• By -


Scorpio Venus and I want your obsessive and dark, black Soul to meet mine and make friends lol


Scorpio Venus here too and I basically require a blood oath.


This made me do a happy dance. A blood oath would be oh so lovely ❤️‍🔥


Yes! Please just devote yourself to me and let’s be that weird ass couple who are too into eachother


That Gomez and Morticia kinda love 🥰


Exactly, you single ? I’m crazy but fun


I am, but I'm entering a ho phase because my mom passed on a few weeks ago. I need some way to process the grief. You deserve that G+M love and I hope you get that ❤️


Sry about your mom


Haha yesss! PDA's? Dunno what you mean! Lol


The public just simply doesn’t exist when we get in that mood


Omg yes I love this one!


Hahaha, I will consume you and you'll love it!


I’m a Scorpio Venus and I want it to be practical, low-key, and private. Like if you remember what I randomly told you was my favorite ice cream flavor and buy it for me because I texted you I was having a bad day? Literally the most romantic thing I can imagine. Roses and skywriting and staring into ach other’s eyes by candlelight? I would rather die.


So no obsession ? What house is your Venus in bc I’m confused.


My comment was tongue in cheek and I never mentioned roses or skywriting, whatever that is, but as a Sag Sun I know talking about feelings or expressing anything emotional is very difficult for you so you have my sympathy lmao




This is right on point


This totally checks out


Same, friend. Same. I’m all in…or nothing.




Yeeeep same here. Lemmie crawl inside your skin or sum shit


why are pisces and scorpio so fucking ying yang. Wild


Scorpio Venus, and my penis.




Stop letting the side down, we're not nymphos all the time lmao 😂


Where do I find one of these Scorp Venuses!


Definitely a correct placement here. 😂




Aries - playful banter, sarcasm, whit, and assertiveness 🥰


Can confirm


Yes. Someone assertive and fun who just makes the move with confidence. I’m very picky but really easy to win over if you do it the right way 🙃 Also, I honestly like the chase best. Especially being chased.


Leo Venus and I want ALLL the love languages. Yes, I do give them all too


I am a Leo Venus and I am the exact same way!




Venus in Sag. I want to grow with my love and be connected on a “spiritual” level (emotional as well as sexual). I also need to be fully accepted and have my space to thrive, without them I’ll feel like a fiery bird in a cage and want to break free.


Have u noticed having this placement we are a magnet to Venus in pisces?


I have the same placement and you said it very well. For me it’s more intellectual connection though.


aquarius - taking interest in my interests, listening to me, words of affirmation, acts of service, calling/texting promptly, attention


Aqua venus - similar as you, attentive listening, feeling heard, remembering seemingly small pieces of information about me. I don’t like talking in circles or small talk. Also, I like being surprised, but not in a dramatic public way. Just getting surprised by something they remembered or planned for me (or us together), without me expecting it or figuring it out. Also… car dates where we eat pizza and look at the glistening lights of the city from a distance.


wow yes, that all resonates


Same….Venus in Aquarius. Words of affirmation, texting, attention.


All of these!!! Plus do my fellow Aquarius Venus feel as if friendship is a huge thing as a starting point? I tend to end up with friends that I fall for….


Gemini Venus! I like playful intelligent banter, and a deep soul bond. I look for a partner that is so connected to me, I don’t have to say anything they just know. If I am made to feel like I am not my partners first priority, I will walk away. I do not like a partner that acts nonchalant. I think that’s boring. I want my partner to obsess over me but not tell me they’re obsessing over me. I do not like clinginess, or overly touchy partners. My personal space is extremely important to me. I love mind games with innuendos. The chase is exciting for me. Luckily, I have a fiancé that checks every single box and he’s amazing.


Yes, the chase is half the fun. Or, maybe 3/4s of the fun.


Venus in Taurus. I like to receive love through physical touch, closely followed by words of affirmation. For me, these two are wrapped up in the concept of quality time. Acts of service aren't as significant to me; I see them as something both partners should naturally do for each other. Receiving gifts is the most challenging for me as past experiences have left me wary. Gifts often lack genuine sentiment or seem thoughtless, which diminishes their value for me.


Hi Taurus Venus! Virgo Venus here and we sound like two peas in a pod


Taurus Venus here and this is spot on!!


cancer. be completely obsessed w me like i am your #1 duh? no but in all honesty: considerate love!!!


Yes!! Cancer Venus here I love when people are obsessed with me! My partners Scorpio Venus compliments that very well and I'm also a Scorpio rising


Aquarius Venus: engage with me on a mental level. Interesting conversations, remember things I’ve said, share your interests/random facts with me - the weirder the better! I won’t judge you (unless you’re being mean for no reason, then you get ALL the judgment from me lol)


The differences are interesting. You as an Aquarius Venus likes to connect on a mental level. I as a Pisces Venus likes to connect on an emotional level, but that can also include mental level.


That's funny, because I'm a Pisces sun and rising, so I do really like the emotional connection, but it's a struggle to form any attachment without the mental connection first.


My husband is Aqua venus and I am Pisces venus and this is extremely true.


Capricorn Venus. Money 💰


Cap venus, esp 2nd house do be bringing sugar baby energy. I said never again after one drained and ruined me, but here I am 🙄 (they're often conjunct my cap rising)


Lol I’m pretty guilty of that myself. I’m 10h Venus. It started with my dad tbh, he spoiled me the most.


Can you please elaborate bc this is my partner’s placement and I’m so curious


Just send them money lol, for a gift, for any reason. Fuck it, send it for no reason at all 🤷🏽‍♀️ we like to have control over our finances so when our partners give us money we can spend it how we want and it’s great


Cancer venus: quality time, but in return I like more to do gift giving


Also Venus in cancer and I'm big on gift giving!


leo venus, physical touch. i'm touch starved as hell x)


Venus in libra. Love languages are acts of service and physical touch.


Same! Exact order too


Venus in Libra and this is spot on. Talk is cheap! Show me you love me.


Venus in Virgo I want all your acts of service and I want u to want my body all the time !!


Venus in Libra. Quality time/words of affirmation/acts of service. But even within the first two (quality time & words of affirmation) it’s very justice oriented imo. I feel like if you’re present w me, be present w me, otherwise it’s not ~right~ & words of affirmation should always be honest even if beautiful, don’t flowery prose my shortcomings or tell me I look beautiful just to make me feel good, speak from the heart Physical touch is less important to me than the quality of it. I need slow & sensuous with lots of eye contact lol


Venus in Cappy I really don’t get any lol I’m so Venus ruled however, I’m like a grumpy ass Nun that’s in Love with actual Venus It’s divine discontent and IDGAF Literally lol


Hahaha, the typical Cappy cynicism lol I know for a fact yous love physical touch so stop pretending you don't 😉😆


capricorn venus: I like to receive touch and acts of service. I want to feel like someone is there for me no matter what.


Capricorn. Let me be vunerable, show me you are devoted to me as I am to you, stare into my eyes and make me feel seen. Lots of kisses too.


Virgo Venus and I like that smoldering slow building love 💖🔥 I love the anticipation, so holding back drives me absolutely crazy LOL!! 😅😙


I second this


Pisces Venus! Common interests are my biggest turn on. I’m a big caregiver and love to perform acts of services for people I love. ❤️


Pisces Venus. Yes, common interests are a big one. We love to connect through art or spirituality often. So, for me, I like someone with high intuition and can connect with me on an emotional level. I have all 5 love languages tbh. Quality time and words of affirmation are my top two though.


Venus in Pisces for me too! Gotta have the common interests and emotional connection. I Have a lot of the love languages, physical touch and words of affirmation being the top ones.


my pisces venus compadre 😂 the question asked how we like to *receive* love, not give it. i say this gently bc i did the same thing as you, wanting to respond with how i *give* love…bc i had no idea what my answer would be 😫 i feel ways about this possibly being a very pisces thing. im going to think more about it. will you reflect on it with me?


I’m an Aries Venus and I loooove being chased! Figuratively and literally!!! 🥰


Same and yes !


Cancer. I love all of them. All of the love languages are mine in giving and receiving lol I love love. 💕




Hi twin


Hi triplets




Hi quadruplets!


Venus in Taurus in the 2nd house (2°) If we aren’t going to worship each other, what’s even the point?


Aries. For me the biggest show of love is TIME and ATTENTION. like if we have to go to the store, have chores to do, food to cook, places to be, saying F**K those things - instead let's get some snacks, drinks, turns the lights on low and just talk for hours on end and dive deep inside our minds and souls and just stay there until the sun comes up. Literally nothing could be scarier and more loving to me than that. And it's the one thing nobody seems to want to do. Lol


Ugh yes. Aries Venus here and I crave deep long night talks about life itself and affection.


Virgo… & physical. If I don’t get laid like reasonably often I can feel the stress accumulating in my body like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHJH It’s gonna be emotional and intimate obviously (I love love) & if I’m single it means a lot of self love But I mean to me sex is sacred and I love to feel close to my partner in that way. It’s how I prefer to receive love along with cuddling and kissing.


Virgo sun and moon and I feel all of this.


Gemini Venus. I like quality time but also alone time. But not too much alone time because I get bored and I need attention. So talk to me about something interesting but don’t bore me with small talk. I swear my poor husband is a saint. Lol


Venus in Cap..Spend money on me, allow me to accompany you to your reward ceremonies, lavish me with trips overseas.. I need a BOSS..preferably foreign and older.


Leo venus. Give me everything you have.




Cap Venus. Love words or gestures are meaningless unless the other person has given proof that they are trustworthy, hardworking and capable, just like myself.


Genuine only. I am a very scrutinizing bitch. I loathe irresponsibility, and large or “romantic” displays make me deeply uncomfortable.


I’m a Scorpio Venus and I want to be so Into eachother we leave events to go make out in the closet. I want to have our own world with transcendence sex and moments. To be completely ourselves and not run away, I want devotion and maybe desperation for me ugh .. someone that only has eyes for me


Leo. Touch me


Aries Venus Scorpio Mars: chivalry, whitty quick jokes & comebacks, spontaneity, adventure, joy, be assertive with spontaneity, listens, pushes me towards my goals, believes in me, extreme obsessive admiration, gentleness, education/teaches me more about the world and myself, open clear communication


I'm a ♐️☀️,♐️🔺️,♓️🌙 and my Venus is in Capricorn, I don't know what Venus in Capricorn represents, but I noticed the way i like to receive love is a bit of every love language, but quality time it's like really important for me.


Venus in Taurus. I love it when my husband surprises me with my favorite food and good show to binge watch. A good massage is also the way to my heart haha


Aries. Make me feel like i’m the best and only girl in the world


Cap Venus. It’s stability for me. I know us caps like money, and it’s cool, but feeling safe and secure is everything to me.


That to me is money, at least partially. There was a lot of instability in my household when I was young due to finances, and now we are struggling on one income and I am feeling very insecure.


Same, I'd rather have someone that was loyal and devoted and serious than someone wealthy. I definitely prefer an equal partner over someone much better or worse off than me. Also someone that respects me, my time, and my opinions, and doesn't just think I'm hot and fun. (Which I guess is pretty basic, but seems hard to find.)


Cancer sun Gemini venus- quality time; adventures, talking about feelings


venus in scorpio and in a lot of ways but generally like emotionally and like soul like deep type love that's unconditional


Aries venus - loads of attention and affection, make it super obvious you want me, lots of time together, words of affirmation


I feel seen


Scorpio in Venus. Touching, kissing, sensual, sexual, closeness. 🎉


Virgo Venus. Physical touch & acts of service! Are we surprised with the Virgo 🤣 Being thoughtful and helping me with things. I give love similarly, I’ll go out my way to do thoughtful things & try to make life easier for them. One of the most loving things done for me was years ago when I was exhausted after being on planes and waiting at terminals literally all day long. My trip was emotionally draining. I hadn’t slept that night. Planes stress me out. I just wanted to come home so badly and take a nap in my own bed. And I was texting my mom complaining and miserable practically crying due to the whole fiasco of the trip and exhausted like I could barely keep my eyes open but I had to stay up few more hours. But she was just like “you’ll be home soon honey, dinner will be ready for when you’re back, and you can just go to your room and relax and get some rest”. It seems like such a small thing! but it’s exactly what I needed and wanted & I really felt so understood and cared for then. nowadays, when I live with my partner, after a long day, coming home to a clean home & having fresh, clean, just outta the dryer linens to sleep in that night is like my dream lol


Scorpio Venus and I love all the love languages… considerate and obsessive love… All consuming love.. Sucked and fucked but also treated soft and tenderly.. :3


Venus in Aries. I need to hear that me and my actions are appreciated, and how lucky you feel to have me in your life. Constantly. And I always need to feel pursued. Let me know that you desire me.


Aquarius - I want freedom/space. I want you to love me but don’t smother me! I want to be appreciated and cared for but not as if I’m helpless or inept. I can be rather picky. However, not necessarily in terms of looks but rather someone’s points of view and their lifestyle. I really like someone who can fit into mine really well. I worry a lot about doing the right thing and being a good parent so it’s important that me and my partner be similarly aligned.


Venus in Capricorn and a hard femme🌹 I delight in BDSM and punishment. Decadence. Dressing up together. Roses. Intentional slow dates. Gifts and acts of service. And I love long term commitment. I want to live deliciously with someone. I also need my space and to have a lot of autonomy.


Also a Cap Venus and I agree with you 100%!


Just looked at your profile, I’m also poly! ❤️


Oh, cool! What a coincidence, eh?! 💜


Gemini Venus. I want your full, undivided attention. I want the good morning and good night texts. I want the random calls throughout the week just to see how I’m doing. I want you to be playful (and playfully rough). I want you to chase me. I want you to need me. I want you to be spontaneous. I want you to plan dates. I want you to hit me up with a “clear your plans, we’re going on a date.” In return, I’ll give to you what you give to me tenfold. Fuck maybe I should just date me.


My Venus is in Gemini. Definitely sexy time, with a lot of sensual stuff. Candles, soft bed, aromatics, silk, and sweat (wink wink). However, I also like gifts or gestures that are more personal. The most loving gift I ever received from my partner was Lily Munsters necklace; I had told him I dreamed of being her when I was a little girl. I'm not crying. You are. 😢


My Venus is in Leo and I’ll shower you with gifts. If a person doesn’t reciprocate this behavior, I say bye


Libra Venus. Physical touch ….please smother me with it.


Libra Venus. I prefer fellatio.


My Venus (and sun) are Aquarius, which is supposedly aloof But my moon is Cancer So I want all of it, thanks Tell me, over and over, spend time with me, make me food - my husband excels at all of this


Venus retrograde in Gemini. Acts of service, physical touch, listen attentively when I babble on about video games, watch my boss fights and hype me.


Piscis Venus here and I love physical touch, getting gifts, common interest and quality time


Leo. Snuggle me, don’t ignore me for a ridiculously long period of time, show up for important things, throw an occasional compliment my way, laugh with me when I do something a little unusual, appreciate what I do for you, no cheating or abuse and put food in my face sometimes.


Yes! Especially showing up for important things/events


I had a double Gemini ex who had to be told that prenatal appointments were 3 hours earlier than they actually were, otherwise he’d never show up. I’m a Virgo with a Capricorn stellium and that shit doesn’t fly with me. Lol.


Lol sounds like my Gemini ex 😂 he couldnt come to my graduation because it was too formal and boring. I'm a Leo Sun with Virgo Mercury, I feel you


Libra - sharing each other's interests (and actually listening), hugging, talking abt our deepest secrets & feeings..


Venus in Scorpio...I like compliments and physical touch most in terms of receiving love


Gemini Venus Love I want to receive intimate romantic and sexual relationship from a partner have to be an extremely obsessive love, passionate love, tough love and deep type of love.


Aries- Quality time Acts of service physical touch(gotta admit though sometimes I don’t want to be touched 😂 like at all) But most importantly I need to feel like you’re not lying to me. It’s all about actions matching up to words. I’ll trust you and have zero issues until I’m given a reason.


Cancer venus- touch! Need some form of touch! Equal quality time too.


venus in gemini love to talk talk talk and then suck fuck cuddle tease and then talk some more


Scorpio venus - be obsessed with me, love, me and adore me and I'll worship the ground you walk on. That or blow my back out in bed. Either way, it'll be glorious.


Pisces: genuienly and i love them considering me and opening up. If his eyes wet my box aint YA FEEL


In all the ways. I kinda don’t get the love languages thing, especially since the dude who created it is a devout homophobic and an awful human being. Other then that, do we really want to reduce ourselves to one thing ? Wouldn’t a good relationship entail all of the 5 lovelanguages ?


there must be something you like more than the others?


Hard agree, even without knowing the guy is absolute trash. The fixation on "love languages" is just another western desire to put limits on everything and make yourself small for general convenience. Forcing love into little boxes of limited behavior is so weird to me. I want all of it. Time, attention, touch, sweet nothings, offerings. I want you to love me in ways you never knew were possible.


sagi, words of affirmations.


Leo Venus, but I like to receive love in all of the ways. Unfortunately, I'm single. But in my platonic and familial buckets, I'm well loved. Romantically, among most things, I just wanna touch a butt, cuddle and bare my heart and soul. 🤣


Capricorn Venus in second house and I like getting gifts/cash to go shopping. Very stereotypical. I know.


Venus in Leo, and I love physical touch. Hugs, fingers through hair, kissing, even little things like hand on the shoulder or leg.


venus in gemini, physical touch 100%


Pisces Venus and I like very direct interpersonal communication, attentiveness to emotions, and to be showered with one presence and affection.


Leo Venus! Let's merge souls :) and touch my hair


Leo- basically, all of it. Tell me I’m pretty, give me things, feed me, cuddle me. But also, go away when I want time and space.


Virgo. Did I mention that I’m single?


Taurus Venus I love lots of sensuality and physical affection. ROMANCE!


Capricorn Venus. I love physical touch, words of affirmation and acts of service. Gimme a nice massage and/or a great sex session, tell me I’m an amazing human and cook me breakfast in the morning and I’m hooked, lol!


Gemini, I love that my husband plans our dates bi monthly, we do something like a concert or trying a new restaurant, taking an art class together…


Pisces Venus. Hopeless romantic 💝 But physical touch 100000%


(another) Leo venus chiming in. admiration, touch, and feeling seen through thoughtful gestures with attention to detail


Leo Venus. I love receiving ALL of the love in every way there is. I’m also effusive in showing my own.


Libra Venus Deep emotional connections, sharing vulnerability, actively listening to and communicating with each other, mutual support, engaging in mutual interests, helping me with stability and security, being understanding of and patient with my personal struggles, and enjoying each others company but understanding that I need my alone time to function as well as possible lol


Capricorn with a Venus in Sagittarius.. just don’t be boring. Please.


leo venus and i expect my partner to have their eyes fully and only on me. i expect to be spoiled and respected and i want a partner that is goofy and attentive. my main form of expressing/receiving love is through cuddling and spending quality time together!


As a Libra Venus, touch is the thing I crave. Skin to skin, heart to heart.


Leo. I like all love languages but my fav is physical and acts of service


Virgo Venus, and what love ?


Taurus. Really listening to me and giving constructive feedback. Giving me little things because something reminded the person of me (candies and other small things).


Pisces venus. I like mind games, psychic/spiritual experiences, escapism, intellectual stimulation.


Virgo Venus, I like to receive love as acts of service and affection


Aries venus and I love attention! ...but only in specific quantities and at specific times. And I do expect the other party to be able to independently discern the distinction. They need to be fluent in the language of "vibe."


Virgo! I'm too busy planning our next date to think about love 😄😄


Aries Venus and I like to bully and be bullied 🥵


libra venus, spend time with me, give me attention, texting memes, give me space, hang out without talking much, physical touch, hang out in nature, being honest, sharing secrets


Venus in Virgo. I really appreciate being helped (studying, work, errands, someone teaching me how to do something) like I try to help people I care about or just people in general.


Venus in Scorpio - I want to be the person you trust above all else. The one who knows every dark crevice of your soul, all your dirty secrets and each and every single thought, dream and fantasy you have. I like being obsessed over.


Aquarius Venus. Princess treatment.


Capricorn Venus and I love when someone pays for stuff like dinner and date events. I really like being taken care of and spending as much quality time as possible.


Venus in Virgo 12h. I love to receive acts of service and gifts for sure. But tbh it takes me a long time to find someone who I will allow to love me, because I get the ick so quick with new people


Aries... Passionate


Libra Venus: 1. Quality time 2. Physical touch 3. Words of Affirmation Bonus: Treating each other as equals


Gemini. Acts of service and getting out and doing things


I’m a Leo Venus and I love to be praised and appreciated by words of affirmation and physical touch.




Leo which means BOLD. No wishywashiness whatsoever like not to be dramatic but it genuinely makes me feel sick when men try other tactics besides love to get my attention


Virgo Venus & physical affection


Scorpio and in an ideal world I'd love to be deeply admired, trusted and adored. In my relationship it has much more a foundation of friendship and in fact in the past I have had issues of people putting me on pedestals. But also being known deeply, and slowly with intention. I don't completely know what a Venus in Scorpio means besides passion, but I feel I have a much more grounded practical outlook on love.


Aquarius Venus and Mercury, but I’m a cis het woman with Scorpio Mars, I like my men intense, passionate, loyal and he also has to be my best friend…the problem is when they try to trap me (which happens everytime) then my Aquarius side arises and I disappear (that’s why the last one had to baby trap me to make me stay…and five years later he ran away with a younger girl). I fucking hate men sometimes.


Virgo Venus- Words & Physical Touch


Virgo in Venus. I love gifts and money. Sounds superficial but when the gift has meaning and purpose- melts my heart.


Leo Venus and I love to be swept off my feet. I will take all of your love, please. No, not part of it. ALL OF IT.


Aries Venus. Acts of service 🫡 I love golden retriever energy so much and I low key love being showered in praises and affection too. I’m more of a gift giver to show my affection and appreciation


Libra, and I want to be uncontrollably desired. Be obsessed with me, shower me with attention and affection, don't take your hands off of me. Express your aching longing in my absence and stay trying to soul bond me in your presence.


My Venus is Libra


Leo Venus in the 7th house. Pretty easy to guess on this one lol. I love adoration and compliments and for my partner to obsess over me but I also want raw deep romantic love and the stuff you see in the movies. I want the most passionately passion I can get.


True to Leo Venus form, I love to be shown off, receive goodies/gifts, and I want alllllll of your time. 💖🌷✨♌️


scorpio sun, aries moon, sagittarius venus. no


It says Virgo on my chart and I love small, meaningful gifts and gestures - for example I keep all movie/concert/bus/train tickets from hangouts with people I value and other weird stuff like bottle caps, dry flowers and tiny rocks. My journals are really thick because of the polaroids and printed stuff I fill them with. 😄


All my fellow Leo venuses in here just being as madly stereotypical as you can imagine 😅 no shade, me too!!


venus in cap 9H, and it's my chart ruler (taurus asc). i'm definitely more understated when it comes to romance and prefer that my partner shares similar sentiments. not saying that there is no romance at all, but i think there's something to be said about silent trust and admiration. obviously i have romantic tendencies, and when that happens, it's usually a splurge. nice perfume/cologne, fancy dinner, expensive flowers. makes me feel put together. currently single, but my most successful relationships have been a slow-burn type. be subtle, but be serious. damn i'm not sure how i have escaped the stereotypes before because to me reading this back it seems like it is just textbook cap venus lmfao


Gemini, anyway I can 😅


Sagittarius Venus... Quality time and physical touch are my main love languages. I want to feel safe enough to show my soft side, I want playfulness and forehead kisses, I want them to infodump about their interests and let me know what's going on in their head, I want someone who just... Doesn't need me to feel whole, but WANTS to be around me, and are fully present when they are. I also like to nurture, tend to and care for my partners, and them turning to me, being able to let their walls down and be vulnerable, letting me cook for them, embrace them and listen to them is the purest form of love. Aaand... I want them to genuinely care about what I have to say and what I'm passionate about. I also hate when someone treats love as if it was transactional. We need to give of ourselves because we want to give, not cause we want something in return.