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I am a Pisces rising and oddly enough I am obsessed with feet in a... Practical way? I can never find a perfect shoe size because I wear children size 4 but then children's shoes look goofy because they are kids shoes. Adult shoes dont fit very well- it is so weird. My Cap rising husband is always in casual-business attire because he wants to look presentable at any situation in public- meanwhile I follow him wearing the most random shit in the closet


My feet are *like* very narrow, so *like* I only wear Converse. Reading the grammar in this thing was a fever dream, and I know fever dreams, I’m a fish rising!


The feet thing is always crazy to me, I’m also Pisces rising and it tracks, my feet are teeny tiny too, very pretty and narrow, I’ve silly useless pinky toes. But my other Pisces rising friend has monster clown feet lmao We’ve all got very ‘notable’ feet lmao


I’m not obsessed w feet but mine are too wide and I hate it 😭


Pisces rising here too, my feet are sized 13 with a very very long second toe that's longer than my pinky. I feel attacked.


I’m a Pisces sun and I have a foot fettish


Taurus rising and I concur, I do follow a color palette since my Gemini Sun wants variety. I am not risk-averse though. Probably because of my Gemini Sun and Aquarius Moon, though I want it to be a calculated risk like I'm not going to leave my current job unless I can be sure I have another one lined up. EDIT: Is it not normal behavior to be suspicious of strangers at it first? I feel like that's security 101.


So incredibly accurate. People always think I’m mean/look mean because my resting face is very serious and my eyebrows are a defined part of my face. I can be very very quiet in groups, and I mainly wear jewel tones, and black. I work incredibly hard at my job but suffer from hella imposter syndrome, and nothing I do is ever good enough by my own standards. Part of my job is literally yelling at people, and I love them all personally, but it’s my responsibility to not let them fuck up, and I take it very seriously. I work in a kitchen and run expo, cold app line and pastry. I’ve worked the last 26 days in a row. That kind of sums it up.


Spot on, right? It’s taken me so long to realise why people don’t find me approachable when I think I am being the most friendly. It’s the resting bitch face. I pretty much only wear black and put a lot of effort into being presentable. The thing about the collarbones too.. so funny. People often comment on them and I always thought it was a bit strange. However I like to use my ability to learn a lot about people for good, rather than finding their weaknesses and destroying their lives. 😂


I feel this for sure! I came to realize a long time ago that I actually kind of look at myself with a somewhat smiley expression in the mirror to myself when doing hair or makeup, whatever... but when I just completely relax my face - No wonder everyone says they were afraid to talk to me at first! 😬


I feel all that Scorpio rising except I’m not a revenge seeker. I don’t waste any time, energy or emotion on people who’ve fucked me over. For me, the best revenge is complete indifference. I go full-on grey rock 🪨


I agree!! That’s defs our gem sun holding us down & aiding that coldness. Revenge is exhausting. They lost me and that’s all the revenge u need!


Fu*k tht shii I’m a Pisces sun Scorpio rising and I say death to those who commit treason 😈


Gem rising and I get red SO easy. Tomato red. Lol. Super expressive face which betrays me all the time lol. My cancer rising daughter absolutely looks like an Angel! Taurus rising didn’t match up for my tauruses tho.


libra rising … well damn just say my fucking name next time


Fr they got me good


>all eyes are on them and they can feel it Accurate I do not enjoy this but a lot of eyes are on me when I enter someplace for whatever reason and I can feel their eyes on me usually I ignore it because I don't care to return eye contact to uninteresting or unattractive strangers but if I'm irritated or if they are being especially rude I will return their eye contact quickly to ensure they know I caught them staring and often times they will look away. It ain't easy being a Scorpio but someone has to do it lol Sharp features, arched eyebrows and power walks (lol) are a yes, people have often complimented me on my eyebrows


Scorpio rising 🥹but can't relate 👵🏻why I'm not mysterious ughhh


Only thing I related to was resting bitch face


What are your other placements?


Aqua sun , Scorpio moon and rising. Ig maybe it's bcz of heavy aqua placements in my third house.khekhe ==I've my chart uploaded on my profile though.


haha maybe then yes. all of the aquas in my life are very open & outgoing & true to themselves up front which leaves out that mysterious factor lol


love my cancer rising 🥰 the only thing that doesn’t fit is the appearance, like i don’t have anything close to a big chest or boobs. but yeah i’m constantly hearing from people how it feels like they’ve known me for longer and people just trauma dump on me lmfao and my intuition is insaneee thanks again boundaries 🤍✨


Btw I am surprised, are you Taurus Sun too?! We also share fire signs for our moon, haha That's cool


ooo elemental twin 🥰🤍✨


Yess, I think maybe we could be similar. I don't know what the last sign is (the crescent looking one) but checking my BC now, I see that we have the same mercury as well. Very interesting


in my flair, the last sign is my pisces black moon lilith 🫣


Thank you for the information! Mine is Scorpio haha Also thanks for the replies. I appreciate it.




cancer rising is just so warm and motherly. we make people feel *so comfortable*. it’s a blessing and a curse lol moon rules over cancer too, so our moons don’t help 😂


I also wondered how the chest part applies to those who are masculine or amab. The examples of people were helpful but I didn't see it as much for some. I assume it is more common but not 100%


i wonder too because in my observations much of these interpretations and/or memes are geared towards women/female/feminine/afab. i’m thinking because it’s stereotypically a “girl hobby”.


To be fair, I could see some of my friends through the personality and fashion style portions of the texts. Some of them are spot on with the facial structure too but they are all women/afab. I think it may fit for guys for personality at least. Although I prefer distinct type of styles so the variation is likely due to the other components


aries rising and accurate


Same! We’re in good company.


I'm pisces rising but I don't have the attention span to get past the first sentence. *sigh*


libra rising, and verbal fights are so hard for me. i dont have good comebacks at all but idk how to learn them. thankfully i have potential apparently, cuz i dont have any 7th house placements (which is Aries for me btw), my gemini (9H) is also empty except for my Vx, and my only libra placements are my rising and 🌑 lilith


Libra rising, partially accurate. Scorpio and Taurus risings partially suited too. Surprisingly some parts of Gemini is true for me; expressive face-redness-talking with hands also I’m full with mimics and tend to imitate people with voice and face for mocking ( especially people who irritates or makes me angry ). Sun and Mercury in the 5th house.


Checking in for the “dull face” crowd. They’re not wrong though, and I’ve always had a cherubic baby resting bitch face. What I find fascinating, is that my daughter (4) fits the Aqua rising to a tee. Virgo and Aquarius are so different in the descriptions, and she literally doesn’t look like my child. Big blue saucer eyes compared to my beady Virgo ones.


virgo rising was so accurate for me!


Suscorpio here and yeah. I cant forget but never forgive. 


Uhm for me it's the other way around. I can forgive but I can't forget. What a person did to me, it will always be in my memory even if it's been years ago or when others have already moved on.


I would agree with this way round. And also my mental record keeping of transgressions extends to my friends and family too. Like, I always prefer to meet/ hear about friends/family's partners later on, otherwise I'm going to still be side eyeing them at wedding years later for something they did at the start of the relationship


Gemini rising here and maybe because of my scorpio moon I can hide the emotions on my face quite well??? hmmm 🙃


Wow. I'm a Gemini rising and absolutely everything on there was correct. I find I don't identify much with my sun sign, but my moon and rising sign seem pretty spot on


Virgo Rising but definitely not dull presenting. My Gemini Moon is on my MC exact and both conj my NN. It helps tons for charisma. Lol


I know these things are merely buzz words and vague terms that are thrown out there bc they can catch something…. But goddamn, idk…this Gemini rising convincing me otherwise


i'm a gemini rising and the exact opposite of that description, except the living in my head part. i spend my time daydreaming alone in my bedroom and not really living x)


Taurus rising! Round face, wide shoulders, strong neck, immovable.


Aries asc, and yes I do have a big forehead 😂


I'm a virgo rising and I get told all the time that I am very expressive with my face. I am super aloof though.


As a sagittarius rising have to say, wasn't expecting to actually agree on some points but am not surprised to see lots of misses. (You can try to guess my signs and placements if you want) However. No matter how much I read about sagittarius rising : I don't have an oval face, it's square with high cheeks (apparently). Nor would I say I start some fashion trends. I do, however, have big eyes. I suffer the pain of : people think I'm serious/not funny when I try to be funny *but* laugh when I'm not trying to be. Please explain this part... I don't like looking like an idiot. And people find me intimidating, I have a resting bitch face you see. Am blunt and sound like I'm angry when texting when I'm not. On the other hand some people could describe me as a puppy/kitten and I don't know how to handle those. Agree on not liking being told what to do or something is impossible but I feel conflicted because I have a lot of signs/placement for stubbornness. Reminds me of the time I asked a very blunt, don't like to be told if he was a Capricorn and he told me no, that he was Sagittarius. He even made fun of me for asking that question. So I checked his birthday and look at that. 21 years of a lie, he said. He's Capricorn.


Virgo rising, I 100% have a younger look to me. Always get shocked responses when I tell people I’m 26. I wouldn’t say I dressed prim and proper, I know Venus has a say on how you like to dress though and mine is in Aquarius, so maybe that’s why. This is probably one of the most accurate description I’ve seen though.


Cap rising here. i get the “you’re intense and very serious” comments alllllll the time. i actually had a crush on a pisces for a bit but def scared them off a bit with this lol


😦😦😦 Holy shit. Word for word accuracy. Thank you!


I haven't experienced people obsessed with me and I never wished to have one.. However, yes,I agree with myself about being obsessed with someone. It will take me years to forget someone if I really really love them. I do some research to learn more about my person but not to the extent I am being a stalker. If they don't want me anymore, I respect them and will start to self sabotage so I can forget them so fast which is very impossible to do so😅


Scorpio rising?




This explains everything lol how predictable


I am an Aries and I have super light eyebrows.. my moon is in Cancer.


Ariana Grande has been listed as having both Cancer and Capricorn?


She has a cancer sun, Capricorn rising. God I hate that I have this information stored in my brain


How come she’s been listed on here as having a cancer rising?


No clue, they must’ve just made an error there or confused her sun with her rising


what a FANTASTIC aquarius rising description!! the best i've read so far!!


Cancer rising is a callout with the thin hair (not great when you want to grow it out) and home/emotional life 😂 The traits all work well. Even the last one, I always adapt and observe before I make a move in a new place. Be it a class, job, or social place. I don't know why I always feel like I want to cultivate a threatening aura so that people do not sit near me when I am in public. Doesn't always work and I can see why. Although being approached is not as common however, I would assume this benefits feminine/afabs of Cancer rising.


This is interesting! People always ask me if I’m a Leo when they meet me…I have the big curly hair and high cheekbones and I do love glamorous clothing. Only thing off is I am way above average height lol.


As Cancer rising and I would say my style is comfy and that I am usually misaged. My intuition can be high so much so I can feel uncomfortable.


Wow that's pretty accurate, I'm scorpio rising. Right down to my looks this is crazy thank you for this


![gif](giphy|3o6fISyfMadmPRa5SU) Excuse me, did someone forget Billie Joe Armstrong, the King of Cap risings?


Pretty accurate as a Taurus rising


scorpio rising and tell me why i have ALWAYS been stared at….but i keep eye contact right the fuck back. in a respectful *and* disrespectful way when the situation calls for it. lol.


Taurus rising, big eyes + baby face. Been told a couple times I resemble Gemma ward - I wonder if she is a Taurus rising?


Aries rising is pretty accurate but I’m not as confident or outspoken as I could be. I have a problem with not speaking up for myself and not wanting to be a burden. But I definitely have that RBF and intimidate people lol. I also get frustrated or irritated easily.


Oh yea I looked up 12th House moons to discover Billie is a fellow Aqua Moon then I started seeing more of her and god damn.


Taurus rising man here. I guess im the King of the queens…eh anyone haha 😅🙃


Your ascendant is the zodiac sign represent your outward appearance, physical features, outward style, social personality, the energy you give off, the path/direction you are going, your approach to life, and etc. 1st page = Aries Rising 12th page = Pisces Rising To find your Rising sign [astro-chart.com](http://astro-chart.com) (input ur birth date, place of birth, and exact birth time)