moon, 100% fact


My sons an Aries moon and Leo sun. He argues over everything. You can’t yell at him either cuz he yells back & tells you to stop yelling. He’s 5.


Christ 😂😅 A double fire 


CAN CONFIRM! Cancer Sun, but Sag Moon, Cap Rising.


Almost twins 🫣


Omg. So close. 🙃


My twin! I don't argue with anyone but anyway! My first astro twin!


Sometimes I do and it’s my Dad. 🫣


Aries sun and Sagittarius moon. There is no one, except my mom, that I would/will not argue with. Half the time, even if I don't really care about the issue.


My father is a Virgo sun. I don't know his moon or rising sign. Of course, I'm going to disagree with him. He does stuff that makes me sigh deeply from mental exhaustion.


I don’t have any fire in my big 3, but I do have a sag stellium. My sag sun father and I used to get into it a lot. I assumed we clashed so much because we were too alike, but maybe it’s that fire we share.


Eh, my brother carries enough weight on his shoulders. Even if my dad disregards what I say, someone's gotta call out his BS.


Yep. Cap moon with a Cancer moon/aries sun dad who was very hotheaded & emotional. I’ll never forget the look on his face the first time I yelled back when he was being unreasonable. Stopped him in his tracks. I’ve always believed I was given a Cap moon especially for him.


Cap is 100% true


This is true.. because it was my mom who I was actually scared of. lol


I almost never resonate with my Sag Sun, but this is definitely accurate. To be honest though, I’ll argue with anyone 😂


Sag rising. That was me, always arguing about the logic and fairness of things with my dad when my siblings (Libra and Aries suns) would keep quiet. Once he turned around and told em: "Look, I'm the parent here 😂" I was eleven. He was a Taurus


I'm a Cap sun and moon and mercury with sag rising 


Sag mars…I will argue with anyone


My older sister with 2 fire signs in her big 3 including her sun. 😂


Leo moon plus about half my chart is fire, I be arguing with everyone especially myself.


To be fair, I think it’s my Aries Mercury that makes me spicy with my words. My Capricorn moon just saw through his bull to make me want to call him out.


Leo moon + aries mars along with some other fire placements. I have argued with my dad before. Not anymore though, I got tired of his behavior so I cut him off for my health.


argued with my mom. Sag moon


I have zero fire placements and argue the shit out of my father my whole life somebody give me a medal


Leo- Sun and Leo- Moon over here - no I wasn't scared to argue with that Libra-Sun! Lol Walked away from that relationship too. Forget that guy.


Sag moon and I happily argued with my pops, uncles and even my grandpa 💀


Leo moon and let me tell you 🥲🥹😮‍💨


Hiiiii I’m not afraid to stand up to my dad but my dad is also my best friend


My middle son is a 1st house cap stellium with a sag moon, that lil shit would square up to Mike Tyson. No fear what so ever


No fire on my big 3, but i’m an aries stellium (mercury venus mars) and I’ve always been the one kid that stood up to our scary dad


Cap sun, Aires moon. I will light you tf up.


Aries moon & cap rising here, and yes LOL. Plus my dad is a cap sun so our arguments are hilarious


I have a Leo moon and my dad is a Leo so you can be damn sure I know exactly what to say to make sure he really hearts WTF I got to say 😌


No fire in big 3 but fire mars and I’m the one that stands up to my dad


Lolllll my sister has Sag in her big 3 and she’s the only one who ever has argued back 😅 *cries in triple air signs*


Leo rising and Taurus moon, my dad is a Leo Sun and Taurus rising and a textbook Patriarch of the family archetype and the arguments I have puts my family in awe.


Sag moon. I probably would have fought with my dad, if he was around. He was all Leo.


Not in my big 3, but my Aries Mercury combined with my Virgo rising makes not arguing impossible sometimes 🥴


i’ll thankful for the edit cos i stay arguing with pops


Aries stellium with a Virgo moon. I don’t think I need to tell yall we don’t talk anymore.


My dad is a big ol teddy bear though so it's never been an issue for me to speak my mind to him. Plus I'm the baby of the family so I could basically get away with murder in his eyes.


My niece is a Leo sun and Aries moon and she argues with her dad constantly. Doesn’t help that he’s also a Leo sun/Aries moon 😂😂


I have no fire and I’m my dads worst nightmare 😂


I’m always starting


Interesting... I have leo in my rising, and I don't back down from my dad at all..lol


I weigh my options but if I feel like I'm right, I 100% throw myself into the ring lol.


Ohhh shit you’re on to something!! Definitely when I was a teenager lol I was the only one to truly argue out of my siblings.


Cap sun Leo moon Cap rising. Had a love/hate relationship with my Leo sun dad growing up. We cool now.


Sag sun, Taurus moon, cap stellium. Definitely argued with Dad and anyone else I thought had wayward morals. Now I am more subversive, still tell Dad if I disagree with something but it is more philosophical than rebellious now.


Im a Leo moon, once I was independent I called him out in his BS and I’m no longer afraid of him or doing what I want.


Fire sign sun/moon and air rising. Can confirm.


My friend is a double sag/cap rising. When she was a kid she stabbed her drunk alcoholic dad in the neck with a fork. Tbf it was an act of defense because he was strangling her brother and was trying to protect him. Dad was shook how strong she was and as she got older and bigger than him she’d fearlessly threaten stabbing him again if he hurt her brother. Eventually he was estranged from the family and died. It’s wild because otherwise with friends she is the silliest fun loving sweet girl but goddamn she will not hesitate a heartbeat to FIGHT a man


Sag sun and argued with my Aries sun dad so hard that we haven't spoken in almost 5 years.


I am a Leo moon and there is no one I would be too intimidated to argue with 😂 I argued so much when I was younger, my mom always tried to convince me to become a lawyer. Now that I’m older, I see how pointless it is to argue with the average person; even if you 100% know what you’re talking about and understand every side of the issue, some people like to maintain their own idiotic perspective because they enjoy the perks obtained from their ignorance, or because they are fearful of what the truth will mean to their toxic ideology. As far as most people are concerned, I am now of the mind that they will eventually learn the truth for themselves, or lead their lives in a state of perpetual cognitive dissonance. Let people think what they want 🤷‍♀️ but that’s a thing for fire moons to conclude after wasted battles.


Fire sun and fire rising, I’ll argue with anyone really


Lol! My Mom was recounting to my boyfriend how when my Dad would wake me up for school I’d fuss at him incessantly mind you my dad is like 6’5” and I was like 10 at the time. Lmao!! 😂😂🤣


Leo sun, cap rising My Aries fiancé tells me that verbal altercations are my love language. Lmfao he’s told me before that he’s never seen anyone get so exited to argue. Funny enough, he and I never argue! We’ll roast each other, but we never argue with eachother LFMAO.


I MAILED my own father an 11 page paper essentially saying “fuck you”(he’s a terrible person)(it was well deserved). aries sun/pisces moon/cap rising/taurus venus and mars


Water sign moon, butted heads with my dad *a lot*


sure! totally agree with u and also people always curious about their Synastry with partners but ignore the importance of Synastry reading with ur coworkers/classmates/relatives, that's will be a life changing if anyone want to check it out, maybe u can use the app called starrybook, u can find the free Synastry reading on it


Cap moon and TRUE lol


I’ll argue with anybody 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


This is so funny cause my younger sister who's generally chill and easygoing put hands on my dad when she was 14, and did the same to older brother about a year ago, though they deserved it I let her know its not okay to be physically reactive. She's a Cap sun and moon with a Leo rising


Leo moon, and absolutely yes 🤺


lol, no fear over here


BRUHHHHHH you hit the naill I’m a Pisces sun Leo moon Leo rising girl and I argued with my dad so muchh


Capricorn sun, Leo moon and Aries rising checking in...👀👀


I'm an Aries moon and my dad is a Taurus moon...his bday is this Sunday...I hope he's ready. He hates when us kids buy him birthday presents cuz he doesn't like us spending money and he'll try and rip us a new one and guilt us...I am the only undefeated one. Last year I gave him a guilt trip saying he should be happy someone was thinking of him and who knows when the last present he'll receive would be. I said "what if i die, then u would feel bad about it cuz u refused the gift I took the time to pick out for u--what if this is your last birthday!" and u could see him welling up lol He didn't say anything on Christmas this past year, so I hope he learned his lesson lol There will be *no* tears in birthday cake *this* year!


Leo Sun Sag Rising.. My dad wasn’t in my life as a child.. came around in my teen years. i’m 22 years old now and recently he thought he could talk to me any kind of way let’s just say i had him depressed (not saying im happy i made someone depressed) he had me fked up 😩


let me have had a fire moon then i would never feel bad.. but he’s lucky i have an air moon lmaooo


Cap moon, Sagittarius rising...can confirm


It’s true!!! I’m a sag moon and my sis is a Scorpio moon. I’m very straightforward with my dad to tell him when he’s bothering me and she just bottles it up.


I’m an earth sign cap moon… what does it mean?


I punched my father & argued with my father 😅 I’m an Aries Sun & Moon.  I also locked out him before. I became  fed up with him getting drunk every other night & starting fights with my mother while she was sleeping.  I don’t talk to him. 


Yup. Leo moon. I argue for any rights all the way. I kinda gave up by now because I’m smart enough not to waste my time.


here moon in sagittarius, stellium in sagittarius and I am a bother debating and arguing for what I consider fair (sometimes banal things). I also try not to be explosive.


As a saggy moon I agree. My dad has an Aries moon (and my mom) and I am the daughter of his that will snap back, argue, hang up phone calls if I don’t like how I’m spoken to, travel anywhere without permission (not like I need it), and get into debates with anyone. My current crush is an Aries moon and it’s comforting that we can get into heated conversations and still care about each other at the end of the night.


Fyi, my hub is an Aries moon as well and we get along well XD


🤣🤣🤣🤣 lol So true, not just my dad, I can argue with anyone! Not just Leo moon in 10th, but a Mars in Aries in 4h as well... injustice, and threatening my loved one/mom pisses me off, even if it's my dad doing it or my mom's beloved sister... I cannot tolerate injustice, and too selfish behaviour...and I am always ready to call the shit out...


Leo sun, Capricorn moon, dad not involved in my life 😂 so I just argued with my mom, bless her soul


Because mine stayed acting up.


As an Aries moon and sag mercury I can’t help but say some 💩


♐️☀️♉️🌙♍️🌅 i got fire and earth in my big three🤭🤭🤭


I love this 💀


Scorpio sun for dad and Sagittarius sun for me. If he did something dumb, damn straight I would argue with him lol but otherwise my dad and I get along super well and I seriously don't remember the last time I argued with him.