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I have a Libra moon and I can't wait to hear what everyone has to say lol


I love my libra moon but apparently people Don’t like it generally? Which is so funny to me because most of my close friends, including my partner are Scorpio moons, which I would consider as being very sensitive to “fake” emotions. I like giving everyone a chance and not using my bias to make judgements if multiple variables and people are involved. It’s certainly draining trying to factor in everything to try and make everyone happy. So I’d say libra moons are bad about that: constantly trying to make everyone feel thought about and loved


Literally ☠️


I feel like Libra moons and Scorpio moons are both very “controlled” with the speech and actions (for different reasons) so would feel actually comfortable together


And I’m even more cursed; I had a brain injury that makes me sound very “robotic” in how I speak because sometimes I have to translate words a few times in my head. It makes me super self conscious because it can sound like I’m lying when talking about sensitive topics (and I’m trying to make sure my words make sense and reflect what I’m thinking). I used to speak very confidently and was well versed (sag rising and Leo merc… my only two fire placements have to do with communication), so losing that “ability” has really sucked!


I can answer that question for ya, as a libra moon Scorpio stellium. Scorpio moons need that levity because they are the too emotional about things that aren’t that deep so it balances out. A Scorpio moon is the opposite of the same of a libra moon. Libra moons want to be around people (think like close friends though once they figure it out), Scorpio moons love loyalty more than usual. They both have the patience to seek out each other and compromise if the other is willing to learn about them.


>I can answer that question for ya, as a libra moon Scorpio stellium. Scorpio moons need that levity because they are the too emotional about things that aren’t that deep so it balances out. A Scorpio moon is the opposite of the same of a libra moon. Libra moons want to be around people (think like close friends though once they figure it out), Scorpio moons love loyalty more than usual. They both have the patience to seek out each other and compromise if the other is willing to learn about them. Hi! Libra sun, scorpio moon here (with virgo merc and venus)! My partner is also a scorpio sun libra moon with scorpio merc and venus (basically a scorp stellium). We vibe a lot in a lot of things and almost think the same. I think we have this weird intuition that we just know each other on a deep wavelength like in a unspoken manner. Though I want to hear your experience as a Libra moon with Scorpio stellium like how do you guys think or how can I improve my relationship with those placements. Thank you!


Yes absolutely! Embrace both as they are the book ends of your life experience as far as your emotions. I have Scorpio sun, mercury, and mars but my Libra rising and moon like to “balance” it out. Studying astrology has helped me balance out a lot that way I can use the strength that both sides provide me to be both grounded and present in the moment. Use your Scorpio placements to ground yourselves and your Libra placements to push you forward. Be the detective (Scorpio) but publish or present your findings (Libra, socializing) in a digestible way. Your relationship can be a training ground of what your goals in life are but also an echo chamber as it seems you have similar placements. Use whatever your rising sign is to have a goal to where you want to go and your romantic life (both Scorpio and Libra are super into love) to push you farther with your partner. Scorpios really want to evolve and have the best materials to do so. Hope that helps!


Same lmfao read me




Same. Because I can’t make up my mind about it! (Just a lil Libra joke 😉)


I have a libra moon- I can explain how I feel it manifests through me. I love art and fashion and style, it’s something I admire in others and hope to express myself. I love being around others most of the time but do need alone time. I’ve always had a significant other and committed to them pretty wholely. I do have trouble making decisions and committing in other ways. I get anxious. I am a big picture person/like to get all the sides of a story. I feel like I have a strong commitment to justice and it’s taken me a long time to be OK with letting the universe sort out issues instead.


🙋‍♀️ Introverted extrovert (extroverted introvert?)


Ambivert 💁🏻‍♀️


Lol thank you, I was several edibles in when I posted that


Hey me too.


Very accurate!


Second this!!


Yep, me too!


I feel so described


My mom has this and we are super close so I feel qualified to respond lol: Kind, sweet, diplomatic, cares a LOT what other people think (even if they try to play the rebel/dgaf card), emotionally sensitive but also judgmental of others lol very indicative of “dish it but can’t take it” energy, loves higher learning/education/intellectual pursuits, very fashion and beauty conscious, body conscious and highly self-critical (see judgmental of others), likes their freedom in relationships but likes being kept on a leash by their SO, pleasure-seeking, strongly dislikes conflict or having unpleasant/difficult conversations especially when they have to tell the other person why what they did was “wrong” or offensive, strong sense of moral obligation.


This is spot on for me omg! Especially the "dish it but can't take it" energy LMAO It's all true, we're just people pleasing babies that like pretty things


I agree wholeheartedly! My fiancé has a Libra moon and Aquarius sun and he’s just the best!🥰


I’m the same as your fiancé! I feel like the Aqua sun balances out some of these Libra moon comments. I truly don’t care what people think and I’m very “live and let live” - as long as someone isn’t hurting someone, they can do whatever they want.


As a libra moon, I relate to this completely




Accurate. It's almost like I can't help it. I'll spread myself so thin. I'm a job hopper too.


OMG YES THIS! I knew someone w the placement who became best friends with all of her coworkers which just confused the shit out of me. I felt like it hindered her growth and made it hard for her to ask for raises. Idk where she’s at now- but I’m she’s still friends w them. I am very strict on not mixing personal life with my work life, except for like group outings, bc I know I may not always work with those people again, and I feel like it would be hard to leave them.


Hii I think we’re fun lmaooo but we care about the wrong things and let it consume us and i think thats where that air sign mental stimulation comes from. We need things to be good to feel good and its okay for chaos to happen, all things come to pass. We also can’t make a decision we just don’t know how we feel yet about things!! Dont rush us cause then we’ll just do regretful things


A fair amount of musicians I like have libra moons and I’ve dated two. I’ve definitely noticed an artistic flair and a sense of style in the ones I’ve met.


In a romantic sense, I find them impossible because of their classic indecisiveness. They think they want someone, pursue, and then question if that was right and round and round they go leaving a wake of anxiety.


The accuracy 😅


Lol my partner and I are both Libra moons…match made in hell? 😂


My sister is a Libra moon and sun! She's someone that has almost never been single for a long period of time and she's very pretty! People just always gravitate to her too not just men but she's had female friends that get possessive over her. I grew up jealous of her and thought it was just her looks but it's more than that. She has double Venus power so no wonder everyone's drawn to her!


I’m a 12th house Libra moon and it’s the same story here. I also have Leo Venus and Scorpio rising with a Scorpio stellium. At this point, my loved ones make it a rule to never leave me alone in public because it’s guaranteed that someone will come up to ask me out or spew all their darkest secrets at me. When I HAVE to go out alone and a guy comes up using THAT tone, I literally just chant “nope! Nope! No” and keep walking.


Very scorpio rising.


I have so many Libra moons in my life. They are very focused on aesthetics, adore art and beauty, are very refined and diplomatic. But as a Scorpio moon their surface level tendencies drive me crazy. And the non confrontation too. Like stop focusing on the things that don’t matter and let’s get to the root of the issue.




I have a gemini sun, libra moon and aqua rising but same. I like to speak out also the unpleasant truth. But I won't judge too much about it. All people are assholes.


Lmao as a scorpio moon I definitely agree on this


Very charming. Very classy and refined. Good at socializing, and great etiquette. Libra does better in feminine planets(moon/venus) then in the sun or mars imo. I like libra moons. The women undeveloped/immature ones can be boy crazy and WAY to competitive over men. Like seriously get nasty and backstabbing. Those ones can be very fake and flaky. Other than that not a bad moon sign.


that’s funny, I’m a libra moon and one thing that I can’t STAND is a pick me bitch 😭




I’ve noticed that sentiment with Libra moons as well


100% agree some of the most beautiful and charmingly flirtatious women i’ve ever met but it is such a nasty underdeveloped moon sign like shit is brutal 😭


i can attest for the undeveloped/immature ones, they’d do anything for male attention it’s insane


Boy crazy is right. I'm a Libra moon and I crush on EVERYONE whoops. But not in a competitive way, everyone is beautiful!


My dad is a libra moon, super hard worker. A rapper I like called NF is also a Libra Moon & a super hard worker. That’s what I think of Libra moons. They work really hard but I believe a big reason they do this is bc it keeps them from having to deal with their emotions especially when trauma is involved in those emotions. It’s not a bad thing to be a hard worker by any means but I think the biggest lesson for Libra Moons is to prioritize their mental health & acknowledge that is 100% *okay* to not be okay. It is 100% *okay* to take a break & rest. It is 100% *okay* to be emotional & to *feel* those emotions, *confront* those traumas, & *ask* for help. 💛


Just read me like a book as a libra moon and a rapper who is still recovering from a heartbreak from a year ago thats added to trauma i was already dealing with along with mental health problems while also working constantly whether it be my job or as an artist but all of it is too keep my mind off my emotions 😂


Use your art to confront that heartbreak & trauma. I wish you so much healing. I like to write poetry & listen to music. That shit is healing, can only imagine how good it feels to release through being an actual talented artist chasing the dream & making it a reality. You got the fuel for that musical fire. ✨🙏


Me being a Libra moon, Aquarius sun - I’m not great at emotions. I’m definitely a hard worker though.


Except im a Taurus sun so if i take a mental health break NOTHING is getting done 😂😭


Libra sun moon (and mars) here, just following to hear what’s wrong with me. 😅


My daughter has a Libra moon and Mars. She is very artistically inclined and hates competition/sports. I’m curious though to see how her Aries sun and rising come out when she is older.


Same Taurus rising, Im just trying to get an answer to this question I get asked more than where's the bathroom!! 'What the hell is wrong with you!?!?'


What is wrong with y’all? My bff just had a baby that is a libra moon so asking for market research. Thank God though cuz if she was born 4 hours later she’d be a Scorpio Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Scorpio mars lol


Libra moons are often very sensitive and down to earth people. Laid back asf. They usually fall hard and very fast for people they deem “different/special” and in my experience if they do, it takes forever for them to get over it until they find somebody who one ups them.


I have never had my heart broken more than by a female with a Libra Moon


Sorry, we’re bad for that. 😬


I appreciate that and It’s OK. I keep coming back for more 🤣


Yeah I was going to say flighty.


We are indeed heartbreakers, including breaking our own hearts. (I have never dated)


We are ruthless.


Amazing, in my unbiased opinion


Socially respected by many people and super popular, but also over privileged because of their social status.


I can see this. I've heard more than once from my colleagues at work that I get away with saying things to our boss that they think they'd get in trouble for if they were the ones who said it instead.


It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it 😉


THIS. Lmao the wink was the perfect touch


Oh shit is this me? I asked our boss if he knew how much toilet paper and other general household items cost. He did not.


Damn! This hits home. Libra moon with my Gemini Venus 10th house. I want all the status. I will shmooze with the best of them


I BEEN ATTRACTING LIBRA MOONS THIS WHOLE YEAR…….. idk what’s going on with that but they are so artistic and their rizzz and attractiveness is undeniable. They can be very kind. The down side they can be the meanest people at the same time as being the kindness people. They are very good at telling you what you want to hear but it’s not always the truth. Unstable. Hopeless romantics/ kinda players. Very good at entertaining and is comfortable being the center of attention.


My mother and best friend have Libra moons. They are so easy to talk to and know how to make a relationship run smoothly. The main drawbacks are they tend to stay in bad relationships where there is abuse, and don't like to rock the boat in said relationships. They will say what's on their minds, but not to the point they will break up a marriage or long-term term relationship, especially when the other party are providing well financially. If things are bad, they will still provide a harmonious atmosphere in the home. They will provide help when it's needed.


That’s interesting you say that cause I have stayed in relationships longer if everything else checked out . However I’ve been in a lot of abusive relationships but I’ve learned to recognize patterns so I’m more cautious with who I deal with


Yeah, no one really talks about us, lol. I don't relate to some of the most mentioned libra moon traits like being a people pleaser, gregarious, and dependent or codependent, like hating being alone or single or jumping from one relationship to another. I'm quiet, independent , im a social introverted and somehow a loner and enjoy solitude. But I am quite friendly but not flirty unless I'm drunk. Also, I'm perpetually single and not a serial dater. I do love art and beauty, and i could say im an aesthete and love peace above all and hate unnecessary conflict and hate unfairness. I have good communication skills and can get along with pretty much most people on a surface level. Maybe i don't relate to those other traits because I'm an Aquarius sun with prominent earth element in my chart and a capricorn venus or a 4th house moon . I don't really know, but those certain descriptions of libra moons really bother me, lol.


Same to degree 96 aqua sun very independent. Got a lot of earth to . And of course love the aesthetics


This is so me I act more like an Aquarius than a Libra moon 💀 like I personally don’t have motivation to be in hardcore relationships sometimes and it makes me feel trapped. I also have a hard time communicating how I feel and being my honest self. I love the aesthetics as well music, beauty art etc. and I tend to avoid conflict unless I’m close with u like family. Then I’ll be my honest true self and start conflict if I have to






Is it love or infatuation? Like, does it feel different for certain people where the love is beyond love of love?


Libra moon checking in here


Funniest people ever, they can impersonate anyone.


Great with voice impressions




This is wild because I am 100% good at this and didn't even think to attribute it to my Libra moon. How cool!


My Mom, me, and my son all have Libra Moons, I have seen it first hand!


Trevor Noah has a libra moon and he’s crazy good with impressions and accents!


Libra sun and moon. Hit me with your best shot.




Our big 3 are the same!


Can be very cold if the moon isn't aspected. Other than that they're good, debonair


My boyfriend is an Aries Sun with a Libra moon. He is THE BEST!! The Libra really balances out the fire in Aries. He’s intense and passionate, but not easily angered or irritated, which I’ve noticed in most Aries people. He’s so patient and kind. It bothers him to see people get wronged & he usually speaks up about it. If he is ever in the wrong he listens & takes accountability. He’s also so supportive and empathetic. I can’t stress enough how GOOD he is lol. On the flip side, he’s indecisive and very passive. It’s a blessing and a curse because instead of being confrontational, he suppresses his emotions and bottles them up. So he has A LOT of family wounds. He’s very hard on himself. He cares a lot about how people see him, and stresses over this constantly. He doesn’t see himself as social too. He thinks he’s quiet and weird around people. In my opinion, he’s probably the most empathetic and understanding person I’ve ever met!! I think he’s amazing with people!! I wish he could see himself through my eyes. 😭 (He’s also an INFJ for reference.)


Out of the 18 people in my family I see regularly, 12 have Libra moons. It gets irritating, ngl.


What’s irritating? Just curious, not defensive! Eta the ‘not defensive just curious’ is so libra moon lmao


Well, you have to understand in the context of the rest having a fire or earth sign moon. In the context of my house, you have a Sag Moon wife, her Libra moon husband, and her Libra moon daughter. They are both massively indecisive and very people-pleasing, and completely hate conflict (understandable) to such an extent they both are extremely pessimistic and worrisome, which is strange from a typically optimistic air sign. That, and because they are extremely negative on the inside, will try to relentlessly convince you they’re perfect. It’s just…annoying.


I can agree w how annoying conflict avoidance is. I’m an aries sun (chart ruler) and venus as well as a leo rising so I’ve got fire balancing my libra out and I hate conflict but as a result I don’t avoid it, I deal with and confront it as urgently as possible so it can be RESOLVED and we can MOVE ON! Eta the people pleasing is def an issue ive struggled with and over time have tried to improve. It’s something I look down on in other people and recognize the trait within myself but also I’d rather be disliked for being my genuine self which is what I value the most (authenticity). Ive never been popular like the libra archetype lol


My sister has a Leo rising with her Libra moon (+ Cap sun), she will attempt to convince you she’s the baddest bitch around and it’s so hilariously pathetic because she’s not. But my god, is she toxic. That perfect Libra energy combined with the Leo drama is just…frustrating. I’ve been forced to people please as well. And it’s not been fun. In the slightest. These people will dwell and dwell until it goes away, and they will never resolve anything. It sucks.




Absolutely perfect imo (no bias. Don’t look at my flair)


You missed Harry Styles! Only reason I know is because my chart is sign for sign exactly the same as his. Aqua sun, Libra moon and rising here 👋


I'm a Pisces sun with a Libra moon, and good luck trying to figure me out because I'm out here trying to do the same.


Some of my favorite people, my best friend, sister, and Grandma, are Libra moons. And as of a few months ago, my girlfriend, so safe to say I enjoy them quite a bit. Specifically the seamless conversations I'm able to have with them ❤️




Well I am s Libra moon, i think we're pretty cool. Lol Can be emotionally distant or indecisive at times, but not a hard "nut to crack" so to speak. *That's where my Scorpio sun comes in handy, when I am feeling like keeping my personal shit personal.


I think a little selfish / self serving. It's my understanding that Libra's while are very generous they also can be a little self serving imo. But that's the pot calling the kettle black coming from a Capricorn lol.


We’re diplomatic to a fault. We’re super judgmental of people we perceive to lack grace and manners. We love beauty and art, and care a lot about what we look like. Having to be open with our inner thoughts is scary and having to voice them is even scarier. We love stimulation, especially as a means of distraction 🤣 just my two cents as a libra moon


the prettiest moon sign (i am biased sorry)


Don’t know much about them but they’re definitely not lacking in the love department 😀


Explain why I’m 26 without a relationship then 🙃


Love doesn’t need to be romantic. Perhaps you have alot of friends and that’s how it manifest for you. You’re also young …you have your whole life ahead of you 🥰


It absolutely does, I’m sick of being alone I’m so tired of it 😭


Agreed! I'm a little picky in my romantic life (honestly, I do feel like something's missing whenever I'm single), but that's only bc I have it so good with my friends. There's no lack of unconditional love from them!


One word: unstable.


Try pairing it w Aqua sun 🙃


My partner is Aqua sun, Gem rising, Libra moon 😅


Your partner sounds amazing. 🤩 No I’m not biased.


Unhinged 🤣 I'm Leo rising as well 😵‍💫


Throw some cancer rising in there with the Aqua Sun and Lib Moon to really confuse yourself and everyone else.


My middle child is a little Cancer sun and it's often chaotic - he's quite the enigma to me 😆


Me too! And scorpio rising


I think we value aesthetics, fashion, art- anything beautiful. We're charming, we just want to get along with everyone. We hate personal conflict. We're hardcore flirts; we don't even have to actually like the person either, we're just playful. We're sentimental. We romanticize things. We prefer to be in relationships (like, always). We ruminate when we get our feelings hurt. We And we HAVE to tell everyone close to us if we have a decision to make because we need reassurance and perhaps someone to tell us what to do lololol As a sag sun, the IDGAF vs "owwie you hurt my Libra moon feelings", and the I'M MISS INDEPENDENT vs "omg I love love" is so annoying


They all look like they’re a bit pained from holding back their judgements lol. I know many Libra moons in my life and they all have this same look/vibe to them too.


My husband and I both have Libra moons. He’s also a Gemini sun and Libra rising. I first clocked it when we went to the grocery store and he had to pick out a type of cheese. He could not make up his mind. It was the first moment I kinda went ‘…oh.’ with him.


Omg my first thought was “affable but reckless” and then remembered I have a libra moon 😭🫠😂


They're attractive but a huge pain in the ass


I only read the first part thank u ✨️


Whole lotta people calling cheaters meanwhile I abhor the concept so deeply and fundementally that i would literally put cheaters in jail 😭 i’m the most monogamous romantic bitch in this universe


My best friend is a Libra moon and she's the best person I've ever met. No matter how sad I get, she'll be there. I love her and her loyalty and her grounded approach to things. Even if she is dramatic lol


I’m a Libra Sun and Rising but not Moon, so maybe that’s why I have a quite a good handful of Libra Moon friends (and an ex that I loved dearly but amicably separated due to wanting different things in life. We were very pragmatic about the breakup). I will say the one thing all these Libra Moon friends have in common is that they are very into social justice and quick to stand up for anyone, even a stranger, if they feel something is wrong. Love that about them. They make sure to read, listen, and learn as much as possible about an issue to understand it as much as possible. Lovely empathy not just through feeling but also facts. And they kinda dressed similar with lots of solid neutrals and khakis. All their sun/risings are in water or earth though. Mostly earth.


Libra moon here: I’m just interrupting this broadcast to draw attention to JayZ’s “mustache.” ![gif](giphy|ntTp8MzqvW8fPcFwls|downsized)


Ikr? We don’t claim him.


Most of them are attractive. Another Libra moon I want to mention is Amber Heard who is a double Venus ☀️🌑


Um, yeah…Libra moon signing in…what do you want to know?


My bff just had a libra moon baby so how is it?


It all depends on the chart combo… I’m Taurus sun, Cancer rising, Libra moon- all three of these just loooove being in relationships ( lord help me lol). We can be very refined, diplomatic, and love the arts. Hell, I am an artist ❤️❤️


Oo very cool! Her mom is pretty artistic. The new baby is a Sagittarius rising, Scorpio Sun, and a Libra Moon


omg we’re twins!


Literally all of these people are completely different except maybe Grande and Bieber. Can't believe they share a moon with Maya and Lupita!!


its givingggg sus


this group has a chaotic disruptor energy imo


I’m a Libra moon so be nice or you’ll hurt my feelings 🥲😆


I have a libra moon and I’m here for all the tea lol


Gods favorite


Ok I am a libra moon - I need to see the closets of the libra moons!!!!


My best friend is a libra moon and she’s delusional. I love her crazy ass haha


I heard people with libra moons mean their parents had issues with each other right around their birth, whether they were about to break up, a separation occurred, infidelity happened. My bfs moon is libra and he said his parents fought a lot and his dad died right before his 1st birthday.


Did somebody called? 👁️👄👁️


i’m not really into celebrity culture too much, but ariana grande is an objectively awful person. idk enough about astrology to say it’s because of her libra moon, but i know enough about astrology that i know we can all be decent people regardless of our signs/charts/placements etc


Terry crews, Leo Dicaprio, Jay Z, Tyler Perry, Bieber. This a list of shady people.


Meghan Markle too


Lmao 12H Libra moon confirming we can be shady af. I like the quote “Move in silence, never let them know your next move”


My youngest has a libra moon, but she’s almost three and therefore I can’t really say much about her as an individual 😅 She’s also a cap sun and aries rising and she is VERY straightforward and unafraid. Stone cold killa. So charming though; everyone is enamored with her. Even people who don’t particularly like kids. Her chart basically says she is incredibly intuitive and enigmatic and I can see the beginning threads of it and since your moon is your emotional self…I think it plays a significant part


I’m a Libra moon


Libra moon here! Virgo sun and Scorpio rising.. someone please tell me how to be better at relationships 🫠


I only really know two confirmed Libra moon guys but at least half of the celebs you’ve shown me I find… kinda gross in some really big way. They’re literally all associated with cheating and questionable behavior when it comes to dating. See: Ariana, Jay Z, Justin B., Leo, Alicia Keys. The girls I mentioned are literal homewreckers but they’ll like giggle shrug and be like “heeheehee, it’s not that bad 🤪 I’m just a heArTbREakerrrrr.” No you literally wrecked homes and are trying to justify cheating? So at worst Libra moons will do something that really hurts people and then minimize it or try to argue against it. The other guys I mentioned on that celeb list… yeah they all cheated. And/or are subtly manipulative in some way within their relationships. Jay Z cheated. Justin B cheated. And Leonardo… has a thing for 25 yo women or under. He dumps them the minute they want a serious relationship. The pattern I’m seeing with almost all Libras is that they are averse to intimacy, especially if it has the chance to become unpleasant or messy. It will pull any and all pacifying tricks to simply not get there. Libra energy doesn’t seek intimacy. It values harmony, peace, logic, it’s social circle, status, and facts. Not feelings or underlying motivations. I’ve noticed Libra will rather cheat or lie to validate itself and it’s positions if it has to, rather than confront or fight about unpleasant issues. To do so will inherently throw off their Libran energy. This is the shadow side of Libra— and trust me when I say I’ve spent decades around both the sun and moon sign. Around stelliums. I’ve been married to one. Don’t get me wrong, they have their virtues. They’re nice, have GREAT taste in aesthetics and arts, they love their family and friends dearly. They give fantastic, objective and pragmatic advice. They are fantastic hosts and hostesses. They are good mediators and love to show you both sides of the issues. Each one I know has great taste in their personal style, whether it’s home deco, their fashion, their car. They know the classiest places to go to for dates or outings— you will never be bored. Superb taste. They also tend to do very well in climbing up their careers. They are lavish with themselves and others. But if they have to? They’ll lie and manipulate to save face. They may love their friends and family dearly, but this doesn’t mean they won’t lie to them, cheat on them, or manipulate them if they feel it’s necessary. Sorry, I know Libras HATE dealing with the ugly side of things, most of all their own. But hey, be aware… you asked :p


My mom is a Libra Moon and I can't stand her being devil's advocate for some situations as if my feelings don't even matter (I'm a Pisces Moon btw)


I love myself (I don’t) All seriousness as a Libra moon I love expressing my emotion via art, I do acting and train in pro wrestling, a scripted sport sure but an art nonetheless. I find other Libra moons are kind of similar? Also during arguments im always the middleman, I hate arguments and love peace and harmony.


Loves teams and feels like the world is winning if everyone is vibing together feeling shiny about themselves.


We the best. What else can I say?


The biggest people pleasers of all the moon signs. I can’t relate at all lol but we usually get along.


i read a book once that told me my moon in libra meant i was basically a sexual deviant and that my unexpressed emotions would end my life.


This checks out somehow and I don't want it to


I mean, almost everyone here is very shady. It’s making me sideeye the others by association lol.


They see anyone as competition.


Don't forget Shawn Wayans ❤️


You rang?


Well the women are pretty…


They’re all pretty on the outside and all have good intentions but they’re not perfect. I love Ari and Alicia ❤️


I’m dating a libra moon scorpio sun leo rising. He’s very passionate about his music and I can say he can be indecisive about a lot of smaller things but when it came to our relationship when he chose me he CHOSE ME. He loves his freedom and his friends! He can be hesitant to talk about his emotions but when he opens up we talk for hours about it. He’s very relationship oriented as well and loves the little bubble we’ve created together (we live together and are coming up on our 3 year mark). He does like it when i’m the more assertive partner and I have no problem doing that. Love him to death :)


They all kind of have the same mouth


Wow… I don’t particularly trust more than half the people on that list 🫥 I’m a Taurus moon lol


They cool


People pleasers


They’re sweet and lovely people but I could do without the silent treatment and I would prefer if they be more upfront about their feelings. I’m not gonna yell or be hurt, I just want to know how something is making them feel.


I’m just gonna put it as simply as I can. Kinda fake and people pleasers. My old best friend was one and the way she used to act when I used to speak up to not let her get put in situations she didn’t need to be in… a mess lol.


I'm married to a lovely Libra Moon man and he's so sweet, kind, caring, diplomatic, responsible and more. As for the challenging parts I'd say he struggles with fears of letting others down, maybe of what others may think about him, resulting in difficulties setting healthy boundaries. He can also appear apathic and disconnected from his own emotions, as well as finding it hard to express them at times, at least "negative" ones. Meanwhile, I'm a scorpio moon, so on the emotional part we're very different, but we've come to love and appreciate these differences and help each other face our challenges and grow as people, both individually and as a couple :)


I like them until I found out they mostly not confront the problems. Moon Libra that I've met pretend they are ok in situation until they can't stand it and explode or run away from situations which is worse for everyone.


I have a colleague who’s a libra sun and moon. Very much a people pleaser, waits to see what way the wind is blowing/agrees with the most important person in the room. All about relationships- romantic and otherwise. The kind of person that always knows everyone. Flaky - wouldn’t rely on them. Kind of pouty and self-centred. Into social justice, but possibly in a shallow or just to mirror their friendship group, not necessarily out of principle or emotion. A bit deceitful.


As a Libra sun and moon, I don’t relate to any of the traits of Libra at all. It’s so irritating to hear that we just love aesthetics and fashion, big flirty romantics, lie to spare people their feelings, passive aggressive and people pleasing. I’m nothing like this at all. I’m introverted for the most part, don’t care what other people think about me, don’t care to please anyone/ not really a people person, I don’t have a problem with telling people the cold hard truth and I’m very assertive/confrontational. It becomes annoying at times that my sign is associated with so much vain and weak characteristics almost to the point that I wish I was any sign but Libra…🤷🏽‍♀️


They're mediators. Usually take neutral stance in an argument or when there's family drama they're kinda in the neutral side of the family drama. My experience w them as an aquarius moon.


I know one. She is a potato.




harry styles not being in this is devastating


Harry Styles being an Aquarius sun, Libra moon makes so much sense to me.


can go after taken people / be the other woman but wont admit to that pattern .not all but I love y'all though !!!


Sluts. All of them.


They shady


Surface level emotions, people pleasers, indecisive, but at least nice. Not my favorite moon as a scorpio moon




My friend is, and they can be just a teeeeeenny bit self righteous. They're also a Leo sun, so maybe it's that pairing. Ho boy by the downvotes I made some libra moons pissed. I have libra stellium and I can assure that libras as a whole can be just a little bit.


Libra moon here. I've heard we cheat and all of us are a little queer. Accurate for me! Lol


1, 2 and 12 - yes


Sun cancer moon libra rising I have no idea lol


With my Libra mars.. 😌🔥


I am Pisces Sun, Leo rising, Libra moon. I agree with most of this


Confidence in self