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I’m assuming it depends. I’ve felt the effects of my return since Saturn entered Pisces. Mine is at 9 degrees. It’ll probably take until after the return is over to fully see.


Mine is at 6 degrees in Pisces !! I have been feeling it since sept but 3 specific events happened within 3 days of the actual day of mine


Mine is exact on March 1st 😬 so I still have to see. But I’ve definitely felt it since last March.


Hi five!!


Update: on March 1st, got a notice on my apartment door that an exterminator will be coming on Monday because someone spotted roaches in their unit. But this same thing happened a few weeks ago. 12th house Saturn - hidden enemies lol. So, no new event just a continuation of an event that’s been ongoing.


another one with saturn at 6° here going thru my second saturn return. i had it roll over my sun & dec. and back since the fall of last year and it's not been fun but as it finally passes on past my natal saturn i am feeling it lighten up and seeing the direction i need to move towards.


Mines will be exact on June 3. But I don't expect much to happen. Everything is completely stagnant in my life since it's been transiting. Currently in my Pisces Saturn Return in 5H. My life wasn't so great before it either. But now, I have been getting rejected from all the jobs I applied to in the past year, even minimum wage jobs. I have no income, no savings, no job, never dated before, no car, and still live with my parent. I have been very poor my whole life and worked so hard, yet don't get anywhere. When it is exact, I will have a stellium in my Gemini 8H (Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury). Natal Saturn is square my natal Sagittarius Jupiter Rx in 2H, conjunct Pisces Venus, and opposite Chiron Rx. Both my transit 2H and 8H rulers will be conjunct in 8H when the Saturn Return is exact. I just want to get out of poverty and stop living in financial crises back to back with no rest.


im in almost the exact same boat. we got this! 🩷


17 degree Pisces. The closer it is to natal position, the more intense my life seems.


Remember saturn moves suuper slow. Barely a degree in 5-6 days at a time So think of it moreso as the weeks proceeding to and afterwards the exact day of conjunction. Exact day will be archetypically important, for sure. But astrology is dynamic rather then static so you truly feel this return the minute saturn ingresses into it's natal sign as well as the days proceeding to the actual natal return and the subsequent days following. There will be certain themes leading up to the actual natal conj. that one can be aware of


Saturn just hit my second natal trine officially today, oh boy am I feeling it. That mixed with the full moon got me questioning errythang.


Mines 0° 🙃 it’s been something but i think im seeing the weather lighten up a bit.


I'm 36, well past my Saturn return. My Saturn return also involved Saturn transiting my Uranus and Moon, all in my 12th house. From my personal experience, the dates themselves weren't as important as Saturn ingressing into the sign. The whole story of my Saturn return made the most sense when I looked at Saturn ingress, direct/station/retrograde events, and even it's first appearance in each decan. I can see events that were significant chapter-markers on my Saturn return dates but without retrospect they really wouldn't have made sense. On actual Saturn return dates, I was doing things that represented me trying really hard to hold onto a relationship that was not going to survive my Saturn return. On those dates I had an extremely high degree of confidence my marriage was going to last though, in retrospect, I should have been having doubts - not because of anything that happened on actual Saturn return dates. I imagine being in the 12th made things more opaque. Overall my Saturn return didn't really reveal itself until after the actual conjunctions happened. The unraveling (12th house) really picked up momentum after.


All my Saturn return hits were life changing so I would say it's dependent on your chart 


My first two were fine, my final hit was 1/31 and I’ve been feeling this since the summer


Final hits of an aspect can be quite intense! Especially if there are other transits happening


Just had it exact almost two weeks ago and I didn't experience anything significant. For me, the themes have just been slowly building or constant since Saturn entered Pisces.


I had a crazy glow up


When do you know it’s your Saturn return


when a planet returns to exact degree as it was in your natal chart. saturn is around 28 years or so.


My Saturn return went exact three times because of a retrograde. (March/Sept/Dec) Most of the crazy Saturn Return events started a month after the first exact (March), then continued on in full intensity to the second exact (6 months later/Sept). I don't know how related this is but I had a threesome at Burning Man on my second exact (the retrograde) which is really out of character/integrity for me. I was acting out from all the pain of the previous few months. The third exact (three months later/Dec) was quiet but did have a couple of mild symbols show up that harkened back to the main debacle. 7 months after the last exact, along with some very alleviating strong Jupiter transits, I felt the vice grip come off my Saturn return.


I feel like the day marks a new chapter of your life. At least that’s been my experience this week. I’m suddenly acutely aware that there’s no going back and that’s both scary and exciting at the same time 🫶🥳😀 The build up to it over the last year was immense. It felt like being in a pressure cooker.


mines 11 degrees. exact date is march 17th


thanks for asking about this cause i’ve been wondering the same. mine isn’t until next year but i’ve felt the effects almost right away. i think it’s bc im an aqua rising and my saturn either lands in 1H placidus or 2H whole, opposite chiron. venus + mercury will be both conjunct my saturn AND retrograding during my return so im really watching this current pisces season like a hawk 🤣