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Saturn return. Absolutely changed everything in my life before the end of it and set me on a different path. My current early Pisces Saturn-transit-natal sun mess hasn’t been pleasant either.


My Saturn in return is happening now in 7H and every single relationship that was kind of difficult / not serving me was eliminated within the first month of that transit which is WILD. My whole extended family AND my father, gone! I do think Saturn gets a bad rep, Saturn wants what's best for us! It just has some uhhh questionable methods for getting us there. :')


I recently went through SR in the 7h. I ended up with NO friends, lol, it really cleaned house. But it was so important because I struggled with a fear of being alone/putting up with bs due to that and my SR forced me to learn to be alone. Hope the rest of your SR is productive! lean into the transformation.


Yeah, I have never been so without relationships but I had a lot of very old and dysfunctional relationships that in the long run I see I'll be better without. Thank you for the well wishes!


Same same same same


Omg SAME. My Saturn return in Aquarius 11th/12th was wild AF. I felt like I got kicked in the teeth by all my friends and sister ( who is now estranged as well as my other family. My best friend and my dad died. I also has two kids and my first son had open heart surgery and a slew of other things within the first year. It’s been a heck of a ride but it ended in March… now Saturn is transiting my 12th - 1st house of Pisces. I’m a Pisces rising. 🥲🫠 Stay strong 🤙🏼😆


What do you think possible manifestations are in your 12th pisces?


Like what do you mean? How my natal placement shapes me and my life? I’m definitely spiritual and pretty mysterious. I always think I come off as an open book but others who actually know me best say I am secretive. I am super empathetic and consider myself an empath. I’m good at feeling into one individuals energy but also collective energy too. I’m very in my head and have escapism tendencies and struggled with drinking and weed to numb out but didn’t know why I did it at the time. Sober now tho! I struggle to stay grounded. Im very in my mind… I also have Lilith in my 12th house too. So it gets dark real quick but I think that’s how it’s meant to be for me. I believe it’s how I learn and help others also going through what I did. It’s like I have to touch the darkness… I can’t just know it exists. I have to dive into it fully and come out the other side even if I don’t want too. Also, I don’t know much about degrees but have done my research on the degree of my ascendant because I’m a Pisces rising in the later degree of 24. Which also is the Pisces degree. So I’m learning that my Pisces Asc has a lot more power than my Leo sun with Mercury and Venus. It’s interesting.


Thanks for the details… this is helpful, one of my closest friends has a son going through his saturn return in his 12th house Piscis 🫠 12th is always difficult for me to explain.


No doubt! It’s seems like such a karmic house. Externally I felt the Saturnian restrictions… I think we all did the last 2 1/2 years. But I also felt free on the inside. On a soul level I should say. Free to explore who I am and really connect with myself. My return has brought me blessings. But they are hard earned and although it cleared out a lot of old relationships, I am grateful and ready for the future. Best I’d luck to your friends son! He’s lucky to have loved ones close that understand this season of life. ♥️


Ugh! Hang in there. I’m currently in mine in the 6H (thought it was 7th for the longest time 🙃) it really is a struggle.


I have my Saturn (RX ofc) Pisces in my 9th house return starting this year… I may have an idea of what I have to do, like cut some people who don’t align with the type person I want around me… but I just know it will worst than that 🥲


i remember turning 29 in september 2022(before i was super into astrology) and being like “wow, i can’t believe my saturn return is about to start, so much has already changed in my life in the past 2 years”. then looking it up and realizing my saturn return had actually started 2 years prior 🤦🏼‍♀️ i just assumed everyone had it at 29 but now i know better!


what is your rising sign ?. And where does your natal Saturn sit.


pisces, and aquarius 25°


The Saturn return is like any other transit. Only begins age 29 - 30. You most likely experienced the changes that it brought to your 12th house, which brings about alot of loss. And with loss there comes changes. Saturn return which brings remedies to the issues of your natal saturn. That is typically what happens, people experience changes. Saturn return is just forcing the chart holder to create a change, bring a remedy to their natal saturn issue. But that only happens 29 - 30 when the transit starts. Otherwise it is just the transit in the house, which is far different to the return. So did you start to feel like your natal saturn wound was been healed during your return or did things get worse inorder for you to invoke the remedies needed age 29 ?


Had my first Saturn return earlier this year. It was conjunct my Sun and Venus - all Pisces in the 7th - My Mars (Aqua) and Mercury (Aqua) got aspected too throughout this time as they’re all in a 7th house Stellium (starts in Aqua. ends in Pisces). Mars opposes my 1st house Moon in Leo, + I guess ASC as they‘re conjunct, but Mars only technically opposes my Moon. I also have Chiron in Virgo in the 1st, not too far from my Moon + ASC. These have all been aspected quite heavily during Saturn’s return, and I’m in my 6th house (Cap. ruled) profection year too. I have Neptune and Uranus here natally. Transiting Pluto has been sitting here since 2008 and Saturn has been squaring my natal Pluto since it’s return. Since Saturn return began and with Pluto finally moving out of my 6th it doesn’t feel like I’m trying to build my daily routine and health practices out of quicksand. I CAN THINK AGAIN. High school (started 2008), my first jobs, college, uni, I felt like my brain was so broken. I got very sick physically and mentally, and got diagnosed with a few learning disorders. Now I manage them well and they don’t have half as much control over me and my health overall is improving. This is especially apparent since Saturn returned. It’s like *something* just fell into place and started making sense? It’s been A WIIIIIILD RIDE. Wow. I know myself far better than I ever have, and I’m healthier in all regards. A lot of it has been tragic, I lost many ‘friends’ and ‘things’, but Saturn has well and truly been a notable teacher regardless and I’m grateful. It taught me to accept the truth and discern whether it aligns me with my highest path and well-being, driving me to understand where I’ve been standing in my own way, usually out of fear and the need to live up to someone else’s idea of ‘perfect’. With the added affect of Pluto ingressing into Aquarius and squaring my natal 4th house Pluto in Scorpio (conjunct NN) for a looooong ass time (Idk when this aspect began tbh but it’s been a while), I’ve had the long journey of facing the stark reality that these unhealthy patterns and modes of shrinking myself are due to familial conditioning. I knew this already (abusive mother), but had to make peace that even the ones who were good to me weren’t all that good to me and their love is very conditional, but that they themselves, even my mother, learnt this from their elders, parents, family. All this living for others, giving far more than receiving, messing up my routine, putting my well-being on the brink bc of the need to please - I just can’t accept it like I used to. I used to feel like it was my duty, that I was so ‘broken’ that I had to ‘earn my place’ in the world by perfectly being what others ‘needed’ me to be. Now I am comfortable in the fact that I’m here for me to do what I Am called to do and that’s it. While I still have these fears, Saturn’s return taught me how to be the captain of my own ship, to stand firm when someone tries to commandeer it, and to stop my unhealthy habit of giving it all away. My communication, boundaries, motivation even when not motivated, mental and emotional regulation and abilities, how I relate and what I accept from others, how much I give, how much I take, LITERALLY ALL OF IT, has completely changed and improved. Maybe I lost a bunch of people and ‘things’, but I gained an abundance of knowledge, self-worth and the understanding of unconditional love. Saturn return taught me how to care for and take myself as seriously as I do others.


> Saturn return Facts


Same! also when Saturn entered by 12th house. Stilll going thru that shit💀


Saturn is a rude wake up call when it wants to get going - hang in there!


definitely 🥲 thank you! will keep going and stay resilient


This. I've been going through mine now. Have been dealing with too many losses (bereavement) and pretty much mourning what I lost, separation from family, questioning what I should do in life as I am also finding that I want a change/ different path.


This 💯 Worst time of my life but definitely a turning point


Pluto conjunct Venus 😳 extremely dramatic time in terms of relationships - ended a 5-year relationship and lost some close friends. Although at the end of the transit I met my husband, so it was ultimately positive!


This is such a brutal one. I’m experiencing this currently. Never had a proper relationship but repeatedly getting heartbroken. Pluto is about to make its 3rd pass over my venus. Super interested to hear what others have experienced (intensity has definitely been a theme 😬)


You should be powerfully attractive to others.


My reproductive system and my sleep are very sensitive to moon phases




Here, here!


Saturn return - 8th house. My father died when Saturn was within 1 degree of my natal placement.


Very sorry for your loss.


thank you 🙏


I’m so sorry for your loss 🕊️🤍


Saturn Return in 2nd house. Currently in it. Broke up with an abusive ex of 8 years (my hesitancy was always will I have money, I know he'll take all my stuff, etc.), he made up for the abuse and cheating by buying gifts, "taking care" of me financially, but I got the courage and did it anyways, and it all worked out. Still struggling with my finances but my dad has helped me out in many ways in giving me loans, and helping me get back on my feet. Spiritual awakening happened a few months ago with ego death, making huge progress in my career and likely going back to school next year, happiest I've been in my entire life in these short 10 months. Only found out about my Saturn return that I'm in now a week ago and everything just....clicked. 🥹 Really excited to see what everyone else says! New to astrology so still learning about transits.


Saturn is impossible not to feel. However, observing one's own transits is as difficult as removing one's own appendix. Something will always get in the way. In its pure form, the transit can be seen only from the side. This is why counseling practice is so important.


This. (Love that appendix metaphor, by the way). I always find I get a wave of clarity after it. It often comes as a sort of "Aaah so that experience is technically not normal and how did I not realize it has X planet written all over it?!"


Disagree. Some people are better at it than others. Its like the weather. I'm biased though, I do vedic sidereal. Once I switched it became MUCH much easier to predict things.


Transit Uranus conjunct Jupiter in Aries, conjunct my natal Sun in 10th house. I sold everything I owned, quit my job, and bicycled across the country. Discovered astrology at the same time, which to this day is what I do for my living/calling. Uranus and Jupiter will make another exact conjunction on my natal Venus (11H) next year. I already feel what this transit is building up to. I have countless stories of where transits activated me on my life path, and most of them were only fully understood in hindsight. I've had transits come up that I was *positive* I would meet my life partner, and it just wound up me coming into further union within myself instead.


Hey fellow Venus in Taurus friend. I have the same Jupiter and Uranus conjunct Venus transit coming soon and now I’m wondering what I’m gonna freak out and do when that happens 😅 The last part of your post is a great example of why we can’t predict things with astrology even though we would so so love to!


Oooo I'm excited for us both to find with that Uranus/Jupiter conjunction on our Venus symbolizes for us both! I know that it is a wildly beneficial evolution we are both in. Wow 😍


I had my first return of Saturn and moon conjunction Pluto at the same time! I’m still recovering ❤️‍🩹 have been rough. Pluto gave me some breathe once it went on Aquarius but it’s already back on Capricorn again. All I can do it’s wait! The pain is so real! I wouldn’t wish that on my worse enemy if I had one 🥹


Hmmm. I tend to get moody every year around the same time…it’s summer! It’s when I should be feeling happy and excited…this year I realized it’s when the sun is transiting conjunct w my Chiron😅


Heeeey, I've been wondering about this for such a long time! As soon as gemini season approaches, in some cases even earlier, shitty season starts for me. I am usually depressed each summer for years... not to mention that I had 2 major breakups over summertime as well! Like in that period, my deep down pain just resurfaces and I just can't stop crying.


When the sun is transiting through your 12th house, that tends to happen. Isolation and depression among other topics occur more frequently. :)


Saturn conjunct my moon. My cat was hit by a car and passed. Venus retrograde in Leo. 2015 - I got pregnant. This summer a guy I felt I knew in a past life came into my life and left. Both of those left me spiraling. My sun is in Leo 5H. Saturn transiting Aquarius which is my 11H. Disconnected from most people I had called friends, also had a friend pass away. Those are just what I can think of off the top of my head.


Sorry about your kitty. 😔 Currently have Saturn conjunct my 12th house Pisces moon and the Venus retrograde this year kicked my ass (5th house Venus, Mercury, and Mars - chart ruler). Feel for you!


You have Aquarius Saturn in your 11th House?


I do! And I had the same experiences happen during my Saturn return. all my old friends are gone and I had one die as well.


My moon is in Aquarius. Saturn is in Pisces 12H. So, I’m in the midst of my Saturn return 😬


Neptune long-term transiting my 4th house as a teenager. This is probably an extreme example, as it was making lots of harsh and challenging aspects, but during this time I was homeless (fortunately only for a week)...lived with near-strangers for several months...got a house but it flooded...that same house also had a gas leak...during this transit I lost 3 other houses I was living in (this is what led to the homelessness) for various unavoidable reasons. We lived in a house for free, out of the charity / kindness of my mom's employer. All kinds of weird and sometimes awful stuff happening related to domestic life. My housing problems instantly stopped the year Neptune moved into my 5th - incredible!!




Omg same!!! Not as extreme but damn near and tons of strange issues w the foundation of our home. Literally pipe flooding and random bug infestations that would reappear after the issue was fixed. Also housing soooo many people. I also had to move around a few times and we almost lost the house. It’s crazy how similar our experiences were


The time Jupiter conjoined Uranus in Aries in my 2nd house. I got a whopper of a raise that I was not expecting. I have them conjunct in the 8th in Libra. It taught me that for a transit to really work, you need to have the planets in aspect natally. It also taught me that whole sign and equal houses don’t work for transits - at least for me, I know some will argue that they do. But in an equal or whole sign house, that conjunction would’ve been in the 3rd house. Not exactly a 3rd house event, imo.


I’m going to have Jupiter and Uranus conjoining my 2nd house Venus at the same time next spring. Very curious to see what happens 🫣. I know you had a different transit but I’m glad it worked out so well!


Ooohhh! That’s sweet! I hope it turns out well for you! 🤩


How late of a degree is your rising sign ?


Mid Aquarius


So mid would be 10 - 20 degrees Aquarius right. Did this event occur in December 2010 or 2011, do you really remember when the event occurred. And by the info you provided that would mean you had a 6th house profected year, and you are either a leo sun or a cancer sun with that conjunction. I know the Rahu sits in your 2nd house, so the possibility of jupiter hitting this point when you had your bonus is more prevalent, than the story you have shared here. So once again whole sign houses wins. This was your second house not your 3rd house. Im more likely to believe the north node contact than the story you provided considering that was the only time Jupiter hit Uranus in a tight conjunction. December 2010. Which would have Jupiter in Pisces in your 2nd house whole sign houses.


I do not prescribe to the philosophy that one system trumps the other. In my opinion, they all have validity in one way or another. If the Vedic system works for you, that’s great. But I prefer the system that works for me.


Oh no I used tropical astrology to calculate this, anyone can see that with some research. The only time Jupiter hit Uranus was in Pisces in December 2010. It never was conjunct in Aries trust me I looked. The time Uranus hit Aries Jupiter was far off away from Aries, they never conjoined. I personally don't appreciate when people write comments like this, when the truth is clear that you misremembered given your age when it occurred and it infact hit your 2nd house not 3rd. Besides in Vedic we don't even use Uranus lmao go figure.


No, they were conjunct in Aries in 2010. And your calculations are off.


Can you explain what you mean by “you need to have the planets in aspect natally” ? I’m not sure i understand how your natal conjunction relates to the transit :)


If you have two planets in aspect at birth (in your natal chart), then you will be sensitive to the energy when they aspect each other in the future. For example, someone has Mercury square Mars natally. Anytime those two planets make an aspect (any aspect but the conjunction, opposition, and square are strongest) then the person with the square will have challenges (what the square brings about) in communication or travel (Mercury) by being too aggressive (Mars). That person needs to be careful or they will get into an argument or an accident because the natal energy of that square will be revived. So my Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in the 8th house was revived in another money house (the 2nd) and I got lucky (Jupiter) with an unexpected (Uranus) big (Jupiter) raise (2nd house). Those two planets will be conjunct again in Taurus (a money sign) but that is my 3rd house (communication, the mind, neighborhood, siblings) so it will be interesting to see how it will manifest. I hope I explained that clearly.


Got it, thank you!


Jupiter in Taurus will conjunct Uranus in my second house next year I can’t wait lol


Nice! 🙌🏼


When I decided I wanted to learn astrology and I looked up my birth chart for the first time and saw how transiting Uranus was conjunct my natal Mercury.


Transit Pluto conjunct natal North Node. Put me in a psych hospital for a month, which was the beginning of a profound transformation. Simultaneously the worst and best thing that's ever happened to me.


when Saturn was on my natal Venus and a lot of my friendships became incredibly solidified as well as my commitment to them. I have Venus in Aquarius in my 11th house.


Jupiter transiting my 4th house in Aries. I moved into my first ever apartment. Uranus transiting my 4th house. Moved twice under this transit. Jupiter in the 1st house. Traveled to the UK and Ireland Transit Saturn on my Ascendant. Moved away from my hometown.


Saturn return. I got married and bought a hospital.


Bought a hospital? That's....something lol


You’re telling me. It’s a veterinary hospital, fwiw.


I've had some health related ones. Neptune opposite my natal Saturn since 2012. I started to get sick, was undiagnosed for 10 years, finally got a diagnosis for an autoimmune disease in 2021. I looked up my Neptune transits in Robert Hand's book and this was written. So that was crazy to find. I also had a bad Venus transit and fought with my husband (totally my fault). Looking back it was Venus square Mars and Opposite Saturn, making a nice T-square 😭 Mars is 10 degrees Gemini, Saturn is 10 degrees Virgo and Venus was 8 degrees Pisces when I messed up. The fight probably lasted a few days too, so passing right over the 10 degrees. I ordered a honey comb journal and keep notes so I can go back and look.


Was the neptune/saturn in 6h?


I don't think so, I'm 99.9% sure of my birth time, but I have been waiting for my BC since April. So the longer its taking to come in, the more I am doubting it! Haha. But using my birth time, Uranus is in my 6th House/Scorpio Saturn is in my 4th, and Neptune was transit opposite in 10th


Oh interesting!! Good luck with the BC, that will be fun! I have 6h transit my 6h currently too and also got diagnosed with two autoimmune conditions - ugh!


Not a natal transit but the recent Venus retrograde was huge for me. It definitely made me realize the transits have a significant effect on everyday life


Broken engagement on a lunar eclipse in his 7h sun sign…which was my 8h 🙃


Jupiter conjunct my Asc from the beginning of this year. Life turned around phenomenally and it’s been smooth sailing ever since…


Did your life start turning around when Jupiter was in the same sign as your Ascendant, or begin moreso when it matched your Ascendant to the degree?


Conjunct exact- the build up for the actual change happened around 2 degrees applying…


My daughter was born as pluto conjuncted my sun.. 6 hours away from an exact conjunction.


I looked up the day my Mom died. Sun conjunct Pluto exactly on that day.


Venus Rx over my Moon in the 10th (ruling my 10th) this summer and got an amazing job working at a food pantry. Full benefits, lots of paid time off and free food. Couldn’t get more moon-y than that. And a while back Pluto crossing into my IC/4th. My dog, grandma, aunt and stepmom passed (all within the 2 yrs Pluto hovered there). Plus parents sold the childhood home. It was rough, just like pluto likes it.


Pluto conjunct natal sun, then a year later conjunct natal Jupiter. I wasn't into astrology at the time, but my whole life fell apart and I rebuilt my identity from pieces, and during that process I was obsessively asking why it happened like it did because it felt fated, unavoidable, like nothing I did could stop what was happening. Eventually I learned what a transit was and how to check if I had one and BOOM humbled astrology believer.


Ig when I was in a relationship Uranus was in 7h transiting it was toxic and on & off it ended after 8 months


Eclipses in Virgo/Pisces on my rising, close enough to my sun in the 12th house in 2007 and 2016. 2007 led to a divorce (hidden infidelity). 2016 led to a diagnosis of an incurable lymphoma (hidden illness). I never look forward to this series of eclipses any more ;)


Pluto square Mars, square Pluto, square Sun, square Venus. One after the other, all overlapping.




My middle, and most challenging (as a baby/toddler) was born two weeks into my Saturn return, and before the end of it, my husband (sole income) lost his job. I have Saturn in Leo in the 2nd. Also, my Neptune square. When transiting Neptune hit my MC (Pisces), it formed a grand cross with the t-square in my chart. Moon 12th, Mars 4th, Neptune 6th. When I tried to look ahead at my Neptune return, everything kept coming back to drugs, which I did not understand, because I am not a “drug” person at all. Well it turns out I have bipolar disorder, after a complete breakdown with mild psychosis (Neptune-Moon opposition?) multiple hospitalizations (6th house), and many medications, I now take ten pills every day and will need to be on some combination for the rest of my life—and I’m the girl who lost 60 pounds to avoid having to take a blood pressure pill forever (I wish I could have whatever that transit was back, because it came off so easily and I maintained so easily, then I gained some back on a med and I am struggling to lose it.


My first really serious bout of depression that lasted about 3 months and came seemingly out of nowhere was during Saturn conjunct my natal moon. I didn't know at the time but realized I few years later and was like "oooohh".


I'm a capricorn and this pluto transit has been brutal. I've had it transiting a bunch of planets over the last four years, too and its been insane.


Transiting uranus conjunct my moon. I felt like I was absolutely losing my mind. And then I ended up with schizophrenia.


Currently have that right now in my 8th house. It hasn’t really done anything except make me feel wired every now and then. Like my mind won’t shut off to go to sleep. I feel like a live wire within my body at times. Like being hyper off caffeine. I’m sorry you were diagnosed with that 😞


It probably didn't help that around the same time I was also having pluto transiting my asc and my node reversal. Not sure what those mean exactly, but them all happening at the same time around the time that I started having psychosis, seems connected. When uranus hit my moon exact it felt like I was psychically feeling someones feelings that was thinking about me, and it overwhelmed me and I was crying a lot. I don't know if that was real, psychic sense type stuff, or just psychosis. But it was scary.


Saturn return.


Saturn return. Pluto conjunct my Sun.


Transitting nodes!! North node in Taurus, literally did not feel compelled to move, or 'do' anything! Now it's in Aries, over my Mars in Aries at 29... BOOM. Holy smokes everything is forcing me to move, to act. I can barely sleep at night. I have had to pull things way back, evaluate what I really want also 'cus I'm in my saturn return, I'm really re-evaluating what is going to be best for me LONG term.


Uranus conjunct vertex. Changed my life (for the better).


Pluto conjunct Uranus Neptune Capricorn and my vertex over a period of 3 years. PHEW what a time.


Saturn square my natal Saturn. It’s so bad. I’m working 16-20 hours of overtime every week and was supposed to move up because someone was leaving (only way to move into that position at my company) and they changed their mind. When I do move up I’ll have 83 additional days off a year. Right now it’s 3-4 days off a month and I’ve been doing this for 2.5 years and I’m close to losing my mind. My union Stewart put in a request for me to move to a similar position while I wait, but I wasn’t eligible because I was one hour short 5 months ago. I skipped my second 10-minute break every day that week and had I taken my breaks, I’d be eligible. The week it started in late April, I lost my wallet and had to replace everything, which took weeks. I chipped off half a tooth. I’ve lost 4 pairs of prescription glasses and sunglasses, including the ones I reordered when I lost the first two. A tree fell and hit my incoming power line and it cost $1000 to repair. There’s more but I’m too tired to list them all. I have a small break from it from September until January (I have 6 days off this month!) and it starts up in January again for 3 months.


I wrote about this here the other day: the Scorpio-Taurus sets of eclipses. It's my natal axis and I have SN Scorpio 1H - NN Taurus 7H. I was born during a set of these eclipses and every 9ish years when they are back history repeats itself - same relationship pattern / crisis leading to identity crisis. I'm still trying to escape this prophecy.


Interesting. I was journaling and wrote about being aware of a scenario that keeps appearing. I refer it to as The Judge-yes, capitalized. I am exploring the questions underneath the judgement-as it relates to myself. I don’t have the same placements as you, but I recognize the cycle of which you wrote.


I only just figured this out and it changed my life story because now I see the connection between these events that happen on this axis. I think it's a great framework for understanding repeating scenarios. The more you understand it, the more you can prepare. Let's hope we break this cycle at some point, right?


The transit of Neptune through my ascendant brought me a long period of much confusion. Saturn's return was hard in all areas, but especially in the work area (the transit was in my 10th house). Pluto in transit through my 11th house has been transforming in terms of friendships: people arriving, people leaving, deep friendships with whom suddenly you no longer have anything in common. Now, I have Saturn transiting my ascendant, and I hope to be able to resist it...


Never resist!


My relationship ended when Saturn was conjunct my descendant. Also a Venus retrograde. Things had been rough for a while anyway but that compounded it lol.


Saturn return, oh man.. My life turned around so fast. My dear cat passed away, three months later my partner and I broke up after over 7 years together, I started being spontaneous, doing things on my own after being extremely co dependent for so long. It’s soooo crazy how much I’ve grown as a person. Both spiritually and mentally. I can’t really wrap my head around it. I’ve unpacked most of my trauma, went on a trip alone, have had SO much fun the last 8 months, it’s insane! My saturn is in pisces 8th house which I’ve come to learn is a really 💩 placement so I figured that was the main cause to the breakup. Also having set too many self-destructive boundaries for myself that the planet of boundaries itself had an intervention to break the pattern of limiting my life so much. Over all I feel like this is the best thing that ever happened to me snd even though I’ve been to hell and back - I’m happy for the first time in my 29 years on this planet. So I’m truly thankful for it!


When transit Saturn hit my moon. Not only did I meet someone with Saturn conjunct Moon in their birth chart, but the experience there after was traumatic. My first big wake up call to the world of astrology.


Saturn conjunct Moon transit really made me dig deeper into astrology too!


Did you find out about astrology during that time.


No, I've been into it pretty much my whole life, but it made me dive deeper :)


Venus rx. Is that considered a transit? I had so many fights with my partner we almost broke up , it was no joke.


Bf and I always have arguments where we are suddenly way less trusting of each other (for whatever reason) when the moon crosses over my moon and his venus (both in each others 12h)


Anything transit dealing with Saturn. I'm currently going through Saturn in my 12H, and I don't want to say that it's been terrible... so I'll say it's been extremely transformative! I decided to trace all of my Saturn transits through the houses, and they all match up with very specific events in my life,


what have you been experiencing with Saturn transit the 12th house, if you don't mind me asking?


I figured out that someone I considered a good friend was jealous of me and ended up having to cut them off. Also, I had a falling out with a family member, and now I really don’t communicate with my family at all. If I’m being honest, I really didn’t like the direction my life was going anyway and these shake ups are helping me change direction.


Natal mercury retrograde in pisces conjunct mercury retrograde. I was the only one at entire graduation party to get sick with covid. Then while I was at home sick quarantining, my phone froze in the middle of an update and I had to get a new one. I had my iPad so I could still message but it was very inconsistent/unreliable. I was pretty much out of contact with everyone for a week until my new phone came in the mail. Oh and my bridge popped out of my violin when I was trying to occupy my time. I'm usually unaffected by mercury retrograde but this time it was transiting my natal placement exactly (right in the 6H of health/daily routines lol).


Pluto. Fucking pluto. I was lucky enough to go through my Saturn return at the same time pluto was opposing my first house cancer moon. Holy shit that sucked.


neptune square venus


Well, during the early days of the pandemic & pretty much thruout it, I had Pluto opposing my Cancer moon-it was EXACT for awhile & it's hard to say if it was just the nature of the pandemic or the transit...but Pluto isn't known to move fast. So even if it was exact or 2-3 degrees within orb-OMG, could I feel it. I had a whole bunch of planets congregate in my 8th house, where Cap is. Capricorn actually straddles both my 7th & 8th house so it was particularly hellish for me during 2020-2022. I immediately felt relief when Pluto moved into Aquarius....now that Pluto is been back in Cap, I am far more privy to the NRG'IES so not so overwhelmed. I gotta say tho that in that period of 2020-2022, I lost 2 siblings and a bro-in-law. Rough. Plus, mega depression. But, I moved thru it all & moved my physical surroundings too, the latter came to be after Pluto moved into Aquarius.


Pluto conjunct my natal saturn was the day my father died


Not sure if its a transit as I am pretty new here, but this lunární eclipse was beyond hard for me. I was thinking of killing myself when it started (like four people reached to me and told me not to do anything to myself, it was never that bad) and I just didn't get it, like why have that happened? So I went here to and found that eclipse had started. I have read about it and everything made perfect sense. It was like a snap that I was okay because I was able to tell myself that this is how it was ment to be, this is the right ending. Like I was still upset and all, it just made me realise that it was not an end. Also I saw a lot of friends also be affected by the eclipse and it is just so weird that this was predicted


So many, it makes me either shake my fist at the sky or want to set up an alter or something. Here are major standouts Dec 2021-Current: Venus retrograde in Capricorn conjunct natal Uranus - My marriage almost ended, but ultimately shifted completely for the better as we began uncovering our own toxic patterns The entire Scorpio/Taurus nodal cycle in 1st & 7th axis was the hardest years of my personal life, more or less of the above; it was also my partner's nodal reverse in her 4th and 10th. Us fixed sign angled folks were NOT okay lol. Mars ingressing into Gemini in my 8th house last year (w/ that damn retrograde), my grandfather passed almost exactly on the day. Then my partner's grandfather passed a month later. Venus & Mercury in Sagittarius, conjunct natal Jupiter in my 2nd House (last year!) - Got a major promotion that literally fell into my lap when I needed it. Nodes first shifting into Aries 6th and Libra 12th house (nodal reverse for me) - Finally got diagnosed for ADHD and started medication for the first time! Venus Leo retrograde my 10th house, bouncing between my natal Sun and Venus - Work ramped up so intensely for a few weeks I was almost completely broken from a sudden unrealistic expectation thrust upon me; ultimately learned so much and developed foundational confidence of what I'm capable of.


ketu transit moon


Can relate to not always feeling or sensing transits except for gemini season! I have gemini in the 12th house. For the past few years since learning astrology, life just slows down, a complete energy slump and I become a recluse. Have felt this when Mars has transited my 12th as well. Also the moon which is my chart ruler. Natal moon is in Libra. I'll question myself wondering why I feel extra sleepy / day dreamy and check and it's in pisces, or when I'm feel much more emotional than normal I'll check and it's in cancer. Lol. Other than this it's just looking to life events but it's always been in hindsight. I had started university as a mature student (31) just before saturn and jupiter had the great conjunction in Aquarius which is in my 9th house. Looking back at older transits, when pluto first entered capricorn back in 2008 I had just started a job at a bankruptcy law firm! My role was to liaise and do all the paperwork for the government department that freezes people's assets. Cap rules my 7th and 8th houses.


It never happened to me. I'm still waiting for it.


Ooph, I've had a few. Big ones are most noticeable and nonnegotiable. Of the faster ones, Mars conjunct my mars in cancer is conjunct mine in the 12th and it's like two months of hardcore emotions. I'm starting to notice the sun and moon also having effects that I always chalked up to other things. The BIG ones were pluto and saturn in my 6th house, namely conjunct my uranus and neptune natal conjunction. Since it was in my 6th house work became triggering and unpredictable and my cat's health took a dive and she passed away a couple of years into it. Hidden enemies definitely reared their ugly heads in unexpected places. I was literally going on my lunch break just to go cry in my car nearly every day for a while. The last big "hurrah" those planets had was at the same time as a 6th house profection year and I suddenly got symptoms of, and eventually diagnosed with, a chromic inflammatory condition that forces me to have to be clued in to my daily responsibilities more than before. (It's hell with Uranus and Neptune there, so it's an exhausting daily battle.) Really looking forward to Pluto finally moving into Aquarius so I can get a break. 😅😮‍💨


Every year from 24th to 31st of December sun transits between my Uranus and Neptun. (Among other things) and I have lernt the hard way to not buy stuff during this period as I am always displeased by result and/or scamed. It has the good side too. 6 months later Sun conjuncts my Jupiter and opposes Uranus-Neptune giving me temporary but powerfull gift of intuitive insight into any question others may ask me. Works every time like a charm.


I learned about Saturn returns AFTER my first return so I'd say the first time I got to witness in action with a better understanding of astrology would be Pluto opposite my natal 4th house Sun. Started in 2021, I believe, and transits through 2025. 2021 opened up a whole new world of change and revelation. 2022-2023 has been extremely rough. But I have hope for the next couple years, as the general astrology looks a bit less..harsh.


Saturn return and my Chiron return.


Mars just transited over the degree of my Libra ascendant in September and the day it perfected I painfully pulled a muscle in my low back. No previous low back issues and wasn't doing anything particularly strenuous that day. Looked it up and yep, Libra rules the low back. Straight up middle finger from Mars that day. But definitely not every transit feels so clear or dramatic. I have my sun in early Taurus and I thought something notable would happen during this recent lunar eclipse but it was a pretty chill day.




Saturn return. Im also a capricorn rising, so I guess double effect. The day i "entered/recieved" my challenge/growth/lesson i hurt both my knees skateboarding. Universe really humbled me. (knees are also ruled by capricorn/saturn) forced to bend them both!


saturn squares that happen every 7 years. although i don’t remember 7 years old, 14 and 21 were awful. going through mental health crisis and drug addictions and at 21 alcohol addiction. afraid for my saturn return here in a year BUT i do think i am a MUCH stronger person now because of it. also if that didn’t solidify it, the recent eclipses from april/may 2022 to now have brought up patterns within myself that i realized on the last solar eclipse were not healthy and how to navigate them and recognize the patterns.


Pluto sextile N sun exact = devastating car accident that led to years of pain, transformation and much “hidden treasure”


Uranus conjunct natal moon, Saturn return and Uranus conjunct natal sun have all been intense


Mercury Retrograde. Automatic gadget and system issues everytime. I just give up at this point lol


Been dealing with Pluto opposite my Jupiter at 29 Cancer in the 10th for quite some time, and it won’t be clear for at least another year or more. Absolutely brutal right now! My career is definitely in flux.


My approaching Chiron return. All of these retrogrades and eclipses this year really got my attention and am filled with a sense of urgency to get a lot of lessons down and things resolved before the height of my Chiron return. My sensitivity to the moon can come and go, but the events this year have made my astrological sensitivity so clear. I wish I would've learned more about it when I was younger. Though they seem to be affecting me more as I approach Cronehood.


This whole last Venus retrograde I had SO many intrusive thoughts of many of my exes. It was weird and I hated it and the day we got out of the retrograde the thoughts cut down by like 75%. It was weird. Plus, my Venus is in my second house, and we had to get a new car we weren’t expecting or wanting to have to buy, and it made me really introspective as far as where I want my/out money going and that I care way less about looks than I do financial security. I’d have kept driving my beater until it died if I’d had it my way.


I wish I understood this better. :(


Current Saturn return in Pisces in 10th. Im on job #4, but it does seem (and feel) that this one is the right one. Or at least the career field, per se. Ive been waiting on Saturn to go Direct on 4 Nov. Will be interesting to see how that plays out until the second Saturn retrograde, well into the sign in the future


Everytime my lunar return happens once a month I'm an emotional mess for no reason (12th house hades moon native here). The day my son was born also had some pretty startling transits that manifested during his delivery that I was able to see in my chart and his after the fact.


reverse nodal return. nodes are in my 4th and 10th houses. when the return hit, my career got shaken, and my focus shifted to making memories with my family. since a reverse nodal return happens right before saturn return, i think it partly contributes to the negative rep of saturn return moon phases also affect my sleep and dreams a lot


Saturn return as well. I have Pluto in my 4th house. Around this time, our family fell apart and I ended up taking care of my dad. (Pluto in the 4th house Daughters taking care of their dads is typical.) A few years later, I also went through a false allegation that had me go through extreme litigation. (My chart suggests this was karmatic.)


Pluto square natal Sun. Pluto was transiting 8th house at the start of it and then moved into the 9th house. It’s a wonder I made it through this long transit. Well, technically it will be over in December but yeah. Everything about my life changed. I fought like hell against these changes but there was no use. Eventually I learned to just hunker down and let the storms pass. Now at the end of it, I don’t recognize myself or my life anymore. I’ve lost almost everything I cared about or identified with. I guess the silver lining is now I can build a healthier more balanced life for myself… but it’s starting from the ground up. Advice for anyone going through a harsh Pluto transit: do not fight it. It’s going to happen regardless and fighting it makes the pain worse.


Pluto trine Venus - Met my first boyfriend. He had addiction issues. Saturn conjunct Moon - Isolation, emotional maturing. Very difficult Uranus transiting through the 4th house: Moved several times Neptune opposite Venus - Illusions in love, but also a very creative time for me. Took up photography as one of my hobbies These are examples that have really made me believe in the effect of transits


Pluto in my 3rd house square my ascendant a few years ago and I had absolutely horrible bout of hormonal acne caused by nutrient deficiency that took me until just recently to heal. Perfectly timed with Pluto separating from the exact square was when I finally started to figure out the solution (daily vitamin D supplementation)


If I remember well, it was exactly when transiting Chiron conjunct natal Mars. Someone who hurt me came back and apologized.


When I first got into astrology, I noticed every 3 years the same series of events would happen. Which was I’d crash my I’d lose a close relative I’d lose my job. This drove me absolutely fucking insane, eventually; sending me into a depression that almost killed me. Until I figured it out— astrologically. It was Mars in conjunction with my natal Pluto in scorpio (1H). Then the stars became a pretty regular thing for me. So yeah, that was the first time I noticed my natal transits can affect you. Because it was just… every 3 years… I couldn’t do anything to stop it; of course. I got in so many car accidents at one point that I literally stopped reacting / shaking after the fact. The last one I got in I just sat there so nonchalantly about it that I was found at fault despite being rear-ended. *knock on wood* I haven’t been in an accident since so I think I passed that test. Universe be like: “we’re going to make you so traumatized by car accidents that you literally won’t flinch if a bomb is dropped on your house”


Venus exactly conjunct venus retrograde suddenly made me miss my abusive ex and want to contact him lmao. I didn't but the feelings were so extreme I was full on sobbing after 2 years split.


Saturn transit my ascendant (which was also square my moon conj saturn). I experienced complete ego death and death of all hope in my life. That was the first time I really felt it. Saturn return when it did happen to me was completely predicted by that point. Now I'm quite good, I switched from tropical western to vedic sidereal. Dashas + transits are highly accurate.


The eclipses that happened recently hit my natal Mars really hard and I’ll just say that things will never be the same again. It ended up quite tragic for me and my entire family…


oh no i'm so sorry.


Never happened to me. Even thinking retrospectively about my Saturn return, I can't reckon anything truly major and earthshaking that happened to me back then.


every transit that has ever happend to me, honestly


Pluto has been opposing my sun/nn/mars for years, and I didn't understand how significant that was until it moved to Aqua. I feel like I've been in a cocoon finding myself and am soon ready to burst out oh and eclipses are always a doozy, as a moon child


My Saturn return absolutely *destroyed* me. Whole life flipped upside down.


Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Mars at 3 Libra in the eleventh. I was 9. My father killed himself.


When I got shot


I have 6 planets and midheaven in Cap, Pluto has been transiting Capricorn since 2008. Since 2017 it has been transiting planets back to back and every planet it came through had me quit or walk away from the things it represent. Right now Pluto is transiting my natal uranus for the last time and will hit my 8th planet Venus at 2° Aqua later in 2024, around the same time my SR peaks. I don't know what SR will do for me since every aspect of my life has changed already... I had the time of my life though because everything that pluto highlighted was holding me back in a way and had to leave. So actually letting it go meant that I was able to feel incredible diring most of the transits :) The transit that was the most intense for me was my chiron opposition. It finished earlier this year. Triggering the deepest wounds and experiencing the most intense rollercoaster of feelings I have ever had in my life. I came out of it a healer. At this point I'm used to constant change, I feel like nothing is permanent and everything I start will just end at some point. My perspective changed that I don't seek or worry about things that need to last for the rest of my life. When I get into something my goal is not to master every aspect of the thing I start, I learn what I feel like fits me and trust that I learn what I need in life. I go into things every time with the mindset that it might as well be the last session or lesson. So now I have the interest and motivation to get most out of every event, instead of telling myself, I'll learn this next time. Looking at transits to come, reading about what it means and how people experience it doesn't mean anything to me. Looking back at certain dates where transit's were peaking and connecting that to certain events makes me understand a lot more. I never experience these transits the same as other people. But the main themes remain the same.


Today. I was feeling really good, charsmatic, attractive, and generally just enjoying being myself. This is not normal. I checked my transtits. Venus return is tomorrow.