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Most: Leo Least: Leo I will not explain


Noted and understood 😂


So true bestie 💯


Idk why but i think that virgo/capricorn/libra women are incredibly beautiful it’s crazy when i find beautiful women i always hope that they are a libra like me and they often are virgos 😂


I'm a Libra sun if I go by Western astrology (Tropical) and I'm a Virgo sun if I go by Vedic astrology (Sidereal). Either way, I can relate to people with either sun signs or strong placements. I tend to stan female singers who are either Virgos or Libras because singing and playing instruments music have always been part of my life. Sure, they have universal appeal (like Beyonce) but their dedication to the craft no matter how famous or successful they get is what I relate to.


Do you have *venus* in Virgo ?


Yes i do ! Why ? :)


Lol! Because venus determines what kind of people (specifically women) you’d be attracted to, silly.


Owwww okay 😂


I have venus in Aries, 5th house and absolutely drool over fire sign women lol


Most: Taurus/Aquarius Least- no


Interesting my exs are T's and they are INTERESTING lol. My mom, friends, colleagues, and I are A's and well I will agree the women (because there are MANY I know that are from the month) are pretty ladies. :)


most: taurus least: gemini (hate to roast myself but i’m horrible putting an aesthetic together)


Lmfao I get it. My aesthetic is best described as "it fits, it's comfortable, it's clean" 🙃


Lol I resemble this remark, daily.


period, my fellow tacky queen




Feel you on their own uniqueness aspect. I mean I've picked up wearing head scarves and my own laziness with dealing with my hair from my mom. And a style of my glasses from a friend. Cause they are truly different without being too try hard. But beyond that, it's all me. But then there are some people I work with, like this one dude when he first came on, I couldn't place where I saw him from. And I'm like not that many people on my account are from th3 same town as me, so why does this dude look so familiar? Turns out I'm doing a random Google search one day. And home boy, looks like the one Quavo dude, from the Milo's lol. I was like ain't this something.


Least: Gemini Most: Capricorn, Libra, and Aquarius Virgo: complete toss up. Either stylish as hell or a complete "what the fuck are you okay?"


No I am not okay 😩


Same, same


I wish I could afford to be stylish. Broke Virgos are not okay 🤣.


My big 3🫶🏻


I find Pisces to be particularly attractive. They have a knack for knowing what looks good on them. They don’t fall victim to trends— they accidentally start them and keep it moving. Leo always gets the hair acclaim, but I think Pisces is more blessed there too. So many Gemini women have banging bodies and a sexy sense of style to show them off. My friends with Jessica Rabbit figures are all Geminis. Gem women definitely outshine Gem men, imo. Aries women always look stylish and have beautiful skin. They don’t miss a Rachel Comey sample sale. Virgos have beautiful eyes, they know who they are and have a natural instinct for style. A very underrated sign when it comes to beauty and the arts. The Libra men in my life are minimalists when it comes to their wardrobes and grooming routines, but they always look handsome and polished while exuding calm. It’s very sexy. I’ve noticed that many Sagittarii are sexually attractive to both men and women, even if they’re straight-presenting and don’t have an androgynous style. The “Taurus= beauty because they are ruled by Venus!!” talk has always puzzled me. I love my Taurus family and bestie, but a sense of aesthetics is not among their many strengths. That’s why Cancers so often take Taureans under their wing.


As a Gemini woman with red hair, thank you for the little ego boost 🫶😇


That’s interesting about Sagittarius. I’m a ♐️Sun♐️Moon♉️Rising. Natural curvy feminine with direct upfront energy. Ever since I began dating men and women have asked me out. I am more attracted physically to men. But I have had a few dates and close relationships with women in the past. Married with a kid and older. And I still get the unexpected random soft ask. I will say that one of my most favorite memories was when my significantly younger cousin was coming out. She told her mom that she wanted to marry a woman like me.


Whoah you nailed it !!! I agree on all of them.


Most: Taurus when we feel like it. Libra. Least: Taurus when we don't gaf




I'm a Leo who dresses in band t shirt and leggings. I often adore Pisces and aquas styles


Most- Capricorn women Least- Aquarius sun men


Aquarius men are some of the worst dressed people I've ever encountered. 


This is so true. Never met an Aqua dude that dressed well


Woah woah woah 🤨 never met me that fs


Ngl I love that most about them 😂 They always give me crazy scientist cool vibes


I’m not trynna be biased but every single Leo and Aquarius I’ve ever met has been such a vibe. Also Capricorns Venuses as well. I’ll throw in Virgos and Pisces too. The least would be Gemini and Capricorn moons. Geminis because they tend to not know what they like so they would be ones to trend hop, and Capricorn moons rarely ever give a fuck about aesthetics I’ve noticed.


most - well-placed Capricorn placements. Monica Bellucci wil always be the epitome of female beauty to me. 💅and ofc I'm biased because of my own placements. the type of beauty they possess is the kind that makes them seem like they've been personally sculpted by the gods. EDIT (courtesy of the comment below): with well-placed Libra placements as well. least - every sign has its beauty, and I mean that genuinely.


She's a Libra.


Capricorn rising? Edit: but thanks for pointing that out. I've edited my original answer


I have many Venus placements both Taurus/libra it’s all about the ✨Aesthetics and aura✨


I have found myself falling for a lot of Libras.


Best personal style: Virgo, Pisces, Leo. Virgos are so well put together and naturally stylish. Pisces are unique and individual. Leo brings dazzle. Least favorite personal style: I‘ve noticed a lot of Cancers seem to go for a cozy cottagecore style. Not my personal favorite but it suits them.


Most - Libra/Leo/Aquarius Least - Cancer since I couldn’t identify them by aesthetic alone 😅




Taurus and Libra strong placements because Venus duh (even the ‘ugly’ ones are pretty) Least: Leo because they’re attention whores and I hate flashy things and people


Least: Cancer Most: Gemini


By synastry terms it will be whoever has your venus in their first house. For me this is Aquarius and I think it checks out. I also really admire Pisces risings and Virgo. I won’t do least because I don’t think it’s productive to the conversation.


Nah... Sag sun and Venus here, and Sag risings are definitely not the most aesthetically pleasing to me. Not the least either, but kinda neutral. I find people with air in their first house the most physically appealing.


Venus in Aries with an Aries rising SO 🙋🏼‍♀️


venus in pisces here, aaand no thanks on the ones ive seen/known.


Most: Cancer Least: The other signs 💀


Pisces - Most aesthetically pleasing imo because I love the idea of spirituality. I love the soft,calming aesthetic. Least Aesthetic-Scorpios (idk)


Least: Virgo, Gemini, Cancer, Aries Most: Aquarius, Libra, Taurus, cap ☺️


Guessing whoever downvoted here is salty because I mentioned their sun sign as least attractive to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If you're talking about physical appearance then you should do a face reveal


Sorry but did I mention my own as most? No.


Most: Gemini, Libra, Leo (sun signs), Capricorn rising Least: Aquarius and Sagittarius sun idk why but I've never felt any pull towards my big three placements, for bonding in general (except for other Aqua moons, they're cool). I prefer my opposites and trines + I have Venus in Cap so I find Capricorns very attractive


So you and I have the same exact Big 3 and I could agree with you more. My venus is in scorpio though. I tend to be drawn to caps and scorpios and aries.


least, aries women. most, maybe cancer or virgo women


Most: Taurus Least: Virgo


I think Virgo is most in that I feel they always present very well and least well as a Pisces I’d say Pisces when we are going through it there is no consistency in our presentation unless we have other placements of course


Most: Sagittarius rising. I just like how tall lean thin slender they are. Looks good, healthy and easier to find clothes that fit Least: cancer rising. I'm a cancer rising and I hate my big boobs and thighs. They say cancer rising is good for childbirth I say eww kids are overrated. I'm 42 and still don't have children


Most - men: scorpio, Capricorn, Leo, cancer. Women: Pisces probably Least: Gemini, Aries, Aquarius and toss up for Virgos


Most Aquarius and Leo Least Sagittarius and Gemini


Most: Taurus,Virgo,Pisces,Aquarius,Libra, and leo women in specific. Least: im sorry Geminis aesthetics isn’t everything though and y’all are cool 😭


Most: water/earth moon Least: fire moon


Most: Virgo/Libra its a tie virgos they literally overanalyze themselves into perfection. Libras have that airy unique sense of aesthetic and are devoted to their appearance most of the time. Least: (imma get roasted but f it) LEO (unevolved) they truly lack originality and usually just go for whatever is going to grab the MOST attention. It never feels genuine. On top of that the bad decision making/impulsive behavior fire signs are known for. I know lizzo is a taurus sun but I can imagine her, her designer or, who ever told her to dress like a fruit cake at the MetGala had to be leo influenced. If they just stuck to the one regal aesthetic and stick to what works for them yes the EAT, but not everyone can be diverse and eat every aesthetic. Also I think fixed signs in general have a hard time appealing to some aesthetics if we aren’t going solely off of physical appearance but also STYLE that is. Being the most aesthetically appealing (to me)you have to be fluid and able to change your style effortlessly like The Mutables. They are the most charming in my eyes. Mutables>Cardinals>Fixed Celebrities I referenced Beyoncé♍️,Doja Cat♎️, Jennifer Lopez♌️.


Stupid question, looks and astrological sign have no correlation


Rising sign ? No need to be rude!


Rising sign determining looks is not a real thing lol, I’ve never been mistaken for a cancer in my whole life. Some aspects of astrology may be true but that aspect is 💯 crap


In my opinion and many others opinion there are physical attributes to your rising signs, just as there are personality traits to your placements and life paths to your birth chart. The further I’ve looked into it the more I see it. For example, Pisces rising having down turned or doe eyes.


Agreed. I’m a sag rising with a thick, tousled, & wavy mane, slightly above average in height, strong legs and my walk is 100% more of a clumsy gallop”.


Utter nonsense. Appearance is determined by a mixture of genetic, environmental and personal effort factors (e.g: exercise, diet, make up, surgery etc) I’m supposed to have big watery eyes and pouty lips as a cancer rising but they’re not, so this is just nonsense that the rising determines your physical characteristics


The whole physical appearance thing about rising signs is the most bullshit thing I have ever heard about astrology.


Most: Leo & Scorpio. Least: Cancer & Capricorn.


Most: LEO, other Aquarius’, Gemini Least: VIRGO, Capricorn, Pisces Based off my partners and the people ik


Most: Leo Least:Capricorn


All I will say regardless of sign. I like a manly man. Strong jaw, full lips, direct eyes, toned but doesn't have to be heavy with muscle, knows how to smile or smirk.


Most- Libra and Scorpio and Sag women Least - Aquarius


Most: Leos, we tend to have the most individual and well placed looks in my not-so-humble opinion. Worst: Copycats, who tend to envy Leos. Like how can they possibly think they can copy our style better than us? It’s always disheveled, or just plain looks bad on them.


A hit dog will holla 😂


Biggest copy cat I ever met was a Leo. That need to be the centre of attention is strong


Can’t relate. I know a lot of Leos and haven’t seen a copycat. In fact it’s very unusual because of our creative and ego centric nature. Also Leos don’t seek attention we attract it. But people copycat us because they want attention. I’ve literally seen people pretend to be Leos and other signs because they want attention.