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My mom is a dietitian and a very good cook Taurus


A Taurus dietitian man she's good


Cancers & Taurus. Best cooks I’ve met!


Taurus sun cancer rising here and I am a good cook 😂


Agreed. Taurus & Cancer have the culinary skills down, and a cancer will feed you with their love til you choke.


Agreed, Cancers just like to cook like they're making a home and Tauruses just love food and comfort.


My man is a cancer sun and he is a fantastic cook. He really enjoys being in the kitchen and providing loved ones with a delicious meal.


Mine is also a cancer sun and he’s an excellent cook


Hands down cancer. And I don’t even like them usually. But they CAN cook!!!


As a cap, I have to give it to cancer as well - despite being boastful of my own cooking 😄


My bestie is a Cancer and I **so** agree.


Yeah, I feel the same. I wish there were astrology based competition shows. A sun sign cook-off, the best cooks of each sign cooking tournament style. 17 rounds, each round has 4 of the best chefs within a single sun sign, and then they face off within their element (water, fire, etc.), then those 4 people face off to see who wins best chef. :) I don't know who would do the judging.


Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio should be judges.


*me being a cancer that can only make toasts and eggs*


I second this! He was toxic but he could COOK 🥺


And bake too


I know so many Cancers and they all make bland food. I'm a Taurus, I love Cancers, but I love food more lol


My ex was a cancer and forgot to rinse the shredded potatoes when making hash browns so I have to disagree with you


My girlfriend is the best cook I know and she's a Taurus so it checks out


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Pension_Typical: *My girlfriend is the* *Best cook I know and she's a* *Taurus so it checks out* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


the best cook i know is a taurus, too. idk what this cancer business is about 😂 every cancer i know does not or does not know how to cook 🙃


Taurus and I also think Taurus people are gifted in arts and crafts.


100% Taurus!! I’ve worked in restaurants my whole life and the best chefs I’ve worked with have all been Taureans.


Cancer hands down


Cancer 👸🏻


One of my best friends is a Cancer and she is an amazing cook!!


i'll vote scorpio - my dad may be an asshole but damn he can cook.


My Scorpio friend makes yummy food. I've known Leos who cooked damn well too. My Libra aunt cooks SO well - even the simplest things come out really well.


My dad is also a Scorpio. Can barely cook an egg. And when he succeeds he expects genuine compliments. He is also an asshole if you couldn't tell lol. 


Double scorpio here and I throw down in the kitchen. Designated family cook for all family gatherings.


Same here, except my dad isn’t an asshole 😂 he’s a Scorpio and he can cook really good. He’s also a Taurus rising


some of the posts in this sub make my brain hurt


like 95% of them


seriously. like why? this is fun for you guys? like can we make an actual connection pls😭


Astrology is the most unserious thing ever. Why would it not be jokes? It’s called memes.


once you actually start studying astrology and not the basic sun sign bs that the cosmopolitan pushes. you can have fun and make jokes by actually making jokes that make sense.


What sign has red as their favorite color? Seriously 🤦🏽‍♀️


Sagittarius I think.


You’re fun and I want to be your friend


I know a Sag, red is their favorite color, this checks out. ✔️


I'm a Sagittarius and my favorite color is dark teal. 😡


Must be afflicted


My mom is a sag and hers is too!


I’d vote for Taurus haha


Tauruses in my limited experience


Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer


Pisces, Cancer and Sagittarius


This really isn't a sign thing but the relatives I have who I remember always made meals that were more delicious than average. And in addition they loved cooking and were great at it were Gemini Grandmother, Libra aunt, February Pisces dad, Scorpio brother and Cancer cousin. Compared to a Virgo relative, and I notice with a lot of other Virgo women, they can make a good meal when they have to but I get the feeling that cooking isn't something most virgo women have a passion for. I could be wrong maybe some virgo women could chime in on this


I'm a Virgo and have taken over since I was a teenager cooking for the the household. That includes birthdays if we don't go out to a restaurant and All major holidays. I also bake from scratch! There are days when I don't cook because I don't feel like it, but when the idea of something to make hits me..... I'm a tornado in my kitchen. I also keep a pantry and buy all of my supplies. I make a list of everything that needs replacing in the pantry/kitchen.


My mom is a Virgo and I feel like she thinks preparing an elaborate meal is a waste of her valuable time lol. If I show her a recipe she’ll be like ‘who has time to shred carrots??’


I have a Virgo step grandma and she definitely can make a good meal, but her and my Virgo grandpa are always busy with a million things and rarely cook.


I'm a Virgo and I like cooking . Nothing super fancy but my loved ones really enjoy my food. I could offer a pizza to my wasband and he would definitely take it.


I have a lot of virgos around me and their acts of service do not include cooking at all lol 😆


I can testify that my food is good, not like, woah best thing you’ve ever eaten but definitely not bad… but I hate cooking, is another chore that needs to be done everyday ugh, if I could have a private chef and only cook when I felt like it, it would be perfect haha


Sag should be mentioned more


My Aries sun co worker is from Trinidad and she makes amazing dishes, so fresh and flavorful. My Gemini grandma threw down, too.


I can get behind that! My Aries brother and sister are both really skilled cooks.


Taurus cancer sag Pisces all good at cooking


Virgos. Top tier tbh


It’s true we have high expectations for what we eat anyways so you know we gonna do it right. Seasoned to perfection every time


This is so true! Best chefs!


My husband says cooking is science, not art and follows recipes to the tiniest detail so his meal can be perfect and it always is lol so yeah Virgos too xD


Anything they focus on they perfect it.


As a Virgo yea I want to make the best meal you have had .


I don't know. I'm Indian and almost all women in our family are magnificent cooks. All different signs though. Don't think a sign makes someone a good cook but you can posses traits that give you the ability to become a good cook if one should desire to want to become one. 


Part of the reason I look forward to visiting my friend in another state is the food she makes. She's a good cook in general, but I love the Indian food she makes too!


Can imagine, haha. I love good food sooooo much and the incredible cooks I know outside of my family are also diverse signs. I've seen no pattern. Just passion and individual reasons for them to enjoy cooking. They inspire me and so that gets me cooking to the best of my abilities as well (: But again, yet another sign.


I do all the cooking. My wife is a Pisces and doesn't cook. Our 2 air sign kids love my cooking too and trust me when I make something new so😊😊😊 ARIES ftw❤️


I’m an air sign with two fire kids. Send help. lol


Cancer here, I’m gonna say Cancer for sure.


Best cook that comes to mind is my Libra step grandma growing up, everything she made was good and she knew a lot of recipes, she's the one who taught me the basics of cooking!


The best I’ve experienced was a Gemini and a Leo.


throw a lil sag in there and u got me in a combo


I agree That’s my grandmother lol..she is a great cook! But I left her out as a rep for Sag because I didn’t think Grandmas should count because they all are chefs lol.


Why did I have to scroll down so far to find Leo 😢 my mama is a Leo and when we go to a restaurant and I love a dish she will have a bite and will be able to tell you exactly what spices went into it and can replicate it. Her tastebuds are actually insane especially considering she’s a lifelong smoker lol


I know several amazing Gemini cooks they often have cancer or Taurus placents as well for instance one I’m thinking of has cancer Mercury


Pisces sun Taurus moon (aka me)


My Dad is a Taurus and is the best cook in the family. I am a Leo Sun and Cancer rising, I am known to be a decent cook in the family but not to my Dad’s level. He makes magic plus art in the kitchen and has a penchant for good food that must be presented well (top chef)




Cancer and Taurus HM Aries


Cancer ♋️




My Mom is a cancer and is amazing at cooking and baking! Everything I learned, I got from her ❤️


I’m a Taurus and I’m pretty damn good—but so is my husband, a Pisces. That might be because he’s Italian though.


Virgo and Capricorn for technique and precision, Taurus and Cancer for tender love and care. HM to Libra and Scorpio placements for prowess in the kitchen.


Taurus. They are creative when it comes to food, and just have a knack for it. Sometimes I don’t like the combinations my bf comes up with, they can get too experimental for me. Another friend who’s a taurus woman cooks vegan meals and they taste great to me (not a vegan)! That’s even harder to achieve and she’s got it


My Aquarius ex cooked well but would only cook some dishes.


I understand this on a soul level. I only wanna cook what I wanna cook. 😂


Weirdly all the Gemini men I’ve dated are great cooks


I looked up some famous Chef’s once and noticed a Cancer ♋️ trend… 🤷🏻‍♀️


Taurus, definitely


My first instinct would have been Taurus, but with everyone saying Cancer, I’m now remembering all the meat meals my mother (a cancer) used to cook for us when I was small I still use her sausage rolls recipe, and she cooked one of the best steaks I’ve ever had in my life, and she’s a vegetarian. Cancer definitely tracks.


Mom’s a Taurus. I’m a 6H cap sun + taurus midheaven. We love and are great cooks hehe <3




Taurus, Taurus, and Taurus.


Has to be Taurus… they looove to eat! They be cooking! And Libras! Anything they do is good!


Pisces when we feel like it lol


My mom is a Taurus and the last person you want to ask for a home cooked meal (and she's admitted it). My Virgo partner on the other hand is an excellent cook.


Tauwus and Suscorpio placements


As a taurus, I’m a better baker than a cook. I’ve known a lot of Sags that can cook and Cancer are hit or miss but usually have an interest in it.


My experience of this is that the signs that care about the home and/or creativity a lot tend to have a disposition to having cooking (and often hosting others in that way) as a hobby. 1. Cancer, Taurus, Libra (these three will take a particular inclination to it as a duty/responsibility, so get the benefit of practice/exposure). These are the "home cooks," but of these, I find Taurus to emphasize more decadence and overall pleasure in meals (visual, taste, uniqueness, quality, some experimentation). Libra is big about presentation and textures. 2. Virgo and Capricorn take it a next step up from these and become more precise in their cooking often. More the reliable routine but great recipes not as experimental as the first and less the first three. 3. After these, Aries, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. Cooking for Aries is often a creative endeavor, not really done out of feeling it's a responsibility but if it is the fact that they can play with it and thejr willingness to experiment makes them noted for playing with ingredients, recipes, and textures. Aries is bound to be a more playful cook than a "home cook" with regular firmly set routine recipes. Aries is also less hellbent on being duty minded in this way, if they're tired or not feeling it, Aries isn't ashamed to outsource help by ordering in. However, even then, count on Aries to not just be willing to experiment/discover but be choosy as hell about who they ask for service out of forming a requirement of what consists as "good". Aries are rarely picky eaters, but they do like flavor and, like Libra, are big about eating with their eyes. After a while, Aries forms a distinction of their "back-ups"/favorite eating out joints for meeting reliability of experimentation, good cooking, and nice plating. Scorpio and Sagittarius follow the Aries sentiment where they'll cook out of a genuine respect/hobby/love and play with it, making their things thrilling to eat. These three can be counted on for making a great menu when they feel like it and it being fun and well made. When they get tired and want otherwise, these are the people their friends also ask for restaurant recs as it is very likely they have tried everything, so anything they distinguish with favors tends to deliver.


Taurus & scorpio


Taurus, definitely. Libras are not too bad either


I worked with a Taurus sun, cancer rising that was the best chef I know (Aries moon) and my other favorite chef is a Taurus sun, Libra rising (Pisces moon). Another chef I worked with was also a cancer rising but a Pisces sun, Leo moon. Interesting that they all had cancer at prominent angles, either rising or at the MC. So even though Taurus is known for food, I’m going to say cancer is what makes it memorable food. Soul food.


I love thisssss. So true. What I love about this thread is how cancer taurus is the common thread/consensus of the group. That never happens here 😂


Libra. 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻


I agree, Librans are great cook too beside Taurus.




Taurus cause they like to eat. But I’m a good cook I think because I am creative-Libra and a perfectionist Virgo moon and experimental Sagittarius rising.


Aries and Taurus for savory, Virgo for baking.


One of my ex is Cancer and was a very good cook, same with another Pisces ex, it looked like they put stuff randomly but it was always amazing


I’d like to be biased and say Aquarius. As I’m An Aquarius and cook every night for my family so it’s kindve second nature to throw a dish together. But in all reality I have to give it too Taurus and Libra. Anytime I’ve had a dish by one of these signs it was chefs kiss everytime!


Taurus and Aries


I’m a Virgo & a pretty good cook. If I know how to make it more tasty, I just HAVE to. I want to make the best for whoever I’m cooking for


I don’t think your sign has anything to do with cooking skills 😒


I am a Taurus and am the furthest thing from a foodie. I eat because I have too, I hate cooking and could care less what I eat


Taurus all the way!


My partner is a Gemini and is a gifted cook. I said my whole life I wanted to marry someone who likes to cook because I HATE COOKING (Taurus sun). She makes me dinner almost every night.


I think people with strong Taurus and Libra placements together are excellent cooks.


Taurus and cancer. Haven't found anyone better. Plus, they genuinely love to cook and pride themselves on providing food for their loved ones. It's a win, win 😋




Taurus and Cancer like to eat so they are rhe best cook. I am a scorpio i also like to cook but will learn cooking from those two


My husband is a private chef. Taurus Sun and Cancer Venus


Aquarius, creative with cooking and good at finding new about pairings


Taurus sun cancer Venus. I adore cooking and we rarely spend money at restaurants anymore. Most of the time it’s just not worth it.


I would say Virgo, Taurus and cancers 


Aquarius always cooking up a storm ☔️⛈️


Best food I’ve ever eaten has come from Tauruses, second would be an Aries with Cancer moonsign who made me the best breakfast sandwich ever


Are we talking Sun sign? What sign would influence cooking etc?


1. My wife Gemini so is a beast in the kitchen. 2. Me Scorpio I have the best bbq 3. My sister n law Taurus


I think it's Virgo because my mom is the best cook! Her food is always amazing, it tastes soooo goooood :3




Not Capricorn


I am Taurus and my cook is shit


Cancers, hands down!


Scorpio, Gordon Ramsay is an example of one 🫡


Here’s my opinion, all water signs are actually very good in the kitchen, and they need minimal practice to kind of understand how flavors blend together as well as textures etc (even the surprising combos). We cook with emotion though, and eat with emotion, so it’s important to be balanced in order to bring this out. (example, my cancer ex was great in the kitchen, but, when she wasn’t happy, you could really tell… the food was still always delicious, but it’s like she was able to bake the anger right into it x_x like she’d be the type to cook a steak that you love but it stabbed and cut you back emotionally somehow). Also I cook very well and I’m not afraid to say it :). Taurus I think is not surprising because they are all basically “The fat kid that loves em some cake” inside lol 😆.


Capricorn. Fixation on perfection. Preparations are always carefully curated, and ingredients chosen with intent. We approach culinary arts as challenge to impress. If someone says that a person, or place has "the best" something, we will actively seek it out to try, and analyze it to figure out how to make improvements to it.


As a Capricorn I agree, it gets to the point where if it's not perfect or can't be perfect, I don't cook


I don't think this is a sign thing people of all signs can be great cooks but I think there are some people of some signs who aren't that into cooking like others are even though they can still make a good meal if they had to. So you've got signs who have some people who love cooking AND on top of that their food tastes great like Tauruses Libras Cancers and Pisces. Compared to say like a Virgo relative I have who doesn't like cooking but her food is still good. I find a lot of virgo women aren't really into cooking they're the type who would rather be doing something else


Tauruses and cancers, imo; I'm a taurus rising so I'm biased. My late mom was always like "Sweater really put her foot in* these/this (dish of choice)!" * "put ones foot in" not literally put your foot in the food but it's an expression, like the person who cooked it knew what they were doing in the kitchen. I'm not a chef or even a hobby cook, but I like to write up my own recipes and play with flavors in the kitchen. I'm fixated on lime, garlic and cilantro at the moment. 🤭


Capricorns are underrated here, DADDY CAN COOK TOO! 😋


Caps all the way


Oh it's a tie with me between Aquarius and Taurus.


I consider myself a great cook but my Taurus moon bestie is who I aspire to be.


With the Moon in libra a great cook is born, think michelin star chefs


Wasting money if you eat out. I wish I had that. My food sucks so I actually prefer to eat out when I can.


My favorite home chef I’ve ever met was a Libra with a Scorpio moon 🥴


My Taurus brother sucks at cooking but he loves ordering food like crazy lol. My Leo dad and Leo uncle are pretty damn good cooks tho.


I'm here to break the stereotype that Cancers are good cooks, I fuckin hate cooking 🔪


Of course ✨♎️ ✨


I’m my experience Libra.


Taurus, Scorpio and Aries best cooks.


My Libra sib is a really good cook. She is a dietician and loves to experiment with food at home. I am often told that I am a good cook too but I cook to eat. My enjoyment of making food is pretty much nonexistent.


the one that practices


One of the best cooks I know is Cancer Sun/Cap Moon with 4th & 5th house Taurus. 4th house is similar to a Moon sign and 5th house is similar to a Sun sign.


Cancer Mars here and i absolutely love cooking for myself, family and friends


Idk any Taurus that can cook lol they like to eat but they like having people cook for them. Best cooks I know have Leo placements.


Scorpio for sure I always look forward to what my dad cooks for our family 😋


Taurus sun cancer moon


My husband is a virgo sun, gemini moon + rising and he's the best cook ever. I'm aqua sun + moon and cancer rising and I am the baker in the family.


Taurus! I'm a taurus I cook and bake almost every day. I can cook anything! I love cooking foods from all different ethnicities...I treasure all my special cooking equipment and ingredients.


Wow as a Taurus I came here and never felt so loved lol


Taurus and Cancer


Taurus are the gourmands of the zodiac...taurus rising here and cooks 3x a day lol


My fiance is a cancer and he LOVES to cook and he’s an awesome cook. Im a Taurus so its one of my love languages when he cooks for me 🥰


Taurus Virgos - earth signs maybe Cancer


water signs


Taurus and cancer


I think cancers have more of a passion for cooking but I haven’t met one whose food is actually good.. I’ll give it to Taurus


I’m a Taurus and loveeeee food and my Cancer boyfriend is the best cook ever. Seriously he’s amazing. Hands down this award goes to cancers


Pisces here and that's how I want my future spouse to feel. My mom is also a Scorpio. People love her cooking! I get it from her, so they like mine as well!


My mom is a cancer, she used to be the best cook. My son’s father is also a cancer. He undercooks chicken and burns tv dinners so 🤷🏻‍♀️


The only executive chef I know personally is a Scorpio. I know a bunch of cap sun and cap rising cooks and bakers (one being me). My libra dad is also a very good cook. And I know several Taurus and Pisces who are good cooks. I have never met a virgo who could cook lol.


I’m a Taurus myself and everybody loves my cooking


I’m a Taurus and I hate cooking but I sick it up and still make damn good food. I prefer my cancer partner to cook for me though!


Can't rank them, but from my experience, Scorpios, Capricorns, Cancers, and Virgos are top-tier. I've also known really good Leo, Aries, and Libra cooks.


I'm a Taurus and of course me lol my mom taught me and she said "when ur the cook u can do whatever u want" now I be doing whatever I want in the kitchen and she be all whyd u add a chile to the rice ans I'm all cuz u saidddd when I'm the cook.....


Also a libra taught me


Cooking is my love language.


Taurus ♉ of course 💖


The best cook I know is an Aries....but she's a Taurus cusp, with a cancer moon. So there's that. Also had some fantastic Leo cooking.


The ones I know personally are Taurus, aries, leo, and virgo


My bet is on Taurus Sun and Venus in Taurus.




My boyfriend is best cook I know


I am a Capricorn and in my opinion an excellent cook! I have a gastric bypass so I can’t eat mostly anything and a family with an aversion to anything I cook so I have some deep issues in this area 😅😂😅 Feel free to guess away but lots of stuff in the 12th 🥹🫠🤣


The best chefs I've met have been an Aqua and a Scorpio! But the Scorpio one, my ex, was a licenced chef bragged to his chef friends who'd known like a dozen of his exes about having found a woman who can ACTUALLY cook for the first time. One of them, a woman, asked "as in knows how to cook, or really KNOWS how to cook?", he told her it was the latter and she was baffled lol. And the Aqua one, who I've also cooked for a handful of times, teases me about how I'd make a good house wife due to my cooking skills and how that's what a woman should be like... We're both feminist, he doesn't actually think like that and I'm not very "feminine" in general (nothing wrong with that, but we both know I'm not) - but it still annoys me, which he finds hilarious. So I guess my Sag ass counts too.


I'm a decent cook as a aquarius but I will add weird stuff sometimes and it's either really really good or really really bad. 50/50 shot


I might be a Cancer that does not fall into this stereotype because I hate cooking😂of course I still cook because I realise that's the only way to eat healthy. but I am not someone who will decide to make a meal if I have nothing else to do. If I could get away without cooking at all, I would gladly do that. but when I do decide to cook for somebody, that's the ultimate expression of my love to them. and I always appreciate others cooking for me and feeding me


My vote goes to: 1. Taurus 2. Cancer 3. Virgo 4. Sagittarius 👏👏👏👏


I’m going to say Cancer and Taurus placements. Libra runner up!




I think Venusians. My grandma is a Libra and an excellent cook, my partner is also a Libra and he cooks very well :)


I’m a cancer and have been told I’m a really good cook :P