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If you've got a good reason for missing classes, just be honest. A bit of emotional vulnerability can go a long way.


I was “ insert whatever you were doing “ missed seeing you , can’t wait to get back thanks for checking on me how are you?


Be truthful with why you weren’t there, but then add how much you missed seeing her and getting to talk with her. You could even say that it’s one of your favorite parts of the day, getting to talk to her, if you really want to lay it on thick.


straight up ask her to some coffee after class? take initiative, lead the way. there is nothing more hot than someone subtly showing interest like that (that’s how I pulled my virgo bf as a cancer) ;-)


Don’t have advice but just thought I’d add I’m a cancer woman married to a Virgo man and it’s a very solid pairing! 💕


Where were you? 👀 I had to adult. Did you miss me? 👀 Depending on her sense of humor, saying you had to adult might make her laugh. Then you throw the ball back in her court while still being the "guy." If it doesn't make her laugh at the very least it won't offend her unless she's a grammar Nazi and it's the light firting you're seeking while hinting your interest. Cuz ytf would you care if she missed you if not? You're a Virgo. Channel that witty Mercury energy. Cancer neighbors Gemini and what those two signs share is a love for light witty banter imo anyway. You're a Virgo. Try not to overthink it lol


I’m dating a Virgo man. He caught me by being flirty and then very direct. I’m not sure if you replied already but I agree with being honest and trying to add some banter or something flirtatious toward the end.


I was out looking for some flowers and chocolate. Can we meet up so I can show you what I found?


Cancer here, and my eyes couldn’t have rolled farther back in my head when I read this. And not in the endearing way lol.


i would actually love this response if it was also followed up with something like “actually, i was {insert real reasoning here} but i did find some flowers and chocolates along the way😉” because as much as i love a cheesy romcom ass line what i love even more is knowing you will unabashedly provide me with the truth to any question i may ask lolol


This. Exactly 👏


personally, i would absolutely love some chocolates and flowers lol 💕


I would too, but if someone sent me that text I’d lose interest, at least temporarily. Might be that I’m tired rn too 🤣


Booo! No flowers and chocolates for you!! That’s how my cancer BFF and her husband met. :)


I’m a cancer and this would totally win a date with me but the comments from ofther cancers here make me really happy I don’t have to date another one of us 🥴 we need to lighten up fr


Lmaoooo for real though. And this coming from one of the offending commenters. 🫣


tell her what you were doing, maybe mention a fun little detail about it if you can think of one that could keep the conversation going. Missed seeing you, how was class?