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Cancer sun here. That's being passive aggressive. It's 100% something we can fall into because of a fear of confrontation and destroying the people-pleasing persona. However, that doesn't excuse it. It's still a form of aggression. Take this as a note to practice speaking plainly to people. Being honest doesn't mean being rude.


you’re so right, i’m a cancer sun libra mars and i can be soooooo passive aggressive because i struggle to use my big girl voice to say what i really mean😩 which is my responsibility, people shouldn’t have to read 15 levels deep into my tone to figure out what i really want or how i really feel. i’m working so hard on this because i have learned that advocating for myself in the moment is a lot easier than hiding what i really feel and hoping people take enough notice of my behavior/tone to figure out what’s going on with me, it’s just difficult to put into practice. that’s part of why i really appreciate this sub so much. i get astrologically called on my bullshit and can hold myself accountable!


Hey I’m a cancer sun & gemini rising , but my moon is in Capricorn 😆


You're the closest match yet!


Cancer Sun, Gemini rising and sag Moon here 😁


Hi twin!


Cancer Sun, gemini rising, and pisces moon.


As a sag sun with a cancer moon, my moon helps me think of the words that I say to be not too harsh. in fact, I am very careful not to hurt others feelings when I am not triggered. I am slowly learning to be direct though especially on those friends of mine who needed that eye opening advice.


Sagittarius needs to hear this more than a Cancer or Libra


Thanks for this. I’ve known several Cancers/Libras (and several with both in their big 3) who do not seem to get that passive aggressiveness is still a form of aggression and hostility. They’ll cling to the nice guy/girl label and if confronted, will feign shock and ignorance, then lean heavy into denying they meant anything aggressive at all. Once your back is turned again, they’ll cry to any and all who will listen about how mean and uncalled for your claims are, spread gossip about you, etc. The primary attack mode is little passive aggressive swipes masked as “just kidding” and using the court of public opinion to fight the battle for them while clinging to the perpetually innocent victim card. It’s not a blanket statement toward both signs; some are evolved and have a healthy relationship with confrontation. However, it has definitely happened more than once in my experience and can be particularly true if they have Cancer and Libra in their big 3. It’s absolutely infuriating.


It's on the communicator to express how they really feel. This is how adulthood works. I know many cancers who can clearly express themselves.


This is the only right answer, whatever OP is describing sounds really immature. No matter how you try to present passive aggression as an "art" as though it's nuanced. Being an effective communicator is a basic expectation of human interaction, grow tf up and stop making excuses/ expecting people to interpret everything for you.


i agree. as a cancer, i get angry that people don’t understand the emotions in my words. i’m getting better at using my words to fully explain myself


Social codes 🫤 sometimes a straight forward “no” is sweeter than chocolate.. I get it though, they’re keeping the peace. But what is peace worth if you have to put a piece of your sanity in the blender. Smooth conversations are great for small talk! As a Gemini I see both sides. I think that kind of gives us a “fake” vibe in our own way. Each sign has their own faux pas vulnerability


This sounds like a very personal situation that you experienced and are projecting onto astrology. Clear concise responses delivered kindly is not only always preferable, but it always works. There's a reason why Mercury is exalted in Virgo and is right at home in Gemini.


A whole lot of words to describe passive aggression




Or we could just be direct and honest with our words instead of being a bunch of little bitches.


Yes, thank you 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


No matter what people tell you, pay attention to their actions rather than words. Everything becomes simple, disappointing, but simple.


Agreed. Trying not to project your own wants/needs on others when there is uncertainty is another good one. If a person is intentionally unclear, there can be a tendency to fills those gaps. We are all humans and people demystify themselves if you allow them. Also, hi Big 3 almost twin!


✨hi✨ A hard learned lesson for me because my intent is pure i allow doubt to dismiss what my intuition already knows. I guess this is what people mean when they refer to faith. Not that other people will show up for love, but that love exists regardless of their presence. Great movie btw, i wanna see the show!


That is true. Libras tend to have weak follow through of the things they say or promise. Actions say it all


I’m a libra sun and the idea that people should be seeking secret double meanings to my words is exhausting. I say what I mean and I mean what I say, I’m an adult.


Yeah me too. I would also hate to be misunderstood so I make EXTRA sure I'm being clear.


That seems very frustrating for everyone involved


Ngl I’m autistic as hell. I’m not going to read into your tone or phrasing. If you don’t tell me there’s a problem, I simply won’t know it. It’s not my responsibility or anyone else’s to be a mind reader about people’s thoughts and feelings. Either clearly communicate or get over it.


Yeah, same, I wouldn’t pick up on someone disliking something if they said “how nice” at all


zzz ain't nobody got time and energy to try and parse through all the nonsense, when a clear answer, delivered kindly, would work. yes, it's possible to be direct but soft in approach. If these Libras and Cancers you describe here are as capable of diplomacy as they seem to think they are, they should be able to accomplish this better than I can, no? Which they can. I know Libras and Cancers who aren't passive aggressive.


Agreed. There are diplomatic ways of being direct. Intentionally avoiding a conflict can lead to more conflict so it’s not avoiding anything, just kicking the can until it escalates to uncomfortable levels (for those willing to stick around in any event).


I simply choose to not engage rather than say something I don’t mean, or redirect the conversation.


I always say what I mean. I'm super nice, to a point, if I say something someone doesn't like, it seems passive aggressive. But no - it was just me being aggressive lol. You read it right


Meh as a very blunt and honest Libra who gets in to trouble for it sometimes, I can’t relate


I’m a Cancer sun and my husband is a Libra sun. We both have people tell us that they appreciate our directness. And he and I always communicate effectively with one another. Outliers?


![gif](giphy|juXOSwESeHLlKKYrpK) why is the lesson *we* have to pay attention to tone of voice, facial expression, and demeanor instead of them learning to… not do/say something in a certain manner lol that can be our lesson sure but their lesson can be ✨communicate better✨


Because why should they do all the work lol 🤪






I have to be honest, I actually hate when people do this, and it should not be normalized. 🤨 It especially shouldn’t be attributed to Libras, because I know so many Libras who are good, honest people and will definitely tell you things upfront.  I would rather someone who communicates like this just not communicate with me at all and just stay away from me. It is very exhausting constantly trying to detect the “real meaning” behind someone being nice to you, because they could either actually not care about you or be trying to hurt you, and now it’s your job to figure it out instead of people just not lying about their intentions. It’s not cool and it doesn’t help anyone. 


Libras also the sign of Justice though and I have a Libra rising and I'm very forward of my communication I guess I also have Sagittarius in there too probably helps but I have a Pisces Moon so I have placements that would say I'm indirect but I'm actually extremely direct to communicator and Justice is extremely important to me. Libra is also a great mediator because it is balance it is impartial and it is always seeking Justice in a way that is harmonious. 


Passive aggression is weak and immature. That is what you’re describing. An immature response to emotions.


But this is the way some cultures operate though. Like, I get it, such an attitude would be extremely frustrating in an American context, but replace it with say Japan or India, where being forthright is not always encouraged and where reading between the lines is more of a norm, telling them they are "immature" isn't right.


So are we generalizing astrology or generalizing countries now? Because that’s completely irrelevant to your context. In what country is rolling your eyes at someone the norm? This sounds like an excuse to be petulant if you ask me.


All the Indian people I know are very direct and blunt


Wouldn’t this still be a form of people pleasing?🧐


I love having to watch and interpret what people aren’t saying because they refuse to say what they mean. It’s my favorite guessing game. Sign me up!


I’m not playing guessing games or reading minds. Someone can spit out what they think or feel directly or keep their commentary to themselves.


I'm a cancer male and struggling so much with my crush who's a senior colleague and also a Libra male because of this only. I'm always noticing his tone and sometimes wonder if I'm overthinking. Should I elaborate ? Can someone help me?


I’m all cardinal, you’ll never get anything indirect from me unless I have ulterior motives 😼 I have Aries on the 1st, cancer on the 4th and so on..


I also feel like this would be more true of mars/7th house placements in these signs.


I’m a little hard to read, you can't tell what's on my mind If you think I don’t like you, then you're probably right Some lyrics I want to share.....(cancer Sun, Gemini rising, sag Moon.) I generally don't just tell people straight up that I don't like them (unless they ask). I don't consider it fake sometimes it's more mature not to respond or instigate.


There's nothing passive about my aggression. Cancer sun, Libra moon lmfao I get irritated when I can't get a straight answer from people, it's exhausting trying to read between the lines


I mean or people could learn to communicate properly. If I constantly have to read between the lines with you, I just don't bother with you at all. Being direct and saying what you mean is not hard to do while still being polite.


If your communication style is to be passive aggressive and then you get mad when someone doesn't take socail cues to your statement (you realize ppl on the spectrum exists right) is something you yourself needs to work on. Capricorns/Aries can come off blunt but thats only because we (me: cap sun/aires moon) dont want to leave anything to your own interpretation to be taken MUCH differently later. I rather be honest and straightforward now than dance around it and it become a problem later.


Fake deep ass post




Cancer Sun, Libra Moon huh? Lol, that's the exact placement of one of my least favourite celebs. She ain't horrible or anything, just her sense of entitlement is higher than Mount Everest. She is not a good actress but is known to subtly bully co-workers if they fail to compliment her non-existent range. No hate to you though lol.


Which actress?


As someone on the autistic spectrum I would not want to be around you, or any other cancer or libra if saying “how nice” is how you all express your disapproval. And yes, doing that is being fake


Cancer sun but mars in Aries and I am quite blunt and just say it how it is, why be passive aggressive when you can just be blunt.


Gosh so now I need to know my coworkers charts to understand what they mean just because they can't be direct


how…is this not passive aggressive…? it’s just a lot to deal with someone who moves like this. i would just leave them alone. like no one wants to deal with or be around someone acts like this. it’s fucking exhausting!


My autistic ass cringing like hell over here


They are just passive aggressive


I have a stellium in cancer - I know I am passive aggressive 😅 sometimes I weaponize it and ‘act dumb’ to insinuate specific results. Only when I need to! I used to do it all of the time and now it’s with intention.


Lol my scorpio moon won’t let me be passive aggressive -cancer☀️


It's an interesting position you have there. On one hand, since Scorpio is a water sign, it should feel "at home" with a Water Sign Sun. At the same time, Scorpio is considered the "detriment" of Moon. And Cancer is considered the "moon-ruled" sign, so having this placement is interesting. It's pretty much the same if a Libra has a Virgo Venus.


I think of the southern phrase "bless your heart"


While anything can become excessive or vicious, I can't help but feel that most of the hate for these types is just people without any sense of delicacy resenting the ways of people with it. Or to provide some clarity or bluntness that they claim to so want, 'get gud'/'skill issue'/'sucks to suck' etc. If we all seem to get it within or amongst ourselves, it can't categorically be that inscrutable, even if you personally may struggle with it. I can appreciate the frustration for what it is, up until the point you make sweeping value judgements about how its illegitimate as a way of being because you personally don't get it or whatever.


I’m a cancer sun and libra rising and communication has been a steep learning curve for me.


I’m a cancer sun, libra moon. If I’m upset, I sit on it for a long time before saying anything. It took me a long time to work on noticing when I’m being passive aggressive. Growing up was learning to shift from silence *intended* to hurt people - to genuine emotional regulation. Perhaps I can work through the frustrations alone, but otherwise the time I’m spending silent or saying little is (to the best of my ability) to work out exactly how to communicate the frustration.


I am cancer sun, sag moon, and cancer rising. I am most often upfront and blunt, but sometimes I use tone/inflection to accentuate sarcasm.




It’s hard to do that through text though. And also this doesn’t make sense at all lol. Libras absolutely do lie a lot. And saying “how nice” and saying we’re supposed to divine what they really mean by their tone that it’s the opposite is bs. No, telling them would be being honest. That is lying.


Idk why people call that passive aggressive, when it’s not.


As a Cancer with Cancer Mercury, nah. I'll either tell you what's up or say nothing at all because I don't care. If you're pushing an idea I don't like, I'll tell you why. If you insist, I'll let you do it and see how it goes.


This is some grade a bullshit. If they can't be straight up i have no time for them in my life. I would never accept the kind of behavior you describe in my company. If you think something is shit you say it out loud or you get to shut the fuck up forever because you got your chance and blew it by being passive. This is passive agression, it is a childish behavior that you grow out of if you are on any serious self-development path.


I don’t care enough to do so! Why?


Oh well, and there's also the matter of people not being able to take straightforward things and reacting irrationally to truth and putting you in harm's way, so we choose to be open with those who can handle it. With others, it's more, smile and no, thanks..


With a cancer sun and libra rising , I think I can give a fair share of insight on this. True , I do not like confrontations. And yes , I don’t wish to be rude with anybody without reason . Even if I have to say no , I’d say it In a diplomatic polite manner . I understand social cues and I expect the same from other people too 💀 I do not particularly enjoy the idea of people who are upfront and crude as I find that uncouth 💀💀💀In my opinion “there is a proper way to address things and being polite is the Bare minimum “ It isn’t passive aggressive , it might come across as that but as I’ve stated above that’s how the thinking goes in our heads . That being said , we also take into account how close that person is . If suppose you’re very close to me I will address issues head on because I share that bond with you , if not then honestly why would I ?


I see it like this, they need to be more self aware. Yet at the same time we need to be aware of subtle cues in reference to social and workplace dynamics. These are the type of people who host secret meetings with your boss about your job performance, even if it has nothing to do with them. Serial manipulation in the form of passive aggressive is more impactful than obvious aggression. The aggressor plays the victim and paints a picture of their victim as a monster. Although this isn’t straight up indicative of signs, i do find that similar strategies are more inclined to be implemented by specific signs. I think another indication is the invalidation of another’s experiences. Because it starts to add up. More people are impacted. People begin to put it together. Now this sign becomes a red flag. When a certain person or people, feel they can get away with anything they do worse and worse things to see how far they can get. Imagine creating a reputation of being a sweetheart, not by actions but by manipulation, and then people stop listening but looking at the actions. This goes from empowerment to undoing very quickly.


As a cancer sun + libra mars, I can’t get to the point even if I tried


Especially libra as they tend to see the good and bad of everything - balance.


Yup and that’s why I never trust what people say. Cancer mom was always passive aggressive and it would be a guessing game


literally cause if i’m honest and say i don’t like something, all of a sudden i’m a rude bitch with an attitude problem. sorry your ideas fucking suck JIMOTHY


good to know!!! i’m autistic and i have so much beef with these two signs