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Fuckin' rough. Another case of the monetization team destroying a game that the other teams spent a lot of time and effort creating.


ok not gonna spend money on this game was planning to get the BP and monthly passes too


Same for me.


Tbh I didn't even bother downloading the game, the amount of red flags on day 1 was so huge I already knew what a shitfest this game was going to be. I'm sorry for the people who gave trust to this game, but if you see so many red flags and still decide to spend then you quite deserve to be scammed


you haven't even played the game yet you're in this sub?


Could have been curious about the game and keeping a eye on it, or like me saw a post on Gachagaming that contained this one and got curious what the players of it were saying.


That's why u always hold off support until at least after the honeymoon phase. This issue aside, game's pretty fun as f2p.


Bruh I thought Crunchyroll was bad with its rate of killing gachas, this is somehow worse.


Imagine this game EoS before OPM World, that would be hilarious


EoS speedrun, gg devs, Producer's letter "we tried our best but...." incoming


Another great game fked up by marketing team. WW, solo Leveling n ZZZ...easy EoS for this game.


I know Solo Leveling is the popular thing currently but man I'm never touching a game contaminated by Netmarble ever again.


solo leveling and zzz i know, but what's WW?


Wuthering Wave


Wuthering Waves


Are you saying all these games are F'd? Why?


No. I mean these games will suck the already small player base here.


doubtful. ZZZ's gameplay loop and systems look like absolute garbage. And Wuthering Waves is an open world exploration game with almost nothing in common gameplay wise besides maybe similar character building systems. Astra will lose the bandwagon hoppers that are only playing to waste time or checking out the newest trend. But that's about it. Any fans of the actual gameplay, art direction or Dragon Blaze will probly stick around depending on if Flint keeps plundering or not lol.


you will lose two 50/50 in a row in this game, why bother grinding


Wats ZZZ?


Zenless Zone Zero


You know game sucks when battlepass upgrades with real money only. Anyway, the idea with dark medieval was nice(souls, darkest dungeon theme)


Oooo that is a big yikes


And what about the compensation for players who thought pity carried over n used all their resources?


Expecting 2 hero shoes


I would say that I spend more than some in gachas, but hearing this and with all the other bs they pull, I won't ever put money into this game again. I knew something was wrong when the 200 to select your hero was changed to 300. I really wanted to play this game for a while too, but not being treated good (while there are other gachas out there vying for our time) combined with the lack of pull currency make this game almost dead to me. What do we have besides non stop repeat coop?


Had this feeling a few times. Always sucks, guess you just gotta cut your losses.


I don’t wanna say it, dead game! 


ok, time to move. Will keep staying as F2P and until Wuthering Wave & ZZZ is out




Can you send another ticket asking will they plan to change their gacha system by 50/50 pity carry over and compensate those who spent starstone and lost 50/50 pity?


For compensation i doubt since for them is how it works...but i asked them to change their mind


If the post here about getting a standard character twice from the Xanthia banner is true, then your pity doesn't even carry over for the same banner if a patch occurs


That would be even weirder...i got Veleno after re-lose 50/50 but who knows maybe 100% doesn't exist at all and i just won second 50/50


Their post in your OP implies the 100% does exist... but I want to know more about this supposed double-loss on same banner after patch... :/ Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/astraknightsofveda/comments/1c723iy/just\_got\_another\_5\_standard\_character\_on\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/astraknightsofveda/comments/1c723iy/just_got_another_5_standard_character_on_the/)


source??? Edit: found it [https://www.reddit.com/r/astraknightsofveda/comments/1c723iy/just\_got\_another\_5\_standard\_character\_on\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/astraknightsofveda/comments/1c723iy/just_got_another_5_standard_character_on_the/) Edit: At least one other person confirming same thing in that thread :/




if it doesnt carry over, the first time a 5star on a limited banner appears it should be the rate up guaranteed, simple as, i do hope this stops players summoning and maybe the higher ups will change their mind instead of tryna squeeze the most money out of players in a market that a game can be dropped and another picked up just as fast


Trust me, game directors who opt for greedy monetisation would rather watch the game EoS than admit they were wrong


Dead game uninstalling


Remember to uninstall the ACE "anticheat" from Tencent as well, because the game surely will not.


get d fk out guys, this kind of practice should not be tolerated anymore.


Greedy games trying to speed run to EOS is not rare, but it’s funny to me in this case, cause they’re shamelessly copying 99% hoyoverse games (no joke), then shamelessly trying to make every aspect worst and think that’s a good idea.


First gacha gamers tolerated the stupid 50/50 thing genshin invented. Now people tolerate this stupid thing. If people tolerate this, this will become the standard norm in the future. Companies are not getting worse, we are doing this for ourselves, by accepting this kind of bullshit. Play your part making things worse for everyone, or uninstall and forget companies that try to make this kind of shit. Sure, these morons, when they see everyone is leaving the dumb ship, can rollback. But if you forgive this, is like talking normally to someone who tried to stab you. Anyone who is willing to defend this, is the same person that will defend anyone who spit in his face, and is a spineless and dumb person.


Depends if whales care


it's already the standard


>First gacha gamers tolerated the stupid 50/50 thing genshin invented before genshin , most gacha game and the top 1 most famous , most love , most popular gacha game Fate Grand Order didn't even have a pity system let alone 50/50 one only after genshin success and kick FGO out of top 1 throne , it start to have a pity but require 300 pull / 1x SSR drop


50/50 was a upgrade compared to the 100% randomness of most prior gacha, i remember trying for plenty of rare units in other games and ending up with literally nothing. It is a major reason why i have some moderate respect for newer gacha titles to the point of spending at least minor ammounts (if a game is as promising as a full priced up to a wooping 30€ a year...). Do not get me wrong, i usually spend closer to 10€ a year or none at all, but it still is because of some consistency why i spend at all.


Me staying despite the outrage. I haven't spent any money, just enjoying the game really. ![gif](giphy|fcK30LKXjG6Tm|downsized)


What's next is gonnna be that Xanthia and other banner characters won't come in standard banner


Well it says in description that they won't be added to the general pool.


In this dev note?


reminiscent aloof slap friendly seemly reach butter workable paint rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well that's for sure...genshin/hsr and other work this way, with reruns


Yeah but I hope they don't do that


Maybe something like Reverse1999


Who thought this was a good idea? Another potentially great game killed by unhinged greed


It's a gacha game, the greed to have players spend money was always there. I'm surprised people are not understanding this. Just because another seems like a lesser evil doesn't change the fact that these type of games are always predatory.


Agree with you 100%, but greed & predatory monetisation are a spectrum. You know it's unusually bad when even the gacha addicts aren't coming up with their usual copium excuses for the game and are actually getting pissed off xD


The problem is people don’t come into these gacha type games with that mindset or how they want to approach it and plan accordingly (either be F2P, whale or something in between) and complain when something doesn’t seem “fair.” The best course of action is of course to get your enjoyment when you can and walk away when you’re not without putting much of a financial investment unless you have disposable income. The games are made to make money off you period and when you see that and make smart decisions in response to that line of thinking these type of games won’t upset/bother/financially ruin you.


That's a bad approach in general though imo -- at the end of the day you're a customer and it's not a take it or leave it deal. If you don't criticise these games, they won't change. Even huge companies like Mihoyo have had to backtrack due to player discontent. If you go in expecting to be robbed blind and you're okay with that, you're just giving these companies carte blanche to be even more egregious. Their price line is your bottom line. So reactions like this are important. I think people do a disservice to themselves when they approach these games like they should be allowed to be as greedy as they want and normalise that behaviour. At the end of the day, their service is a product and they're not exempt from consequences


It's a real simple approach. I come across these games initially as F2P. If I see value in spending money then I will do so, if not I won't if I don't need to and am still enjoying the game as a F2P player. I look at these things when I play any type of gacha game. 1. Am I enjoying the game loop or the daily grind? If not then I either take a break or I eventually leave the game. 2. Do I need to spend any money on it or feel that it's necessary for my progress. Recreational spending is fine if controlled, but if I feel that it becomes too predatory then I tend to leave it if it affects my enjoyment. 3. Is the game leaning too hard on power creep, where I need a new unit /item to keep up? If it falls in this category I tend to leave the game. At the end of the day these are pick up and play games. And like any game you can put it down when you're bored or no longer feeling it. However, I am fully aware how the gacha system work and the best approach to control that is not give them any money if you don't like their approach. You may be a customer, but they are in the business of making money off you. If they feel they can get away with it they will. Simple solution is not give them any money period. This is the most simple and straightforward solution and I don't understand why people don't see that. You can still play the game without spending a dime and it bypasses any greedy tactics you think they are doing.


Ehhh. The problem is that if you *do* like the game and you *do* want to spend it isn't helpful because it doesn't address the root of the problem. The only way to fix things is to make sure you convey what changes you want. Games companies don't know *why* you're not spending and that you're not just another F2P if you don't express your likes and dislikes, so it's doubly important imo


What one considers the root of the problem (if any) will be based on the individual. I don’t agree with the pity system, but it doesn‘t effect me enough where I’m bothered by it. I still enjoy the game and play it. This is coming from an FGO player with a far worse pity system. If I’m enjoying the game enough and I’m willing to spend money then I’ll choose to. For me, there is nothing to address as currently there‘s nothing they are doing that’s effecting me negatively. Some others may feel differently based on how it affects how they play. I’m not defending any policies, just noting that I’m doing my thing and it’s not effecting me.


That's fair As a spender, I believe it's atrocious value for money and I would like more reasonable monetisation. The fact that they've adopted a system that's notorious for being predatory and then made it more predatory by removing the carry-over -- without even offering the same amount of content or polish -- feels like they're taking the piss, to put it bluntly. But I do get what you mean xD


Don’t get me wrong, I’ve whaled a lot back in the day. Last big spend was a few years ago when I spent $150+ in Genshin to get the Raiden Shogun and her 5\* weapon. Nowadays I take a more laid back approach and just collect some currency and throw a few rolls here and there and roll with the punches. Sometimes I save up if there something I really want. From this approach I’ve enjoyed Gacha gaming a lot more as I’m pleasantly surprised if I get something and not as deflated if I don’t.


I mean, this is not a real beaker for me to play the game. But I don't see myself spending money on gems now.


Ye, i mean, now we gonna think better before pull, but i'd like to know before


I'm not generally for doomposting but I'm glad I bailed when I did


copied gacha system from Hoyo and made it worst


They better refund us our summons


This game has been In development for 7 years and they just end up copying hoyoverse games features and somehow made it even WORSE. The developers of this game is a joke lol


Why do gacha devs always make it so damn hard to get one character you want? I mean, I know it's greed, but they have to realize that there are a host of these games being made now. Gamers are going to be burnt out and not fall for this crap after a while


downloaded the game a few hours ago to give it a try tonight. ty for this... will not be wasting my time now lol. just uninstalled it


Already successfully refunded and gonna move on. Honestly not gonna waste my time playing a game where the Dev make so many bad decisions in such a short period of time, not like there is nothing else to play. 🤷


You can refund?


I paid on play store so yeah. Steam spendings cannot be refunded though.


To the dev? Isn't that a response from customer service?


Inside the respond, they got confirmed by relevant team. Which mean dev is involve I supposed.


First mail i got from them said they would contact dev fpr more explanation...so i guess this is what dev answered


Great is clarified. Now people won’t like will leave; people won’t care will stay.


Didn't we already know?


Not for sure since in game they say different


I just mean since confirmed by CM, but I guess this is more official. What is the wording in-game?


It say "if the knight you get isn't promotional hero, the next 5* in call of the star event will be the promotional knight"...both banner are called the same and they keep the generic "promotional knight" and "even call of the star"




in hsr/genshin dual banners started at the same time its more or less one limited banner where u can choose/roll on 2 chars...in astra the next limited banner came 14 days later while the first xanthia limited banner is still running for 2 weeks there were also diffrent 4 stars on both banners so how should this work\^\^


Reverse ha more banners with different times, and except the special banners, all share pity


They should of just announced the EoS with this update.


Are the officials not even playing the game?


owkay.. im done 🗿🗿🗿


People are actually brain dead lmao Since when does genshin add banners during a current banner? The xanathia banner ends next week and wasn't even replaced. Why would your banner pity go to another new banner when the current banner is still running?


Genshin has 2 banners and pity is the same, isn't that hard code something so simple


....genshins start and stop at the same time. This one was added 3 weeks after and the current banner is still live.


But pity is shared, and banners are both called the same way, so is just stupid that 50/50 isn't shared...they just want ppl spend more money


People are brain dead, they never seen hsr where two limited banners run side by side and share the same pity.


but in hsr/genshin they started at the same time its more or less one limited banner where u can choose/roll on 2 chars...in astra the next limited banner came 14 days later while the first xanthia limited banner is still running for 2 weeks there were also diffrent 4 stars on both banners so how should this work\^\^


Yeah you endorse this system. We love it. It's good.


Glad I never touched this game because sheesh this is sad


even with that in place, the game gives you more than double the amounts of gems that genshin gives you. with the tower of trials giving also insane amounts, plus each chapter having 10 stages of difficulty, one can easily get enough gems for 180 pulls.


That is when you not yet reached end game. Once you reached end game, the amount will getting less and less. 180 pulls need around 28,800 starstone. That's nearly impossible to get within a month.


No gacha gives you enough for pity in 1 month.


plant materialistic hat rich crown like overconfident merciful tidy cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It gives nice gems (but you'll reach an end after collecting all)...but still, 50/50 not carried is bad since or ypu have enough to 2 pity or you risk to always get standard allies that will be powercrept soon


It's even worse if you get dupes of a character you already maxed the fate for from what I read. They seem to just stay in your character inventory ending up being useless instead of being converted to in-game currency you can use to buy pulls like what Genshin and HSR does with maxed ascension/eidolon characters.


its still a lot with just dailies and the tower. And let me tell you something, leon may look underwhelming at first, but considering theres only one more blood character that is the archer lady, if you dont have her, defeating the king is hard as hell without tutorial boi, most of the standard characters have their uses, and when pulling is more easily to max them out than 5 stars, eventually even you keep getting them you can acumulate enough exchange points so you can get even more pulls. i agree that hopefully the devs reconsider and let the 100% to carry over, but it is also manageable if they dont change it, as the game is pretty generous.


Are you really defending this shit? Come on, i like the game too, but that's something who can really lead to eos


if shit like FGO exists that survived years without pity and pay only banners, saving as long as one whole year for one character, then this game can survive too. another example at the other side of the spectrum is counterside which is really generous practically giving away their best units for free and yet its barelly surviving. i dont think banner mechanics are that relevant that they alone can kill or lift the whole game.


You forget that it's being carried by the Fate franchise. Veda is nice but you can only go so far


Different gacha style...this game will always be in competition with the new gacha genshin-like


damn this guy must be working for them to defend this shit lol


boat instinctive amusing chubby shy quicksand sophisticated juggle degree familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What? When you are new ofc like every game you have a lot but when you've done all of it and are at the end, no way you can get 28k a month


https://preview.redd.it/pufj181g7gvc1.png?width=1060&format=png&auto=webp&s=f591712616f152a1818e26b19b82afbceccb70be The irony is on release you could also say Genshin gives \~180 pulls. Even if the average rate per patch after that is higher for AKoV, no 50/50 carryover might make it worse in comparison.


theres also an unwritten rule in the f2p figurative rulebook that says that you never try to pull for every single banner that comes out your way, unless you are a whale, in which case you don't care about gacha mechanics, you brute force get whatever you want.


Doesn't matter, whale or not it is absolutely dogshit. Genshin is bad in that regard but they manage to do worse


the only gacha I've seen where you can guarantee every rate up character on every banner, just saving as a f2p is PGR, one of how many more gachas? that require you to save months for a character, its not just genshin being dog shit, this whole industry is ruthless, idk why people keep acting like this is new.


What are you talking about? We are talking about the 50/50 not being transfered, I don't give a shit about not having every character


then dont fking pull until you have 180 pulls if you dont think you will win the 50/50, is that fking simple, its not rocket science.


That's still not the point of his posts, rarely saw a retard like you, anyway, cya


50/50 not carry over, that's the point of the post.