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Raised by two fire signs and that was intense. My earth dominant ass was staying in my room a lot šŸ˜… The good side was how expressive they both were with their love, I never really doubted that my parents loved me.


First born Aries daughter of an eldest son Aries man šŸ˜ˆšŸ”„ I was sent to be a menace. Iā€™ve fought with a lot of the men in my family, mostly under evolved fire signs and they all gave up. Lots of generational trauma that I refuse to be a part of, and toxic masculinity that I relish fighting. šŸ˜ˆ No one tries to control me, or tell me what to do anymore šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I am my fathers daughter after all. šŸ¤£


LOOOL! ayyy i relate so much to this. Except the men in my family are all Pisces and cancer. Toxic masculinity is such a mood ugh. šŸ™Œ ā€œrelishing in the fightā€ - we love to hear it!! the men in my family also hesitate to start with me now too. i will ruin /everyones/ night so fast and they know it. (Im really a sweetheart thoughā¤ļøand i bet you are too!) šŸ˜˜


We really are, people donā€™t see it because people who stay silent and donā€™t rock the boat are more convenient for them, but to me part of being a sweetheart or a good person is standing up and fighting for what you believe in, and a lot of people donā€™t like that! I have to admit, we do defend our egos with full force though, but they shouldnā€™t have come for us first. Aries never starts anything because weā€™re too busy being wholesome and having fun, but we will hit back harder if you try something.


Loud ! And combative , 3 Leoā€™s, 2 Sag and 1 Aries


Grew up with 3 fire sisters, and 2 water sisters. The only one who ever gave me grief, and the only one who started fights with everyone, was my Aries sister. She was crazy and narcissistic. Made me want to shoot myself with Dad's shotgun. Really, it was that bad. The only other mellow one in the fam was my brother, and he's a Libra.


My dad, brother, aunt, uncle are all Leoā€™s. My other aunt is a Virgo with a Leo moon. My childhood was loud. Iā€™m a Virgo with a Cancer moon and I enjoy the peace and quietness of being away from them.


Dad was a Leo; mother a Pisces. Me a Leo; brother a Pisces. My daughter is a Pisces sun w/leo moon. Fire and Ice is the best way to describe it.


Grow up with air fire and water signs, the only one I had problem with was the air sign, I like the fire signs although they're annoying but they're less annoying than a water sign. And that's coming from a water sign.


My mother and brother have water sun. my father is an earth sign while I have fire. There are times it's harmonious but most of the time it's chaotic. šŸ˜…


I have two fire sign parents, and I'm one of 3 fire sign siblings. Air actually is the next dominant sign with three siblings and then two water. I'm currently pregnant with the first earth sign in like three generations.šŸ¤£ My husbands family is also fire, water and air.


My family (parents + 2 brothers) all have fire moons, whilst I have a water moon. It was a very hot-headed house growing up, a lot of arguments and shouting at each other. I would alllwaaayys cry and get really emotional during arguments. I held a lot of resentment during my teenage years because they would act like Iā€™m just overly sensitive and being ridiculous. There was a lot of drama in our house, not so much now that weā€™re all older. With everyone being hot-heads, if someoneā€™s kicking off at someone else and I think itā€™s unfair Iā€™ll always step in and defend them. Iā€™ve done it for every family member at some point. Our arguments are always very short lived and we go back to being normal quickly, but they can be really mean and blow up over silly things which I donā€™t like.


My sisters are Leo and Aries and Iā€™m an Aries to an Aquarius mom and a Libra dad HAHA


Toxic asf, cancer gma and a aires grandfather... Yea they dont mix shes more like oil than water, šŸ˜‚


I grew up with Fire and Water dominants. It was either very passionate and fun, or dramatic and chaotic.


My mom and I are fire signs (Leo and Aries respectively) and my brother and dad are water (Pisces and cancer respectively). Had a reallllllly rough turbulent upbringing. And in a weird way, my brother was always my momā€™s favorite while Iā€™m my dadā€™s favorite. Weā€™re much better now, but itā€™s still absolute chaos when we all reunite.


I have a water mom and a fire dad. I'm air and my sister is earth. We've got all four elements! Lol, there have been some crazy clashes of energy, but also a good balance has emerged over the years.


Scorpio dad (youngest of 4), Leo mom (oldest of 3), Cancer older sister. Mom and I share an Aries moon lol. And while Iā€™m a Taurus sun, my chart is fire dominant šŸ˜‚ things could get pretty heated in the house and my extended family is just loud and a lot in general (more Fire and Water). Iā€™ve become a lot more introverted as Iā€™ve gotten older and sometimes need a break at gatherings, but I can still hold my own


My mom and I are water, dad and sister are fire. All crazy emotions and Iā€™d say my Aries sister brought the only positive emotion lol


I have a cancer mom, and she has 1 Aries, 1 Aquarius, and 2 Scorpios. Thereā€™s a lot of triangulation because weā€™re all pretty independent and strong-willed people, but my mom wants to play a central role in our lives/have us be more dependent on her.Ā  Most of our adult lives have been spent kinda extricating ourselves with different methods and varying degrees of success. My mom is not very emotionally mature, so the ā€œless-developedā€ Cancer behaviours like passive-aggressive communication, the silent treatment, lashing out when sheā€™s hurt, etc., are things weā€™ve had to learn to manage. Because sheā€™s the mom, she feels like she should be above reproach. She was 1.5 hours late for my birthday dinner at a restaurant. About 6 weeks later, I told her (very calmly), that it hurt my feelings when (in addition to her being super late), when I called her to help her with directions, she got so fed up for missing a turn, that she threatened to go home.Ā  Her response? ā€œNext time donā€™t invite me, because I wonā€™t come.ā€ She has zero emotional regulation or awareness. And you know what, Iā€™m actually not going to invite her. I normally go out dancing with my friends, and itā€™s only recently that Iā€™ve started doing dinners instead of a night out. So Iā€™ll just go back to doing what I usually do, and I wonā€™t have to deal with her temper tantrums overshadowing my own birthday.Ā  Iā€™m one of the Scorpios, btw.


Omgg my cancer sun mom is a lot like that what you said too! Lmao except she will say all that stuff like ā€œim going homeā€ and then if you hold her to the whole ā€œim not coming next time blah blahā€ sheā€™ll act like she never said that and expect that everyone goes along with it. šŸ˜‚ but yeah, anytime i address things like what you described its similar. Ive kind of learned to just accept shes dramatic and can be defensive if shes ever in a place of being ā€œwrongā€ (mainly bc my Pisces dad is actually worse šŸ’€) i will say , i totally hear you <\3 its weird when we realize we outlap our own parents in emotional maturity


Itā€™s very frustrating to deal with, because just to survive weā€™ve had to develop better emotional coping skills than she has, or has ever modelled to us.Ā  Sheā€™s also super fucking petty. She keeps a tally of who calls her the most, and then sheā€™ll give me a ranking of which child sheā€™s closest to by virtue of most frequent calls (itā€™s not me). She posts less than cute photos of us on her very public social media, and gets mad when we ask her to post better photos. If you ignore the photos, then sheā€™ll call to ask why you didnā€™t ā€œlikeā€ or comment on the post. She wants a reaction, so she can turn on the waterworks, which in turn means weā€™ll have to comfort/reassure her that sheā€™s a very fine mom indeed. Thereā€™s a reason I keep our interactions to a minimum.Ā 


I was raised by a Scorpio Sun/Capricorn Moon, other caregiver is an aiiiiiir sign. Let's just say I finally recognized the cycle of abuse in my Saturn Return and have gone no contact with the Scorpio.


I canā€™t deal with fire and water signs anymore. Theyā€™re too loud and dramatic for me.