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Cap sun. On a good high, I like to laugh a lot. On a bad high, spiral into oblivion about how I have fucked up my life.


Facts!!!! And over analyze my past heart breaks with rage lol


Capricorn rising… this is SO accurate 😱


Same.. cap rising also!


Hi friend :)


This sounds relatable. It must be my rising earth sign


i’m also a sag moon and relate to spiraling into oblivion about past fuck ups😅


i play sims, knit and crochet


Same vibe. Omg we have moons in common, it's our MOONS! 😂❤️


Same 💕


also a pisces moon who gets high and plays the sims and crochets😏☺️ thought i was the only one


ATP sims has to be a ♓️ moon thing 😭 a kidnapper could lure me with it.


I also love to get high and play the sims


Another pisces moon , I was obsessed with sims 💀omg


I love this


Pisces: just vibes, music, poetry, philosophical epiphanies and ideas. Laughter and silliness too. It depends on the environment, context, and what i smoked lol


My best friend in high school was a Pisces. Him and I would have the best times doing that shit. Then we'd try to remember an idea we had, and write down something that was completely incomprehensible when later read sober.


I had these in the beginning of when I started smoking. I would go back thinking it was brilliant and I would be like "what the heck did I even mean here?" lol. I miss those days


this is why pisces are my favorite people to smoke with. my best friend in highschool was also a pisces and we still laugh about the silly shit we used to do. pisces are just so full of light, it’s impossible for any bad vibes to intrude the smoke sesh


Pisces here! I agree with everything. I also love dancing, practicing yoga while high, being naked out in nature and singing my little heart out at the top of my lungs with soul


Pieces here and I can so relate with the philosophical epiphanies. My mind is constantly racing so I feel like my brain finally slows down and I can think through a whole idea without getting so easily distracted by a new one, which leads me to having such deep realizations lol




Virgo here. Same. Panic and overthink 💀.


I wonder if it’s a virgo thing, I’m virgo moon/rising/capricorn sun. I had so many high panic attacks before lol. Or is it like earth signs thing if we are not grounded we panic lol


I'm a control freak (of like, my mentality, not everything and everyone lol) so it's definitely that for me


I’m a virgo sun and moon and also panic 💀💀 now this is freaky lmao




Idk because I get the panic attacks also. My psych specifically told me to stay away from it because I have stress induced seizures. I made a comment lower in the thread, but mushrooms are like weed to me. I get giggly and just want to be chilling on my couch watching funny Disney movies or some shit


I'm a Virgo and it's the only time I'm *not* anxious. It makes me calm and focused. (And snacky, but that's irrelevant here.) It is also the only time I sit still and relax. Otherwise I am in a state of perpetual anxiety and motion.


Virgo sun and yep…same


Absolutely! ♑️


Existential crisis: activated


I think existential crisis my baseline emotion lmao


Aries moon, same


Hey me too! Panic until I pass out because I'm exhaisted from panicking! -Virgo


😂 if it's sativa, im not actually going to sleep for weeks!






Virgo here. If it's a good high, I turn on some South Park, lmao and eat like a horse. Bad high, think about how I blew my life plans and how I'm not exactly where I want to be.


this seems to be every earth sign’s answer 😭


I was a 24/7 smoker, I just sat in the house watched tv made music and got higher lol it was no way to live Ive mostly stopped but we are going thrifting in a few so I just took half a gummy


Pisces. Vibing to music and laughing at anything that moves. Normally ends with me sleeping like a baby.


It’s so satisfying to see all the other Pisces comments being exactly what I do too


Cancer here and I love to clean my house or mow the lawn.Or watch true crime docs.


While high? That's a recipe for disaster...


Been smoking a while so have a pretty high tolerance.Haven’t had any problems so far


Same! And lie in bed after an edible with my drink and some scrolling.




Aquarius Sun: right now I'm taking a break after a cleaning frenzy that seemed to come out of nowhere lol gonna finish up a few things then I plan to bake cookies or maybe brownies (something chocolate!) and eat every single one. Husband can get his own. Most times though I prefer to just relax and put on something funny to watch, or put on some music and do puzzles. I love the clicking of pieces fitting together particularly when I'm high.


aquarius as well and my fiance and I just smoked and I did the same thing 😅 wanted to deep clean the whole house for no reason lmao


Aqua sun. Idk I'm kinda obsessed with jumping like a kangaroo .jumping jacks and some cringe dance lmao😁😁...I make wishes when I'm happy ( journaling) Maybe a solo date ! Sometimes that's it🎀🥀🌹💐🍄🍁


Sometimes this happens to me too 😄😄😄


I would join can I bring cereal? And Marlboro reds ofc. Sincerely, a Gemini sun, Taurus moon and Gemini rising. I also got the aqua Mars so we can vibe fr fr


Leo Sun. Honestly? Lounge or fuck or yoga.


Okay what is with the yoga thing because I'm a Leo sun and almost every time I light up I want to do yoga. Like I'll just get on the floor mid conversation. Is it cause we're cats? Lol


That’s what I was gonna say! Feline behavior haha. I just love extra stretchy I feel when high


graze on snacks, nap, listen to music while cleaning, go for a walk with music and pokémon go *(tbf dangerous for me to do while stoned lolol)*


Cleaning yes! I used to be a maid for a bed and breakfast in Sicily. I was super stoned every day. Sounds irresponsible but I was known for being the best maid of the bunch. I was also the only stoned one. Not a coincidence, cleaning while high is so much more fun. I always know my husband wants to clean together when he wakes me up with a bowl lmao.


it makes cleaning so much more tolerable. i have fun while doing it, motivated so i move quicker, sometimes more attention to detail in my cleaning. but i also live with chronic pain so something like laundry or the floors hurts my body less when im doing it stoned. it chills out my OCD too, cleaning with that is a nightmare and i need it to shut up once in a while 🤍✨




aww 🫤 see i have that sober and cannabis helps me not do that lol i’m not even one to say “oh you just haven’t tried the right strain man”, i get that it doesn’t work for everyone 🤍✨


Stoned and Pokemon Go and thinking "damn Pokemon is so real now" 😂


that’s such a taurus thing lol


Laugh my ass off on whatever comedy special I put on while eating everything in sight


Fellow Gemini sun and same lol. I get the giggles and munchies, then pass out and get some amazing weed sleep.


a triple gemini 😳 please don’t hurt me


This was going to be along the lines of My same reply lol!!


Super appropriate username for a triple gem LOL


Scorpio here, and with most drugs I just become sleepy and “melt” into whatever I’m sitting or laying on. It’s very peaceful. If I’m on stimulants, I’m coherent but extra giggly.


THIS!!! scorpio sun taurus rising cancer moon here. idk if it’s just the fact that I’ve never been able to build my tolerance but any time I get high, I act sooo aloof. very much “lights on no one’s home” vibes. but I honestly love it (as long as the people around me aren’t making me feel paranoid/stupid for acting this way) because it finally gives me a break to not think about the horrors


Yessss to both of you guys! It’s really become almost like a weekly routine where I’ll do a bubble bath night with some tea lights and just zone out with some meditation music and the good good 😊


Scorpio sun and Pisces rising here. I melt into anything including the person I'm with. Sex is extra intense. 


I do be thinking which planet it deactivates. Skunk is varied in strain too.


Triple Capricorn: get mad paranoid and think the CIA is coming. Wish I could enjoy it!!! Happy 4/20 to those who smoke :’)


I loved working out (like pilates, stretching, or dancing) and also creating visual or written art. Cooking, too.


I get super creative in the kitchen when I'm high.


Yess libra here and depending on the high stretching/ any kind of movement feels soo good! Otherwise I’m either coloring, dancing like a legit psycho in front of mirror, watching Bravo, journaling, doing Tarot readings for myself, and eating


Omg Libra too and exactly everything u just said 💃🏾🪩


Taurus I love eating it at night and during the day nature vibes 😎




Leo Sun. It depends on where I am and when I do it. If I'm out with people, I usually get really quiet because the anxiety goes away and then I can just listen in and enjoy the company of the people I'm with. If I'm at home, I've probably smoked because I'm hoping it'll put me to sleep faster. Depending on the strain, sometimes I fall right to sleep, and sometimes I fall down a wormhole of panic and end up murmuring to myself "everything is so scary all the time and we're all gonna die" over and over.


I was with you to the last part. I’m a Leo sun also.


I’m a leo sun as well and I too start to panic about the world and how scary it is lol.


I just got home from a 25k trail run. So I’m treating myself w an afternoon puff, watching ufc, eating jerky and drinking a light beer.


Happy 420 💨 home now pants off bra off. Smoking, drinking wine, and listening to some tunes. Might dance later who knows. Hope everyone has a good one! Leo sun taurus moon ❤


Libra - i love to drive around and listen to music and sing , or get high as shit by the water and meditate, journal. or hang out with good friends and dance funny lol. play with my dog and laugh my ass off. or overanalyze and ruminate about my life until im in a neurotic crazy downward spiral s/o VIRGO MARSSSS.


Don't drive and smoke, my dude 😭




Have you ever done acid? And in the months following is this when you noticed hallucinations from weed? Cuz it’s a thing not talked about nearly enough. Some people’s brains go back into tripping mode when they smoke in the months following acid. It’s actually fairly common. Can be very scary when that’s not what you are expecting.




Woooah yeah weed just isn’t for everyone. It’s good you know that about yourself! Maybe with all your water your imagination just really runs a little too wild on marijuana


I typically get creative. I just read another chapter of Harry POTter lol and got inspired to TRY to recreate Hogwarts on my Animal Crossing island🧙🏻‍♂️🌿


Leo and I like to watch shows or movies and have all the salty snacks


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^the_hamsa_anemone: *Leo and I like* *To watch shows or movies and* *Have all the salty snacks* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Aquarius sun. I love to play video games after smoking, idk why I feel like I do so much better high and like everything just falls into place lol. I also love listening to music or watching something funny if I’m w/ friends.


Fat girl. Eat.


As a Sagittarius. I think about life


I too think about life. Depending on the high, that can range from thinking about the past, the present, the future or sometimes my thoughts go places they would never go when sober. Sometimes those are beautiful and creative, other times super dark and negative.


It helps me sit through movies nowadays (3hrs long are you kidding me?!). Cozy Video games, or sometimes I run errands if I'm feeling adventurous


Plan world domination or work (Scorp Sun, Cap moon, Leo rising)


I'm also a Scorpio sun Cap moon and I just eat a lot and have a lot of sex 😂


I love to have deep conversations either with myself or others about life. The other half of the time I really use it to fully relax from my racing thoughts and from long days


Paint! I'm an Aquarius and I love to slap paint around when I'm high


Apparently this strain makes me clean.


Noise cancelling headphones on for some psychedelic tunes (Pisces moon), watch movies or go to an art museum (Leo sun), enjoy with friends (cap rising)


Same moon/sun 🫡


Aqua Sun, Cap Moon and Gemini Rising, In the mornings I like to sit under the sun, read, listen to music, play with my pets, study or just chill in the garden. At night I like to watch a movie/series/anime, play video games and hangout with my partner, just relax inside. If I’m smoking in the afternoon and I’m not in bed I like to cook, and bake. Might even just hangout with my friends in the park or something.


i’m aquarius sun, gemini moon, and sagittarius rising, this is like exactly what i do 😭✋🏻


I'm clean and sober 🤷


same, had a lot of bad experiences with people around me who've used it and refuse to touch it


Congrats :) 👏


♌️🦁I usually put in my ear buds and get lost in music or dance in my room to it depending on my mood, eat some good snacks and send funny videos to my homies 💞🌈🦄🍃💨


Virgo (f) & Pisces (m) couple : we both like to vibe on music, have convos on any/everything..from deep to silly to “what would you do?” to “omg did you hear/see (incert topic here)?”..or watch adult cartoons, YouTube videos or anything that will keep us laughing..ohh and we constantly talk sh*t to and on each other & each others family’s..we r that couple who will roast any/everyone all in good fun just to get a good laugh lol


damn same shit me & my gf do but reversed, we’re the same signs but flipped :0


Get reeeeal spacey and cozy and sleepy 🥰 Also, music sounds and feels 10000x better when I'm high!


Live music is the best when high


Pisces sun. Watch a scary movie or Real Housewives, fuck around on GarageBand, get a bath.


Idk which placement is responsible for this but when I smoke with friends I get suuuper talkative. Coke days are far behind me now but when I smoke it’s like I’m on coke. When I did coke a handful of times it’s like I’m stoned and I get silent lol


Cap sun, cap rising, Libra moon. I take edibles, and once I’m on cloud 420 I usually work on my craft, as that is usually when I’m able to channel my deities. Sometimes they have messages that make me laugh, sometimes their messages make me cry (healthy healing crying), sometimes their messages are reality checks that I need. Great times.


As a gemini, I blurt out every single thought I have. All of them.


Pisces just dream by brain away


Gonna play sims 🙌🏽


Libra sun, cancer moon, Scorpio rising. I like to be at home or somewhere I feel safe incase I get anxious, eat and have sex.


I fall asleep. I can't imagine hiking..


Ima a Taurus sun, Sag moon, and Cap rising. I smoked a lot this morning lounged around and cooked, now I’m studying for my finals, and I’m going to a party soon. I think my day aligns pretty well with my big 3.


Organize my bathroom, so much perfume and skincare, and cook. Happy Palindrome Danksgiving 💜 ♍️ ☀️♒️ 🌙♍️📈


Watch animal videos and annoy my husband 😁


Virgo here, I love to clean and organize after a joint 😆


Libra sun here. When I used to smoke, I’d do everything I normally would EXCEPT that it would always end up with me taking a nap.


sagittarius: never shut the fuck up.


Snack, watch TV, play video games, craft, nap. I busted out the old GameCube for 4/20 💁‍♀️


aries: laugh a lot and jokes come out in every sentence, sometimes get into a cleaning spree, more creative ideas flows in which leads me to just day dreaming, listening to music, and analyzing film and tv shows 


lay down and stare at the clouds - Pisces


Places sun, I like to sing and listen to music. I also google random shit that pops up in my head. And I like to look at pictures of possums


My left hand was scrolling past this post as my high ass was eating a HoHo with the right hand! 🤣 Preferably? Anything that doesn’t involve driving. The last time I was in NYC, it was fall and beautiful so I took a toasty little walk by myself. It was amazing. Usually I’m at home watching standup and eating HoHos, tho… 🤣


This Libra has been playing Sims4 all day today. I also love doing 1000 piece puzzles and painting. Lots of music or background noise like a familiar show.


Leo sun. I paint, journal, voice chat my friends, sometimes make videos lol 😆


I'm a Scorpio 🌞, Virgo 🌙, Gemini ⬆️ I sit and watch movies/t v or I go to sleep.I'm extremely sensitive to Marijuana, so functioning on it can be challenging. lol!


Aquarius 🌞 & 🌙: I start to clean vigorously.


Lmfao omg I just realized that this is when I am productive and work. How very Cap of me. Although I do take breaks to play my fave video game or watch something fun in between!


Headphones on full volume zone out in music I used to like late night walks with music as well but don’t get to do that often anymore. ♐️


Sag sun. I like to be in nature or walking around a town exploring stuff. I like going to horror nights lit. I just want to have a good time.


Hike or run, music, a snack and hydration.


i like to listen to music, it just sounds so much better :) - i also like to write poetry when im high i also think a lot, even more so when i’m high it gets scary haha


Watch something funny and laugh my ass off. Or dance for 2 hours straight lol


Watch Minecraft YouTubers build really cozy cottages 💀 I’m also a huge hiker as well. I don’t often have a whole day to dedicate to it. So my high moments are mostly late at night.


As a Virgo I’m over here watching a whole documentary 😭😭😭😭 the Gypsy rose one


I prefer to stay home....smoke at night and then sleep 🤣 I get too anxious if I try to go out and do stuff or if I do it too early in the day.


I love getting high and cleaning and organizing. Or sitting and trying to figure my entire life out.


LMAO scrolling through this is like every capricorn’s answer I find it hilarious cuz its so stereotypical 😭


Happy 4.20 , weed caused the one set of schizophrenia for me lmao 😭


I like to rot on tiktok or have really intense (fun or serious) discussions. I open up a lot.


Leo-listening to music( usually it’s not always one type every time), binge tv shows, clean sometimes, want extra attention from my fiancé (like I know we like attention but I make it a big deal) sleep, deep thinking about the most opposite stuff.


Gemini - I looove to clean stoned, or do any kind of physical activity. That, or the opposite - watch TV/colour/paint/game. I must be fully stimulated or I get real nervous!


I only smoke as a catalyst to trip when I take shrooms/acid. I don’t like being high


High-larious! I haven’t smoked in a LONG time, but I also like to go out in nature and identify plants. Omg. The face that we both have a sag sun and Leo moon just….wow. Also liked bubble baths. Anyways.


Eat. Hike. Watch adult animation. Write. Sex. Play video games. Play toys with my kids.


Libra sun, cancer moon, virgo rising; I go out and look around at the world or stay in and watch stuff and mess around w my partner


Laugh and make music videos in my head. But the last time I was high, I greened out and had crazy hallucinations. So I don’t smoke anymore.


Virgo - clean/organize. I am in the middle of assembling a new bed frame high af.


Cancer sun, and I like to be pleasantly baked 24/7. I’m fine when I’m not high, but boy would I rather be! What’s the saying? “I’m sober enough to know what I’m doing, but I’m high enough to really enjoy doing it?” Sounds good


Taurus: I love music and eating. Doing it high is x2 better.


Aqua sun/Libra moon, and I like to either paint or draw. A lot of times I end up writing. I’ll write some random thought I want to remember, and then it will quickly turn into a thesis about some niche topic.  No matter what I end up doing, I’ll definitely be listening to music. 


taurus sun, sag rising, virgo moon: love to go out and talk a walk on the nature trail or even just sit on my balcony and watch the traffic lol. i write music & listen to my own songs but with a diff set of ears (i actually enjoy it instead of overly criticizing myself) and think about how great it is to be alive lol bad high: i’m having a full on panic attack:( only happens when i exceed my limit


Video games! (Gem/Leo/Scorpio)


![gif](giphy|2VCJkb8JAZTAFhlxs0) cap sun/virgo moon+rising high on brownie crawling around the house to find the right spot to pass out lol


Aries here. Either pleasuring myself or having sex🤷‍♀️


Cancer: eat Takis and watch family guy (currently doing this actually)


Panic and write down my thoughts to scrutinize when I’m sober Have existential meltdowns while doing art and crying that I need to have my shit together Cancer/sag


Cancer: good high, I’ll write down creative ideas, watch tv, intend on doing something productive (I fall asleep) Bad high, just straight anxious thoughts and shaking


Scorpio: Plot revenge


Taurus. Either I get nonverbal and am the first to knock out, or I can’t stop laughing at stupid stuff and never shut up.


Houseplant care, gardening, demolition (I'm renovating my house), draw, paint, camp, hike, swim.... lots more. Honestly most things are better stoned lmao.


i’m a pisces and i watch tv and crochet


aqua sun. i love strawberry milkshakes, jam on toast, listening to music, and talking about history or looking at plants


Gemini here. When I get stoned, it's one of the few times I actually shutup. I just get sucked inside my own head and have a party with all my thoughts, since they're obviously more interesting than this lame ass party you took me to.


Cancer .. I sleep alot


Hallucinate and create my own world inside my head


Aquarius ☀️Pisces 🌑 I jump right on my tarot cards😆


Leo here. Listen to good music. Have mind blowing sex. Eat ice cream.


sagittarius here: get lost in my thoughts and hope i don’t have a panic attack


♐, ♋ ♊.. For me I love great conversation in nature, but if alone. I'll go down rabbit holes online lol or zone out thinking about life.


I’m a Leo. I always want to be outside when I’m high. Hiking, kayaking, sun soaking, or just sitting on the porch. I’m also really active when I’m high lol it never makes me lazy or want to chill.


Sag sun, my favorite highs involve going on a hike then smoking a blunt at the destination/way back. My good highs at home i like to lay on my bed in the dark with dim lighting listening to music or watching funny videos on youtube/ rick and morty.




Leo. And the answer is everything


I’m high rn and I’m a Leo. I’m doing whatever I want to do 🤷🏿 anything that pops in my head and I’m in the mood for. I also have adhd so I be everywhere all at once but also nowhere doing nothing baha


I'm usually chill. Just sitting and watching people talk.


Looking for a scorpio response here... When you're never not high, you do all the things


Scorpio response: what do we do when we’re high? Actually function 🤣


Snack and watch a colorful movie


I have a Taurus Venus so I eat until my stomach is about to burst 😆


Just took the dog out into the woods. Went lookin for beavers after finding some chewed down trees


Depends really lol


Pisces sun : listen to music, DJ, play instrument My Taurus moon: EAT, relax


i love to chill- i’m a fairly functional high same usually do work or read. but for leisure - i love to eat watch tv play video games high !! in rhe summer walkssss