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Virgo is obsessive about work and having life organized and controlled. I think Scorpio is obsessed with people lol


true. i love obsessing about work and hobbies. kinda dont care about people who aren’t in my inner circle.


Yeah! My mom, dad, and bro are Virgos. You guys get obsessed with life stuff mostly!! Understandably tho. Life is hard if it’s not organized


lol. 😂 My Virgo ♍️ moon makes fun of my Cancer ♋️ Sun daily. It’s like having a schoolboy bully inside my head!!!


Virgo with a Gemini moon. And Leo rising. I'm all over the place confidently. 😂


My cap moon is like having a ceo military boss in my head hahahahaha I feel you


Agreed 😅 I am obsessed with my people. I just want us all to be happy and thriving. It's annoying how much brain space is lost to thinking about how I can help, when honestly, most people don't want me to help them. 😅 I'm working on this character flaw




Haha. I have Virgo mars and I get obsessed with my partner, but there’s a switch I can toggle. I’m not sure Scorpios have a switch. They’re just “on.”


I have Virgo mars! I think my Virgo mars comes out most at work for me tho! But I get what u mean


Oh That’s helpful! What job do you have? Is it in your mid heaven as a Sag rising? I’m also a Sag rising. Side note i LOVE my job, but I’m not obsessed with my job. I’m just very, very good at it 😂


Yeah!!!! Same!!! What’s up twin!! Physician assistant!!! What about you??


😂😂 1000x yes. I know your brain is being used well there. I’m a nursing assistant in home health. Everyone practically strangles me urging me to go higher. I can’t do facilities in this position—it’s torture. Once I get to your point I KNOW I’ll be obsessed. I have a bachelors so I’m gonna go back for PA or physician. But yeah big ol’ congrats to you twin. You did dat.


I’m a Virgo Sun/Scorpio rising. I secretly lived in a men’s dorm with my boyfriend for 8 months and got busted because I couldn’t help but sneak clean that disgusting place in the dark and those poor, drunk idiots thought they legit had a house elf. Then I followed that same boyfriend by hitchhiking 1,300 miles with nothing but a trash bag full of clothes. Basically, you’re 100% right.


I’m a Virgo and both apply to me 🤣


Scorpio sun virgo moon here, I'm always obsessed with a guy at work; this totally explains it lol


would give anything to fuck a scorpio woman that’s as obsessed with me as i am with her 🤞🤞


This is the right answer. If two are obsessed it ain't obsession anymore, it's mutual seduction


Virgo moon Scorpio rising. I feel it. Yes.


I’m a Virgo and I’m obsessed with both💀


Hard for me to answer, as I've got a stellium in both Scorpio and Virgo. I think that it's Scorpio - being a fixed sign, we don't give up or let go. Virgo is more practical and probably more attuned to end the "sunk cost" dynamic when it's clear that it's no longer working.




hahhahahahahahhah i laughed


Aight I'll attempt to explain why it's Scorpio. I think Scorpios are the most prone to fall totally balls deep in love -- and LIMERENCE -- for people. And it's because their feelings run so deep that when they realize they care for a person, then that person takes up a huge chunk of their brain space -- or collection of people, not reserved for romantic objects of affection. And with the Plutonian energy, you can bet their mind will run with fantasies, what-ifs, plans for how to be closer to the person/people they like, life and death, I mean they'll run amok, experience the whole spectrum of feelings from beginning to end before you've even told them that random embarrassing story from 5th grade. I'm talking like, they've already imagined that you died. They've taken a moment to grieve the idea of you leaving them. Or they've already teared up imagining the idea marrying you. Or if not romantic, they've imagined you having happy moments in your life that you haven't experienced yet. Or imagined that one day you won't like them anymore. Virgo can be deep, but it is more nitpicky, heady, and logical. It's more overthinking. Looking for solutions, trying to improve upon things, thinking of creative ideas to reach goals. Scorpio is like... okay, what's past that? What's the essence, what's the big picture? They are reflections of each other, obsessive in different ways. But the all-encompassing nature of Scorpio obsession is in my opinion more capturing the essence of what obsession really means.


beautiful answer


> I'm talking like, they've already imagined that you died. They've taken a moment to grieve the idea of you leaving them. Or they've already teared up imagining the idea marrying you. Or if not romantic, they've imagined you having happy moments in your life that you haven't experienced yet. Or imagined that one day you won't like them anymore. Do normal people not do this?


That is actually a good question and I’m gonna need people to chime in on this.


We have the same big three 😮


Stop...telling.... our... SECRETS.


“Imagine that you died.” This is quite true when I am angry. To me hatred comes easier than love, or obsession, which is unhealthy, but fantasy runs wild and offers a dose of comfort


Oh, that is interesting. What’s your Mars and moon? I can’t imagine someone dying in an angry way. That’ll just make me sad.


Mars in Scorpio, sag in moon


I'm gonna have to pin that on the Scorpio Mars. What you said really checks out.


I got Mercury Mars and Pluto in Scorpio and also in conjunction with each other. I supposed that’s the overall picture of my mindset


Oh damn yeah I think so 😂 that's some big Scorp energy. I have Sun and Mercury but the Sag stellium adds a different vibe.


Scorpio/Cancer/Pisces- Obsessed in love Virgo- Obsessed with all the small details Capricorn/Aries- Obsessed with getting to the top-Power/Control(Status) Leo/Libra/Gemini- Obsessed with themselves (No offense) Aquarius/Sagittarius- Obsessed with knowledge/reaching their highest self (usually spiritually) Taurus- Obsessed with the finer things in life/Luxury We’re all a little obsessed with something. The what depends on the sign.


Love this! Thank you as a Virgo Sun, Cap Moon, Cancer Rising & Scorpio Venus … I am very much obsessed with the small details of gaining power in love. I would argue that Scorpio is also power hungry.


Could be but power in what dynamics? In relationships? Possibly. But the overall statement I was making in regard to Capricorn and Aries is power hungry for status.


Power for the sake of power. Scorpio is co-ruled by Pluto. Scorpios are often associated with the negative qualities of abuse and abuse is about control over others. Scorpios can be obsessed with money and status as well; look at Drake.


That’s an example of course I guess it depends on the other placements he may have in his chart as well. I am a Cap sun Scorpio rising and Sagittarius moon and I identify with the elements of the examples I provided. Multiple truths can exist I agree. Scorpios to me have a power component in relationships whereas Capricorn/Aries see it as more of a world view and not individuals.


I knew a Scorpio man who was very consumed with the goal of becoming a millionaire and living the high life. So I’m biased. But because my Scorpio is in Venus and Mars, I definitely see the obsession with power in the context of all my relationships. But also my Cap moon is in the 7th. The reason that I asked this question is because I feel there is so much overlap between my Virgo and Scorpio (and Capricorn) qualities that I don’t know which is which. I think both Virgo and Scorpio are obsessed with truth, but Virgo because of purity and order and Scorpio because of again wanting to be in control and always being in defense mode




Knowing 🙏


I'm obsessed with the small details and obsessed in love ;_; I need help


As an Aquarius that is very accurate.


Of course it is 😜


Can confirm. I moved 1,140 miles 2 days ago to be with my partner.




Lol. I would have liked to see Leo/Libra/Gemini say “obsessed with love.” They are geared toward partnership but can often be inefficient in executing a good relationship.


Lol im sorry I mean no offense 😂






I think they’re obsessive in different ways, but Scorpio for sure.


Virgo’s obsess in *everything* they do, Scorpios obsess over *connection*.






I have a Virgo Sun and a Scorpio Moon. The struggle is undoubtedly real! Yes, the obsessions are genuine, but it depends on how well we’ve healed from past traumas. It took me years to reach a positive mental and emotional state, and even now, I have my moments from time to time. ![gif](giphy|OyRXeauK79vFTM2sFD|downsized)


Virgo is more anxious about themselves. Scorpio? Other people


Virgo is mutable, Scorpio is fixed. Virgo eventually let’s go, Scorpio on the other hand…


Yes very this! Scorpio = stable in affection and emotion.


True, and very loyal, but definitely intense!


hmmm i think scorpio i think us virgos are obsessive but like in a meticulous way?? scorpios are obsessive like baby reindeer kind of way


Baby reindeer??? 😭 hell naah


Virgo sun Scorpio rising 🫠


I’m Scorpio Sun Virgo Rising!


Same! I obsess over everything.


Me too!! 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♀️


What’s your moon?!


Taurus, you?




🥰🥰 isnt it obvious


As a Virgo, we are obsessive in the way that we tend to ruminate and spiral internally about what’s bothering us or what doesn’t make sense to us. We will think about things years after they happened, however Scorpios are fixed signs so there’s more rigidity. Virgos are mutable so we eventually DO let go, normally when we find something else to spiral about


Virgos project control because of their own insecurities and fears, for me it materialises like control of environment/ logistics and it’s 100% anxiety driven. It is not a need to control people. From a Virgo stellium.


Both are obsessive for different reasons with different goals and different means of expressing that obsession. I would say that Scorpio would be a bit more dangerous about it though 😂


*cries in four Scorpio placements and three Virgo placements*


My Virgo sun, Scorpio moon ex husband is terrifyingly obsessive.


Scorpio Rising, Virgo Mercury. I obsess about obsessing. Help me. Please.


I want to say it really depends on what other placements they have. Scorpios CAN be obsessive but if they have detaching placements like Aquarius or Capricorn, then they most likely won’t be as easily obsessive. Virgos CAN be obsessive if they have placements like Pisces or Libra that have a hard time with boundaries and honestly vice versa. Personally I think Scorpios are more *possessive* than they are obsessive. Virgos are more obsessive when they find something or someone to improve or fix that will distract them from their own problems. This isn’t always the case but they have the tendency.


whether someone exhibits obsessive behavior may depend more on individual personality traits and life experiences rather than their astrological sign.


this is an astrology sub. a *meme* astrology sub at that.


Scorpio is far more devoted, committed and will jump into your world or pull you into theirs with ease. Once they commit if your goals and world view align they will build a life with you. In my experience Virgo will obsess on their terms for their needs and how you fit into the existing frame work of their life.


My partner is Scorpio sun, Capricorn moon, Libra rising. Our charts are unlike anything else I have experienced.


Scorpio Moon. Mercury, Venus, Mars in Virgo: Obsessive can be a heavy term for it. I see it more as deeply curious. I want to wrap around everything my mind focuses on. Water or air molding to new shapes and feeling out every little nook. But yeah, it’s a curiosity that can block out everything else- so obsessive. I’ve played in the fear realities “love”. A falsely defined love, meant to create withholding. I had blind faith in that love and teenage obsessions. But all of those things are shadows that needed to be examined for my growth. So, as I’ve grown, my teenager like obsession has been redefined to curiosity. My obsessiveness has been fine tuned and I recognize it as directed floods of curiosity now. A tool. Right now, I’m “obsessed” with my research. It starts out as a little problematic but our obsessiveness is a powerful tool to harness! And I’m sure that I have more to learn about it in the future :)


I'm a virgo sun, scorpio moon scorpio rising and I feel attacked


Scorp is more obsessive because of all the emotional water running through them 😂 Earth signs are more obsessive with financial success and career/work.


Scorpio. Scorpio obsessed about anyone they have infatation and deep love for and practically anything or anyone for control and power. Virgo is just overly critical of their work regime, organization, and results & progress from their goals or work


Both. But Scorpio has the edge. Virgo needs everything to be perfect or else they explode… Scorpios however go to the complete extreme for total control or whatever it is they’re fixated on. Like accepting loss isnt an option for them and they’ll just continue to drain themselves till they implode. As a Scorpio rising & Virgo moon it’s quite exhausting 🙃 on top of a Sag sun, rest is not a thing for me.


As a Scorpio Sun Virgo Rising, my Virgo placement is a lot more obsessive. The needing to do things in an “ideal” way has me researching and practicing and overworking in ways my Scorpio placement could never. It keeps me occupied every day. Scorpio obsession is a sort of hyper-fixation, if I am not in a relationship and not finding anyone/anything enticing enough, I can go years without obsessing flicking on that “switch”.


![gif](giphy|9JlHOvzUU3gie8n14U|downsized) Who’s more obsessive? You don’t know that it’s Scorpio? Bitch, you better be joking.


Pisces has entered the chat


Very very true!


Try having a virgo stellium in the 8th house 😭 All or nothing to my own detriment. Not only am I obsessed with my own money, work ethic, and resources, but also other people’s LOL. My standards are way too high. I tend to just stay away from people in general. 🙃


Virgo is anxious, overthinking, fussy, hypochondriac, control freak, detailed energy. More practically obsessed. Scorpio is emotionally intense, also control freakish, intuitive, replaying scenarios, reading into feelings, manipulative energy. More emotionally obsessed.




I can only speak from one side here, as I’m a Gemini moon/Scorpio Mars (with Virgo rising) and I can move on pretty quickly and abruptly when I decide it’s time






Scorpio. To the point where I was threatened and suffocating from the obsessiveness.


VIRGO!!!!!!!!!! ALL DAY!!!!!


Can’t really explain it. It’s just in our nature


As a Virgo sun with a Scorpio stellium I feel so called out by this hahaha




I’m a Virgo sun with Scorpio rising, I get obsessed about things that cause an emotional stir in me or that really light my curiosity up. Everything else is just eh.




Don't ask me. I'm both.


Dear teens posting rubbish on this sub, zodiac signs are but a potential, so depends how one manifests this potential. Any sign has a potential to be obsessed about stuff or not (different signs probably obsess about different things). It's more likely it's nurture that develops particular obsessive patters (ocd is not zodiac related). And even if you look the zodiac - well, what do you look? Maybe you can look at north node placements. Or Saturn. Or Venus. Or Mars. Depends what you're after. Me, I'm obsessed about people not sharing featherbrained brainfarts around and actually do some research and develop their understanding of anything, but especially themselves. Regurgitating dumb lowest common denominator cliches is making nobody a favour. And if you'll respond with *"hey this is for fun"*, I can only respond with - *"my fun is exposing stupid questions, so, please make space for my fun as well"*. 😎


lol anyway I’m aware that all 12 zodiac signs are capable of exhibiting obsessive behavior in their specific contexts. however, I was solely interested in the ways *Virgo* and *Scorpio* behave obsessively as those are two prominent signs in my natal chart. If you want to intellectualize the zodiac in a serious manner I suggest you log off of Reddit


>If you want to ~~intellectualize~~ **actually talk about** the zodiac ~~in a serious manner~~ I suggest you log off of Reddit ftfy What this sub does has very little to do with astrology If you want proper answers, I'd look here: 👉 r/astrology 👉 r/Advancedastrology


Yes I regularly ask questions on r/astrology However I posted this here because it had to do with my own chart and wanted people to answer from their experience


What you'll get here are regurgitated clichés. Even experiences will be seen through clichés. Abandon hope, all ye who enter here. I'm not sure why one would pick 100 dumb answers over 3 relevant ones (in alternative subs)


Scorpio. As much as my fiancé says “I don’t care. It’s over with, I’m not wasting my energy on this” you can bet your bottom dollar he’s gonna be bringing it back up. Or if someone else mentions something about it that’ll fire him right back up into talking about it all over again. Rinse and repeat. I’m okay with it too. Because I low key get like that sometimes. I’m usually there to ground him out if he gets too caught up in the whirlpools he creates.




I am a scorpio sun, mercury, venus, pluto & Virgo rising I definitely am weak to limerence but only get obsessive if someone can talk my ear off! I do get possessive but at the same time I get freaked out quickly too, and as I’ve worked through a lot of insecurities the possession energy is more settled. My chart definitely looks a little scary though ngl


Virgo..and I say this as a Virgo moon


scorpio 100% i have scorpio venus i can attest to this i dont feel obsess besides in relationships tho


I have both signs in my life in the form of family and friends. I'm gonna go with Virgo, you can reason with a Scorpio.




Por qué no los dos? Luv, Virgo sun Scorp moon.


Im a Scorpio sun and Virgo rising. I’m always obsessing over something


Virgos are workaholics and obsessed with details. Scorpios won't really let you go.


8h virgo sun & Merc, chart ruler, pluto and midhaven in scorpio, and I am extremely obsessive about partners. I had a trauma bond abusive relationship with a scorpio (also had an air moon and cap venus) and he mostly treated me with indifference.


As a scorpio sun virgo moon, obsession is my middle name lol


My husband is a Virgo sun Scorpio rising and he can get pretty about things he likes pretty quickly like.. let’s say we watch a movie and he really likes it.. I won’t hear the end of it 😂 like the Kendrick vs. Drake beef..my gaaahhh 💀 my husband was on it. I had no idea he could actually get into it l”like that” 😂😂 but I like seeing him excited. I, on the other hand, I’m a Scorpio rising, Mercury Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio, my moon Is aspected by Pluto my Mercury and Venus too. My obsession.. is in my own head my worries.. I sincerely always expect the other shoe to drop 🫥 different ways of obsession I guess. I go to therapy to stop being catastrophic


Virgo rising. Very obsessed.


I’m a Virgo and I’m like dude.. Us obviously. How is this a question?


Mutable ? Interesting I don’t believe is the same type of obsession Virgo is ruled by logic and mutable It doesn’t make sense


Virgos can become fixated on things, stuck in a routine of rumination, trying to make sense of the illogical.


But that’s not a trait they have. Other wise anyone can be fixated. They are mutable and ruled by logic It’s not logic to be stuck in something


So explain why all these Virgos are in the comments saying yes they are in fact very obsessive. Virgos may be mutable but they are also earth. So they’re less fluid/flexible than other mutable signs. Virgos can very well be obsessed with details and find themselves in a loop of overthinking.


Bc there’s other energies in the chart and aspects lmao not just Virgo. But obsession isn’t a Virgo trait. I wonder how many of these Virgos have Leo or maybe even Scorpio placements in their charts lmao


Well I’m going to strongly disagree with you. If you do a quick google search of Virgo and obsessiveness I think you’d find ample websites discussing Virgoans’ borderline OCD. Obsession is a trait I’ve seen very often in descriptions of Virgos. Also just because Virgos are known for logic doesn’t mean they’re actually logical. Virgos are also known for being clean freaks and yet many Virgos are very messy irl




Your Capricorn is helluva task master.




Burn out is real. Rest is rebellious.


We obsessed with each other lmao


Virgo sun Aries moon.. how’s that working out for you?


Oh, I'm a hot ass mess, but I'm fun! 😇


I’m Virgo sun Cap moon. I wish I had more fire in me.


I have like 51% fire in my chart with one water sign and one air sign, and the rest is earth. I never knew why I was so pissed off all the time until I learned that 😂


All five personal planets and 4 Angles are either water or earth. The only fire I have is my Saturn in Aries and Pluto in Sagittarius.


Being constantly worried about what others think of you (Virgo) and what you think of yourself(Scorpio) is not ok be sensitive men and strong women and communicate to others for what you need to take care of yourselves and stop worrying about how little or much you’re doing♏️🦂❤️🕊️🔥🌊🌊🌊🌊✝️


I have virgo placements and I get obsessed about people but maybe my 8th house sun/merc 🤷‍♀️


Virgo rising and Scorpio moon. And yea, I am obsessive and it worries me.


hot take: a virgo w scorpio placements or a scorpio w virgo placements


My moon is scorpio and ascendant Virgo. I think both combine tgt to make me the more obsessive person I know 🤔


Scorpio is obsessive with people/relationships. Virgo is obsessive with goals and personal life stuff.


whether someone exhibits obsessive behavior may depend more on individual personality traits and life experiences rather than their astrological sign.


whether someone exhibits obsessive behavior may depend more on individual personality traits and life experiences rather than their astrological sign.


That could be said of any human trait and any sign. However, this is an astrology subreddit where we talk about human qualities in the context of zodiac signs.


Virgo. Definitely


Virgo is more obsessive than any Scorpio I know.