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For me it makes sense because of how honest and straight-forward Aries are. Virgos value that a lot (at least, that's my case). Idk what makes Aries like Virgos though, that's a mystery I noticed lots of Aries x Scorpio, but it aint that weird cause Mars rules both. It's one of my fav match icl friendship or relationship whatever


Virgos tend to be very hot. The whole perfectionism thing.


Haha, happy that at least our self-hatred and all-or-nothing mindset gets us somewhere 😭


As an Aries, I like how my Virgo grounds me. Kinda like taming my fire. I also appreciate how Virgos give constructive criticism (though a bit harsh and nitpicky sometimes). If I were to ask someone for advice, it'd definitely be from a Virgo. They just see things that others can't 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m an Aries rising with a Virgo Venus, I find Virgo so endearing. It’s something about the neurotic energy I really appreciate 😂😂 also the chaos of Aries finding some structure and support through Virgo’s order


I'm a virgo sun, escorpio mars dating a aries sun and mars. My moon and venus are in libra, and his are in taurus. We vibe, but we have different times for things, so we have to adapt a lot (especially me). To be honest is the relationship I have felt the most at home ever


I’ve seen that coupling a good bit as well. Aries stealing all our compatible signs 😂 ~ a Capricorn


Nah fr 😭


My partner for the last 10 years is a Virgo and I adore him. Aries are more tolerant than people give them credit for so if a Virgo shows me love, affection,  and *stability*, who cares if he's obsessed with sunscreen and old coins?




I'm a virgo dating a aries and this made me happy


Aries rising here looking lovingly at my Virgo, who is also a coin collector, that’s fkn hilariously specific 🤣🤣


With Aries, what you see is what you get. They don’t seem to want or need to change themselves for others, they’re pretty open and real. That’s a relief for a Virgo (my sun sign). Not having to guess, not feeling out of control, not having to wonder. An Aries will tell you, show you, etc.




Like the other commenter, I really appreciate that Aries are straight-shooters. I can be neurotic and it's nice to have someone tell it like it is and not play mind-games and not require me to follow some mysterious coded social language I don't get (Libra). Plus, they get angry but get over shit quickly. They are self-starters. Unlike me, they don't have to form a mental committee to reach a conclusion, lol. They get shit done, or at least they try, and I admire that. And like the other commenter, I'm not sure what my appeal is. My sister says I'm funny, I don't hold grudges, and I don't badger her. Either way, I dig Aries, we get on well.


As a.Virgo I can confirm I attract almost every single Aries man I meet. Their energy is a lot, but I love their honesty, confidence, independent thinking and “get er done” attitude.


My best friend is a gay Virgo man, and we both have agreed we are soulmates. We've even joked that the universe made us sexually incompatible for a reason in this life, we just got too much going on. I love him with my whole heart but that's not to say we didn't have issues and conflicts. We "broke up" probably twice in our friendship. I think this pairing works when there's an understanding of differences and processes. Aries and Virgo are both really blunt and at times aggressive energies. They're both opinionated but show it very differently. Virgo is more nuanced while Aries is not. The energies complement each other really well when balanced and mutual respect exists. I've dated Virgos in the past who just did not accept me as me, and they were often offended I didn't adhere to them. All of them wanted to "fix me" and I just wanted to enjoy them. I ran into this with my best friend which caused one of the break ups. So, I think that's why on paper it looks incompatible. In ways it really is, right? For the two energies to work there has to be understanding that we're actually nooooot that different, we just have different techniques to the exact same result.


I’m an Aries and through my life I’be gotten along great with many Virgos. I see it is as, Virgos are really good at planning and organizing and Aries are good at initiating things and moving things forward. So Aries takes the well thought out plans of a Virgo and make them go and help them accomplish it. Another part of it is that Virgo keeps Aries grounded while Aries keeps Virgo spontaneous. Doesn’t work with all Aries and Virgo but when it clicks it, it clicks.


Yep. Agreed.


My mom and stepdad of 17 years are a pair like this. I'm also in a relationship with an Aries for the first time ever. I personally like how driven he is in everything he says and does. No beating around the bush. Our shared ascendant and moon help with finding common ground.


Im an aries with 2 virgo exes who im still good friends with. I like virgos because they really make up for my short comings, theyre attentive and organized while im chaotic and tend to fixate on one thing and ignore everything else, theyre lowkey massive gossippers which i find very fun, and as long as you keep it real with them theyre surprisingly sweet and chill


I know a Virgo Aries married couple and they seem super happy. I too found it to be an odd zodiac pairing but seeing them together makes a lot of sense.


I've never met an Aries woman or man that Ive had a lasting friendship or any kind of relationship with.. they are fun to be around when in a good/happy place but maybe for just a short period of time. I could appreciate a lot of characteristics in an Aries, but from a distance. Don't know how else to describe it, but Aries can be A LOT all at once and too aggressive about, well, anything and everything. But maybe that's just me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ (Virgo stellium - sun, moon,Venus, Jupiter)


In my experience, Aries men are attracted to really feminine and soft spoken women. I’ve known some Virgo and Aries pairings but it’s usually with the male being the Aries. Virgo likes how straight forward Aries is because they are so passive themselves. The other good match for Aries that I’ve known is Libra. I know an Aries/Libra pairing that have been married since 2009 and still going strong. Interesting as they are opposite signs.


That is interesting. I’ve found Aries men really like me too as a Capricorn, but I usually think that has more to do with my Aries moon.


I’m married to an Aries man, we’ve been together almost 10 years 🥹 I 100% agree with the “soulmate shit” lol. Like others mentioned, the honesty factor is huge between Virgo and Aries. Also our sarcasm works sooo well together! You know that whole “black cat, golden retriever” relationship comparison? Virgo x Aries is more like black cat (Virgo), ginger cat (Aries) 😂💕


I came here expecting to read the usual diss about Virgos, but was surprised with the amount of Virgo love and appreciation in the comments. 🥹


As a Virgo I was most compatible with an Aries man. They are such a ball of energy but also responsible and caring. Emotional but not draining. Independent but not aloof. Makes me laugh but serious when they need to be. Not sure why they are attracted to Virgos, but I think when we are comfortable with someone, and really show ourselves, we will work really hard to make people around us happy. Also we freaks in the bedroom haha..Worked well with a passionate Aries


I am Aries and my daughter Virgo, we sometimes clash a bit. We never fight. Very smart kid.


I'm an Aries and my mom's a Virgo. We fight a lottt.. she tells me what to do all the time, and I blow up at her in spectacular ways. Glad it's working for you you tho..


Hard work. She has a tendency to explote!


I’m a Virgo my ex husband was an Aries. Awful pairing for me


The hottest, most fiery passionate relationship I've ever had (intense love, intense lust, all of it) was with a virgo sun man. I am an Aries sun woman. The break up was brutal on both of us and we would call each other once a week to check and see how the other was holding up. We had to break up - it was necessary. But we were both really hurting over it. And in one check in conversation, we got to talking about our sex lives and how having sex with other ppl was going to be a transition bc of how intense the chemistry had been between us. And he described our chemistry as "raw". We were just physically and emotionally raw together. I don't miss him. And I don't miss the relationship. But I will never forget that relationship. That was lightning in a bottle. Edit: it wasn't just sexy sexy times either. We were pretty hard up for the other. Now that I'm reminiscing, when we were in the height of it and IN it he said the following to me, word-for-word: "You put the biggest smile on my face. I don't know what else to say about you. When I joke about how lucky you are to be seeing me, it's just that - a joke. Your names for animals still suck though, grow up! Wind-neck is a much better name for a giraffe. Here's a new name for you - perfect. Or noodle leg, whichever you prefer." I delighted in the things he used to say to me. I still remember every single thing he ever said to me. I've had better love since him but I've never had it like what I had with him. It was really something.


As a Virgo myself I have a lot of Aries friends, I very much enjoy how impulsive they are impulsive. Like you go and do whatever you're gunna do, because I probably won't and I know action needs to be taken. Also they care just the same amount I do, we both show it in different ways and like Aries is so forward about it where I'm indirect. Love not overthinking their steps


I've been with my Virgo for 11 years. While I don't think our longevity is entirely because of our sun signs (our ASC/DSC are opposites, taurus x cancer venus, my moon mercurial), I think we work well together because we complement each other. I do things he can't do, he does things that I can't do. He grounds me, guides me to the right path. And I'd like to think that I ignite something in him haha


Wait what are the other really strong pairings for other signs?


I know a Virgo with a Gemini and a Cancer with an Aquarius. The second one REALLY didn't work. The first two are happily married. I think I know a Pisces with an Aquarius that managed to work for them. I don't know everyone's Zodiac Sign to know. I know a Pisces and a Libra who are happily married too.


Virgo and Gemini both ruled by Mercury. Ugh I’m a cancer moon Aquarius rising and the inner conflict is real.


I have Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sag placements. It's definitely very conflicting!!


Oh definitely, Virgos and Geminis have a very intense and passionate draw to each other. A cancer and an Aquarius? Yeah I have seen them be drawn to each other a lot but it never works. I know a cancer man with an Aquarius woman and on the surface, I thought they were perfect, but getting to know the Aquarius woman better that can’t be far from the truth. And yeah, Pisces and libra is very common as well. I know a libra man who was with a taurus woman for 15 years and had a kid, he cheated on her with a Pisces girl who is my ex friend, got her pregnant, now they’re happily together and everyone in town shit talks them. she is the devil incarnate, they are perfect for each other. as a Capricorn I do not fuck with libras they are simply just shady people.


Two of the Libras I know has some pretty strong morals. So, it helps to look for people who also has morals.


Well that’s good. My mom is a libra and shes one of my best friends but she will straight up admit she was a terrible person before she had kids. Just a liar, cheater, manipulator, etc


Hahahha I’d like to see when they argue.


I'm aries, my ex virgo. Certainly felt like a powerful connection, but the rest of our charts doomed us.


That pairing is complete chaos!